GOS :: Volume #5

#421: The heart has the obstruction

Seven vine monsters assume the semicircle, surrounds one line of Warrior in inside, under surrounding of that line of Warrior Saito monsters is quite distressed, the surroundings 12 empty spirits have not wound around loose, often release the spiritual impact of terrifying, making that line of Warrior be miserable beyond description, resists was getting more and more difficult. 七个藤妖呈半圆形,将一行武者围堵在里面,那一行武者在藤妖的包围下颇为狼狈,周围还有十二个虚灵缭绕不散,不时的释放出恐怖的精神冲击,令那一行武者苦不堪言,抵挡的越来越艰难。 Shi Yan this has not paid attention to that together, so long as all the way sees the empty spirit, will let loose Sea of Consciousness, does not keep the slight soul defense, empty spirit drills into Sea of Consciousness on and other on own initiative, one by one by 5 Devils nibbling. 石岩本没有留意那一块儿,一路上只要见到虚灵,都会放开识海,不留丝毫的灵魂防御,就等那些虚灵主动钻入识海,一一五魔给蚕食掉。 In the vine monster group, a familiar cry, making his facial expression move, this looks earnestly to that together. 藤妖群中,一个熟悉的叫声,让他神情一动,这才认真看向那一块儿。 Ye Changfeng!” 夜长风!” Shi Yan calls out suddenly makes noise, the eye is bright, is you in inside?” 石岩突然暴喝出声,眼睛明亮起来,“是你在里面呢?” Is I!” “是我!” Ye Changfeng is shouting loudly, shouting of making an effort, comes a bit faster, motherfucker, these things are really nasty. I thought that you as if can cope with the empty spirit, helped us give the solution these empty spirits.” 夜长风大喊大叫着,使劲的嚷嚷,“快点过来,妈的,这些东西还真的难以对付。我看你似乎可以对付虚灵,过来帮我们将这些虚灵给解决了。” After the determination is Ye Changfeng, Shi Yan no longer hesitates at once, changes into one bunch of lightning, the directly shoots to that. 确定是夜长风以后,石岩旋即不再迟疑,化为一束电光,直射向那一块。 Biting cold dense/woods cold aura, overflows from him, dense/woods white mist spread comes, making the surrounding one by one vine monster not dare to act rashly, these windings to his rattan, were flushed by that dense/woods cold mist, ka ka knot turn into ice is frozen, cannot move freely. 一股彻骨森寒的气息,从他身上流溢出来,森白的雾气扩散开来,让周围一个个藤妖不敢轻举妄动,那些缠绕向他的藤条,被那森寒的雾气一冲,就会“咔咔”的结成冰冻,再也不能活动自如。 The Profound Ice Cold Flame side cold air/Qi, almost can freeze all things, the vine monster rattan is no exception. 玄冰寒焰的极寒之气,几乎可以冰冻一切事物,藤妖的藤条也不例外。 The vine monster as if also knows that he does not cope easily, rattan twine the midway, discovered the Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, stopped temporarily, has not continued to stare at him not to put. 藤妖似乎也知道他不容易对付,一条条藤条缠绕到中途,一发现玄冰寒焰的气息,都暂时停了下来,没有继续盯着他不放。 Fiery Flame of bunches of burning hots, transmit from that seven vine monster center, that burning hot incomparable flame strength, as if came from the Fiery Flame purgatory, might give to burn down the ashes to be the same the life of the whole world. 一簇簇炙热的火炎,从那七个藤妖中央传来,那炙热无比的炎力,似乎来自于火炎炼狱,好像要将整个世界的生灵都给焚烧成灰烬一般。 Purgatory True Flame! 炼狱真火 Close to that together, through the induction of Profound Ice Cold Flame, he has not known that in that side person indeed has Ye Changfeng. 尚未靠近那一块儿,通过玄冰寒焰的感应,他已知道那边的人中的确有夜长风在。 Purgatory True Flame came from Ye Changfeng, only if others dead soul extinguishes, otherwise Purgatory True Flame will not leave his body, since Purgatory True Flame appeared, that Ye Changfeng naturally definitely. 炼狱真火来自于夜长风,除非他人死魂灭,否则炼狱真火不会离开他的身体,炼狱真火既然出现了,那夜长风自然肯定就在其中了。 Bunches of Purgatory True Flame Fiery Flame, such as the cloud cluster same float in the midair, these came from the Purgatory True Flame flame strength, the fearful terrifying, the surrounding vine monster, does not dare to stretch out that to fear a rattan extremely. 一簇簇炼狱真火火炎,如云团一样漂浮在半空中,那些来自于炼狱真火的炎力,极为的可怕恐怖,周围的藤妖,根本不敢伸出那怕一根藤条。 Shi Yan paid attention, discovered that in the surroundings of that bunches of Fiery Flame cloud clusters, the dregs of many ashes, carefully look like, rattan that should be burnt down, the vine monster is so obedient, should suffer Purgatory True Flame. 石岩注意了一下,发现在那一簇簇火炎云团的周围,还有许多灰烬的渣滓,仔细看来,应该就是被焚烧掉的藤条了,藤妖之所以这么乖顺,应该是已经吃过炼狱真火的亏了。 Although Purgatory True Flame is fierce, but empty spirit as if not fear, this kind of strange soul lifeform, is walking randomly in Fiery Flame of bunches of burning hots, the probably giant firefly, green spooky, making there Purgatory True Flame flame that shines upon the surroundings be covered. 炼狱真火虽然厉害,可虚灵似乎并不惧怕,这类诡异的灵魂生物,在一簇簇炙热的火炎内游走着,像是巨大的萤火虫,将周围映照的绿幽幽的,使得那儿的炼狱真火的火光都被掩盖了。 In that vine monster, one line of four people, three males and two females, are very young, male natural majestic, female good-looking beautiful. 在那藤妖中,一行四人,三男两女,都很是年轻,男的潇洒英伟,女的俊俏美丽。 Ye Changfeng sits cross-legged to sit on the ground, looks solemn, body often transgression flame, the flame flies continuously, fire cloud Juji with space in together, making these vine monsters not dare to act rashly. 夜长风盘膝坐在地上,神情肃穆,身上不时的逸出一缕缕火苗,火苗一飞出来,就和天上的火云聚集在一块儿,令那些藤妖不敢轻举妄动。 Another two male, stand before the Ye Changfeng body one on the left and other on the right, big formidable, has an inch beard, some quite charm. 另外两个男的,一左一右站在夜长风身前,高大威武,留着寸长胡须,颇有些魅力。 These two look is deep, does not say a word, seems contending with the empty spirit soul impact. 这两人眼神深沉,一言不发,似乎正在和虚灵的灵魂冲击抗衡。 In Ye Changfeng behind, is graceful, wears the hot woman of leather skirt, grasps a dragon bone|keel whip, is pursing the lips to look at behind indifferently, frequently guarding. 夜长风身后,一个体态婀娜,身着皮裙的火辣女人,手持一个龙骨鞭,抿着嘴冷眼看着身后,时刻提防着。 Lin Yaqi is not one of them. 林雅琪并不在此列。 These four people have Ye Changfeng, deals with these vine monsters on foot enough, their situation crisis , because periphery paces back and forth not the loose empty spirit. 这四人有一个夜长风在,应付那些藤妖就足够了,他们之所以形势危机,是因为周围徘徊不散的虚灵。 Was separated by some time, Ye Changfeng had entered into First Sky of Nirvana Realm, another three people, was the characters of boundaries of Nirvana two, Third Sky, this influence was not strong in swamp, compares Zhao Feng and Shi Yan one line, even could be called small and weakly. 相隔了一段时间,夜长风已迈入涅槃一重天之境,另外三人,也是涅槃二、三重天之境的人物,这一股势力在沼泽内并不强大,相比赵峰石岩一行来说,甚至称得上弱小。 Because of four people of Realm only in Nirvana, therefore deals with the empty spirit to come, appeared unable to make ends meet. 正是因为四人境界只在涅槃,所以应付起虚灵来,就显得左支右绌了。 The soul of Nirvana boundary, Sea of Consciousness initially becomes, Divine Sense is limited, is very difficult to display how powerful soul defense class to attack, is so, they are dealing with the empty spirit to come, will appear that difficult. 涅槃境的灵魂,识海初成,神识有限,很难施展出多么强大的灵魂防御类攻击来,也是如此,他们在应付起虚灵来,才会显得那么的艰难。 Comes to help a bit faster!” “快点过来帮帮忙!” Ye Changfeng saw that beyond his Saito monster stops, eye one bright, said anxiously: Your boy helped us solve the empty spirit, other matter did not need you careworn, I can give the solution the threat of vine monster.” 夜长风见到他在藤妖之外停下来,眼睛一亮,焦急道:“你小子帮我们将虚灵解决了,别的事情不需要你劳神,我能够将藤妖的威胁给解决。” Shi Yan, whole body has not been braving cold quiet/dark Cold Qi anxiously, is frowning to look at his one eyes, said: Xinyan where?” 石岩并未急着过来,浑身冒着冷幽的寒气,皱着眉头看了他一眼,道:“心妍在哪儿?” Ye Changfeng suddenly one dull, look glittering gets up. 夜长风忽然一呆,眼神闪烁起来。 She where?” “她在哪儿?” The Shi Yan complexion sank, fluctuates from that Ye Changfeng facial expression, he saw some not wonderful trend. 石岩脸色沉了下来,从那夜长风的神情变幻,他看出了些不妙的趋向。 Solved to us the empty spirit, a while I will tell you related Xia Xinyan matter.” Ye Changfeng deeply is frowning, shakes the head sighs in a soft voice, somewhat visits him guilty. “将虚灵给我们解决了,一会儿我会告诉你有关夏心妍的事情。”夜长风深深皱着眉头,摇头轻声一叹,有些愧疚的看着他。 Good.” “好。” Shi Yan cold expression, gradually moves toward these four people, that seven vine monsters see with own eyes him to approach, are feeling that astonishing Cold Qi, does not dare to attack. 石岩冷着脸,一步步走向这四人,那七个藤妖眼见他靠近,感受着那惊人的寒气,竟不敢进攻。 Side is Purgatory True Flame of Ye Changfeng release, side from the Shi Yan Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, although these two Heavenly Flame have not released the true strength, these aura that but they reveal, made the vine monster sufficiently panic-stricken, then gave way to traffic on own initiative. 一边是夜长风释放的炼狱真火,一边是来自于石岩身上的玄冰寒焰的气息,这两种天火虽然都未释放出真正的力量,但它们流露出来的那些气息,也足以令藤妖为之惊骇,进而主动避让开来。 Seven vine monsters make way together, whatever he pushes directly into, so the accident, makes side Ye Changfeng another three people of secret hearts be startled actually. 七个藤妖一起让开来,任由他长驱直入,如此变故,倒是让夜长风身旁的另外三人暗暗心惊。 That three people are guarding against the vine monster carefully, while secret on the alert Shi Yan, appears extremely careful, is curious. 那三人一边小心提防着藤妖,一边暗暗警惕着石岩,显得极为的小心,也非常好奇。 Has the bronze skin color, wears the leather skirt, tender body plentiful hot holds the whip beautiful woman, raised the brow tip, the look provocation is staring at Shi Yan, Ye Changfeng before to body said: Changfeng, who is this fellow? Is your Ling Bao Sect? How haven't I listened?” 有着古铜色肤色,身穿皮裙,娇躯丰满火辣的持鞭美女,扬了扬眉梢,眼神挑衅的盯着石岩,冲身前的夜长风道:“长风,这家伙是谁?是你们灵宝宗的么?我怎么没有听过?” He is I in the friend of Endless Sea understanding.” Ye Changfeng explained in a soft voice. “他是我在无尽海认识的朋友。”夜长风轻声解释。 Endless Sea?” 无尽海?” The woman laughs at one, the dragon bone|keel whip in hand flings, transmits thunderclap rumbled void suddenly. 那女人嗤笑一声,手中的龙骨鞭一甩,虚空突然传来一声炸雷般的轰鸣 In that dragon bone|keel whip successively, as if contains can inspire the heaven and earth thunder change magic, flings, that together on thunder. 那一节节的龙骨鞭之中,似乎蕴藏着能够引动天地雷变的神奇力量,一甩出,那一块就电闪雷鸣起来。 She is four people of cultivation base Realm highest one, Third Sky of Nirvana Realm, grasps the dragon bone|keel whip, the imposing manner is astonishing. 她是四人修为境界最高的一个,涅槃三重天之境,手持龙骨鞭,气势惊人。 Beautiful woman, you, if can deal with the empty spirit, I do not act.” “美女,你们要是能够应付虚灵,我就不出手了。” After Shi Yan comes, pulled the corners of the mouth, swept her one eyes indifferently, ridiculed neither cold nor hot: Good, our Endless Sea is only the small place, naturally cannot compare your Divine Great Land, copes with this empty spirit, wants to come your Divine Great Land youth talent, be more adept than me, I do not overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs.” 石岩过来之后,扯了扯嘴角,冷眼扫了她一眼,不冷不热地讥讽道:“不错,我们无尽海只是小地方,自然比不上你们神州大地,对付这种虚灵,想来你们神州大地的青年才俊,要比我更加拿手,那我就不越俎代庖了。” Was saying to be saying, before he has arrived at the Ye Changfeng body, sits directly, no longer looks at that woman, is only gloomy the face, stares at Ye Changfeng to shout lowly: Xinyan how?” 说着说着,他已来到夜长风身前,径直坐下来,不再多看那女人,只是阴沉着脸,盯着夜长风低喝道:“心妍到底怎么样了?” I thought that you do not have that ability.” Woman complexion one cold, coldly snorted, „, if Yaqi here, there need you are in the way, has the Yaqi that soul class defense rare treasure, this type empty spirit side does not dare to approach!” “我看你也没那本领。”那女人脸色一寒,冷哼一声,“要是雅琪在这儿,那里需要你来碍事,有雅琪的那件灵魂类的防御秘宝在,这种虚灵连边都不敢靠近!” Shi Yan simply has not responded her, but the calm face looks to Ye Changfeng. 石岩根本没有搭理她,只是沉着脸看向夜长风 She is all right, now should go to Pure Land, yeah, this matter is a long story, you first processed to me the empty spirit.” Ye Changfeng entreated again, speech time, he smiled bitterly is looking to that stature irritable woman, Lin Zhi, do not look for a job to me, you can deal with the empty spirit, I was Sea of Consciousness initially become, may be unable to resist the empty spirit spiritual impact, you act charitably, little spoke several to be good?” “她没事,现在应该去了净土,哎,这件事一言难尽,你还是先将虚灵给我处理了吧。”夜长风再次哀求道,讲话的时候,他苦笑着看向那身材火爆的女人,“林芝,你就别给我找事了,你能够应付虚灵,我可是识海初成,可抵挡不住虚灵的精神冲击,你就行行好,少讲几句可好?” Snort!” “哼!” The woman named Lin Zhi, curls the lip, stared Shi Yan one, has not continued actually wordy. 名叫林芝的女人,撇了撇嘴,瞪了石岩一眼,倒是没有继续啰嗦。 She called Lin Zhi, was the Yaqi elder sister, she was that temper, to the stranger, was not quite easy to be together, so long as were familiar, knows that she was not such.” The Ye Changfeng hollow laugh was explaining to Shi Yan, urged: „, I look at these empty spirits quickly, to occupying I as if very interested the appearance, my Realm is lowest, is most difficult to support.” “她叫林芝,是雅琪的姐姐,她就是那性子,对陌生人来说,不太容易相处,但只要熟悉了,就会知道她不是那样子的。”夜长风干笑着冲石岩解释了一句,催促道:“快一点,我看那些虚灵,对占据我似乎很有兴趣的样子,我境界最低,最难撑住。” Shi Yan is frowning, visits him indifferently, hesitated, said: A while showed the white spot to me!” 石岩皱着眉头,冷眼看着他,迟疑了一下,才道:“一会儿给我说明白点!” The words, he lets loose the mind, disperses the consciousness of Sea of Consciousness, revealed the shape of not garrisoning, but also moves toward the empty spirit accumulation on own initiative the region. 话罢,他放开心灵,将识海的意识分散开来,显露出不设防的形态,还主动走向虚灵聚集的区域。 By a vine monster only empty spirit, regarded the delicacy to regard him immediately, without many hesitated, killed toward him. 藤妖旁边的一只只虚灵,马上将他当成了美味看待,没有多少犹豫,纷纷朝着他扑杀过来。 12 empty spirits, the one by one giant firefly, changes into green light probably, vanishes in his Sea of Consciousness one after another does not see. 十二个虚灵,像是一个个巨大的萤火虫,化为绿光,一个接着一个在他识海中消失不见。 When submerges his Sea of Consciousness after all empty spirits, that Ye Changfeng and the others, look curiously to him. 待到所有虚灵没入他识海之后,那夜长风等人,都是好奇地看向他。 Lin Zhi is no exception. 林芝也不例外。 This woman apricot circle opens the eyes, in the beautiful pupil strange light, visits him surprisedly, black eyebrows raises slightly, seems extremely curious. 这女人杏目圆睁,美眸中奇光点点,惊讶的看着他,黛眉微微扬起,显得极为好奇。 Before the Shi Yan line, others the attention will put in Saito monster, there is Purgatory True Flame to protect Ye Changfeng of whole body, then paid attention to the front quietly, this easily saw Shi Yan an only empty spirit receiving Sea of Consciousness, continued safe and sound walk, but also marched forward toward the empty spirit accumulation crowded region on own initiative. 之前石岩一路行来,旁人都将注意力放在藤妖上,有炼狱真火防护全身的夜长风,则是悄悄留意前方,这才看出石岩轻易的将一只只虚灵给收入识海,又继续安然无恙的行走,还朝着虚灵聚集密集的区域主动行进。 Ye Changfeng at that time a discovery unexpectedly was the acquaintance, in the heart the great happiness, immediately said had the aid. 夜长风当时一发现竟是熟人,心中大喜,马上说有援手了。 The Lin Zhi three people do not believe that after they have not seen Shi Yan the empty spirit absorption, but also safe and sound hovers in swamp, when only Ye Changfeng rouses their morale to come. 林芝三人并不相信,他们没有见到石岩将虚灵吸收之后,还安然无恙的在沼泽内游动,只当夜长风是振奋他们的士气来的。 Now Shi Yan really walks, and also let loose Sea of Consciousness, truly directs 12 empty spirits to enter his Sea of Consciousness, this made the Lin Zhi three people stare, responded that Ye Changfeng did not crack a joke. 如今石岩真的走了过来,并且还放开了识海,确确实实的引十二支虚灵进入他识海,这让林芝三人都是愣了一下,才反应过来夜长风并不是开玩笑。 Related empty spirit strange fierce, Lin Zhi and the others were well aware, knows, only then the defense rare treasures of some special soul classes, can hinder the empty spirit spiritual impact, not by empty spirit violation. 有关虚灵的诡异厉害,林芝等人心知肚明,知道只有一些特殊的灵魂类的防御秘宝,才能够阻碍虚灵的精神冲击,不受虚灵的侵害。 But Shi Yan actually introduces Sea of Consciousness the empty spirit, this type exceptionally, was actually above their imagination. 石岩却将虚灵引入识海,这种异常,却超乎了他们的想象。 My this friend, with other Endless Sea Warrior not too, he compared with our Divine Great Land person, but also wants to be fiercer.” “我这个朋友,和别的无尽海武者不太一样,他要比我们神州大地的人,还要厉害许多。” While Sea of Consciousness digests the empty spirit time, Ye Changfeng looks dignified, sinking sound said: „When previous we distinguish time, he also only has Earth Level, yeah, short one year, I enter into Nirvana Realm, has thought that Realm was amazingly quick, that expected him to achieve the Sky Realm boundary unexpectedly, does not dare to imagine!” 趁着识海消化虚灵的时候,夜长风神情凝重,沉声道:“上一次我们分别之时,他还只有地位之境,哎,短短一年时间,我迈入涅槃之境,已认为境界神速了,那料到他竟然达到了天位境,不敢想象!” The Lin Zhi three people, the facial expression delay gets up suddenly. 林芝三人,神情忽然呆滞起来。
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