GOS :: Volume #5

#402: Moment respite

The Demonic Beast group of old city surrounding, such as the tide emerges generally, but also encircles Warrior outside silver lakelet, saw with own eyes that Demonic Beast in groups clashes, knows the situation to be critical, cannot attend to waiting for the opportunity again, in the Warrior team toward lakelet launches the final impact. 古城外围的妖兽群,如潮水一般涌入过来,还围在银色小湖外边的武者,眼见成群的妖兽冲过来,知道形势危急,再也顾不得等候时机,纷纷朝着小湖中的武者队伍展开最后的冲击。 Suddenly, above the lakelet various rare treasures run amuck, dazzling rays of light interweaves the lattice, all sorts of tyrannical energy fluctuations, erupt fiercely. 一时间,小湖上方各类秘宝横行,炫目的光芒交织成网状,种种强横的能量波动,猛地爆发开来。 Shi Yan sits in the lakelet, keeps off Gravitational Field before the body, making these crazy Warrior hearts live to dread that does not dare to regard the goal them. 石岩坐在小湖中,将磁殛域场挡在身前,令那些疯狂的武者心生忌惮,不敢将他们当成目标。 Ai Ya, Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun four people, have benefitted from Shi Yan, can have the respite time, took out Monster Core respectively, started with the aid in the monster strength in Monster Core, restores own Essence Qi. 艾雅彩衣劳里劳伦四人,算是沾了石岩的光,可以有喘息的时间,分别取出妖晶,开始借助于妖晶中的妖力,来恢复自身的精元 Chi Xiao, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi three people , is the same, these three people were quite poverty-stricken, because of the Shi Yan reason, in three people of hands has Monster Core to restore power at this time, and does not need to be worried that can become the front Warrior target. 赤霄左虚左诗三人,也是一样,这三人本来颇为窘迫,但因为石岩的缘故,此时三人手中都有妖晶可以恢复力量,并且不用担心会成为前方武者的攻击目标。 Little You midpoint, that three most formidable team, saw after Shi Yan one line of move into, has not taken other action, gradually relaxed vigilantly, sat in the lakelet center again. 小游正中央,那三个最为强大的团队,看到石岩一行人入驻以后,并没有采取别的行动,都渐渐放松了警惕,重新在小湖中央坐了下来。 These three most formidable teams, in the lakelet dead center, have Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary to assume personal command, encircles these people outside lakelet, does not dare to be what kind to them, but copes with another five teams with every effort. 这三个最为强大的团队,在小湖正中心,有天位三重天境的武者坐镇,以至于围在小湖外边的那些人,不敢对他们怎样,只是尽力去对付另外五支队伍。 Sits in the lakelet, the Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, frowns outside looks at, Warrior that looks at these slaughter. He is controlling Gravitational Field quietly, gigantic incomparable Gravitational Field, branched out a slightly dot Gravitational Field to come in being quietly, this small Gravitational Field, always quietly in the Warrior central activity of going on an expedition, died later Warrior Dead body to draw. 坐在小湖中,石岩神情冷漠,皱着眉头看着外面,看着那些厮杀的武者。他悄悄操控着磁殛域场,本来硕大无比的磁殛域场,在悄无声息间分出一个略小点的磁殛域场来,这个小的磁殛域场,一直悄悄在征战的武者中央活动,将一具具死去之后的武者尸体收拢进来。 Dozens Warrior had been pulled into that small Gravitational Field by him, the massive essence well up, one by one drills into Shi Yan whole body acupoint. 不知不觉间,已有数十具武者被他扯入那小的磁殛域场,大量的精气从中涌出来,一一钻入石岩浑身穴窍 Others are battling at risk of life, he actually seizes the chance to collect the Warrior corpse, strengthens own power. 别人在拼死激战,他却趁机来收集武者的尸身,来增强自己的力量 The fierce combat of these many people, each had new Warrior dead, he sat in the lakelet, does not need to waste one point of strength, actually harvested greatly. 这么多人的激战,每一刻都有新的武者丧生,他坐在小湖中,不需要浪费一分力气,却收获巨大。 The tour of this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, was really comes right. 这次暗磁雾瘴之行,真是来对了。 In the Shi Yan heart sneers, is feeling emerging of huge heaven and earth Origin Energy, constrains several to want the crazy mood forcefully, when to him discovered that acupoint starts the painfully swollen, somewhat when cannot withstand these many essence of emerging, takes back that Gravitational Field. 石岩心中冷笑,感受着巨大的天地元气的涌入,强行压抑着几欲疯狂的心境,待到他发现穴道开始胀痛,有些承受不住这么多涌入的精气时,才将那磁殛域场收回。 It is not does not want to continue to collect these essence, but he knows that own condition, knows to bite off more than one can chew, in this bad risk Exotic Land, because if greedy, falls into the boundary of crazy backlash, his gain does not equal the loss. 不是不想继续收集那些精气,但他知道自身的状况,知道贪多嚼不烂,在这个凶险的异地,如果因为贪婪,陷入疯狂的反噬之境,他就得不偿失了。 Gave up continue collect the dead essence, but he was gazing at all around as before vigilantly, looks at these Warrior tragic deaths, looks at more and more Demonic Beast flushed. 放弃了继续收集死者精气,但他依旧警惕的注视着四周,看着那些武者一个个惨死,看着越来越多的妖兽冲了过来。 Finally, several hundred Demonic Beast emerge like locust, these Demonic Beast already eyed covetously surrounding has not entered Warrior of lakelet, at this time gathers, immediately launches bloody slaughtering. 终于,数百头妖兽如蝗虫般涌入,这些妖兽早就虎视眈眈周围没有进入小湖的武者,此时一聚集过来,立即展开血腥的杀戮。 Suddenly, the fight of lakelet surrounding, becomes even more brutal. 一时间,小湖外围的战斗,变得愈发的残酷。 Also keeps outside lakelet these Warrior, not only need face the impact of inside Warrior, but must deal with the Demonic Beast worry that emerges. 还留在小湖外边的那些武者,不但要面对里面武者的冲击,还要应付涌入的妖兽撕咬。 More and more Warrior were killed, outside lakelet these Warrior, were crushed by the worry, gave Demonic Beast swallowing including the bone. 越来越多的武者被袭杀,小湖外面的那些武者,一个个被撕咬粉碎,连骨头都给妖兽给吞服掉了。 Lakelet central Warrior, draws support Monster Core calmly cultivates, while emits the attention, dignified looks at these Demonic Beast. 小湖中央的武者,一边借助于妖晶静修,一边放出点注意力,神情凝重的看着那些妖兽 Although this silver lakelet has to resist the Demonic Beast special effect, but Warrior in lakelet, somewhat was worried that was worried this silver lakelet the strength of defense, will vanish suddenly. 这银色小湖虽然有着抵御妖兽的特效,可小湖中的武者,还是有些担心,担心这银色小湖的防御之力,会忽然消失。 Outside gathered that many Demonic Beast, once the defensive power of lakelet vanished suddenly, but also keeps Warrior that in the lakelet calmly cultivates, suddenly will be gnawed the body by Demonic Beast, nobody dares to take risk, therefore is critical situation one by one. 外面聚集了那么多的妖兽,一旦小湖的防御力突然消失了,还留在小湖中静修的武者,将会瞬息间被妖兽啃噬掉身体,没有人敢冒险,所以各个如临大敌。 The fight of remnant cream, because of massive emerging of Demonic Beast, ended in half quarter time. 残酪的战斗,因妖兽的大量涌入,在半刻钟时间结束。 With Ning Ze these Heavenly Temple Warrior together, cannot enter the lakelet finally, substitutes for Warrior of other team, one by one is worried the sliced meat by Demonic Beast, was swallowed into the abdomen by Demonic Beast to Blood Dripping Gem. 宁泽一道的那些天宫武者,最终并没有能够进入小湖,取代别的团队的武者,一一妖兽撕咬成肉片,被妖兽血淋琳吞入腹中。 , In the surrounding of silver lakelet, did not have a live person quickly, only remaining everywhere broken corpses, but also various about thousand class Demonic Beast. 很快地,在银色小湖的外围,已经没了一个活人,只剩下遍地碎尸,还近千头各类的妖兽 Leader Demonic Beast opens the fierce big mouth that fresh blood drip flowings, in the fang emits the stench the smell of blood, the Demonic Beast eye pupil that a pair of eyes color varies, Warrior in ice cold looks at lakelet, actually does not dare to enter the lakelet truly, but encircles in periphery does not walk. 一头头妖兽张开鲜血淋漓的狰狞大口,獠牙中冒出腥臭的血腥味,一双双眼色各异的妖兽眼瞳,冰寒的看着小湖中的武者,却不敢真正进入小湖,只是围在周围不走。 It seems like this silver lakelet, indeed was the only means of livelihood.” Ai Ya black eyebrows micro pressed, sighed in a soft voice, feels sorry for Warrior that these do not have, ends up to turn out dead completely the fate of not entire corpse, this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist is really brutal, wants to obtain the rare treasure, indeed needs to wrestle with the life.” “看来这个银色小湖,的确是唯一的活路了。”艾雅黛眉微蹙,轻声叹息了一下,“可怜那些没有进来的武者,全部落得个死无全尸的下场,这暗磁雾瘴果然残酷,想要获得秘宝,的确需要用命来搏。” Cai Yi and Lao li nod together, show the expression that has a lingering fear. 彩衣劳里一起点头,露出心有余悸的表情。 Shi Yan, this time has been lucky you , if not your ash-gray tornado, we decide however cannot from Heavenly Temple these person of hands, snatches this region.” The Lao li sincerity expressed gratitude, said sincerely: In that fortress, if no you, perhaps our two brothers, already......” 石岩,这次真的多亏了你,如果不是你的那灰色龙卷风,我们定然不能从天宫那些人手中,抢到这一个区域。”劳里真心道谢,诚恳道:“在那石堡中,要是没有你,说不定我们两兄弟,已经……” Lao li and in the Lao Lun heart understands, if no instruction of Shi Yan, Ai Ya and Cai Yi these two women, will not take them absolutely, cannot soar from out of the blue, light depends on two legs, they cannot arrive in this silver lakelet from the start. 劳里劳伦心中明白,如果没有石岩的吩咐,艾雅彩衣这两个女人,绝对不会将他们带上,不能破空飞翔,光靠两条腿,他们压根不能到达这银色小湖。 This all the way, the Lao li two brothers regarded the leader Shi Yan gradually, the start of the heart admired him, after this fight, the Lao li two brothers has approved him truly, did not look like Ai Ya and Cai Yi like that to cherish illegally. 这一路上,劳里两兄弟渐渐将石岩当成了领袖,发自内心的开始敬佩他,经过这次战斗,劳里两兄弟真正认可了他,不是像艾雅彩衣那般心怀不轨。 We, since comes, how should do, in my heart has the spectrum.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, you and we experienced that many together, is the friend of sharing joys and sorrows, matter that betrays the friend, I cannot do.” “我们既然一路过来的,该怎么做,我心中有谱。”石岩淡然一笑,“你们和我们共同经历了那么多,已经算是同甘共苦的朋友了,出卖朋友的事,我是做不出来的。” Speech time, Shi Yan shot a look at Ai Ya and Cai Yi. 说话的时候,石岩瞥了一眼艾雅彩衣 Lao li their eyes dodge, secret nod. 劳里两人眼睛一闪,暗暗点头。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi complexion is disgruntled, simultaneously coldly snorted. 艾雅彩衣面色不悦,同时冷哼了一声。 Too happy, this should not be the first wave of Demonic Beast attack, that storm, roaring flame, wind and frost and thunder and lightning are still closing up, the silver lakelet can prevent Demonic Beast, actually may not block these to come from four looks like the mountain range disaster.” Shi Yan hesitated, complexion had not relaxed as before, was careful, when a while these disasters came, prepared, first defended, so as to avoid by these disasters extinguishing.” “别太高兴了,这才是第一波的妖兽攻击,那暴风、烈焰、风霜、雷电还在靠拢,银色小湖可以阻挡妖兽,却不一定能够挡住那些来自于四象山脉的天灾。”石岩沉吟了一下,脸色依旧不曾放松,“都小心一点,一会儿那些天灾过来时,都准备好,先防御起来,免得被那些天灾给灭了。” Ai Ya and the others facial expression one austere, is anxious. 艾雅等人神情一肃,又重新紧张起来。 Shi Yan, how do you arrive at Nirvana Third Sky suddenly?” Zuo Shi has stood quietly, arrives at side him smilingly, I remember, when the places of our that quiet cloud, you only then the Disaster boundary, this has separated for 78 years, your cultivation was also too quick?” 石岩,你怎么突然到涅盘三重天的?”左诗悄悄站了起来,笑盈盈的来到他身旁,“我记得在我们那幽云之地的时候,你只有百劫境啊,这才隔了78年,你修炼的也太快了吧?” Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu also facial expression changes countenance, looks together to him. 赤霄左虚也神情动容,一起望向他。 What?” The Cai Yi tender and beautiful cheek, suddenly slightly changes, her eye has shone fiercely, vision brilliant looks to Shi Yan, you enter into the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky from the Disaster boundary, but has used for 78 years?” “什么?”彩衣娇艳的脸蛋,忽然微微一变,她眼睛猛地亮了起来,目光灼灼的看向石岩,“你从百劫境迈入涅盘三重天之境,只是用了78年时间?” Ai Ya and Lao li two brothers , the peak however changes color, looked that the monster looks generally to him. 艾雅劳里两兄弟,也耸然变色,看怪物一般看向他。 The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, said lightly: Luck is good.” 石岩皱了皱眉头,淡淡道:“运气好罢了。” Shi Yan, will you come to here? Didn't you go to Endless Sea Yang Family?” Zuo Xu has gawked a while, suddenly has remembered anything, was right, your grandfather also told us, if we bumped into you, making you add cultivation industriously, Yang Family to think of as worthless. Are you what kind in Yang Family? These people to your? What has to come across not satisfactory matter?” 石岩,你怎么会来这里的?你不是去了无尽海杨家么?”左虚愣了一会儿,忽然想起了什么,“对了,你爷爷还告诉我们,如果我们碰到你,让你勤加修炼,不要让杨家人看扁了。你在杨家怎么样?那些人怎么对你的?有没有遇到什么不顺心的事情?” Yang Family......” Shi Yan muttered whispered, was smiling bitterly shaking the head, did not say these, a short time did not talk clearly, my grandfather can they be good?” 杨家……”石岩喃喃低语了一句,苦笑着摇了摇头,“不说这些了,一时半会也说不清楚,我爷爷他们可好?” Is very good, present Merchant Union, takes responsibility by our Zuo Family and your Shi Family. Before you leave, almost exterminates an entire family Beiming Family, Mo Family and Ling Family, these three respected family masters were cleaned up, declined thoroughly in Merchant Union, now new Warrior invests our Zuo Family and your Shi Family.” Zuo Xu smiled, also has been lucky you, otherwise Merchant Union is not one's turn our two families to take responsibility.” “很好,现在的商盟,由我们左家和你们石家做主。你们离开前,将北冥家墨家凌家几乎灭门,这三大家族高手都被清理了,在商盟彻底没落下去了,如今新的武者都投入我们左家和你们石家。”左虚笑了笑,“还多亏了你们,要不然商盟轮不到我们两家来做主。” What difficulty haven't you encountered?” Shi Yan asked at will. “你们没遇到什么困难吧?”石岩随意问道。 The smiling face on Zuo Xu face slightly one stiff, look one gloomy, said lightly: „ Greatly troublesome has not met, but Raging Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire, have actually brought many pressures to us. These two countries make war, has affected Merchant Union, both countries wants to win over us, does not want to make us continue the neutrality to get down, evidently, will not make us feel better. 左虚脸上的笑容微微一僵,眼神一黯,淡淡道:“大麻烦没有遇到,不过烈火帝国神佑帝国,却给我们施加了不少的压力。这两个国家开战,已经波及到商盟,两国想要拉拢我们,不想让我们继续中立下去,看样子以后不会让我们好过的。 In the place of that quiet cloud, has Raging Fire Empire, God Blessed Empire and Merchant Union, Merchant Union is a potential weak side, after Beiming Family, Ling Family and Mo Family were cleaned up one after another is clean, Merchant Union overall Warrior power is insufficient, was unable to constitute to threaten to two big empires, therefore made these two Great Emperor state-owned the disloyalty. 在那幽云之地,有烈火帝国神佑帝国商盟,其中商盟算是势弱的一方,当北冥家凌家墨家相继被清理干净以后,商盟整体武者力量不足,已经不能对两大帝国构成威胁了,所以才让这两大帝国有了异心。 Listened to a Zuo Xu such saying, a Shi Yan brow wrinkle, calm face nodded, said lightly: Has the words of time, I will find the way to help you process the threat of Raging Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire, but this matter wanted I to leave Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. Yeah, Endless Sea one pile of troubles are also waiting......” 左虚这么一说,石岩眉头一皱,沉着脸点了点头,淡淡道:“有时间的话,我会想办法帮你们处理掉烈火帝国神佑帝国的威胁,不过这事情要等我离开暗磁雾瘴了。哎,无尽海还有一堆麻烦等着……” Zuo Xu and the others listened to his such saying, has revealed curious expression, but Shi Yan did not say that they have not closely examined. 左虚等人听他这么一说,都是露出了好奇的神色,但石岩不说,他们也没有追问下去。 Everybody do not talk about old days, must come troublesome.” Ai Ya made noise to break Shi Yan and the others suddenly the words, put out a hand to aim at the front thunder and lightning crowded region, said: There thunder and lightning, should arrive first, I think how everybody should think to cope with these attacks thunder and lightning.” “各位别叙旧了,麻烦要过来了。”艾雅忽然出声打断了石岩等人的话语,伸手指向前方一处雷电密集的区域,道:“那里的雷电,应该会最先到达,我想大家应该想想如何对付那些来袭的雷电。” Bunch thunder and lightning, such as the electricity snake winds to sway from side to side in the midair equally, in dazzling lightning, these thunder and lightning is getting more and more near, the thunder and lightning place visited, below fortress explodes in abundance, the quarry stone stirs up the plaster to shoot in all directions. 一束束雷电,如电蛇一样在半空蜿蜒扭动着,在炫目的电光中,那些雷电越来越近,雷电所过之处,下方的石堡纷纷爆裂开来,乱石四处激垩射开来。 Makes above!” “弄上面!” Warrior of lakelet center Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, suddenly startled shout. 小湖中心一名天位三重天境的武者,突然惊喝一声。 Shi Yan subconscious gaining ground looks at the day. 石岩下意识的抬头看天。 Region that space two rivers interweave, ancient human bodies pile up, formed one to extend indistinctly to the corpse bridge of lakelet comes out, let fall toward the folk song under gradually. 天上两条河流交织的区域,一具具古尸堆积起来,隐约形成了一条延伸向小湖的尸桥出来,渐渐往小调下方垂落。 That dazzling rays of light place, the intermittent intense fluctuation passes on, the five colors brights, like are the sea-monster are swaying from side to side in these rays of light, carefully looks like, will discover that these brights unexpectedly are the sword, armor, the jade ornamental hairpin, jade and other different rare treasures. 那炫目的光芒处,阵阵强烈的波动传出来,一道道五彩的亮光,像是游鱼一样在那些光芒之中扭动着,仔细看来,会发现那些亮光竟是刀剑、铠甲、玉钗、玉石等不同的秘宝。 Is the rare treasure!” “是秘宝!” Warrior in lakelet, screamed that the facial expression roused, the grinding fist sound of sword, prepared for has robbed rare treasure. 小湖中的武者,纷纷尖叫起来,神情振奋,一个个磨拳霍霍,做好了抢夺秘宝的准备。 The lake center, that six have formidable Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, has stood one after another, they looked up a sound of top of the head, will then focus on surrounding Shi Yan and the others, look cold severe, as if harbored evil intentions. 湖中心,那六名有着天位三重天境的强大武者,一个接着一个站了起来,他们只是抬头望了一眼头顶的动静,便将注意力放在外围的石岩等人身上,一个个眼神冷厉,似乎不怀好意。
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