GOS :: Volume #5

#403: Mountains and rivers seal

Be careful!” “小心!” The Chi Xiao complexion slightly changes, subconscious gathers whole body power, the five fingers contraction is uncertain, continuously light smog, such as the spirit snake from his nail same braves to transgress. 赤霄脸色微微一变,下意识的将浑身力量聚集起来,五指收缩不定,一缕缕淡淡的烟雾,从他指甲中如灵蛇一样冒逸出来。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi are also anxious, looks at the storm, thunder and lightning, roaring flame and wind and frost that approaches to the distant place slowly, while is paying attention lakelet center three teams of Warrior, for fear that these Warrior will adopt the intense action. 艾雅彩衣也是紧张起来,一边看向远处缓缓逼近的暴风、雷电、烈焰、风霜,一边留意着小湖中心的三队武者,生怕那些武者会采取激烈的举动。 Central place that the top of the head of people, two Milky Way interweaves, energy fluctuation even more turbulent intense, like has innumerable different attribute energy, starts to have some unusual change at that interweaving point. 众人的头顶,两条天河交织的中心地点,能量波动愈加的汹涌强烈,像是有无数种不同属性的能量,在那交织点开始发生某种异常的变化。 The ancient human bodies of vicissitudes, receive Center energy to interweave a influence, starts submersion slowly. 一具具浮沉的古尸,受到〖中〗央能量交织点的影响,开始慢慢的下沉。 The stair that is formed by the car(riage) corpse, from that day gradual lets fall, was getting more and more close to the top of the head of people. 一条由车尸形成的台阶,从那天上逐渐的垂落下来,离众人的头顶越来越接近了。 „This ladder that is built by the ancient human body, should be able to arrive at that energy to interweave directly, when that ladder really fell, situation that three teams of Warrior should fight.” Ai Ya puts out the dull purple lithography, on the lithography portrays a mystical mysterious design together, likely is the vein of mountains and rivers, floods Intent Domain that the rivers are extending in all directions. “这条由古尸堆砌起来的梯子,应该可以直接到达那能量交织点,等那梯子真正落下来了,那三队武者应该会争抢上去的先机。”艾雅拿出一块暗紫色的石印,石印上刻画着一种神秘玄奥的图案,像是山河的脉络,充斥着河流四通八达的意境 The lithography is sending out purple light in her pure white palm faintly, the design that on the lithography portrays, lifelike, in that purple light circulation, the vein of that mountains and rivers just like living, has been flowing on that lithography slowly. 石印在她洁白的手掌隐隐散发着紫光,石印上刻画的图案,栩栩如生,在那紫光流转中,那山河的脉络宛若活了过来,在那石印上缓缓流淌着。 Ai Ya sinks to the mind the lithography, the whole person has given birth to insightful wise Intent Domain immediately, she[ body] in Essence Qi pours into the lithography, in Intent Domain with lithography achieves the relation, in a soft voice said: This mountains and rivers seal was the Sacred level rare treasure, a while and other surrounding of the disasters approached, once that three teams of Warrior get ridI to let out this mountains and rivers seal immediately, this mountains and rivers seal decided however can hinder their some time, we can while that time, mount the day following the corpse ladder. ”, Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun three people looked at Ai Ya to take out mountains and rivers seal, the eye have also shone, three people as if know that the use and effect of mountains and rivers seal, the facial expression shook obviously. 艾雅将心神沉入石印上,整个人顿时生出了一种通透明达的意境,她将〖体〗内精元注入石印,与石印中的意境达成联系,才轻声说道:“这山河印是圣级秘宝,一会儿等外围的天灾靠近了”一旦那三队武者出手”我会马上将这山河印放出去,这山河印定然可以阻碍他们一些时间,我们可以趁着那段时间,顺着尸梯登上天。”,彩衣劳里劳伦三人一看艾雅取出了山河印,眼睛同时亮了亮,三人似乎知道山河印的用途和功效,神情明显一震。 Shi Yan shot a look at Ai Ya one, secret nodded, knows at this moment, this woman was knew roughlyfinally the hidden nose the method has also caused. 石岩瞥了艾雅一眼,暗暗点了点头,知道在这个时刻,这女人还算是识大体”终于将隐鼻着的手段使了出来。 Ai Ya came from White Emperor City, it is said the White Emperor City city host's daughter, from Cai Yi, Lao li and other population, Shi Yan knows that the White Emperor City city Lord cultivation base quite to be as if exquisite, Ai Ya as his daughter, in the hand has the formidable rare treasure, Shi Yan is not accidental. 艾雅来自于白帝城,据说还是白帝城城主之女,从彩衣劳里等人口中,石岩知道白帝城的城主修为似乎极为精湛,艾雅身为他的女儿,手中有强大的秘宝,石岩一点都不意外。 Thisstarts to command this team from him all the way, Ai Ya relaxed, in many fights, desirably[ really] solid power restraining, has not put out other rare treasure to deal with enemythis mountains and rivers to print her to remain uses now, obviously the might should not be weak. 这一路上”从他开始统领这团队起,艾雅就轻松了下来,许多战斗中,刻意将〖真〗实的力量收敛,没有拿出别的秘宝来对付敌人”这山河印她留在现在才用,可见威力应该不弱。 Un, a while everybody carefully, if Ai Ya has emitted mountains and rivers seal, so long as has seized the opportunity, do not hesitate.” Shi Yan looks to Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu. “嗯,一会儿大家小心一点,如果艾雅将山河印放出了,只要看准了时机,千万不要犹豫。”石岩看向赤霄左诗左虚 The Ai Ya three people also come from White Emperor City, knows the wondrous use of that mountains and rivers seal, but Chi Xiao they actually do not know that Shi Yan was worried their not clear conditiona while cannot seize the appropriate opportunity, has to say one ahead of time. 艾雅三人也来自于白帝城,都知道那山河印的妙用,但赤霄他们却不知道,石岩担心他们不清楚状况”一会儿把握不到合适的时机,不得不提前说上一声。 Chi Xiao and the others noddedcomplexion to be serious gently, hints to understand his reminder. 赤霄等人轻轻点头”脸色郑重,示意明白了他的提醒。 Xiao Shi, a while and your master close right up against, should not be far away from your master.”, Zuo Xu lowers the sound, dignified urging: Really left your master to be far, remembers that must close right up against with Shi Yan, your strength was weakest, do not show off ability, you main duty, saves own life.”, Chi Xiao has Sky Realm Second Sky Realm, is on Realm is outwardly strongest among them, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao knew for many years, knows that the Chi Xiao skill, knows at crucial moment, Chi Xiao should be able to protect her. 小诗,一会儿和你师傅靠着,千万不要远离你师傅。”,左虚压低声音,凝重叮嘱:“实在离你师傅远了,记得也要和石岩靠着,你实力最弱,不要逞能,你最主要的任务,就是保全自己的性命。”,赤霄有着天位二重天境界,在他们当中算是明面上境界最强的,左虚赤霄认识了好多年,也知道赤霄的本事,知道在关键的时候,赤霄应该可以护住她。 To hand Shi Yan...... 至手石岩…… Although looks like, only then Realm of Nirvana Origin boundary, the method that but this while he exposes, makes Zuo Xu believe secretly, Zuo Xu understood the critical moment, only then the Nirvana Origin boundary did not have many other him of relying on, perhaps was hard to shelter to leave the female, he cannot pin the Zuo Shi safety on Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others, therefore had this saying. 虽然看起来只有涅巢境的境界,但这一会儿他展露出来的手段,却让左虚暗暗心折,左虚明白到了关键时刻,只有涅巢境却没有过多别的凭仗的他,或许难以庇护住别女,他又不能将左诗的安危寄托在艾雅彩衣等人身上,所以才有此一说。 Relax the grandfather, I will protect my.” Zuo Shi answered one cleverly, the bright eye winked winking, slightly saying of some worries: Grandfather, you are also careful, the above rare treasure is no doubt precious, but do not take risk. You in the place of our quiet cloud, although Realm is also top, is here, your cultivation base......”, the Zuo Xu forced smile, nodded, has not argued anything. “放心吧爷爷,我会保护好自己的。”左诗乖巧的答了一声,明亮的眼睛眨了眨,也略有些担心的说道:“爷爷,你也要小心,上面的秘宝固然珍贵,可你千万不要冒险。你在我们幽云之地,虽然境界还算是顶尖,可是在这里,你的修为还是……”,左虚苦笑,点了点头,没有辩解什么。 Does not have anything to be good to argue that here is Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is entirely different from the situation of place of quiet cloud, this place any Warrior, at least has cultivation base of plan boundary. Most the fellows of Nirvana Origin boundary, but also is young. After arriving here, Zuo Xu somewhat has been sorrowful, first time realized that gou lives in the place of quiet cloud, actually quite pitiful. 也没什么好辩解的,这里是暗磁雾瘴,和幽云之地的情况截然不同,此地任何一个武者,都至少有着涅策境的修为。大多数涅巢境的家伙,还都非常年轻。来到这儿以后,左虚一直有些悲哀,第一次意识到芶活在幽云之地,其实颇为的可怜。 He has one type the feeling of sitting the well view day, and decides in the heart secretly, once this time lives is coming out from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, will decide however must look at the Zuo Family future development again, is more open, no longer limits to place of that small place that quiet cloud the vision will put. Zuo Xu, Ai Ya and the others in a low voice exchange time, the corpse ladder that audiences head top was getting more and more near, had dozens meters being away from to everybody. 他生出一种坐井观天的感觉,并且在心中暗暗打定主意,这一次一旦活着从暗磁雾瘴出来,定然要重新去看左家未来的发展,将眼界放的开阔一些,不再局限于幽云之地那小地方。左虚艾雅等人低声交流的时候,众人头顶的尸梯已越来越近,离大家只有数十米的距离了。 Lakelet Center has Sky Realm Third Sky Realm three teams of Warrior, to this moment, could not repress finally dry, in the pupil the ominous light is bright, starts to stare to potential killer. 小湖〖中〗央有着天位三重天境界的三队武者,到了这一刻,终干按耐不住,眸中凶光熠熠,开始盯向身旁的潜在杀手。 These three teams of Warrior, will concentrate from the beginning in the opposite party, has the Sky Realm Third Sky boundary Warrior team to regard the main threat similarly, when disaster when but their subconscious looking to approach slowly, paid attention Shi Yan and the others, revealed part of attention. 这三队武者,一开始只是将主要精力放在对方身上,将同样有着天位三重天武者的团队当成主要的威胁,但当他们下意识的望向缓缓逼近的天灾时,也都留意上了石岩等人,露出一部分的注意力。 Shi Yan, Chi Xiao, Ai Ya and the others complexion one cold, each one starts to be anxious. They are recent to disaster that compels slowly, a while these roaring flame and storms raid, they in Warrior compared with these lakelet will take the risk first, if when the resistance disaster, suddenly were then hit by these people, this will let their situation extremely difficult bad risks. 石岩赤霄艾雅等人脸色一寒,个个都开始紧张起来。他们离缓缓逼过来的天灾最近,一会儿那些烈焰、暴风袭来,他们会比那些小湖中的武者最先承担风险,要是在抵御天灾的时候,再被那些人突然侵袭,这将会让他们的形势极为的艰难凶险。 Remembers that a while pays attention my movement.”, Ai Ya with the volume that only then the side talented person can hear, officially informed people one on the quiet, her is grasping the white hands of mountains and rivers seal, when does not know gets up, unexpectedly has become the strange dull purple. The blood vessel on her white hands has careful purple rays of light to flow slowly, one by one pours into mountains and rivers seal. “记得,一会儿留意我的动作。”,艾雅用只有身旁人才可以听到的音量,悄悄知会了众人一声,她那握着山河印的玉手,不知何时起,竟成了诡异的暗紫色。她玉手上的血管有细细的紫色光芒缓缓流动着,一一注入山河印。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” Storm sound that the experience ghost howls, slowly becomes resounding, the disaster that comes first is the storm, in fierce compressed-air driven, energy of raging tide turbulent wind along with storm raids to start to spread, in these storms obviously glittering different light, different light such as sword blade, shining, there is a sharp cold brightness. 历鬼呼啸的暴风声音,慢慢变得响亮起来,最先过来的天灾乃是暴风,在凶猛的风动中,汹涌的风之能量狂潮随着暴风的袭来开始蔓延,那些暴风中可见闪烁着的异光,异光如剑似刀,明晃晃的,有一种锋利之极的寒光。 Lakelet edge six teams, see with own eyes the storm attack, the complexion treasure, takes out the rare treasure in abundance, and respective sacrifice the light cover of defensive power. Has defense class rare treasure Warrior, at this time also no longer hid, put on the color to vary, has special effect Armor. Zuo Shi has also put on Dragon Turtle Armor, this strange armor that is made by Turtle Shell piece by piece, covers her tall body most, except for two sections of slender calves, the Zuo Shi tender body was covered up by the armor, the appearance slightly is laughable, has the imposing manner that sincerely immovability. 小湖边缘处的六个团队,眼见暴风侵袭,脸色珍重,纷纷取出秘宝,并且各自祭出防御力的光罩。拥有防御类秘宝的武者,这时候也不再隐藏,一个个穿上了颜色各异,有着特殊功效的护甲左诗也穿上了龙龟灵甲,这一件由一片片龟壳制成的奇异铠甲,将她颀长的身子覆盖大半,除了两截修长的小腿,左诗娇躯都被铠甲遮掩住,模样略显可笑,却自有一股厚重不动如山的气势。 Some Shi Yan surprise, stared at her to look at one, nodded, said gently: These years, you should be great regarding this Dragon Turtle spirit early understanding evidently, um, is very good, although this gadget was uglier, but the defensive power should not be bad.” A Zuo Shi small face red, poverty-stricken say|way: Let alone, I know that this mail-armor and helmet is very ugly, does not want you to remind me, „.”, Shi Yan cannot help laughing, at once turns the head to look strongly to the front, the attention above Gravitational Field, pays attention the attack of that storm, effect on Gravitational Field. 石岩有些诧异,盯着她看了一眼,轻轻点了点头,道:“看样子这些年来,你对于这龙龟灵早的了解应该不浅,嗯,很好,这玩意虽然难看了一些,但防御力应该不差。”左诗小脸一红,窘迫道:“别说了,我知道这甲胄很难看啦,不要你提醒我,“哼。”,石岩哑然失笑,旋即别头看向前方,注意力集中在磁殛域场上方,留意那暴风的来袭,对磁殛域场的影响。 Flap flap the storm obstructs the day to raid, emerges in Gravitational Field fiercely, the fluctuation that one type twists all different strength, transmits from that storm. 猎猎暴风遮天袭来,猛地涌入磁殛域场之内,一种扭曲一切异力的波动,从那暴风中传递出来。 With some Gravitational Field of storm contact, different power of various mixes, become Chaos cannot withstand suddenly, seemed affected by the storm, wind speed of that revolving, slow-down of extremely fast, even starts to stagnate. 和暴风接触的部分磁殛域场,各类混合的不同力量,突然变得混乱不堪,似乎受到了暴风的影响,那旋转的风速,极速的减慢,甚至开始停滞下来。 In heart one cold, Shi Yan realized immediately the change of this storm, can destroy Gravitational Field. 心中一凛,石岩立即意识到这暴风的异动,能够摧毁磁殛域场 The complexion slightly changes, he does not have to be excessively scruple, has not broken all in Gravitational Field while that storm, two catch suddenly again and again void, the intermittent energy fluctuation wells up from his control. 脸色微微一变,他没有过多迟疑,趁着那暴风尚未全部冲入磁殛域场,两手忽然连连虚空抓拉,阵阵能量波动从他手心涌出来。 Mixes in Gravitational Field maliciously gold/metal silk, comes under the influences of his two different strength, changes into golden light, vanishes in Imaginary Space Ring on his hand in abundance. 混入磁殛域场的一狠狠金蚕丝,受到他两手异力的影响,化为一道道金光,纷纷在他手上的幻空戒内消失。 In the short three seconds, all gold/metal silks were received by him, stops in Imaginary Space Ring. 在短短三秒时间,所有的金蚕丝都被他收了起来,重新停在幻空戒 That instant that waits for the gold/metal silk to vanish completely, this is constructed by him, almost goes smoothly everywhere Gravitational Field that in the old city, finally was flooded by storm power completely. 等金蚕丝全部消失的那一霎,这个由他构建出来,在古城中几乎无往不利的磁殛域场,终于被暴风的力量全部充斥。 In a flash, precise Gravitational Field all sorts of different energy, were twisted Chaos by the manic fluctuation of that storm. 一瞬间,凝炼磁殛域场的种种不同能量,就被那暴风的狂躁波动扭曲混乱了。 Gravitational Field vanishes without the trace! 磁殛域场消失无踪! Ai Ya, Chi Xiao and the others the facial expression change countenance, in the eye flashes through a dignified meaning, the rare treasure on hand starts to glow the misty halo. 艾雅赤霄等人神情动容,眼中闪过一丝凝重之意,手上的秘宝开始焕发出蒙蒙光晕。 Hehe!”, Lake Center, Warrior of now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, looked at Shi Yan indifferently, suddenly curls the lip saying: Few threat.” 嘿嘿!”,湖〖中〗央,一今天位三重天境的武者,冷眼看了石岩一下,忽然撇嘴道:“少一个威胁。” In the lake several strongest Warrior, have been guarding against Shi Yan and the others, its main reason, but also lies in Gravitational Field, because in Gravitational Field the energy fluctuation is too strange, the gold/metal silk exists, this lets these person of secret hearts startled, has regarded the significant threat Shi Yan. 湖中几名最强的武者,一直提防着石岩等人,其主要的原因,还在于磁殛域场,因为磁殛域场能量波动太诡异,还有金蚕丝存在,这才让那些人暗暗心惊,将石岩当成了重大的威胁。 Now Gravitational Field vanished, only then Shi Yan of Nirvana Origin boundary, is not enough to affect them in their eyes, their complexion loosen, does not have was serious Shi Yan and the others again. 如今磁殛域场消失了,只有涅巢境的石岩,在他们眼中并不足以影响他们,他们脸色一松,就没再将石岩等人当一回事儿。 Mountains and rivers seal that also in this time, in the Ai Ya hand grips tightly, suddenly in purple light is greatly abundant, rises her top of the head slowly. 也在此时,艾雅手中紧握的山河印,忽然在紫光大盛中,缓缓升上她头顶。 Purple stream ray emit from mountains and rivers India , China, likely is rivulet trickle, spreads from that mountains and rivers India , China, the dispersing spider web is ordinary, floods audiences head top the space fast. 一道道紫色流光从山河印中散溢开来,像是涓涓细流,从那山河印中蔓延开来,散开的蜘蛛网一般,快速充斥众人头顶空间。 Do not be anxious!”, The Shi Yan terrified color deterioration, cannot bear sink to drink one. “别急!”,石岩悚然变色,忍不住沉喝一声。 purple light of mountains and rivers seal such as rills, extend in the audiences head top, in very short time floods above the lakelet, the change of Ai Ya while mountains and rivers seal, drinks one suddenly tenderly: Everybody prepares!”, Warrior in lake, look one cold, simultaneously snort|hum, will have focused in Ai Ya. 山河印的紫光如一条条小溪,在众人头顶延伸出去,在很短时间充斥小湖上方,艾雅趁着山河印的异动,忽然娇喝一声:“大家准备!”,湖中的武者,眼神一冷,同时哼了一声,将注意力放在艾雅身上。
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