GOS :: Volume #5

#401: Fights clearly becomes aware

Numerous Warrior look to Ning Ze, secretly heaves a deep sigh, as if knows that Ning Ze wanted the tragedy. 众多武者看向宁泽,都暗暗摇头叹息,似乎知道宁泽要悲剧了。 Pitiful, has First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base obviously, actually defeats in the person hand of my this Nirvana boundary. Yeah, it is said are you Heavenly Temple Ning Family rare martial cultivation material? This degree of attack, you cannot withstand, are you breakthrough to the Sky Realm boundary? He He, substance abuse? Paves the way with massive spirit medicine, walks dog shit luck enters into this Realm?”, The boy is vicious! “可怜啊,明明有着天位一重天之境修为,却败在我这个涅磐境的人手中。哎,据说你还是天宫宁家的难得一见的修武材料?这种程度的打击,你都承受不住,你是怎么突破天位境的?呵呵,嗑药的吧?是用大量的灵药铺路,才走狗屎运的迈入这个境界吧?”,小子狠毒啊! Lakelet Center, Warrior of now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, looks at Shi Yan approaches step by step, sharply under the killer, instead is not continue urge Ning Ze, expressions are strange, is vigilant secretly. 小湖〖中〗央,一个今天位三重天境的武者,看着石岩一步步逼近,不急着下杀手,反而继续催促宁泽,一个个表情怪异,暗暗警惕起来。 Under the ridicule ridicule of Shi Yan, the Ning Ze complexion is even more pale, the look is for the first time flurried, at this time he self-confidently did not have, is only thinking how to flee from here. 石岩的嘲笑讥讽下,宁泽脸色愈加苍白,眼神首次慌乱起来,这时候他连一点自信都没了,只想着怎么逃离这儿。 Ended...... 完了…… Surrounding Warrior, sees the change of Ning Ze look, simultaneously in the heart sighed, knows that he must die without doubt. 周围的武者,见到宁泽眼神的变化,同时心中一叹,知道他必死无疑。 Warrior continues to fight does not dare, only wants to escape, this means that the spirit completely loses, is this, more cannot flee. 一个武者连继续战斗都不敢,只想逃生,这意味着锐气尽失,越是这样,越是不能逃离出去。 Really. 果然。 Shi Yan at once 石岩旋即 Stretches out Seal of Life and Death. 伸出生死印 Seal of Life and Seal of Death are overlapping void, contain Intent Domain of life and death highest good, covers fiercely to Ning Ze, gives to block the Ning Ze way. 生印死印在虚空重叠,蕴藏生死至理的意境,猛地覆盖向宁泽,将宁泽的去路都给封死。 Gave to block including the road of escaping, the Ning Ze heart lived desperately, the will of seeking livehood by the death Intent Domain influence, had me to fear mentality that must die. 连逃生之路都给封死了,宁泽心生绝望,求生的意志都被死亡意境影响,生出一种我怕是要死的心态。 He indeed died...... 他的确死了…… Seal of Life and Death covers, defense power that Ning Ze comes out reluctantly precise, collapses at the first blow radicallycannot block the wild impact of Seal of Life and Death from the start. 生死印覆盖下来,宁泽勉强凝炼出来的防御力量,根本不堪一击”压根挡不住生死印的狂暴冲击。 Corner/Horn!” “角!” Seal of Life and Death submerges Ning Ze[ body] inhis fleshly body transmits the explosive of landslide, the whole body skeleton explodes to break to pieces, skeleton that explodestorn to pieces of his fleshly body sprint. 生死印没入宁泽〖体〗内”他肉身传来山崩的爆响,全身骨骼爆碎开来,爆开来的骨骼”将他肉身冲刺的支离破碎。 Moves toward side Ning Ze slowly, feels passing of his essence, Shi Yan is grinning cruel smiling, knows treating unjustly that this fellow dies, for own action inwardly proud of oneself. 缓缓走向宁泽身旁,感受着他一身精气的流逝,石岩咧嘴残忍的笑了笑,知道这家伙死的冤枉,也为自己的这番举动暗暗得意 Has Sky Realm Ning Ze, if not the heart lives to fear intent, did not have self-confidenceShi Yan to kill him, must enter into Second Sky from Rampage First Sky, many stimulation of movement Negative Energy. 有着天位之境宁泽,如果不是心生惧意,没了自信心”石岩想要杀他,必须从暴走一重天迈入二重天,更多的催动负面力量来。 May because of Ning Ze own reason, his spirit completely lose, cannot display power, making Shi Yan have an opportunity, under the Rampage First Sky condition, kills to easy striking this Sky Realm Ning Ze. 可因为宁泽自身的原因,他锐气尽失,不能将一身力量发挥出来,让石岩有机可乘,才在暴走一重天的状况下,将这天位之境宁泽给轻而易举的击杀。 This war, making Shi Yan genuinely realize that the imposing manner regarding the Warrior use, through this and fight of Ning Ze, he regarding the understanding of Intent Domain, in the struggle of vigor regarding the battlehad the extremely profound understanding. 这一战,让石岩真正意识到气势对于武者的用途,通过这场和宁泽的战斗,他对于意境的认识,对于交战中精气神的斗争”有了极为深刻的认识。 Also after this war, he knows that is very why difficult some people able to challenge in a Level match, the both sides Realm disparity was too far, a weak side, will have to plant the feeling of being inferior to the opposite party, has this mentality to be hard power in ” a weak side to display completely. 也是经过这一战,他才知道为什么很难有人可以挑战强上一个等级的对手,双方境界差距太远了,弱的一方,本来就会有种不如对方的感觉,有这种心态在”弱的一方更加难以将力量全部发挥出来。 But the Realm high person, has a stronger self-confidence inborn, this type self-confident will make their power display peakto be in inverse proportion, Expert is stronger ” the weak one to be weaker, that fight naturally cannot have any accident. 境界高的人,天生有着更强的自信,这种自信会让他们的力量发挥到巅峰”此消彼长,强者更强”弱者更弱,那战斗自然不会有什么意外。 The weak ones want to challenge Expert, must first pass own psychological that pass/test! Only then has absolute self-confidence to oneself, has mentality that must win! Can by the influence of opposite party imposing manner, then complete power Lou Hui not come out! 弱者想要挑战强者,首先要过得了自己的心理那一关!只有对自己有着绝对的自信,有着必胜的心态!才能够不受对方气势的影响,进而将全部的力量娄挥出来! Has this mentality and formidable will, Warrior even can surpass the display of level, will have will be strong the possibility that own match has killed. 有这种心态和强大的意志在,武者甚至可以超水平的发挥,拥有将强过自己的对手干掉的可能性。 An ordinary war, made Shi Yan benefit greatly, first clear realizing the battle between Warrior, solely does not fight the strength, but must display their wisdom and bravery, sometimes in imposing manner does not fear, even can make up for on some power not to be insufficient to fly this understanding, Shi Yan looked at that lakelet Warrior of these Sky Realm Third Sky boundaries again, the look also suddenly had the subtle change. 本来普通的一战,却让石岩受益匪浅,第一次清晰的认识到武者之间的交战,不单单只是斗力,还要斗智斗勇,有时候气势上的不惧,甚至可以弥补一些力量上不不足飞有了这个认识,石岩再看那小湖中的那些天位三重天境的武者,眼神也忽然发生了微妙的变化。 Formerly these fellows warned his time, he was secret, has one type do not enrage the thoughts of these people, had the worry because of the heart, therefore his imposing manner also weak a point, probably was shorter than on a head the opposite party. 先前那些家伙警告他的时候,他暗暗小心,生出一种不要激怒那些人的念头,因心有顾虑,所以他气势也弱了一分,好像比对方矮上一头。 May after with a Ning Ze war, he in the understanding of Warrior fight, enter brand-new Realm, the whole person is suddenly open, as if the wisdom rose planned. 可经过和宁泽的一战,他在武者战斗的认识上,进入了全新的境界,整个人霍然开朗,似乎就连智慧都上升了一筹。 On the tenacious nerve, became aware through this clear(ly), making Shi Yan even give birth to a world my arrogance to be only self-confident to oneself. 本来就坚韧的神经,通过这次明悟,让石岩甚至对自己生出一种天下唯我的狂妄自信来。 At this moment, even if God Realm Expert comes, his understanding does not live to dread, not because of opposite party powerful, but the imposing manner weakens, will unable to live including the thought of revolt. 这一刻,就算是神境强者前来,他也不会心生畏惧,不会因为对方的强悍,而气势变弱,不会连反抗的念头都生不出来。 These Warrior in lakelet, quietly are gazing at this him, naturally saw the change of his look, at this time in the Shi Yan look, does not have one point of fearing intent again, instead has an extremely arrogant provocative flavor in inside. 小湖中的那些武者,都在悄悄注视这他,自然看出了他眼神的变化,此时石岩的眼神之中,再没有一分的惧意,反而有着一种狂妄的挑衅味道在里面。 These Warrior in abundance knitting the brows heads, regarding, only then Shi Yan of pan boundary appraised a point high, knew Daozhen, if fought, Shi Yan decidedly not because their Realm are profound, but the heart lived the fear. 那些武者纷纷皱了皱眉头,对于只有涅媻境的石岩评价更高了一分,知道真要是战斗起来,石岩断然不会因为他们的境界高深,而心生恐惧。 Ning Ze died, if you stay outside to me well, I will not manage you.” Shi Yan has turned around, had called to that Chi Xiao position, moves toward Zuo Shi at once unhurriedly, said: Goes in me.” Zuo Shi is only not combatant. 宁泽死了,你们如果好好给我留在外面,我不会管你们。”石岩转过身来,冲那赤霄的方位吆喝了一声,旋即不慌不忙走向左诗,道:“和我进去吧。”左诗是唯一不曾参战的人。 Only then she of Earth Realm boundary, knows unable to add on, fears into the burden, therefore hides quietly in the crowd, does not let Ning Ze and these Heavenly Temple Warrior notes her. 只有地位境的她,知道帮不上,又怕成为累赘,所以悄悄躲藏在人群之中,不让宁泽和那些天宫武者注意到她。 Her action without doubt is very correct , because of her intelligence, Chi Xiao and Shi Yan, Ai Ya and the others, can not have getting rid of worry place, does not need to be worried that sky Warrior holds under duress her, lets Shi Yan and Chi Xiao obey. 她的举动无疑是非常正确的,正是因为她的聪明,赤霄石岩艾雅等人,才可以毫无顾忌地的出手,不用担心天空武者挟持她,来让石岩赤霄就范。 In the crowd, Zuo Shi has not gone to look at the fight of her master Chi Xiao and her grandfather Zuo Xu, but is staring at Shi Yan, looks at Shi Yan unflustered kills Ning Ze. 在人群中,左诗没有去看她师傅赤霄和她爷爷左虚的战斗,而是盯着石岩,看着石岩从容不迫的将宁泽干掉。 Warrior that surrounds is numerous, but Zuo Shi actually through this fight, understood the function of an imposing manner and will, benefits greatly from this war. 围观的武者众多,但左诗却通过这一场战斗,也明白了点气势和心志的作用,从这一战受益匪浅。 Hears Shi Yan shouted lightly, Zuo Shi pursed the lips to smile gently, fills the pupil of Spiritual Qi, revealed the astonishing appearance, your this fellow, was really rotten to the core, the mouth was also malicious, this, that person will quickly not be massacred by you.” 听到石岩的轻呼,左诗抿嘴轻轻笑了笑,充满灵气的眸子,流露出惊人的神采来,“你这家伙,真是坏透了,嘴也刻毒,要不是这样,那人不会那么快被你杀掉的。” Shi Yan grins to smile, said: Only blames that fellow not to have experience too many brutal tribulations, cannot bear including the attack of this words gets what one deserves he dead. ”, Speech timeShi Yan previously the position line of that lakelet went, at this time Gravitational Field starts to move slowly, has drawn back coming out from that lakelet slowly ”, and moves one side, is Shi Yan reveals passage. 石岩咧嘴笑了笑,道:“只怪那家伙没有经历太多的残酷磨难,连这种言辞的打击都受不了”活该他死。”,讲话的时候”石岩已往那小湖的方位行去,此时磁殛域场又开始缓缓移动,从那小湖处慢慢退了出来”并且移动到一旁,为石岩露出一条通道来。 By the lakelet, surrounds Ran Warrior to have, but appearance of looks at that passage, does not have one person to dare first to enter, can only eager looks at Shi Yan bring Zuo Shi to enter, will also give way to trafficfor fear that accidentally to reveal anything to let the action that Shi Yan will misunderstand on own initiative. 小湖旁边,围观苒武者有许多,可看着通道的显露,却没有一人胆敢抢先进入,只能眼巴巴的看着石岩带着左诗进入,还主动避让开来”生怕会无意中露出什么让石岩误会的举动来。 Shi Yan is bringing Zuo Shi, in the acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner entry lakelet, takes out several Monster Core to give her conveniently, said with a smile: Your leave alone that many, restore with these Monster Core.”, He early saw that Zuo Shi three people of Essence Qi have not restored, three people the time of fortress flushing, power is not the peak condition. 石岩带着左诗,旁若无人的进入小湖中,随手取出几块妖晶递给她,微笑道:“你别管那么多,用这几块妖晶恢复一下吧。”,他早看出左诗三人精元没有恢复,三人从石堡中冲过来的时候,身上的力量都不是巅峰状态。 At that time three Monster Core in Gravitational Field appeared, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao simultaneously were jealous, wants to gather that three Monster Core very much, this explained that they should be very difficult in the experience of Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, in the hand simply has not saved to any Monster Core, otherwise they are so longnot to have Essence Qi to restore peak in the old city. 当时三块妖晶磁殛域场中出现以后,左虚赤霄同时眼红了,很想将那三块妖晶收取,这说明他们在暗磁雾瘴的经历应该很艰难,手上根本没有存到什么妖晶,要不然他们在古城那么久”不会没有将精元恢复到巅峰 Really, when Zuo Shi attains that several Monster Core, the eye has shone fiercely, suddenly calls out in alarm: These many Monster Core!” 果然,左诗拿到那几块妖晶时,眼睛猛地亮了起来,忽然惊叫起来:“这么多妖晶啊!” Shi Yan shook the head with a smile, knows that his guess right, you restored a while well and other grandfather and Chi Xiao Senior have also come, you gave them Monster Core, making them also restore to the heyday. ” 石岩笑着摇了摇头,知道他的猜测没错,“你好好恢复吧”一会儿等你爷爷和赤霄前辈也进来了,你将妖晶给他们,让他们也恢复到全盛时期。” Thank you calculates you to be loyal, has not forgotten the old friend. ” Zuo Shi rebukes white his eyes...... The divination face is actually brimming with the beautiful smiling face, ............ Walked from Merchant Union, several years do not have a mouth news, when also you forgot us. Snort, Grandpa Shi also always moves toward us to inquire that asked has your news, is really good, when I originally you really ruthless, was good, now forgave you.” “谢谢你呀”算你讲义气,没有忘记老朋友。”左诗嗔怪的白了他一眼……卜脸却洋溢着美丽的笑容,“…………就那么从商盟走了,几年都没有一个口讯,还当你将我们都忘记了呢。哼,石爷爷还老走向我们打听,问有没有你的消息呢,真是好,我本来当你真的无情无义呢,好了,现在原谅你了。” Zuo Shi as if very much somewhat resentfully read to him, while this opportunity, altogether poured out. 左诗似乎对他很有些怨念,趁此时机,一股脑的倾诉出来。 The Shi Yan facial expression stagnates, suddenly sighed in a soft voice, I was indeed ruthless, yeah, was I have disappointed Shi Family......”, after entering Endless Sea, he little remembered Merchant Union, remembered Shi Family these family member. 石岩神情一滞,忽然轻声一叹,“我的确无情无义,哎,是我辜负了石家……”,进入无尽海以后,他真的很少想起商盟,想起石家的那些“亲人”。 After arriving at this Grace Mainland, he experienced a lot, knew many people, may regard the family member him, is good to him wholeheartedly, has Shi Family Shi Jian these family member elders! 来到这个神恩大陆以后,他经历了很多事情,认识了不少人,可真的将他当成亲人,一心对他好的,只有石家石坚这些亲人长辈! They do not have the help of any selfishness he, after discovering he has a better prospect, even also persuaded him to leave Merchant Union, urging him to go to Endless Sea to pursue own future. 他们没有任何私心的帮助他,当发现他有更好的前景之后,甚至还劝说他离开商盟,劝他去无尽海追求自己的未来。 Now to a Zuo Shi saying, he thought so that in the heart has the shame, in the experience of Merchant Union, appears in the mind that cannot be restrained. 如今给左诗这么一说,他才觉得心中有愧,一幕幕在商盟的经历,不可抑止的在脑海中浮现出来。 Sets firm resolve secretly, after some day he has enough ability, he must help Shi Family surely, making Shi Family solely not dominate in that Merchant Union small place, he must give that Shi Family family member, will be broader the future. 暗暗下定决心,当有朝一日他有足够的能力后,他定要帮助石家,让石家不单单只是在那商盟小地方称雄,他要给予那石家的亲人,更加广间的未来。 We gave up, that position gave you. “我们放弃了,那位置让给你们了。 In this time, from that smog, broadcasts the Warrior sound of Heavenly Temple that Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, after that person sees itself the person body dead again and again, knew that very difficult in the hand to ask for advantage/cheap from Shi Yan and the others, gives up oneself decisively he, as soon as gives up, originally and Ai Ya and the others dogfight several now Heavenly Temple Warrior, calls a halt hurriedly, the calm face gathered side him. 就在此时,从那烟雾之中,传来天宫那名天位二重天境的武者声音,那人见自己这边人连连身死之后,自知很难从石岩等人手中讨到便宜,果断地放弃己他一放弃,本来和艾雅等人缠斗的几今天宫武者,也急忙停手,沉着脸聚集到了他身旁。 We have the opportunity.” That person looks dignified, several other teams in directional lakelet, said lightly: Cannot snatch them, we can snatch others' position, the team in lakelet, continues their.” “我们还有机会。”那人神情凝重,指向小湖中的另外几个团队,淡淡道:“抢不过他们,我们可以抢别人的位置,小湖中的团队,又不止他们一个。” Lakelet edge, Warrior of other five teams, listened to his such saying, the complexion suddenly changed, facial expressions were vigilant. 小湖边缘处,其余五个团队的武者,听他这么一说,脸色骤然一变,一个个神情警惕。 So good.”, Shi Yan, Henry, to Chi Xiao and the others nodded, they, since is so wise, we are not good to be ruthless, um, do not waste the physical strength, comes to rest, we looked that they fought to be life and death good.” “如此甚好。”,石岩,亨了一声,冲赤霄等人点了点头,“他们既然这么明智,我们也不好赶尽杀绝,嗯,都别浪费气力了,进来休息休息,我们看他们斗个你死我活好了。” Chi Xiao, Ai Ya and Cai Yi hear of Shi Yan such saying, simultaneously nodded, together walked. 赤霄艾雅彩衣石岩这么一说,同时点了点头,一同走了过来。 These people enter the lakelet, Shi Yan control the mind suddenly, transfers that Gravitational Field once more, making that Gravitational Field stop up directly before their bodies. 这几人一入小湖,石岩忽然操控心神,将那磁殛域场再次挪移,令那磁殛域场直接堵在他们的身前。 Such one, Warrior of surrounding, must kill to them, needs to face Gravitational Field. 这么一来,外围的武者,要杀向他们,就需要面对磁殛域场了。 Gravitational Field was together the death barrier, after stopping up that together, the Warrior heart of surrounding lived to fear intent, simultaneously gave up regarding the goal Shi Yan and the others. 磁殛域场乃是一道死亡屏障,堵住那一块之后,外围的武者心生惧意,同时放弃了将石岩等人当成目标。
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