GOS :: Volume #4

#400: Routing

The Shi Yan words fall, control this Gravitational Field gratefully, in Ning Ze toward that lakelet and the others the positions flushes away directly. 石岩话语一落,毫不客气的操控这磁殛域场,直接往那小湖中宁泽等人的方位冲去。 The lakelet center, that three formidable team, sees Gravitational Field to approach suddenly, simultaneously shows the dignified facial expression, will focus in Shi Yan together. 小湖中心,那三个强大的团队,一见磁殛域场骤然逼近,同时露出凝重的神情,一起将注意力放在了石岩身上。 In Gravitational Field mixed several different power, power are more, this Gravitational Field might is also enhanced. 磁殛域场中混合了数种不同的力量,力量越多,这磁殛域场的威力也随之增强。 Shi Yan I, although only then cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, energy extreme powerful that but in Gravitational Field has, this energy fluctuation makes the Warrior also heart of Sky Realm boundary live to fear intent sufficiently. 石岩本人虽然只有涅巢三重天之境的修为,可磁殛域场中存在的能量却极为的强悍,这股能量波动足以让天位境的武者也心生惧意。 Shi Yan hides first in Gravitational Field, when soon approaches Ning Ze and the others to that Gravitational Field time, he leaves to leave suddenly. 石岩先是藏身在磁殛域场中,待到那磁殛域场快要逼近宁泽等人的时候,他忽然抽身离开。 Gold/Metal silks, gyrate suddenly crazily in Gravitational Field, shining golden light interweaves mutually the distortion, in that Gravitational Field rapid is gyrating. 一条条金蚕丝,在磁殛域场中突然疯狂旋动起来,灿灿的金光相互交织扭曲,在那磁殛域场中飞速的旋动着。 Yu Ze and the others complexion great change. 宇泽等人脸色巨变。 As Heavenly Temple Warrior, they fully realize the gold/metal silk fierce, even if uses gold/metal silk cultivation them , can only control with own the gold/metal silk of smelting, others cultivation gold/metal silk, same has the huge lethality to them. 身为天宫武者,他们都深知金蚕丝的厉害,就算是利用金蚕丝修炼的他们,也只能控制和自身熔炼的金蚕丝,别人修炼的金蚕丝,对他们一样有着巨大的杀伤力。 Therefore, saw with own eyes that holds the gold/metal silk Gravitational Field to clash, but also keeps that Ning Ze and the others, in abundance avoidance. 因此,眼见含着金蚕丝的磁殛域场冲来,还留在那一块的宁泽等人,纷纷躲避。 Boy, you turn over to noisily noisily, do not affect us, otherwise do not blame us to collaborate to destroy completely you.” “小子,你闹归闹,不要波及到我们,否则别怪我们联手灭掉你们。” The lakelet center, whole face scabs Warrior of Third Sky of Sky Realm, looked that Gravitational Field is getting more and more near, suddenly has stood, gloomy face coldly snorted, was speaking the warning. 小湖中心,一名满脸伤疤的天位三重天之境武者,看那磁殛域场越来越近,忽然站了起来,阴沉着脸冷哼一声,出言警告。 Sits in ground several other now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior , the coldly looks at Shi Yan facial features are bad. 坐在地上的另外几今天位三重天之境武者,也冷冷看着石岩面容不善。 The area of lakelet not but greatly Shi Yan control Gravitational Field, actually unusual occupies the place, once Gravitational Field all floods into the lakelet lake all Warrior, will be affected, must withstand the injury of that Gravitational Field completely. 小湖的面积并不大而石岩操控的磁殛域场,却非常的占地方,一旦磁殛域场全部涌入小湖湖中所有的武者,都会受到波及,全部要承受那磁殛域场的伤害。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, nodded, said: Relax, we only want to occupy temporary lodging in inside, will not affect you.” 石岩淡然一笑,点了点头,道:“放心,我们只想要在里面占据一个落脚之地罢了,不会影响到你们的。” In the lakelet altogether has nine team that three teams to have Warrior of Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundary to assume personal command, if really has enraged all people, he also knows that the result will be definitely unattractive, therefore he has been controlling Gravitational Field carefully, making that Gravitational Field enter the speed of lakelet is very slow. 小湖中共有九个团队其中那三个团队都有涅巢三重天境的武者坐镇,真要是激怒了所有人,他也知道结果肯定不会好看,所以他一直小心控制着磁殛域场,让那磁殛域场进入小湖的速度很是缓慢。 Being critical situation Warrior of that several team, sees Shi Yan cautiously, the secret relaxing complexion of slightly is also more attractive, although is guarding against Shi Yan as before, the manner was better. 如临大敌的那几个团队的武者,见石岩小心翼翼,暗暗松了一口气脸色也稍稍好看一些,虽然依旧提防着石岩,态度却好了一些。 For them, so long as Shi Yan and the others were capable of substituting for Ning Ze, and does not affect their them not to inquire about, Ning Ze and the others the lives, they will not care. 对他们来说,只要石岩等人有能力取代宁泽,并且不影响他们他们并不会过问,宁泽等人的死活,他们才不会放在心上。 You go too far!” Among Ning Ze and the others, that has middle-aged Warrior of Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, the complexion one coldly, suddenly snort|hum Gravitational Field that bypassed approaches slowly, flushed from that lakelet. “你们欺人太甚!”宁泽等人中间,那个有着天位二重天境的中年武者,脸色一寒,突然哼了一声绕过缓缓逼近的磁殛域场,从那小湖中冲了出来。 Ning Ze and the others saw him to move, knows that must move the position to know, only then walked from the lakelet, avoided Gravitational Field truly in Shi Yan and the others in the fights, can ask for the advantage. 宁泽等人一见他行动了,也知道必须要挪挪位置了知道只有从小湖中走出来,真正避开磁殛域场了在和石岩等人的战斗中,才能讨到好处。 That person moves, Ning Ze one line of slightly one hesitant, has put suddenly on, changes into lightning, plunged Chi Xiao and Ai Ya directly. 那人一动,宁泽一行人略一犹豫,也忽然从中穿了出来,化为一道道电光,直接扑向了赤霄艾雅 You came out on “就等你们出来呢” In the Shi Yan heart sneers, when to discovering Ning Ze one line of drills after the lakelet, drills into Gravitational Field car(riage) originally slow Gravitational Field fiercely, quickly becomes wild incomparable, the speed of transferring becomes the extremely quick, instantaneous cover to three now Heavenly Temple Warrior. 石岩心中冷笑,待到发现宁泽一行人从小湖钻出以后,猛地钻入磁殛域场车本来缓慢的磁殛域场,倏地变得狂暴无比,挪移的速度变得极快,瞬间罩向三今天宫武者 That three talented people drill from the lakelet, simply has not thought that this Gravitational Field suddenly will change quick, carelessly, had been dragged into Center by that strong fierce attracting customer interest. 那三人才从小湖钻出来,根本没有想到这磁殛域场会骤然变快,一个不慎,就被那强猛的吸扯力拉入了〖中〗央 Gold/Metal silks suddenly bundle to them, is only among breaths, in the grating pitiful yell sound, these three has Warrior of Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundary, by gold/metal silk twisting smashing, at once by Gravitational Field violently leads, in an instant, has become hashed meat. 一条条金蚕丝瞬息间捆向他们,只是一息间,在刺耳的惨叫声中,这三名有着涅巢三重天境的武者,就被金蚕丝给绞成粉碎,旋即又被磁殛域场给猛烈的带动起来,转眼间,就成了一块块碎肉。 These Warrior that side surrounds, in hearts send coldly, looks fully to the Shi Yan expression is alarmed and afraid, subconscious start retreat, is distant to that Gravitational Field. 旁边围观的那些武者,一个个心中发寒,看向石岩的表情满是惊惧,下意识的开始后退,离那磁殛域场远远的。 Chi Xiao roar, a large amount of thick smokes fill the air from him, covers the body to lean ten meters position, in the thick smoke, the intermittent violent energy fluctuation, passes on unceasingly. 赤霄厉啸一声,大量的浓烟从他身上弥漫开来,笼罩住身侧十米的方位,在浓烟中,阵阵猛烈的能量波动,不断地传出来。 The Chi Xiao person in the thick smoke, puts out a hand to emit a silver colored ribbon, that colored ribbon splits up in the midair, the silver light is bright, immediately binds to that Heavenly Temple Warrior of Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, has dragged into that Warrior the thick smoke directly. 赤霄人在浓烟中,伸手放出一条银色的彩带,那彩带在半空分化开来,银光熠熠,马上裹向那一名天宫天位二重天境的武者,将那名武者直接拉入了浓烟中。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi elegant face one cold, that Datong money and rings, the escape from these two female hands come out together, in the shining gloss, covers Ning Ze and two Heavenly Temple Warrior. 艾雅彩衣俏脸一寒,那大通金钱和一个个圆环,一起从这两女手上飞逸出来,在灿灿光泽中,将宁泽和两名天宫武者罩住。 Shi Yan Ha Ha laughs wildly, Negative Energy spreads whole body, imposing manner rises suddenly suddenly, in a star light, before flickering carried over the Ning Ze body, lifts hand now Seal of Life to rumble, fell fiercely to Ning Ze. 石岩哈哈狂笑,负面力量蔓延全身,身上的气势骤然暴涨,在点点星光中,瞬移向了宁泽身前,抬手一今生印轰出,猛地落向了宁泽 Ning Ze coldly snorted, does not believe that only then Shi Yan of boundary of plan Third Sky, true power resists with him sufficiently hardly. 宁泽冷哼一声,根本不相信只有涅策三重天之境的石岩,真正的力量足以和他硬抗。 His two gloves three emerald pulling finger, falls offthat two to pull to refer to from his finger flying, has the extremely strong earth elementary force to wander about destitute, pulls refers to as if can inspire the productive capacity of the soil between heaven and earth. 他两手套着的三枚翡翠色的扳指,从他指头上脱落“那二枚扳指一飞出来,就有极其浓烈的土元力流落,扳指似乎可以引动天地间的土力。 In circling in flight, earth vigorous grand Intent Domain, pulls from three refers to the class coming out. 在飞旋中,一股大地浑厚壮阔的意境,从三枚扳指中流出来。 The Ning Ze ten fingers of fingertip, clear Essence Qi, inject that three to pull in abundance refers, making earth Intent Domain that three pull refers to strengthen, making that pull refers to spreading the vigorous energy fluctuation, raised hand to pat Seal of Life that to the bang to Shi Yan. 宁泽十指指尖,一道道晶莹的精元,纷纷注入那三枚扳指,令那三枚扳指的大地意境增强,使得那扳指传出浑厚之极的能量波动,对轰向了石岩扬手拍来的生印 The myriad things have mystical powers, this implied among heaven and earth life vigorous life force Intent Domain Seal of Life, hit fiercely to that three has pulled refers. 万物有灵,这暗含天地间生灵勃勃生机意境生印,猛地撞向了那三枚扳指。 Bang!” “轰!” Two violent energy fluctuations, are containing different martial arts Intent Domain respectively, the mutual impact in together, the energy fluctuation in that impact noise, splits the shining different light, dazzling such as smoke flower, making the person shock. 两种猛烈的能量波动,各自蕴藏着不同的武道意境,相互冲击在一块儿,能量波动在那撞击声中,绽出灿灿的异光,炫目如烟huā,让人为之震撼。 Life not inferior, each life has its originality, so long as has the biology of consciousness, inborn will regard the most valuable wealth the life. 生命无卑,每一种生灵都有其独到之处,只要拥有意识的生物,天生会将生命当成最为宝贵的财富。 This Seal of Life when rumbles, visibles faintly some human and Demonic Beast life form, these life forms are one by one different, appears in Seal of Life, pulls to refer to the earth basic Intent Domain washing out that three unexpectedly, pulls to refer to the earth violent force clearing away that three one side, does not make that pull refers to continuing with the aid of earth power. 生印在轰出的时候,隐约可见一些人类、妖兽的生命形态,那些生命形态各个不同,都在生印之中显现出来,竟将那三枚扳指中的大地之根本意境给冲散开来,将那三枚扳指中的土之猛力给涤荡到一旁,不让那扳指继续借助大地的力量 Only then Shi Yan of boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, comprehension life Intent Domain, seems to be more profound than that Sky Realm First Sky boundary Ning Ze comprehension foundation of Intent Domain of earth, this Divine Ability deep meaning did not have the division of too obvious strong and weak, under high of Intent Domain, completely is looks at Warrior regarding the understanding of Realm. 只有涅巢三重天之境的石岩,领悟的生命意境,似乎比那天位一重天境的宁泽领悟的大地之本意境还要深刻,这神通奥义原本没有太明显的强弱之分,意境的高下,全然是看武者对于境界的理解。 After entering this marvelous world, Shi Yan has been fighting, frequently is facing the life and death, although does not fear, corruptly read own life, he regarding the understanding that the life sought livehood, agreed without consultation the Seal of Life Intent Domain essence. 进入这个奇妙世界以后,石岩一直都在战斗,时刻面临着生死,虽然不惧死,却也贪念自身的生命,他对于生灵求生的理解,暗合生印意境本质。 He after Rampage, exerts power on Seal of Life, itself compared with Ning Ze in some, the comprehension of Intent Domain is also thorough than Ning Ze several points, the might that this Seal of Life forms instantaneously, naturally also got the winning side, washes out Ning Ze Intent Domain stiffly, then that three rays of light that pulls to refer to covering. 暴走之后的他,施加在生印上的力量,本身就比宁泽的强上一些,意境的领悟又比宁泽透彻几分,这生印瞬间形成的威力,自然也占据了上风,硬生生将宁泽意境冲散,进而将那三枚扳指上的光芒给覆盖。 Seal of Life covers, contains energy in Seal of Life, breaks in the Ning Ze position, Intent Domain falls into leeward Ning Ze, the self-confidence is damaged, was flushed by that Seal of Life, whole person loudly hit flew directly. 生印覆盖下来,蕴藏在生印之中的能量,也冲入宁泽的位置,意境落入下风的宁泽,自信心受创,被那生印给一冲,整个人轰然被撞的直接飞了出去。 The people in the midair, the body of Ning Ze then transmit flip-flop, the resounding, the skeleton of his body, as if cannot withstand Seal of Life this to strike, suddenly explodes. 人在半空,宁泽的身体便传来“噼啪”,的脆响,他身体的骨骼,似乎承受不住生印这一击,忽然爆裂开来。 Ning Ze has not fallen to the ground, whole body bloodstain, the face whiten was incomparable, the vigor significantly was also weakened. 宁泽尚未落地,已满身血迹,脸色苍白无比,精气神也被大大削弱了。 Sky Realm boundary how?”, Shi Yan sneers, you regarding the understanding of Martial Skills Intent Domain, obviously superficial, otherwise you not, only then I of Nirvana Origin boundary, Intent Domain washing out. Intent Domain is not loose, your three pull refers, can precise earth power, I not have that easy wound to you.” 天位境又如何?”,石岩冷笑,“你对于武技意境的认识,显然还是浅薄了一下,要不然你也不会被只有涅巢境的我,给将意境给冲散。意境不散,你那三枚扳指,就可以凝炼大地的力量,我也没那么容易伤到你。” Puchi!” 噗哧!” Ning Ze puts out a blood suddenly, the spirit does not have. 宁泽突然吐出一口鲜血,锐气全无。 Shi Yan not only has shelled his body with Seal of Life, but also destroys his will with the words, Warrior wants to display whole body power, powerful will, absolute self-confident essential. 石岩不但用生印轰击了他的身体,还用言辞来摧毁他的意志,一个武者想要将全身力量发挥出来,强悍的意志,绝对的自信必不可少。 When a person was untrustworthy including oneself, then he is[ body] in also has enough power, releases very much difficultly. 当一个人连自己都信不过了,那么他就算是〖体〗内还有足够的力量,也很难都释放出来。 Ning Ze is this. 宁泽就是这样。 The words attack of Shi Yan, has routed his self-confidence, making him give birth to be inferior to the Shi Yan thought immediately. 石岩的言辞攻击,击溃了他的自信,令他顿时生出一种自己不如石岩的念头了。 This thought emerges the heart, he again difficult to display power in a big way, insisted protects fleshly body, carries on the protection for the skeleton Essence Qi, suddenly Chaos a draw. 这个念头一涌入心头,他就再难将力量发挥到最大,本来坚持来防护肉身,为骨骼进行保护的一身精元,也突然间混乱了一平。 On such Essence Qi Chaos, making Shi Yan break in him[ body] in Seal of Life power outbreak, explodes he more bones, this made to put out a blood that Ning Ze could not stop, the whole person appeared incomparable exhausted. 就那么一下的精元混乱,让石岩冲入他〖体〗内的生印力量发作,将他更多的骨头爆裂开来,这才令宁泽止不住的吐出一口鲜血,整个人显得无比的疲惫。 Putting out of this blood, means him, when facing Shi Yan, cannot have self-confidently, this attack not only will affect this fight, will affect the Ning Ze life. 他这一口鲜血的吐出,意味着他在面对石岩的时候,再也不能拥有自信,这个打击不但会影响这场战斗,甚至会影响宁泽一生。 Lakelet Warrior of these Sky Realm Third Sky boundaries, after seeing Ning Ze falls to the ground, because the Shi Yan a few words mouth spits the blood, shook the head in abundance, knows that Ning Ze feared was finished. 小湖中的那些天位三重天境的武者,看到宁泽落地之后,因为石岩的一句话口吐鲜血,纷纷摇了摇头,知道宁泽怕是完蛋了。 These people look to the Shi Yan vision, even more dignified. 这几人看向石岩的目光,也愈加凝重了起来。 Destroys a body of person, majority of Warrior can achieve, but destroys a will of person, actually needs the savings of imposing manner, needs the big wisdom, but also needs the enough firm callous will. 摧毁一个人的身体,大部分的武者都可以做到,但摧毁一个人的意志,却需要气势的积蓄,需要大智慧,还需要足够坚定冷酷的心志。 Shi Yan is that type has the absolute self-confidence to oneself obviously, and believes one can exceed anybody, not because of the person who any difficulty will submit. 石岩显然是那种对自己有着绝对自信心,并且坚信自己可以胜过任何人,不会因为任何困难而屈服的人。 This kind of Warrior, is fearful! 这类武者,最是可怕! You are not my match.” A callousness of Shi Yan face, unhurriedly walks toward Ning Ze, does not worry to get rid actually , to continue the words attack. “你不是我的对手。”石岩一脸的冷酷,不慌不忙的朝着宁泽走去,倒是不着急出手,继续言辞打击。 The Ning Ze facial expression is alarmed and afraid, dull sitting there, unexpectedly flurried mind, reveals expression that does not know what to do. 宁泽神情惊惧,呆呆的坐在那儿,竟然慌乱了心神,露出如何是好的表情来。
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