GOS :: Volume #4

#399: Let a position give me!

Un?” The Shi Yan facial expression moves, immediately returns to the news! Why?” “嗯?”石岩神情一动,立即回讯!“为什么?” Here has power that we can restore.” Earthcore Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame returning news is consistent. “这里有我们可以恢复的力量。”地心火玄冰寒焰的回讯一致。 Shi Yan facial expression one happy, without demur, has communicated Blood Vein Ring immediately, transmits own regard. 石岩神情一喜,二话不说,马上沟通了血纹戒,传递出自己的心意。 Blood Vein Ring dawn appearance light, two groups of gigantic Fiery Flame, suddenly the escape comes out. 血纹戒蒙蒙亮出虹光,两团硕大的火炎,霍然从中飞逸出来。 After Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame leave Blood Vein Ring, immediately disperses, separately flies toward Vermilion Bird Mountain and Black Tortoise Mountain direction, the side that two big Heavenly Flame fly is quick, such as lightning. 玄冰寒焰地心火离开血玟戒之后,立即分散开来,分别朝着朱雀山脉玄武山脉的方向飞去,两大天火飞的极快,如电光 Suddenly, they arrived at Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise Mountain, submerges in that two big mountain range directly. 瞬息间,它们就到了朱雀玄武山脉,直接没入那两大山脉中。 The fierce taste, storm, wind and frost and thunder and lightning old city, as if cannot affect Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, their this flies all the way, Shi Yan had not seen that these disasters have the slight hindrance to them. 古城中的烈味、暴风、风霜、雷电,似乎不能影响玄冰寒焰地心火,它们这一路上飞去,石岩没有见到那些天灾对它们有丝毫的阻碍。 Saw that Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame vanish in Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise Mountain, Shi Yan is pleasantly surprised, knows indistinctly that Vermilion Bird Mountain roaring flame and Black Tortoise Mountain frost ice, as if can supplement power that Earthcore Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame lose. 看到玄冰寒焰地心火朱雀玄武山脉中消失,石岩又惊又喜,隐约知道那朱雀山脉的烈焰和玄武山脉冰霜,似乎能够补充地心火玄冰寒焰失去的力量 Knows that Vermilion Bird Mountain and Black Tortoise Mountain after two Fiery Flame are of great advantage, Shi Yan is very joyful, even more thought that the tour of this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist was coming right. 知道那朱雀山脉玄武山脉对两种火炎大有好处之后,石岩很是欣喜,愈发觉得这趟暗磁雾瘴之行算是来对了。 Hides in Gravitational Field, Shi Yan does not worry to go to that old city center actually, by far there looks at, while continues unhurriedly catches up toward that old city center, death Warrior Dead body one by one will collect on the way, pulled into Gravitational Field. 躲藏在磁殛域场中,石岩倒是不着急前往那古城中心,一边远远看着那儿,一边继续不慌不忙的往那古城中心赶,将途中死亡的武者尸体一一收集起来,扯入了磁殛域场中。 Near silver lakelet. 银色小湖边。 The fierce combat, the brutal fight like a raging fire is performing, came from strength is not weak Divine Great Land these Warriorcan enter this Exotic Land old city truly ”, some body rare treasure self-defense, Martial Skills also quite mysterious. 刀光剑影,残酷的战斗正在如火如荼的上演着,来自于神州大地的那些武者”能够真正进入这异地古城的”实力都不弱,身上都有些秘宝防身,武技也是颇为的玄奥。 In order to usurps a own position in that silver lakeletthese Warrior encirclements in the surrounding, starts toward the Warrior attack. 为了能够在那银色小湖中强占一个属于自己的位置”这些武者环绕在外围,开始朝着其中的武者攻击。 Is centered on this lakelet, all Warrior displays own Martial Skills, takes out the rare treasure, to survive to fight. 以这小湖为中心,各方武者纷纷施展出自己的武技,取出秘宝,为了生存而战。 At this time in that lakelet, nine teams, have wrested away the position of lakelet. 此时那小湖中,有九个团队,已将小湖的位置霸占住了。 These nine teams have 70-80 people, among nine teams is separated by very for a long time, distinguishes right from wrong, Warrior of nine teams, reveal imposing manner that the rare treasure on hand is splendid, is the indifferent looks at surrounding. 这九个团队有七八十人,九个团队之间相隔很久,泾渭分明,九个团队的武者,一个个将身上的气势显露出来,手上的秘宝熠熠生辉,都是冷眼看着外围。 Lakelet center, three teams, in each team, two now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, these people at this time have not hidden the strength, powerful imposing manner spread will come in abundance, with own great strengthwarned person who these surrounding eye covetously. 小湖最中心,有三个团队,每一个团队之中,都有两今天位三重天之境武者,这些人此时都没有隐藏实力,纷纷将身上强悍的气势扩散开来,用自身的强大”来警告那些外围虎视眈眈的人。 The three teams of lakelet center, strength most powerful in the entire old city, these three teams are dominating the lakelet center firmly, bodies release the formidable imposing manner, takes the rare treasure, by indifferent looks at. 小湖最中心的三个团队,在整个古城中实力最为强悍,这三个团队牢牢把持着小湖中心,一个个身上释放出强大的气势,将秘宝取出来,冷眼看着旁边。 The border place in lakeletsix teams are surrounding, in these six teams has Second Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, same grasps the rare treasure. 小湖中的边沿处”又有六个团队环绕着,这六个团队中都有天位二重天之境武者,一样是手持秘宝。 In six teamshas three teams to face the attack of surrounding Warrior, in these three teams has Second Sky of Sky Realm Warriorstrength to be relatively weak. 六个团队中”有三个团队正面临着周围武者的攻击,这三个团队中都只有一名天位二重天之境武者”实力相对较弱。 Also because of so, Warrior of surrounding, has settled on their position, wants to displace. 也是因为如此,外围的武者,看准了他们的位置,想要取而代之。 Warrior of that three team, in the lakelet, fully gets rid, strikes to kill nearby provocation by strongest power, wants through hunting and killing these people, frightens more people. 那三个团队的武者,就在小湖中,全力出手,以最强的力量来击杀旁边的挑衅者,想要通过猎杀那些人,来震慑更多的人。 Another three strong teams, does not have team like that unflustered sitting of Sky Realm Third Sky Warrior like central that there, has stood, is alerting secretly, looks at the abandoned surroundings carefully. 另外三个较强的团队,也不像最中心那有天位三重天武者的团队那般从容不迫的坐在那儿,都站了起来,暗暗戒备着,小心看弃周围。 In this has Heavenly Temple Ningxia chestnut Ning Ze and that two now Sky Realm boundary boundary Warrior, is Warrior of Heavenly Temple clothing stands with five in similarly together, the whole face sneers, facial expression gloomy and cold, rare treasure glittering on hand astonishing energy gloss, as if next quarter fully under killer. 这里面就有天宫的宁栗宁泽和那两今天位境境武者,和五名同样是天宫服饰的武者站在一块儿,满脸冷笑,神情阴冷,手上的秘宝闪烁着惊人的能量光泽,似乎下一刻就会全力下杀手。 Ai Ya, Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, in the surrounding of lakelet, actually do not dare to enter the place of strategic point, for fear that is hit by the unexpected misfortune, by the fight of that Chaos affecting. 艾雅彩衣赤霄等人,在小湖的外围,却不敢进入要害之地,生怕遭受无妄之灾,被那混乱的战斗给波及了。 By the lakelet, dozens Dead body fresh blood drip flowing, was killed in the battle. 小湖旁边,数十具尸体血淋漓,都是在交战中被杀的。 Regarding the lakelet, the brutal fight is in progress, once for a while has the new team to win, strikes to kill other team Warrior in lakelet, then enters. 围绕着小湖,残酷的战斗正在进行,时不时有新的团队获胜,将小湖中的别的团队武者击杀,进而进入其中。 At once, these move into the new team of lakelet , met with Warrior the challenge on point of departure, died in this moment, becomes extremely easy. 旋即,这些入驻小湖的新团队,又会面临别的武者的挑战,死亡在这一刻,变得极为的容易。 Ning Ze saw Cai Yi and Ai Ya obviously, but at this moment, Ning Ze and the others have not come out to cope with Cai Yi and Ai Ya from that lakelet, is only indifferent looks at Cai Yi and Ai Ya, as to see them ripping the smashing by Demonic Beast. 宁泽显然看见了彩衣艾雅,不过在这个时刻,宁泽等人并未从那小湖中出来对付彩衣艾雅,只是冷眼看着彩衣艾雅,似乎想看到她们被妖兽给撕成粉碎。 How hasn't Shi Yan come?” The fight of Zuo Shi looks at lakelet, sucks the tongue secretly, the look is somewhat startled, these people were completely insane, this way, does not wait for Demonic Beast to come, here most person, in killing one another dead.” 石岩怎么还没来?”左诗看着小湖的战斗,暗暗咂舌,眼神有些惊慌,“这些人全部都疯了,这样下去,不等妖兽过来,这里大半的人,都会在自相残杀中死去。” Shi Yan, since is confident, surely does not have the matter, Xiao Shi you do not need to be worried that the boy cannot regard with the common sense.” Chi Xiao has pulled the corners of the mouth, forced smile said: Separates for several years, the boy has achieved the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, does not know how really he is cultivation. Yeah, I think that you have sufficed outstanding, may compare with this boy, you were bad.” 石岩既然有信心,肯定没有事情的,小诗你不用担心,那小子不能用常理来看待。”赤霄扯了扯嘴角,苦笑道:“才分开几年,那小子已经达到涅巢三重天之境,真不知道他是怎么修炼的。哎,我本以为你已经够出众的,可和这小子一比,你还是差了一些啊。” Xiao Shi, looked after you, has not dared diligently!” Zuo Xu stared her one eyes. 小诗,看你以后还敢不努力!”左虚瞪了她一眼。 Bang!” “轰!” Expert fist of Warrior by lakelet was rumbled, falls to Zuo Xu and the others the direction time, the body explodes suddenly, the blood rain flutters about. 一个武者被小湖中的强者一拳轰出,落向左虚等人方向的时候,身体突然爆开来,血雨纷飞。 A Chi Xiao brow wrinkle, puts out a hand to wield void, bunches of white smog have fluttered, these blood rain and hashed meat belts to one side. 赤霄眉头一皱,伸手虚空一挥,一簇簇的白色烟雾飘过,将那些血雨和碎肉带向一旁。 Really is fearful, here fellow, is fiercer than our Merchant Union Warrior, savage are many. Our Merchant Union security, since arrived here, we lost too many people, if here had also been killed, our explorations, too were sorrowful.” Zuo Xu sighed low-spirited. Zuo Shi is also repeatedly nodded, spits tongue, complained: Is you must seek, otherwise we will not die that many people.” “真是可怕,这里的家伙,比我们商盟武者厉害多了,也凶残多了。还是我们商盟安全,自从来到这里,我们已经损失了太多人,如果也在这里被人袭杀了,我们这趟探险,就真的太悲哀了。”左虚黯然叹道。左诗也是连连点头,吐了吐舌头,抱怨道:“都是你们俩非要寻来,要不然我们也不会死那么多人。” Chi Xiao hear of her such saying, sighed. 赤霄听她这么一说,也是叹了一口气。 Shi Yan came!”, Ai Ya drinks one suddenly lowly. 石岩来了!”,艾雅忽然低喝一声。 Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, turn head to look hurriedly to behind. 彩衣赤霄等人,急忙回头望向身后 The giant ash-gray tornado, approaches from distant place slowly, ” has dozens corpses ups and downs in that tornado, drags the fresh posture along with gyration of tornado. 巨大的灰色龙卷风,从远处缓缓逼近,在那龙卷风之中”有数十具尸身沉浮着,随着龙卷风的旋动而摇曳生姿。 In the rear area of that ash-gray tornado, dozens Demonic Beast whooshedalso to clash, although these Demonic Beast in fiercely shouted, are actually not daring to enter. 在那灰色龙卷风的后方,数十头妖兽嘶吼着”也冲了过来,那些妖兽虽然都在厉叫着,却不敢进入其中。 Shi Yan in tornado, the facial expression is callous, on the face transgresses grins fiendishly, Demonic Beast that coldly looks at encloses, unperturbed does not fear. 龙卷风中的石岩,神情冷酷,脸上逸出狞笑,冷冷看着围上的妖兽,夷然不惧。 „! Also came a fierce person, this second half did not have our positions!”, Who „is that boy? Before probably hadn't seen? Also is seven ancient faction people?”, Idle talk! It is not seven ancient faction people, how can that powerful?”, Encircles Warrior by lakelet, noted to hide in tornado Shi Yan, dozens corpses of looks at that ups and downs, in Demonic Beast that outside Gravitational Field does not dare to break, these people showed the alarmed and afraid expression, much discussion. “靠!又来了一个猛人,这下半更没我们的位置了!”,“那小子是谁?以前好像没见过?也是七古派的人?”,“废话!不是七古派的人,怎会那么强悍?”,围在小湖旁边的武者,也同时注意到了藏身在龙卷风的石岩,看着那沉浮的数十具尸首,还有在磁殛域场外面不敢冲入的妖兽,这些人一个个露出惊惧的表情,纷纷议论起来。 Does not blame them to be afraidthese Dead body and Demonic Beast manner, fully explained the issue. 不怪他们害怕”那些尸体妖兽的态度,足以说明问题。 Although looks like Shi Yan, only then * cultivation base of boundary of Third Sky, the imposing manner that but Shi Yan shows at this moment, makes people scared. 虽然看起来石岩只有涅*三重天之境的修为,可这一刻石岩展现出来的气势,却让人为之胆寒。 In hundred meters ash-gray tornado, energy of Chaos distortion is interweaving soul-stirringly ”! 百米的的灰色龙卷风中,混乱扭曲的能量交织着”惊心动魄! Anybody can see fierce of that Gravitational Field, sees with own eyes Shi Yan to arrive, but also encircles outside these Warrior, is only slightly one hesitant, gives way to traffic hurriedly, does not dare to block the Shi Yan road. 任何人都看得出那磁殛域场的厉害,眼见石岩到来,还围在外面的那些武者,只是略一犹豫,急忙避让开来,竟不敢挡住石岩的路。 The three strongest teams of that silver lakelet centeralso noted Shi Yan, that several now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, will focus in Shi Yan in abundance. 就连那银色小湖中心处的三个最强的团队”也都注意到了石岩的,那几今天位三重天之境武者,纷纷将注意力放在石岩身上。 The Ning Ze complexion changeslooks at that Shi Yan comes suddenly, officially informed people around one hurriedly, was he!”, Heavenly Temple Sky Realm Second Sky Warrior, listened to a Ning Ze such saying, the look fiercely one brightly, stared instantaneously to Shi Yan. 宁泽脸色骤然一变”看着石岩过来,急忙知会了身边人一声,“就是他了!”,一名天宫天位二重天武者,听宁泽这么一说,眼神猛地一亮,瞬间盯向了石岩 motherfucker, it seems like and wanted few position. This boy is so fierce, that six teams of lakelet border, some people must certainly have bad luck.” 妈的,看来又要少一个位置了。这小子如此厉害,小湖边沿的那六个团队,肯定有人要倒霉了。” Yes, this time was really has had bad luck, that many Demonic Beast, a while must unable to enter, can we by Demonic Beast tearing into shreds?”, And other opportunities, so long as there is an opportunity, we immediately drill into. Compelled anxiously, must make these fellows not feel better not awfully!”, These Warrior of conversation, reveal the ruthless color that fierce does not fear, in this brutal environment, to maintain a livelihood, coming out that their anything makes. “是啊,这次真是倒霉了,那么多妖兽,一会儿要走进不去,我们岂不是都要被妖兽给撕碎?”,“等机会吧,只要有一丝机会,我们就马上钻入。逼急了,不要命也要让那些家伙不好过!”,交谈的那些武者,纷纷露出悍不畏死的狠色,在这残酷的环境下,为了活命,他们什么都做的出来。 Shi Yan, we here!” Zuo Shi waves, on clear small face, full is joyful. 石岩,我们在这里!”左诗挥手,晶莹的小脸上,满是喜悦。 Shi Yan in Gravitational Field, grins to smile, is controlling Gravitational Field, the position collections is slowly near toward Zuo Shi and the others. 磁殛域场中的石岩,咧嘴笑了笑,操控着磁殛域场,缓缓朝着左诗等人的方位集近。 Peripheral Warrior, sees him the directions to close up toward Zuo Xu and the others, heart inside obloquied that actually honestly makes way, for fear that by the Shi Yan ash-gray tornado affecting. 周边的武者,一见他往左虚等人的方向靠拢,心里面大骂,却还是老实让开来,生怕会被石岩的灰色龙卷风给波及到了。 Lakelet Center Warrior of that three strongest team, looked that to Shi Yan that threatening to come, when approaches after Shi Yan, these people neglect one, has revealed the panic-stricken god quietly. 小湖〖中〗央的那三个最强团队的武者,都看向气势汹汹而来的石岩,待到石岩靠近之后,那些人忽视一眼,都露出了惊骇的神悄。 Leaves was near, they also saw Gravitational Field abundant Chaos power interwines, has had extremely the fluctuation of terrifying, they, cannot guarantee to enter in Gravitational Field, to be whether able to be safe and sound. 离的近了,他们也就看出了磁殛域场之丰混乱力量交织在一起,产生了极其恐怖的波动,就连他们,都不敢保证进入磁殛域场中,能否安然无恙。 Hundred meters ash-gray tornado, is binding Shi Yan, with dozens corpses, approaches slowly, these rear Demonic Beast, saw here to gather that many Warrior, in abundance not awfully threw, toward also drew to throw in these Warrior of surrounding. 百米的灰色龙卷风,裹着石岩,和数十具尸首,慢慢逼近,那些后方的妖兽,一看到这里聚集了那么多的武者,纷纷不要命的扑上来,朝着还拉在外围的那些武者扑来。 These Demonic Beast have dozens heads, but also is not the main force, many Demonic Beast draw in the rear area, fast is catching up. 这些妖兽有数十头,还算不上主力,更多的妖兽拉在后方,也在快速赶来。 The situation was even more precipitous. 形势愈加险峻了。 After Shi Yan comes, Gravitational Field in the lakelet surrounding anchorage, knits the brows to look at once to the nine Warrior teams in lakelet. 石岩过来之后,将磁殛域场在小湖外围定住,旋即皱眉看向小湖中的九个武者团队。 The person of that nine Warrior teams, discovered time that Shi Yan looks, complexions change, secretly is alerting, for fear that Shi Yan stared to them. 那九个武者团队的人,发现石岩看过来的时候,一个个脸色微变,都在暗暗戒备,生怕石岩盯向了他们。 You. “你们。 Shi Yan looked, at once cracks into a smile, puts out a hand Heavenly Temple team that aims at Ning Ze to be, said: You come out, making a position give me.”, Ning Ze complexion one cold. 石岩看了一下,旋即咧嘴一笑,伸手指向宁泽所在的天宫团队,道:“你们出来吧,让个位置给我。”,宁泽脸色一寒。 That has the Second Sky of Sky Realm middle-aged person, changed the complexion. 那名有着天位二重天之境的中年人,也是变了脸色。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi, our goals, were they.” Shi Yan is pointing at Ning Ze and the others, said lightly: Our time were not much, has killed them, was good to sit to rest slightly.”, Ai Ya, Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others eye one bright, simultaneously nodded. 艾雅彩衣,我们的目标,就是他们了。”石岩指着宁泽等人,淡淡道:“我们时间不多,杀了他们,也好坐下来稍稍休息一下。”,艾雅彩衣赤霄等人眼睛一亮,同时点了点头
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