GOS :: Volume #4

#398: Slaughters brutally

Chapter 388 第388章 Slaughters brutally 残酷杀戮 After Shi Yan calls out, that hangs in the two overlapping rivers of space, suddenly had the change. 石岩一声暴喝过后,那悬在天上的两条交叉的河流,忽然发生了变化。 Interweaving of that two rivers, blows out radiant dazzling rays of light, an extremely violent energy fluctuation, passed from that intersection suddenly. 那两条河流的交织点,爆出璀璨炫目的光芒,一股极其猛烈的能量波动,突然从那交叉点传了出来。 In shining rays of light, in that two overlapping rivers, rays of light glittering, sink to ancient human bodies, was led about vicissitude by the rivers, the rare treasure that in the rivers as if has, visibles faintly, seems converging toward that intersection. 在灿灿光芒,那两条交叉的河流中,一道道光芒闪烁,沉入其中的一具具古尸,被河流带动的上下浮沉,河流中仿佛存在的秘宝,隐约可见,似乎都在朝着那交叉点汇合。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Lightly silver raindrop, declines from that intersection, the light rain in a flash has become the torrential downpour, the silver water screen waters from the day, falls into central one of the old city the lakelet. 淅淅沥沥的银色雨点,从那交叉点中落下来,小雨转瞬间成了倾盆大雨,银色水帘从天浇灌下来,落入古城的中心一个浅浅的小湖。 The lakelet had been dried up, after these silver raindrops pour into, fast was at once moist, very short time, that lakelet had several centimeters water. 小湖本来干枯了,在那些银色雨点注入之后,旋即快速湿润了,很短的时间,那小湖就有了几厘米的积水。 The silver lakelet, emits the misty silver light, covers from the day that region. 银色的小湖,冒出蒙蒙的银光,将那一块区域从天笼罩。 When that several Demonic Beast, originally near lakelet, by that silver waterdrop to moving, the Demonic Beast sad and shrill scream, changes into the bloody water in the extremely short time in abundance. 那一块的几头妖兽,本来就在小湖附近,被那银色水滴给碰触时,妖兽纷纷凄厉的尖叫起来,在极短的时间化为血水。 However, Warrior of there accumulation, was given the sputtering after by that silver waterdrop, is safe and sound. 然而,那里聚集的武者,被那银色水滴给溅射后,却安然无恙。 From the discount for difference of amount of silver in coins of day dropping, as if specifically aims at Demonic Beast, a damage to human Warrior not point. 从天滴落的银水,似乎专门针对妖兽,对人类武者没有一点的损伤。 The occurrence of this mutation, making that Warrior be overjoyed, but also Warrior of pacing back and forth surrounding, broke in the lakelet hurriedly, by that silver rays of light covering. 这个异变的发生,让那一块的武者大喜过望,还徘徊外围的武者,急忙冲入了小湖中,被那银色光芒给笼罩。 Approaches that some Demonic Beast, sees these Warrior to drill into the silver lakelet, although reveals the extreme hatred the vision, actually does not dare to break in the lakelet, does not dare to approach these silver light, as if knows that these silver light specifically aim at them, only dares in surrounding maliciously looks at humanity Warrior. 靠近那一块的一些妖兽,一见那些武者钻入银色小湖中,虽然露出极度仇恨的目光,却不敢冲入小湖,不敢靠近那些银光,似乎知道那些银光专门针对它们,只敢在外围狠狠地看着人类武者 Toward Warrior of old city center accumulation, had discovered the after unusual form in lakelet, each facial expression rouses, dies clashes toward that lakelet. 都朝着古城中心聚集的武者,发现了小湖的异状之后,各个神情振奋,更加没命的朝着那小湖冲。 Anybody looked, this old city other region was unsafe, only then the central lakelet, can prevent the attack of Demonic Beast. 任何人都看出来了,这古城别的区域都不安全,只有中心的小湖,才可以防止妖兽的攻击。 Shi Yan star light, has found that side marvelousness exhaltedly, immediately called to shout: Fires into there!” 石岩身上星光点点,也居高临下的瞧见了那边的奇妙,当即叫喊道:“冲向那里!” Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others the facial expression are encouraged, saw the hope, hurriedly from fortress stone, Cai Yi and Ai Ya of Sky Realm boundary, float side Shi Yan, called out: Must as soon as possible, the Demonic Beast accumulation were many, we are very sad.” 艾雅彩衣等人神情振奋,也看到了希望,急忙从石堡石台中走了出来,天位境的彩衣艾雅,悬浮在石岩身旁,叫道:“必须要尽快,妖兽聚集的多了,我们很难过去。” Ai Ya and Cai Yi, you take Lao li and Lao Lun. Chi Xiao Senior, you take Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, flies directly at the maximum speed, I come for your damage control.” Shi Yan sinks to shout to clear the way. 艾雅彩衣,你们带上劳里劳伦赤霄前辈,你将左虚左诗带上,直接以最快的速度飞过去,我来为你们善后。”石岩沉喝道。 Chi Xiao without demur, raises Zuo Xu, raises Zuo Shi, immediately flies side Shi Yan. 赤霄二话不说,一手提左虚,一手提左诗,马上飞到石岩身旁。 Shi Yan, can you?” Zuo Shi is worried about him, by Chi Xiao is proposing time, but also elongation head, an anxiety of face, that many Demonic Beast, but you have Third Sky of Nirvana Realm cultivation base, but also by far and not on these Demonic Beast quantities, you, if the damage control, will be dangerous.” 石岩,你可以么?”左诗担心他,被赤霄提着的时候,还伸长脑袋,一脸的紧张,“那么多的妖兽,而你虽然有着涅槃三重天之境修为,但也远远及不上这些妖兽的数量啊,你要是善后,会非常危险的。” „Are you good?” Ai Ya also asked one, but on her face does not have many relational meaning, she worried that Shi Yan cannot complete the work of this damage control, will make her situation difficult. “你行不行?”艾雅也问了一句,不过她脸上却没有多少的关系意思,她只是担心石岩不能完成这善后的工作,会让她处境艰难。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi, do not want to bring Lao li and Lao Lun, in the hand to propose one person actually, if faces Demonic Beast, the hands tied feet tied, will be very difficult to display the true strength, the speed of march also will change slow. 艾雅彩衣,其实不想带劳里劳伦,手上提着一人,要是面对妖兽,将会束手束脚,很难发挥出真正的实力,行进的速度也会变缓。 Few idle talk!” Shi Yan coldly snorted, before we have not left Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, must work with concerted efforts, Lao li they do not arrive at the Sky Realm boundary, cannot soar, if you this time lagged behind them, I can also lag behind you. I just looked, that lakelet position are not many, a while we rushed, that lakelet has perhaps stood the person, when the time comes we want, must catch up with others to come out, if at this time of one mind, when the time comes were not short for one point to boost.” “少废话!”石岩冷哼一声,“我们没有离开暗磁雾瘴之前,必须同心协力,劳里两人不到天位境,不能飞翔,你们如果这时候拉下他们,我也可以拉下你们。我刚刚看了一下,那小湖位置不多,一会儿等我们赶到的时候,那小湖说不定就站满了人,到时候我们想要进去,必须赶别人出来,这时候要是不齐心,到时候就少了一分助力。” Lao li and Lao Lun reveal grateful expression. 劳里劳伦露出感激的神色 Ai Ya and Cai Yi hear of Shi Yan such saying, reluctantly agreed that is no longer wordy, puts out a hand they to mention Lao li. 艾雅彩衣石岩这么一说,才勉强同意了下来,不再啰嗦,伸手将劳里两人提起。 Walks!” “走!” Bellows, Shi Yan suddenly revolution Gravitational Field, three huge Gravitational Field, such as the crazy meat grinder, spreads the intermittent grating howl at this moment. 大吼一声,石岩忽然运转磁殛域场,三个巨大的磁殛域场,这一刻如疯狂的绞肉机,传出阵阵刺耳的啸声。 Three Gravitational Field fluctuated immediately position, winds around Demonic Beast that to approach toward the surrounding, is Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others set aside one to fire into the old city central road. 三个磁殛域场马上变幻了方位,朝着外围缭绕的妖兽逼近,为赤霄彩衣等人腾出一条冲向古城中央的路来。 Zuo Xu and the others do not dare to hesitate, sees have the road to walk, immediately speeds along fully, goes toward that old city center. 左虚等人不敢犹豫,一见有路可走,立即全力飞驰起来,朝着那古城中心而去。 Shi Yan draws in finally, look ice is cold, Hehe sneers, controls this Gravitational Field by the mind, eliminated the path for that Zuo Xu and the others. 石岩拉在最后,眼神冰寒,嘿嘿冷笑一声,以心神掌控这磁殛域场,为那左虚等人肃清道路。 Three Gravitational Field, the encirclement in Zuo Xu and the others the body sides, making these Demonic Beast not dare to approach. 三个磁殛域场,就环绕在左虚等人的身侧,令那些妖兽不敢靠近。 Has these three Gravitational Field, Zuo Xu one line of do not need the worry body side and behind Demonic Beast, proceeds to flush away. 有这三个磁殛域场在,左虚一行人不需要顾忌身侧和身后妖兽,一路往前冲去。 Shi Yan is controlling Gravitational Field finally, when leaves to that Zuo Xu three talented people, immediately again the fluctuation intention, making three Gravitational Field get together, has become gigantic incomparable ash-gray tornado. 石岩在最后掌控磁殛域场,待到那左虚三人才一离开,马上再次变幻心念,令三个磁殛域场一起聚合,成了一个硕大无比的灰色龙卷风。 After three Gravitational Field fuse, this ash-gray tornado covers heaven and earth simply, soon compared favorably with that hundred meters fortress. 三个磁殛域场融合之后,这灰色龙卷风简直遮天盖地,快要比得上那百米的石堡了。 Dozens fierce Demonic Beast, saw with own eyes that Zuo Xu and the others flew away, suddenly kills completely, stares at Shi Yan not to put. 数十头凶猛的妖兽,眼见左虚等人飞走,突然全部扑杀过来,盯着石岩不放。 Sees with own eyes the Demonic Beast attack, Shi Yan is unhurriedly, changes into one bunch of star light, submerged in this giant ash-gray tornado instantaneously, is controlling this ash-gray tornado , the directions goes toward Chi Xiao and the others. 眼见妖兽来袭,石岩不慌不忙,化为一束星光,瞬间没入了这巨大的灰色龙卷风中,操控着这灰色龙卷风,也往赤霄等人的方向而去。 In in Gravitational Field, Demonic Beast that coming does not dare to approach, but in surrounding cut-throat is staring at Shi Yan. 身在磁殛域场中,过来的妖兽根本不敢靠近,只是在外围凶狠的盯着石岩 This ash-gray tornado has monopolized Zuo Xu and the others behind thoroughly, Demonic Beast wants across the tornado, must detour. 这灰色龙卷风将左虚等人后方彻底垄断了,妖兽想要穿过龙卷风,必须要绕路。 When they detour, Shi Yan gratefully displays Seal of Life and Death, bang of seal knacks from two come out, staggering along that Seal of Life and Death in the huge rumbled sound, detours Demonic Beast that hits these. 在它们绕路的时候,石岩则是毫不客气的施展出生死印,一道道印诀从两手之中轰出来,生死印在巨大的轰鸣声,将那些绕路的妖兽打的跌跌撞撞。 This Gravitational Field by him constructing, him naturally by Gravitational Field the strength of strangling to death, did not fall into, his thought moves, these hide in gold/metal silk, by restraint in a region, was given the influence by Gravitational Field power, is stranded is motionless in a place. 磁殛域场被他给构建出来,他自然不受磁殛域场的绞杀之力,落入其中后,他念头动了动,那些藏匿在其中的金蚕丝,就被束缚在一个区域,被磁殛域场力量给影响,困在一个地方不动。 The gold/metal silk is sharp, even if he, cannot guarantee whether fleshly body can receive. 金蚕丝锋利无比,就算是他,也不敢保证肉身是否能够受到了。 At this time the situation is critical, he does not dare to try the gold/metal silk fierce, in Gravitational Field, he stagnates motionless, concentrating on is controlling, goes toward that old city center slowly. 此时形势危急,他也不敢来尝试金蚕丝的厉害,在磁殛域场中,他停滞不动,全神贯注的控制着,缓缓往那古城中心而去。 Chi Xiao and the others are speeding along in the midair, sees Demonic Beast to close up, directly gives way to traffic, really evaded, the meeting strength got rid, pushed these Demonic Beast one side on the line. 赤霄等人在半空中飞驰着,一看到妖兽靠拢,就直接避让开来,实在避不过了,才会合力出手,将那些妖兽推挤到一边就行。 Did not strive for hunting and killing many Demonic Beast, but in order to won time, good catching up as soon as possible to that old city center. 不求猎杀多少妖兽,只是为了能够多争取一点时间,好尽快的赶向那古城中心。 Chi Xiao and Ai Ya procedure, without doubt is extremely correct. 赤霄艾雅的做法,无疑是极为正确的。 Demonic Beast from four looks like around mountain range to clash, most Demonic Beast, in the surrounding of old city, are closest to that old city, Demonic Beast are instead less. 妖兽是从四象山脉周围冲进来,大多数的妖兽,都在古城的外围,离那古城最近,妖兽反而越少。 Warrior that old city center, gathered, hides in the silver lakelet, got rid to cut to kill some Demonic Beast, cutting there Demonic Beast quantity part. 古城中心处,已经聚集的武者,躲藏在银色小湖中,也出手斩杀了一些妖兽,使得那里妖兽的数量又减少了一部分。 Therefore, is nearer to that old city center, Demonic Beast that actually faces are less , is quite naturally safe. 因此,离那古城中心越近,其实面对的妖兽越少,自然也相当安全。 Actually surrounding, because Demonic Beast comes in swarms, has not seen clearly the situation Warrior, by Demonic Beast submerging, is quickly by Demonic Beast worrying the fragment. 倒是外围,因为妖兽蜂拥而来,没有看清形势的武者,被妖兽给淹没了,则是很快被妖兽给撕咬成碎片。 Gravitational Field is circling in flight, the speed is not quick, all the way, Shi Yan gets rid again and again, along the road ten have the Warrior corpse that just died to pull into Gravitational Field, absorbs these Warrior essence, instead the harvest is not small. 磁殛域场飞旋着,速度并不快捷,一路上,石岩连连出手,将沿路的十来具刚死的武者尸首扯入磁殛域场,吸收那些武者的精气,反而收获不小。 Reason that he is willing heavy responsibility that undertakes to bring up the rear, has seized the opportunity, wants while Chaos, absorbs these Warrior essence. 他之所以甘愿承担断后的重任,也是看准了时机,想要趁着混乱,来吸收这些武者的精气。 Some Gravitational Field, him do not need to be worried one will be given to submerge by Demonic Beast, has this self-confidently, also meets such good opportunity by chance, he naturally cannot let off. 磁殛域场在,他不用担心自己会被妖兽给淹没,有这个自信在,又恰巧遇到这么好的时机,他自然不会放过了。 Ten have the Warrior corpse, tied up in a Gravitational Field corner, with the gold/metal silk in together, was bound stubbornly by Gravitational Field power. 十来具武者的尸身,也被捆缚在磁殛域场的一个角落,和金蚕丝在一块儿,被磁殛域场力量给死死裹住。 When these Warrior essence flow in his body, he will also put out a hand several Monster Core receiving Imaginary Space Ring, will be controlling Gravitational Field unhurriedly, will close up toward the center of that old city. 在那些武者精气流入他身体的时候,他也伸手将其中的几枚妖晶给收入幻空戒,不慌不忙的操控着磁殛域场,朝着那古城的中心靠拢。 The silver lakelet of old city center, has the mutation suddenly again. 古城中心的银色小湖,忽然再次发生异变。 The silver lakelet only then ten square meters, area is not big, Warrior that can hold, to most ten people. 银色小湖只有十平方米,面积并不大,能够容纳的武者,也至多数十人。 First enters these Warrior of lakelet, is enjoying not by the peace of Demonic Beast attack, will decide however is not willing again from will leave. 先进入小湖的那些武者,享受着不受妖兽袭击的安宁,定然不会愿意再从其中离开。 However, breaks in this old city center from the surrounding with great difficulty Warrior, enters inside wholeheartedly. 然而,从外围好不容易冲入这古城中心的武者,也是一心进入里面。 That lakelet that big area, the position is insufficient, Warrior that comes newly-arrived, wants to enter, can only usurp others' position, otherwise can only stay in the surrounding. 那小湖就那么大的面积,位置根本不够,新到来的武者,想要进入,只能强占别人的位置,否则只能被留在外围。 At this time several hundred Demonic Beast are gathering toward the old city center, once these Demonic Beast all go to the old city center, but also keeps outside lakelet Warrior, must be cleaned by Demonic Beast. 此时数百头的妖兽都在朝着古城中心聚集,一旦那些妖兽全部来到古城中心,还留在小湖外面的武者,必然要遭受妖兽的清洗。 To that time, kept Warrior of surrounding, will be ripped the fragment by crazy Demonic Beast, is hard to escape absolutely. 到了那时候,留在外围的武者,将会被疯狂的妖兽撕成碎片,绝对难以逃生。 Therefore, to usurp the position of silver lakelet, arrives there Warrior, starts to slaughter mutually, to maintain a livelihood, for by the worry of Demonic Beast, these Warrior did not go all out clashes toward the lakelet. 因此,为了强占银色小湖的位置,来到那里的武者,开始相互厮杀,为了活命,为了不受妖兽的撕咬,这些武者拼命的往小湖冲。 What is stranger, above that lakelet cannot soar, even if Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, cannot float above the lakelet, enjoys bathing of silver rays of light. 更加诡异的是,那小湖上方不能飞翔,就算是天位境的武者,也不能悬浮在小湖上方,享受银色光芒的沐浴。 Everybody want to enter, avoids following Demonic Beast Hong Chao, the fight also inevitably erupted. 人人想要进入其中,来躲避接下来的妖兽洪潮,战斗也就不可避免的爆发了。 This by the fight of human Warrior leadership, be more brutal than killing of former Demonic Beast, in Gravitational Field, separated several hundred meters to there, Shi Yan then saw that region rare treasure ran amuck, shining crystal light in all directions lasing, various ice fire thunder and lightning there continuous braved. 这场由人类武者主导的战斗,要比之前妖兽的袭杀还要残酷,在磁殛域场中,离那里隔了数百米,石岩便看到那一块区域秘宝横行,灿灿晶光四处激射,各类冰火雷电在那里接连不断的冒出来。 Suddenly, in Blood Vein Ring transmits two message. 突然,血纹戒之中传来两股讯息 Puts us to exit.” “放我们出去。” message came from Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, these two Heavenly Flame, are ready to make trouble in Blood Vein Ring, as if has discovered any advantage. 讯息来自于玄冰寒焰地心火,这两个天火,在血纹戒之中蠢蠢欲动,似乎发现了什么好处。 ...... RO ……RO
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