GOS :: Volume #4

#397: Being unafraid in time of danger

The fortress surrounding, leader Demonic Beast makes threatening gestures, exudes the intermittent roar, gathers by Shi Yan and other people, prepares to rush ahead at any time. 石堡外围,一头头妖兽张牙舞爪,发出阵阵吼声,聚集在石岩等人身旁,随时准备冲杀过来。 Three Gravitational Field, are circling in flight in the fortress front, gold/metal silk splits golden light maliciously, in Gravitational Field stirred like sharp knife blade, sharp incomparable. 三个磁殛域场,在石堡前方飞旋着,一狠狠金蚕丝绽出金光,在磁殛域场中被搅的如利刃,锋利无比。 Ten azure scales hawks and three monoclonius pythons as if know that Gravitational Field is not good to deal with, although cut-throat is staring at Shi Yan and the others, actually does not dare to penetrate in Gravitational Field to kill, but lingers in the Gravitational Field surrounding is not loose, seems waiting for anything. Zuo Shi, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao three people, arrive in Shi Yan this fortress time, brought another nine Demonic Beast, these Demonic Beast are six levels of three great empty, with seven levels of star anise great spiders. 十头青鳞甲鹰和三头独角龙蟒似乎知道磁殛域场不好应付,虽然凶狠的盯着石岩等人,却不敢深入磁殛域场中杀来,只是徘徊在磁殛域场外围不散,似乎在等候着什么。左诗左虚赤霄三人,来到石岩这一块石堡中的时候,也将另外九头妖兽带了过来,这些妖兽都是六级的三头巨枵,和七级的八角巨蛛。 And star anise great spider has three, each one has the grinding pan to be equally big, the spider foot cold brightness is bright, clever is paddling in the midair, exudes the grating strange howl. 其中八角巨蛛有三个,个个都有磨盘一样大,蛛脚寒光熠熠,灵巧的在半空划动着,发出刺耳的怪啸声。 That Gravitational Field that three great e strangle to death, the direction that hangs in Zuo Shi three people of coming, the instantaneous tragic death of that three great slug, making other three break off with the star anise great spider greatly does not dare to act rashly, for fear that will march into that death three great e footsteps, but is away from that Gravitational Field with raw hate is staring at the Zuo Shi three people. 将三头巨鰐绞杀的那一个磁殛域场,悬在左诗三人过来的方向,那三头巨蛞的瞬间惨死,让剩余的三头巨掰和八角巨蛛都不敢轻举妄动,生怕会步入那死亡的三头巨鰐的后尘,只是隔着那个磁殛域场凶狠的盯着左诗三人。 Arrives at Shi Yan this, Zuo Xu sees Shi Yan present cultivation base, the facial expression shocks, subconscious calls out in alarm. 来到石岩这一块,左虚一眼看出石岩如今的修为,神情震撼,下意识的惊叫起来。 Chi Yan and Zuo Shi are also extremely surprise, looks at Shi Yan that does not dare to believe that did not know in the several years, how Shi Yan was breakthrough to the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky. 赤阎左诗也是极为诧异,都是不敢置信的看着石岩,不知道在短短几年时间,石岩是怎么突破涅巢三重天之境的。 Had any words a while to say again that now is not the opportunity of talking about old days.” The Shi Yan complexion is dignified, the intention controls three to seek Gravitational Field, transfers Gravitational Field to prevent these Demonic Beast to seize the chance to unceasingly. “有什么话一会儿再说,现在不是叙旧的时机。”石岩脸色凝重,用心操控着三牟磁殛域场,不断地挪移着磁殛域场防止那些妖兽趁机冲过来。 Position that fortress height hundred meters may Shi Yan and the others be, is only the fortress waist spot, the lift-off has about 30 meters. 石堡高百米可石岩等人所在的位置,只是石堡的腰身部位,离地只有30米左右。 This distance is not unattainable regarding these Demonic Beast, Demonic Beast that even if cannot soar from out of the blue, an impact of violent force, can leap. Some Gravitational Field, these fall on ground Demonic Beast, definitely will sprint, enters directly. 这个距离对于那些妖兽来说并非遥不可及,就算是不能破空飞翔的妖兽,一个猛力的冲击,也能飞跃上来。要不是有磁殛域场在,那些落在地上的妖兽,必然会冲刺上来,直接杀入进来。 Before the stone rear area has , a monoclonius python that comes, three azure scales hawks, these four Demonic Beast eyes covetously, is seeking for the opportunity. 石台的后方有之前进来的一头独角龙蟒,还有三头青鳞甲鹰,这四头妖兽虎视眈眈的,也在找寻着时机。 When these follow Zuo Xu nine Demonic Beast one and come, these numerous Demonic Beast, eight side positions completely stop up the child Shi Yan and the others, not to the crevice that they leave. 当那些追随左虚的九头妖兽一并过来,这些众多的妖兽,就将石岩等人的八方位置全部堵住子,不给他们离开的空隙。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi they looked at Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu indifferently, complexion some are unattractive. 艾雅彩衣两人冷眼看了看左诗左虚,脸色有些不好看。 Chi Xiao is good, has Sky Realm Second Sky Realm cultivation base, but Zuo Shi has Earth Level, Zuo Xu also has Nirvana Origin Third Sky cultivation base this strength Ai Ya and Cai Yi, is only the burden. 赤霄还行,有着天位二重天境界修为,可左诗只有地位之境,左虚也只有涅巢三重天修为这种实力在艾雅彩衣来看,只是累赘而已。 If all have Ai Ya to take responsibility, even if Shi Yan and they knew, she also without hesitation drove out Zuo Xu and the others, whatever they run its own course. 要是一切还有艾雅来做主,就算是石岩和他们认识,她也会毫不犹豫的将左虚等人赶出去,任由他们自生自灭。 But Shi Yan in this days, had proven with own strength he component Ai Ya in team and Cai Yi heart has does not hope, does not want in this sensitive time and Shi Yan mutual hatred, can only accept the arrangement of Shi Yan. 石岩在这段日子,已经用自身的实力证明了他在队伍中的份量就算艾雅彩衣心有不愿,也不想在这敏感的时刻与石岩交恶,只能接受石岩的安排。 Zuo Shi do not move, hide prepare to deal with the attack of Demonic Beast in our middle other people at any time.” Shi Yan was cold the face, coldly was looking at Ai Ya and Cai Yi, impolite say|way: These three people are my friend, if you dare to play tricks, do not blame me not to give a thought to the face.”, Ai Ya and Cai Yi elegant face changes, „ snort|hum, poured has not refuted. 左诗你不要动,躲藏在我们中间其余人随时准备应付妖兽的袭击。”石岩寒着脸,冷冷看了艾雅彩衣一眼,不客气道:“这三人是我朋友,你们俩要是敢捣鬼,别怪我不顾情面。”,艾雅彩衣俏脸一变,“哼了哼,倒也没有反驳。 The Chi Xiao three people listened to a Shi Yan such saying, was in the heart one cold, secret vigilant, started to guard against Ai Ya and nose clothes. 赤霄三人听石岩这么一说,也是心中一凛,暗暗警惕,开始防备艾雅、鼻衣。 Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu were the old foxes, through Shi Yan these words, they saw between Ai Ya, Cai Yi and Shi Yan, was not intimate. 赤霄左虚都是老狐狸了,通过石岩这一句话,他们就看出了艾雅彩衣石岩之间,并不是亲密无间。 In the old city Demonic Beast runs amuck, the everybody feels insecure, this time, most feared that some people have the disloyalty. 古城中妖兽横行,人人自危,这种时刻,最怕有人起异心。 Three people came from Merchant Union all the way, had been through repeatedly too many Gu, had been killed by many Warrior, early knew in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, did not have what friendly kind, only then can obtain the right of survival by own strength. 三人一路上从商盟过来,历经了太多辜,被很多武者袭杀过,早知道在暗磁雾瘴中,没有什么善类,只有靠自己的实力才能获得生存的权利。 Xiao Shi, Demonic Beast you leave alone, listened to Shi Yan, protected you to be good.” Chi Xiao urged in a low voice. 小诗,妖兽你就别管了,听石岩的,保护好你自己就行了。”赤霄低声叮嘱。 The Zuo Shi big eyeglasses winked winking, clever nodded, as before is the beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears looks to Shi Yan. 左诗大眼镜眨了眨,乖巧的点了点头,依旧是美眸异彩涟涟的看向石岩 Eight side Demonic Beast surround, Shi Yan stands in the stone dead ahead, the facial expression is callous, the look is firm and resolute, such as ten thousand years of rock is common, as if will forever not vacillate, sends out the powerful makings that a gang of man is in sole possession of naturally. 八方妖兽环绕,石岩站在石台正前方,神情冷酷,眼神坚毅,如万年磐石一般,似乎永不会动摇,自然而然的散发着一股男人独有的强悍气质。 This moment Shi Yan, has the masculine charm without doubt extremely. 这一刻的石岩,无疑是极为有男性魅力的。 For a long time does not see, when her most bad risk, bumped into suddenly vanished for a long time Shi Yan, Zuo Shi while accident, the heart also cannot help but rippled, subconscious thinks that this was dark is doomed innately? 许久不见,在她最为凶险的时候,忽然碰到了消失许久的石岩,左诗在意外的同时,芳心也不由自主的荡漾了一下,下意识的去想这是不是冥冥之中自有注定? Merchant Union time, Shi Yan has the individuality, callous very ruthless, stays behind the profound impression of he leaves Merchant Union after the Zuo Shi heart, Zuo Shi often will remember him, the girls evasive heart, making her take Shi Yan and Merchant Union and Raging Fire Empire these so-called youth talent comparisons frequently. 商盟的时候,石岩就非常有个性,冷酷狠辣,在左诗心中留下的深刻的印象他离开商盟以后,左诗还是会时常想起他,少女不可捉摸的芳心,令她常常拿石岩商盟烈火帝国那些所谓的青年才俊比较。 More is the comparison, Zuo Shi more thought that Merchant Union, Raging Fire Empire and Shen Gu Empire these youth eminents, as if Shi Yan is far from, the Realm link is the disposition, was inferior that Shi Yan is so prominent. 越是比较,左诗越是觉得商盟烈火帝国神估帝国的那些青年翘楚,似乎和石岩相差甚远,不论是境界环是心性,都不如石岩那么突出。 Shi Yan left for several years, Zuo Xu had arranged Raging Fire Empire and youth of Shen Gu Empire several influences for her meets, why did not know, these person of she is always unsatisfied, always takes these person and Shi Yan comparison secretly, was the comparison, she more thought that these people were inferior to Shi Yan. 石岩离开了几年,左虚曾经为她安排过烈火帝国神估帝国几个势力的青年见面,可不知道为什么,那些人她总是不满意,暗地里总是拿那些人和石岩比较,越是比较,她越是觉得那些人不及石岩 Zuo Shi thinks that this whole life was very perhaps difficult to meet Shi Yan again, now suddenly met with in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, this unexpected meeting, making her be pleasantly surprised, looks at Shi Yan facing the appearance that numerous Demonic Beast unperturbed did not fear, why did not know, she tied tight for a long time nerve, as if suddenly relaxed. 左诗以为这辈子或许很难再遇到石岩了,如今忽然在暗磁雾瘴中会面,这出乎意料的相会,让她又惊又喜,看着石岩面对众多妖兽夷然不惧的样子,不知道为何,她紧绷许久的神经,似乎忽然就放松了。 Chi Xiao Senior, you stand in that side, prepares star anise great spider that will deal with clash. Un, Grandpa Zuo, you and Chi Xiao Senior same place, is guarding against that side.” Shi Yan pointed out that a direction, looks at once to Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, left you, prepares to deal with below monoclonius python, Ai Ya, you pay attention behind.”, Under the gaze of Demonic Beast, the Shi Yan calm free arrangement, the indifferent looks at dead ahead, said at once: Once there is Demonic Beast to rush ahead, immediately executes fully. We cannot fight the battle of attrition. Also has the roaring flame, thunder and lightning, storm and wind and frost to follow up in the surrounding, we not only need massacre these Demonic Beast, could not have the too big damage.”, Ying Ya and the others also nod. 赤霄前辈,你站在那边,准备应付将会冲来的八角巨蛛。嗯,左爷爷,你和赤霄前辈一起,防备着那边。”石岩指出一个方向,旋即看向彩衣劳里兄弟,“你们左边,准备应付下方的独角龙蟒,艾雅,你留意身后。”,在妖兽的注视下,石岩冷静自如的安排下去,旋即冷眼看着正前方,道:“一旦有妖兽冲杀上来,立即全力格杀。我们打不起消耗战。在外围还有烈焰、雷电、暴风、风霜会跟进,我们不但要杀掉这些妖兽,还不能有太大的损伤。”,英雅等人同时点头。 Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu neglect one, the expression somewhat is slightly strange. 赤霄左虚忽视一眼,表情略略有些古怪。 In Merchant Union, Shi Yan, only then cultivation base of Disaster boundary, although displays prominently, may be only Shi Family new first generation is also proud , compared with Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao status, that is well below. 商盟的时候,石岩只有百劫境的修为,虽然表现突出,可也只是石家的新一代骄傲,和左虚赤霄的身份比起来,那是远远不及的。 Circumstances changes with the time, today Shi Yan not only has entered into the boundary of plan Third Sky, unexpectedly the female who can also incite two now Sky Realm boundary, looks at the manner of that two female, as if also really obeys his instruction. 时过境迁,今日石岩不但迈入了涅策三重天之境,竟然还能指使两今天位境的女子,看那两个女子的态度,似乎还真的听从他的吩咐。 Looks at all these in the eyeground, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao secret heart startled, psychologically suddenly somewhat is hard to accept. 将这一切看在眼底,左虚赤霄暗暗心惊,心理上一时间有些难以接受。 After all in Merchant Union, initially when coped with Beiming Family, Shi Yan was listens their, has respected them, regarded the elder to regard them. 毕竟在商盟的时候,当初在对付北冥家的时候,石岩都是听他们的,一直非常尊敬他们,将他们当成长辈来看待。 Suddenly the situation had such big change, they naturally think somewhat strangely, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao hesitant, poured has not said anything, but helpless sighed in the heart, amenable according to the Shi Yan instruction situation. 突然局势发生了这么大的变化,两人自然觉得有些奇怪,左虚赤霄犹豫了一下,倒也没说什么,只是无奈的在心中叹息一声,也顺从的按照石岩的吩咐形势。 These Demonic Beast , and other looked like the roaring flame and thunder and lightning that in mountain range braves to transgress, they think after and other bad risks arrive, moves together.”, Cai Yi stands by Shi Yan, careful observation the change of old city border place, the elegant face is changing, startled sound track: That roaring flame, thunder and lightning, storm and wind and frost, will as if not aim at Demonic Beast, you look!” “那些妖兽在等四象山脉内冒逸出来的烈焰、雷电,它们想等那些凶险降临之后,一起行动。”,彩衣站在石岩旁边,仔细观察着古城边沿处的变化,俏脸微变,惊声道:“那烈焰、雷电、暴风、风霜,似乎不会针对妖兽,你们看!” The people hear the news to stare to the surrounding of old city. 众人闻讯盯向古城的外围。 Really. 果然。 These come from four look like the mountain range bad risk, covers gradually, starts the wreaking havoc old city. 那些来自于四象山脉的凶险,渐渐笼罩过来,开始肆虐古城。 Demonic Beast that however in the old city moves, under these roaring flame, storms, thunder and lightning and wind and frost, seems safe and sound, not by the influences of these bad risks, without any Demonic Beast, because these bad risks will be seriously battered. 然而古城中活动的妖兽,在那些烈焰、暴风、雷电、风霜之下,却似乎安然无恙,一点不受那些凶险的影响,没有任何一头妖兽,会因为这些凶险遭受重创。 These bad risks, shake the body of Demonic Beast cannot, as if instead can strengthen Demonic Beast power. 那些凶险,连将妖兽的身子撼动都不能,似乎反而可以增强妖兽力量 Nepali surrounding Warrior of several humanity, after by that roaring flame, storm, thunder and lightning and wind and frost to covering, then either fires the hard coke, either by wind and frost blowing whole body freezes, at once by wind knife dividing. 相尼外围的几个人类的武者,被那烈焰、暴风、雷电、风霜给笼罩后,则是要么烧成焦炭,要么被风霜给吹的浑身冰冻,旋即被风刀子给劈了开来。 Demonic Beast is well, human Warrior actually as if cannot withstand these bad risks, in these approach under the bad risk that covers gradually, human Warrior was screaming, in a panic avoidance. 妖兽无恙,人类武者却似乎承受不住那些凶险,在那些渐渐逼近笼罩的凶险之下,人类武者尖叫着,仓皇躲避。 Periphery Warrior in fortress. Looked that the situation is not wonderful, runs away in abundance from fortress, together toward old city center chisel. 外围的石堡中的武者,。看形势不妙,纷纷从石堡中逃出来,一起往古城中心冲来。 They saw similar fast withering away under the disaster, was so laborious facing Demonic Beast, in addition these disasters, they know to be incapable of resisting, has to try to fire into the old city center. 他们看出了在天灾下同类的快速消亡,面对妖兽已那么辛苦,再加上那些天灾,他们自知无力抵抗,只好尽全力冲向古城中心。 These roaring flame, storms, thunder and lightning and wind and frost, approach from the old city four directions slowly, the region of old city center, will be slowest is affected, entered the old city central area, will meet the time of these disasters changes slow, although does not know that like this will arrive can avoid a tribulation finally, but at least can delay to meet the time of these disasters, can delay the time that they died. 那些烈焰、暴风、雷电、风霜,是从古城四方缓缓逼近的,古城中心的区域,将会最慢受到波及,进入了古城中心区域,遇到那些天灾的时间就会变缓许多,虽然不知道这样到最后能不能躲过一劫,但至少可以延缓遇到那些天灾的时间,也可以延缓他们死亡的时间。 Therefore, Warrior of these surrounding, under chasing down of Demonic Beast, flees toward the old city center that goes all out. 因此,那些外围的武者,在妖兽的追杀下,都拼命的往古城中心逃离。 Sees only about hundred silhouette, is speeding along in the street and midair in old city, castrates like the rainbow, does not dare with the Demonic Beast entanglement of pursuit, to go toward the old city center. 只见近百道身影,在古城的街道和半空飞驰着,一个个去势如虹,不敢和追击的妖兽纠缠,都在朝着古城中心而去。 fortress that Shi Yan one line are, is also not the center of old city, one big blocks the way to the center, these Warrior graze to come, making these pursue their Demonic Beast also together to fly, such as tide Demonic Beast, is running in the old city, fortress is getting more and more near to Shi Yan and the others. 石岩一行人所在的石堡,也不是古城的中心,离中心还有一大截路,那些武者飞掠而来,使得那些追击他们的妖兽也一同飞来,如潮的妖兽,在古城中奔跑着,离石岩等人的石堡越来越近。 „It is not good, we must enter the old city center, otherwise Demonic Beast of these attacks, along the way while convenient will give to destroy completely us.” “不好,我们也必须进入古城中心,不然那些来袭的妖兽,会将沿途的我们顺带给灭掉。” Completely understands after the situation in field, the Shi Yan peak however changes color, does not dare to hesitate, the violent shouted to clear the way: Immediately clashes!”, 将场内的形势看透后,石岩耸然变色,不敢迟疑,暴喝道:“立即冲出去!”,
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