GOS :: Volume #4

#383: Everywhere gold thread

Warrior that encircles altogether has eight, wears the golden vigor attire completely, the chest uses the golden silk thread mark a gold/metal cloud hold-up the palace design. 围上来的武者共有八名,全部身穿金色劲装,胸口用金色丝线纹着一个金云托浮着的宫殿图案。 Eight Warrior are young, seems like only 20-30 years old, including three Sky Realm boundaries, surplus also in the boundaries of Nirvana two, Third Sky. 八名武者都非常年轻,看起来只有二三十岁,其中有三名天位境,剩余的也都在涅盘二、三重天之境。 These eight Warrior is a person of silver short hair, the roots of the hair root stands erect, appears has the spirit extremely. 这八名武者为首一人一头银色短发,头发根根竖立,显得极有精神。 This person comes, then laughs, the laughter is resounding, he laughs is looking to Ai Ya and Cai Yi, look obscene zhuo profanes, the expression is also quite ambiguous. 这人一过来,便哈哈大笑,笑声响亮刺耳,他大笑着看向艾雅彩衣,眼神淫丵亵之极,表情也是颇为暧昧。 Surplus seven Warrior, set up in an array, Shi Yan one line of tight looks at, the manner is bad. 剩余七名武者,一字排开来,将石岩一行人紧紧看着,态度不善。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi elegant face changes, like that was not calm like before, that Bo Ge was the surface obviously startled accommodates, seemed somewhat timid. 艾雅彩衣俏脸微变,再也不像以前那般从容,那博格更是面显惊容,似乎有些胆怯。 Lao li and Lao Lun these two brothers, the complexion is ugly, look glittering is uncertain, as if completes the plan that must flee. 劳里劳伦这两兄弟,脸色难看,眼神闪烁不定,似乎做好了要逃离的打算。 This line of eight people, the overall strength must surpass Shi Yan, Warrior of three Sky Realm boundaries, the look none remaining overflow, whole body has an arrogant heartless imposing manner, is not be ignored. 这一行八人,整体实力要超过石岩这边,三名天位境的武者,一个个眼神精光外溢,浑身有着一股傲慢无情的气势,不可小视。 Shi Yan sees these eight people to appear, looked at Ai Ya and Cai Yi expression slightly, immediately realized these eight people should come from a very formidable influence, from being critical situation of Ai Ya and Cai Yi, he knows that this time feared must have one to struggle hard. 石岩一见这八人出现,略略看了一下艾雅彩衣的表情,马上意识到这八人应该来自于一股非常强大的势力,从艾雅彩衣的如临大敌,他知道这次怕是要有一场苦战了。 Ning Ze, do you want to do?” The Ai Ya eye narrows the eyes slightly, gathers power quietly, indifferent looks at is that youth of head, said: Our Fighting Union and your Heavenly Temple usually well water not interfering with river water, you now surround us, has prepared battle?” 宁泽,你想干什么?”艾雅眼睛微微眯起,悄悄聚集力量,冷眼看着为首的那青年,道:“我们战盟和你们天宫素来井水不犯河水,你现在围住我们,是否做好了开战的准备?” Hahaha.” Is the first youth laughs, obviously has not cared the threat of Ai Ya, „, if in Divine Great Land, we have bumped into, my Ning Ze naturally cannot make things difficult you. But here is Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, we will appear here, must face various challenges, your Fighting Union comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, if power enough powerful, wants to come not to be impolite to us.” 哈哈哈。”为首青年大笑,显然没有把艾雅的威胁放在心上,“要是在神州大地,我们碰上了,我宁泽自然不会为难你们。可这里是暗磁雾瘴,我们会出现在这儿,本来就是要面对各种挑战,你们战盟暗磁雾瘴,要是力量足够强势,想来也不会对我们客气。” Ai Ya hear of his such saying, facial expression suddenly cold, said: „Did you want to start to us?” 艾雅听他这么一说,神情忽然冷了下来,道:“你是想要对我们下手了?” This but actually not necessarily.” Ning Ze smiled, has hit a meaningful glance to two Sky Realm boundary Warrior secretly, suddenly shows the smiling face of flattering, Ai Ya, you are the Fighting Union White Emperor City city host's daughter, my Ning Ze in Heavenly Temple is also the honored and popular character, so long as you comply to marry in me, I can put your one yard, and is willing to collaborate to move in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist with you, how?” “这倒也不未必。”宁泽笑了笑,暗暗对身旁的两名天位武者打了个眼色,忽然露出讨好的笑容,“艾雅,你是战盟白帝城城主之女,我宁泽天宫也是有头有脸的人物,只要你答应下嫁于我,我可以放你一码,并且愿意和你联手在暗磁雾瘴中活动,如何?” Has a dream!” Ai Ya curls the lip to sneer, the facial expression quite disdains. “做梦!”艾雅撇嘴冷笑,神情颇为不屑。 „Are you compel me to use strongly?” The smiling face on Ning Ze face restrains suddenly, look gloomy and cold gets down gradually, your Ai Ya in White Emperor City, although is noble, but in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is actually beyond control you. Hehe, you , if not willing, I to achieve goal, only then offended.” “你这是逼我用强么?”宁泽脸上的笑容突然收敛,眼神渐渐阴冷下来,“你艾雅白帝城虽然高贵,但在这暗磁雾瘴中,却由不得你。嘿嘿,你若是不心甘情愿,那我为了达成目的,也只有得罪了。” So was saying, Ning Ze drinks one suddenly lowly, sneers saying: Leaves behind two females, male gave me to kill!” 这般说着,宁泽忽然低喝一声,冷笑道:“留下两个女的,男的给我全杀了!” Eight come from Heavenly Temple Warrior, hear Yanchen drinks one, suddenly gets rid together. 八名来自于天宫武者,闻言沉喝一声,突然一起出手。 Two Sky Realm boundary Warrior side that Ning Ze, disperse, plunged Ai Ya and Cai Yi respectively, Warrior of surplus several Nirvana boundaries, separates suddenly, kills toward Shi Yan, Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun four people. 在那宁泽身旁的两个天位武者,分散开来,分别扑向了艾雅彩衣,剩余几名涅盘境的武者,也忽然分开,朝着石岩博格劳里劳伦四人杀来。 Comes from Heavenly Temple these Warrior, the unification wears the golden vigor attire, Realm is uncommon, the sign matches Imaginary Space Ring, is very filthy rich. 来自于天宫的这些武者,统一身着金色劲装,境界不凡,标配幻空戒,很是财大气粗。 Warrior of Nirvana Third Sky boundary, the facial features are thin, when plunges Shi Yan, two hands swell suddenly, turned into the shining color. 一名涅盘三重天境的武者,面容消瘦,在扑向石岩的时候,两只手突然胀大开来,变成了金灿灿的颜色。 In the flash, his two hands release shining golden light suddenly, has a swift and fierce imposing manner. 在一瞬间,他那两只手突然释放出灿灿金光,有着一股凌厉之极的气势。 Essence Qi of faint trace fining ferments between his two, his two hand bulges big of more and more, were the edema generally, is extremely likely strange. 一丝丝精炼的精元在他两手之间酝酿,他两只手胀的越来越大,像是浮肿了一般,极其诡异。 Two open, in the hand the trace escape leaves tall and slender silk threads, these golden silk thread and his palm connection, as if extremely sharp, and clever incomparable, vibrating, such as the steel needle is common, punctures toward Shi Yan. 两手张开,手中纹路飞逸出一根根细长的丝线,那些金色丝线和他手掌连接,似乎极为的锋利,并且灵巧无比,抖动着,如钢针一般,直朝着石岩刺来。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” In the grating howl, that golden thread capers are uncertain, likely is golden lightnings, is getting more and more long, is getting more and more crowded, covered the Shi Yan body previous region unexpectedly completely. 刺耳的啸声中,那一根根金色细线跳跃不定,像是一道道金色闪电,越来越长,越来越密集,竟将石岩身前一块区域全部覆盖了。 The Shi Yan facial expression is invariable, frowns changes into one bunch of star light suddenly, relies on the stars path, flickered to transfer to the one side. 石岩神情不变,皱着眉头忽然化为一束星光,依循星辰轨迹,瞬移到了一旁。 That golden lightnings cover, the region that Shi Yan was, crag stone statue were cut bean curd, had been divided into the innumerable blocks by that golden silk thread. 那一道道金色闪电覆盖下来,石岩原先所在的区域,一块块岩石像是被切豆腐似的,被那金色丝线分成了无数块。 Gold/Metal silk!” “金蚕丝!” By the ear hears a cold laughter, sees only that silk thread, such as lightning glow jumps generally once more, punctures toward Shi Yan. 耳旁传来一声冷冽的笑声,只见那一根根丝线,如电芒一般再次跳跃起来,又往石岩刺来。 These come from Heavenly Temple Warrior, as if excels at this strange Martial Skills, everyone control has this golden golden color silk thread escape like lightning to come out, these golden silk threads are containing the spirit of gold/metal, sharp, likely can cut all. 这些来自于天宫武者,似乎都非常擅长这种奇异的武技,每一个人手心都有这种金色闪电般的金色丝线飞逸出来,这些金色丝线蕴藏着金之锐气,锋利之极,像是可以切割一切。 Paid attention to look, Shi Yan had discovered that Bo Ge or Lao li, or Ai Ya and Cai Yi, extremely dreaded these golden silk threads, do not dare to let these golden silk threads close to the body. 留神看了一下,石岩发现不论是博格还是劳里、亦或者艾雅彩衣,都极为忌惮那些金色丝线,不敢让那些金色丝线临近身体。 Sees these golden silk threads to raid, immediately avoids, lived to fear by these golden silk threads is punctured the body. 一见那些金色丝线袭来,立即躲避开来,生恐被那些金色丝线刺破了身体。 Ning Ze stands there is motionless, from the start has not gone to look at Shi Yan, vision that his obscene zhuo profanes, but falls on the body of Ai Ya and Cai Yi, is waited for likely Ai Ya and Cai Yi are captured, a while with these two female leads a life of comfort. 宁泽站在那儿一动不动,压根没有去看石岩,他那淫丵亵的目光,只是落在艾雅彩衣的身上,像是等待艾雅彩衣被擒,一会儿拿这两女来享乐一番。 Shi Yan does not know Heavenly Temple and Fighting Union origin, but listens to the conversation of Ning Ze and Ai Ya, then knows that these two influences, should belongs to Divine Great Land, considers on Divine Great Land two very formidable Warrior power. 石岩并不知道天宫战盟的来历,但听宁泽艾雅的交谈,便知道这两股势力,应该是属于神州大地,当是神州大地上两股非常强大的武者力量 Only looked that this Ai Ya and Ning Ze are young, can have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, Shi Yan was tyrannical on the conceivable these two influences. 只看这艾雅宁泽年纪轻轻,就能够拥有天位境的修为,石岩就可以想象这两股势力有多么强横了。 Golden silk threads such as the lightning caper are uncertain in top of the head, clever, and exudes the grating howl, absorbs the person heart and soul. 一根根金色丝线在头顶如闪电跳跃不定,灵巧之极,并且发出刺耳的啸声,摄人心魄。 That pursues Shi Yan Warrior, sees cannot hit, does not worry, but continues to stimulate to movement power. 那追击石岩武者,一见一击不中,也不着急,只是继续催动力量 Sees only golden silk thread that comes out from his control escape, becomes is getting more and more long, the imposing manner is getting more and more swift and fierce, throughout pursues Shi Yan not to put. 只见从他手心飞逸出来的金色丝线,变得越来越长,气势越来越凌厉,始终追着石岩不放。 In these golden silk threads, has faint trace very weak soul aura, these come from Heavenly Temple Warrior, as if attached to the Divine Sense thought on the silk thread, enabling these silk threads to lock on the goal, how regardless of Shi Yan avoided, these silk threads can always look for him once more. 在那些金色丝线中,有着一丝丝非常微弱的灵魂气息,这些来自于天宫武者,似乎将神识意念依附在了丝线上,使得这些丝线可以锁定目标,不论石岩如何躲避,这些丝线总能再次找上他。 Their palms swell, the hypertrophy gets up, golden light is dazzling, releases the swift and fierce gold/metal spirit unceasingly. 他们的手掌胀大,肥肿起来,金光炫目,不断释放出凌厉之极的金之锐气。 , From the gold threads of these Warrior palm releases, has flooded this sky gradually, is the innumerable say|way golden color lightning walks randomly in the space likely, appears extremely scary. 渐渐地,从这些武者手掌释放的金丝,已充斥了这一块天空,像是无数道金色闪电在天上游走,显得极为骇人。 „!” “嗷!” Bo Ge sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell suddenly, he avoids, carelessly, had been delimited the calf by a golden silk thread, at once a section of calf by golden silk thread cutting off, blood such as Quan Yong. 博格突然发出凄厉的惨叫,他躲避间,一个不慎,被一根金色丝线划过小腿,旋即一截小腿就被金色丝线给斩断了,鲜血如泉涌。 The Bo Ge pitiful yell, frightened looking to Cai Yi, wants to gain the help of Cai Yi. 博格惨叫不已,恐惧的望向彩衣,想要获取彩衣的帮助。 The ring on Cai Yi snow arm all flies, the whole body colored ribbon flies, these rings hit mutually, make the clear delightful sound, splits the innumerable dazzling light beams, has formed splendid light, covers up her graceful tender body completely, is used to prevent these gold thread injuries. 彩衣雪臂上的圆环全部飞出来,浑身彩带飞飞,那些圆环相互撞击,发出清脆悦耳的声响,绽出无数炫目的光束,形成了一圈圈华光,将她那曼妙的娇躯全部掩住,用来防止那些金丝伤害。 Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, two swelling enormous, has poured into the golden juice likely, has the golden liquid that mounts to stick to overflow slowly in the hand. 一个天位境的武者,两手肿胀极大,像是灌注了金色汁水,有黏糊的金色液体在手上慢慢流溢出来。 Golden silk threads, the escape from his swelling two come out, likely is the tiny incomparable spirit snake, the caper is very cheerful, all around gives the blockade her space gradually. 一根根金色丝线,就从他那肿胀的两手之间飞逸出来,像是细小无比的灵蛇,跳跃的很是欢快,渐渐将她周遭的空间给封锁。 The Cai Yi graceful physique waves, the aperture and golden silk thread that the body winds around collide in together, sends out the dazzling luminous spot, in all directions splash. 彩衣曼妙的身姿舞动间,身上缭绕的光圈和金色丝线碰撞在一起,发出炫目的光点,四处飞溅。 Although Cai Yi cultivation base is exquisite, but under disturbing of that numerous gold thread, cannot stop doing, eye looks at Bo Ge is gradually weak, actually extends does not lend a hand to rescue. 彩衣虽然修为精湛,但在那众多金丝的捣乱下,也不能抽出手来,眼看着博格渐渐不支,却伸不出手来救援。 Gold/Metal silkworm crack!” “金蚕裂!” Controls of gold thread to cope with Bo Ge Warrior, suddenly sneers, two hands that swells, depart dozens gold threads suddenly once more, the dense and numerous covers to Bo Ge, have covered the Bo Ge body instantaneously thoroughly. 操控着金丝的那一名对付博格武者,忽然冷笑起来,那胀大的两只手,突然间再次飞出数十根金丝,密密麻麻的罩向了博格,瞬间将博格的身躯彻底覆盖。 Shining golden light flashes through, the body of that Bo Ge under the gaze of Shi Yan, changes into smooth hashed meat suddenly. 灿灿金光闪过,那博格的身子在石岩的注视之下,忽然化为一块块平整的碎肉。 Bo Ge of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, under coverage of that golden silk thread, was dismembered unexpectedly the innumerable blocks, runs away has not escaped. 涅盘三重天之境的博格,在那金色丝线的覆盖下,竟被分尸成无数块,逃都没逃掉。 Shi Yan is sharp-eyed, before Bo Ge, discovered emits gold thread at the point of death in his back of the body. 石岩眼尖,在博格临死之前,发现在他后心冒出一根金丝。 Coped with Lao li Heavenly Temple Warrior, suddenly is divided into some energy, the gold thread that will control quietly has used, is used to twine to Bo Ge, making that gold thread penetrate the Bo Ge back of the body, enabling Bo Ge to gather power. 一个本来对付劳里天宫武者,突然分成部分精力,悄悄将操控的金丝动用了,用来缠绕向博格,令那金丝穿透了博格的后心,使得博格不能聚集力量 Gold/Metal silk secret technique, is Martial Skills that Heavenly Temple Warrior is in sole possession, if this secret technique cultivation succeeds, needs to refine into within the body the silk that ten thousand years of Devouring Gold Silkworm of Divine Great Land secret place spits. 金蚕丝秘术,乃是天宫武者独有的武技,这秘术若要修炼成功,需要将神州大地一处秘地的万年噬金蚕吐出来的蚕丝炼入体内。 Each cultivation this secret technique Warrior, has the gold/metal is Martial Spirit, comes to raise these gold/metal silks with Martial Spirit and Essence Qi warm, integrates in blood essence, Divine Sense and Essence Qi one by one the gold/metal silk. 每一个修炼这种秘术武者,都拥有金系武魂,用武魂精元来温养那些金蚕丝,将自己精血神念精元一一融入金蚕丝内。 The meditation many years, these refine into the gold/metal silk in within the body, not only has ten thousand years of Devouring Gold Silkworm characteristics, sharp incomparable, but can also be interlinked with the Warrior mind, control of having one's wish. 苦修多年,那些炼入体内的金蚕丝,不但有着万年噬金蚕的特性,锋利无比,还可以和武者心神相通,随心所欲的掌控。 Heavenly Temple Warrior, during cultivation this gold/metal silk secret technique, danger extremely, carelessly, can by that gold/metal silk fleshly body splitting. 天宫武者,修炼这金蚕丝秘术期间,极其的危险,一个不慎,就可以被那金蚕丝将肉身给分裂了。 Each can cultivation become this secret technique Heavenly Temple Warrior, is the cruel callous characters, does not care own life. 每一个能够修炼成这秘术天宫武者,都是残忍冷酷的人物,根本不将自己的性命放在心上。 Gold/Metal silk become, they utilize this secret technique, will become extremely make things difficult will entangle, once has displayed this secret technique, if not have the formidable defensive measure, definitely by this gold/metal silk splitting fleshly body. 金蚕丝一成,他们运用这秘术,就会变得极为难缠,一旦施展了这秘术,要是没有强大的防御手段,必然会被这金蚕丝给分裂肉身 Although Bo Ge has cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, but itself not too many defensive measures, cut off a foot by that gold/metal silk, latter had been passed through the back of the body by the gold/metal silk, the nature is difficult to run away a section. 博格虽然有着涅盘三重天之境的修为,可本身没有太多的防御手段,又被那金蚕丝斩断一只脚,后又被金蚕丝贯穿了后心,自然难逃一截。 He dies, the essence is defeated and dispersed, flows to Shi Yan in abundance. 他一死,精气溃散,纷纷流向石岩 Shi Yan that avoided, saw him dead, when was panic-stricken, by to that same place, absorbed Bo Ge dead on own initiative after quietly the essence. 本来躲避的石岩,见他死了,惊骇之际,也主动靠向那一块,悄悄来吸收博格死后的精气。 Is feeling emerging of Bo Ge essence, the gold thread that the calm looks at space circles in flight, Shi Yan grins silent to sneer suddenly, in the heart had the virulent strategy. 感受着博格精气的涌入,冷静的看着天上飞旋的金丝,石岩忽然咧嘴无声冷笑起来,心中有了恶毒的计策。 ...... ……
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