GOS :: Volume #4

#384: Even more powerful!

The arm standard dies, that this came from thousand Heavenly Temple Warrior, the manner even more relaxes n 膊格一死,那此来自千天宫武者,神态愈加放松n Including Ning Ze, the Heavenly Temple that side has three Sky Realm boundary Warrior, several other Warrior have cultivation base of boundaries of Nirvana Origin two Third Sky, and complete cultivation gold/metal silk Heavenly Temple evil secret technique. 宁泽在内,天宫那边有三位天位武者,剩余的几名武者也有着涅巢三重天之境的修为,并且全部修炼了金蚕丝这种天宫的邪恶秘术 These people collaborate, from the start had not paid attention to Shi Yan and the others. 这几人联手,压根没有将石岩等人放在眼里。 Bo Ge was dismembered, Lao li and Lao Lun become send the danger immediately. 博格被分尸了,劳里劳伦立即变得发发可危。 Although these two brothers Realm only then puts up Third Sky, is actually skilled in the technique of collaboration, they back to back stand in together, two different power transmit through the back mutually, making two brothers imposing manners surge upward, the body is hoodwinking the halos of azure blue mixtures. 这两兄弟境界虽然只有涅架三重天,却精通联手之术,他们背靠背站在一块儿,两股不同的力量通过后背来相互传递,使得两兄弟气势一路高涨,身上蒙着一道道青蓝夹杂的光晕。 That halo covers two brothers, in on the same day the golden silk thread approached, two brothers got rid hurriedly, gauntlet|glove that in the hand wore in swings, a fierce brave incomparable imposing manner revealed from the gauntlet|glove. 那光晕将两兄弟罩住,当天上金色丝线靠近以后,两兄弟急忙出手,手上佩戴的拳套在挥舞间,一股悍勇无匹的气势从拳套上流露出来。 That imposing manner likely is martial arts Intent Domain, was smelted by them above the gauntlet|glove. 那气势像是一种武道意境,被两人熔炼在拳套之上。 It is not every gauntlet|glove, under their martial arts Intent Domain, releases fierce fierce overbearing power to come unexpectedly extremely. 本来就不是凡品的拳套,在两人的武道意境之下,竟释放出一股极其凶悍狂烈的霸道力量来。 Under this power, these golden silk threads have not approached, by the imposing manner that the fist brings to the bang to one side, several golden silk threads that occasionally approaches, cannot break two people are hoodwinking the azure blue light corona. 在这股力量下,那些金色丝线尚未靠近,就被拳头带出来的气势给轰向一边,偶尔靠近的几根金色丝线,也不能破掉两人身上蒙着的青蓝光晕。 However, after the Bo Ge body dies, coped with Bo Ge Heavenly Temple Warrior, extracts the energy, the mean eye looked to these two brothers, brought the pressure once more. 不过,在博格身死之后,本来对付博格天宫武者,抽出精力来,阴狠的眼睛看向了这两兄弟,再次施加压力。 When several hundred golden silk threads twine the thorn to shoot together, that golden silk thread like lightning, splits the swift and fierce fine glow, makes that two brothers somewhat distressed. 当数百根金色丝线一起缠绕刺射过来,那金色闪电般的丝线,绽出凌厉之极的精芒,却让那两兄弟有些狼狈。 Martial arts Intent Domain that on their gauntlet|glove releases, under this surpasses them to attack with joint forces, somewhat is gradually weak, has more and more golden silk threads to twine, was also getting more and more near to them. 两人拳套上释放出来的武道意境,在这超出他们合力的袭击之下,也渐渐有些不支,有越来越多的金色丝线缠绕过来,离他们也越来越近了。 The Shi Yan look is callous, depends upon Star Brilliance to move fast, avoids golden silk thread that twines, after absorbs Bo Ge dead the essence, while quietly observation the situation in field. 石岩眼神冷酷,依靠着星耀快速挪动着,避开缠绕过来的金色丝线,一边来吸收博格死后的精气,一边悄悄观察着场内的形势。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi they, body rare treasure are many, Martial Skills also extremely god mysterious that studies, under encircling of these golden silk threads, these two females is actually safe and sound. 艾雅彩衣两人,身上秘宝不少,修习的武技也极为神奥,在那些金色丝线的围剿之下,这两女倒是安然无恙。 Although cannot flee from these golden silk threads, has not actually revealed the defeat looks like, as if can also insist for a long time. 虽然不能从那些金色丝线中逃离开来,却也没有露出败像,似乎还能坚持许久。 The situation income eyeground, in the heart sneers, Shi Yan in fine Qiang the body plaster, Strength of Stars, Negative Energy and yin strength releases quietly quietly, has formed Gravitational Field, transfers secretly to these besieges Lao li and Lao Lun several Heavenly Temple Warrior. 将情况收入眼底,心中冷笑,石岩悄悄将体垩内精羌、星辰之力负面力量阴力悄悄释放开来,形成了磁殛域场,偷偷地挪移向那些围攻劳里劳伦的几名天宫武者 Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame these three power, before his Martial Spirit variation is completed, the fusion enters in his whole body muscle, although his whole body muscle is containing a wild different strength, actually cannot separate that different strength, cannot assemble beside the body that different strength directly. 玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火这三股力量,在他武魂变异完成之前,融合进入他全身肌肉中,他全身肌肉虽然蕴藏着一股狂暴的异力,却不能将那异力分开来,也不能将那异力直接调集出身体之外。 Therefore, the construction of this Gravitational Field is completed, but is depending upon Essence Qi, Strength of Stars, Negative Energy and yin strength. 因此,这次磁殛域场的构建完成,只是依靠着精元星辰之力负面力量阴力 These four power form Cheng He bumping to kill the territory field, swiftly a appearance, suddenly precise becomes the essence, has formed giant ash-gray tornado, four different strength that circles in flight extremely swift and fierce. 这四股力量形成程合的碰殛域场,倏一出现,突然凝炼成实质,形成了一个巨大的灰色龙卷风,其中飞旋的四股异力极其的凌厉。 Has hidden the non- trace Gravitational Field, why did not know, unexpectedly substantializes here. 一直隐藏无踪的磁殛域场,不知为何,在这里竟然实质化了。 In that ash-gray tornado, four power circle in flight, the strength of strangling to death the mutual dispute, has extremely fierce, Shi Yan looked at one, thought that if places in that Gravitational Field, unusual bad risk. 那灰色龙卷风中,四股力量飞旋,相互纠葛,产生的绞杀之力极其的凶猛,就连石岩看了一眼,都觉得若是身处那磁殛域场中,将会非常凶险。 The might was increased! 威力提升了! In this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Gravitational Field, although substantializing, cannot continue the stealth to get down, but the might actually promoted one time to continue! As if agrees without consultation some heaven and earth highest good in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, in that circles in flight, the strange fluctuation that as if in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist has, has formed the relation with that Gravitational Field. 在这暗磁雾瘴中,磁殛域场虽然实质化,不能继续隐形下去,可威力却提升了一倍都不止!似乎暗合这暗磁雾瘴中的某种天地至理,在那飞旋中,似乎有一股只有暗磁雾瘴中存在的奇异波动,和那磁殛域场形成了联系。 The ash-gray tornado, the rising typhoon heaven, the imposing manner, swiftly a appearance, starts to attract fierce pulls the surrounding all living thing. 灰色的龙卷风,扶摇上天,气势凶猛之极,倏一出现,就开始吸扯周围一切的生物。 Tall and slender golden silk thread, such as thunder and lightning equally is in the space caper, originally very well-mannered is tracking down Shi Yan, Lao li and the others, but that Gravitational Field, the entire space as if comes under the influence of that suction, these golden silk threads are no exception. 一狠狠细长的金色丝线,如雷电一样在天上跳跃不定,本来都非常规矩的在追寻石岩劳里等人,可那磁殛域场一出,整个空间似乎都受到那吸力的影响,就连那些金色丝线也不例外。 Sees only a maliciously golden silk thread, under that touches to kill attracting of territory field to pull, was led into Gravitational Field, including Heavenly Temple Warrior, cannot prevent entry of golden silk thread. 只见一狠狠金色丝线,在那碰殛域场的吸扯之下,纷纷被带入了磁殛域场中,连天宫武者,都不能阻止金色丝线的进入。 The golden silk thread enters Gravitational Field, these are controlling gold/metal silk Heavenly Temple Warrior, scream that discolored, are panic-stricken in abundance. 金色丝线一入磁殛域场,那些掌控着金蚕丝的天宫武者,一个个勃然变色,纷纷惊慌失措的尖叫起来。 cultivation base is weakest, only then puts up Heavenly Temple Warrior of Second Sky boundary, body and gold/metal silk connection, in that gold/metal silk when Gravitational Field circles in flight, he received the body that Gravitational Field attracts pulls, finally cannot withstand to pull the strength, under lead of that gold/metal silk, submerged in Gravitational Field. 一名修为最弱,只有涅架二重天境的天宫武者,身子和金蚕丝连接,在那金蚕丝在磁殛域场飞旋的时候,他本来就受到磁殛域场吸扯的身子,终于承受不住拉扯力,在那金蚕丝的带动下,一头没入了磁殛域场中。 In the ash-gray giant tornado, four different strength circle in flight, pull that gold/metal silk also carelessly to circle in flight, that person enters, instantaneously twisted covered with blood, on the contrary was first strangling to death dead by the gold/metal silk. 灰色的巨大龙卷风中,四股异力飞旋,扯着那金蚕丝也是胡乱飞旋,那人一入其中,瞬间被绞的血肉模糊,反倒是先被金蚕丝给绞杀死了。 When these Heavenly Temple Warrior, cultivation gold/metal silk, the palm and gold/metal silk connection, achieves the subtle relation with the texture and gold/metal silk of palm, controls the gold/metal silk with the mind, does not arrive at God Realm Warrior, cannot make gold/metal silk be separated two come optional fluctuates to chase down enemy n 这些天宫武者,修炼金蚕丝时,将手掌和金蚕丝连接,用手掌的纹理和金蚕丝达成微妙的联系,用心神来掌控金蚕丝,不到神境武者,都不能让金蚕丝脱离两手来随意的变幻追杀敌人n Therefore, the gold/metal silks of these people, with their two connections. 因此,这些人的金蚕丝,都和他们两手连接。 After gold/metal Cansi was inhaled maliciously touches to kill the territory field, with the gold/metal silk with them of palm connection, itself receives attracting of Gravitational Field to pull, in addition the gold/metal silk circles in flight greatly pulls the strength that produces, these people distressed, are struggling vigorously, wants to flee that ash-gray tornado appearance the adsorption of Gravitational Field. 当一狠狠金蚕丝被吸入碰殛域场以后,和金蚕丝用手掌连接的他们,本身就受着磁殛域场的吸扯,再加上金蚕丝飞旋间产生的巨大拉扯力,这些人一个个狼狈非常,极力挣扎着,想要逃离那灰色龙卷风模样的磁殛域场的吸附。 Is you!”, Cai Yi beautiful pupil suddenly one bright, she in the lake bottom, knows that Shi Yan is not affable, in this at crucial moment, that ash-gray tornado clearly before the Shi Yan body appears. “是你!”,彩衣美眸骤然一亮,她在湖底的时候,已知道石岩不好惹,在这个关键时候,那灰色龙卷风分明从石岩身前出现。 At this time Shi Yan facial expression water was cold, on face hung sneering of ridicule, looks at is stirred the flesh and blood block by Gravitational Field Heavenly Temple Warrior, lets person Shi Yan that Cai Yi saw acts crazy suddenly. 这时候石岩神情水寒,脸上挂着嘲弄的冷笑,看着磁殛域场搅成血肉块的天宫武者,让彩衣一眼看出突然发飙的人正是石岩 Of clothes calls out in alarm again, the attraction of people completely centralized to Shi Yan on. 再衣的一声惊呼,将众人的吸引力全部集中到了石岩身上。 In the Ai Ya beautiful pupil flashes through together the different light, she as if has not expected, when this key, only then the boundary of Nirvana Origin clamps child to hang to stone another reverse side wants the well to use, the lane stone another Ran Shen is callous, pours blunt strangles to death with some mystique Heavenly Temple Warrior with a smile, her heart one startled, the facial expression is strange. 艾雅美眸中闪过一道异光,她似乎没有料到在这个关键的时候,只有涅巢之境到石另反面夹到子垂要井用,弄弄石另冉神冷酷,倒嘴冷笑着将天宫武者用某种秘法绞杀,她芳心一惊,神情怪异无比。 Lao li and Lao Lun had sent the danger, perhaps after a while, must by these Heavenly Temple Warrior killing again. 劳里劳伦本来已发发可危,再过一会儿,恐怕就要被那些天宫武者给袭杀。 In the time of most bad risk, Shi Yan got rid suddenly, causes Gravitational Field to come, made Heavenly Temple Warrior in an extremely difficult situation at one fell swoop, cannot branch out the energy to cope with them unexpectedly, this made Lao li and Lao Lun be pleasantly surprised, shouted loudly the expression of gratitude again and again, in the mouth brothers long brothers short keeping calling. 在最为凶险的时刻,石岩突然出手,弄出了磁殛域场来,一举让天宫武者狼狈不堪,竟不能分出精力来对付他们,这让劳里劳伦又惊又喜,连连高呼道谢,口中兄弟长兄弟短的叫个不停。 The Shi Yan look is callous, Hehe is sneering , to continue to control Gravitational Field, gathers toward these that Gravitational Field at Heavenly Temple Warrior together closes up. 石岩眼神冷酷,嘿嘿冷笑着,继续掌控着磁殛域场,将那磁殛域场朝着那些聚集在一块儿的天宫武者靠拢。 Also Heavenly Temple Warrior of two Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundaries, cannot withstand under the huge attracting customer interest, was given inspiration by that Gravitational Field directly. 又有两个涅巢三重天境的天宫武者,在巨大的吸扯力下承受不住,被那磁殛域场直接给吸入其中。 In Gravitational Field has filled the gold/metal silk, these gold/metal silks completely are gadget awfully, once these Warrior enter in Gravitational Field, power everywhere will be restrained, is hard to form to defend the light cover of whole body, the fleshly body direct exposure. 磁殛域场中充满了金蚕丝,那些金蚕丝全部是要命的玩意,那些武者一旦进入磁殛域场中,一身的力量就会处处受制,难以形成防御全身的光罩,肉身直接暴露了出来。 Under this condition, was strangled to death to the entanglement by the Gravitational Field four different strength, was given cutting by that Gravitational Field again, the nature is difficult to run away a tribulation. 这种状况下,又被磁殛域场的四股异力给纠缠绞杀,再被那磁殛域场给切割,自然难逃一劫。 An instant, that falls into two Heavenly Temple Warrior of dark magnetic fog Yi, died a tragic death, changed into broken Ran. 只是一霎,那落入暗磁雾彝的两名天宫武者,也纷纷惨死,化为了碎冉。 These two die, Heavenly Temple Warrior is completely startled, eye looks at that Gravitational Field approaches gradually, copes with Ai Ya and Cai Yi Heavenly Temple Warrior of two now Sky Realm boundary continually, is alarmed and afraid, hurried to abandon Ai Ya and Cai Yi, avoided toward the one side hurriedly. 这两人一死,天宫武者全部惊慌起来,眼看着磁殛域场渐渐靠近,连对付艾雅彩衣的两今天位境的天宫武者,也是惊惧不已,赶紧弃下了艾雅彩衣,急忙朝着一旁躲避。 However, although these two avoid extremely quickly, the gold/metal silk that the ear they release, actually cannot escape that Gravitational Field greatly attracts the customer interest. 然而,这两人虽然躲避极快,耳他们释放出来的金蚕丝,却没能逃脱那磁殛域场的巨大吸扯力。 Saw only gold/metal silk to submerge in Gravitational Field maliciously, is wanting to Gravitational Field distant that two now Sky Realm boundary Warrior, flew to the body also suddenly stagnated. 只见一狠狠金蚕丝没入了磁殛域场中,连带着,想要离磁殛域场远远的那两今天位武者,飞冲的身子也是突然一滞。 With the gold/metal silk links two, are receiving the attraction of gold/metal silk, was pulled unexpectedly gradually to that Gravitational Field. 和金蚕丝连接在一起的两人,受着金蚕丝的吸引,竟被渐渐拉扯向那磁殛域场 Young Master saves me!”, Sky Realm boundary Warrior yelled that the ominous severe look looked to Shi Yan, shouted loudly: Is ghost who that boy pounds!”, Ning Ze has not gotten rid, is only the change in indifferent looks at field, when two Heavenly Temple Warrior by Gravitational Field twisting smashing, he has not revealed the alarmed and afraid meaning, as if thought that the death of boundary Warrior, could not be regarded for him anything. 少爷救我!”,一名天位武者大叫起来,凶厉的眼神看向石岩,高呼道:“是那小子捣的鬼!”,宁泽一只没有出手,只是冷眼看着场内的变化,在两名天宫武者磁殛域场给绞成粉碎的时候,他也没有露出惊惧之意,似乎觉得涅第境武者的死亡,对他来说算不得什么。 However, the gold/metal silk when on that two now Sky Realm boundary Warrior releases, one and by Gravitational Field pulling into, and they screamed together startled the time, Ning Ze shows the dignified facial expression finally. 然而,当那两今天位武者手上释放出来的金蚕丝,也一并被磁殛域场给扯入其中,并且两人一起惊慌尖叫起来的时候,宁泽终于露出凝重的神情。 Is small, heart!”, Ai Ya and Cai Yi cannot keep in view with Shi Yan at this time mump, drinks to make noise together tenderly, simultaneously flies before the Shi Yan body, one on the left and other on the right protects Shi Yan, coldly looks at fast line Ning Ze. “小,心!”,艾雅彩衣此时也顾不到和石岩斗气,一起娇喝出声,同时飞向石岩身前,一左一右将石岩护住,冷冷看着快速行来的宁泽 Ai Ya and Cai Yi, although is cruel and merciless, wished one could Shi Yan dead earlier, but actually knew the cardinal principle, knows that at this time wanted to exceed Heavenly Temple Warrior, must take advantage of that ash-gray tornado that Shi Yan made. 艾雅彩衣虽然心狠手辣,恨不得石岩早点死去,但却识大体,知道这个时候想要胜过天宫武者,必须要依仗石岩弄出来的那灰色龙卷风。 Therefore, when Ning Ze moves, these two female also Mashangchong to the stone plan, must protect him with joint forces. 因此,在宁泽一动的时候,这两女也马上冲向石筹,要合力来保护他。 Shi Yan that this desire gets rid, sees these two females to be panic-stricken to catch up suddenly, like is the guard defends before own body, suddenly grins to shake the head to smile, power that gathers is not releasing anxiously. 本欲出手的石岩,一见这两女突然惊慌失措赶来,像是护卫一样守在自己的身前,忽然咧嘴摇头笑了笑,聚集起来的力量也不急着释放开来。 He so stands in Ai Ya and Cai Yi behind , to continue to control that Gravitational Field. 他就这般站在艾雅彩衣身后,继续来操控那磁殛域场 Gold/Metal silk that in this Heavenly Temple Warrior body plaster releases, evilly was too swift and fierce, any fleshly body as if can cut, this gold/metal silk falls into Gravitational Field, was stirred by that Gravitational Field the strength of strangling to death, that might rises suddenly instantaneously, any falls into the Gravitational Field person, by gold/metal silk stirring smashing. 天宫武者体垩内释放出来的金蚕丝,太邪恶凌厉了,任何肉身似乎都可以切割,这金蚕丝一落入磁殛域场中,被那磁殛域场的绞杀之力一搅,那威力瞬间暴涨,任何落入磁殛域场的人,都会被金蚕丝给搅成粉碎。 looks at that submerges the Gravitational Field gold/metal silk maliciously, Shi Yan disobediently however excited, decided that decides however must as far as possible many collection these ten thousand years of Devouring Gold Silkworm gold/metal silks. 看着那一狠狠没入磁殛域场的金蚕丝,石岩忤然心动,打定了主意,定然要尽可能多的收集这万年噬金蚕的金蚕丝。 This gadget and Gravitational Field place use together, simply is the murder machine! 这玩意和磁殛域场放在一块儿使用,简直就是杀人机器啊!
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