GOS :: Volume #4

#382: Chasers

Shi Yan early knows Ai Ya is also the cruel and merciless generation, which very to goes compared with that Cai Yi, in that lake bottom, his body submersion to octopus strange mouth, he clearly saw Ai Ya relaxed obviously. 石岩早知艾雅也是心狠手辣之辈,比那彩衣好不到哪儿去,在那湖底,他身子下沉向章鱼怪口中时,他可是清清楚楚看到了艾雅明显松了一口气。 When leaves the lake bottom, Cai Yi also reminded him, making him pay attention Ai Ya, said that this Ai Ya is any White Emperor City city host's daughter, the disposition is arrogant, ices Crystal Jade to be clean, oneself looked at his body, must make that she gets up to kill the heart. 离开湖底时,彩衣又提醒了他,让他留意艾雅,说这艾雅是什么白帝城城主之女,心性高傲,冰晶玉洁,自己看了他身子,必会引得她起杀心。 Therefore, saw with own eyes that this Ai Ya comes suddenly, the Shi Yan secret alert, prepares to deal at any time from the attack of Ai Ya. 因此,眼见这艾雅忽然过来,石岩暗暗戒备,随时准备应付来自于艾雅的袭击。 The Ai Ya facial expression is faint, the clothes block fliesto come to decide in his body advance party lightly ”. 艾雅神情淡漠,衣块飞飞”翩然而来”就在他身前站定。 The Shi Yan facial expression is invariable, light looks at he, has been ready secretly, actually cracks into a smile, „weren't you seek for the remote place calmly to cultivate?” 石岩神情不变,淡淡的看着他,暗地里做好了准备,却咧嘴一笑,,“你不是去找寻偏僻之地静修去了么?” Ai Ya beautiful pupil deep looks at Shi Yan, has not repliedin her eyes pupil to seem to be that immediately different light glittering, as if must completely understand Shi Yan all secrets. 艾雅美眸深深看着石岩,没有马上答话”她眼眸中似有点点异光闪烁,仿佛要将石岩一切秘密看透。 On the Shi Yan face is hanging light smiling facecalm looks at each other with her, has not revealed a timid intent, as if anything has not occurred in that lake bottom, is completely at ease. 石岩脸上挂着淡淡的笑容”冷静的和她对视,没有露出一丝的怯意,仿佛在那湖底中什么都没有发生,坦然自如。 Ai Ya stared at Shi Yan to look at a whilesuddenly gently nodded, said: I truly must calmly cultivate to restore Essence Qi, that thousands hands black ink octopus injured me, my present strength damages greatly, must calmly cultivate immediately is good. Here possible time to have exceptionally, I was injured now, is very weak, therefore wants to ask you Protector for me.” 艾雅盯着石岩看了一会儿”忽然轻轻点了点头,道:“我确实要静修来恢复精元,那千手墨章鱼伤了我,我现在实力大损,必须要立即静修才行。只是这里可能时刻都有异常,我现在受了伤,很是虚弱,所以想要请你为我护法。” Shi Yan however. 石岩的然。 He thought Ai Ya to come, definitely will immediately get rid, extinguishing has killed him, quite did not have obstructionto be insufficient by own heart, because he suffers the difficult position in the mood, preserves own pure body not to be tarnished by his look. 他本以为艾雅前来,必然会马上出手,将他给灭杀了,好让自己心无芥蒂”不至于因为他在心境上遭受困境,也保全自身冰清玉洁的身子不受他眼神沾污。 Which knows that this Ai Ya comesis begs him Protector, is breached does not raise occurred at the lake bottom matter, is anything has not occurred likely general. 哪知道这艾雅过来”却是央求他护法,决口不提发生在湖底的事,像是什么都没有发生一般。 In the heart has doubts, but Shi Yan had not actually revealed that ” nodded, said: Good.” 心中疑惑,但石岩却没有表露出来”点了点头,道:“好。” Ai Ya did not say a word, sat getting down in front of Shi Yanon finger Imaginary Space Ring one bright, sparkling Monster Core appeared in her clear white hands control, these Monster Core size variedhaspower that ten contained completely can directly absorb ” to be all harvests of Ai Ya this period of time. 艾雅一言不发,就在石岩面前坐了下来”手指上幻空戒一亮,一块块亮晶晶的妖晶在她晶莹的玉手手心显现出来,这些妖晶大小不一”有十来块”全部蕴藏着可以直接吸收的力量”应该是艾雅这段时日的所有收获。 Her two hold these Monster Coreas if to be in doubt to take that to restore Essence Qi together ” an indecisive appearance. 她两手捧着这一块块妖晶”似乎拿不准要取那一块来恢复精元”一副犹豫不决的模样。 Shi Yan looks at that clear Monster Core, the look is surprised, is the harvest shock of this Ai Ya. 石岩愣愣地看着那一块块晶莹的妖晶,眼神惊讶,为这艾雅的收获震惊不已。 These many Monster Core reveal that traded any to enter Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist Warrior, feared that the understanding lived greedily, perhaps will directly rob. 这么多块妖晶显露出来,换了任何一个进入暗磁雾瘴武者,怕是都会心生贪婪,说不定会直接抢夺了。 However to Shi Yan, these Monster Core, although is precious, but being insufficient makes him lose the reason actually. 不过对石岩来说,这些妖晶虽然珍贵,但倒是不至于让他失去理智。 Ai Ya is holding that Monster Core, looked at carefully a while, the black eyebrows tight wrinkle, long time did not take red Monster Core of diamond, receives Imaginary Space Ring other Monster Core at will, at once urges to Shi Yan: I am injured quite heavily any to approach, otherwiseencounters attack to fear that in static cultivating I rashlycannot withstand. ” 艾雅捧着那一块块妖晶,端详了一会儿,黛眉紧皱,不多时拿了一块菱形的红色妖晶,将其余的妖晶随意收入幻空戒,旋即对石岩叮嘱道:“我受伤颇重”不要让任何一人靠近,不然在静修中的我”冒然遇到袭击”怕是承受不住。” The Shi Yan complexion changes, in the heart movesbody to shake slightly, suddenly understood. 石岩脸色微变,心中一动”身躯微微一震,忽然明白了过来。 This is the naked enticement! 这是赤裸裸的诱惑! Takes out dazzling Monster Coreto cause the meaning of his greedy, stated clearly one received the heavy losses, the strength has damaged greatly, was good to induce him to start to attack. 取出一块块耀目的妖晶”来引起他的贪婪之意,又言明自己受了重创,实力大损,好诱导他下手袭击。 Ai Ya wants to kill him obviously, actually cannot find the appropriate excuse, this takes out Monster Core, when lets he has the greedy thought that taking risks while her calmly cultivate starts. 艾雅显然想要杀他,却又找不出合适的借口,这才取出一块块的妖晶,来让他起贪婪念头,铤而走险的趁着她静修时下手。 These many Monster Coreare baits, she also said one are damaged, the mouth said that is afraid others to approachactually unceasingly encourages him...... 这么多块妖晶”就是一块块诱饵,她又说自己受创,嘴里说害怕别人靠近”却是不断地鼓励他…… In the heart Hehe sneers, Shi Yan clearly becomes aware suddenly, completely understands clearly to this Ai Ya regard, criticizes this Ai Ya falsely really mean, do not need to draw support Monster Core restores Essence Qi, perhaps really fast will walk greasily, if he decides to begin, he can agree secure, this Ai Ya want the method transmitting Cai Yi and Bo Ge his actionwith this fair borrowing. ” Striking to kill him. 心中嘿嘿冷笑,石岩霍然明悟,对这艾雅的心意全然洞悉,暗骂这艾雅果然虚伪阴狠,要不是自己不需要借助于妖晶来恢复精元,说不定真会铤而走腻若是他真的决定动手,他可以肯安,这艾雅一定要方法将他的举动给传达彩衣博格”用这个合情合理的借。”将他给击杀了。 Monster Core of greedy companion, then gets rid to kill, this charge, is quite appropriate to Ai Ya. 贪婪同伴的妖晶,进而出手袭杀,这个罪名,对艾雅来说极为合适。 In heart bright as snow, Shi Yan sneers constantly, looked again that sits cross-legged Ai Ya that calmly cultivates, even more thought that this female plans gloomy , is more fearful than that Cai Yi. 心中雪亮,石岩冷笑不迭,再看那盘膝静修的艾雅,愈发觉得这女的心机阴沉,比那彩衣还要可怕一些。 When that Ai Ya calmly cultivates motionless, Shi Yan coldly looks at shelook is unpredictable, the innermost feelings are also fighting. 在那艾雅静修不动的时候,石岩冷冷看着她”眼神变幻莫测,内心也做着斗争。 Although Ai Ya has a mind to plan him, but he strength that if will hide displays completely, calmly cultivated to guard at this time while her, perhaps he really can extinguish Ai Ya in the flash kills, making her be caught in one's own trap. 艾雅虽然有心算计他,但他若是将隐藏的实力全部施展开来,趁着她这时候静修防备不及,说不定他真的可以在一瞬间将艾雅灭杀,让她作茧自缚。 However, this risk is also enormous, if cannot strike Ai Ya extinguishes kills, once here fight has caused Cai Yi and Lao li that side attention, waited for these people to rush tohim is very then difficult to go well ”, once Ai Ya evaded strikes Immortal, must kill her again, feared that was not easy. 不过,这风险也是极大,如果不能一击将艾雅灭杀,一旦这边的战斗引起了彩衣劳里那边的注意,等那些人赶到了”他便很难得手”一旦艾雅躲过一击不死,再要杀她,怕是就不容易了。 The innermost feelings are weighing the success and failure, the Shi Yan look is unpredictable, finally decides to give up, the preparation and this Ai Ya fight short time, having a look at her also to have any method. 内心衡量着得失,石岩眼神变幻莫测,最终决定放弃,准备和这艾雅多斗一短时间,看看她还有什么手段。 Stands by Ai Ya, Shi Yan closes right up against a tree slantingly, looks like the facial expression is sluggish, as if is Ai Ya protects buddhist law. 就站在艾雅旁边,石岩斜靠着一株树,看起来神情懒散,似乎真的在为艾雅护法。 For a long time, Shi Yan is relying on a relation of Divine Sense suddenly, realized that side Cai Yi to have exceptionally. 许久之后,石岩突然凭借着一丝神识的联系,察觉到彩衣那边有了异常。 Look one cold, Shi Yan has displayed strength of one point of restriction gratefully. 眼神一冷,石岩毫不客气的施展了一分禁制之力。 Another side, wants to peep at to advocate the Soul Restriction system secretly Cai Yisuddenly the tender body to tremble, the complexion is pallid, is covering a pain. 另一边,偷偷想要窥视主魂禁制的彩衣”突然娇躯一颤,脸色煞白,捂着头痛苦不已。 Senior Sister! Senior Sister!” Bo Ge is surprised, when also this Cai Yi accidentally discharged Bedevilment, called out hurriedly: What is up? All right? How should I help you?” 师姐师姐!”博格大吃一惊,还当这彩衣走火入魔了,急忙叫道:“你怎么啦?没事吧?我该如何帮你?” Damn it bastard! 该死的混蛋! In the Cai Yi heart obloquied that Shi Yanwas covering a painful groan the period of time, the beautiful pupil full was the hate, the tender body stopped shivering gradually. 彩衣心中大骂石岩”捂着头痛苦的呻吟了一阵子,美眸满是怨恨,娇躯渐渐停止了颤抖。 She knows that this is the lesson that Shi Yan gives, does not have truly her soul heavy losses, otherwise restriction in tranquil this princess soul, so long as strikes, she then cannot withstand. 她知道这是石岩给予的教训,却没有真正将她的灵魂重创,要不然平静这郡主魂中的禁制,只要一击,她便承受不住。 I am all right, power had an accident, a while was good.” Cai Yi sits the straight body reluctantly, does not dare to continue many to peep at to restriction of main soul , to continue to use Monster Core to restore Essence Qi. “我没事,力量出了点岔子,一会儿就好了。”彩衣勉强坐直身子,不敢继续对主魂的禁制多加窥视,继续来用妖晶恢复精元 Not far away, the Shi Yan corners of the mouth overflowed a wisp of ice cold happy expressionto gain ground to shoot a look at that Cai Yi direction one. 不远处,石岩嘴角溢出一缕冰寒的笑意”抬头瞥了那彩衣的方向一眼。 Some little time. 好一会儿。 Ai Ya opens eyes slowly, in the hand the Monster Core monster strength was absorbed together completely, changed into an ordinary stone. 艾雅缓缓睁开眼,手中一块妖晶妖力全部被吸收,化为了一块普通的石头。 She slightly disappointedly looked at Shi Yan, has stood silently, said lightly: Was similar, we look for Cai Yi they.” 她略显失望的望了一眼石岩,默默站了起来,淡淡道:“差不多了,我们去找彩衣他们。” Shi Yan nodded, in the heart actually sneers, keeps silent. 石岩点了点头,心中却冷笑不已,默不作声。 The clarity that the disappointment in the Ai Ya eye instantaneously flashing through, he looks, through that look, he guessed that Ai Ya really harbors evil intentions, decides in static cultivating however has been alerting secretly ”, so long as he as soon as has the movement, this Ai Ya gets rid inevitably immediately fully, the potential must execute her. 艾雅眼中瞬间闪过的失望之情,他看的清清楚楚,通过那一个眼神,他就猜测出艾雅果然不怀好意,在静修中定然一直暗暗戒备着”只要他一有动作,这艾雅必然立即全力出手,势要将她格杀。 Most poisonous woman will of the people! 最毒妇人心! In the Shi Yan heart scolded one, follows in Ai Ya behind, the line of sight to carry the buttocks place circulation to be uncertain in her, look cloudy clear uncertain. 石岩心中骂了一句,跟在艾雅身后,视线在她背臀处流转不定,眼神阴晴不定。 Ai Ya turns head suddenly, beautiful pupil cold Qiang for the first time presently. 艾雅突然回头,美眸寒羌乍现。 Shi Yan had a scare, suddenly Essence Qi surging whole body, a fierce imposing manner, does not control self releases from the body. 石岩吓了一跳,精元骤然涌动全身,一股狂烈的气势,不自禁的从身上释放出来。 Ai Ya looks at maliciously he, cold voice said: Look cleanly.” The words, she turns around to continue to graze. 艾雅狠狠的看着他,冷声道:“眼神干净一点。”话罢,她又掉头继续飞掠。 Shi Yan one dull, shook the head lowly chucklednot to be many says anything. 石岩一呆,摇头嘿嘿低笑”也不多说什么。 Quickly, Cai Yi and Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun then appear in the view, that Cai Yi sees him to come, the beautiful pupil stares fiercely with raw hate to him, the eye meaning of hate is extremely obvious. 很快地,彩衣博格劳里劳伦便出现在眼帘,那彩衣一见他过来,美眸猛地凶狠地瞪向他,眼中的怨恨之意极其明显。 Shrugs, Shi Yan natural smiling, feigns the safe saying: „?” 耸了耸肩,石岩潇洒的笑了笑,佯装无事道:“是不是可以出发了?” Cai Yi also knows one were rude, is restraining by force the anger in heart, no longer looks at Shi Yan, but said to that Ai Ya: Can walk.”, Ai Ya nodded, looked at one Cai Yi four people, said: Comes with me.”, Takes out that compass, has distinguished directionAi Ya before, with was the same , to continue to go toward that Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist deep place line. 彩衣也知道自己失态了,强压着心中的愤怒,不再去看石岩,而是对那艾雅道:“可以走了。”,艾雅点头,看了一眼彩衣四人,道:“跟我来吧。”,取出那罗盘,辨别了方向”艾雅在前,和原先一样,继续往那暗磁雾瘴的深处行去。 Also was days passes. 又是一段日子过去了。 With Ai Ya , to continue thoroughly in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, once Ai Ya discovers unusually, will then make Shi Yan go forward to take risk, wishes one could Shi Yan dead in the Demonic Beast mouth, or communicated Warrior killing to fall may Shi Yan often disappoint her, in various bad risks, he can always turn danger into safety, looks like the luck is dreadfulas if the strength has nothing to do. 跟着艾雅,在这暗磁雾瘴中继续深入,一旦艾雅发现异常,便会让石岩上前冒险,恨不得石岩死在妖兽口中,或是被来往的武者给杀摔可石岩每每让她失望,在各类凶险中,他总能化险为夷,看起来运气滔天”似乎和实力无关。 These days, Shi Yan and Ai Ya and Cai Yi one line of five peoplehave met several waves of Demonic Beast, through hunting and killing Demonic Beast obtained some Monster Core, has bumped into other team Warrior, both sides launch to slaughteroften Shi Yan to attain in greasy Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist not to have any custom likely, the strength powerful person, to plunder strength weak person Monster Core on the ear heartily, several times saw other Warrior association, Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others the words did not say that ” saw to kill, then came up to begin directly, compared with Demonic Beast must savage. 这段时间,石岩艾雅彩衣一行五人”又遇到了几波妖兽,通过猎杀妖兽获得了一些妖晶,也碰到了别的队伍武者,双方展开厮杀”往往石岩这边获腻暗磁雾瘴中像是没有任何规矩,实力强悍的人,就耳以尽情掠夺实力弱的人身上妖晶,好几次见到别的武者团体,艾雅彩衣等人连话都不说”一见可杀,便上去直接动手,比妖兽还要凶残 Shi Yan has maintained the strength. 石岩一直保存实力。 His demand are not many regarding Monster Core, bumps into Demonic Beast each time, he little gets rid as far as possible, disagreement Ai Ya and the others fought for these Monster Core. Bumps into Warrior, Shi Yan seems like not positive, ” does not have the too big greedy heart regarding these Warrior Imaginary Space Ring likely, whatever that Ai Ya and Cai Yi come to harvest the spoils of war, he stands watchingprobably not to have the greedy heart. 对于妖晶他需求不多,每次碰到妖兽,他都尽量少出手,不和艾雅等人争抢那些妖晶。碰到武者,石岩看起来也不积极,对于那些武者身上的幻空戒”像是没有太大的贪婪之心,任由那艾雅彩衣来将战利品收获,他只是站着观看”好像没有贪婪心。 However, after absorbing these Warrior dies the essence, Shi Yan Essence Qi actually throughout stems from the full the condition, and strives to want the breakthrough Nirvana Origin Third Sky bottleneck situation. 然而,在不知不觉间,通过吸收那些武者死后的精气,石岩精元却始终出于充盈的状态,并精进到要突破涅巢三重天瓶颈地步。 Later several times mystical different strength, have not flowed to the Essence Qi light group unexpectedly, the direction enter in Stars Martial Spirit leisurely, this made Shi Yan consciousness until now[ body] in the Essence Qi light group enough fining was vigorous, to continue to strive, feared that was needs the mood to achieve Nirvana Origin Third Sky. 之后几次的神秘异力,竟没有流向精元光团,方向逸入星辰武魂之中,这让石岩意识到如今的〖体〗内精元光团已足够精炼浑厚,若想继续精进,怕是需要心境达到涅巢三重天 Such one, he then secretly pays attention ” the comprehension on Realm, has regarded the main purpose. 这么一来,他便暗暗留心”将境界上的领悟,当成了主要目的。 On this day, Shi Yan one line of six people, are resting on barren hill in an float dense fog temporarily. 这一天,石岩一行六人,在一座悬浮迷雾中的秃山上暂时休憩着。 Suddenly, grating roartransmit from the barren hill, at once then sees Warrior that wears the golden vigor to install, comes fiercely, Hehe grins fiendishly to fly toward their six people. 突然,一声声刺耳的厉啸”从秃山周围传来,旋即便见一道道身穿金色劲装的武者,猛地现身,嘿嘿狞笑着朝着他们六人飞来。 Has regarded game Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others of other Warrior association all the way, saw that these wear Warrior that the golden vigor installs, immediately the color deterioration, is critical situation sets out to deal. 一路上一直将别的武者团体当成猎物的艾雅彩衣等人,一见到这些身穿金色劲装的武者,纷纷变色,立即如临大敌的起身应对。 Shi Yan frowns to look all around, but lookedthen in the heart one cold, knows that this time they feared must become others' game. 石岩皱着眉头环顾四周,只是看了一圈”便心中一凛,知道这次他们怕是要成为别人的猎物了。 ...... ……
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