GOS :: Volume #4

#379: Occupies completely advantage/cheap!

Ai Ya and Cai Yi are again slow, knows that this octopus strange unusuality, is definitely related with Shi Yan ** 艾雅彩衣就算是再迟钝,也知道这章鱼怪的异常,肯定和石岩有关** Makes two female puzzled, only then Shi Yan of boundary of Nirvana Second Sky, in that octopus has in the violently poisonous mouth strangely, why not only had not been killed by poison and bitten to death, will also have the strength of counter-attack, unexpectedly strangely does this octopus so distressed? 只是让两女不解的,只有涅盘二重天之境的石岩,在那章鱼怪有着剧毒的口中,为什么不但没有被毒死、被咬死,还会有反击之力,竟将这章鱼怪搞的这般狼狈? Ai Ya and Cai Yi cannot think through them, Shi Yan is only very ordinary Nirvana boundary Warrior, came from the place of Endless Sea this type of barbarian, this Warrior will have what skills and abilities, how make this thousands hands black ink octopus be at wit's end? 艾雅彩衣想不通在她们来看,石岩只是一个非常普通的涅盘武者,还是来自于无尽海这种蛮夷之地,这种武者何德何能,怎会让这千手墨章鱼无计可施? Different with Shi Yan, Cai Yi and Ai Ya know that the thousands hands black ink octopus is seven levels of Demonic Beast, the supernatural power in the sea water is astonishing, in fang violently poisonous corrosion strength terrifying, and each tentacle and thousands hands black ink octopus the source of connection of monster strength, once by the tentacle of that thousands hands black ink octopus twining, defends astral to cover is hard to display the murder way of this thousands hands black ink octopus, then first ties down the body of opposite party with the tentacle, pulls to its huge mouth, once venom of Warrior by that huge mouth bumping into, the whole body has been incapable immediately, the body flesh and blood corrupts rapidly when fleshly body is incapable rottenly, the octopus is strange. So long as chews several with that fang fiercely, any Warrior cannot resist, will immediately become the blood clot, then swallowing into the abdomen will self-examine by this thousands hands black ink Cai Yi and Ai Ya of octopus is their Realm and cultivation base, once will fall into the octopus strange mouth, when defense light cover has not offered a sacrifice, also by the venom to the rotten tender body, will then become by octopus strange easy biting the smashing so, they have struggled, will resist pulling of that thousands hands black ink octopus tentacle fully, does not dare to get sucked into the vicious tongue of thousands hands black ink octopus by oneself, therefore Shi Yan one will fall into the vicious tongue of that thousands hands black ink octopus, they. Then takes for granted thinks Shi Yan must die without doubt, does not have escaping death by a hair's breadth certainly possibly may this time octopus strangely actually in crazy dancing, this is the Shi Yan masterpiece, Shi Yan has not died obviously obviously, instead in continue be moving in the vicious tongue of thousands hands black ink octopus, this lets that thousands hands black ink octopus incomparable pain Ai Ya and Cai Yi deals is twining tentacle, while under surprised looks at, in the heart full is the doubts is puzzled, suddenly thought that Shi Yan this fellow as if some unusual on this time terrifying monster strength, suddenly from the tentacle of that thousands hands black ink octopus wells up crazily, but, in waves fiercely. The thousands hands black ink octopus of body, is not counting all crazy counter-attack, finally came Ai Ya and Cai Yi to know the habit of this thousands hands black ink octopus, knows that the forms of defensive action of thousands hands black ink octopus, know thousands hands black ink octopus when being on the verge of death, will explode through the tentacle the monster strength in Monster Core, the biology of then pestering used the root monster strength in Monster Core with the wild monster strength to the rush stiffly, the thousands hands black ink octopus meets cultivation base to damage afterward greatly, will not arrive at the time of most bad risk crisis, the thousands hands black ink octopus such will not make decidedly Cai Yi and a Ai Ya face with amazement, feels efficacy that was touching to be used, they. Finally changed the complexion, struggles fully, in abundance revolves the rare treasure and Martial Skills, the whole body is pasting astonishing rays of light, cuts off these winding snow white tender bodies tentacle Ai Ya to be good, her cultivation base is exquisite, in Imaginary Space Ring flashes through one bunch of different light, such as the ice corner woods cold white light, blooms fiercely at the same time, she displays the blade edge of decomposition immediately, points from her clear flashing through, cut off most rough and work-soiled tentacle, and precise whole body power, guards this thousands hands black ink octopus before attacking Cai Yi, fully power loses are too many, clearly know thousands hands black ink octopus. This wave of attack swiftly and fiercely, most tentacles that also cannot twine in the short time cut off hōng hōng hōng 石岩不同,彩衣艾雅都知道千手墨章鱼乃是七级妖兽,在海水中神力惊人,獠牙中剧毒腐蚀力恐怖之极,并且每一条触手都和千手墨章鱼的妖力之源连通,一旦被那千手墨章鱼的触手给缠绕着,身上的防御罡罩就难以施展这千手墨章鱼的杀人方式,便是先用触手缠住对方的身体,拉扯向它的巨口,一旦武者被那巨口中的毒液给碰到了,马上全身无力,身体血肉迅腐烂在肉身腐烂无力时,章鱼怪。只要拿那獠牙猛嚼几口,任何武者都抵挡不住,会立即成为血块,进而被这千手墨章鱼给吞入腹中彩衣艾雅自问就算是她们的境界修为,一旦落入章鱼怪口中,在身上的防御光罩没有祭出来时,也会被毒液给腐烂娇躯,进而被章鱼怪轻而易举的咬成粉碎正是如此,她们才一直挣扎,全力来抵御那千手墨章鱼触手的拉扯,万万不敢让自己深陷千手墨章鱼的毒口中所以石岩一落入那千手墨章鱼的毒口,她们。便想当然的认为石岩必死无疑,绝无幸免于难的可能可这时候章鱼怪却在疯狂的“跳舞”,这显然是石岩的杰作,石岩明显没死,反而在千手墨章鱼的毒口中在继续活动着,这才让那千手墨章鱼无比的痛苦艾雅彩衣一边应对着缠绕身上的触手,一边惊奇的看着下方,芳心中满是疑惑不解,忽然觉得石岩这家伙似乎有些不同寻常就在此时一股恐怖的妖力,忽然从那千手墨章鱼的触手之中狂涌而来,在剧烈舞动。着身子的千手墨章鱼,不计一切的疯狂反击,终于来了艾雅彩衣知道这千手墨章鱼的习性,也知道千手墨章鱼的攻击方式,知道千手墨章鱼在濒死之际,会将妖晶中的妖力通过触手爆出来,进而将纠缠的生物给硬生生用狂暴的妖力给冲杀利用妖晶中的根源妖力,千手墨章鱼事后会修为大损,不到最为凶险危机的时刻,千手墨章鱼断然不会这么做彩衣艾雅一脸骇然,感受着身上触用来的药力,她们。终于变了脸色,全力来挣扎,纷纷将秘宝和武技运转开来,周身流转着惊人的光芒,去斩断那些缠绕雪白娇躯的触手艾雅还好,她本身修为就非常精湛,幻空戒中闪过一束异光,一条条如冰棱般的森寒白光,猛地绽放出来与此同时,她立即施展出分解之刃,一道道锋芒从她那晶莹的闪过,将身上大半的粗黑触手斩断,并且凝炼全身力量,来防备这千手墨章鱼的全力袭击彩衣之前力量损耗太多,明知道千手墨章鱼。这一波攻击将会凌厉之极,也不能在短时间将身上缠绕的大多数触手斩断“轰轰轰 The landslide turbulent great strength, explodes in two female tentacles from the winding, that twines two female tentacles, suddenly explodes, monster strength rush two female tender bodies crazily, the potential must all be destroyed Puchi two female protection 山崩般的汹涌巨力,从缠绕在两女身上的触手之中爆开来,那缠绕两女的触手,突然爆裂开来,一股股妖力疯狂涌向两女娇躯,势要将两女一身防备全被摧毁“噗哧 Ai Ya and Cai Yi simultaneously spout a blood, the look none remaining is dim, on snow white tender body, the bloodstain of also by the thousands hands black ink octopus tentacle being spluttered moistening fully ** 艾雅彩衣同时喷出一口鲜血,眼神的精光黯淡下来,雪白的娇躯上,也被千手墨章鱼触手溅射出来的血迹给沾满** A Ai Ya blood spouts, then sees and has the tentacle to spread from, swaying from side to side, these tentacles is coming this thousands hands black ink octopus not to give up toward her snow white ketone body winding once more obviously, prepares life-and-death to wrestle, must destroying completely her elegant face changes again and again under water all living thing, under panic-stricken looking several want the crazy octopus to be strange, cannot think that flies fully toward the lake surface on, such as the light, wears out together layer upon layer lake water Illusion, is about this strange lake Cai Yi blood to have spouted, some within the body power disorder, Essence Qi like the electricity, flies to flee in the tender body suddenly has not organized the ample force with enough time., Under her body also has the tentacle of thousands hands black ink octopus to spread, does not wait for her to flee, is being a terrifying monster strength explodes once more to restraint her snow white tender body, that twines the tentacle of her thousands hands black ink octopus, when explodes broken, the turbulent monster strength attacks, gives to rout defense power that she gathers reluctantly, instantaneously flushing fainted the past to see only the Cai Yi that graceful snow white ketone body her, was fluttering in that waterdrop, the submersion, cannot resist the tentacle of thousands hands black ink octopus slowly also in this time, under lake water thousands hands black ink. Octopus crazy roared, an intermittent strange sharp howl, spread under water, the lake water seethed with excitement suddenly, raised greatly surged that thousands hands black ink octopus to wave the body that to be crazier, gradually was actually incapable, what saw only its is strangely incomparable was the forehead, suddenly emitted the blood holes, that blood hole broke, the lake water poured into abundance, flooded its brain also to gather the power thousands hands black ink octopus directly, in the head broke, was incapable gradually, the black tentacles of that winding around whole body, activity did not have strength Shi Yan in the brain of thousands hands black ink octopus, release heartily. fleshly body wild power, under Rampage First Sky, draws support in the whole body muscle that is containing the different strength, revolution Essence Qi, has not displayed any Martial Skills, he one makes sincerely, power with irresistible force, the brain of this thousands hands black ink octopus such as is stuck rottenly, the brain fluid that he hits splashes the brain to be destroyed in abundance, this thousands hands black ink octopus is fierce, is difficult to keep off the Shi Yan point, Monster Core cannot continue to release power to come, is gradually weak, is swaying in the lake bottom, slowly sank has gotten down to stick in the common brain territory rottenly, Shi Yan was hoodwinking the stars luminous spot, such as savage wild beast, continued wantonly. Destroying, hands and feet such as mountain bang cracks in the earth, this brain territory stirring earth-shaking fist size Monster Core, glittering the swarthy different light, the brain territory corner is flashing before Shi Yan to laugh in that sticks rottenly, gets hold of that Monster Core, at once uses Negative Energy precise Seal of Death, according to destroys all life force different strength in spot one that Monster Core is separated from, deeply submerges in that region, octopus strange life force, under this strikes, cut off thoroughly, again not living, drop one point of sharp sword was common, Shi Yan from thousands hands black ink octopus brain one. In the blood hole flies, receives conveniently seven levels of Monster Core of thousands hands black ink octopus, is heavy comes under water, only thinks carefree dripping, remembers complacent to be full, harvests many together seven levels of Monster Core, in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist extremely precious, had this seven levels of Monster Core, even if his within the body Essence Qi loses completely cleanly, can draw support this seven levels of Monster Core, calmly after cultivating, completely after restoring Monster Core to fall into Imaginary Space Ring, Shi Yan calmly float under water, looks at that thousands hands black ink octopus slowly sinks, toward does not know that the deep lake sinks, expression joyfully together snow white graceful ketone body., Heaves in sight suddenly, he raises head looks, presently that whole body wisp of Cai Yi, closes one's eyes, the face whiten, was sinking to the lake bottom to stare at that Cai Yi to look at one gradually, the Shi Yan look one coldly, the corners of the mouth transgressed an ice cold happy expression, suddenly flew to flee, such as a sea-monster was common, before being about to arrive at this Cai Yi body, looks at that graceful moving snow white ketone body, that abundant milk-white bosom, supple, if the waist of characterless, that plentiful slender beautiful leg, Shi Yan lowly chuckled, went forward to grasp her, only thinks that starting still have body temperature, was only power in this ketone body Quite disorder slightly nosing, he then knows this Cai Yi temporarily fainted, last a while, in within the body power restored regularly, this Cai Yi will again then wake up to hold this moving heart and soul wonderful ketone body, Shi Yan Hehe is sneering, short distance was looking at carefully, a hand impolite, in her made on the person blood spray out tender body walk randomly in Cai Yi that beautiful breast, waist, the straight leg and abundant buttocks has bustled about, in stone wall of Shi Yan tour to lake, dug out cave slowly after easily, he was holding this stupor Cai Yi, wormed one's way into to receive Star Shield, offered a sacrifice. Dark Light Shield, the defense of Dark Light Shield is taking advantage of Essence Qi, does not need to consume Strength of Stars, this Dark Light Shield, equally the lake water preventing outside, him treats with Cai Yi of this stupor together in Dark Light Shield sits in wet cave, Shi Yan holds Cai Yi that graceful charming snow white ketone body on the thigh, the look cloudy clear uncertain two hands immodestly are actually hovering for the it crazy body in her command countless men, is feeling the snow myo- creamy touch, abundant chest full abundant, Shi Yan some capricious, actually not dazzling and intoxicating, instead frowns, how considers must handle this woman big hand to move, The Shi Yan complexion ices to be cold gradually, the look also becomes cold heartless, long time, his Hehe does not sneer, then prepares the heavy hand to destroy the flower however, in this time, different strength change the whole body, a that three Warrior essence that in acupoint absorbs, carved to be purified that mystical different strength at this time to well up suddenly, such as energy spirit snakes, submerged the Essence Qi light group of his lower abdomen to neutralize the thousands hands black ink octopus to fight the loss in abundance Essence Qi, including power that these days passed, in short time restoration, and under that mystical different strength, his Essence Qi also slightly strove. Shi Yan whole body shakes, immediately closes the eye, senses the change of Essence Qi light group, sinks to the mind that marvelous Essence Qi old tree also in this time, fainted Cai Yi, her eyelash moves, resembles to wake up...... 艾雅一口鲜血喷出,便见到又有触手从下方蔓延过来,扭动着,那些触手再次朝着她那雪白酮体缠绕而来这千手墨章鱼显然没有放弃,准备殊死一搏,要将水底所有生物给灭掉她俏脸一变再变,惊骇的望了望下方几欲疯狂的章鱼怪,不敢多想,全力朝着湖面上飞去,如一道光,穿破层层湖水幻境,快出了这古怪的湖泊彩衣一口鲜血喷出,体内力量突然有些紊乱,精元如电,在娇躯内飞窜尚未来得及组织余力。,她身下又有千手墨章鱼的触手蔓延过来,不等她逃离,再次将她雪白的娇躯给束缚着又是一股恐怖的妖力爆开来,那缠绕她身上的千手墨章鱼的触手,在爆碎的时候,汹涌的妖力又冲击过来,将她勉强聚集的防御力量给击溃,瞬间将她给冲晕了过去只见彩衣那曼妙雪白的酮体,在那水滴飘荡着,缓缓下沉,再也不能来抗争千手墨章鱼的触手也在此时,湖水底下的千手墨。章鱼疯狂的咆哮起来,一阵阵怪异的尖锐啸声,在水底中传开来,湖水突然沸腾起来,掀起巨大的波荡那千手墨章鱼舞动的身子越加疯狂,却渐渐无力,只见它那怪异无比的是头部,突然冒出一个个血洞,那血洞一破开来,湖水纷纷灌注进来,直接满溢了它的脑部还想要聚集力量千手墨章鱼,在脑袋破开之时,渐渐无力,那缭绕全身的一条条黑色触手,活动的也没了力道石岩千手墨章鱼的脑部,尽情的释放着。肉身的狂暴力量,暴走一重天之下,借助于浑身肌肉中那蕴藏着的异力,运转精元,没有施展任何的武技,他一拳拳打出,力量势如破竹,这千手墨章鱼的脑部被他打的如烂糊,脑浆纷纷飞溅开来脑部被破坏,这千手墨章鱼就算是再厉害,也难挡石岩锋芒,妖晶也不能继续释放出力量来,渐渐不支,在湖底晃荡着,慢慢沉了下去烂糊一般的脑域中,石岩蒙着星辰光点,如一头凶残野兽,继续大肆。破坏着,手脚如山轰地裂,将这脑域给搅的天翻地覆一枚拳头大小妖晶,闪烁着黝黑异光,在那烂糊般的脑域一角闪现出来石岩哈哈大笑着,一把将那妖晶握紧,旋即用负面力量凝炼死印,按在那妖晶脱离的部位一股毁灭一切生机的异力,在那一块区域深深没入,章鱼怪的生机,在这一击之下,被彻底斩断,再也没了生息,下降的了一分利剑一般,石岩千手墨章鱼脑部一个。血洞中飞出来,随手将千手墨章鱼的七级妖晶收起,重在水底现身,只觉畅快淋漓,志得意满,收获颇丰一块七级的妖晶,在这暗磁雾瘴中极为的珍贵,有了这一块七级妖晶,就算是他体内精元全部损耗干净,也可以借助于这一块七级妖晶,静修之后全部恢复过来妖晶落入幻空戒后,石岩静静地悬浮在水底,看着千手墨章鱼缓缓下沉,往不知多深的湖地沉落,表情愉悦一道雪白的曼妙酮体。,忽然映入眼帘,他仰头一看,现那浑身不着一缕的彩衣,闭着眼睛,脸色苍白,正渐渐沉入湖底盯着那彩衣望了一眼,石岩眼神一冷,嘴角逸出一个冰寒的笑意,突然飞窜过去,如一条游鱼一般,快来到了这彩衣身前看着那曼妙动人的雪白酮体,那丰挺的酥胸,柔若无骨的腰肢,还有那丰腴修长的美腿,石岩嘿嘿低笑,上前一把将她抱住,只觉入手犹有体温,只是这酮体中的力量颇为紊乱略一查探,他便知道这彩衣只是暂时昏厥过去,过上一会儿,等体内力量恢复正规了,这彩衣便会重醒来抱着这动人心魄的美妙酮体,石岩嘿嘿冷笑着,近距离的端详着,一只手不客气的在她那让人血脉喷张的娇躯上游走在彩衣那美乳、腰肢、直腿、丰臀大肆活动了一番,石岩慢慢游向湖泊中的石壁处,轻易掘开一个石洞后,他抱着这昏迷的彩衣,一头钻了进去收起星盾,祭出。乌光盾,乌光盾的防御依仗着精元,不需要耗费星辰之力,这乌光盾一出,一样将湖水给阻挡在外,他和这昏迷的彩衣一起待在乌光盾中坐在湿漉漉的石洞中,石岩彩衣那曼妙迷人的雪白酮体抱在大腿上,眼神阴晴不定两只手却不客气地在她那令无数男人为之疯狂的身上游动着,感受着雪肌的滑腻触感,丰胸的饱满丰挺,石岩有些心猿意马,却并未目眩神迷,反而皱着眉头,思量着要如何处置这女人大手活动着,石岩脸色渐渐冰寒下来,眼神也变得冷冽无情,不多时,他嘿嘿冷笑一声,便准备辣手摧花然而,就在此时,一股股异力流变全身,穴窍中吸收的那三名武者的一身精气,在这时刻被净化完毕那神秘异力霍然涌出来,如一条条能量灵蛇,纷纷没入他小腹的精元光团中和千手墨章鱼一战损耗的精元,包括这段时间流逝的力量,在短时间恢复,并且在那神秘异力之下,他精元还略有精进。石岩浑身一震,立即闭上眼睛,去感悟精元光团的变化,将心神沉入那奇妙的精元古树之中也在此时,昏厥过去彩衣,她那睫毛动了动,似要醒来……
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