GOS :: Volume #4

#378: suddenly to strike!

The intention moves, whole body 720 acupoint tight, turbulent Negative Energy, fly to overflow from acupoint suddenly unexpectedly. 心念一动,全身720个穴窍忽然一紧,汹涌的负面力量,蓦地从穴窍中飞而溢而出。 Rampage hangs the day! 暴走一垂天! Feels wild Negative Energy that fleshly body is overflowing suddenly, the Shi Yan whole body muscle tightens suddenly. Arbitrary violent fleshly body power, in the tremor of whole body muscle fiber, suddenly spout. 感受着肉身骤然流溢出来的狂暴负面力量,石岩浑身肌肉突然绷紧。一股蛮横猛烈之极的肉身力量,在浑身肌纤维的颤动中,骤然喷涌出来。 In a flash. A Shi Yan power rising suddenly several fold! 一瞬间。石岩一身力量暴涨数倍! That is pulling him, him toward the black ink black tentacle that the octopus strange dense huge mouth goes, suddenly the entanglement of doom to him, octopus strange pulling strength, rises suddenly instantaneously. 那拉扯着他,将他一路往章鱼怪森森巨口而去的墨黑色触手,突然死命的纠缠向他,章鱼怪的扯动之力,也瞬间暴涨。 However, the body that his sinks unceasingly, actually suddenly stopped under water! How regardless of that octopus is strange makes an effort, Shi Yan just likes ten thousand years of motionless rock is together ordinary, stagnates under water deep place, how regardless of that octopus is strange makes an effort, cannot shake his silhouette. 然而,他那不断下沉的身体,却在水底突然停了下来!不论那章鱼怪如何使力,石岩犹如一块万年不动的磐石一般,凝滞在水底深处,不论那章鱼怪如何使力,都不能将他身影撼动。 In the Shi Yan solemn eye pupil, fierce severe light flashes past together, above octopus strange huge mouth. In his slowly aggregate plaster wild strength. Also does not have sharply immediately is beginning, but is staring at the octopus strange huge mouth stubbornly, resembles is hesitating anything. 石岩冷峻的眼眸中,一道狰狞厉光一闪而过,就在章鱼怪巨口上方。他慢慢聚集体垩内狂暴之力。却又没急着马上动手,只是死死盯着章鱼怪的巨口,似在踌躇着什么。 In his top of the head dozens zhang (3.33 m) place. Ai Ya and in the Cai Yi two female beautiful pupils flashes through the surprised meaning suddenly. Two female looks at Shi Yan, suddenly have mind filled with the doubts, does not know the body potential that he drops why stopped suddenly. 在他头顶数十丈处。艾雅彩衣两女美眸中忽然闪过惊讶之意。两女愣愣地看着石岩,一时间满腹疑惑,不知道他下降的身势为什么突然止住了。 They have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, power uses completely. Also will can caress the graduated arm with the octopus strange tentacle great strength. Only then does Shi Yan of boundary of Nirvana Origin Second Sky, have such terrifying power? 她们都有着天位境的修为,一身力量全部动用起来。也只是堪堪能够和章鱼怪的触手巨力相抚衡。只有涅巢二重天之境的石岩,难道也有如此恐怖力量 Ai Ya and motionless Shi Yan of Cai Yi dull looks at above octopus strange huge mouth. On two tender and delicate bright-colored cheekswrote all over startled Rong He to have doubts, two females do not believe that was only trivial Nirvana Origin Second Sky Realm Shi Yan. Will have is enduring compared with their power. 艾雅彩衣呆呆的看着在章鱼怪巨口上方一动不动的石岩。两张娇嫩明艳的脸蛋上”写满了惊容和疑惑,两女怎么也不相信只是区区涅巢二重天境界石岩。会拥有着堪比她们的力量 When these two female surprised doubts are puzzled. The body of Shi Yan, sinks suddenly once more slowly. 在这两女的惊讶疑惑不解时。石岩的身子,突然再次缓缓下沉。 Has been paying attention Shi Yan Ai Ya and Cai Yi. Saw his body to start the submersion, the astonished color in eye was slightly light, relaxed secretlythought that just Shi Yan unusual form, perhaps was only that octopus strange adjustment, in it adjusted, all started to return to the original condition. 一直留意着石岩艾雅彩衣。一见他身子又开始了下沉,眼中的惊异之色稍淡,暗暗松了一口气”觉得刚刚石岩的异状,或许只是那章鱼怪的调整,在它调整完毕过后,一切又开始恢复原状。 The octopus indeed is adjusting strangely. 章鱼怪的确在调整。 This Demonic Beast wisdom is astonishing ” the sensation of each tentacle exceptionally to be keen, in that instant of strength eruption Shi Yan hides. It immediately from the body of Shi Yan. Induced extremely the fierce explosive force. 这头妖兽智慧惊人”每一个触手的感知都异常敏锐,在石岩隐藏的实力爆发的那一霎。它立即从石岩的身上。感应到了极其凶悍的爆发力。 Strong of this powerhas surpassed Ai Ya and Cai Yi two females unexpectedly. So power, making the octopus realize strangely improper. The main attention will have placed on Shi Yan unexpectedly. Starts more the different strength to exert on tying up the tentacle of Shi Yan, must first Shi Yan strangling to death. 这股力量之强”竟超过了艾雅彩衣两女。如此力量,让章鱼怪意识到不妥。竟将主要的注意力放在了石岩身上。开始将更多异力施加在捆缚石岩的触手上,要先将石岩给绞杀。 Monster strength by that thick long black ink black tentacle. In the fast-flow, the original octopus wants the replenishment strangely to Ai Ya and Cai Yi some monster strength. Was assembled temporarily by it, along that tentacle, together wells up unexpectedly toward Shi Yan that. 一股股妖力透过那粗长的墨黑色触手。在快速流动,本来章鱼怪要加注向艾雅彩衣的部分妖力。被它给暂时调集开来,竟沿着那触手,一路往石岩那一块涌来。 Shi Yan realized immediately ties up the change of whole body tentacle. 石岩立即察觉到捆缚全身触手的异动。 expression is invariable, in the heart sneers constantly, Shi Yan thwarts, not only does not have the tenacious resistance, instead postpones an eruption of power, ” sinks under pulling of that tentacle slowly to that octopus strange dense huge mouth. 神色不变,心中冷笑不迭,石岩将计就计,不但没有顽强的抗争,反而暂缓一身力量的爆发,在那触手的拉扯下”缓缓沉向那章鱼怪的森森巨口。 In this time, he cannot help but indifferently looked at Ai Ya and Cai Yi of top of the head, saw appearance that these two females relaxed obviously. 在此时候,他不由得冷眼看了看头顶的艾雅彩衣,看到了这两女明显松了一口气的模样。 Thinks that I die...... 想我死么…… cold intent in Shi Yan heart, had haggling over secretly. 石岩心中的冷意更甚,暗暗有了计较。 , He was gradually getting more and more near to that octopus strange dense huge mouthAi Ya and Cai Yi two females, saw with own eyes that he soon strangely will be swallowed into the abdomen by the octopus. Obviously relaxed. 渐渐地,他离那章鱼怪的森森巨口越来越近了”艾雅彩衣两女,眼见他即将被章鱼怪吞入腹中。都明显放松了一些。 On them wonderful forbidden land, does not have an omission. All by the Shi Yan brilliant vision clear income eyeground, to Shi Yan, on them did not have any secret to say, wonderful condition Bi Xian. 她们身上的美妙禁地,没有一丝遗漏。全被石岩灼灼目光一清二楚收入眼底,对石岩来说,她们身上已没有了任何秘密可言,妙态毕现。 But to Ai Ya and Cai Yi, the graceful body looked at the light by a strange man, this cannot permit decidedly, even if the octopus strange cannot massacre Shi Yan. They also will perhaps have to extinguish kill the idea of Shi Yan, afterward Shi Yan destroying. 但对艾雅彩衣而言,曼妙的身子被一个陌生男人看光,这是断然不能允许的,就算章鱼怪不能将石岩杀掉。她们或许也会心存灭杀石岩的想法,事后将石岩给毁去。 Otherwise, existence of Shi Yan, is a knot that in their hearts can never untie, could affect their future mood. Affects their Realm breakthrough. 否则,石岩的存在,将会是她们心中永远解不开的一个结,或许能影响她们未来的心境。影响她们境界突破 Saw with own eyes that Shi Yan soon will be extinguished kills, they are glad to watch changes quietly, is planning secretly, in Shi Yan by octopus strange mastication. Gets rid fully, seizes the chance to run away from this lake. 眼见石岩即将被灭杀,她们乐得静观其变,暗暗筹谋着,在石岩被章鱼怪咀嚼之时。全力出手,趁机从这湖泊底下逃出来。 So is thinking. Ai Ya and Cai Yi are pay attention to pay attention to Shi Yan every action and every movement, two pairs of beautiful pupils flicker on place Shi Yan that does not move, looks at he approaches that octopus strange huge mouth little, is anticipating anything secretly. 这般想着。艾雅彩衣更是留神注意石岩的一举一动,两双美眸一瞬不移的放在石岩身上,看着他一点点靠近那章鱼怪的巨口,暗暗期待着什么。 Shi Yan look ice-cold, the corners of the mouth are hanging the fierce ruthless severe meaning, has not gone to Ai Ya and Cai Yi in quality of being worth looking at again, concentrating on stares at the octopus to blame that more and more near huge mouth, even can feel that from the intent of stench in that huge mouth transmits. 石岩眼神冰冷,嘴角挂着狰狞的狠厉之意,没有再去看头上的艾雅彩衣,全神贯注的盯着章鱼怪那越来越近的巨口,甚至能够感觉从到那巨口之中传来的腥臭之意。 Sharp sword fang, dodges looks at to absorb the cold brightness of person a maliciously, in that fang contains violently poisonously, in the octopus strange mouth the rank stink greets the nostrils, has the extremely fierce toxin inevitably. 一狠狠利剑般的獠牙,闪看着摄人的寒光,那獠牙中蕴含剧毒,章鱼怪的口中腥臭味扑鼻,必然也是有着极为厉害的毒素。 Once the average people fall into the octopus strange mouth, feared that is given the paralysis by the toxin immediately, then in whole body is weak, was blamed seizing the chance to chew the hashed meat by that octopus. 一般人一旦落入章鱼怪口中,怕是立即被毒素给麻痹,然后在浑身酥软之际,被那章鱼怪给趁机咀嚼成碎肉。 In the Shi Yan heart sneerslooks at that huge mouth, is alerting secretly, already prepared appropriately. 石岩心中冷笑”看着那巨口,暗暗戒备着,早已准备妥当。 When to that octopus strange huge mouth also remains about five meters, that octopus strange big mouth has opened, the dense densely covered singeing tooth, such as two rows of cutting edges are common. The middle reveals a static crack, body enters n on and other 离那章鱼怪巨口还剩五米左右之时,那章鱼怪大口已张开,森森密布的燎牙,如两排锋刃一般。中间露出条静隙,就等他身子进入n Has come and tentacle resistance Shi Yan fully, whole body power suddenly for a it loosen. 一直全力来和身上触手对抗的石岩,浑身力量骤然为之一松。 Makes an effort to pull that maliciously tentacle of Shi Yan, suddenly the discovery resistivity vanishes completely, under the huge inertia, Arrow that the body of Shi Yan such as projects together. Submerges in that octopus strange huge mouth instantaneously. 用力拉扯石岩的那一狠狠触手,突然发现抵抗力全部消失,在巨大的惯性下,石岩的身子如一道射出的箭矢。瞬间没入那章鱼怪的巨口之中。 The octopus blames to twine the tentacle of Shi Yan, in he falls into the huge mouth that rank stink greets the nostrils, suddenly one by one flies from Shi Yan, likely is pythons. The escape from its mouth comes out. 章鱼怪缠绕石岩的触手,在他落入那腥臭味扑鼻的巨口中,忽然一一石岩身上飞离出来,像是一条条蟒蛇。从它自己的口中飞逸出来。 Meanwhile, the octopus closes mouth strangely immediately, prepares to use the venom meat wall in oral cavity to push Shi Yan, prepares to chew the flesh lump Shi Yan. 与此同时,章鱼怪马上合上嘴,准备利用口腔中的毒液肉壁来推挤石岩,准备来将石岩嚼成肉块。 The octopus strange huge mouth closes up, Ai Ya and Cai Yi complexion one happy, starts to get rid fully, works loose tentacle with every effort, displays various Martial Skills and rare treasure one by one. 章鱼怪巨口一合拢,艾雅彩衣脸色一喜,开始全力出手,尽力来挣脱身上的触手,将各类武技、秘宝一一施展开来。 Sees only shining brilliance. Blooms on two female graceful bodies, one twines the tender body the tentacle to give to cut off instantaneously maliciously, but more tentacles fast fly from, twines once more to two females. 只见一道道灿灿光华。在两女曼妙的身上绽放出来,瞬间将一狠狠缠绕娇躯的触手给斩断,但更多的触手迅捷从下方飞来,再次缠绕向两女。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi clenches the teeth, body different light glittering is uncertain, various Martial Skills deep meanings stimulate to movement the pinnacle. Sees only two female snow white moving ketone body body sides, is surrounding the astonishing light beam, unceasingly and that octopus strange tentacle resistance. 艾雅彩衣咬着银牙,身上异光闪烁不定,各类武技奥义催动到极致。只见两女雪白动人的酮体身侧,环绕着惊人的光束,不断地和那章鱼怪的触手对抗。 Two females already really completely valuable strength. 两女已真的尽了宝力。 The Shi Yan person in the octopus strange huge mouth, only thinks that the rank stink irritates the nose incomparably, the viscous venom, such as the waterdrop is common, secure from the octopus strange oral cavity drops, drenches to his whole body. 石岩人在章鱼怪巨口中,只觉腥臭味刺鼻无比,粘稠的毒液,如水滴一般,从章鱼怪口腔上安滴落下来,淋向他全身。 Star Shield that he offers a sacrifice. Star light in that octopus strange mouth is bright, as thin as a cicada's wing. The star light is uncertain in whole body glittering, mystical not measures the meaning to the person, as if the heaven and earth highest good contains above that glittering stars luminous spot. 他祭出来的星盾。在那章鱼怪口中星光熠熠,薄如蝉翼。星光在周身闪烁不定,给人一种神秘莫测之意,仿佛天地至理都蕴藏在那一个个闪烁的星辰光点之上。 When the lake water, the octopus strange tentacle has twined his whole body, that maliciously rough and work-soiled tentacle. Not only has extreme powerful has pulled, one hunchback the wisp of monster strength to seep, continuously is affecting his power revolution. 在湖水中时,章鱼怪的触手一直缠绕他全身,那一狠狠粗黑的触手。不但有着极为强悍的拉扯了,其中还有一偻缕妖力渗透进来,不断地影响着他的力量运转。 Because of so, him and Ai Ya, Cai Yi, after that tentacle has twined the whole body, cannot display to be similar to the Star Shield this kind of defense light covers. 正是因如此,他和艾雅彩衣三人,在那触手缠绕了全身之后,都没有能够施展出类似于星盾这类的防御光罩来。 When he falls into the octopus strange mouth that instant, that twines the tentacle of his whole body, immediately takes back, in that instant, early has him of preparation, immediately opened Star Shield, does not wait for that more venom overflowing full whole body, Star Shield then to protect the whole body. 当他落入章鱼怪口中那一霎,那缠绕他全身的触手,立即收回,也是在那一霎,早有准备的他,立即开启了星盾,不等那更多的毒液溢满全身,星盾便将周身护住。 Star Shield become, Shi Yan person in relaxes slightly, saliva of looks atunder that venom scoffs., Braves the light smoke Star Shield. A Shi Yan face is startled to accommodate. 星盾一成,石岩人在其中略略放松一下,看着在那毒液下“唾嗤。,冒着轻烟的星盾石岩一脸惊容。 The venom on this octopus strange oral cavity, so is unexpectedly violently poisonous, including this Star Shield special star strength, under venom that in that a little bit falls into, unexpectedly starts to dissolve slowly. 这章鱼怪口腔上的毒液,竟然如此剧毒,连这星盾的特殊星力,在那一滴滴落入的毒液下,居然都开始缓缓溶解。 Before the tentacle has not left his fleshly body, his body inevitably has also stained some viscous venom, at this time the person in Star Shield, his looks at Star Shield braves the light smoke under the venom, looked to stain the venom place slowly rotten body, a Shi Yan brow wrinkle. 触手尚未离开他肉身之前,他身体也不可避免的沾上了一些粘稠毒液,此时人在星盾之中,他看着星盾在毒液下冒着轻烟,又看了看沾上毒液处慢慢腐烂的皮肉,石岩眉头不由一皱。 The body has moistened the body of venom, braves the light smoke. Octopus strange venom that astonishing corrosion strength, just and his two big Martial Spirit contend. 身上沾了毒液的皮肉,也是冒着轻烟。章鱼怪的毒液那惊人的腐蚀力,正和他两大武魂抗衡。 These venom corroded blood-stained mouths his body. Venom corrosion strength was prevented by the different strength of his whole body muscle fiber, cannot spread come, at the same time, his Immortal Martial Spirit powerful resilience. Also affects in the display. 那些毒液将他皮肉腐蚀了一个个血口。毒液的腐蚀力被他浑身肌纤维的异力阻挡,根本不能扩散开来,与此同时,他那不死武魂强悍的恢复能力。又在发挥作用。 Sees only on him the venom by the region that stains, „ chi chi., Braves the light smoke, but is only a while, these venom then vanish do not see, unexpectedly by the different strength that in his muscle fiber seeps, mediated directly. 只见他身上被毒液沾上的区域,也“嗤嗤。,冒着轻烟,但只是一会儿,那些毒液便消失不见,竟是被他肌纤维中渗透的异力,给直接排解掉了。 The people in Star Shield, the venom that the looks at top of the head disgusting oral cavity wall drops, is feeling this octopus strange huge mouth vigorous pushing. Saw with own eyes that dense cutting edge buckteeth chew, Shi Yan Hehe sneers. In the body plaster the different strength emerges rapidly, in fleshly body shivers gently, Shi Yan finally tentacle. 人在星盾中,看着头顶恶心的口腔壁滴落的毒液,感受着这章鱼怪巨口大力的推挤。眼见一个个森森锋刃般的獠牙嚼来,石岩嘿嘿冷笑。体垩内异力飞速涌入,在肉身轻轻颤抖中,石岩终于触手。 Fist such as mountain Tui! 拳如山推! A fist bombardment on octopus strange oral cavity wall, that thick garnet meat wall, suddenly by him, as soon as fights with the fists a giant blood hole to come out. 一拳轰击在章鱼怪的口腔壁上,那厚厚的暗红色肉壁,骤然被他一拳打出一个巨大的血洞出来。 The octopus roared strangely fiercely crazily! 章鱼怪猛地疯狂咆哮起来! Under the severe pain, in the octopus strange abdomen bright red tongue foreign matters, fly suddenly. Comes toward Shi Yan killing in abundance. 剧痛下,章鱼怪腹中一条条鲜红舌头般的异物,突然飞出来。纷纷朝着石岩扑杀而来。 The Shi Yan facial expression is invariablefully the tentacle in this octopus strange mouth, has not displayed any Martial Skills, but depends upon the fleshly body tyrannical explosive force, the fists and feet uses, bustles about the destruction. 石岩神情不变”在这章鱼怪口中全力触手,没有施展任何武技,只是依靠肉身强横的爆发力,拳脚并用,在其中大肆活动破坏。 If mountain flooding wild energy, erupts from whole body each muscle, Shi Yan only thinks carefree dripping. In the body has extinguishes sufficiently kills all power, gets rid in that octopus strange mouth again and again, is releasing wild energy of body in that octopus strange mouth heartily. 如山洪暴发般的狂暴能量,从浑身每一块肌肉中爆发出来,石岩只觉畅快淋漓。身体中有着足以灭杀一切的力量,在那章鱼怪口中连连出手,在那章鱼怪口中尽情释放着身体的狂暴能量 Ai Ya and Cai Yi fully and pester the tentacle resistance of whole body. Thought suddenly a pressure loosen, tentacle that these pester. Somehow, strange distortion rocks unexpectedly suddenly, has not twined their whole bodies unexpectedly once more. 艾雅彩衣全力和纠缠全身的触手抗争。冷不防觉得压力一松,那些纠缠过来的触手。不知何故,竟突然诡异的扭曲晃动起来,竟没有再次缠绕她们全身。 Two female dull, subconscious looking are strange to the octopus under that the surprised discovery octopus blames to dance in the lake bottom shivers to rock generally again and again, whole body tentacle carelessly is dancing in the air, that huge strange body. Also takes a walk to move Xidang, unexpectedly as if pushing to pull general by some power. 两女一呆,下意识的望向那身下的章鱼怪,惊奇的发现章鱼怪在湖底跳舞一般连连颤抖晃动,浑身触手胡乱的飞舞着,那庞大怪异的身子。也走动挪西荡,竟似乎被某种力量给推挤拉扯一般。 Two female dumbstruck. 两女目瞪口呆
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