GOS :: Volume #4

#377: Under water beautiful scene

The lake water is quiet. 湖水平静无波。 Shi Yan actually vanishes without the trace. 石岩却消失无踪。 When his falls into the lake the panic-stricken color on face, by the clarity that Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun look. 他一头跌入湖泊时脸上的惊骇之色,被博格劳里劳伦看的清清楚楚。 Shi Yan vanished, lake water actually as before clear enough to see bottom, three people look in the lakeside together with rapt attention to, cannot see the slight unusuality from the lake water. 石岩消失了,湖水却依旧清澈见底,三人在湖边一起凝神看向下方,从湖水中看不出丝毫的异常。 Like has some power, exists in the lake water, limpid lake water that they see, is only the false appearance, true bad risk in lake, as if only then since later, can know. 像是有某种力量,在湖水之中存在,他们所看到的清澈湖水,只是假象,湖中的真正凶险,似乎只有进入之后,才能够知晓。 Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun three people of complexions somewhat fear intent, the looks at lake water, has not acted. 博格劳里劳伦三人脸色有些惧意,愣愣地看着湖水,没有丝毫动作。 Shi Yan suddenly was pulled into lake bottom, making three people realize missing of Ai Ya and Cai Yi, the reason with the lake. 石岩的突然被扯入湖底,让三人意识到艾雅彩衣的失踪,原因就在和湖泊。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi in Sky Realm, entered the lake including this master, so is long has not come out, three people, feared that is Ai Ya and Cai Yi was more unfortunate than fortunate. 艾雅彩衣都在天位之境,连这种高手入了湖泊,都那么久没有出来,在三人来看,怕是艾雅彩衣已凶多吉少。 Three people look at each other in blank dismay, saw in fearing to grid, they stand by the lake, motionless. 三人面面相觑,都看出了对方眼中的惧怕,他们站在湖泊旁边,一动不动。 Has been calling, seeks for Cai Yi Bo Ge, hesitant for a long time, there is a decision. 一直吆喝着,找寻彩衣博格,犹豫了许久,也有了决定。 Under a preparation the lake does not find out. 一不准备下湖泊探个究竟。 Wait a minute., Half sound, Lao li sighed suddenly in a soft voice, somewhat had no alternative saying: „ Half days later, they, if cannot come out, we, „ oneself walk., The Bo Ge complexion changed, under Lao li their gazes, gently nod. “等一会儿吧。,半响,劳里突然轻声一叹,有些无可奈何道:“半天后,他们要是不能从中出来,我们,,“就自己走吧。,博格脸色变了变,在劳里两人的注视下,轻轻点头。 They gave up. 他们放弃了。 Under lake water. 湖水底下。 Shi Yan whole body tied down by arm thick long black tentacles, was pulled by this great strength, under has pulled under the lake water. 石岩浑身被一条条手臂粗长的黑色触手缠住,被这股巨力扯动着,一直拉扯下湖水底下。 Comes on the lake surface, the clear enough to see bottom lake, stems from the depth that he imagines, his facial expression is panic-stricken, feels the body involuntary submersion, looks at that is not knowing that the deep lake bottom, the complexion changes again and again. 在湖面上开来,清澈见底的湖泊,出乎他想象的深,他神情惊骇,感受着身体身不由己的下沉,看着那不知多深的湖底,脸色一变再变。 Arm thick or thin black ink black tentacle, such as height several hundred meters pythons, closely tie down him a maliciously, pulls toward the lake water under. 一狠狠手臂粗细的墨黑色触手,如一条条身长数百米的蟒蛇,将他紧紧缠住,一路往湖水底下拉扯。 An instant, he toward the lake bottom that this tentacle drew maliciously is then sunk several hundred meters, but also in toward that lake water under thorough. 只是一霎,他便被这一狠狠触手拉的往湖底沉了数百米,还在往那湖水之下深入。 This tentacle jet color, above covers entirely the strange pattern, monster in lake water different is waving, looks around for the person trace. 这触手墨黑色,上面布满诡异的花纹,在湖水之中妖异的舞动着,四处搜寻着人踪。 Under the dark lake water, a colossus seems moving, extends thousand thick long tentacles, the biology of twining closes up toward it, pulls unceasingly. 幽暗的湖水下,一个庞然大物似乎在活动着,将千条粗长的触手延伸开来,将缠绕的生物往它靠拢,不断地扯向它。 Two graceful snow white ketone bodies, were also twined by this tentacle under, are making an effort to struggle, try to be separated from restraint of this maliciously tentacle, wants to float the lake surface fast. 两个曼妙雪白的酮体,在下方也被这种触手缠绕着,正在用力挣扎,试图脱离这一狠狠触手的束缚,想要快速浮上湖面。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi two females. 正是艾雅彩衣两女。 These two beautiful moving women, the whole body is naked at this time, ketone body snow white clear, the chest of standing tall and erect, cultivates the straight beautiful leg, one by one reveals in the lake bottom. 这两个美丽动人的女人,此时全身赤裸,酮体雪白晶莹,高耸的胸,修直的美腿,一一在湖底显露出来。 That black ink black tentacle, twines maliciously on they snow white graceful naked body, exaggerates their milk-white bosom beautiful buttocks curve extremely, has strange sense of beauty in the lake water unexpectedly. 那一狠狠墨黑色的触手,缠绕在她们雪白曼妙的胴体上,将她们酥胸美臀勒的曲线极其夸张,在湖水中竟有一种诡异之极的美感 The Shi Yan body sinks fast, opens eyes greatly, surprised looks at two females. 石岩身子快速下沉,大睁着眼,惊讶的看着两女。 These two females obviously are when bathes nakedly, was attacked by the foreign matter of that lake bottom suddenly, wears the clothing without enough time, by that maliciously black ink black tentacle twining. 这两女明显是在赤裸沐浴的时候,被那湖底的异物给突然袭击,来不及重新穿上衣衫,已被那一狠狠墨黑色的触手给缠绕住。 At this time, their interesting part Bi Xian, the milk-white bosom dark red two points, fragrant grass Yinyin of lower abdomen place, one by one in the Shi Yan eye presents. 此时,她们身上妙处毕现,酥胸殷红的两点,小腹处的芳草茵茵,在石岩眼中一一呈现出来。 On the snow white ketone body, entangles the full black ink black tentacle, is in sharp contrast, some Shi Yan vertigos that shakes. 雪白的酮体上,缠满墨黑色触手,黑白分明,晃的石岩有些眼花。 That deeply moving strange sense of beauty, made so Shi Yan of crisis time, somewhat was capricious, under sense of beauty of that strange bundle, these two female proud spots became beautiful beautiful incomparable, before making Shi Yan wished one could to rush, devastate to love them simply maliciously. 那种动人心弦的怪异美感,令如此危机时刻的石岩,都有些心猿意马,在那诡异捆绑的美感下,这两女傲人的部位变得妖艳美丽无比,让石岩简直恨不得冲上前狠狠蹂躏疼爱她们。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi in Sky Realm, but was twined the body by these tentacles, moves everywhere to be actually restrained, two cannot close up, the hands and feet cannot and straight. 艾雅彩衣都在天位之境,但被那些触手缠绕住身子,活动起来却处处受制,两手不能合拢,手脚不能并直。 Shi Yan sinks, looks at their appearances, the eyes burning hot is incomparable, only thinks that the lower abdomen place emits the evil fire steaming, may not restrain simply. 石岩一路下沉,看着她们的模样,双眸不由地炙热无比,只觉小腹处腾腾冒出邪火,简直不可抑止。 Especially that Cai Yi. Her that two plentiful snow white beautiful leg, under the pulling entanglement of tentacle, unexpectedly big separation, in that beautiful legs brightness in fragrant grass **, the flowers tender and beautiful desire drops, can make any man turn into wild beast simply. 尤其是那彩衣。她那两条丰腴的雪白美腿,在触手的拉扯纠缠之下,竟大大的分开,那美腿之间芳草中的鲜艳**,花朵般娇艳欲滴,简直能够让任何男人变成野兽 Stimulation! 刺激! Two that Shi Yan looks at straighten, as if not know that to refusing stubbornly far, in his acupoint releases Negative Emotions that overflows gradually, was enlarged infinitely, lets his blood spray out, is unstoppable. 石岩看的两眼发直,似乎不知道离死不远,他一身穴窍中渐渐释溢出来的负面情绪,被无限放大,更是让他血脉喷张,不可遏止。 Cai Yi whole body a wisp, only then on the snow white arm, is wrapping rings, she is struggling, on the snow arm the ring emits the front sharp knife thorn, and winding meets the tentacle resistance of body, gains ground suddenly, suddenly sees slowly submersion Shi Yan. 彩衣浑身不着一缕,只有雪白的手臂上,套着一个个圆环,她挣扎着,雪臂上圆环冒出锋利刀刺,在和缠绕会身的触手抗争,冷不防抬头,忽然看到缓缓下沉的石岩 Saw the Shi Yan wild beast common burning hot eye pupil. 看到了石岩野兽一般炙热的眼眸。 Cai Yi Shame-stricken, beautiful pupil one white, wanting fainted that almost bashfully blushes. 彩衣羞愧欲绝,美眸一白,差点羞赧的要昏厥过去 She has not thought that under this condition, Shi Yan braved unexpectedly, the purity that but also looked at her interesting part, private forbidden land between most secret two legs, have not escaped from the eye of Shi Yan. 她怎么也没有想到,在这种境况之下,石岩竟然冒出来了,还将她一身妙处看的一清二楚,就连最为隐秘的两腿之间的私密禁地,都没有逃出石岩的眼睛。 Is separated by dozens meters in the lake water, the Cai Yi cheek pai red piece, in the beautiful pupil transgresses the astonishing anger, is staring Shi Yan maliciously, as if wishes one could to bite to death Shi Yan is good. 在湖水中相隔数十米,彩衣脸蛋徘红一片,美眸之中逸出惊人的怒火,狠狠地瞪着石岩,似乎恨不得一口将石岩咬死才好。 Gives her such to stare, by Negative Emotions affected Shi Yan, quickly has awakened, maliciously place in her moving snow white naked body has blown several, the reclamation vision that Shi Yan accepts as a memento, the attention will be centralized, looked that to colossus that under the body that has appeared gradually. 给她这么一瞪,被负面情绪影响了的石岩,幡然醒悟了过来,狠狠地的在她那动人之极的雪白胴体的刮了几眼,石岩才留念的收回目光,将注意力集中,看向了身下那渐渐显现的庞然大物。 A small a mountain size octopus is strange. 一头小山般大小的章鱼怪。 This octopus whole body jet, the tentacle are innumerable, in a big mouth the fang is densely covered, in the dark blue eye pupil, is dodging ice cold rays of light, absorbs the person soul. 这章鱼浑身墨黑,触手无数,一张血盆大口中獠牙密布,暗绿色的眼瞳中,闪着冰寒的光芒,摄人心魂。 This Demonic Beast Shi Yan has not seen, does not know that is what Level, but looked that it can one and twines restraint Ai Ya and Cai Yi, obviously it inevitably is not six levels of Demonic Beast. 这种妖兽石岩不曾见过,不知道是何等级,但看它能够将艾雅彩衣一并缠绕束缚,可见它必然不是六级的妖兽 This Demonic Beast volume is huge, tentacle are innumerable, in its familiar lake water domain, it can display completely the strength......, Does not cope absolutely easily! 这种妖兽体积庞大,触手无数,又是在它熟悉的湖水领域,它可以将实力全部发挥出来……,绝对不容易对付! Looked down one, the Shi Yan heart car(riage) has then known how things stand, the complexion changed, started full struggling, turned the leaving cover unceasingly, must work loose this to twine the tentacle of whole body maliciously. 只是低头看了一眼,石岩便心车有数,脸色变了变,也开始全力的挣扎,不断地扭动身芋,要挣脱这一狠狠缠绕全身的触手。 This octopus as to gobble up them strangely, in the big mouth that its opens the fang such as the dense pointed knife, Shi Yan believes that once falls into its big mouth, was chewed by its fang one fiercely, no one can bear. 这章鱼怪似乎想要吞吃他们三人,它那张开的大口之中獠牙如森森尖刀,石岩相信,一旦落入它那血盆大口之中,被它那獠牙一阵猛嚼,谁也受不了。 Perhaps, his fleshly body powerful, can resist 12 slightly, but that Cai Yi and Ai Ya, actually must die without doubt. 或许,他肉身强悍,能够稍稍对抗12,但那彩衣艾雅,却必死无疑。 These two charming women, obviously are not that meditation fleshly body Warrior, their snow white tender meat, once by that dense fang chewing, feared that is instantaneously on covered with blood, must be bitten including the skeleton. 这两个娇媚的娘们,显然不是那种苦修肉身武者,她们那雪白的嫩肉,一旦被那森森獠牙给咀嚼了,怕是瞬间就血肉模糊,连骨骼都要被咬碎。 The shining different light, flies to shoot suddenly from the Ai Ya clear ten fingers, under sharp rays of light, that twines her graceful ketone body the tentacle, twisted fresh blood drip flowings, an octopus strange thick length tentacle, was cut three sections by her unexpectedly. 灿灿异光,突然从艾雅晶莹的十指之中飞射出来,在锐利的光芒之下,那缠绕她曼妙酮体的触手,被绞的鲜血淋漓,一根章鱼怪的粗长触手,竟被她斩成三截。 However, this octopus strange tentacle are innumerable, twines on her snow white tender body, then has dozens. 然而,这章鱼怪的触手无数,缠绕在她那雪白娇躯上的,便有数十条。 She has cut off one, actually cannot change anything, by more tentacles covering arm, scopes of two activities, starts to reduce. 她斩断了一根,却并不能改变什么,又被更多的触手给覆盖手臂,两手活动的幅度,又开始缩小。 Side her, dozens octopus strange tentacles had cut off, these assume sections of octopus tentacles, after cutting off, has not flowed out a drop of blood unexpectedly, these tentacles are wriggling in the lake water slowly, links, long time, does not restore unexpectedly such as beginning. 在她身旁,已有数十根章鱼怪的触手被斩断,那些呈一截截的章鱼触手,被斩断之后,竟然没有流出一滴鲜血来,那些触手在湖水之中缓缓蠕动着,连接在一起,不多时,竟然又恢复如初。 Ai Ya has cut off many tentacles inevitably, this octopus strange tentacle too are what a pity many, whenever she cuts off several, has more tentacles to brave, once more her perfect ketone body tying up, making her unable to break away from the control truly, flew outside that lake. 艾雅必然已斩断了许多触手,可惜这章鱼怪触手实在太多,每当她斩断几根,就有更多的触手冒出来,再次将她那完美的酮体给捆绑住,令她不能真正脱离控制,飞上那湖泊外面。 Ai Ya in struggling to sway from side to side tears, the moving physique is swaying, then by tentacle appears the incomparably prominent milk-white bosom, trembling, above two dark red grape points, tender and beautiful attractive. 艾雅在挣扎扭动撕扯中,动人的身姿摇晃着,那被触手勒的显得无比突出的酥胸,颤颤巍巍,上方两个殷红的葡萄点,娇艳诱人。 She cultivates straight beautiful leg this is by the tentacle twining in together, closely gathers, Shi Yan can only see the green fragrant grass under her lower abdomen, actually cannot see the wonderful place in that gully. 她修直的美腿这是被触手给缠绕在一起,紧紧并拢,石岩只能看见她小腹下的茵茵芳草,却不能看见那沟壑之内的美妙之处。 Ai Ya also saw the arrival of Shi Yan obviously, saw with own eyes that the Shi Yan burning hot the vision projects, her beautiful pupil ices suddenly coldly biting cold, such as a handle thick ice advantage carves general, punctures the Shi Yan complexion changes. 艾雅显然也看到了石岩的到来,眼见石岩炙热的目光投射过来,她美眸突然冰寒彻骨,如一柄玄冰利刻一般,刺得石岩脸色微变。 Makes an effort to sway from side to side the body, Ai Ya was turning around stiffly, front and lower part of the body wonderful hidden goes, bright and clean back, with that by tentacle full very curls upwards the unusual buttocks petal to reveal that the back to Shi Yan, is continue entangle the octopus strange tentacle resistance of full whole body with that. 用力扭动着身子,艾雅硬生生转了个身子,将胸前和下身的美妙隐去,把光洁的后背,和那被触手勒的饱满挺翘异常的臀瓣显露出来,背对着石岩,继续和那缠满全身的章鱼怪触手对抗。 Shi Yan eye brilliant, greedy looks at her like the honey peach buttocks petal, looks at one in that buttocks petal to tighten **, in the heart sneers, only thinks carefree dripping. 石岩眼睛灼灼,贪婪的看着她那如水蜜桃般的臀瓣,望着那臀瓣中的一条勒紧的**,心中冷笑,只觉畅快淋漓。 Cai Yi, is this Ai Ya, does not have to regard the partner him truly, but regards the cannon fodder who him can use, has not placed in his life and death the eye. 不论是彩衣,还是这艾雅,都没有真正将他当成伙伴,只是将他当成一个可以利用的炮灰,从不曾将他的生死放在眼中。 In these two female hearts, his Shi Yan perhaps is only a dumb kid, played with by them in applauses, prepared to sacrifice him at any time. 在这两女心中,他石岩恐怕只是一个傻小子,被她们玩弄于鼓掌之间,随时准备将他牺牲。 Shi Yan is well aware. 石岩心知肚明。 Therefore, in falling into lake water, can fortunately these two female that naked wonderful bodies careful looks at to satisfy a craving, he is, not polite, so long as there is an opportunity, then catches the dissolute ferocity to look, basic, no matter these two females can ask him to do accounts afterward. 因此,在落入湖水中,有幸能够将这两女那赤裸美妙的身子仔细的看个过瘾,他是一点、没有客气,只要有机会,便逮着放肆的猛看,根本不管事后这两女会不会找他算账。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi are struggling, resists the octopus strange tentacle, these two females have the strength of Sky Realm boundary after all, although that octopus strange tentacle is powerful, actually actually cannot drag two females truly to its dense huge mouth. 艾雅彩衣挣扎着,对抗章鱼怪的触手,这两女毕竟有着天位境的实力,那章鱼怪触手虽然劲道十足,却硬是不能真正将两女拖向它那森森巨口。 On the contrary is Shi Yan, because has not used any external force, but shows generally collection Second Sky Warrior strength, the body sinks actually gradually, was getting more and more near to that octopus strange huge mouth......, Ai Ya and Cai Yi two females, float in the place above, snow white naked body rocks to struggle unceasingly, saw weak of Shi Yan. 反倒是石岩,因为没有动用任何外力,只是展现出一般涅集二重天武者的实力,身子倒是渐渐下沉,离那章鱼怪的巨口越来越近了起来……,艾雅彩衣两女,浮在上方,雪白的胴体不断地晃动挣扎着,都看出了石岩的不支。 These two female have not revealed the intent of slight pitying, in the beautiful pupil is dodging pleased rays of light, as if thought that Shi Yan was given to bite to death by the octopus strangely, is just right for their regards. 这两女没有露出丝毫的怜悯之意,美眸中闪着快意的光芒,似乎觉得石岩被章鱼怪给咬死,正合她们的心意。 They most private forbidden land, such by Shi Yan completely understanding penetrating, this lets two female Shame-stricken, wishes one could Shi Yan early dead is good, only then Shi Yan died, they put behind that this experience of finding it unbearable to recall, treats as any matter not to occur. 她们最为私密的禁地,就这么被石岩给看个透彻,这让两女羞愧欲绝,恨不得石岩早死才好,只有石岩死了,她们才会忘却这一段不堪回首的经历,当作什么事情都没发生。 Therefore, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan is getting more and more near to that octopus strange huge mouth, these two female rejoiced secretly that rejoiced Shi Yan was dying finally. 因此,眼见石岩离那章鱼怪巨口越来越近,这两女暗暗庆幸,庆幸石岩终于要死了。 The body sinks gradually, but Shi Yan actually gains ground, eyes brilliant looks to two females, pleased in their eyes purity that looks, knows that they think looks at bit to death by the octopus strangely. 身子渐渐下沉,可石岩却抬着头,双眸灼灼的看向两女,将她们眼中的快意看的一清二楚,知道她们想看着自己被章鱼怪咬死。 In the heart sneers, when to that octopus strange huge mouth, only then ten meters, the Shi Yan look is suddenly cold, finally starts to use hideaway for a long time power. 心中冷笑,在离那章鱼怪巨口只有十米的时候,石岩眼神骤然冷冽起来,终于开始动用隐藏许久的力量
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