GOS :: Volume #4

#376: Lake

Chapter 367 第367章 Lake 湖泊 Ai Ya and Cai Yi one line of five people, one by one has delimited from his side, dashes to that island. 艾雅彩衣一行五人,一一从他身旁划过,直扑向那小岛。 Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun these four people, the facial expression is ruthless, the body naturally reveals one to murder aura, obviously harbors evil intentions. 博格劳里劳伦这四人,神情狠厉,身上自然流露出一股杀伐气息,显然是不怀好意。 Shi Yan by pulling finally. 石岩又被拉在最后。 He does not worry actually, listens to the fierce battle sound that island center is hearing, not anxiously not slow flies slowly toward that side, in the eye is holding the happy expression, is very the satisfied appearance. 他倒是并不着急,听着那小岛中央传来的激烈交战声,不急不缓的往那边缓缓飞去,眼中噙着笑意,很是惬意的模样。 When he arrives by that island lake, three Warrior that he formerly saw, already died. 等他来到那小岛处的湖泊旁时,他先前看见的三名武者,已然断了气。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi five people, gathered round that three at this time just killed Dead body, perused their things carefully, pointed at Imaginary Space Ring that on wore to dismantle them. 艾雅彩衣五人,此时围着那三具刚刚被杀的尸体,正仔细翻查他们身上的东西,将他们手指上佩戴的幻空戒下下来。 Ai Ya gathers round that Second Sky of Nirvana Realm Warrior corpse, Cai Yi and Bo Ge gathers round Warrior Dead body of Nirvana First Sky boundary, the Lao li two brothers are the Warrior corpses who gathers round another Nirvana First Sky boundary, five people are turning carefully, for fear that has leaked any treasure. 艾雅围着那涅槃二重天之境武者尸首,彩衣博格围着一个涅槃一重天境的武者尸体,劳里两兄弟则是围着另一个涅槃一重天境的武者尸身,五人仔细翻弄着,生怕漏过什么宝贝。 Shi Yan unhurriedly catches up, stands firm in three people, does not say a word. 石岩不慌不忙的赶来,在三人之间站定,一言不发。 A continuously essence, the escape from that three Warrior corpses comes out, enters his whole body acupoint quietly leisurely, making his mind carefree. 一缕缕精气,从那三个武者尸身中飞逸出来,悄悄逸入他浑身穴窍,让他心神畅快。 He has not snatched the merit, has not started, will not have any spoils of war, but the body of that three Warrior dies, for him, actually in Monster Core compared with their Imaginary Space Ring, but must make him move. 他没有抢功,没有下手,也就不会有任何的战利品,但那三个武者的身死,对他来说,却要比他们幻空戒中的妖晶,还要令他动心。 In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Essence Qi is most precious, less than when necessary, can not use Essence Qi to should better not to use. 暗磁雾瘴中,精元最为宝贵,不到必要时,能不动用精元最好不要动用。 Just when was seeing that three Nirvana boundary Warrior, so long as he got rid fully, he believes that these three people very difficult to go on living from his hand. 刚见着那三名涅槃武者时,只要他全力出手,他相信这三人很难从他手上活下去。 However, to massacre these three people, he must consume many power, what is most important, he will expose his true strength in front of Ai Ya and Cai Yi five people. 不过,要想杀掉这三人,他也要耗费不少的力量,最重要的是,他会在艾雅彩衣五人面前暴露自己的真正实力。 This is not he wants. 这不是他想要的。 Does not waste Essence Qi, can actually harvest a three people of essence, how regardless to see, this is most cost-effective. 不浪费一丝精元,却可以收获三人的一身精气,不论怎么看,这都是最划算的。 looks at Ai Ya and Cai Yi five people peruse on the corpse carefully, feel a that three people of essence toward injection of their acupoint, the Shi Yan mood are very being carefree. 看着艾雅彩衣五人在尸首上仔细翻查,感受着那三人一身精气朝着自己穴窍的注入,石岩心情很是畅快。 Also is at this moment, he has believed Bo Ge that words truly. 也是这一刻,他真正信了博格的那一番话。 Ai Ya fruit non- friendly kind. 艾雅果非善类。 Initially this woman was seeing him, has not moved the killer, instead presented as a gift three points of block Monster Core, this did not gather the common sense obviously. 当初这女人见着他,没有动杀手,反而相赠三分之块妖晶,这显然不合常理。 Relates the view of Bo Ge, he believes that Ai Ya initially truly had the plan, but also a little, he said that he came from Endless Sea, should also cancel the killing heart of Ai Ya, made him escape. 联系起博格的说法,他相信艾雅当初确实是另有打算,还有一点,他说他来自于无尽海,应该也打消了艾雅的杀心,才让他逃过一劫。 In Ai Ya and Cai Yi these person of eyes, Endless Sea melts outside the barbarian, comes out Warrior that from there in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, should not have many achievement, in addition he has one person, perhaps Ai Ya is thinks that he impossible to have anything to harvest in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, this is not willing to waste Essence Qi to kill him. 艾雅彩衣这些人眼中,无尽海只是化外蛮夷,从那里出来的武者暗磁雾瘴中,应该没有多少作为,加上他只有一人,艾雅或许是认为他不可能在暗磁雾瘴中有什么收获,这才不愿意浪费精元来杀他。 This time actually different. 这次却不同。 That three Warrior population were many, and just had killed them by the lake, is doing the killing a person and taking his possessions deal obviously, in Ai Ya and Cai Yi eye, these three talented people have the killed value. 那三名武者人数多了些,并且刚刚在湖泊旁边杀了两人,明显干着杀人越货勾当,在艾雅彩衣眼中,这三人才有被杀的价值。 Therefore, they died. 所以,他们死了。 Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others searched for a while on three corpses, carefully turned their Imaginary Space Ring and leather bag, that Lao li two brothers brow tips are bringing happy intent, lowly chuckled, seems harvesting satisfaction. 艾雅彩衣等人在三具尸首身上搜寻了一会儿,将他们幻空戒和身上的皮袋都仔仔细细翻了一遍,其中那劳里两兄弟眉梢带着喜意,嘿嘿低笑着,似乎收获满意。 Ai Ya and Cai Yi expression exceptionally, Shi Yan from their faces, slightly how much could not have seen their harvests. 艾雅彩衣神色没有丝毫异常,石岩从她们的脸上,看不出她们的收获多寡。 Bo Ge is cold voice lowly scolds, as if thought that has not fished any advantage, he and Cai Yi in the same place, Shi Yan cannot see the Cai Yi facial expression difference, but from the Bo Ge words expression, actually guesses correctly him and Cai Yi fears not the big harvest. 博格则是冷声低骂,似乎觉得没有捞到什么好处,他和彩衣在一起,石岩看不出彩衣的神情异样,但从博格的话语表情,却猜出他和彩衣怕是没有多大收获。 When pays attention observation, on that three corpses, did not have overflowing of essence. 在留心观察的时候,那三具尸身上,已没有了了精气的流溢。 Shi Yan has felt secretly, thought that in acupoint the sound is not big, knows these three people of essence in him may in completely the withstanding range, under the heart is slightly peaceful, the looks at five people that continues to maintain composure. 石岩暗暗感受了一下,觉得穴窍中动静并不大,知道这三人身上的一身精气完全在他可承受范围之内,心下稍安,继续不动声色的看着五人。 Shi Yan, makes these corpses, with great difficulty is seeing a clean lake, we must comb the hair and wash the face.” Cai Yi smiles, Wen word soft and gentle words, smiling looks to him, hints him to come these corpses to process. 石岩,将这几具尸身弄远一点,好不容易见着一个干净的湖泊,我们要梳洗一下。”彩衣轻轻一笑,温言软语,笑盈盈的看向他,示意他来将这几具尸首处理掉。 Ai Ya is also black eyebrows moves, eye slightly one bright, obviously also had the plan of combing the hair and wash the face. 艾雅也是黛眉一动,眼睛微微一亮,显然也是有了梳洗的打算。 The woman inborn love is clean, particularly Ai Ya and Cai Yi this pretty unusual woman, the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist environment is special, two females feared that is must comb the cleaning principle correct manners discipline daily, is seeing a lake water clear good place only with great difficulty, these two females naturally cannot let off easily. 女人天生爱干净,尤其是艾雅彩衣这种貌美异常的女人,要不是暗磁雾瘴的环境特殊,两女怕是天天都要梳洗净理仪容,好不容易见着一处湖水澄净的好地方,这两女自然不会轻易放过。 Good.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, in the past to put up that three Blood Dripping Gem corpse who knows the limitation very much, at once before moving toward another two corpse bodies, gives to tow that two corpses, flies rapidly toward the distant place. “好。”石岩淡然一笑,很识相的过去将那三具血淋琳的尸身架起来,旋即走向另外两具尸首身前,将那两具尸身也给拖起来,迅速往远处飞去。 By a person of his suck dry essence, how long could not be wanted, the body looks like will then lose moisture content blood essence to be common, whole body is withered, how he also considers must conceal this exceptionally, a Cai Yi such saying, was just right for his regard, he very joyfully then has done the matter of this doing odd jobs. 被他吸干一身精气的人,要不了多久,身体便会像失去水分精血一般,浑身干瘪,他还思量着要如何来掩饰这异常呢,彩衣这么一说,正合他心意,他很欣然的便去做了这种打杂的事。 Cai Yi likely is bearing the burden of responsibility of very satisfied Shi Yan, when leaves after him, Cai Yi said with a smile in a soft voice tenderly: In team many at crucial moment can bring death, usually can do odd jobs, really good.” Speech time, she looks to Ai Ya, has not actually seen any expression change on the Ai Ya face. 彩衣像是很满意石岩的任劳任怨,待到他离开以后,彩衣轻声娇笑道:“队伍中多个关键时候能送死,平日能打杂的,果然还是不错的。”讲话的时候,她不由看向艾雅,却没有在艾雅脸上看出任何的表情变化。 In the heart coldly snorted, Cai Yi stared Bo Ge one, looks at Lao li and Lao Lun indifferently, said lightly: Our women must wash, should your three male chauvinists, avoid?” 心中冷哼一声,彩衣瞪了博格一眼,又漠然望了望劳里劳伦,淡淡道:“我们女人要洗漱,你们三个大男人,是不是应该回避一下?” The Lao li two brothers smile brightly, nodded, turns around then walks. 劳里两兄弟灿烂一笑,点了点头,掉头便走。 Bo Ge has gawked, looks at Ai Ya, said carefully: Senior Sister, restored Essence Qi, then washes?” 博格愣了一下,不由望了望艾雅,小心道:“师姐,是不是等恢复了精元,然后再来洗漱?” For a long time has not taken a bath, suddenly sees a such clean lake, cannot wait.” The Cai Yi words come here, shot a look at Ai Ya, including saying with a smile: „Does Ai Ya, want to come you not to hope?” “许久不曾洗澡了,忽然见到这么干净的一个湖泊,再也不能等下去了。”彩衣话到这儿,不由瞥了一眼艾雅,含笑道:“艾雅,想来你也不愿等下去吧?” Ai Ya nods indifferently, at once coldly looks to Bo Ge, black eyebrows micro pressed, hasn't walked?” 艾雅漠然点头,旋即冷冷看向博格,黛眉微蹙,“还不走?” Bo Ge lowers the head, in the heart has criticized one, turns around to leave. 博格低头,心中暗骂了一句,掉头离开。 Shi Yan carries on the shoulder to entrain is dragging five corpses, is distant to that lake, went to island remote wooded mountains. 石岩扛着拽着拖着五具尸身,离那湖泊远远的,去了小岛一处偏僻的山林间。 Five corpses still in the one side, he sat in this wooded mountain at will, is feeling within the body acupoint regarding the purifications of these essence. 随意将五具尸身仍在一旁,他就在这山林中坐了下来,感受着体内穴窍对于那些精气的净化。 After entering into Nirvana Second Sky, a same level Realm Warrior essence for him, is not like that vigorous, time that the purification of mystical Martial Spirit requires, is not long. In that Yuanluo Sea Area, the homicide many Nirvana boundary Warrior, purified the Nirvana Warrior time to have the accurate understanding regarding mystical Martial Spirit. 迈入涅槃二重天后,同等境界武者一身精气对他来说,已经不是那般浑厚,神秘武魂的净化需要的时间,也不是太长。在那垣罗海域,他杀了不少涅槃武者,对于神秘武魂净化涅槃武者的时间有了精准的认识。 He knows that most 1-2 hours, these three people of essence, will then be purified by mystical Martial Spirit. 他知道最多一两个小时,这三人的一身精气,便会被神秘武魂净化掉。 He believes that is only these three people of essence, before the purification is completed that a while, Negative Emotions that these overflow crazily, is not enough to affect his mind, crashes into the unconscious cruel boundary him. 他相信只是这三人的精气,在净化完成之前那一会儿,那些疯狂溢出来的负面情绪,也不足以影响他的心神,将他坠入神志不清的暴戾之境。 Because has this self-confidence, therefore he does not worry actually, is far from this island without the plan, stayed there, calmly waits. 因为有着这自信,所以他倒是不着急,没有打算离这小岛多远,就在那儿呆了下来,静静等候。 After a half hour. 半小时后。 From the direction of distant place that lake, suddenly has as if transmitted Bo Ge and Lao li three people of screams. 从远处那湖泊的方向,似乎突然传来了博格劳里三人的惊呼声。 A brow wrinkle, Shi Yan has stood suddenly, the heart lives under the doubts, rapidly toward that side escape in the past. 眉头一皱,石岩忽然站了起来,心生疑惑下,迅速朝着那边飞逸过去。 long time, he then does not come in that lake, saw that Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun three people walk back and forth by the lake, Bo Ge loud is still yelling: Senior Sister! Senior Sister!” 多时,他便在那湖泊处现身,一眼看到博格劳里劳伦三人在湖泊旁边走来走去,其中博格还在高声叫喊:“师姐师姐!” Lao li and Lao Lun these two brothers, then deeply frowns, after seeing Shi Yan comes, that Lao li hurried say|way: Brother, can once see Ai Ya and Cai Yi?” 劳里劳伦这两个兄弟,则是深深皱着眉头,见到石岩过来以后,那劳里急忙道:“兄弟,可曾见到艾雅彩衣?” Shi Yan stunned, shook the head, „don't they wash in the lake? What's wrong, has been missing inadequately?” 石岩愕然,摇了摇头,“她们不是在湖泊中洗漱么?怎么,失踪了不成?” A half hour.” The Bo Ge complexion is gloomy, I looked that Senior Sister is not good, then coming lake calls her, she has not responded, I am worried about her to have an accident, comes to lake, has not actually discovered Senior Sister, has not seen Ai Ya.” “半小时了。”博格脸色阴暗,“我看师姐迟迟不好,便过来湖泊处唤她,她却没有回应,我担心她出事,就来湖泊处,却没有发现师姐,也没有看见艾雅。” How can like this?” Gave him such a saying, the Shi Yan whole face was also surprised, „after I just that five Dead body put, in that together rested, simply has not seen any person. Ai Ya and Cai Yi, definitely have not gone to my direction.” “怎么会这样?”给他这么一说,石岩也满脸惊奇,“我刚刚将那五具尸体放下来后,就在那一块歇息了一下,根本没有见到任何一个人。艾雅彩衣,肯定没有去我那个方向。” The Bo Ge complexion changes, startled say|way: Except for your direction, this island other region we have searched for completely, Senior Sister and did Ai Ya, leave this island?” 博格脸色一变,惊道:“除了你那个方向,这小岛别的区域我们全部搜过了,难道说,师姐艾雅,离开这小岛了?” Impossible Lao li and Lao Lun shake the head together. “不可能的”劳里劳伦一起摇头。 They just should take a bath in the lake, since strange disappearance, can,...... Under lake?” Shi Yan has referred to below. “她们刚刚应该在湖泊中洗澡,既然诡异的消失,会不会,……在湖泊底下?”石岩指了指下面。 Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun facial expression moves, the look changed, looks at that clear sees the bottom only the lake, suddenly thought that is somewhat strange. 博格劳里劳伦神情一动,眼神变了变,看着那澄净见底的湖泊,忽然觉得有些诡异起来。 Three people have not moved, have gawked a while, looks together to him. 三人都没有动,愣了一会儿,一起望向他。 In the Shi Yan heart obloquied, although early knows that these three people of unfriendliness to his surface, has the goal, but when these three people look together to him, he is extremely not feeling well. 石岩心中大骂,虽然早知道这三人对他表面的友好,都是怀有目的的,但当这三人一起看向他的时候,他还是极其不爽。 Very obviously, this Bo Ge three people, in perceiving missing of Ai Ya and Cai Yi is perhaps related after the lake, gave birth to this lake has feared intent, Ai Ya and Cai Yi in Sky Realm, these two were missing in the lake, they do not dare to search rashly. 很显然,这博格三人在觉察到艾雅彩衣的失踪或许和湖泊有关以后,都对这湖泊生出了惧意,艾雅彩衣都在天位之境,这两人都失踪在湖泊中,他们更加不敢冒然一探了。 In the heart sneers, on the Shi Yan face had not indicated that feigns had not seen three people of looks urged, but arrives by the lake, frowns to squat, extends the left hand to reach the lake water slowly, wants to try the lake water the first unusuality. 心中冷笑,石岩脸上却没有表示,佯装没有见到三人的眼神催促,而是来到湖泊旁边,皱着眉头蹲子,伸出左手缓缓伸向湖水,想先试试湖水的异常。 Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun, although has Nirvana Third Sky cultivation base, but must fight, Shi Yan does not fear, he wants to try the lake water the unusuality, then the decision is tears to pieces the facial skin to extinguish kills three people, must enter lake water nosing. 博格劳里劳伦虽然有着涅槃三重天修为,但真要斗起来,石岩并不惧怕,他想试试湖水的异常,然后再决定是撕破脸皮灭杀三人,还是要进入湖水查探。 Left hand thorough lake water, inquired about toward inside slowly that with the touch of arm, feels fluctuation under lake water secretly. 左手缓缓深入湖水,往里面探寻,暗暗用手臂的触感,来感觉湖水下的波动。 Suddenly, huge power, transmits from the lake water deep place fiercely, this power is extremely formidable, the Shi Yan complexion changes, wants to receive to reach behind the back, actually discovery already without enough time. 突然,一股巨大的力量,猛地从湖水深处传来,这一股力量极其强大,石岩脸色一变,想要收回手,却发现已来不及。 As if under the lake water has some Devil, is pulling his arm, entrains into which him unexpectedly suddenly. 仿佛湖水之下有着某种妖魔,扯着他手臂,竟忽然将他拽入其中。 passes!” “噗通!” Face panic-stricken Shi Yan, falls into the lake water, did not have the trail instantaneously. 一脸惊骇的石岩,一头跌入湖水,瞬间没了踪迹。 ...... …… : At the Chengdu annual meeting, retains the draft fixed time issued. RO :成都年会中,存稿定时发布。RO
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