GOS :: Volume #4

#375: Hides the strength

Don't you know the function of Divine Soul? ” In the Lao li blue eyes dodges to ask for meaning of the hideaway very deep contempt, surprised asking. 你不知道神魂的作用?”劳里碧眼中闪讨一丝隐藏很深的轻视之意,惊讶的问道。 Shi Yan smiles embarrasedly, did not argue. 石岩讪讪一笑,也不辩解。 Warrior of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, once enters into True God Realm, then can Lord the soul precise is Divine Soul. Divine Soul has all sorts of wondrous uses, is really the Shen Wu difference God Passage Warrior standard, once achievement Divine Soul, True God Realm Warrior, almost spirit undying soul. Even if the body dies, can draw support the Divine Soul rebirth, is big except for some special merit and rare treasure, Divine Soul is very difficult to be disappeared, it may be said that is one of the True God Realm Warrior formidable roots the Lao li facial expression with deep veneration said. 通神三重天之境的武者,一旦迈入真神之境,便能凝炼主魂为神魂神魂有着种种妙用,乃是真神武者区别通神武者的标准,一旦成就神魂,真神境武者,几乎灵魂不灭。就算是身死,也可以借助于神魂重生,除了一些特殊的功大和秘宝,神魂很难被泯灭,可谓是真神境武者的强大根源之一”劳里神情肃然道。 Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Has gawked, he smiles bitterly saying: In Endless Sea, as if did not have True God Realm Warrior, therefore......” 愣了一下,他才苦笑道:“在无尽海,似乎还没有真神境界的武者,所以……” The meaning of Lao li eye abundant contempt was heavier a point, smiled, he nods saying: „, It seems like your Endless Sea that side Warrior, was really inferior to our Divine Great Land. On our Divine Great Land, not only has True God Realm Warrior, but also more than one. True God Realm Warrior, in our Divine Great Land, is existence of most peak, is all influence secretly being in power person, is the Divine Great Land pillar.” 劳里眼丰的轻视之意更重了一分,笑了笑,他点头道:“原来如此,看来你们无尽海那边的武者,果然不如我们神州大地。在我们神州大地上,不但有真神之境武者,而且还不止一个。真神境武者,在我们神州大地,是最为巅峰的存在,是各方势力幕后掌权人,也是神州大地的支柱。” Shi Yan reveals startled accommodates, said: Divine Great Land worthily is the Grace Mainland center.” 石岩露出惊容,道:“神州大地不愧是神恩大陆的中心。” That is natural.” In Lao li expression were finally many one point of obvious arrogant meaning, also has Divine Great Land, spreads out the righteousness to arrive at the pinnacle Warrior various cliques, various Divine Ability sources, in our Divine Great Land.” Shi Yan smiles, nods does not speak. “那是当然。”劳里神色中终于多了一分明显的倨傲之意,“也只有神州大地,才将武者的各种派系衍义到极致,各种神通的源头,也是在我们神州大地。”石岩笑笑,点头不语。 Through Lin Yaqi and Ye Changfeng their he knows faintly Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist later Divine Great Land, the Warrior level truly be higher than Endless Sea plans. 通过林雅琪夜长风两人他已隐隐知道暗磁雾瘴之后的神州大地,武者的层次确实要比无尽海高一筹。 Endless Sea Warrior peak, is the God Passage boundary, that Divine Great Land has True God Realm Expert, naturally compared with the Endless Sea Warrior fierce level. 无尽海武者巅峰,乃是通神境,那神州大地却拥有真神境强者,自然要比无尽海武者厉害一个层次。 The God Passage boundary in the general Warrior eye, is God Realm rank but Shi Yan also listens to the person saying that so-called God Passage boundary Warrior, in the true Expert eye, is only the false god. 通神境在一般的武者眼中,已经是神境的级别但石岩也听人说过,所谓的通神武者,在真正的强者眼中,只是伪神。 The difference between false god and True God, day it is said True God Realm Warrior do not have gods general Divine Ability simply badly, has the earth-shaking big supernatural power, is not the so-called false god can compare by far. 伪神和真神之间的区别,简直天差地别据说真神境武者才拥有神明一般的神通,有着翻天覆地的大法力,远远不是所谓的伪神可以比拟的。 That pure does Divine Soul, have what wondrous use?” In the Shi Yan heart has started the giant mighty waves, the curiosity is heavier modestly to consult. “那纯净神魂,有何妙用?”石岩心中掀起了巨大的波澜,好奇心更重不由虚心请教起来。 It is said in that Exotic Land of dark magnetic fog tired deep place, True God Realm Warrior that fleshly body died, by the influence of special condition, Divine Soul continuously by restraint. After the wash of years, keeps that Exotic Land Divine Soul, before death all memories passed, only remaining to the profound comprehension of martial arts.” Lao li deeply inspired, the look burning hot, keeps Exotic Land Divine Soul, did not have before death experience memory, only then to the sensibility of martial arts! That is the martial arts sensibility of True God Realm Warrior!”, Shi Yan changes countenance terrified, said panic-strickenly: „Did you say?” “据说在暗磁雾瘁深处的那个异地中,肉身死去的真神境武者,受特殊环境的影响,神魂一直被束缚着。经过岁月的洗涤,留在那异地神魂,生前的一切记忆都流逝掉了,只剩下对武道的深刻领悟。”劳里深深吸了一口气,眼神炙热,“留在异地神魂,没了生前的经历记忆只有对武道的感悟!那可是真神境武者的武道感悟啊!”,石岩悚然动容,惊骇道:“你是说?” Lao li nodded, the burning hot in eye is more intense, we, once obtained that pure Divine Soul to comprehend their martial arts sensibility, this means that what you should be able to imagine?” 劳里点了点头,眼中的炙热越加强烈,“我们这些人,一旦得到那种纯净的神魂领悟了他们的武道感悟,这意味着什么你应该能够想象吧?” Shi Yan with amazement, cannot stop flood greedy obsession. 石岩骇然,也止不住泛起贪婪执念 Is the Xia Xinyan why potential infinite? 夏心妍为什么潜力无穷? Why can disregard bottleneck, once in the body plaster power is the certain extent, then does not stagnate crosses the wall barrier directly, directly since the new Realm level? 为什么可以无视瓶颈,一旦体垩内力量达到一定程度,便毫无凝滞的直接越过壁障,直接进入新的境界层次? Because of Reincarnation Martial Spirit! 因为轮回武魂 Fearfulness of Reincarnation Martial Spirit, on the one hand can use the strength of Reincarnation, but most makes countless people praise, is actually the martial arts comprehension of that previous life! 轮回武魂的可怕,一方面是可以动用轮回之力,但最让无数人称道的,却是那前世的武道领悟! Under the martial arts Realm comprehension of that previous life, Xia Xinyan does not need to be worried about bottleneck, almost will never have to accidentally discharge the Bedevilment worry, whenever power accumulates to enough degree, then can enter into new Realm with ease. 在那前世的武道境界领悟下,夏心妍不需要担心瓶颈,几乎永远不会有走火入魔的烦恼,每当力量积累到足够的程度,便可以轻轻松松迈入新的境界 Pure is Divine Soul, addicted to the wonder of equally good results from different methods with that Reincarnation Martial Spirit? 纯净的神魂,和那轮回武魂岂不是嗜着异曲同工之妙? If can disregard bottleneck, in the mystery of mystical Martial Spirit by his body plaster, he can progress by leaps and bounds, enters into True God Realm directly? 如果能萨无视瓶颈,以他体垩内神秘武魂的神奇,他岂不是可以一路突飞猛进,直接迈入真神之境 Disobedient however excited! 忤然心动! The Shi Yan eye may not restrain boat to project the burning hot rays of light. 石岩眼睛也不可抑止舟射出炙热的光芒 It seems like your very clear that pure Divine Soul advantage.” Lao li smiled, to Shi Yan one bowl of liquor, the also big mouth has drunk but actually one bowl, this said: Enters Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist all people, its goal, to put it bluntly, is the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist deep place boat rare treasure and pure Divine Soul.” “看来你很清楚那纯净神魂的好处。”劳里笑了笑,又给石岩倒了一碗酒,自己也大口喝了一碗,这才道:“进入暗磁雾瘴的所有人,其目的,说白了,便是暗磁雾瘴深处舟秘宝和纯净神魂。” Liquor of Shi Yan in the bowl completely, the silent nod, finally understands why Divine Great Land Warrior, does not fear the bad risk, does not fear here step by step awfully crisis, must enter Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist in abundance. 石岩将碗中酒干尽,默然点头,终于明白为什么神州大地武者,不惧凶险,不怕这里的步步要命危机,也要纷纷进入暗磁雾瘴了。 Many thanks you told me these many hidden secret.” Shi Yan grinned to smile, looked at the spatial bowl in hand, said: Also good wine thank you.” “多谢你告诉我这么多秘辛。”石岩咧嘴笑了笑,看了看手中的空碗,又道:“也谢谢你的美酒。” Lao li nodded, friendly smiles toward him brightly, said: „ Was good, were not many said that the time was also up, we can continue. He He, if the brothers want to drink, momentarily demanded to me, the good wine that in my Imaginary Space Ring conceal puts what are many, enough we are bumping the noxious mist to drink all the way darkly. 劳里点了点头,友好的朝他灿烂一笑,道:“好了,不多说了,时间也差不多了,我们可以继续出发了。呵呵,若是兄弟想要喝酒,随时向我索要,我幻空戒中藏放的美酒多的是,足够咱们在暗碰雾瘴喝个够。 Shi Yan expressed gratitude with a smile. 石岩笑着道谢。 long time, that Ai Ya does not fly from another mountain peak, after she comes, surprise looked at Shi Yan and Lao li, why as if somewhat cannot think through these two to arrive suddenly together, but she has not said anything, after people nodded, then directly said:...... Did everybody restore? 多时,那艾雅从另外一座山峰上飞来,她过来以后,诧异的看了看石岩劳里,似乎有些想不通为何这两人突然走到一块儿,不过她也并没有多说什么,冲众人点了点头后,便直接道:……各位是否都已恢复完毕? Cai Yi and Lao li nod in abundance. 彩衣劳里纷纷点头。 Ai Ya no longer said anything, has swept Shi Yan one, then takes out the compass, sets the direction, however flies toward the front. 艾雅不再多说什么,扫了石岩一眼,便取出罗盘,重新确定方向,然而朝着前方飞去。 The people follow at once. 众人旋即跟上。 Shi Yan continues to draw in Ai Ya behind, is paying attention sound, while is looking at the front Ai Ya that gently beautiful waist, cultivates the straight beautiful leg with that abundant buttocks that very curls upwards, the complexion is tranquil, with was formerly same. 石岩继续拉在艾雅身后,一边留意着身旁的动静,一边望着前方艾雅那柔美的腰肢,和那修直的美腿,挺翘的丰臀,脸色平静,和先前一样。 In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, not having the time concept, Shi Yan not to know how long with these five Warrior to mix up. 暗磁雾瘴中,没有时间概念,石岩也不知道和这五名武者混在一起多久了。 Clamps shows the way elegantly, once discovers exceptionally, will then stop the body, hinted Shi Yan to explore with the look in the past. 夹雅领路,一旦发现异常,便会停下身子,用眼神示意石岩过去探索。 Shi Yan will discover each time different quantities of Demonic Beast, thrilling withdrawing from the attacks of these Demonic Beast, Ai Ya then rapidly will flush at once, goes to kill Demonic Beast. 每次石岩都会发现数量不等的妖兽,从那些妖兽的袭击之中惊险的脱身,旋即艾雅便会迅速冲出来,前去袭杀妖兽 behind Lao li and Cai Yi, are also unwilling to fall behind, often changes into lightnings, joins the battlefield instantaneously. 身后劳里彩衣,也不甘落后,往往都化为一道道闪电,瞬间加入战场。 When this ten-day period, the Shi Yan also no longer pomelo onlooking, together got rid with five people, has killed many six levels of Demonic Beast, obtained five Monster Core. 这段时旬,石岩也不再柚手旁观,和五人一道出手,杀了不少六级的妖兽,也获得了五块妖晶 With the fight of Demonic Beast, Shi Yan is hiding the true strength throughout, has not released the fleshly body powerful explosive force, does not have one time to enter the boundary of Rampage, but by an ordinary Nirvana Origin Second Sky Warrior strength, copes these Demonic Beast. 在和妖兽的战斗中,石岩始终隐藏着真正的实力,没有将肉身强悍的爆发力释放出来,也没有一次进入过暴走之境,而是以一个普通涅巢二重天武者的实力,来对付那些妖兽 One, his harvest naturally were so least in the people, obtained five Monster Core, after the fight, the consumption of one by one was each time clean. 这么一来,他的收获在众人中自然最少,获得了五块妖晶,在每次战斗之后,一一的消耗干净。 Several get down with the Demonic Beast battle, he regarding these five people of strength understanding was deeper, regarding five people of complex relational also many understanding. 几场与妖兽的争斗下来,他对于这五人的实力认识的更深了,对于五人的复杂关系也多少了解了一些。 That Ai Ya has been desolate to him, little and his driving junction read, actually Bo Ge and Brother Lao li, often taking the opportunity chatted several with him, discussed that thrilling of fight, says the mystery of Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. 艾雅对他一直冷淡,很少和他主动交读,倒是博格劳里兄弟,时常借机和他聊几句,谈一谈战斗的惊险,说一说暗磁雾瘴的神奇。 Gradually, looks like he and Bo Ge and Brother Lao li relations, is closer, with that Ai Ya, as if more and more became estranged. 渐渐地,看起来他和博格劳里兄弟的关系,更加的紧密一些,和那艾雅,似乎越来越疏远了。 Ai Ya sees him and Bo Ge, Lao li mixes in together, somewhat seems to be repugnant to him, are getting fewer and fewer and he speaks, before meeting Demonic Beast each time, no longer many excessively reminders, likely somewhat are sick of him, wished one could him dead earlier. 艾雅见他和博格劳里混在一块儿,对他似乎有些反感,越来越少和他讲话,每次遇到妖兽之前,也不再过多的提醒,像是有些厌烦他,恨不得他早点死去。 But under the attack of Demonic Beast, he can withdraw each time quickly, can, when Ai Ya and the others the arrivals, one time had not gotten sucked into the hopeless situation by oneself. 但每次在妖兽的袭击之下,他都能很快脱身,能够等到艾雅等人的到来,没有一次让自己深陷绝境。 His often turns danger into safety, five people, is his luck is extremely good, because he has not always shown real plaster solid power, five people of heart to his guarding, is smallest, thought that only then he of boundary of Nirvana Second Sky, even if the intention is illegal, cannot have the tremendous influence to them. 他的每每化险为夷,在五人来看,是他运气极佳,因为他始终没有展现出真垩实的力量,五人对他的提防之心,也是最小,觉得只有涅盘二重天之境的他,就算是心怀不轨,也不能给他们造成多大的影响。 This is just right for the Shi Yan regard, he looks like hides Ferocious Beast in shadow, the game under indifferent looks at sunlight, hidden does not send, calmly is waiting for the opportunity. 这正合石岩心意,他就像是潜藏在阴影中的凶兽,冷眼看着阳光下的猎物,隐而不发,在静静地等候着时机。 On this day, Ai Ya stopped once more, is provoking in the hand the compass, aims at the front float void desert island, hinted Shi Yan to look at an outcome in the past. 这一天,艾雅再次停了下来,拨弄着手中罗盘,指向前方一个悬浮虚空的荒岛,示意石岩过去看个究竟。 Shi Yan did not say a word, flying that nodded, was then careful in the past. 石岩一言不发,点了点头,便小心谨慎的飞过去。 This kind of float void islands, he was not first time saw in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, was the same with these mountain peaks, this island by the influence of gravity, ups and downs in void, once for a while fluttered up and down, was quite mysterious. 这一类悬浮虚空的岛屿,他在暗磁雾瘴中不是第一次见到了,和那些山峰一样,这小岛也不受重力的影响,在虚空中沉浮着,时不时上下飘荡一下,极为神奇。 The islands are not big, above also has the plant flowers and plants, does not have the trace that Demonic Beast appears and disappears. 岛屿并不大,上面也有植物花草,却没有妖兽出没的痕迹。 Smog of Shi Yan on the island is searching, arrives in the island by gradually a limpid lake, suddenly hears the Warrior gloomy AC hum. 石岩在岛上烟雾中搜寻着,渐渐来到岛上一个清澈的湖泊旁边,忽然听到武者阴沉交流声。 In the heart moves, the Shi Yan concealing body, before gathering up quietly, observation. 心中一动,石岩悄悄隐匿身子,凑上前观察了起来。 Three Warrior, half bare body, washes bloodstain in the lake, these three Warrior are the male, Nirvana Origin Second Sky, two Nirvana Origin First Sky, in the lawn of that lake not far away, two corpses, the body essence vanished cleanly, should die sometime. 三名武者,半裸着身子,在湖泊中洗涤身上的血迹,这三名武者都是男性,一个涅巢二重天,两个涅巢一重天,在那湖泊不远处的草地,有两具尸首,身上精气已消失干净,应该死了有一段时间了。 Shi Yan hides in the hidden place, looked at a while indifferently, draws back quietly, has not made any sound. 石岩潜藏在暗处,冷眼看了一会儿,又悄悄退回去,没有发出任何的声响。 long time, before he does not hang arrives at the Ai Ya body newly, frowns saying: Three human Warrior, Nirvana Origin Second Sky, two Nirvana Origin First Sky, that three people collaborated to kill two Warrior, is washing bloodstain in the lake.” 多时,他垂新来到艾雅身前,皱着眉头道:“三名人类武者,一个涅巢二重天,两个涅巢一重天,那三人联手杀了两个武者,正在湖泊中洗涤身上的血迹。” Has the lake?” Ai Ya calls out in alarm one. “有湖泊?”艾雅惊呼一声。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 Ai Ya is somewhat pleasantly surprised, at once does not say a word, suddenly flew, the speed is extremely fast, side him! Dodges to pass. 艾雅有些惊喜,旋即一言不发,忽然飞了过去,速度极快,在他身旁!闪而逝。 Lao li, Cai Yi and the others catch up hurriedly, the Bo Ge speaker inquired: What has discovered?” 劳里彩衣等人急忙赶上来,博格扬声询问道:“发现了什么?” Three Warrior, Nirvana Origin Second Sky, two puts up First Sky, they as if just killed people, washes bloodstain in a lake.” Shi Yan replied. “三个武者,一名涅巢二重天,两个涅架一重天,他们似乎刚杀了人,在一个湖泊中洗涤身上的血迹。”石岩回答。 Bo Ge, Lao li and the others Hehe sneer suddenly, in the eye flashes through together ruthless severe rays of light, suddenly overran. 博格劳里等人忽然嘿嘿冷笑起来,眼中闪过一道狠厉的光芒,突然冲了过去。 Cai Yi is also the facial expression joyfully, tenderly says with a smile: Finally can take a bath well.” 彩衣也是神情欣然,娇笑道:“终于可以好好洗个澡了。” Four people of facial expressions vary, actually one by one crosses him, such as rainbow light, fly toward that island. 四人神情各异,却一一越过他,如一道道虹光,往那小岛飞去。
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