GOS :: Volume #4

#374: Rare treasure? Divine Soul?

That eight Purple gold pythons, are pleased as punch, the speed is extremely unexpectedly fast, one crevice from mountain peak braves, then fast clashes, small eyes dodge are absorbing sinister rays of light of person, is staring at him. 那八条紫金蟒蛇,摇头摆尾,速度竟然极快,一从山峰中的空隙冒出来,便飞快冲来,一个个小眼睛闪着摄人的毒辣光芒,都盯着他。 Shi Yan coldly snorted, stops is freezing, awaits calmly the arrivals of these Purple gold pythons. 石岩冷哼一声,停在原地不动,静候那些紫金蟒蛇的到来。 If only he, alone faces eight grown Purple gold pythons, he has not grasped them wipes out, but adds on strength immeasurably deep Ai Ya one line of five people, this situation was different. 如果只是他一人,独自面对八条成年的紫金蟒蛇,他没有把握将它们全歼,不过加上实力深不可测的艾雅一行五人,这形势就不同了。 Really. 果然。 The Ai Ya body such as wind shoots, but the long gun|spear, the imposing manner, instantaneously arrives at side him swiftly and fiercely, crosses him unexpectedly, breaks in the python gathering place directly. 艾雅身如一杆飙射而出的长枪,气势凌厉之极,瞬间来到他身旁,竟越过他,直接冲入蟒蛇聚集之地。 Her that graceful body, in sea level fog unpredictable, to person an evasive feeling. 她那曼妙的身子,在海面云雾中变幻莫测,给人一种不可捉摸的感觉。 Bunch dark green rays of light, splutters from her clear finger, in these dark green rays of light, has electric current glittering faintly, in each bunch of rays of light, is containing extremely swift and fierce power. 一束束暗青色光芒,从她那晶莹的手指中溅射出来,那些暗青色光芒之中,隐隐有电流闪烁,每一束光芒中,都蕴藏着极其凌厉的力量 Dark green rays of light interweaves in void, shortly will turn into a light net, when unexpectedly bow cap to that all Purple gold pythons. 暗青色的光芒在虚空中交织,在顷刻间变成一个光网,居然当头罩向那所有的紫金蟒蛇。 After a chilly tenderness drinks, her waist turns, enters in the light net, with that Purple gold python frontages relative. 一声清冷的娇喝后,她腰肢一扭,一头进入光网中,和那一条条紫金蟒蛇正面相对。 „The blade edge of space solution!” “宇解之刃!” Sword blade edge rays of light, in her drinking cry, circle in flight, under the Purple gold python toward these light net rules out in abundance. 一条条剑刃般的光芒,在她的喝叫声中,飞旋出来,纷纷朝着那些光网之下的紫金蟒蛇划去。 Two to the front Purple gold python, have not spouted the toxic smoke with enough time, that python body was then submerged the body by sword blade edge rays of light, at once sees that two Purple gold pythons, suddenly splits. 两条冲在前方的紫金蟒蛇,尚未来得及喷出毒烟,那蟒蛇身躯便被一道道剑刃般的光芒没入身体,旋即就见那两条紫金蟒蛇,突然分裂开来。 Two sparkling Monster Core were being towed by the Ai Ya five fingers, suddenly flies from fall into her control Imaginary Space Ring from their fission statures instantaneously one brightly, that two Monster Core then vanish does not see. 两块亮晶晶的妖晶艾雅五指牵引着,突然从它们的分裂身躯中飞离出来瞬间落入她手心幻空戒一亮,那两块妖晶便消失不见。 Sees Ai Ya to get rid in rear Lao li and Cai Yi one line of four people, and captured two Monster Core in the lightning flint, expression is anxious, speeds along fully, such as rainbow light, previous dodges to pass from the Shi Yan body, fights for Monster Core of Purple gold python. 拉在后方的劳里彩衣一行四人一见艾雅已率先出手,并且在电光火石间已夺得两块妖晶,神色焦急,全力飞驰过来,一个个如虹光,从石岩身前一闪而逝,都去争抢紫金蟒蛇的妖晶 The Cai Yi bright women's clothing colored ribbon is floating, the ring of set on snow arm flies suddenly, these rings spread in the midair absorb the howl of will of the people spleen, collides mutually is sending out dazzling rays of light. 彩衣鲜艳的衣裙彩带飘飘,套在雪臂上的圆环忽然飞出来,那些圆环在半空传出摄人心脾的啸声,相互碰撞着发出耀眼的光芒 Rings, must fall to these Purple gold pythons time suddenly changes, emits one meter sharp blade from the ring, the ring dances in the air that sharp blade cold brightness to be bright maliciously, lively circles in flight to cut several sections a Purple gold python. 一个个圆环,就要落到那些紫金蟒蛇的时候突然变化,从圆环之中冒出一狠狠一米长的锋利刀刃,圆环飞舞间那锋利刀刃寒光熠熠,轻快的飞旋着将一条紫金蟒蛇斩成好几截。 The Bo Ge look is cold, one meter crystal sword from his sleeve ** exits, that crystal sword, transforms a 30 meters in length Jing dragon immediately, face upwards silent roars, swallows into a Purple gold python the abdomen. 博格眼神冷冽,一把一米长的晶剑从他袖**出去,那晶剑一出,立即幻化成一条长30米的晶龙,仰天无声咆哮,一口将一条紫金蟒蛇吞入腹中。 The bunch ice cold silk thread, twines in Jing Dragon Fu, surrounds that Purple gold python firmly, long time, that silk thread then in Jing Dragon Fu that Purple gold several of python pulling. 一束束冰寒的丝线,在晶龙腹中缠绕上来,将那紫金蟒蛇给牢牢困住,不多时,那丝线便在晶龙腹中将那紫金蟒蛇给拉扯成几段。 Lao li two brothers chuckled, they are standing on a Purple gold python with joint forces, brings to cover entirely the lifting sets of fang sharp tooth, the body erupts the wild energy fluctuation suddenly, a fist then fist rumbles into that Purple gold python body plaster, covered with blood that Purple gold python hits. 劳里两兄弟嘿嘿笑着,两人合力站在一条紫金蟒蛇身上,带着布满獠牙锐齿的举套,身上骤然爆发出狂暴之极的能量波动,一拳接着一拳轰入那紫金蟒蛇体垩内,将那条紫金蟒蛇打的血肉模糊。 These five people such as the beggar amasses money, rushing of noisy crowd, the speed is quick, actually the toxic smoke of accurate evading Purple gold python, various methods, in the short two minutes, give the solution that eight Purple gold pythons. 这五人一个个如乞丐抢钱般,一窝蜂的冲上去,速度快捷,却都精准的避过紫金蟒蛇的毒烟,各施手段,在短短两分钟内,将那八条紫金蟒蛇给解决。 Shi Yan in the one side, frowns the looks at five people to cut the python with joint forces, motionless. 石岩愣在一旁,皱着眉头看着五人合力斩蟒,一动不动。 , Monster Core of eight Purple gold pythons, was harvested by five people quickly completely, Ai Ya gets rid quickly, resulted in three Monster Core, Cai Yi has resulted in two, Bo Ge has resulted in one, the Lao li two brothers has resulted in one respectively. 很快地,八条紫金蟒蛇的妖晶,被五人给全部收获,其中艾雅出手最快,得了三块妖晶,彩衣得了两块,博格得了一块,劳里两兄弟各得一块。 Eight Purple gold pythons were killed in an instant, was received Imaginary Space Ring by these five points of one by one, discovered first Shi Yan of Purple gold python, because of the temporary negligence, has not harvested on the contrary, but they snatches the Monster Core minute in nearby indifferent looks at. 八条紫金蟒蛇转眼被杀,被这五分一一收入幻空戒,最先发现紫金蟒蛇的石岩,因为一时的疏忽,反倒没有收获,只是在一旁冷眼看着他们将妖晶分抢。 Shi Yan is not disheartened. 石岩并不丧气。 Although this time does not have a harvest, but he in nearby careful observation, actually five people of strengths and characteristics looking at a clarity. 这次虽然没有一点收获,但他在旁边的细心观察,却将五人的实力和特点给看个清清楚楚。 In these people, Ai Ya without doubt is strongest one, a person kills three Purple gold pythons alone, the Cai Yi next best, the Lao li two brothers afterward, that Bo Ge is really actually worst, but depends upon in the hand the rare treasure, prompt a Purple gold python hunting and killing. 在这些人中,艾雅无疑是最强的一个,一人独杀三条紫金蟒蛇,彩衣次之,劳里两兄弟随后,倒是那博格果然最差,只是依靠手中秘宝,才及时将一条紫金蟒蛇给猎杀。 Ai Ya Martial Skills is mysterious, during motions neat, gets rid very ruthless to be accurate, Cai Yi is the thoughts is exquisite, rare treasure strange Chi, Brother Lao li the explosive force is astonishing, the fist that they wear rushes, as if there is amplification power effect. 艾雅武技玄奥,行动间干净利落,出手狠辣精准,彩衣则是心思细腻,秘宝奇持,劳里兄弟爆发力惊人,两人佩戴的拳奔,似乎有着增幅力量的功效。 Stands, observation a while, Shi Yan knew fairly well silently, understood five people of strength heights, has clarified their forms of defensive action approximately, pays attention secretly. 站在旁边,默默观察了一会儿,石岩心中有数了,知道了五人的实力高低,也大致弄清楚了他们的攻击方式,暗暗留神。 Dead body of Purple gold pythons, after the death, as if again was affected by the gravity, one by one sinks to below sea level, long time does not vanish to disappear. 一条条紫金蟒蛇的尸体,在死亡之后,似乎再次受到重力的影响,一一沉入下方的海面,不多时就消失不见了。 The Ai Ya five people receive Monster Core, seems satisfied this harvest, sees Shi Yan anything not to obtain, but also quite comforted Shi Yan one, making him next time should not be so conservative, saw that the opportunity earlier will get rid. 艾雅五人将妖晶收好,似乎都非常满意这次的收获,见石岩什么都没有得到,还好生宽慰了石岩一句,让他下次不要那么保守,见到机会就早点出手。 Shi Yan nods with a smile, listens to the appearance that teaches modestly. 石岩含笑点头,一副虚心听教的模样。 The Ai Ya five people have resulted in Monster Core, then got up that two mountain peaks, with formerly same separated, respective use monster, Shao Jiangjun duplicate Essence Qi. m blade four 3 艾雅五人得了妖晶,便上了那两座山峰,又和先前一样分开来,各自利用妖,邵桨骏复精元。m刀四3 And the Cai Yi four people at a mountain peak, that Ai Ya went to another mountain peak abreast in row alone, Cai Yi moves the lulls cultivate, that Bo Ge saw with own eyes that has separated a mountain peak with Ai Ya, as if obtains Cai Yi to agree that went to side Shi Yan unexpectedly on own initiative. 其中彩衣四人处在一座山峰,那艾雅单独去了另外一座并排的山峰,彩衣调息静修的时候,那博格眼见和艾雅隔了一座山峰,似乎得到彩衣首肯,竟主动去了石岩身旁。 I was formerly unfriendly to your some, that is because thought that you do not have the value, but after this cooperation, I discovered that you imagine me are more useful.” After Bo Ge comes, grins to smile unexpectedly, must with the Shi Yan vanishing past animosity appearance. “我先前对你有些不友好,那是因为觉得你没有价值,但经过这一次的合作,我发现你比我想象中有用一些。”博格过来以后,竟咧嘴笑了笑,一副要和石岩冰释前嫌的模样。 Shi Yan also smiled, expression is motionless, toward Bo Ge nodded, said: Hopes us to be able continuously friendly cooperation.” 石岩也笑了笑,神色不动,朝着博格点了点头,道:“希望我们能够一直友好合作下去。” We are glad to cooperate with you very much.” The Bo Ge eye transferred the revolutions, sound lowered, at least I and my Senior Sister, can cooperate well with you,...... Others, I cannot guarantee.” “我们很乐意和你合作。”博格眼睛转了转,声音放低,“至少我和我师姐,会和你好好合作下去,……别人,我就不敢保证了。” So was saying, Bo Ge looks to another mountain peak, lowers the sound once more, you may know that Ai Ya minute you one-third Monster Core, harbor evil intentions actually, she wants with that one-third Monster Core, induces me to kill you.” 这般说着,博格不由看向另外一座山峰,再次压低声音,“你可知道,那艾雅分你1的妖晶,其实是不怀好意,她是想要用那1的妖晶,来诱导我杀你。” Here, Bo Ge awkward smiling, you also knew in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Monster Core had how preciously, we wanted to survive here, must depend upon Monster Core. You had not displayed proper value at that time, has resulted in Monster Core white, by my past temper, will not naturally be able to bear start......” 说到这儿,博格尴尬的笑了笑,“你也知道在暗磁雾瘴中,妖晶有多么的珍贵,我们在这里想要生存,必须要依靠妖晶。你当时没有表现出应有的价值,又白得了一块妖晶,以我以往的性子,自然是会忍不住下手的……” Bo Ge Cai Yi to his lesson, has traded a way, points out Shi Yan. 博格彩衣对他的教训,换了一种方式,来点明石岩 After an explanation, clenches teeth, cold voice said: In us, most fearful is Ai Ya! Enters the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist partner with us together, was used various ways to kill by her, does not know many. Shi Yan, you must pay attention to Ai Ya surely, should not be given to sacrifice by her, I reminded you, was because you were living, I then can not take risk to explore the way, I hope that you were living well, did you understand?” 一番解释后,才咬着牙,冷声道:“我们这些人中,最可怕的便是艾雅!和我们一道进入暗磁雾瘴的伙伴,被她用各种方式害死的,不知道有多少。石岩,你定要注意艾雅,不要被她给牺牲了,我来提醒你,是因为你活着,我便可以不去冒险探路,我希望你好好活着,你明白么?” In the Shi Yan heart sneers, on the face actually shows the affected expression, the nod said: Many thanks Bo Ge nun reminder.” 石岩心中冷笑,脸上却露出感动的表情,点头道:“多谢博格尼提醒。” Un, you know fairly well well.” Bo Ge smiles nodded, then no longer said anything, goes to that Cai Yi, long time then under the asylum of Cai Yi, does not sit to start to restore Essence Qi. “嗯,你心中有数就好。”博格笑着点了点头,便不再多说什么,冲那彩衣而去,不多时便在彩衣的庇护之下,坐下来开始恢复精元 Brother Shi Yan, you also are really good, can actually that rapid flies from surrounding of eight Purple gold pythons, he he, if has changed me, must by the toxic smoke covering.” 石岩兄弟,你还真是不错,竟然能够那么迅速的从八条紫金蟒蛇的包围中飞离出来,呵呵,要是换了我,说不定都要被毒烟给笼罩。” Suddenly, Lao li he he smiles in not far away speaker, said: „The toxic smoke of Purple gold python, has the numb and aching person nerve effect, once you were filled by the toxicant, the body is incapable, they will then flush, swallows into your one abdomen, Purple gold Python Abdomen acid liquor terrifying, any living thing entered their abdomen extremely, is difficult to run away dies.” 忽然,劳里在不远处扬声呵呵一笑,道:“紫金蟒蛇的毒烟,有着酸麻人神经的功效,你一旦被毒药弥漫,身子一无力,它们便会冲上来,将你一口吞入腹中,紫金蟒蛇腹部酸液极其恐怖,任何生物入了它们的腹部,都难逃一死。” Shi Yan stunned, in heart unclear, actually clashes him to smile. 石岩愕然,心中不明,却冲他笑了笑。 Drinks?” Lao li raised hand the wine pot, does not wait for Shi Yan to comply, he takes out a fine china bowl, has poured full one bowl of liquor, raises the sound track: „ Visits you is also the straightforward person, should also be over-fond of wine the thing, the words that does not shut out, drink one bowl, everybody makes an intimate friend. “喝酒么?”劳里扬了扬手中的酒壶,不等石岩答应,他又取出一个精致的瓷碗,倒了满满一碗酒,扬声道:“看你也是豪爽之人,应该也贪杯中之物,不嫌弃的话,就来喝上一碗,大家交个知心的朋友。 That many thanks big brother Lao li.” In the Shi Yan heart moves, does not look on as an outsider actually, with a laugh walks, relaxes likely, after that Lao li body sits down, then carries one bowl of fragrance pleasant good wines, raises head completely. “那就多谢劳里大哥了。”石岩心中一动,倒是不见外,笑呵呵的走过去,像是非常放松,在那劳里身前坐下之后,便端起一碗香气宜人的美酒,仰头干尽。 Younger brother Lao Lun that not far away, his eyes closed calmly cultivates, the thick long brow moves, as if has alerted secretly, then quickly relaxes. 不远处,他那闭目静修的弟弟劳伦,粗长的眉头动了动,似乎已暗暗戒备,然后又很快放松下来。 Ha Ha, is really a person of same belief people.” Lao li laughs, resembles joyfully, „ this touches in the noxious mist darkly everywhere the bad risk, I and others took a walk here, frequently has the possibility of death, can enjoy the moment, that enjoys the moment, right?, Shi Yan nods. “哈哈,果然是同道中人啊。”劳里大笑,状似愉悦,“这暗碰雾瘴中处处凶险,我等在这里走动,时时刻刻都有死亡的可能,能够多享受一刻,那就多享受一刻,对吧?,,石岩点头。 „Didn't brothers as if know about Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist?” Lao li seemingly has no intention asked one. “兄弟似乎对暗磁雾瘴一点都不了解?”劳里貌似无意的问了一句。 The Shi Yan facial expression moves, consults to say modestly: I enter here accidentally, indeed knows nothing regarding here, related here mystical, I listen to a friend to raise 1-2 times, but also asked big brother Lao li to grant instruction.” 石岩神情一动,虚心请教道:“我是无意中进入这里的,对于这里的确一无所知,有关这里的神秘,我只是听一朋友提过一两次,还请劳里大哥赐教。” Grants instruction does not dare, but I can actually tell you, why we come.” Lao li shot a look at Cai Yi one of the distant place, the sound lowered, „the dark magnetic fog Yi deep place, rumor two big Exotic Land, Exotic Land it is said had Sacred level, even the Divine level rare treasure, Exotic Land, it is said had pure Divine Soul.” “赐教不敢,但我却可以告诉你,我们因何而来。”劳里瞥了远处的彩衣一眼,声音放低,“暗磁雾彝深处,传言有两大异地,一个异地据说有圣级,甚至神级秘宝,还有一个异地,据说有纯净的神魂。” Rare treasure? Divine Soul?” Shi Yan stares, fast consideration. “秘宝?神魂?”石岩一愣,快速的思量起来。 Good.” Lao li affirmative nodded, Sacred level rare treasure already extremely rare, even if in our Divine Great Land, is not the average person can have. As for that Divine level rare treasure, he he, our Divine Great Land already did not have Divine level Refiner Master and appearance of Alchemist master, at present is only several types of Divine level rare treasures and medicinal pills, majority are the Antiquity time hands down from generation to generation, nobody has been able to refine. Each same Divine level rare treasure and medicinal pills, even if worst rank tier, makes people sufficiently crazy, this you should understand.” “不错。”劳里肯定的点了点头,“圣级的秘宝已极为稀罕,就算是在我们神州大地,也不是一般人可以持有的。至于那神级秘宝,呵呵,我们神州大地早已没了神级炼器师炼药师的出现,目前仅有的几样神级秘宝和丹药,大多数都是远古时期传下来的,已无人可以炼制。每一样神级秘宝和丹药,就算是最差的品阶,也足以让人为之疯狂,这点你应该明白。” Shi Yan facial expression surprised jaw first nod. 石岩神情惊讶的颌首点头。 Pure Divine Soul, this thing with is precious, can you know?” Lao li deep looks at he. “还有纯净神魂,这东西用多么珍贵,你可知道?”劳里深深看着他。 Hope hear Qixiang.” Shi Yan sought for advice modestly. “愿闻其详。”石岩虚心求教。 at the p person Chengdu annual meeting, retains the draft fixed time issued. p人成都年会中,存稿定时发布。
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