GOS :: Volume #4

#373: Explorer

Shi Yan is also but these five people keep him, has not settled the good intention obviously, he early has the preparation, they request him to explore the way as the cutting edge, is also expected in Shi Yan. 石岩也是无奈这五人将他留下来,明显没安好心,他早有心理准备,他们要求他作为先锋探路,也在石岩意料之中。 Him, even if leaves these five people to handle affairs alone, has many security not necessarily. 在他来看,就算是离开这五人单独行事,也不见得就有多安全。 He the understanding Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist is too shallow, collided here rashly carelessly, meets Demonic Beast and terrible topography possibility also small many, such being the case, with them together, poured does not calculate that was too difficult to accept. 他对暗磁雾瘴的了解太浅,冒然在这儿胡乱碰撞,遇到妖兽凶地的可能性也小不了多少,既然如此,和他们一道,倒也不算是太难接受。 Five people are divided into the three parties, the dark bosom sinister design, this is just right for his regard, he clamps in the middle, although is unsafe, can actually use five people of disloyalties to handle something, if these five people unite as one, he does not dare to stay for a long time on the contrary. 五人分成三方,相互间暗怀鬼胎,这正合他心意,他夹在中间虽然不安全,却可以利用五人的异心做些事情,要是这五人团结一致,他反倒不敢久留。 Cai Yi and Bo Ge want to use him, works as the cannon fodder him, he also has his planning. 彩衣博格想要利用他,将他当炮灰,他也有他的算计。 In dark magnetic fog Yi various heaven and earth Spiritual Qi are not, ordinary Warrior wants to restore Essence Qi, only then hunts and kills Demonic Beast this outlet, through Demonic Beast Monster Core, restores Essence Qi. 暗磁雾彝中各种天地灵气不在,普通武者想要恢复精元,只有猎杀妖兽这一条出路,通过妖兽妖晶,来恢复精元 He is different. 他不同。 Him, Ai Ya, Cai Yi and Bo Ge five people, are another form Demonic Beast, so long as these five people die, he in side, he can draw support them exactly died being defeated and dispersed of latter essence, restores power. His special Martial Spirit, can make him in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, method that many one type restores Essence Qi. 在他来看,艾雅彩衣博格五人,是另一种形式的“妖兽”,只要这五人身死的时候,他恰恰在旁边,他就可以借助于他们死后一身精气的溃散,来恢复力量。他特殊的武魂,可以令他在这暗磁雾瘴中,多一种恢复精元的方法。 Adjoins so long as some people die. 毗只要有人死。 Therefore, remains, with these five people together, pays attention to his life and death frequently, for him, has the greatly strengthened attraction without doubt. 因此,留下来,和这五人一道,时刻注意他的生死,对他来说,无疑有着极强的诱惑力。 Cai Yi and the others cherished illegally, does he have is? 彩衣等人心怀不轨,他有何尝不是? Prepares the good words, we.” Ai Ya saw him to comply refreshedly, slightly some surprise, nodded, then took out a square shape from Imaginary Space Ring the fine compass, on that compass portrayed the troublesome design, the compass four corner/horn is mounting four scrap Demonic Beast Monster Core, seemed providing the energy support for that compass. “都准备好的话,我们就出发吧。”艾雅见他爽快答应了下来,略有些诧异,点了点头,便从幻空戒中取出一块方形的精致罗盘,那罗盘上刻画着繁碎的图案,罗盘四角镶嵌着四小块妖兽妖晶,似乎在为那罗盘提供着能量支撑。 Ai Ya grasps the compass, the clear index finger moved the compass central indicator, seems taking one's bearings. 艾雅手持罗盘,晶莹的食指拨动了一下罗盘中央的指针,似乎在辨别方向。 Cai Yi, Bo Ge and the others did not say a word, in the line of sight entire tribe's to Ai Ya hand compass on, is paying attention the direction of that compass, for fear that Ai Ya in secret plays tricks. 彩衣博格等人一言不发,视线全部落到艾雅手中的罗盘上,在留意那罗盘的指向,生怕艾雅暗中捣鬼。 The compass middle silver indicator shivered, finally the direction left side of Shi Yan frames, Ai Ya looked up that direction one, received Imaginary Space Ring the compass carefully, said lightly: Direction determined.” 罗盘中间银色的指针颤抖了一下,最终在石岩左侧方向定格,艾雅抬头看了那方向一眼,又将罗盘小心收入幻空戒,淡淡道:“方向确定了。” Cai Yi and the others nod together with a smile. 彩衣等人一起笑着点头。 Ai Ya no longer said anything, under a tip of the toe body the stone, first flies to flutter in that direction, the speed does not appear how quick, as if this way, most can save the consumption of Essence Qi. 艾雅不再多说什么,脚尖一点身下石块,第一个朝着那方向飞飘过去,速度并不显出多么快捷,似乎这种方式,最能节省精元的消耗。 Shi Yan?” After Cai Yi and other Ai Ya left, suddenly looks smilingly to him, you with Ai Ya, when she made you arrive at the front, then possibly had exceptionally. Un, careful, met Ferocious Beast, remembered early called, if otherwise we caught up to be late, perhaps you wanted......” 石岩是吧?”彩衣艾雅动身以后,忽然笑盈盈看向他,“你就跟着艾雅,她什么时候让你到前方了,便是可能有异常。嗯,小心一点,遇到凶兽了,记得早早吆喝,要不然我们若是赶过来迟了,你恐怕就要……” The Shi Yan complexion is invariable, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward her, did not say a word, followed Ai Ya. 石岩脸色不变,朝着她拱了拱手,一言不发,就跟上了艾雅 Cai Yi and other Shi Yan leave, the smiling face on face restrained gradually, frowns to whisper: This fellow is very discrete, does not know that Ai Ya said anything to him, I thought that he as if favors that Ai Ya. The Ai Ya strength is strongest, if adds on this boy to lend a hand again generally, Ai Ya was absolutely safer.” 彩衣石岩一离开,脸上的笑容渐渐收敛,皱着眉头嘀咕了一句:“这家伙很谨慎,也不知道艾雅向他说了什么,我看他似乎更加倾向那艾雅艾雅实力最强,若是再加上这小子在一般帮衬着,艾雅就更加万无一失了。” Bo Ge opened mouth wants saying that a heart this boy is also not you remains, changes mind thinks that he recalls to mind giving scolding of Cai Yi, endures not to ask, in the heart is somewhat puzzled. 博格张口欲言,心道这小子还不是你留下来的,转念一想,他又记起彩衣的痛骂,忍着没有发问,心里面还是有些不解。 Lao li and Lao Lun two brothers Hehe smile, look quite profound meaning, had not said with Cai Yi that these two brothers fly away afterward, with approaching Shi Yan. 劳里劳伦两兄弟嘿嘿一笑,眼神颇为深意,也没有和彩衣多说,这两兄弟随后飞走,跟向了石岩 Cai Yi look suddenly one cold, heart has sneered abundantly, said to Bo Ge: „The boy is not quite easy to deceive, you pay attention, do not let him and Ai Ya walks is too near. I feared that she received the Ai Ya cup to be puzzled, is willing to hold the post of a protector duty, if he helped Ai Ya wholeheartedly, although did not fear, but will be also many some troublesome, if there is an opportunity, remembers that instigated him and Ai Ya relations, should better let in his envy and hate Ai Ya, knew?” 彩衣眼神骤然一冷,心丰冷笑了一下,对博格道:“那小子不太容易糊弄,你留心一点,别让他和艾雅走的太近。我怕她受了艾雅的盅惑,甘愿担任护花使者一职,他要是一心帮助艾雅,虽然不惧,但也会多些麻烦,如果有机会,记得挑拨他和艾雅的关系,最好让他忌恨上艾雅,知道么?” Bo Ge has gawked, is smiling bitterly the nod, I make contribution.” 博格愣了一下,苦笑着点头,“我尽力。” Cai Yi no longer said at once that the whole body link makes the clear delightful sound, pursues in the Shi Yan direction. 彩衣旋即不再多说,浑身手环发出清脆悦耳的声音,也朝着石岩的方向追去。 Ai Ya before, Shi Yan follows, later is Lao Lun and Lao li two brothers, the rear is Cai Yi and Bo Ge. 艾雅在前,石岩跟随,之后便是劳伦劳里两兄弟,最后面是彩衣博格 This line of six people, are maintaining 20 meters distance, distinguishes right from wrong, flies together at a loss toward the unknowable front, six people of speeds are not fast, are maintaining the uniform speed, saves Essence Qi with every effort. 这一行六人,相互间保持着20米的距离,泾渭分明,一同朝着茫然不可知的前方飞去,六人速度都不快,保持着匀速,尽力来节省精元 Shi Yan clamps in the middle, before having kept the mind and body, behind person, but also wants the observation body side sound, looks at mountain peaks float in space, is feeling strange of zero gravity, is careful, does not dare to have relaxes slightly. 石岩夹在中间,一直留心身前身后的人,还要观察身侧的动静,看着一座座山峰悬浮在天上,感受着无重力的奇异,小心谨慎,不敢有丝毫放松。 Mountain peaks were thrown behind in six people of grazing, whenever that front Ai Ya passes through a mountain peak, her body stop a while, will take out the compass survey suddenly, determined that was not unusual, will continue to hurry along. 一座座山峰在六人的飞掠中被抛落身后,每当那前方的艾雅经过一座山峰,她身子都会忽然停顿一会儿,取出罗盘探测,确定没有异常了,才会继续赶路。 Shi Yan draws behind her, is separated by 20 meters, what in the eye sees is the back buttocks of Ai Ya, looks at he in not having the sea level fog of gravity the body like the willow catkin, looks at she astonishing slender waist, cultivates the straight plentiful beautiful leg with that thinks quite pleasant, actually does not dare to have any daydream to let one's thoughts wander. 石岩拉在她后方,相隔20米,眼中所见的是艾雅的背臀,看着他在没有重力的海面云雾中身如柳絮,看着她惊人纤细的腰肢,和那修直丰腴的美腿,觉得颇为赏心悦目,却不敢有任何遐思乱想。 So sped along some little time, Ai Ya has not spoken throughout, she often stops in the mountain peak front, takes out the compass to look at carefully, then accelerates to leave once more, has not made Shi Yan explore the way to the front. 这般飞驰了好一会儿,艾雅始终没有讲话,她每每在山峰前方停下来,取出罗盘端详一下,然后再次加速离开,没有让石岩到前方探路。 Shi Yan does not dare to relax, throughout pays attention the surrounding unusuality, pays attention to behind Lao Lun and Lao li two brothers, for fear that incautiously, pulling out hailed to plan by that two brothers. 石岩并不敢放松,始终留神周围的异常,注意身后劳伦劳里两兄弟,生怕一不小心,被那两兄弟给抽冷子算计了。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Ai Ya that had not started talking, stops in the front two mountain peak front, took out the compass to transfer the revolutions, did not have anxiously in the dark crevices across that two mountain peaks. 一直没有开口讲话的艾雅,在前方两座山峰前方停下来,取出罗盘转了转,没有急着穿过那两座山峰之间的幽暗空隙。 Half sound, Ai Ya first time has turned around, told to Shi Yan: „The crevices between front two mountain peaks, is a little unusual, you investigated in the past, has a look that side to have anything.” 半响,艾雅第一次转过身来,对石岩吩咐道:“前面两座山峰之间的空隙,有点异常,你过去探查一下,看看那边有什么。” Shi Yan nodded, did not say a word, was maintaining in the heart discrete, gradually approached to Ai Ya. 石岩点了点头,一言不发,保持着心中谨慎,逐渐向艾雅靠近。 The Ai Ya revolving head, a bright eye looks to him, looks at his little proximity. 艾雅回转头来,一双明亮的眼睛看向他,看着他一点点的接近。 In Shi Yan heart bright as snow, knows that this Ai Ya also in guarding against him, in the heart cold smiles, he looks calm, has not gone to look at Ai Ya, instead will be will focus on the slit between that mountain peaks likely, the vision invests that same place, reveals expression that will think deeply. 石岩心中雪亮,知道这艾雅也在提防他,心中冷然一笑,他神情自若,也没去看艾雅,反而像是将注意力放在那山峰之间的缝隙,目光投入那一块,露出深思的表情。 Vigilant meaning of Ai Ya has not reduced , to continue looks at Shi Yan, little passes through from her side until Shi Yan, before arriving at her body, she relaxes, actually as before projects the vision in the Shi Yan back. 艾雅的警惕意味一点未曾减少,继续看着石岩,直到石岩一点点从她身旁穿过,来到她的身前,她才放松一些,却依旧将目光投射在石岩后背。 Has enormously possibly is Demonic Beast, should hide in the mountain peak both sides grotto gloomy places, you determine, fondest of playing jokes clear Demonic Beast Level and quantity.” Shi Yan after her, just now hears her indifferent reminder. “有极大可能是妖兽,应该藏匿在山峰两侧的岩洞阴暗处,你确定一下,最好弄清楚妖兽等级和数量。”石岩穿过她之后,方才听到她的淡然提醒。 „.” Answered one indifferently, the Shi Yan complexion sank suddenly, has hidden motionless Essence Qi, was suddenly detachable, faint trace pure precise power, in the body plaster in the veins rolled quietly. “哦。”淡然答了一声,石岩脸色骤然一沉,一直潜藏不动的精元,霍然活络起来,一丝丝精纯凝炼的力量,悄悄在体垩内筋脉之中滚动。 Body that his speeds along slowly, when Essence Qi rolling surges, suddenly small scope trembled trembling, in the whole body muscle is containing the terrifying explosive force, seemed stimulated marvelously, momentarily can let the power impact that the person is flabbergasted for his provision. 他那缓缓飞驰的身子,在精元滚滚涌动的时候,忽然小幅度的颤了颤,浑身肌肉之中蕴藏着的恐怖爆发力,似乎被奇妙的激发了,随时都可以为他提供让人咋舌的力量冲击。 Continuously Essence Qi is flowing in the veins, feels the change of fleshly body muscle block, the Shi Yan look is being gradually calm. 一缕缕精元在筋脉中流动着,感受着肉身肌肉块的变化,石岩眼神渐渐冷静起来。 Ai Ya keeps silent, slender tender body stagnates in the sea level fog, a face faint looks at Shi Yan back, then suddenly turns around, shoots a look at Lao li and Lao Lun that two brothers approached gradually. 艾雅不言不语,修长的娇躯凝滞在海面云雾中,一脸淡漠的看着石岩的背影,然后忽然转身,瞥了一眼渐渐靠近的劳里劳伦两兄弟。 These two brothers under the look gaze of Ai Ya, stopped slowly, whole face temperate bright smiling face, Lao li raised head to look at Shi Yan, said to Ai Ya: Had the situation? What can be probably?” 这两兄弟在艾雅的眼神注视下,缓缓停了下来,满脸温和灿烂的笑容,其中劳里仰头看了看石岩,冲艾雅道:“有情况了么?大概会是什么?” Demonic Beast.” The Ai Ya facial expression is desolate, answered one at will, then has turned head , to continue to look to Shi Yan. 妖兽。”艾雅神情冷淡,随意答了一句,便回过头去,继续看向石岩 The Lao li two brothers are not many asked that person of looks at Ai Ya, a person turns around to look to slowly close Cai Yi, is paying attention the front, careful behind. 劳里两兄弟也不多问,一人看着艾雅,一人转身望向缓缓接近的彩衣,留意着前方,又小心身后 Two mountain peak 500 meters in height functions, the color on mountain peak is scarlet-red, some trees plants on mountain peak, is mostly the same except for minor differences, looks like should be together. 两座山峰高500米作用,山峰上的颜色都是赤红,山峰上的一些树木植物,也大同小异,看起来应该是一块儿的。 Between two mountain peaks, hundred meters wide crevices, in dim dark magnetic fog bright, that mountain peak crevice obviously dark, on the both sides faces the plant is crowded, in that dark does not see clearly, is faintly visible the shadow, not only likely is the bulge rock, and likely is some thick long plant. 两座山峰之间,有一个百米宽的空隙,在昏暗的暗磁雾璨中,那山峰空隙更显幽暗,两侧的山壁上植物密集,在那幽暗中看不清楚,隐隐可见一些黑影,既像是凸起的岩石,又像是某种粗长的植物。 In situation that in Divine Sense cannot use, wants observation, can only depend on the eye, in that mountain peaks the ray was dim, wants to know the condition , can only approach unceasingly. 神识不能动用的情况下,要观察,只能靠眼睛,那山峰之间光线黯淡,想要知道其间的状况,又只能不断地靠近。 In the Shi Yan body plaster Essence Qi rolling surges, in the crevice to that mountain peaks is getting more and more near, the eye is splendid, has been staring at the shadow of that crevice both sides mountain peak, wants to see clearly them is anything. 石岩体垩内精元滚滚涌动,离那山峰间的空隙越来越近,眼睛熠熠生辉,一直盯着那空隙两侧山峰的黑影,想要看清楚它们到底是什么。 Faint trace!” “丝丝!” Strange snake whining noise, transmits from that crevice both sides faces suddenly, sees only shadows to move suddenly, unexpectedly is pleased as punch flies from the mountain wall. 奇异的蛇鸣声,忽然从那空隙两侧的山壁上传来,只见一个个黑影忽然活动起来,竟摇头摆尾的从山壁上飞出来。 That is plates the Purple gold python of body! 那是一条条盘着身子的紫金蟒蛇! The Purple gold python is six levels of living in groups Demonic Beast, the natural happy yin cold, on the boa has the ring-like purple and gold/metal two color patterns, the height seven meters to ten meters, can spout the gas cloud, the fang like the sharp knife blade, and can spray, the body of strength foot thick long python, can break Warrior waist extremely stiffly. 紫金蟒蛇乃六级的群居妖兽,性喜阴寒,蟒蛇皮上有着环形的紫、金两色花纹,身长七米至十米不等,能喷出毒雾,獠牙如利刃,并且可以喷射出去,粗长的蟒蛇之躯劲道极足,能将武者腰肢硬生生勒断。 Purple gold pythons coil around on mountain wall both sides Fujiki, saw him to approach, suddenly flew to flee, the speed was fast and vigorous, the light purple toxic smokes spurted, rushed him right in the face. 一条条紫金蟒蛇盘绕在山壁两侧的藤树上,见到他靠近了,突然飞窜出来,速度又快又疾,一口口淡紫色的毒烟喷出来,劈头盖脸的涌向他。 Shi Yan looked sketchily that discovered Purple gold python unexpectedly eight that flies, the complexion changes, these Purple gold python each height 89 meters, buckteeth are densely covered, the small eye dodges is absorbing the poisonous light of person. 石岩粗略一看,发现那飞来的紫金蟒蛇竟然有八条之多,脸色不由一变,这些紫金蟒蛇每一条都身长89米,一个个獠牙密布,小眼睛闪着摄人的毒光,。 Is inferior to think that Essence Qi rushes the both legs suddenly crazily, before that toxic smoke covers, such as lightning, approaches behind together instantaneously especially. 不及多想,精元骤然狂涌向双腿,在那毒烟覆盖过来之前,如一道电光,瞬间特向身后 Six levels of Demonic Beast, Purple gold python, eight!” “六级妖兽,紫金蟒蛇,共八条!” silhouette such as electricity draws back, stops in the Ai Ya front hundred meters, Shi Yan turns head suddenly, the sinking sound calls out. 身影如电的退开来,在艾雅前方百米停下,石岩突然回头,沉声暴喝。 May kill!” “可杀!” Ai Ya eye one bright, the facial expression somewhat is unexpectedly excited, body such as a swift and fierce long gun|spear, vigorous direction of fire that python group. 艾雅眼睛一亮,神情竟有些兴奋,身子如一杆凌厉之极的长枪,疾射向那蟒蛇群。
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