GOS :: Volume #4

#372: Demonic Beast, terrible topography and similar

I called Lao li.” “我叫劳里。” My Lao Lun.” “我劳伦。” Two blond big youth, crack into a smile toward Shi Yan, introduced itself. 两个金发碧眼的高大青年,朝着石岩咧嘴一笑,介绍自己。 Shi Yan.” 石岩。” Un, happy knows you very much, Shi Yan, hopes that in following traveling schedule, we can the cooperation be happy.” “嗯,很高兴认识你,石岩,希望接下来的行程中,我们能够合作愉快。” So was saying, that two blond youth, smiled, then shoulder to shoulder gets out of the way, to Ai Ya and Cai Yi two side several hundred meters, sits in another direction. 这般说着,那两个金发碧眼的青年,笑了笑,便并肩走开来,离艾雅彩衣两方数百米,在另外一个方向坐下来。 Two brothers take out Monster Core, restores there peaceful mind, another stands in the one side, opens the eye looks at front to be lost in thought. 两兄弟一个取出妖晶,在那里静心恢复,另外一个则是站在一旁,睁着眼睛看着前方怔怔出神。 The Shi Yan complexion is tranquil, has paid attention Lao Lun and Brother Lao li secretly, looked at Cai Yi and Bo Ge of that distant place, in the heart moves, looked at some clue from the detail. 石岩脸色平静,暗暗留心了一下劳伦劳里兄弟,又看了看那远处的彩衣博格,心中一动,从细节上已瞧出了些端倪。 Cai Yi must restore Essence Qi using Monster Core, the roll-call makes that Bo Ge Protector, that Lao Lun and Lao li two brothers, does not have one and restores Essence Qi, but leaves leeway one person Protector, looks at all around sound. 彩衣要利用妖晶来恢复精元,点名让那博格护法,那劳伦劳里两兄弟,也没有一并恢复精元,而是留有一人护法,看着四周的动静。 With for a clique, these five people does not unite obviously truly, is guarding mutually. 同为一个小团体,这五人显然并不真正团结,相互提防着。 Cai Yi and Bo Ge is a clique, Lao Lun and Lao li two brothers is a side, Ai Ya one person is a side, although these three points walk in together, actually mutually do not trust, to each other have the meaning of guarding, this simple restoration Essence Qi, so is discrete, obviously these five people of relations do not see like him like that harmonious. 彩衣博格为一个小团体,劳伦劳里两兄弟为一方,艾雅一人为一方,这三分虽然走在一块儿,却互不信任,对彼此有着提防之意,就连这简单的恢复精元,都那么谨慎,可见这五人的关系并不像他看到的那般和睦。 Shi Yan paid attention secretly, saw the strangeness, does not dare to relax, is secretly careful, for fear that was not careful these people of say|way. 石岩暗暗留意了一下,就看出了其间的古怪,更加不敢放松了,暗地里也更加小心谨慎起来,生怕不小心着了这几人的道。 Ai Ya after the Lao li two brothers said that the brow moves, suddenly walked toward him, stopped the body to his ten meters, said indifferently: I am somewhat curious to Endless Sea, whether you can speak there to me?” 艾雅劳里两兄弟介绍完自己以后,眉头动了动,忽然朝着他走来,离他十米停下身子,淡然道:“我对无尽海有些好奇,你能否给我讲一讲那里?” This woman wears the silk brocade clothes, the waist is taking away a sapphire waistband, waistband slender waist outlining unusual is moving, beautiful leg of a pair of straight, under that light silk clothing partly visible, is quite attractive. 这女人身着蚕丝锦衣,腰间扣着一个蓝宝石腰带,腰带将纤细的腰肢给勾勒的非常动人,一双修直的美腿,在那薄薄的蚕衣下若隐若现,颇为诱人。 Her pavilion pavilion stands there, under the long eyelash, a pair of puddle limpid profound eye pupil, glittering the gloss of wisdom, as if can soul of man pulling into the eye pupil deep place. 她亭亭站在那儿,长长的睫毛下,一双水潭般清澈深邃的眼眸,闪烁着睿智的光泽,似乎能够将男人的魂儿给扯入眼瞳深处。 Before Shi Yan was far from her, in addition continuously discrete place prepared to deal with the attack at any time, carefully has not visited actually her. 之前石岩离她较远,加上一直谨慎地的随时准备应对攻击,倒是没有仔细看她。 Now her short distance comes, the Shi Yan line of sight toured on her, cannot bear dark to praise one Voice, has not thought that this female so is unexpectedly moving, unexpectedly is Xia Xinyan and femme fatale of Cao Zhilan that rank. 现在她近距离过来,石岩视线在她身上游览了一圈,忍不住暗赞一声,没想到这女子竟然如此动人,竟是夏心妍曹芷岚那种级别的红颜祸水。 Endless Sea west Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, the Warrior gathering place, there are five sectors, respectively is Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area......” 无尽海暗磁雾瘴西面,其中武者聚集之地,有五个版块,分别为伽罗海域垣罗海域……” The Shi Yan sound is low and deep, the facial expression is calm, the Endless Sea condition, reported to her lightly simply, actually not the influence that Endless Sea all parties interweave, stated clearly with that related Fourth Devil Area and matter of Seven-Layered Underworld invasion that had not said own origin, has not spoken him in the Endless Sea situation. 石岩声音低沉,神情冷静,淡淡将无尽海的状况,简单向她介绍了一遍,却没有将无尽海各方交织的势力,和那有关第四魔域七重冥界入侵的事情言明,更没有说自身的来历,没有讲他在无尽海的处境。 Is an interesting place.” “是个有趣的地方。” The Ai Ya long eyelash moves, twittering, has shown facial expression looking pensive in a soft voice. 艾雅长长的睫毛动了动,轻声呢喃了一句,露出若有所思的神情。 Half sound, she looks suddenly earnestly to Shi Yan, asked curiously: Why will you come Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist? You are preparation thorough in, wants to cross Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, goes to our Divine Great Land?” 半响,她忽然认真看向石岩,好奇地问道:“你为什么会来暗磁雾瘴?你是准备深入其中,还是想要越过暗磁雾瘴,前往我们的神州大地?” Whets itself.” The Shi Yan intention moves, said with a smile indifferently: My cultivation has met bottleneck, heard that in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist has the places of many mystical, then the coming try one's chance, has a look whether to draw support from the crisis, comes breakthrough oneself.” “过来磨砺自己。”石岩心念一动,淡然笑道:“我修炼遇到了瓶颈,听说暗磁雾瘴中有诸多神秘之处,便过来试试运气,看看能否借助危机,来突破自身。” Ai Ya eye micro bright, nodded, looks like Endless Sea also has good Warrior.” 艾雅眼睛微亮,点了点头,“看来无尽海也有不错的武者。” Shi Yan grins to smile, remains unmoved. 石岩咧嘴笑了笑,不为所动。 In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, there are three big fatal bad risks, one is Demonic Beast, two are terrible topography, three are similar.” Ai Ya has hesitated, said in a soft voice: „, Demonic Beast is easiest to cope, the terrible topography next best, similar is most inobservable, is most fearful, since you have come, is then careful.” 暗磁雾瘴中,有三大致命的凶险,一为妖兽,二为凶地,三为同类。”艾雅迟疑了一下,轻声道:“算起来,妖兽最容易对付,凶地次之,同类最不可测,也最为可怕,你既然进来了,便小心一点。” Similar?” The Shi Yan complexion sinks. “同类?”石岩脸色一沉。 Good, similar.” Ai Ya nodded, seemingly shot a look at Cai Yi, Lao li and the others earnestly at will, then said to Shi Yan: Is people around,...... Also must be careful. Here, partner anything, at crucial moments, is not only unreliable, perhaps also will become the most fatal bad risk.” “不错,同类。”艾雅认真地点了点头,貌似随意的瞥了一眼彩衣劳里等人,然后对石岩道:“就算是身边人,……也要小心谨慎。在这里,伙伴什么的,在关键时刻,不但不可靠,或许还会成为最致命的凶险。” The words come here, Ai Ya somewhat started to speak but hesitated, has hesitated for several seconds, she has not continued, expression complex looked at Shi Yan one, said lightly: All alone, instead is sometimes safer, since you have stayed behind, then puts best into it.” 话到这儿,艾雅有些欲言又止,沉吟了几秒,她没有继续多说,表情复杂的看了石岩一眼,淡淡道:“有时候孤身一人,反而安全一些,你既然留下了,便好自为之。” Her that cultivates the straight plentiful beautiful leg, moves under the silk clothing suddenly, next quarter Ai Ya is then elegant several hundred meters , to continue to go far away, the revolutions does not see with own eyes. 她那修直丰腴的美腿,在蚕衣下忽然一动,下一刻艾雅便飘逸出数百米,继续远去,转眼不见。 Bo Ge of distant place, with that for Lao Lun that the brothers Protector, sees Ai Ya to go far away, as if relaxed secretly, was vigilant that the meaning relaxes slightly, stood is protecting all around Bo Ge and Lao Lun, this felt relieved that sits. 远处的博格,和那为兄弟护法的劳伦,一见艾雅远去,似乎暗暗松了一口气,警惕之意略略放松一下,本来站着防护四周的博格劳伦,这才放心坐下来。 In Shi Yan heart one cold. 石岩心中一凛。 Through this small detail, he realized immediately in this line, most fearful was this manner unclear Ai Ya. 通过这小细节,他立即认识到这一行人中,最可怕的便是这态度不明的艾雅了。 Five Warrior, Ai Ya and Cai Yi in Sky Realm, remaining three male in the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, in his opinion, these five people of thoughts is surreptitious, a lot of dirty tricks, cannot trust, does not have one to be easy to cope. 五名武者,艾雅彩衣天位之境,剩下三个男的在涅盘三重天之境,在他看来,这五人一个个心思诡秘,一肚子坏水,没有一个能够信任,也没有一个容易对付。 Must mention, that look cold Bo Ge, most cannot calm down actually, is easiest to lose one's temper, is easiest to cope. 真要说来,倒是那眼神冷冽的博格,最沉不住气,最容易动怒,也最容易对付一些。 The surplus four people, are the generations of calm gloomy, particularly that Cai Yi and Ai Ya, he most could not completely understand that always thought these two female has been in sharp opposition, in surface actually friendly, obviously is not the friendly stubble. 剩余四人,都是沉稳阴沉之辈,尤其是那彩衣艾雅,他最看不透,总觉得这两个女的一直在针锋相对,表面上却和和气气,显然都不是善茬。 Five people are divided into the three parties, disperses respectively, peaceful takes turns to absorb Monster Core to restore Essence Qi, each other did not talk, seemed like the harmony, was guarding secretly each other. 五人分成三方,各自散开来,安静的轮换来吸取妖晶恢复精元,彼此不交谈,看似和谐,暗地里都在提防着彼此。 Shi Yan careful observation a while, in heart has known how things stand. 石岩仔细观察了一会儿,心中就有数了。 Also were not many says anything, he also quietly drew back toward the rear area, has left that recent Lao Lun and Lao li 800 meters far, stopped. 也不多说什么,他也悄悄往后方退开来,一直离那最近的劳伦劳里800米远,才停了下来。 Looked at all around, discovers behind and about has the dike to keep off, only then the front will possibly present the unpredictable crisis, he then sits, takes out that scrap Monster Core, starts to absorb power in this Monster Core. 看了看四周,发现身后和左右都有岩壁挡着,只有前方可能会出现不可预料的危机,他这才坐下来,将那一小块妖晶取出,开始吸取这块妖晶之中的力量 Different with Yuan Crystal, this came from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist Demonic Beast Monster Core, seemed same as Demonic Beast, adapted to the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist special condition, when he absorbed Monster Core power, that Monster Core power not because of the influence of environment, but suddenly passed. 元晶不同,这块来自于暗磁雾瘴妖兽身上的妖晶,似乎和妖兽一样,适应了暗磁雾瘴的特殊环境,当他吸取妖晶力量的时候,那妖晶力量并未因为环境的影响,而突然流逝。 Really, this Demonic Beast Monster Core, is in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist supplements the Essence Qi appropriate tonic. 果然,这妖兽身上的妖晶,才是暗磁雾瘴中补充精元的合适补剂。 The gold/metal eyeball Snow Dragon lion is six levels of Demonic Beast, Warrior of equivalent to humanity Nirvana boundary, power that it one-third Monster Core, contains is not vigorous. 金睛雪龙狮是六级妖兽,相当于人类涅盘境的武者,它1的妖晶,所蕴藏的力量并不浑厚。 Monster Core after is Monster Core, is not pure Yuan Crystal, in which power must transform is Warrior available Essence Qi, inevitable must lose many, one-third Monster Core, after transformation, was given the absorption by Shi Yan power half, equivalent to Shi Yan Essence Qi 1/20. 妖晶毕竟是妖晶,不是纯粹的元晶,其中的力量要转换为武者可用的精元,不可避免的还要损耗许多,1的妖晶,经过转化之后,被石岩给吸收的力量连一半都不到,相当于石岩一身精元的1。 He just Seal of Life struck consumption Essence Qi not to be many fortunately, uses this scrap Monster Core, not only displays the Essence Qi restoration of Seal of Life him, recently was marching forward him Essence Qi that consumes, restored part. 还好他刚刚生印一击消耗的精元也不多,利用这一小块妖晶,不但将他施展生印精元恢复,连带着将他这些日子行进中消耗的精元,也恢复了一部分。 One calmly cultivated, waits for Monster Core in hand to become scrap rock, he has felt secretly, discovered that within the body Essence Qi has achieved peak about 95%. 一番静修,等手中的妖晶成了一块废石,他暗暗感受了一下,发现体内精元已经达到巅峰的95左右。 Although has not achieved peak, but he has also satisfied, stands, narrowed the eyes to focus to have a look at the front, he discovered that Lao li and Cai Yi restored, changed into Bo Ge and Lao Lun calmly cultivates there, was protected buddhist law by Lao li and Cai Yi. 虽然没有达到巅峰,但他也满意了,站起来,眯着眼看看了前方,他发现劳里彩衣已恢复完毕,换成博格劳伦在那里静修,由劳里彩衣护法。 Ai Ya does not know where, all her alone, everyone is untrustworthy, when calmly cultivates, has chosen a farther away corner, to guarantee in cultivation will not have the accident. 艾雅不知道去了何处,她孤身一人,谁都信不过,在静修的时候,选择了更加偏远的角落,以确保在修炼中不会出现意外。 The Shi Yan eye transferred the revolutions, the front condition one by one income eyeground, the body has not actually moved, the posture that continues maintains calmly is repairing. 石岩眼睛转了转,将前方的状况一一收入眼底,身子却并没有动,继续保持着静修的姿势。 Crossed some little time, Bo Ge and Lao Lun also wake up from static cultivating, at once the Cai Yi four people gather at the same place, beckons toward him. 过了好一会儿,博格劳伦也都从静修中醒来,旋即彩衣四人聚集在一块,朝着他这边招了招手。 Shi Yan then gets up, is alerting secretly, while walks toward four people, arrives at four person first ten meters places, he then stopped, asked with ease: Can move?” 石岩这才起来,一边暗暗戒备着,一边朝着四人走去,来到四人身前十米处,他便停了下来,轻松地问道:“要行动了么?” After coming, his observation these four people, strange discovery Bo Ge to his hostility, was weakening quietly unexpectedly much, although that Bo Ge or the facial expression are cold, but in the eye did not have the meaning of envy and hate, this makes him somewhat have doubts, does not understand that Cai Yi said anything to Bo Ge, makes this fellow manner change these many unexpectedly. 过来后,他悄悄观察着这四人,奇异的发现博格对他的敌意,竟然减弱了不少,虽然那博格还是神情冷冽,但眼中却没有了忌恨之意,这让他有些疑惑,不明白彩衣博格说了什么,竟让这家伙态度改变这么多。 Ai Ya has not come back, waits for her a while.” Cai Yi smiles, being bored to death is holding appreciatively the hand link on snow arm, feigns to have no intention saying: Ai Ya everyone is untrustworthy, she calmly cultivates, does not allow anybody to approach. Initially our partner, saw her calmly unable to cultivate slowly, was worried about her to have an accident, then the past of good intention called her, then our that partners,...... Again has not come back, does not know that has encountered any accident.” 艾雅还没回来,等她一会儿。”彩衣嫣然一笑,百无聊赖的把玩着雪臂上的手环,佯装无意道:“艾雅谁都信不过,她静修的时候,是不允许任何人靠近的。当初我们有一个伙伴,见她迟迟静修不出来,担心她出事,便好心的过去唤她,然后我们的那个伙伴,……就再也没有回来,也不知道遭遇了什么意外。” The Shi Yan brow moves, in the eye flashes through together the different light. 石岩眉头一动,眼中闪过一道异光。 In the Cai Yi heart sneered, sees goal to achieve, then no longer said anything, direction that smiling looks at Ai Ya vanished. 彩衣心中冷笑,见目的达到了,便不再多说什么,笑盈盈的看着艾雅消失的方向。 Including Shi Yan, one line of five people suddenly silent, a person has not opened the mouth on own initiative, the atmosphere is quite strange. 石岩在内,一行五人忽然沉默了下去,没有一人主动开口,气氛颇为诡异。 long time, Ai Ya does not come from distant place quietly, the lotus steps are leisurely, the beautiful leg of a pair of straight rocks, such as the willow catkin floats generally, light , if no thing. 多时,艾雅悄悄从远处现身,莲步轻缓,一双修直的美腿晃动间,如柳絮一般飘来,轻如无物。 Can.” After coming, Ai Ya expression is usual, faint say|way: „The duty that this time many a person, a while explored the way, should to redistribute, how do you see?” “可以出发了。”过来以后,艾雅神色如常,淡漠道:“这次多了一人,一会儿探路的任务,应该要重新分配,你们怎么看?” New person, naturally wants take care of 12.” The Cai Yi chuckle, the beautiful pupil different light circulation, was shooting a look at Shi Yan one, said smilingly: „ Explored the way to be easiest, so long as discovered the danger, returned promptly, will then not have the matter. Un, this duty, is tests new person's response and meaningful glance, did you say? “新人嘛,自然要照顾12的。”彩衣轻笑着,美眸异光流转,瞥了石岩一眼,笑盈盈道:“探路最容易了,只要发现危险,及时返回,便不会有事了。嗯,这种任务,也是考验新人的反应和眼色,你们说呢? Cai Yi looks to Lao li, Lao Lun and Bo Ge three people. 彩衣看向劳里劳伦博格三人。 As expected, these three people nod together, as if already achieved the tacit understanding. 不出所料,这三人一起点头,似乎早已达成默契。 Ai Ya nodded, sees the most people to agree that then said to Shi Yan: A while I look at unclear place, explores the way by you, meets Demonic Beast then to call, meets terrible topography to retreat,...... Meets similar, looks at opposite party cultivation base and population.” 艾雅点了点头,见多数人同意,便对石岩道:“一会儿我看不明的地方,由你探路,遇到妖兽便招呼,遇到凶地就退走,……遇到同类,看对方修为和人数。” The Shi Yan secret passage is not wonderful, one string of ideas passed over gently and swiftly in the mind, finally actually smiles nodded, takes this duty, said: Does not have the issue.” 石岩暗道不妙,一串想法在脑海之中掠过,最终却笑着点了点头,揽下此任务,道:“没问题。” ...... ……
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