GOS :: Volume #4

#371: Empty and winding

The named Bo Ge youth, realized immediately sends out aura that from her. 名为博格的青年,立即察觉到从她身上散发出来的气息 His complexion slightly changes, knits the brows: Ai Ya, I do not want this Monster Core very much, I thought that he remains cannot be preserving. In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, only then adapts to here Demonic Beast Monster Core, can supplement Essence Qi that we drain, each Monster Core is quite here precious, shortly after we enter, at this time should gather Monster Core as far as possible, cannot have the slight waste.” 他脸色微微一变,皱眉道:“艾雅,我也不是很想要这一块妖晶,我只是觉得,他留着也保不住。在暗磁雾瘴中,只有适应这里的妖兽妖晶,才能够补充我们流失的精元,每一块妖晶在这里都极为珍贵,我们才进入不久,这时候应该尽量聚集妖晶,不能有丝毫浪费。” So was saying, this Bo Ge indifferently has swept Shi Yan, said arrogantly: This outside foreign people, even if were Monster Core, will die here, gave him to give for nothing.” 这般说着,这博格又冷眼扫了一下石岩,倨傲道:“这种化外夷民,就算是得了妖晶,也会死在这里,给他只是白给。” The Shi Yan brow moves. 石岩眉头一动。 He did not have what interest to that Monster Core of that gold/metal eyeball Snow Dragon lion together, wants to reject that Ai Ya good intention, now listened to a Bo Ge saying, Demonic Beast Monster Core that this type adapted to Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, can supplement Essence Qi that unexpectedly lost, he immediately changed the mind, decided that must strive for three points of Monster Core of this gold/metal eyeball Snow Dragon lion. 他原先对那金睛雪龙狮的那一块妖晶并没有什么兴趣,本想拒绝那艾雅的好意,如今听博格一说,这种适应暗磁雾瘴妖兽妖晶,竟能补充失去的精元,他立即改变了主意,决定要争取这一块金睛雪龙狮的三分之一妖晶 Therefore, he has not rejected, but frowns looks at that Ai Ya, look at her to have any view. 因此,他没有拒绝,只是皱着眉头看着艾雅,看她有什么说法。 I said to him, haven't you heard?” The Ai Ya complexion was getting more and more bad. “我说给他,你没有听见么?”艾雅脸色越来越不善了。 Bo Ge look one cold, in the heart light snort|hum, in the hand that came from scrap Monster Core of gold/metal eyeball Snow Dragon lion together, suddenly flies from his control, such as the sharp weapon is common, sends out grating roar, suddenly flies to Shi Yan. 博格眼神一冷,心中轻哼一声,手中那一块来自于金睛雪龙狮的小块妖晶,忽然从他手心飞离,如利器一般,发出刺耳的厉啸,忽然飞向石岩 The Shi Yan facial expression is invariable, saw that Monster Core, puts out a hand to grasp unhurriedly, the five fingers are curving, bright rays jump in ten fingers of fingertip. 石岩神情不变,眼看那妖晶袭来,不慌不忙伸手去抓,五指弯曲,一条条晶亮的光线在十指指尖跳跃。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Monster Core starts, faint trace woods cold power, suddenly jumps to shoot, instantaneous winding to the Shi Yan palm. 妖晶入手,一丝丝森寒的力量,从中骤然迸射出来,瞬间缠绕向石岩手掌。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, makes an effort to grip tightens that Monster Core, the bright ray on finger is suddenly precise, likely is a snow white glove, covers his palm palm back, cold was disclosing these woods on the quiet spirit power melts. 石岩淡然一笑,用力攥紧那妖晶,手指上的晶亮光线突然凝炼起来,像是一个雪白的手套,将他掌心掌背覆盖,悄悄将那些森寒中透露着锐气的力量化解。 The palm turns, that scrap Monster Core falls into Imaginary Space Ring, without demur, Shi Yan toward that Ai Ya nodded, looked does not look at look cold Bo Ge, turns around walks. 掌心一翻,那一小块妖晶落入幻空戒,二话不说,石岩朝着那艾雅点了点头,看也不看眼神冷冽的博格,掉头就走。 Wait a moment.” 等一下。” Cai Yi smiles suddenly tenderly, speaker summon. 彩衣忽然娇笑起来,扬声呼唤。 Shi Yan is helpless, turns around once more, some do not bear saying: What also has?” 石岩无奈,再次掉头,有些不耐道:“又有何事?” Friend all alone moves in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is quite dangerous, does not know that has the interest and we steps onto a regulation?” The Cai Yi goose egg-shaped face full is the happy expression, the red lip has as if smudged lip powder, bright bright, annoys the person daydream very much, „the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist everywhere bad risk, the friend carelessly wanderer, possibly will quickly exhaust Essence Qi, either bit to death by Demonic Beast, was cut either to kill by some strange places. If you and we together, at least can reduce many unnecessary trouble, how?” “朋友孤身一人在暗磁雾瘴中活动,颇为危险,不知有没有兴趣和我们走上一程?”彩衣鹅蛋形的脸庞满是笑意,红唇似乎涂抹了的唇粉,晶亮晶亮的,很是惹人遐思,“暗磁雾瘴遍地凶险,朋友一人胡乱闯荡,可能很快就会耗尽精元,要么被妖兽咬死,要么被一些奇诡之地生生斩杀。若是你和我们一道,至少可以减少许多不必要的麻烦,如何?” Senior Sister!” 师姐!” Bo Ge complexion resentment anger, cannot bear drinks one lowly, what do you bring this type of burden to make? If he acts unreasonably, will kill us completely, how do you think?” 博格脸色恚怒,忍不住低喝一声,“你带这种累赘做什么?他若是乱来,会将我们全部害死,你怎么想的?” Cai Yi smiles, has hit a meaningful glance to that Bo Ge, then with a smile looks to Shi Yan, resembles is waiting for the decision of Shi Yan. 彩衣嫣然一笑,向那博格打了个眼色,然后笑吟吟的看向石岩,似在等候石岩的决定。 A Ai Ya black eyebrows wrinkle, some expression surprise, looked at that Cai Yi one strangely, has not said anything. 艾雅黛眉一皱,神色有些诧异,古怪地看了那彩衣一眼,没有多说什么。 Another two blond big youth, listened to a Cai Yi such saying, as if has remembered anything, lowly chuckled, secret nodded. 另外两个金发碧眼的高大青年,听彩衣这么一说,似乎想起了什么,嘿嘿低笑一声,暗暗点了点头 The Shi Yan facial expression stagnates, doubts looked at several people, wants to refuse, to change mind immediately thinks, was shocked. 石岩神情一滞,疑惑的看了看几人,本想立即拒绝,转念一想,又愣住了。 He knows that this Cai Yi harbors evil intentions most likely, invites him together, wants to use him mostly, but beginning him Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, knows nothing to here, related Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist all sorts of mystical, he listened to Xia Xinyan to say some simply, regarding details, feared that did not know Xia Xinyan. 他知道这彩衣十有八九不怀好意,邀请他一道,多半想利用他,不过他初来暗磁雾瘴,对这里可谓是一窍不通,有关暗磁雾瘴的种种神秘,他只是听夏心妍简单说过一些,对于其中的详情,怕是连夏心妍都不知晓。 Under this condition, moves in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, indeed has many malpractices. 这种状况下,在暗磁雾瘴中活动,的确有诸多弊端。 This line of Warrior cultivation base are exquisite, knew about Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist obviously, with them in the same place, although many variables, but he can actually through them, be many some understanding to Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, even if they not earnest explains to him, so long as he pays attention to listen attentively to their talks, can be many some understanding to the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist condition. 这一行武者修为精湛,对暗磁雾瘴明显非常了解,和他们在一起,虽说有许多变数,但他却可以通过他们,对暗磁雾瘴多些了解,就算是他们不认真向他讲解,只要他留心倾听他们的谈话,也能对暗磁雾瘴的状况多些认识。 Although they definitely harbor evil intentions, so long as is more discrete, sees the situation not to be wonderful, immediately leaves several people, must not be difficult. 虽说他们肯定不怀好意,但只要谨慎些,一见形势不妙,立即离开几人,应当不会太困难。 So is thinking, Shi Yan had the plan, suddenly smiled, said very much refreshedly: Good, I know nothing about here, but also wants to trouble many take care of.” 这般想着,石岩就有了打算,忽然笑了笑,很爽快道:“好啊,我对这里一无所知,还要劳烦各位多多照顾。” The words said that he stopped immediately, maintained with that five people a safe distance, with a smile looks at they. 一番话讲完,他马上停了下来,和那五人保持了一段安全的距离,含笑看着他们。 Good, we must restore first, you can also be familiar with the utilization of Monster Core.” The Cai Yi faint smile said that to that Bo Ge nodded, said: You help my looks at point, pays attention Demonic Beast that may brave suddenly.” “那好,我们要先恢复一下,你自己也可以熟悉一下妖晶的运用。”彩衣似笑非笑的说了一句,冲那博格点了点头,道:“你帮我看着点,留意可能会突然冒出来的妖兽。” During the words, the Cai Yi lithe body moves lightly, such as flying of color butterfly to the one side, has several hundred meters far to Shi Yan. 话语间,彩衣轻盈的身子翩然一动,如彩蝶似的飞向一旁,离石岩有数百米远。 The Bo Ge whole face did not prefer, turns around to look at Shi Yan indifferently, this whispered, overtakes Cai Yi that went far away. 博格满脸不情愿,转身冷眼看了看石岩,这才嘀咕了一句,追上那远去的彩衣 Senior Sister, are you up to mischief?” Bo Ge arrives at that same place, is cold the face to complain that made me kill that boy, seized that Monster Core together not on the line? We come, already didn't reach the agreement? That Ai Ya puts on airs, disguises fairly benevolent, do you also want to study her to be inadequate?” 师姐,你搞什么鬼?”博格来到那一块,冷着脸抱怨,“让我杀了那小子,将那一块妖晶夺了不就行了?我们进来的时候,不是早就达成共识了么?那艾雅装模作样,假装公平仁慈,你也要学她不成?” In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist the environment is special, has very strong impediment to sound, they had several hundred meters to Shi Yan and the others, in addition lowers the sound desirably, will not need to be worried to be heard their talks by Shi Yan and Ai Ya actually. 暗磁雾瘴中环境特殊,对声音也有很强的阻隔,两人离石岩等人有数百米,加上刻意放低声音,倒是不用担心会被石岩艾雅听到他们的谈话。 Your this idiot.” Cai Yi leaves the people, that winning smile graceful cheek, unexpectedly gloomy and cold. “你这蠢货。”彩衣一离开众人,那巧笑盈盈的脸蛋,蓦地阴冷了下来。 In her beautiful pupil Cold Qi braves, to sneer saying: That person also has cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Second Sky, you kill him not to be perhaps difficult, but you may know that executes it, how many Essence Qi can you consume? Do you know in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Essence Qi how precious, whether we can go on living in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist well, how long can live, takes advantage our Essence Qi, wastes a point every time, are then few point, are you really stupid inadequate?” 她美眸中寒气直冒,冷笑道:“那人也有涅盘二重天之境的修为,你杀他或许不难,但你可知道将其格杀,你要耗费多少精元?你知不知道在暗磁雾瘴中,精元多么的宝贵,我们能否在暗磁雾瘴好好活下去,能活多久,依仗的正是我们的一身精元,每浪费一分,便少一分,你是真蠢不成?” Bo Ge sees her expression gloomy and cold to get down, obviously somewhat fears, necking is afraid to say a word: „...... That together Monster Core.” 博格一见她神色阴冷下来,显然有些惧怕,缩头吞吞吐吐道:“……那一块妖晶。” Is only gold/metal eyeball Snow Dragon lion one-third Monster Core, enough supplemented that you do massacre Essence Qi that boy consumes?” Cai Yi coldly snorted. “只是金睛雪龙狮1的妖晶,足够补充你杀掉那小子耗费的精元么?”彩衣冷哼 Bo Ge one dull, at once is responds likely that said ashamed: Cannot.” 博格一呆,旋即像是反应过来,羞愧道:“不能。” Idiot!” Cai Yi also impolite low scolded one, you, when Ai Ya does give up that one-third Monster Core really? She puts out that together one-third Monster Core, induces you intentionally, taking the opportunity weakens our power. By your disposition, by this scolding, you were not definitely at all facing holding, but you afterward, definitely covertly will leave, kills that boy to seize that one-third Monster Core. If you really have such done, center that her clever trick.” “蠢货!”彩衣又不客气的低骂了一句,“你当艾雅真舍得那1的妖晶?她拿出那一块1的妖晶,正是故意诱导你,来借机消弱我们的力量。以你的心性,被她这番呵斥,你肯定不敢当面对持,但你事后,必然会偷偷摸摸独自一人离开,去杀那小子夺那1的妖晶。你真要是这么做了,那正中她的诡计。” The Bo Ge complexion changes. 博格脸色不由一变。 Your is separated from the team, even if has killed that boy, consumption Essence Qi, is not that three points of Monster Core can supplement by far. Comes, must consume many Essence Qi, if on the way meets other influence Warrior, meets Demonic Beast, or meets Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist terrible topography, this any possibility, sufficiently wanted your life!” Cai Yi is cold the face, Ai Ya puts out one-third Monster Core, uses that boy, can make you fall into the death edge, you are the luck are extremely good, Essence Qi that finally consumes, many many of also compared with you obtaining! Idiots!” “你一人脱离队伍,就算杀了那小子,耗费的精元,远远不是那三分之一妖晶可以补充的。一来一回,又要多耗费更多的精元,途中若是遇到别的势力武者,遇到妖兽,亦或者遇到暗磁雾瘴凶地,这任何一种可能,都足以要了你的性命!”彩衣寒着脸,“艾雅只是拿出1的妖晶,利用那小子,就可以让你陷入死亡边缘,你就算是运气极好,最终耗费的精元,也比你得到的多的多!蠢材!” Bo Ge gives her so to scold, the complexion changed again and again, frightens, the silent half sound, clenched jaws saying: That is small **, seriously is the wild ambition!” 博格给她这般一骂,脸色一变再变,吓出了一身冷汗,沉默半响,才咬牙切齿道:“那小**,当真是狼子野心!” Our group enters Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, now only remains our five, that Ai Ya still retains power, the harvest is actually most, she is using others to bring death frequently, oneself actually often use smallest power, obtains the biggest benefit. If you continue so ignorant to get down, sooner or later must be given to kill by her, I reminded you over and over again, you actually did not progress, I thought that you acted recklessly.” Cai Yi angry say|way. “我们一行人进入暗磁雾瘴,如今只剩我们五个,那艾雅至今保留力量,收获却是最多,她时刻都在用别人送死,自己却每每用最小的力量,来获得最大的利益。你要是继续这般浑浑噩噩下去,早晚要被她给害死,我三番五次提醒你,你却始终不长进,我看你真是不知死活。”彩衣气恼道。 Bo Ge, repeatedly nodded, Senior Sister I made a mistake ashamed.” 博格羞愧不已,连连点头,“师姐我错了。” Remembers that next time over, you do not look at that Lao li and Lao Lun two brothers rashly, compared with the clarity that you looked, a few words had not said.” Cai Yi teaches, while knits the brows to look to that two blond youth, said in a low voice: Careful Lao Lun and Lao li these two brothers, these two do not look, only then the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, but after they collaborate, the true strength, feared that is endures to compare Sky Realm boundary Warrior, including me has not grasped under they collaborate to defeat them, do not despise them.” “记得,下次不要冒然出头,你看那劳里劳伦两兄弟,就比你看的清楚,一句话都没说。”彩衣一边教训,一边皱眉看向那两个金发碧眼的青年,低声道:“小心劳伦劳里这两兄弟,这两人别看只有涅盘三重天之境,但他们联手之后,真正的实力,怕是堪比天位武者,连我都没有把握在他们联手之下击败他们,你千万别小看他们。” In Bo Ge heart one cold, pays attention secretly, nodded, asked again: Senior Sister, why can you leave behind that boy?” 博格心中一凛,暗暗留意,点了点头,再次问道:“师姐,为什么你要留下那小子?” Idiot!” The appearance that Cai Yi expecting too much, recent several times explore the way, is you and Lao li, Brother Lao Lun?” “蠢材!”彩衣一副恨铁不成钢的模样,“最近几次探路,是不是都是你和劳里劳伦兄弟?” Bo Ge honest nod. 博格老老实实点头。 Explores the way dangerously, incautiously to be sphered by the Demonic Beast group, then must die the bureau. Has astrayed terrible topography rashly, is dies many or few, I leave behind that boy, then must make him replace you to explore the way, saves your life with him, you should thank that boy, perhaps he can replace you dead one time. Understood? Idiots!” Cai Yi angry say|way. “探路最危险,一不小心被妖兽群围住,便是必死之局。冒然误入了凶地,也是死多或少,我留下那小子,便是要让他代替你去探路,用他来保全你的性命,你应该感激那小子,他说不定可以代替你死一次。懂了吗?蠢货!”彩衣气恼道。 Thanks Senior Sister.” Bo Ge said with emotion. “谢谢师姐。”博格感动道。 Few speech, multi- observation, like should not be a fool, was given to pull walking, the fool.” Cai Yi scolded one, this slowly closes one's eyes, protects buddhist law to me, do not make anybody approach me, particularly that Ai Ya!” “少讲话,多观察,别像是傻子一样,被人给牵着走,笨蛋。”彩衣骂了一句,这才缓缓闭上眼,“给我护法,不要让任何人靠近我,尤其是那艾雅!” understood.” Bo Ge grovels, stands firm by her honestly, does not dare the negligence. 知道了。”博格点头哈腰,老实在她旁边站定,不敢有一丝疏忽。 In his heart also understands, reason that this Senior Sister guarantees him, is because he has his value, if he nurses this matter unable to complete, he also lost the value, perhaps Cai Yi cannot worry his life. 他心中也明白,他这师姐之所以保他,也是因为他有他的价值,如果他连看护这种事情都做不好,他也就失去了价值了,说不定彩衣也不会顾忌他的死活。 So is thinking, he was more earnest, is guarding against Ai Ya of distant place secretly, saw that Ai Ya moves toward that strange boy unexpectedly slowly, this makes his complexion change, thinks to want profound meaning. 这般想着,他更加认真了,暗暗提防着远处的艾雅,看到那艾雅竟缓缓走向那陌生小子,这让他脸色微变,动脑子去想此间的深意。 Wins over that boy? 拉拢那小子么? His that stupid head, likely suddenly has straightened out that Cai Yi scolded, clearly has become suddenly aware anything. 他那笨脑袋,像是被彩衣骂的的突然开窍了一下,霍然了明悟了些什么。 To come, he when looks at Shi Yan, did not have being hostile, instead some pitiful Shi Yan, thought that this boy is also bad luck, plays with by his Ai Ya of Senior Sister and that poisonous scorpion feelings in applauses, perhaps also in intention gratitude also perhaps. 这么想来,他在看石岩的时候,已没了敌视,反而有些可怜石岩,觉得这小子也算是倒霉,被他师姐和那毒蝎心肠的艾雅玩弄于鼓掌之间,或许还在心怀感激也说不定呢。 ...... ……
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