GOS :: Volume #4

#380: Penalty

mystical different strength circulation to the Essence Qi old tree, a continuously different strength seepage in, that essence does not have the old tree to be even more glittering and translucent carving, is containing the energy of extremely vigorous fining. 神秘异力流转向精元古树,一缕缕异力渗透其中,那精无古树愈加晶莹剔透,蕴藏着极其浑厚精炼之能。 Shi Yan closes one's eyes, feels the change of Essence Qi old treein heart to secretly rejoice, he knows that by[ body] in the vigor of Essence Qi, only needs to comprehend the mood slightly, can make own cultivation base go a step further breakthrough to the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Skyagain. 石岩闭着眼睛,感受着精元古树的变化”心中暗喜,他知道以〖体〗内精元之浑厚,只需要略加领悟心境,便可突破涅巢三重天之境”让自己修为再进一步。 This time comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, his main purpose is to then whet oneself, at the maximum speed promotes own Realm cultivation base, waited the date to return to Endless Sea, sought that Devil Clan to avenge a grievance, must stir his obliterate all influence these potentials is now earth-shaking. 这次前来暗磁雾瘴,他主要目的便是磨砺自己,以最快的速度增进自己的境界修为,以待来日重返无尽海,寻那魔族报仇雪恨,将那些势要将他抹杀的各方势力搅今天翻地覆。 The body of Linda and Xia Shenchuan dies, already made him realize, only then tyrannical of own power, can act in a self-serving manner in this in world, not stepping-stone that uses into others to lead the way. 琳达夏神川的身死,早就让他意识到只有自身力量的强横,才可以在这个世间为所欲为,不用成为别人前行的垫脚石。 The change of Essence Qi light group, making him realize that goes a step to further the goal, the nature is joyful. 精元光团的变化,让他意识到离目标又进一步,自然欣喜。 Also in this time, that fainted Cai Yi,[ body] in disorder power restores to subside gradually, her long eyelash moves, then awakes to turn around from the stupor. 也在此时,那昏厥过去彩衣,〖体〗内紊乱的力量渐渐恢复平息下来,她长长的睫毛动了动,便从昏迷中醒转过来。 The Cai Yi eye opens the eyes to carry together, in eye sees is Shi Yan that facial expression solemn eyes closed did not say, Cai Yi subconscious wanted to call out in alarm makes noise, but her thoughts gloomy, remembered before immediately, incident that hadwas constraining calling out in alarm hurriedly, but was calm looked at this time condition. 彩衣眼睛一睁舁,眼中所见的便是神情冷峻闭目不言的石岩,彩衣下意识的想要惊呼出声,但她心思阴沉,马上想起之前发生的事端”急忙压抑着惊呼,而是冷静的去看此时的境况。 whole body a wisp, lies down on the Shi Yan sturdy thighsensitive back buttocks place, the big hand of Shi Yan also in bold random walk. 浑身不着一缕,躺在石岩粗壮的大腿上”敏感的背臀处,石岩的大手还在大胆的游走。 Shi Yan two move, seemed to be that the electric current carried the buttocks place to pass over gently and swiftly in her, lets nose clothes Shame-stricken, only thinks that has not had shame so. 石岩的两手活动间,似有电流在她背臀处掠过,让鼻衣羞愧欲绝,只觉从不曾有过这般的羞辱。 Sees Shi Yan still calmly to cultivate in eyes closed, feels he two frivolousness, Cai Yi eyes several is wanting to torchto be difficult to suppress in the heart angerto gather power quietly, dual cultivation long white hands, press to approach the Shi Yan chest suddenly. 一见石岩还在闭目静修,感受着他两手的轻薄,彩衣双眸几欲喷火”再难抑制心中愤怒”悄悄聚集力量,一双修长的玉手,忽然按向石岩胸口。 Cracking changes!” “崩裂之变!” Cai Yi drinks one suddenly tenderly. 彩衣突然娇喝一声。 Yellow and red two color rays of lightabout two centers in her explode, two different light explode shoot in the same place, forms an extremely fierce impulse, directly to shooting at the Shi Yan chest. 黄、红两色光芒”在她左右两手中心爆出来,两种异光爆射在一块,形成一股极其狂烈的冲击力,直接冲射向石岩胸口。 Landslide general power, explodesnumber colored cord hung on a child's neck for good luck on his first birthday different yellow and red different strength in the Shi Yan chest, seeps instantaneously to the Shi Yan chest. ” The potential must Shi Yan heart and lungs blasting open. 山崩一般的力量,在石岩胸口爆裂开来”数百缕不同的黄、红异力,瞬间渗透向石岩胸。”势要将石岩心肺炸裂。 Bang!” “轰!” An explosive, the back of Shi Yan hits maliciously in the hard cliff, flutters about the crushed stone that cliff hits, making this cave suddenly explode, top of the head stones fly to fall. 一声爆响,石岩的后背狠狠地撞击在坚硬的石壁,将那石壁撞的碎石纷飞,令这个石洞都突然爆裂开来,头顶一块块石头不由地飞落下来。 Cai Yi makes use, such as a female beast is common, in the eye full is hatredrings on snow White Jade armmust fly to shoot, must the stance that Shi Yan utterly destroys. 彩衣趁势而起,如一头母兽一般,眼中满是恨意”雪白玉臂上的一个个圆环”就要飞射出来,一副要将石岩斩尽杀绝的姿态。 Carefully examines Essence Qi old tree mutation Shi Yanto give Cai Yi so to attack suddenly, only thinks that chest severe paindifferent strength stimulation in front muscle naturally, Petrification Martial Spirit achieved peakflesh then has become in that Cai Yi suddenly to strike flash ” the purple red, the strong defensive power intercepts the majority of strengths that Cai Yi this struck. 体察精元古树异变的石岩”冷不防给彩衣这般袭击,只觉胸口剧痛”胸前肌肉中的异力自然而然的激发出来,石化武魂达到巅峰”肌肤在那彩衣暴击的一瞬间”便成了紫红色,超强的防御力将彩衣这一击的大部分力道拦截下来。 That several hundred gangs of Yi enters the yellow and red two different strength of Shi Yan chest, falls into his chest. ” In mystical power by muscle fiber twining ” unable to penetrate the muscle block of Shi Yan chest truly, then strikes to break the Shi Yan heart and lungs. 那数百股逸入石岩胸口的黄、红两种异力,才落入他胸。”就被肌纤维中的神秘力量给缠绕住”根本不能真正穿透石岩胸口的肌肉块,进而将石岩心肺给一击震碎。 The body shookShi Yan awoke to turn around eyes suddenlycoldly shoots a look at Cai Yisuddenly Hehe to sneer, did not give a thought to the Cai Yi following attack, Escaping Lightning Changes stimulates to movement, the body like the long gun|spear, hit maliciously on Cai Yi. 身躯一震”石岩突然醒转过来”双眸冷冽的瞥了一眼彩衣”突然嘿嘿冷笑,不顾彩衣接下来的攻击,逸电变催动开来,身如长枪,狠狠地撞击在彩衣身上。 Peng! 嘭! Cai Yi stands to wave snow arm, ring on hand is swaying, next one strikes not to display, maliciously was hit to fly by Shi Yan, was dislodged the lake from cave directly. 彩衣站起来舞动着雪臂,手上的圆环一阵晃荡,下一击还未施展开来,就被石岩给狠狠地撞飞,直接从石洞中被撞出湖泊。 The Shi Yan whole face sneers, flushed gratefully, in an instant that nose clothes falls in the water, to Cai Yi side, the left hand has extended instantaneously, one covers Cai Yi snow white neck, is raising Cai Yi, has led into cave it. 石岩满脸冷笑,毫不客气的冲了出去,在那鼻衣落水的一霎,瞬间到了彩衣身旁,左手一伸,一把扣住彩衣的雪白脖颈,一手提着彩衣,将其又重新带入了石洞 The counter-attack of Shi Yan, comes fierce exceptionally, his powerful wild explosive force, originates from muscle completely. 石岩的反击,来的凶猛异常,他强悍狂暴的爆发力,全部来源于一身肌肉。 After this Petrification Martial Spirit achieves peak, his body is most terrifying weapon, even does not need revolution Essence Qi, only this powerful fleshly body explosive force, makes Cai Yi be at a loss. 在这石化武魂达到巅峰之后,他身体便是最为恐怖的武器,甚至不需要运转精元,单凭这强悍之极的肉身爆发力,就让彩衣无所适从。 Cai Yi when that lake, caused heavy losses to by the monster strength of thousands hands black ink octopus continually,[ body] in the Essence Qi disorder, had been injured, awakes to turn around with great difficulty, the strength actually greatly falls short, she is not good at close combatattacking Shi Yan in that narrow and small cave, absolutely is her taking a rash step. 彩衣在那湖泊时,被千手墨章鱼的妖力给连番重创,〖体〗内精元紊乱,已经受了伤,好不容易醒转过来,实力却大打折扣,她本身又不擅长近战”在那么狭小的石洞中袭击石岩,绝对是她的失策。 The left hand covers Cai Yi snow white neck, in that Cai Yi beautiful pupil full is the alarmed and afraid terrified color, she wants to yell, the discovery throat was actually stopped up by the different strength, cannot shout the sound. 左手扣住彩衣的雪白脖颈,那彩衣美眸中满是惊惧惶恐之色,她想要喊叫,却发现喉咙被异力堵住,连声音都喊不出来。 Such was covered neck by Shi Yan one, a Cai Yi heart sinks to the valley rapidly, the fearful explosive force that in Shi Yan that left hand transmits, making the Cai Yi mind panic-stricken, she understands, so long as she has the change again, so long as Shi Yan the five fingers thread up, can give the direct crumb her snow white slender neck. 就这么被石岩一手扣住脖颈,彩衣一颗心迅速沉入谷底,石岩那一只左手中传来的可怕爆发力,让彩衣心神惊骇,她明白只要她再有异动,石岩只要五指紧扣,就可以将她那雪白修长的脖颈给直接捏碎了。 Therefore, Cai Yi alarmed and afraid restless looks at Shi Yan, moves does not dare to move, ring that on the snow White Jade arm shivers unceasingly, subsides slowly, does not dare to act unreasonably. 因此,彩衣只是惊惧不安的看着石岩,一动不敢动,雪白玉臂上不断颤抖的圆环,也缓缓平息下来,不敢乱来。 Shi Yan is raising her, sits again in cave, a pair of scalding hot eye pupil, forgets to return on her beautiful charming naked, the corners of the mouth expressed admiration, the facial expression somewhat was quite immoral. 石岩提着她,重新在石洞中坐下来,一双灼热的眼眸,在她那美丽迷人的裸体身上流连忘返,嘴角啧啧称奇,神情颇有些淫邪。 Cai Yi is fearful, beautiful pupil tight looks at Shi Yan, does not know that he wants to make anything. 彩衣惶惶不安,美眸紧紧看着石岩,不知道他想要做什么。 Shi Yan did not say a word, such a hand covered Cai Yi neck, flew high to raise her, indifferent looks at shein heart secret consideration. 石岩一言不发,就这么一只手扣住彩衣脖颈,将她凌空提着,冷眼看着她”心中暗暗思量。 He wanted the heavy hand to destroy flower, massacres to capture Monster Core in her Imaginary Space Ring Cai Yi, is leaving this lake, poly two to change mind with above Ai Ya, Bo Ge and the others thinks that now his Essence Qi restores peak, now has killed Cai Yi, could the production point mystical different strength supplement that Martial Spiritactually cannot have many power to supplement, such looks like, somewhat wasted actually. 原本他想要辣手摧huā,将彩衣杀掉夺取她幻空戒中的妖晶,然后在离开这湖泊,和上方的艾雅博格等人相聚二不过转念一想,如今他一身精元恢复巅峰,现在杀了彩衣,或许能够产生点神秘异力来补充武魂”却不能有更多的力量补充,这么看来,倒是有些浪费了。 Moreover, if Cai Yi dies in lake, he is living on the contrary coming out, outside Ai Ya and the others, will definitely guess correctly his true strengththen to regard the archenemy to guard him. 另外,若是彩衣死在湖泊中,他反倒是活着出来,外面的艾雅等人,必然会猜出他的真正实力”进而会将他当成大敌来防备。 Seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core, the Lao Lun eye the nature are together precious in Ai Ya, Bo Ge, Lao li and in exceptionally, Cai Yi dies, Ai Ya and the others will focus in him, perhaps will collaborate to cope with him, that Ai Ya, Bo Ge, Lao li and Lao Lun four people, if collaborates, he has not grasped can win. 一块七级妖兽妖晶,在艾雅博格劳里劳伦眼中自然珍贵异常,彩衣一死,艾雅等人会将目标放在他身上,说不定会联手对付他,那艾雅博格劳里劳伦四人若是联手,他也没有把握能够取胜。 What is main, he touches the noxious mist not to be familiar regarding this darkly, he also wants with the aid to know Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist more secrets in these people, before has not clarified the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist secret truly, he does not want to get angry with these four people immediately. 最主要的是,他对于这暗碰雾瘴并不熟悉,他还想要借助于这些人来知晓暗磁雾瘴的更多秘密,在没有真正弄清楚暗磁雾瘴的秘密之前,他不想和这四人立即翻脸。 If Cai Yi Immortal, or has controlled Cai Yi, he can continue to hide the strength, calculates the cause of death of thousands hands black ink octopus on Cai Yi, making Cai Yi divert Ai Yato be able through Cai Yi to learn that the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist secret, knows Divine Great Land that side condition. 彩衣不死,,或是控制了彩衣,他可以继续隐藏实力,将千手墨章鱼的死因算在彩衣头上,让彩衣来牵制艾雅”又能通过彩衣来获知暗磁雾瘴的秘密,知晓神州大地那边的状况。 So wants to come, in the Shi Yan heart had haggling over. 这般想来,石岩心中有了计较。 Cold eyes, with that Cai Yi slightly alarmed and afraid beautiful pupil looking at each other, Shi Yan sinks to drink one, the main soul third eye in Sea of Consciousness opensone bunch of different color break-ups to come out, is towing this bunch of different light cautiously, the Divine Sense irrigationinvades toward that Cai Yi mind slowly. 冷冽的双眸,和那彩衣略显惊惧的美眸对视,石岩沉喝一声,识海之中的主魂第三只眼睛开启”一束异光闪出来,小心翼翼的牵引着这一束异光,将神识灌注其中”往那彩衣的脑海慢慢侵入。 Lets loose Sea of Consciousness, otherwise kills you immediately!” Shi Yan callous looks at Cai Yi, ice-cold threatens. “放开识海,否则立即杀你!”石岩冷酷的看着彩衣,冰冷地威胁。 In the Cai Yi heartin beautiful pupil full Han fears intent with amazement, shakes the head unceasingly, wants to reject. 彩衣心中骇然”美眸中满含惧意,不断地摇头,想要拒绝。 You, if rejects, now then gives me dead! But if you accept, I also in you Lord in the soul to leave behind together the mark, so long as after you are obedient, when ended to the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matter, I pledged that relieves this spirit Soul Restriction system for you.” Shi Yan such as the devil is ordinary, induction combined threats with inducements in proper order ”. “你若拒绝,现在便给我去死!但你若接受,我也只是在你主魂之中留下一道印记,只要你以后听话,待到暗磁雾瘴事情结束,我承诺为你解除这灵魂禁制。”石岩如恶魔一般,循循诱导”威逼利诱。 At this moment, Cai Yi looked at Shi Yan again, in the heart also had deep fearing intent, she understands finallythis formerly had not been placed Shi Yan in eye by him, was in their team the person of most thoughts gloomy, hideaway own strength, the wild ambition, evil and cruel cut-throatdid not have the touch of humanity. 这一刻,彩衣再看石岩,心中也有了深深的惧意,她终于明白”这个先前没有被他放在眼中的石岩,才是他们队伍中最为心思阴沉之人,一直隐藏自身实力,却狼子野心,歹毒凶狠”没有一点儿人情味。 She only saw Shi Yan savage side at this time, has not actually thought her from beginning to end in planning Shi Yan, when that lake, wishes one could Shi Yan to be given to bite to death by the thousands hands black ink octopus, just also suddenly got rid, must take the Shi Yan life. 她这时只看到石岩凶残的一面,却没想她从始至终都在算计石岩,在那湖泊时,也恨不得石岩千手墨章鱼给咬死,刚刚还突然出手,要取石岩性命。 Only remembers that others' cut-throat, actually cannot see own sinister, this is the way things should be, Cai Yi is no exception. 只记得别人的凶狠,却看不见自己的阴险,这是人之常情,彩衣也不例外。 I count to three, one, two......” the Shi Yan facial expression is callous, the complexion fades in does not bear, does not wait for Cai Yi to comply, then starts to count off. “我数到三,一,二……”石岩神情冷酷,脸色渐显不耐,不等彩衣答应,便开始报数。 The Cai Yi beautiful pupil flickers looks at Shi Yan that does not move, discovered that Shi Yan absolutely will be that cruel and merciless not softhearted person, therefore, will not wait for the Shi Yan number to end, Cai Yi will blink hurriedly the nod, finally will let loose Sea of Consciousnessto make Shi Yan Divine Sense drill into. 彩衣美眸一瞬不移的看着石岩,发现石岩绝对是那种心狠手辣绝不会心慈手软的人,因此,不等石岩数完,彩衣急忙眨眼点头,终于放开识海”让石岩神识钻入进来。 On cultivation base of Divine Sense and soul, only then Shi Yan of Nirvana Origin boundary, probably be skilled in compared with general Sky Realm boundary Expert. 神识、灵魂的修为上,只有涅巢境的石岩,要比一般天位强者还要精通。 Yin Demon Race all sorts of soul deep meanings, are broad and profound, are containing the Divine Ability significance of fine mysterious ”, when the place of that abandonment, he had then done the experiment in soul using Pan Zhe and the others, this main soul and that Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame mix temporarily in the same place, makes that again is familiar and easy. 阴魅族的种种灵魂奥义,都博大精深,蕴藏着精奥的神通意义”在那遗弃之地的时候,他便曾经利用潘哲等人做过灵魂方面的实验,这次主魂和那九幽噬魂焰暂时糅合在一起,再做起来那是轻车熟路。 Divine Sense falls into the Cai Yi mind, uses the Yin Demon Race deep meaning that he comprehends, stays behind after that Cai Yi main soul the soul plants together, Shi Yan secretly nosesto discover all normally, will then invade the Cai Yi mind the Divine Sense end of exercise period under the Cai Yi alarmed and afraid vision, the stone is cracking into a smile suddenly, look cloudy evil suddenly before, kisses maliciously to Cai Yi that ruddy lip. 神识落入彩衣的脑海,利用他领悟的阴魅族的奥义,在那彩衣主魂中留下一道魂种以后,石岩暗暗查探了一下”发现一切正常,便将侵入彩衣脑海的神识收风在彩衣惊惧的目光下,石著忽然咧嘴一笑,眼神阴邪的突然靠前,狠狠地亲向彩衣那红润的嘴唇。 wū wū......” 呜呜……” Cai Yi beautiful pupil Shame-stricken, wish of doom struggles, closely was covered the body by Shi Yan, cannot move unexpectedly. 彩衣美眸羞愧欲绝,死命的想要挣扎,却被石岩给紧紧扣住身子,竟动弹不得。 Has kissed several maliciously, the guy in the Cai Yi perfumed hair-oil rubbed, before the Shi Yan tongue shed, ” has nipped one on Cai Yi that fresh and tender lip fiercely, broke by biting the Cai Yi lip unexpectedly the skin, the blood overflowed. 狠狠地吻了几口,在彩衣芳泽中厮磨了一下,石岩舌头褪走前”猛地在彩衣那鲜嫩的嘴唇上咬了一口,竟将彩衣嘴唇咬破了皮,鲜血流溢。 Finally will fasten tightly the left hand of Cai Yi neck to pull out, Shi Yan also leaves Cai Yi, the looks at lip bleeds, in the pupil full is the beautiful woman who the hatred shames the anger, he grins to sneer, in that lake, you wants dead, I save from the lake you, you suddenly get rid, so paying kindness with enmity, I naturally must give you to select the lesson, the lip of your broken skin then punished. ” 终于将扣紧彩衣脖颈的左手抽开,石岩也离开彩衣,看着嘴唇流血,眸中满是恨意羞怒的美人儿,他咧嘴冷笑,“在那湖泊中,你想要死,我将你从湖中救下来,你又突然出手,这般恩将仇报,我自然要给你点教训,你那破皮的嘴唇”便是惩罚了。” You are meaner more and shameless than Ai Ya!” On the Cai Yi face full is the hatred, the hatred stares at Shi Yan to scold. “你比艾雅还要卑鄙无耻!”彩衣脸上满是恨意,怨毒地盯着石岩骂道。 Shi Yan Ha Ha laughs wildly, and you too.” 石岩哈哈狂笑,“彼此彼此。”
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