GOS :: Volume #4

#368: Expert

Late at night, moon/month like galactic disk, on Ten Thousand Sword Peak. 深夜,月如银盘,万剑峰上。 Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Dongfang Kuai, Qing Ming, days later and De Huang six people look solemn, sits well in the Ten Thousand Sword Peak summit, closes one's eyes, looks solemn, seems waiting for anything. 古霄巫琴东方块青冥天后地皇六人神情肃穆,端坐在万剑峰的山巅,闭着眼,神情肃穆,似乎在等候着什么。 long time, the hot flame did not transmit from the West, rides Flame Qilin date god Tang Yuannan, all alone is comingto stop in these six God Realm Warrior, the indifferent looks at six people, said lightly: Calls me to come, does not know that has what dispatching?” 多时,炎炎火光从西方传来,骑着火麒麟的日神唐渊南,孤身一人前来”在这六名神境武者之中停了下来,冷眼看着六人,淡淡道:“唤我前来,不知有何差遣?” Tang Yuannan speech time, the strength of body Sun is preciseburning hot aura, releases slowly from him, covers the audience. 唐渊南讲话的时候,身上太阳之力凝炼”一股炎热的气息,从他身上缓缓释放出来,笼罩全场。 The Gu Xiao six people open eyes suddenly, looks together to Tang Yuannan. 古霄六人突然睁开眼,一起看向唐渊南 Hands over Shi Yan!” “交出石岩!” Gu Xiao deeply inspired, eyes like sharp sword, sharp direction of fire Tang Yuannan. 古霄深深吸了一口气,双眸如利剑,锐利的射向唐渊南 The Tang Yuannan complexion changes, looked at Gu Xiao, looks at that Wu Qin, Dongfang Kuai and the others, cold say|way: „Is this your six people jointly decided?”, Wu Qin, Dongfang Kuai and the others nod together, the manner is bad. 唐渊南脸色微变,看了看古霄,又望了望那巫琴东方块等人,冷道:“这是你们六人共同的决定?”,巫琴东方块等人一起点头,神态不善。 Person not in my hands.” Tang Yuannan snort|humshook the head to sneer saying: Why „can't you find person to me? When my Three God Church is good to bully inadequately? ”, Tang Cult Master!” “人不在我手中。”唐渊南哼了一声”摇头冷笑道:“你们找不着人”凭什么向我要?当我三神教好欺负不成?”,“唐教主!” Qing Ming drinks one severely, in eye bunches of green flame glittering are uncertain, look gloomy and cold was viciousinitially that boy and sells one post-war is you carries off him, although afterward he braved, but decided however has the relation with you. ” 青冥厉喝一声,眼中一簇簇绿色火苗闪烁不定,眼神阴冷狠毒”“当初那小子和摩奇销一战后”是你将他带走,事后他虽然冒出来了,但定然和你有着联系。” days later Fan Xiangyun was also sneers onethese days we to search for Yuanluo Sea Areaeven also to give to look up Jialuo Sea Area, actually throughout could not find the trail of that boy. Endless Sea so is big, our these many peopleask him a trail not to have by God Realm cultivation base with joint forces fully ”, who if not for you its conceal getting uphave also been able? Is the Yang Family evils is inadequate? ”, I said person not in my hands. ” Tang Yuannan coldly smiles, your three people dealt with his one to run away by him, you think that your Divine Sensecan seek for him really? Although I do not know that he has what mystical, but I thinkhim, since can your three to be at wit's end with joint forcesnaturally also has the method to evade your Divine Sense to trace. You could not find him, looks for me, where has this truth? ” 天后梵香云也是冷笑一声”“这段时间”我们搜遍了垣罗海域”甚至将伽罗海域也给查了一遍,却始终找不到那小子的踪迹。无尽海就那么大,我们这么多人合力”以神境修为全力找他”却一点踪迹都没有,若不是你将其藏了起来”还会有谁?难道是杨家余孽不成?”,“我说了”人不在我手中。”唐渊南冷冷一笑,“你们三人对付他一个”都被他逃了,你们以为你们的神识”真的可以找寻到他?我虽然不知道他有何神秘,但我想”他既然可以让你们三人合力都无计可施”自然也有方法躲过你们的神识追查。你们找不到他,就来找我,哪有这个道理?” Tang Cult Master!” “唐教主!” Wu Qin sneerswe not only looks for him with joint forces, but also draws support secret technique, with God Realm the rare treasure union of Divine Sense and Lingbao Fairyland, spread entire Yuanluo Sea Area and Jialuo Sea Area has not discovered his trail. Let alone that boy, only then cultivation base of plan boundary, even if he has God Realm cultivation baseunder our with joint forces Divine Sense search, he also nowhere hides. 巫琴冷笑”“我们不但合力找他,还借助于秘术,用神境神识灵宝洞天的异宝结合,扩散整个垣罗海域伽罗海域”还是不曾发现他的踪迹。别说那小子只有涅策境的修为,就算是他有着神境修为”在我们合力神识搜寻之下,他也无处遁形。 Only then your Three God Church seabed temple, that strange formation can prevent our Divine Sense to track down, he not in your there , where? ”, Few and he rubbish!” 只有你们三神教的海底神殿,那奇异的阵法才可以阻止我们的神识追寻,他不在你们那里,又在何处?”,“少和他废话!” Qing Ming flies into a rage, has stood directly, Vanishing Corpse Flame in eye is getting more and more richour several sides to collaborate, must extinguish Three God Church is not the difficult matter, after the demon person invades Endless Sea, Three God Church did not collaborate with us, does not participate in our motions, obviously had the disloyalty! Shi Yan that boy is progressing every day, each day, on a threat big point, once he grows truly, we let us not want to feel better!” 青冥勃然大怒,直接站了起来,眼中的毗绝尸火越来越浓郁”“我们几方联手,要灭三神教也不是困难的事,在魔人侵入无尽海之后,三神教一直不与我们联手,不参与我们的行动,显然是有了异心!石岩那小子每日都在进步,每过一天,威胁都大上一分,一旦他真正成长起来,我们谁也别想好过!” Good!”, Fan Xiangyun has also stood, guards with its day and night, might as well one time the problem solve!”, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin and the others, complexion is bad, as if had collaborated to put to death the meaning of Tang Yuannan. “不错!”,梵香云也站了起来,“与其日夜提防,不如一次性将问题解决了!”,古霄巫琴等人,也面色不善,似乎有了联手诛杀唐渊南的意思。 In this time. 就在此时。 The bright moonlight of space as if suddenly bright incomparable, together pretty silhouette under misty moonlight, quietly unconsciouslyYan Xian under moonlight. 天上的明月似乎突然明亮无比,一道蒙蒙月光下的俏丽身影,悄然不觉间”在月光之下晏现。 The bunch dazzling moonlight, becomes the crescent moon shape, suddenly flies to shoot from that beautiful figure! 一束束让人炫目的月光,成弯月形态,忽然从那道倩影之中飞射出来! brilliance of that crescent moon shape, has absorbed the energies of countless moonlight in the midair, suddenly fell to Ten Thousand Sword Peak peripheral five kilometers high mountains magnificent ka ka!”, That five kilometers mountain peak, in the landing of moonlight, the fission disintegrates suddenly, shortly will be split the innumerable stones. 那弯月形态的光华,在半空之中吸收了数不尽的月光之能,突然落向了万剑峰周边的一座五千米高的山哦“华咔咔!”,那五千米的山峰,在月光的降落中,突然分裂瓦解,在顷刻间被分裂了无数石头。 The moonlight interweaves, brilliance of crescent moon shape, grazes in that mountain peak, such as the sharp knife blade of Moon Godunexpectedly crushing the stones of innumerable dependents lets that mountain peak instantaneous avalanche that mountain peak ”. 月光交织,一个个弯月形态的光华,在那山峰之内飞掠,如月神之利刃”竟将那山峰给粉碎成无数碎小的石头”让那山峰瞬间崩塌。 A terrifying oppression strength, transmits from the beautiful figure under that moon, covers the audience! 一股恐怖的压迫力,从那月亮之下的倩影身上传来,笼罩全场! The moonlight of space, is rapidly precise, gathers on that beautiful figure, lets her imposing manner crazy dramatic rise, simply is the endless growth. 天上的月光,则是迅速凝炼起来,聚集在那道倩影身上,让她气势疯狂的飙升,简直是无休止的增长。 Gu Xiao and Wu Qin one line of peaks however change color, alarmed and afraid looks at space that beautiful figure, facial expression with amazement. 古霄巫琴一行人耸然变色,惊惧的看着天上那倩影,神情骇然。 „To extinguish my Three God Church, did you prepare for are extinguished sect by me?” The moonlight dim beautiful figure, sound is chilly, in the expression full murders the ruthless severe meaning, meaning of threat is clear. “想要灭我三神教,你们做好了被我灭宗的准备了么?”月华朦胧中的倩影,声音清冷,语气中满是杀伐狠厉之意,威胁的意味一目了然。 Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Qing Ming and other God Realm Warrior, suddenly completely silent. 古霄巫琴青冥等六名神境武者,忽然全部沉默了下来。 Shi Yan not in our Three God Church words these many, you , to make warwe to be glad really to accompany. ” In the moonlight, that beautiful figure coldly said:, „The threat of demon person has not relieved, then wants to extinguish my Three God Church, depends on you also to match to save Endless Sea? Really laughable! ” 石岩不在我们三神教”话就这么多,你们若是真想开战”我们乐意奉陪。”月光中,那倩影冷冷道:,“魔人的威胁还未解除,便想要灭我三神教,就凭你们这些人”也配来挽救无尽海?真是可笑!” The words, that beautiful figure changes into one bunch of moonlight, suddenly goes far away. 话罢,那道倩影化为一束月光,忽然远去。 day god Tang Yuannan Hehe sneers, to Gu Xiao and other humanity: To everybody reported grandly that was our Three God Church Moon God Ouyang Luoshuangjust entered God Realm soon. Before then, she has absorbed the millennium lunar coronas, has been able to fuse the strength of nine days of bright moon, big Endless Sea, except for Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian, feared that is nobody is her match, if everybody does not believe may try greatly.” 日神唐渊南嘿嘿冷笑,冲古霄等人道:“隆重向各位介绍一下”那是我们三神教月神欧阳洛霜”刚刚进入神境不多久。在此之前,她吸收了千年月华,已能融合九天皓月之力,偌大的无尽海,除了曹秋道阳翼天,怕是无人是她对手,各位若是不信“大可一试。” These words said that does not attend to Gu Xiao and the others panic-stricken, Tang Yuannan actuates Flame Qilin, changes into light of one bunch of Sun, goes far away rapidly. 这番话说完,不顾古霄等人的惊骇,唐渊南驱动火麒麟,化为一束太阳之光,也迅速远去。 Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Qing Ming, days later, De Huang and Dongfang Kuai six people, keep Ten Thousand Sword Peak to look at each other in blank diamay, great peak of looks at that loudly collapse, suddenly completely silent, complexion ugly. 古霄巫琴青冥天后地皇东方块六人,留在万剑峰面面相觑,看着那轰然倒塌的巨峰,一时间全部沉默了下来,脸色难看至极。 Dim Devil Territory. 昏暗的魔域 In towering bones of the dead bone columnby Yang Qingdi of strength of blockade barrier, the body skin vanished a maliciously completely. 一狠狠参天白骨骨柱之中”被结界之力封锁的杨青帝,身体皮肤全部消失了。 On the bone stage in that barrier, Yang Qingdi becomes the skeleton that fresh blood drip has flowinged, on the skeleton is linking maliciously veins, appearance sad and shrill terrifying ” a face will be covered with bloodas if momentarily is also built up. 在那结界中的骨台上,杨青帝成了一具鲜血淋漓的骨架,骨架上连着一狠狠筋脉,模样凄厉恐怖”一张脸也是血肉模糊”似乎随时都会被炼死。 By bone stageonly remains bones of the dead Body Clone, at this time that white Body Clone opens the mouth suddenly: „Can Yang Qingdi, once think?” 骨台旁边”只剩一具白骨法身,此时那白个法身突然开口:“杨青帝,可曾想好?” Above the bones of the dead round stagein the eye socket of Yang Qingdi that covered with blood, a bright eye, is as before splendidtranquilly his has swept that bones of the dead Body Clone one, said lightly: You are wasting the time.” 白骨圆台之上”杨青帝那血肉模糊的眼眶中,一双明亮的眼睛,依旧熠熠生辉”他平静的扫了那白骨法身一眼,淡淡道:“你在浪费时间。” Lang Xun sneers, this is the final opportunity! The corpse soul bridge can connect, I and Chi Yan true body, after 3rd, will step into Endless Sea officially. Comes from the Underworld three big yamas, at the latest 15 days, will enter Endless Sea when the time comes Endless Sea life extinguish, becomes the paradise of my demon person and deep person. ” 波旬冷笑,“这是最后的机会!尸魂桥不日便可连通,我和赤阎真身,将会在三日之后,正式踏入无尽海。来自于冥界的三大冥王,最迟15天,也将进入无尽海”到时候无尽海将会生灵涂炭,成为我魔人和冥人的乐园。” The eye of Yang Qingdi flashes through astonished light finally, the flesh and blood on his facemoves, has not spoken. 杨青帝的眼睛终于闪过一丝惊异之光,他那脸上的血肉”动了动,却没有讲话。 Yang Qingdi you are really the good method, does not know that you have used any method, can actually make your Yang Family escape into the Devil Territory person to cover together. I searched for Devil Territory, has not searched for your Yang Family person the hiding place of”, if not you early had the arrangement, by their abilities, was decidedly impossible to isolate my Divine Sense to cover. ” Lang Xun snort|hum. 杨青帝你真是好手段,不知道你利用了什么方法,竟然能够一直让你杨家遁入魔域的人一起掩盖。我搜遍了魔域,也未曾搜寻到你们杨家人的藏身之地”若非你早有布置,凭借他们的能力,断然不可能隔绝我的神识覆盖。”波旬哼了一声。 Our Yang Family millenniums, have passed and out in Fourth Devil Area, my cultivation time even compares here in Endless Sea must be long. ” My understanding this Devil Territory, is less inferior than your Lang Xun, on this land, some regions mysterious strange, even your Lang Xun does not know. ” “我们杨家千年来,一直在第四魔域进进出出,我本人在这里修炼的时间”甚至比在无尽海还要长。对于这一块魔域”我的了解,不比你波旬逊色,在这一块土地上,有些区域的神奇诡异,甚至连你波旬都不知道。” Yang Qingdi smiled proudlyis I died, so long as they according to my past order conduct, you could not perceive same. Region that previous time you find out by secret inquiry, the false place that but I left behind in the past, wants to come you in the past, loses much?” 杨青帝傲然一笑”“就算是我死了,只要他们按照我当年的命令行事,你也一样觉察不出。上一次你们探知的区域,只是我当年留下的虚假之地,想来你们过去后,损失不少吧?” In Lang Xun that bones of the dead eye socket, Ghost Flame rocked suddenly, good, we think that had found your Yang Family hiding place, in the past, discovered the trap. My subordinates soldier, died actually much, is because their bodies die, made the speed that the corpse soul bridge connected change quick. You also know that” I am impossible to kill one of us to connect the corpse soul bridge, because your arrangementmade the connection speed of corpse soul bridge speed up, I must thank you. ” 波旬那白骨眼眶之中,鬼火忽然晃动了一下,“不错,我们本以为找到了你们杨家的藏身之地,过去之后,才发现中了陷阱。我麾下儿郎,倒是死了不少,也是因为他们的身死,才让尸魂桥连通的速度变快了许多。你也知道”我不可能杀自家人来连通尸魂桥,正是因为你的布置”才让尸魂桥的连通速度加快了,我还要谢谢你。” Yang Qingdi look finally one beautiful. 杨青帝眼神终于一娈。 You have a good great-grandson, that named Shi Yan boy, causes much to us in Endless Sea troublesome. even/including Moqi had been cut an arm by him obtusely, I do not know that you moved any hands and feet when that boy, lets, only then Earth Realm boundary he can injure to unexpectedly grasping of unbounded demon blade sells. ” Lang Xun sneers, „ these walked, once my true body entered Endless Sea, an only grain of board game piece that you left behind, by my obliterate, this you will be kissed a successor easily, can divine soul entirely extinguished. “你还有个好重孙,那个名为石岩的小子,在无尽海给我们弄出不少麻烦。连摩奇钝都被他斩了一臂,我不知道你在那小子身上动了什么手脚,让只有地位境时的他”竟能伤到手持无界魔刀的摩奇销。”波旬冷笑,“不过这些都走过去了,一旦我真身进入无尽海,你留下的唯一的一粒棋子,也将会被我轻易抹杀,这个你亲点的接班人,将会神魂俱灭 Cut to sell an arm?” The Yang Qingdi eye one brightsuddenly Ha Ha laughs wildly, I consumed the blood of Immortal to calculate in the past that figures out him is my Yang Family lucky star, figures out his body to contain some mystical actually unable to figure out him also so supernaturally brave! Hahaha, the young fellow, it seems like I have looked down on him! ” “斩了摩奇销一臂?”杨青帝眼睛一亮”突然哈哈狂笑起来,“我当年耗费不死之血推算,算出他是我杨家的福星,算出他身体蕴藏着某种神秘”却没算不出他还有如此神勇!哈哈哈,好小子,看来我还是小瞧了他!” „The boy is the same with you, antagonizes people in all directions, now is not only we are looking around him, the Endless Sea all parties Warrior influence, jointly is chasing down him. Heard that under he collaborates also to go on living in Corpse God Church Qing Ming and Yin-Yang Fairyland days later and De Huang, and was good to cause heavy losses to days later, this boy was seriously same as you in the past, did not know the life simply, did not pay attention to anybody.” “那小子和你一样,四处树敌,如今不但是我们在四处找他,就连无尽海各方武者势力,也在联合追杀他。听说他在尸神教青冥阴阳洞天天后地皇联手之下还活了下去,并且好重创了天后,这小子当真和你当年一样,简直不知道死活,不将任何人放在眼里。” Lang Xun also reveals meaning of the appreciationto be a pity that this attitude often means to court destruction in your humanity, his final fate, it can be imagined. Your humanity cannot see Expert, cannot see the potential infinite youth, this is you biggest sorrow. ” 波旬也露出一丝欣赏之意”“可惜,这种作风在你们人类之中”往往意味着自取灭亡,他最终的下场,可想而知。你们人类见不到强者,见不到潜力无穷的青年,这是你们最大的悲哀。” Yang Qingdi look one gloomy, nodded, good, the countenance of these people, my hundred years ago have experienced. We hope that he can have my past luck, can turn bad luck into good this time he, if Immortalhis future achievement, feared that will exceed me. Hehe, Qing Ming, Fan Xiangyun and De Huang this rolepast years saw that I hide, I want to see them to have toward one day, by moving aside that everywhere Shi Yan also kills, Ha Ha, I believe that will have such one day. ” 杨青帝眼神一黯,点了点头,“不错,那些人的嘴脸,我百年前就见识过了。希望他能够有我当年的运气,能够逢凶化吉”这次他若是不死”他将来的成就,怕是会超越我。嘿嘿,青冥梵香云地皇这种角色”当年见到我就躲,我真想看到他们有朝一天,被石岩也杀的到处躲闪,哈哈,我相信会有那么一天的。” Conceited.” Lang Xun coldly snorted, you just wait, do not want one year or so, I must raise his head to see you.” “狂妄自大。”波旬冷哼,“你等着吧,不要一年半载,我必提着他人头来见你。” The voice falls, Ghost Flame in that bones of the dead Body Clone eye pupil stops jumping, the Lang Xun main soul left. 话音一落,那白骨法身眼瞳之中的鬼火停止跳跃,波旬主魂已经离开。 Yang Qingdi is silent gets down, for a long time after for a long time, gives a calm smile, muttered whispers: Young fellow, you are waiting, how long could not want, we will meet, on this day, who really can be stranded was occupied by me, 杨青帝则是沉默下去,许久许久之后,才淡然一笑,喃喃低语:“好小子,你等着,要不了多久,我们会见面的,这天下,谁又能真的能困的住我”,
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