GOS :: Volume #4

#369: Exotic Land

Shi Yan sits well on the wooden boat, neglecting to eat and sleep is comprehending Big Dipper Star Net, day and night racks one's brains, at times connects Big Dipper by Stars Martial Spirit, with the aid of the strength of Big Dipper, precise Big Dipper Star Net. 石岩端坐在木舟上,废寝忘食的领悟着北斗星罗,日夜苦思,时时以星辰武魂连接北斗七星,借助北斗七星之力,凝炼北斗星罗 , He had a deeper understanding to this homemade Big Dipper Star Net gradually, has been able in three minutes, to transfer that Strength of Stars of Big Dipper, precise becomes seven blends the Beidou galvanized iron meteoriteto compose Big Dipper Star Net. 渐渐地,他对这自创的北斗星罗有了更深的认识,已可以在三分钟内,将那北斗七星的星辰之力调动下来,凝炼成七块参杂北斗星铁的陨石”组成北斗星罗 Once Big Dipper Star Net comes out preciseand his mind intercommunication, can along with his control, the optional attack eye see the goal. 北斗星罗一旦凝炼出来”和他心神互通,可以随着他的掌控,随意攻击眼睛所见目标。 Meteorite that seven Beidou galvanized irons precise become, once strikes to rupture mutually, might that forms instantaneouslyinitially enters Warrior of Sky Realm boundary to give the heavy losses one sufficiently, although this might is inferior to using power powerful that Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame three big life bodies mix become, can actually use repeatedlynot because will display continuously, but will consume up power. 七块北斗星铁凝炼成的陨石,一旦相互碰击爆裂开来,那瞬间形成的威力”足以将一名初入天位境的武者给重创,这威力虽然不及利用玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火三大生命体糅合而成的力量强悍,却可以反复使用”不会因为连续施展,而耗光力量 What is main, he thought Big Dipper Star Net that faintly he nowadays grasps, but also is not the final might. 最主要的是,他隐隐觉得他现今掌握的北斗星罗,还并不是最终的威力。 He has premonitionalong with him the understanding to the star territory, to the thorough comprehension of Stars Deep Meaning, that Big Dipper Star Net might, but also continually will promote. 他有预感”随着他对星域的认识,对星辰奥义的透彻领悟,那北斗星罗的威力,还会不断的提升。 Now his institute Bei Wo Big Dipper Star Net might, perhaps is only the superficial knowledge, some day, this homemade Big Dipper Star Net Divine Ability, will release to let him for power that it shocks sufficiently. 现在他所卑握的北斗星罗的威力,或许只是皮毛,有朝一日,这自创的北斗星罗神通,将会释放出足以让他为之震撼的力量来。 When meditation does not know the years to pass, on that wooden boat, the investment of his total involvement, how long has not known. 苦修时不知岁月流逝,在那木舟上,他全身心的投入,不知过了多久。 On this day, the wooden boat enters a dim boundless sea area suddenly, the green moment, he suddenly from racking one's brains calmly cultivates awakes to turn around. 这一天,木舟忽然进入一个昏暗无边的海域,翠一刻,他霍然从苦思静修中醒转过来。 Gains ground the looks at gloomy noxious mist, is feeling this sea area strange place, his subconscious letting loose Divine Sense. 抬头看着灰暗的雾瘴,感受着这片海域的奇诡之处,他下意识的放开神识 Divine Sense leavesside to be separated from brain territory Sea of Consciousnessimmediately from Sea of Consciousness to tie up ” unable the dissipation to come by the mire likely unexpectedly, seems receiving the influence of some field of force, will be hard the environment reflection all around to Sea of Consciousness. 神识识海离开”方一脱离脑域识海”立即像是被泥沼捆缚住”竟不能散逸开来,似乎受着某种力场的影响,难以将周遭的环境反映向识海 In this sea area, that covers the gloomy fog barrier of top of the head mistily, likely is a giant prisoner's cage, is having the strange charm, Warrior that lets any entry, cannot depend upon Divine Sense to induce condition. 在这片海域,那蒙蒙笼罩头顶的灰暗雾障,像是一个巨大的囚笼,拥有着诡异的魔力,让任何进入的武者,都不能依靠神识来感应身旁的状况。 The complexion slightly changes, Shi Yan calmed the mind to sense, suddenly discovered Stars Martial Spirit and relation of everywhere stars, was interrupted suddenly. 脸色微微一变,石岩静心感悟了一下,突然发现星辰武魂和漫天星辰的联系,也忽然被截断了。 He could not feel again nine days of Strength of Stars, cannot borrow the energy of slight stars, looks at that gloomy fog barrier, in the Shi Yan heart one tight, where suddenly the time only arrived at him to arrive. 他再也感觉不到九天星辰之力,不能借用丝毫的星辰之能,看着那灰暗的雾障,石岩心中一紧,忽然期只到他到了什么地方。 Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. 暗磁雾瘴 The Endless Sea east place, the most evil crafty mystical sea area ” for trillion years, was covered by that gloomy fog barrier extremely throughout, have not diverged. 无尽海极东之地,最为邪诡神秘的海域”亿万年来,始终被那灰暗的雾障笼罩,从不曾散去。 In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Divine Sense is invalid, various heaven and earth power receive the influence of magnetic fieldnot to exist. 暗磁雾瘴之中,神识无效,各种天地力量受着磁场的影响”都不复存在。 This sea area strange magnetic field, has existed, these magnetic fields are mysterious, even can affect the Warrior soul, making Warrior fall into all sorts of unusual Illusion. 这一片海域奇异的磁场,一直存在着,那些磁场非常神奇,甚至能够影响武者的灵魂,让武者陷入种种奇特的幻境 heaven and earth Spiritual Qi does not remain. 天地灵气也一丝不剩。 Has stood from the devil wood boat, closed one's eyes feels a whileShi Yan to affirm carefully finally that he arrived at the destination. 从小木舟上站了起来,闭着眼睛仔细感受了一会儿”石岩终于肯定,他已到了目的地。 On Sun Island, Xia Xinyan once had said to him Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist strange mysterioussaid Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist behind, was the Grace Mainland centersaid that in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist has various formidable Demonic Beast, has many heaven and earth rare treasures of disappearance, said that all sorts of mystical in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, was Warrior whets own side good place. 日岛上,夏心妍曾向他说过暗磁雾瘴的诡异神奇”说暗磁雾瘴的后面,便是神恩大陆的中心”说暗磁雾瘴内有着各类强大的妖兽,有着许多消失的天地异宝,说暗磁雾瘴内的种种神秘,是武者磨砺自身的极佳之地。 Endless Sea the situation is complex now, Expert of major influences are searching for his whereaboutsafter three big life bodies split, he[ really] solid Realm or put up the boundary of Second Sky, by his mystical , he although can self-confidently with Warrior hard anti- of general Sky Realm boundary, but has not actually grasped in the God Realm Wu Ze hand escapes. 无尽海如今形势复杂无比,各大势力的强者都在搜寻他的下落”在三大生命体分裂以后,他〖真〗实境界还是涅架二重天之境,以他身上的神秘,他虽然自信可以和一般天位境的武者硬抗一下,但却没有把握在神境武责手中逃生。 Therefore, he decides to evade the point wisely temporarily, first does not mix the chaos of Endless Sea. 因此,他明智的决定暂避锋芒,先不掺和无尽海的纷乱。 To promote own power him wholeheartedly as soon as possible, before the fleshly body variation is completed, has decided to enter Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist for the time being, on the one hand wants with the aid in the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist environment, whets itself, on the one hand is also hopes that can find Xia Xinping in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. 一心想要尽快提升自身力量的他,在肉身变异完成之前,已决定暂且进入暗磁雾瘴,一方面是想要借助于暗磁雾瘴的环境,来磨砺自己,一方面也是希望能够在暗磁雾瘴中找到夏心坪。 Initially when he and Xia Xinyan separated, Xia Xinyan and Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi they stayed together, Ye Changfeng these two, walked from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. 当初他和夏心妍分开时,夏心妍夜长风林雅琪两人呆在一起,夜长风这两人,就是从暗磁雾瘴内走出来的。 He has to have a premonition that Xia Xinyan also they treats with Ye Changfeng in the same place, has to have a premonition them perhaps in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, therefore he comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, saved can say goodbye the thoughts of that person. 他有预感夏心妍还和夜长风两人待在一起,有预感他们或许都在暗磁雾瘴中,所以他来暗磁雾瘴,也存了能够再见伊人的心思。 The wooden boat is marching forward in the sea level slowly. 木舟在海面缓缓行进着。 Is feeling silently, the Shi Yan complexion gradually changed, in eye pupil were many some amazed meanings. 默默感受着,石岩脸色渐渐变了,眼瞳中多了些惊诧之意。 heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is not, is receiving the influence of Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, other heaven and earth power cannot exist in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, in this case, he how, if Essence Qi does exhaustmust supplement? 天地灵气不在,受着暗磁雾瘴的影响,别的天地力量的也不能在这暗磁雾瘴存在,这样的话,他若是精元耗尽”要如何补充? Precise striving of Essence Qi, cannot leave heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, does not have heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, once during the fight has exhausted power, this can not know what to do? 精元的凝炼精进,离不开天地灵气,没有天地灵气,一旦战斗之中耗尽了力量,这要如何是好? So is thinking, in the Shi Yan heart one coldhurried sinks to Imaginary Space Ring the mind, takes out together high grade Yuan Crystal. 这般想着,石岩心中一凛”急忙将心神沉入幻空戒,从中取出一块上品元晶来。 In the past before entering the abyss battlefield, Yang Lao once gave him several hundred high grade and top grade Yuan Crystal, these Yuan Crystal he has kept in Imaginary Space Ring, because of his mystical Martial Spirit, can restore and increase power through the murder, therefore he little utilized Yuan Crystal generally. 当年进入深渊战场之前,杨烙曾经将数百块上品极品元晶交给他,这些元晶他一直留在幻空戒中,因为他的神秘武魂,可以通过杀人来恢复和增添力量,所以他一般很少运用元晶 But this time enters so strange placeheaven and earth Spiritual Qi not to exist, this then reminded him of Yuan Crystal in Imaginary Space Ring to come. 可这次进入如此诡异之地”天地灵气不存在,这便让他想起了幻空戒中的元晶来了。 Yuan Crystal * in the control, Shi Yan transfers power together suddenly, tries in absorption side Jing to contain Spiritual Qi of precise heaven and earth. 一块元晶*在手心,石岩忽然远转力量,试着吸取方晶之中蕴藏着的凝炼天地灵气 The strange matter occurred. 诡异的事情发生了。 heaven and earth Spiritual Qi in Yuan Crystal, once is receiving his power inspiring, the side one braves to transgressas if immediately from Yuan Crystal to be affected by Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, does not see in a flash, from the start cannot seep precise Spiritual Qi that his controlchanges into can absorb. 元晶之中的天地灵气,一旦受着他的力量引动,方一从元晶之内冒逸出来”似乎立即受到暗磁雾瘴的影响,转瞬不见,压根不能渗透他手心”化为能够吸收的凝炼灵气 Invalid! 无效! The complexion again changes, the Shi Yan facial expression is gradually dignified, even has had the recession Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist thought. 脸色再变,石岩神情渐渐凝重起来,甚至生出了退离暗磁雾瘴的念头。 According to Xia Xinyan that in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist Demonic Beast runs amuck, and has all sorts of strange bad risks. 按照夏心妍所说,这暗磁雾瘴妖兽横行,并且有着种种诡异凶险。 Here, he can rely on only, is[ body] in power. 在这里,他唯一能够凭借的,便是〖体〗内力量 If Essence Qi is unable to supplement that he consumes one point of Essence Qito be then few every time a point! 如果精元无法补充,他每耗费一分精元”便少一分! Like this continues, his q party exhausts Essence Qi, to that time, he how in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, if stillonce more faces bad riskthat to survive? 这样持续下去,他q晚会耗尽精元,到了那时候,他若是还在暗磁雾瘴中”再次面临凶险”那要如何生存下去? He has to consider. 他不得不好好考虑。 More deeply wants to get downhe more is with a heavy heart, throughout does not know the proper way. 越是深想下去”他越是心情沉重,始终不得其法。 He gains ground around looks at immediately to realize when the indecision suddenlyhe as if became lost...... 在犹豫不决时”他忽然抬头看着四周”立即意识到他似乎迷路了…… Does not have Sun and Moon Stars to identify the direction, all around is the gloomy sea level, does not have the obstacle, not having hidden rocknot to have the islands, the scene is completely same. 没有日月星辰辨认方向,周遭全是灰暗的海面,没有障碍物,没有暗礁”没有岛屿,场景全部一样。 But his sea water, is actually not quiet, he looked down a while, discovered that sea water disorder was flowing, changed the march direction of his wooden boat unceasingly, inhis wooden boat does not know that fluctuated many directions. 而他脚下的海水,却并不是平静无波,他低头看了一会儿,发现那海水无序的流动着,将他脚下木舟的行进方向不断地改变,在不知不觉间”他脚下木舟不知道已经变幻了多少方向了。 In this case, he is turns headalso erratically to be able the old route to return, direction that perhaps he turns aroundpossibly the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist deep place, goes to the Grace Mainland center the direction. 这种情况下,他就算是回头”也不定能够原路返回,或许他掉头的方向”可能正是暗磁雾瘴的深处,正是前往神恩大陆中心的方向。 So is thinkingShi Yan smiles bitterly suddenly, subconscious shaking the head. 这般想着”石岩突然苦笑起来,下意识的摇了摇头。 The divine intervention so, it seems like it is wants to turn headnot to be impossible, such being the case, that continues to loaf, hopes to be able in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, experience to letting my surprised mystical. 天意如此,看来就算是想要回头”也不可能了,既然如此,那就继续游荡吧,希望能够在这暗磁雾瘴中,见识到让我惊奇的神秘来。 Has thought a while secretly, he relaxes suddenly, no longer indulges in flights of fancy, holds mentality of feeling at ease whatever the circumstancesto sit on that wooden boat ”, and no longer pours into the wooden boat Essence Qi, whatever the wooden boat were driven by flowing of sea water, toward direction slowly line that he cannot distinguish. 暗暗想了一会儿,他忽然放松下来,不再胡思乱想,抱着随遇而安的心态”又在那木舟上坐下来”并且不再将精元注入木舟,任凭木舟被海水的流动所带动,朝着他辨别不出的方向缓缓行去。 Calms the mindnot to waste Divine Sense, does not waste Essence Qi, restrains aura, two horizontally view frontto wait relieved, waits for the special condition that may occur any time. 静下心来”不浪费神识,不浪费精元,将一身气息收敛,两眼平视前方”安心等候,等候随时可能发生的特殊状况。 Without Sun and Moon Stars, does not have the time concept, does not have fluttering of direction on that wooden boat, After a long timedoes not know that this wooden boat led where him. 没有日月星辰,没有时间概念,在那木舟上没有方向的飘飘荡荡,也不知道过了多久”不知道这木舟到底将他带到了何处。 On this day, sits well Shi Yaneye as before safely on wooden boat is suddenly bright. 这一天,依旧安然端坐在木舟上的石岩”眼睛突然明亮起来。 The wooden boat of under foot, floatsnot any external force suddenly gently, slowly is actually flying toward the front. 脚下的木舟,忽然轻轻漂浮起来”没有任何外力,却在往前方缓缓飞去。 He has not increased any unnecessary power absolutely. 他绝对没有添加任何多余的力量 That front direction, dense fog layer on layerfaintly visible giant shadows, these shadows float in airborne, such as mountains, grand grand, to person an extremely strange improper feeling. 那前面的方向,迷雾重重”隐隐可见一个个巨大的暗影,那些暗影悬浮在空中,如一座座山川,雄伟壮阔,给人一种极其诡异不妥的感觉。 Mind one tight, Shi Yan is suddenly discrete, the eye bright illumination, tight looks at front that giant shadow, does not know that what it is. 心神一紧,石岩突然谨慎起来,眼睛熠熠发光,紧紧看着前方那一座座巨大的暗影,不知道其到底是何物。 , The wooden boat under his body flies gradually to that same place, that float the shadow reveals the portrait slowly. 渐渐地,他身下的木舟飞向那一块,那悬浮着的暗影慢慢显露出真容。 Also is really the mountains! 还真是山川! Height several hundred meters mountain peaks, strange float in sea level, is floating in the midair, flies slowly toward the front, on that mountain peak, the flower grass trees, actually could not have seen life Demonic Beast. 一座座高数百米的山峰,诡异的悬浮在海面上,在半空之中漂浮着,缓缓朝着前方飞去,那一座座山峰上,还有huā草树木,却看不见生灵妖兽 These mountain peaks do not know that from where, so is floating in the space, likely is the balloon of gasification, as if not by the influence of gravity, between mountain peak and mountain peakempty, not any thing power connection. 这些山峰不知道来自于何处,就这么飘在天上,像是充了气的气球,似乎不受重力的影响,山峰和山峰之间”空空荡荡,并没有任何事物力量连接。 Shi Yan surprisedly. 石岩惊讶之极。 At once calms the mind to sense, suddenly discovered that here no longer has the gravity to exist, not only soin the sea level of under foot, but also emits the light ash-gray smog, these ash-gray smog as if have strange buoyancyto make the wooden boat under his body also fly the heaven. 旋即静心感悟,忽然发现这里真的不再有重力存在,不但如此”在脚下的海面中,还冒出淡淡灰色烟雾,那些灰色烟雾似乎有着奇异的浮力”让他身下的木舟也飞了上天。 Under the intention moves, abandons puts one's foot down the wooden boat, his silhouette flutters, is only consumption little Essence Qi, then moves to a summit of mountain peak. 心念一动,弃下脚下的木舟,他身影飘飘荡荡,只是耗费少许的精元,便挪动到一座山峰的山巅。 Sits well in the summit, he from the high place bird's eye view, peeps here marvelousness with two. 端坐在山巅,他从高处俯瞰下方,用两眼来窥视这里的奇妙。 Many color light beams, transmit from the front mountain peak suddenly, Shi Yan staring focuses attention on, observation, has discovered these light beams, clearly from Warrior[ body] in releases. 一道道多彩的光束,突然从前方一座山峰之上传来,石岩凝视注目,观察了一下,发现那些光束,分明是从武者〖体〗内释放出来的。 The direction that light beam transmits, has several thousand meters to him, but is invalid because of Divine Sense, in addition here dark fog winds around, he cannot see to release these power Warrior appearances, is more impossible to know opposite party Realm cultivation base. 那光束传来的方向,离他只有数千米,但因神识无效,加上这里暗雾缭绕,他并不能看到释放这些力量武者模样,更不可能知道对方的境界修为 In this sea level lonely for a long time he, sat on the mountain peak silent a while, suddenly thought or goes look to wonderfully, regarding this strange Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, he knew not many, presented Warrior here, could relieve to him confuses. 在这海面上孤独了许久的他,坐在山峰上静默了一会儿,忽然觉得还是前去看一看为妙,对于这个古怪的暗磁雾瘴,他所知不多,出现在这里的武者,或许能够给他解除一些迷惑。 So is thinkinghe has stimulated to movement some Essence Qi once more, not anxiously not slow transfers to go in that direction. 这般想着”他再次催动了些许精元,不急不缓的朝着那方向挪移而去。
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