GOS :: Volume #4

#367: Big Dipper Star Net

The sunset date rose. Shi Yan sits well on the devil wood boat, motionless, daytime eyes closed reflected on, night looks at everywhere stars, deluded. 日落日升。石岩端坐在小木舟上,一动不动,白天闭目静思,夜晚看着漫天星辰,如痴如醉。 In the Three God Church broken temple, he opened Stars Martial Spirit in the star deep pool, through Stars Martial Spirit, he in a big way obtained Star Brilliance, Star Shield and Star Manipulation three to utilize the Stars Martial Spirit Divine Ability deep meaning. 三神教的残破神殿中,他在星潭中开启了星辰武魂,通过星辰武魂,他获得了星耀星盾星御三大运用星辰武魂神通奥义。 And Star Brilliance is one type according to stars revolution path fluctuation trace Martial Skills, Star Shield evolves using Strength of Stars the power utilization that Star Wing and star escape, Star Manipulation is comprehends the stars true meaningto utilize the method above attack Strength of Stars. 其中星耀乃是一种依照星辰运转轨迹变幻影踪的武技,星盾则是利用星辰之力衍变星翼、星遁的力量运用,星御则是领悟星辰真谛”将星辰之力运用在攻击之上的法门。 Shang Suan who Star Brilliance and Star Shield these two deep meanings, he grasps on own initiative was not bad, has been able these two deep meaning and own union, displays the release during the battle, increased own battle efficiency. 星耀星盾这两种奥义,他自觉掌握的尚算不差,已可以将这两种奥义和自身结合,在交战之中来发挥释放,增添自身的战斗力。 Only that Star Manipulation Divine Ability, is broadest and profoundest, wants to grasp adeptly, must comprehend the rule of stars revolution, knows among heaven and earth the true meaning of stars. 唯独那星御神通,最为博大精深,想要娴熟掌握,必须要领悟星辰运转的规律,知晓天地间星辰的真谛。 Regarding this Star Manipulation, he more comprehends the study, more thought that mystical is inobservable, seems containing the endless possibility. 对于这星御,他越是领悟钻研,越是觉得神秘不可测,似乎蕴藏着无尽可能。 The Stars Martial Spirit true mystery, as if also above this Star Manipulation, truly has thoroughly comprehended Star Manipulation this Divine Ability deep meaning, thoroughly grasped Stars Martial Spirit, can utilize Stars Martial Spirit in any, own power really[ really] promotes new Realm truly. 星辰武魂的真正奥秘,仿佛也就在这星御之上,真正悟透了星御神通奥义,才是彻底掌握了星辰武魂,可以将星辰武魂运用在任何一处,将自身力量真〖真〗实实提升一个新的境界 Late at night, stars like gem, in curtain of night splendid. 深夜,星辰如宝石,在夜幕上熠熠生辉。 Peeps from heaven and earth, Grace Mainland in history, the stars of this everywhere through ancient times exist, has not disappeared to vanish, history that everywhere stars have, be remote than Grace Mainland. 天地初现,神恩大陆有史以来,这漫天的星辰就亘古存在,从不曾泯灭消失,漫天星辰存在的历史,要比神恩大陆还要久远。 In that vast Star Sea, is containing endless mystical, has the heaven and earth interplanting to plant the highest good. 在那浩瀚星海中,蕴藏着无尽的神秘,有着天地间种种至理。 More is looks up to the starshe more to think own tiny. 越是仰望星辰”他越是觉得自身渺小。 He has a premonition ”, when he has understood clearly the mystery of everywhere stars truly, perhaps he can be separated from this Grace Mainland restraint, true body crashes into everywhere galaxyto explore infinite mystical to be vast. 他有种预感”当他真正洞悉了漫天星辰的奥妙,或许他能够脱离这神恩大陆束缚,真身坠入漫天星河”去探索其中的无穷神秘浩大。 The mind quietly in the boundary of Ethereal, looks at that gem stars, through Stars Martial Spirit, he was everywhere stars had the subtle relation likely. 心神沉寂在空灵之境,看着那一颗颗宝石般的繁星,通过星辰武魂,他像是和漫天的繁星有了微妙的联系。 Relies on that weak relation, he tries to let loose Divine Sense, a continuously Divine Sense rising typhoon heaven, slowly goes down to toward vast Star Sea. 依循那微弱的联系,他试着将神识放开来,将一缕缕神识扶摇上天,朝着浩瀚星海缓缓深入。 However ”, whenever his Divine Sense crosses the numerous backdrop mist, as if soon is separated from this Grace Mainland restraint time, he then meets flood the spiritual exhausted meaning, cannot concentrate the spirit, the mind deserted boundary falls into enemy hands, Divine Sense that releases, instantaneously will have returned to fleshly body. 然而”每当他神识越过重重天幕雾气,仿佛快要脱离这神恩大陆束缚的时候,他便会泛起精神疲惫之意,再也不能集中精神,心灵空寂之境一失守,那释放出去的神识,就会瞬间回过肉身 The dark in as if one wall barrier existshere bonds likely at the Grace Mainland horizon deep place, has to suppress restraint to his this kind of Martial Spirit, whenever his Divine Sense wants across that wall barrier, will come under the influence of this power, instantaneous Realm falls into enemy hands ” to have all efforts wasted diligently. 冥冥之中似乎有一种壁障存在”这壁障像是处在神恩大陆的天际深处,对他这类的武魂有着压制束缚,每当他神识想要穿过那壁障,就会受到这种力量的影响,瞬间境界失守”一切努力付之东流。 He of Immortal heart attempts again and again, must put Divine Sense each night, the day, attempts the control influence that is separated from that wall to bond all the way. 不死心的他连连尝试,每夜都要将神识放出来,一路上天,试图脱离那壁障的掌控影响。 However, attempts, end in failure completely, when he can move that wall barrier indistinctly ” the mind will fall into enemy hands immediately, Divine Sense crashes from nine days instantaneously. 然而,一次次的尝试,全部以失败告终,在他隐约能够碰触那壁障的时候”会立即心神失守,神识从九天之上瞬间坠落。 Innumerable attemptsinnumerable failures, he obtains a well theory finally. 无数次的尝试”无数次的失败,他最终得出一个井论。 Realm is insufficient. 境界不够。 Cannot achieve that RealmDivine Sense its to be affected, once approaches that wall barrier, immediately was pulled the fleshly body main body by power, cannot sense existence that wall bonds. 达不到那种境界神识就会受其影响,一旦靠近那壁障,立即被一股力量拉扯回肉身本体,再也不能感悟那壁障的存在。 , He also has lost gradually heart, realized that the promotion of Realm, or the well can move that wall barrierthen to look for the method that the wearing out wall bonds truly, enters the vast starry sky Divine Sense, goes to more profound realizing from experience stars the revolution true meaning. 渐渐地,他也死心了,意识到境界的提升,或井才能够真正触碰到那壁障”进而找寻出穿破壁障的方法,将神识进入浩瀚星空,去更深刻的体悟星辰的运转真谛。 Defeats, does not have achieved nothing, the Divine Sense innumerable flying upwards horizons, let progression of his Divine Sense are very the incomes, each Divine Sense crashes from that void, as if precise expanded a point. 一次次的失败,也并不是一无所获,神识无数次的飞升天际,让他神识的增进很是收益,每一次神识从那虚空坠落,似乎都凝炼壮大了一分。 His Sea of Consciousness area was also expanding several points, his utilization to Divine Sense, ” also understanding to mood assurance was more profound. 连带着,他识海的面积也扩大了几分,他对神识的运用,对心境的把握”也认识的更加深刻了。 In the past his Divine Sense spread came, can only perceive the surrounding area life fluctuation within several hundred li (0.5km), buthis Divine Sense experienced for a long time after these days attempt expands precise, let loose Divine Sense once more, discovered that he can the region of sensation, rise to the surrounding area thousand li(500 km). 以往他神识扩散开来,只能觉察方圆数百里内的生命波动,但经过这些天的尝试”他神识久经凝炼壮大,再次将神识放开,发现他可以感知的区域,已上升到方圆千里。 Warrior that only if Realm is more profound than him, and can soul fluctuation restraining, otherwise in the thousand li(500 km), any change of life fluctuation, the activity of any Demonic Beast and humanity, cannot escape from his induction. 除非境界比他高深的武者,并且可以将灵魂波动收敛,否则千里之内,任何生命波动的变化,任何妖兽、人类的活动,都逃不出他的感应。 Temporarily gave up Divine Sense entering vast Star Sea, but he has not actually stopped to the comprehension of Star Manipulation, daytime calmed the mind with rapt attention, feels realized that Stars Martial Spirit in the sound of heart, night was to continue to look up to the starry sky. 暂时放弃了神识入浩瀚星海,可他却并未停止对星御的领悟,白天静心凝神,去感受体会星辰武魂在心脏的动静,夜里则是继续仰望星空。 looks at stars, sink to which the mind, is trying change of Stars Martial Spirit in heart, comes and space stars correspondence, feels Stars Martial Spirit and subtle relation of everywhere stars, realized that the connection and mystery, tried to study diligently a deeper level the technique of Star Manipulation. 看着一颗颗繁星,将心神沉入其中,试着将星辰武魂在心脏内的变化,来和天上星辰对应,来感受星辰武魂和漫天星辰的微妙联系,去体会其间的关联和奥秘,试着钻研更深层次的星御之术。 In the starry sky, there are innumerable star territories, Star Manipulation comprised of the countless stars, a star territoryfeels observation carefully, seems mystical star that among heaven and earth the nature becomes, has the special stars path, has the special stars to be mysterious. 星空中,有无数的星域,星御由数不尽的星辰组成,一片星域”仔细去感受观察,似乎乃是天地间自然而成的神秘星阵,有着特殊的星辰轨迹,有着特殊的星辰奥妙。 When he comprehends everywhere the stars, is divided into star territories, after each star territory has its unique mysterious imposing, he no longer all attention, the race's in that piece by piece stars mysterious mystical in starry sky. 当他领悟到漫天的星辰,分为一块块星域,每一块星域都有其独特神奇之处以后,他不再将所有的注意力,族在在星空中那一片片星辰的奥妙神秘 His all energetic wills, the later mind comprehension, concentrates, but places one piece to be away from him to be near, a star territory Big Dipper that is also easiest to feel. 他所有的精神意志,以后的心神领悟,集中起来,只是放在一片距离他较近,也最容易感受的星域一北斗七星。 Puts down to everywhere starry sky mysterious realizing from experience, his all comprehensions centralized ” the eye, heart and soul place that same place in the big dipper territory completely, every night is staring at big dipper territorylooks at that seven radiant stars. 放下对漫天星空奥妙的体悟,他所有的领悟集中在北斗星域上”将眼、心、魂全部放在那一块,每天夜里都盯着北斗星域”看着那七颗璀璨的繁星。 Has not known many nights. 不知过了多少夜。 Some day, when the night falls, after that Big Dipper one by one glittering comes out, his looks at that star territory, the discovery usually the grain of rice size Big Dipper, in his eye pupil, as if gradually enlarges suddenly. 某一天,当夜幕降临,当那北斗七星一一闪烁出来以后,他看着那星域,霍然发现平日米粒大小的北斗七星,在他眼瞳之中,似乎渐渐放大。 He thought that he with the distance of Big Dipper, as if in gradual pulling closer, the stars luminous spot of Big Dipper, starts to appear in his eye pupil deep place, Stars Martial Spirit in his heartalso seven star point, faint and that Big Dipper corresponds, forms the relation of mystical with star point of his eye pupil deep place. 他觉得他和北斗七星的距离,似乎在逐渐的拉近,北斗七星的星辰光点,开始在他眼瞳深处显现出来,他心脏中的星辰武魂”也有七个星点,隐隐和那北斗七星对应,和他眼瞳深处的星点形成神秘的联系。 The grain of rice size Big Dipper, in his eyes, is getting bigger and bigger! 米粒大小的北斗七星,在他的眼中,越来越大! After a long time, under his gaze, in his eyes, that rays of light of Big Dipper, has pressed all stars in starry sky! 不知道过了多久,在他的注视下,在他眼中,那北斗七星的光芒,压过了星空中的一切繁星! Should with other stars size consistent Big Dipper, suddenly become such as seven star light shining great mountains! 本该和别的星辰大小一致的北斗七星,突然变得如七座星光灿灿的巨山! In his eyes, Big Dipper in starry sky, has become seven compared with other stars big many star mountain, ” pulled closer to his distance instantaneously did not have the several fold! 在他眼中,星空之中的北斗七星,成了七座比别的星辰大的多的星山,离他的距离”瞬间拉近了无数倍! Unexpectedlyhe[ body] in Stars Martial Spirit ” the seven stars luminous spots of eye pupil deep place, together glittering dazzling star light. 蓦地”他〖体〗内的星辰武魂”眼瞳深处的七个星辰光点,一起闪烁着炫目的星光。 Dark, in that starry sky gigantic Big Dipperas if transmits seven wisps to seem to be the stars ray that does not haveconnects him and Big Dipper between. 冥冥之中,那星空之中硕大的北斗七星”似乎传来七缕似有似无的星辰光线”将他和北斗七星之间连接起来。 The mind shakes loudly, in Sea of Consciousness does not know gets up, as if also glittering leaves a star light. 脑海轰然一震,识海中不知道何时起,似乎也闪烁出点点星光。 At this moment, his Divine Sense flutters to suddenly, when attaches above the Big Dipper luminous spot in Stars Martial SpiritDivine Sense falls to that Stars Martial Spirit Big Dipper luminous spothim has Divine Sense to loaf Big Dipper, is separated from Grace Mainland, entered the marvelous misconception above vast star territory Big Dipper. 这一刻,他神识忽然飘离出来,纷纷依附在星辰武魂之中的七星光点之上”神识落到那星辰武魂的七星光点时”他有种神识游荡北斗七星,脱离神恩大陆,进入了浩瀚星域北斗七星之上的奇妙错觉。 Mind Etherealhe calmly is realizing from experience all these, does not know that timedoes not know spaceBedevilment is ordinaryas if deluded. 心神空灵”他静静地体悟着这一切,不知时间”不知空间”入魔一般”如痴如醉。 Night removes, daytime reappears, however in his eyes, that Big Dipper regardless of the daytime dark night, is calmly stops in his top of the head sky likely throughout, ancient does not extinguish, as if had the innumerable years, throughout has not changed. 夜晚褪去,白日重现,然而在他眼中,那北斗七星不论白天黑夜,像是始终在他头顶天空静静停止,亘古不灭,仿佛存在了无数岁月,始终未变。 The main soul in Sea of Consciousness, calmly float ” is also face upwards above Sea of Consciousness the looks at day, can see Big Dipper to be near at hand likely, as if that Big Dipper the tentacle has been possible and! 识海中的主魂,静静地悬浮在识海之上”也是仰天看着天,像是能够看见北斗七星近在咫尺,仿佛那北斗七星已触手可及! Is maintaining so the mood, his body is motionless, the eye does not wink, such looks at day, one dull is half a month. 保持着如此心境,他身子不动,眼睛不眨,就这么看着天,一呆便是半月。 In half a month, he looked like walks to enter some secret realm, was realizing from experience some heaven and earth highest good in secret realm,[ body] in Essence Qi actually as before flowed to body undergrowth boatdevil wood boat in sea area static navigation of being desolate and uninhabitedtoward east. 半月内,他像走进入了某种秘境,在秘境中体悟着某种天地至理,〖体〗内精元却依旧流向身下木舟”小木舟在荒无人烟的海域静静航行”一路往东。 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 That night. 这一天深夜。 Sits well in Shi Yan of devil wood boat, the looks at everywhere stars, the seven stars luminous spots in eye pupil are getting more and more brighthis heart also intense beat. 端坐在小木舟的石岩,看着漫天星辰,眼瞳之中的七个星辰光点越来越亮”他心脏也激烈的跳动起来。 The light of seven bunches of naked eye obvious starssuch as the water of galaxy is in flood, likely is seven rills, flies from that nine days, surmounted the space barrier, directly in his top of the head appears seven star light such as silver-white mountain stream in mountain stream to blend many meteorite dregs suddenly ”, cannot directly absorbis containing extremely mystical the energy of stars. 七束肉眼可见的星辰之光”如星河之水泛滥,像是七条小溪,从那九天之上飞逝下来,跨越了空间屏障,直接在他头顶突然显现出哦七条星光如银白色的溪水”溪水之中参杂着许多陨石渣滓,不能直接吸收”却蕴藏着极为神秘的星辰之能。 Seven rill star light, in his top of the head was slowly precisehas become beyond seven grinding pan size dazzling days the meteorite, according to the orientation of Big Dipper, was doing the mystical exercise in his top of the head unceasingly. 七条小溪般的星光,在他头顶缓缓凝炼”成了七块磨盘大小的炫目天外陨石,按照北斗七星的方向排列,在他头顶不断地作着神秘的运动。 The eye pupil and Stars Martial Spirit star light greatly is suddenly bright, sits well Shi Yan above wooden boat, can harness likely suddenly the meteorite in beyond that seven dazzling day, the vision to where, beyond that seven days the meteorite then flies to where. 眼瞳和星辰武魂忽然星光大亮,端坐在木舟之上的石岩,像是忽然能够驾驻那七块炫目的天外陨石,目光所向何处,那七块天外陨石便飞向何处。 A near kilometer high reef, such as a rocky mountain is standing erect in the front sea level, his look, that seven such as beyond the grinding pan size day the meteorite, is revolving turning round, the star light overflows, suddenly flying direction of fire that kilometer high reef. 一块近千米高的礁石,如一座石山在前方海面上屹立着,他眼神所向,那七块如磨盘大小的天外陨石,滴溜溜旋转着,星光四溢,突然飞射向那千米高的礁石。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Shakes the world-shaking explosive, beyond seven grinding pan size days meteorite, during the star light overflowsstrikes above that giant incomparable reef. 一震惊天动地的爆响,七块只有磨盘大小的天外陨石,在星光四溢之中”碰击在那巨大无比的礁石之上。 Innumerable star light above that reef[ stirs up] shoots, in the star light sputtering, that kilometer high reef, resembles by the star light is cut, vanishes in puff of smokein rupturing of that seven meteorite, that giant reef, does not exist unexpectedly. 无数星光在那礁石上方〖激〗射出来,星光溅射中,那千米高的礁石,似被星光切割,灰飞烟灭”在那七块陨石的爆裂中,那巨大的礁石,竟不复存在。 In the giant explosion sound, Shi Yan that eyes pupil restored gradually soberly, the Big Dipper luminous spot vanishes gradually, but his eyes eyeball actually as before like stars, under curtain of night splendid, absorbs the person soul. 在巨大的轰响中,石岩双眼瞳渐渐恢复了清醒,七星光点渐渐消失,可他一双眼睛却依旧如繁星,在夜幕下熠熠生辉,摄人心魂。 What since borrows is the strength of Big Dipper, the deep meaning that this Star Manipulation evolves, called Big Dipper Star Net.”, Shi Yan muttered whispers, suddenly has smiled lowly, the facial expression was joyous. “既然借用的乃是北斗七星之力,这星御衍化的奥义,就叫北斗星罗了。”,石岩喃喃低语,忽然低低笑了起来,神情欢悦。
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