GOS :: Volume #4

#366: Told her, I was also living.

In wooded mountain. 山林中。 Shi Yan just likes the ghosts and demons, drifts from place to place in the forests, dives rapidly in a direction. 石岩犹如鬼魅,在林间飘忽不定,迅速朝着一个方向潜去。 His silhouette grazes quickly in the forests, does not defer to the straight line vanguard, instead is the long arc is ordinary, elegant variable, but the speed is extremely fast. 身影在林间飞掠极快,并不是按照直线前行,反而是长弧一般,飘逸无常,但速度却极快。 Recently, he tried to display Escaping Lightning Changes and Star Brilliance together, encouraging discovery these two can unify, making the speed that he sped along step once more high one step, the path cunningly was more difficult to distinguish. 近日,他将逸电变星耀试着一起施展,可喜的发现这两者可以结合,让他飞驰的速度再次迈高一步,轨迹却更加刁钻难辨。 Escaping Lightning Changes walks the straight line, takes the instantaneous eruption of Essence Qi as the propelling force, Star Brilliance is the agreeing without consultation stars revolution path, the direction time is fluctuating, during the battle, this Star Brilliance will have the effect, making people very difficult to distinguish the offensive and whereabouts, but hurries along daily, actually as if somewhat wasted. 逸电变走直线,以精元的瞬间爆发为推动力,星耀则是暗合星辰运转轨迹,方向时刻都在变幻,交战之中,这星耀会有奇效,让人很难分辨攻势和行踪,不过日常赶路,却似乎有些浪费了。 After Escaping Lightning Changes and Star Brilliance unify, during he marches forward with Essence Qi is the propelling force, deferred to the part of Star Brilliance speeding along rule, silhouette has grazed, often appeared the arc shape, this exceptionally reduced effort, the speed was also quick, and can change the path in breaths, the transformation was Star Brilliance. 逸电变星耀结合之后,他行进之中用精元为推动力,依照了一部分星耀的飞驰规律,身影飞掠之间,时常呈弧线形,这样异常省力,速度也很快,并且可以在一息间改变轨迹,转化为星耀 Such one, so long as he bumps into the enemy on the way, immediately can melt marches forward, for prelude of attack, by Star Brilliance strange not measured that comes to strike to rout the enemy. 这么一来,只要他途中碰到敌人,立即就能化行进,为攻击的前奏,以星耀的诡异莫测,来将敌人给一击击溃。 The Yuanluo Sea Area all parties influence collaborates, the potential must extinguish the news that kills him, had already spread over Endless Sea, any belongs to Warrior of these joint influences, received the message. 垣罗海域各方势力联手,势要将他灭杀的消息,早已传遍了无尽海,任何一名属于那些联合势力的武者,都收到了消息。 He when inquired that Xia Family person trail, naturally also the trends of understood these influences, splits after in within the body three strange life bodies, he is suspicious taking advantage of three's power, has to endure to compare the God Realm Warrior strength. 他在打听夏家人踪迹的时候,自然也知道了那些势力的动向,在体内三种奇异生命体分裂以后,他再难凭借这三者的力量,拥有堪比神境武者的实力。 Under this condition, he knows the limitation very much, in addition the mutation of body has completed him not to continue to take risk, instead leaves from Yuanluo Sea Area, comes to seek for Xia Xinyan. 在这种状况下,他很识相,加上身体的异变已完成他没有继续冒险,反而从垣罗海域离开,前来找寻夏心妍 On the way, he maintains the vigilance, once induces then on own initiative to give way to traffic to Realm profound Warrior aura, avoids exposing the whereabouts, by these influence that wants him dead perceiving. 途中,他一直保持警惕,一旦感应到境界高深的武者气息便主动避让开来,避免暴露行踪,被那些想要他死的势力给觉察到。 In forests he like the ghosts and demons, like the faintly recognizable light smoke, arrives at the wooded mountain deep place gradually. 林间他如鬼魅,像飘渺的轻烟,渐渐来到山林深处。 Old tree towering to the skies branches and leaves Mao woods, in wooded mountain heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, although is not rich, but plant actually growth good of , can also see that once for a while some Demonic Beast appear and disappear, but mostly is the Level low that kind is placed in the eye by him. 一颗颗参天古树枝叶茂森,在山林天地灵气虽然并不浓郁,但植物却生长的很好,也时不时可以见到一些妖兽出没,不过大多都是等级较低的那一类不被他放在眼中。 Suddenly, his body stagnates on an old tree, the body hides in the leaf of cover, the coldly looks at front, is waiting for anything silently. 忽然,他身子在一棵古树上凝滞下来,身躯藏身在茂密的树叶中,冷冷看着前方,默默等候着什么。 long time, the person's shadow quietly does not appear together, vigilant looking to the four directions, then the eye suddenly shines toward the position that he hides looks like. 多时,一道人影悄然出现,警惕的望向四方,然后眼睛骤然一亮朝着他藏身的位置看来。 „Does friend, you come from where?” Zhou Yu deeply inspires, is alerting secretly, in the body plaster Essence Qi is precise, rolling surges in his two veins. “朋友,你来自于何处?”周宇深吸一口气,暗暗戒备着,体垩内精元凝炼起来,在他两手筋脉中滚滚涌动。 Rustle!” “沙沙!” Opens out the crowded leaf, Shi Yan crops up, wrinkles to look again to the Xia Family Sky Realm boundary consecrates Zhou Yu saying: „Are you Xia Family person?” 拨开密集树叶,石岩从中冒出头来,皱着再头看向夏家天位境的供奉周宇道:“你是夏家人?” fully aware of, therefore asked.” Zhou Yu coldly snorted, two controls blow out shining purple light suddenly, these purple light like the smog, move fast densely, likely is miasma in some swamp, suddenly covers toward Shi Yan. 明知故问。”周宇冷哼一声,两手手心突然爆出灿灿紫光,那些紫光如烟雾,氤氲飘忽,像是一些沼泽中的毒瘴气,突然朝着石岩罩来。 In the purple light smog, the innumerable green broken points collide to splash mutually the astonishing energy luminous spot, making the covering range of that purple smog bigger and bigger tangled up tenacious restraint strength, transmits to tie up faintly a Shi Yan all around 50 meters region from that purple smog. 紫光烟雾内,无数青色碎点相互碰撞溅出惊人的能量光点,使得那紫色烟雾的笼罩范围越来越大一股缠绵坚韧的束缚力,从那紫色烟雾中传来隐隐将石岩周遭50米区域捆缚住。 Shi Yan facial expression non- concubine, in the eye the different light dodges, a body instantaneously has become the purple red. 石岩神情不妾,眼睛中异光一闪,一身皮肉瞬间成了紫红色。 The imposing wild imposing manner, transmits from his body plaster quickly, concise crystal light, suddenly to launch from his five fingers, just like a handle handle crystal sword, that cover torn to pieces that the purple smog twists. 凛然狂暴的气势,倏地从他体垩内传来,一道道精练之极的晶光,从他五指中暴射而出,犹如一柄柄晶剑,将那罩来的紫色烟雾绞的支离破碎。 Zhou Yu eye one bright, in heart dark startled, cannot bear must get rid once more. 周宇眼睛一亮,心中暗惊,忍不住就要再次出手。 The net of restraint this person obviously only then cultivation base of Nirvana Origin boundary, actually releases him twists broken, power imposing manner that shows, is not ordinary Nirvana Origin boundary Warrior may compare. 这人明明只有涅巢境的修为,却将他释放出来的束缚之网绞碎,那展现的力量气势,也不是普通涅巢武者可比。 Obviously is Warrior of Nirvana Origin boundary, actually gives Zhou Yu oppression strength with other Level Sky Realm boundary Warrior, this made him restrain formerly contempt immediately, prepared to get rid fully, the potential must strike to kill the purpose in coming unclear strange youth. 明明是涅巢境的武者,却给周宇一种同等级天位武者的压迫力,这让他立即收敛了先前的轻视,准备全力出手,势要将来意不明的这陌生青年击杀。 I am Shi Yan.” “我是石岩。” When he prepares under the pain killer, the youth on that tree sinks to drink suddenly, facial expression with deep veneration. 就在他准备痛下杀手的时候,那树上的青年突然沉喝,神情肃然。 Two control power fast precise Zhou Yu, the eye is suddenly bright, he immediately stopped the offensive on hand, the facial expression one happy, calls out in alarm said: „Are you Young Master Yan?” 两手手心力量快速凝炼的周宇,眼睛突然明亮起来,他马上停止了手上的攻势,神情一喜,惊呼道:“你是岩少爷?” nodded, expression change on Shi Yan careful observation Zhou Yu face, when to affirming him after the sincerity, relaxed, flies to fall from that tree, stands firm before him, said lightly: Where I want to know your family Young Lady., „ I do not know.” Zhou Yu is smiling bitterly suddenly shaking the head, segmentum anterius day, we in going to Snow Dragon Island on the way, received Young Lady communication actually, making us immediately stop Snow Dragon Island, and makes us leave Yuanluo Sea Area. After we receive Young Lady communication, then immediately evacuates from that side, later Young Lady then again does not have message to come, we do not know her present position.” 点了点头,石岩仔细观察周宇脸上的表情变化,待到肯定他出于真心以后,才放松了下来,从那树上一飞落下,就在他面前站定,淡淡道:“我想知道你们家小姐在什么地方。,“我也不知道。”周宇突然苦笑着摇了摇头,“前段日子,我们在去雪龙岛的途中,倒是收到了小姐传讯,让我们立即停止去雪龙岛,并且让我们离开垣罗海域。我们收到小姐传讯以后,便立即从那边撤离,之后小姐便再也没有讯息过来,我们也不知道她现在的位置。” Shi Yan complexion suddenly gloomy. 石岩脸色忽然阴沉了下来。 Young Master Yan, the related Family Head rumor, was inferior......, Real?” In Zhou Yu eye suddenly obviously sorrowful color. 岩少爷,有关家主的传言,是不如……,是不是真的?”周宇眼中忽显悲痛之色。 The rumor of hand of related Xia Shenchuan body dead Chi Yan, already passed from Yuanluo Sea Area, but Zhou Yu is not willing to believe that thought possibly is the acrobatics of Gu Family dot Dongfang Family these people, is used to split Xia Family. 有关夏神川身死赤阎之手的传言,早就从垣罗海域那边传了过来,只是周宇一直不愿意相信,觉得可能会是古家东方家那些人的把戏,用来分裂夏家 Now sees Shi Yan, Zhou Yu cannot bear the doubts in heart again, finally asked. 如今见到石岩,周宇再也忍不住心中的疑惑,终于还是问了出来。 Rumor real.” The Shi Yan look is low-spirited, nodded, said: He before me, by that Chi Yan being disillusioned soul......”, the Zhou Yu eye socket was red immediately, clenches teeth maliciously, complexion fierce cloudy severe, did not say a word. “传言是真的。”石岩眼神黯然,点了点头,道:“他就在我面前,被那赤阎给破灭了灵魂……”,周宇眼眶立即红了,狠狠地咬着牙,脸色狰狞阴厉,却一言不发。 You, are you now what kind of?, Shi Yan silent, asked again. “你们,你们现在怎么样?,石岩沉默了一下,再次问道。 Xia Family is divided into two parts, part by Xia Ruixing these collateral branch to attach most importance, news that after knowing Family Head died, the choice has pledged allegiance to Dark Water Territory Holy Spirit Church and Lingbao Fairyland, our part, is keeps the coastal water to be quiet, waits for Young Lady to look for us. However, Young Lady had not actually come, we were worried very much that does not know Young Lady can have the matter......” the Zhou Yu desolate say|way. 夏家分成两部分,一部分以夏瑞兴这些旁系为主,在得知家主身亡的消息以后,选择归顺了黑水海域圣灵教灵宝洞天,我们这一部分,则是留在附近海域沉寂下来,等小姐过来找我们。不过,小姐却一直没来,我们很担心,不知道小姐会不会有事……”周宇落寞道。 Your Young Lady will not have matter, how long perhaps could not want, she will then come back to seek for you.” Shi Yan has hesitated, said to Zhou Yu: To the person do not say that I had come. Now the Endless Sea all parties influence wants to kill me, you were careful, if your Young Lady communication comes once more, remembers to tell her,...... I am also living.” “你们小姐不会有事的,或许要不了多久,她便会回来找寻你们了。”石岩沉吟了一下,对周宇道:“别对人说我曾经来过。现在无尽海各方势力都想要杀我,你们自己小心,若是你们小姐再次传讯过来,记得告诉她,……我还活着。” Zhou Yu facial expression one startled, starts to speak but hesitates saying: „...... Young Master Yan.” 周宇神情一惊,欲言又止道:“……岩少爷。” Un, this, well takes care, your Xia Family so will not be quiet, I believe how long could not want, Xia Family will then rise.” Shi Yan had not said that Xia Qinghou matter, he feared that to Zhou Yu too many hopes, that Xia Qinghou has actually not been able to restore with the aid of spirit empty pill, will make him rejoice without reason. “嗯,就这样吧,好好保重,你们夏家不会这般沉寂下去的,我相信要不了多久,夏家便会重新崛起。”石岩没有多说夏轻候的事,他是怕给了周宇太多的希望,那夏轻候却不能借助灵虚丹恢复起来,会让他空欢喜一场。 The words said that did not wait for Zhou Yu to ask that Shi Yan then waved to leave, arrives neatly, not loathsome. 一番话讲完,不等周宇多问,石岩便挥手离开,走到干净利落,没有拖泥带水。 Zhou Yu looks at he disappears, the facial expression is complex, this is his first time sees Shi Yan, actually discovered descendants that Shi Yan really worthily Yang Qingdi azure narrows, indeed has the proud qualification. 周宇愣愣地看着他消失,神情复杂,这是他第一次见石岩,却发现石岩果然不愧杨青帝青眯的后人,的确有着自傲的本钱。 Zhou Yu, just who had come?” 周宇,刚刚谁来过了?” The person's shadow flashes through together, Xia Shen seeks to fly suddenly from rear mountain range, complexion gloomy said: Was Ruixing they also persuades? They left then left, but must persuade us and they pledges allegiance to that Holy Spirit Church and Lingbao Fairyland together, seriously was shameless! In the past our Xia Family powerful time, Holy Spirit Church and Lingbao Fairyland have been pressed by us, these family degenerates submitted to them unexpectedly, seriously was shameless! If the big brother understood, must irritate may not!” 一道人影闪过,夏神牟忽然从后方山脉之中飞过来,脸色阴沉道:“是不是瑞兴他们又来劝说了?他们离开便离开了,还要劝说我们和他们一起归顺那圣灵教灵宝洞天,当真是无耻至极!当年我们夏家强势的时候,圣灵教灵宝洞天一直都被我们压着,这些家族败类竟然臣服他们,当真是恬不知耻!大哥要是知道了,非要气死不可!” „...... Family Head not.” Zhou Yu gets angry, said in a soft voice: Just he confirmed this news, Family Head was killed by Chi Yan, divine soul entirely extinguished.” “……家主不在了。”周宇红着眼,轻声道:“刚刚他已将这消息证实了,家主赤阎所杀,神魂俱灭。” The Xia Shenmu body shakes loudly, such as was hit hard, retreat that the footsteps stagger, is absentminded saying: Is impossible, is impossible, this not real,...... Not real.” 复神牟身躯轰然一震,如遭重击,脚步跄踉的后退,失魂落魄道:“不可能,不可能,这不是真的,……不是真的。” What just came is Shi Yan. “刚刚来的是石岩 In the Zhou Yu heart sighed, his puppet was not Yang Family strongest one person, had to put up cultivation base of boundary of Second Sky, moreover really sharp power, but also was much more Realm that he was.” 周宇心中叹息,“他不傀是杨家最强的一人,已有涅架二重天之境的修为,而且真尖的力量,还远远不止他所在的境界。” It seems like rumor.” Consecration of another Xia Family braves, he is taking letter paper, after coming, the facial expression shock said: Our informers have sent the latest news, said that Shi Yan in that Yuanluo Sea Area, all alone, kills child several hundred Warrior unexpectedly! These people have Warrior of Endless Sea all parties influence, demon person! Those who most make the person not dare to believe that in the news said that he Lord a armor arm to cut off the demon unexpectedly! And caused heavy losses to Corpse God Church Cult Master Qing Ming! With Yin-Yang Fairyland days later Fan Xiangyun!” “看来传言是真的了。”又一名夏家的供奉冒出来,他拿着一个信笺,过来之后,神情震惊道:“我们的眼线送来了最新消息,说石岩在那垣罗海域,孤身一人,竟杀子数百武者!这些人有无尽海各方势力的武者,还有魔人!最让人不敢置信的是,消息上说,他竟将魔主摩奇铠一条手臂斩断!并重创了尸神教教主青冥!和阴阳洞天天后梵香云!” What?!” “什么?!” Xia Shenmu and Zhou Yu body trembles, simultaneously loses one's voice to scream that in the eye is pleasantly surprised. 复神牟周宇身躯一颤,同时失声尖叫起来,眼中是又惊又喜。 On a light vessel. 一叶轻舟上。 Shi Yan is sitting well, expression indifferently, evaded some lively sea areas, go toward the Eastern line. 石岩端坐着,神色漠然,避过一些热闹的海域,一路往东方行去。 Under shining of bright star light, he calmly realizes from experience the Stars Martial Spirit mystery, absorbs everywhere star light with Stars Martial Spirit the star strength, sinks to the mind Stars Martial Spirit, the sensibility the stars path, realized the stars revolution highest good between heaven and earth in this period. 熠熠星光的照耀下,他静静地体悟星辰武魂的奥妙,用星辰武魂来吸收漫天星光的星力,将心神沉入星辰武魂中,感悟其间星辰轨迹,体会天地间的星辰运转至理。 Selects point Strength of Stars, the average man cannot see, actually obeys the husband to fall, one by one sways on him, has become his Stars Martial Spirit some nutrient. 点点星辰之力,常人看不见,却从夫而降,一一挥洒在他身上,成了他星辰武魂的某种养分。 The deeply grieved lesson of Sun Island, making him realize, only then dominates all people to strong power, can act in a self-serving manner in this world. Only then surmounts all barriers Realm cultivation base, can let all situations, carries on according to own intention. 日岛的惨痛教训,让他意识到只有凌驾所有人的至强力量,才可以在这个世界为所欲为。只有超越一切障碍的境界修为,才能够让一切的事态,按照自己的心念进行。 The person who he does not want to see the care once more, changed into not to have life Dead body, the body of Xiao Hanyi, Linda and Xia Shenchuan dead, lights in his heart to want the formidable torrential desire. 他不想再次见到关心的人,化为一具具没有生命的尸体,萧寒衣琳达夏神川的身死,点燃了他心中想要强大的滔滔欲望。 Leaves after Sun Island, all that he makes , to promote own power. 日岛离开以后,他所做的一切,都是提升自己的力量 Hunts and kills the demon person and Endless Sea Warrior, is the devastation different races release cruel desire, for quickest makes itself stiffen. 不论是猎杀魔人、无尽海武者,还是蹂躏异类释放暴戾欲望,都是为了最快的让自己变强。 Each, each night, each for a while, each quarter, he was pondering on , was pondering all sorts of Martial Skills mysteries, realized various power essences, comprehended diligently, feels. 每一日,每一夜,每一时,每一刻,他都在思考着,思考着种种武技的奥妙,体会各种力量的精髓,努力去领悟,去感受。 Not relax. 不曾松懈 Bedevilment is ordinary. 入魔一般。
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