GOS :: Volume #4

#365: The weal and woe relies on one another

Yun Feng archipelago. 云风群岛。 Islands group of between this piece of mixture in Yuanluo Sea Area and Dark Water Territory, now has become the agglomeration of Yuanluo Sea Area mortal, the massive Yuanluo Sea Area mortals, in the arrangement of Three God Church, Gu Family and under Dongfang Family, migrated here. 这一片夹杂在垣罗海域黑水海域之间的岛屿群,如今成了垣罗海域凡人的聚集地,大量的垣罗海域的凡人,在三神教古家东方家的安排下,迁移到了这里。 This piece of islands heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is quite thin, not too suitable Warrior cultivation, recently the Yuanluo Sea Area war continuous, the demon person in all directions was hunting and killing the mortal, for the preserving mortal of maximum degree. 这一片岛屿天地灵气颇为稀薄,不太适合武者修炼,近日垣罗海域大战不休,魔人四处在猎杀凡人,为了最大程度的保全凡人。 Three big influences collaborate, arranges the mortal of respective area to this, is good not to have the extra worries and demon person battles. 三大势力联手,将各自疆域的凡人都安排到这一块,好没有后顾之忧的和魔人交战。 Mortals were many, here has also lived it up, the place of demeanor dog or horse naturally cannot lack. 凡人多了,这里也就热闹了起来,声色犬马的场所自然不会缺少。 And in area small islands, the mortal has several millions, in not the big islands, everywhere is crude wooden house, in desolated mountain ridge , many tents, in some tents, even has pushed ten people. 其中一座面积较小的岛屿上,凡人有数百万,不大的岛屿上,到处都是简陋的木楼,荒芜的山岭中,也有许多帐篷,有的帐篷中,甚至挤了十来人。 For the collection suffices to go on living, the mortal does not haggle over these, only wants to be far away from the region that the demon person is. 为了集够活下去,凡人也不计较这些,只想远离魔人所在的区域。 East islands has not a big rural fair, at the rural fair sells various daily necessities, the grain rice flour, with water purification that can drink directly. 岛屿东面的有一个不大的集市,集市上出售各类日用品,粮食米面,和能够直接饮用的净水。 The brothel of rural fair east named spring breeze pavilion, recently the business depression, in the huge horridness, the interest that many mortals have not sought pleasure, province the wealth, uses on food that in the purchase had a full stomach. 集市东边一个名为春风阁的青楼,近日生意萧条,在巨大的惶恐中,很多凡人都没有寻欢作乐的兴趣,省下来的钱财,都用在了购买果腹的食物上了。 However these, spring breeze pavilion welcomed a special guest on the 2nd, this year's light guest gets rid extravagantly, the brothel female spring breeze pavilion has wrapped all of a sudden completely, day and night dissolute and unrestrained, does not know exhaustedly. 不过这两日,春风阁却迎来了一个特殊的客人,这今年轻的客人出手阔绰,一下子将春风阁的青楼女子全部包了下来,没日没夜的荒淫无度,不知疲惫。 Old tungsten Le Kai of spring breeze pavilion flower, was taking heavy Crystal Coin, meets this year's azure guest's request as far as possible. 春风阁的老钨乐开了huā,拿着沉甸甸的晶币,尽量满足这今年青客人的要求。 An ordinary theater box[ room] ” some look ordinary females pass and outfemale who each comes outon face the overflowing full feeling of love, satisfiesthem almost to hold the wall to limp, was a strength exhausts likely. 一间普通的厢〖房〗中”一些个相貌平凡的女子进进出出”每一个从中出来的女子”脸上都溢满春情,满足之极”她们几乎是扶着墙蹒跚而出,像是一身力气都耗尽了。 Old tungsten Sister Yun of spring breeze pavilion is waiting in the entrance, the smiling face whole face, Crystal Coin in several purse, take a liking to one toward inside once for a while secretly, the look is strange. 春风阁的老钨云姐就在门口候着,笑容满脸,数着钱袋中的晶币,时不时偷偷朝着里面瞧上一眼,眼神怪异。 Not long time, this year's pair of ten girlsmilk-white bosom half dew, the carriage beautiful fascinating'winsome, whole face crimson swaying walks, she walked three steps, suddenly knits the brows shouts gently hurts, two legs were step to hold the shutter to rest likely motionless ”. 多时,又有一今年方双十的少女”酥胸半露,体态婀娜,满脸绯红的摇摇晃晃从中走出来,她走了三步,忽然皱眉轻轻呼疼,两腿像是迈不动了”扶着门板歇息起来。 Small peach flower what kind of? Is he still continuing? ”, Sister Yun goes forward to support red card that numb and aching weak body hurriedly ”, lowers the sound to ask with amazement. “小桃huā”怎么样?他还在继续么?”,云姐急忙上前”将自家红牌那酸麻无力的身子扶住,压低声音惊讶问道。 This female blushes bashfully, gently nodded, eye bright and intelligentwas overflows likely completely deep water, shouted prettily lightly: That master, simply is not the person......” 这女子羞红着脸,轻轻点了点头,眼睛水汪汪的”像是溢满了潭水,娇滴滴轻呼:“那位爷,简直不是人啊……” Is good to money, is good to money.” Old duck Sister Yun he he chucklequite holds this female ” , outside side building placedto shoot a look at one[ room] another five females who the appearance distressed heavy went off, whispered low voice: Manpower is insufficient, it seems like also needs to ask red Ying to adjust several girls to come to get down according to this situation, most day ” the girl in pavilion feared that must be defeated. ” “给钱就好,给钱就好。”老鸭云姐呵呵轻笑”将这女子好生扶出去”在外面一间厢房安置下来”瞥了一眼这厢〖房〗中模样狼狈沉沉睡去的另外五个女子,小声嘀咕了一句:“人手不够啊,看来还需要找红缨调几个丫头过来”按这形势下去,最多一天”阁内的丫头怕是都要败下阵来了。” Sister Yun, what background is that master?” Small peach flower lazy slanting by windowsill, complexion brilliant red, worn out shouted to shout: „This two days, he had not rested our these sisters to go forth to battle one after another, cannot serve him unexpectedly, this way I could not endure, Sister Yun, asking you to arrange others, I must rest tomorrow surely for day, this body bone was made the powder to put up by himcould not go forth to battle really really again...... ”, the mouth was whispering, this female actually face feeling of love, secretly clenches teeth, does not know whether thinks wonderful placegiggle smiled unexpectedly tenderly. “云姐,那位爷到底是什么来头?”小桃huā慵懒的斜靠在窗沿上,脸色红艳,有气无力的嚷嚷道:“这都两天了,他都没有歇息一下”我们这些姐妹轮番上阵,竟然不能伺候好他一人,这样下去我也吃不消了,云姐,求你安排别人吧,我明天定要歇息一天,这身子骨都被他弄散架了”真真不能再上阵了……”,嘴里嘀咕着,这女子却一脸春情,暗暗咬着牙,不知道是否想到美妙之处”竟咯咯娇笑起来。 Young bitch. 小骚货。 In Sister Yun xin criticizes oneon face actually full is gentle temperate„, if tomorrow's red Ying's That side person will come promptly, did not need to trouble you, but if red Ying's That side person came lately, you must go to one personally, the young master said that cannot stop absolutely, otherwise must open our spring breeze pavilion, this I may unable to take on.” 云姐心中暗骂一句”脸上却满是慈祥温和”“要是明天红缨那边的人及时过来,就不需要劳烦你了,但要是红缨那边的人来迟了,你还是要亲自去一趟啊,那小爷说了,绝对不能停下来,否则要拆了我们的春风阁,这我可担待不起啊。” Small peach flower is astonished however, the eye star moon/month is dim, a face looks forward to say: Really is one fellow who makes the person love and hate yeahhe, if can have a liking for me, I am willing to discard to follow him. ”, „.” Sister Yun sneersimpolite say|way: By the powerful of this master I feared that you live are about one month, must by him on the bed killing, you had lost heart. ”, Such remarks, this female was shocked immediately, has thought that shakes the head the forced smile, oh the sound was sighing, has cancelled in the heart the impractical fantasy. 小桃huā讶然,眼睛星月朦胧,一脸憧憬道:“真是一个让人又爱又恨的家伙”哎”他要是能看上我,我愿意舍弃一切跟他走。”,“哼。”云姐冷笑”不客气道:“以这位爷的强势”我怕你活不过一个月,就要被他在床上给弄死了,你还是死了这条心吧。”,此话一出,这女子马上愣住了,想了一下,摇头苦笑不已,唉声叹息着,打消了心中不切实际的幻想。 Sister Yun her lethargic sleep in the past, felt relieved slowly, continues to wait, the girl footsteps in looks at pavilion impractical walksto serve carefully. 云姐将她慢慢昏睡过去,放下心来,又继续出去候着,看着一个个阁内的丫头脚步虚浮的走出来”小心侍奉着。 Night, seven charming femalescome from other brothel dispatcher, was arranged by her one by one. 夜里,有七名娇媚的女子”从别的青楼调度过来,被她一一安排进去。 That theater box[ room], regardless of the daytime dark night, transmitting has let the rippling tender call that the will of the people are hard to take itchy, never stands still, inside has one not to know that likely the exhausted monster, is moving throughout. 那间厢〖房〗中,不论白天黑夜,一直传来让人心痒难耐的荡漾娇呼声,从来不曾停歇,里面像是有一个不知疲惫的怪物,在始终活动着。 Also a daythere has been finally peaceful. 又过一天”那里终于安静下来。 Anybody does not permit to disturb me, otherwise the consequence is proud.” In the side building, broadcasts a deep sound. “任何人不准打搅我,否则后果自负。”厢房内,传来一个深沉的声音。 At once then sees last female, the body light line, as soon as she came outa few words not saying that directly fainted. 旋即便见最后一名女子,身子轻飘飘的从中行出来,她一出来”一句话没说,就直接昏了过去。 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 A twinkling, was three days passes. 一眨眼,又是三天过去了。 These in three days, inside honored guest any request, has not cried out Miss to servenot eating and drinkingagain in the theater box[ room] is treating. 这三天内,里面的贵客没有任何要求,没有再叫唤姑娘来侍奉”不吃不喝”就在厢〖房〗中待着。 Sister Yun secret heart startled, actually does not dare to pass to pursue looks. 云姐暗暗心惊,却不敢过去追看。 After the rests of three days of time, Miss in pavilion restored Origin Energy gradually, suddenly surprisedly discovery their skins become the young and fresh-looking are creamy, some year about 30 females, discovered wrinkle min on face mysterious vanished, cheek snow white flood health scarlet, as if sudden face glowing with health. 经过三天时间的休息,阁内的姑娘们渐渐恢复了元气,忽然惊奇的发现她们的皮肤变得水嫩滑腻,还有一些年近30的女子,发现脸上的皱玟神奇的消失了,脸蛋雪白中泛着健康的血色,似乎突然容光焕发了。 Several from small weak Miss, the surprised discovery physique improved, did not have the whole body weak feeling again. 更有几个从小体弱多病的姑娘,惊奇的发现体质变好了,再也没了浑身无力的感觉。 Ten females gather, chirp told everybody own discovery, discovered that sisters had the change, likely was suddenly young several years old ” or stubborn illness healingor the wrinkle is not, most flesh glowed snow white life force, the strength was bigger. 十来名女子聚集在一起,叽叽喳喳将自己的发现告诉大家,发现身旁的姐妹都发生了变化,一个个都像是突然年轻了好几岁”或是顽疾痊愈”或是皱纹不在,大多数肌肤焕发出雪白生机,就连力气都大了许多。 This discovery lets them surprisedly, lives grateful to the guest heart of suffering extreme distress that star they suffers, gathers at that side building entrance, wants to ask why. 这个发现让她们惊奇不已,对那名将她们折磨的死去活来的客人心生感激,纷纷聚集在那厢房门口,想要过去问个究竟。 Sister Yun knew the after changes of their body, secret surprisedmany years do not have the mighty waves the heart, somewhat detachable, moved the feelings of love unexpectedly...... 云姐得知她们身体的变化之后,暗暗惊奇”多年不起波澜的芳心,也有些活络了起来,竟也动了春心…… Also waited for day, saw with own eyes that side building long time does not have soundshe unable to repress finally, does not give a thought to the confession of that honored guest, shoves open the door to enter. 又等了一天,眼见那厢房多日没有动静”她终于按捺不住,不顾那贵客的交代,推开房门进入。 Side building feast bareness personon the Center table, is placing one bag of heavy Crystal Coin. 厢房宴空无人”〖中〗央的桌子上,摆放着一袋沉甸甸的晶币 Numerous Miss come, many enchanting females gathers at this not big theater box together[ room], the mystical honored guest who looks at vanishes, is thinking when this side building not wonderful experience, is bashful and angry, was blaming his heartlessnessfacial expression gradually lost. 众多姑娘闻讯而来,莺莺燕燕一起聚集在这不大的厢〖房〗中,看着消失的神秘贵客,想着在这厢房之中的没妙不可言的经历,一个个又羞又恼,责怪着他的无情时”神情都渐渐失落了起来。 A light vessel. 一叶轻舟。 A body and spirit grand youth, looks solemn, sits well on three meters wooden boat, the eyes gloomy and cold ice is coldcalmly the looks at front. 一个体魄雄伟的青年,神情肃穆,端坐在三米长的木舟上,双眸阴冷冰寒”静静地看着前方。 The wooden boat does not have sailnot to delimit, oar, actually fast navigation in sea level, such as a broad bill swordfish beast. 木舟没有风帆”没有划,桨,却在海面上快速航行,如一条箭鱼兽。 This person of Shi Yan. 这人正是石岩 A cold wind island war, draws support the power aid of three big life bodies, drew supporthe nursing of De Huang three big God Realm Expert has executed dozens cultivation base Realm Warrior the mystical great sword from Qing Ming, days later and under ”, has harvested the vigorous incomparable essence. 阴风岛一战,借助于三大生命体的力量援助,借助于神秘巨剑”他从青冥天后地皇三大神境强者的看护之下”格杀了数十名修为境界不等的武者,收获了浑厚无比的精气。 Many of these essenceexceed his imagination ” in the mystical Martial Spirit purification processhe does not have the accident to fall into the boundary of crazy backlash once more ” the strength of unprecedented fierceness this time backlash! 那些精气之多”超出他的想象”在神秘武魂的净化过程中”他没有意外的再次陷入疯狂的反噬之境”这次的反噬之力前所未有的凶猛! Unavoidablily, he spring breeze pavilion that went to the mortal to gather, used for three days three nights of time to vent the passion, will be cruel the crazy desire to release ” the influence counter-balance of Negative Emotions, at once he in that spring breeze pavilion, has completed the Martial Spirit mutation of lower limb. 不得已,他去了凡人聚集的春风阁,用了三天三夜的时间发泄情欲,将暴戾疯狂的欲望释放掉”将负面情绪的影响抵消,旋即他就在那春风阁之内,完成了下肢的武魂异变。 This time he, whole body 639, muscle block the mutations of 6 billion muscle fiber, carries out thoroughly truly. 此时的他,浑身639块,肌肉块中的6000000000条肌纤维的异变,真正彻底完成。 In that instant that this body and spirit mutation completes, he realizes from experience the balance of body how wonderfully...... 在这具体魄异变完成的那一霎,他才体悟到身体的平衡有多么美妙…… Before because mutation was not thoroughhe at the battle, often some top-heavy feelings, two legs cannot support the terrifying weight of upper part, the skeletons of two legs often send out resoundingas if momentarily to explode to break to pieces. 之前因为异变的不彻底”他在交战的时候,往往有种头重脚轻的感觉,两腿根本不能支持上半身的恐怖重量,就连两腿的骨骼都时常发出脆响”仿佛随时都会爆碎开来。 When the mutation achieves thoroughly, he discovered that this body and spirit the weight, endures a ratio several hundred meters mountain peak, heavy over thousands of jin (0.5 kg). 当异变彻底达成,他发现他这体魄的重量,堪比一座数百米的山峰,重逾千万斤。 But at this timehe did not have that uncoordinated feelingin each muscle, seems containing wild power! 但这时候”他却没有那种不协调的感觉”在每一块肌肉之中,似乎都蕴藏着狂暴的力量 Even if not use Essence Qi, does not use any Martial Spirit, he believes that presently and Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin Second Sky fights, has the confidence that the opposite party defeats. 即便不动用一丝精元,不用任何武魂,他相信现和涅巢二重天之境的武者交手,都有将对方击败的信心。 In this body is containing power, making him extremely amazed, after Petrification Martial Spirit mutation, reaches Wei peak. 这一具身体中蕴藏着的力量,让他极其惊诧,石化武魂异变以后,达到巍峰。 Once makes an effort, his whole body body immediately presents the purple red, rushing power, 6 billion muscle fiber will spew out from whole body 639 and indestroys the hardest defenses. 一旦使力,他全身皮肉立即呈现出紫红色,澎湃的力量,会从浑身639块、6000000000条肌纤维中喷涌而出”无坚不摧。 This belongs to his power truly! „It is not outside many that by Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame mixes in the same place external force, consumption that because on fights in the time of his fleshly body thorough variation, actually suddenly splits, this makes him somewhat depressed. 这是真正属于他的力量!“不是外多那由玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火糅合在一起的外力,因为上一战的消耗”在他肉身彻底变异的时刻,却突然分裂开来,这让他有些郁闷。 This time Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame, stayed in Blood Vein Ring again, and damaged severely Origin Energyas if to enter being dormant condition, was hard to carry on the communication of soul with him. 此时的玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火,又重新在血纹戒之中呆了下来,并且大伤元气”似乎进入了蛰伏状态,和他难以进行灵魂的沟通。 A period of time fight, he relies on the strong trends of these three big life bodies, kills the four directions in that Yuanluo Sea Area greatly, sweeps away all obstacles. Each war, is consuming power of three big life bodies actually, each fight from now on ” the variation of his body and spirit, drew support power of part of these three big life bodies. 最近一段时间的战斗,他依赖这三大生命体的强势,在那垣罗海域之中大杀四方,所向披靡。每一战,其实都在消耗着三大生命体的力量,每一次战斗过后”他体魄的变异,也都借助于了一部分这三大生命体的力量 Especially finally the Martial Spirit variation, his whole body trembles, the clear induction to power and he Essence Qi of three big life bodies, together by the mystical different strength that in that acupoint overflows pestering, has completed his Martial Spirit final mutation with joint forces. 尤其是最后武魂的变异,他浑身震颤的时候,清晰的感应到三大生命体的力量和他一身的精元,一起被那穴道之中溢出的神秘异力给纠缠住,合力完成了他武魂的最终异变。 After his Martial Spirit variation is completed, that three big life bodies split, returns to Blood Vein Ring, aura is weak. 武魂变异完成之后,那三大生命体就分裂了,重归血纹戒,气息微弱。 This makes him somewhat guilty, has no alternative, was deliberately considering later Realm was the certain extent, made up for these three big life bodies again. 这让他有些愧疚,却又无可奈何,寻思着以后境界达到一定程度了,再来弥补这三大生命体。 The light vessel speeds alongon this day he to arrive at a Dark Water Territory isolated islandhe to experience for a long time in the sea water fast to inquire that knows Xia Family some peopleat this time are listed above that isolated island. 轻舟在海水之中快速飞驰”这一天他来到黑水海域的一座孤岛”他久经打听,才知道夏家的一些人”此时在那孤岛之上暂居。 Has hesitated, since he flies from the light vessel, the diving posture falls into the isolated island, concealing in the wooded mountain, person trace that the search wants to search. 沉吟了一下,他从轻舟之上飞起,飞身落入孤岛,隐匿在山林之中,搜寻想要寻觅的人踪。
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