GOS :: Volume #4

#364: Ominous name remoteness( asked recommendation ticket ~~)

Corpse King and that two Heavenly Corpse, gain ground the looks at day, motionless. 尸王和那两具天尸,抬头看着天,一动不动。 For a long time, in Corpse King that eye pupil, flashes through a strange appearance unexpectedly, clearly has become likely aware anything. 许久之后,尸王那眼瞳之中,竟闪过一丝奇异的神采,像是明悟了什么。 At once, this Corpse King flew suddenly, in the deathly silence mountain ridge places in cave of cloudy wooden coffin to fly to flee, resembles Corpse Slave in these cloudy wooden coffins, has awakened to one by one, relieves soul restraint that the Corpse God Church believer kept. 旋即,这尸王忽然飞了起来,在死寂山岭一个个摆放阴木棺的石洞之中飞窜,似将那些阴木棺之中的尸奴,给一一唤醒了,解除了尸神教教徒留下来的灵魂束缚 long time, cloudy wooden coffins do not fly to ascend the sky, seems receiving the hauling of Corpse King power, flies toward the West. 多时,一个个阴木棺飞上天,似乎受着尸王力量的牵引,朝着西方飞去。 That two Heavenly Corpse, as if Corpse King achieved the subtle relation, along with following, to go toward the West with Corpse King together, is quick they to arrive at cold wind island west side Haikou, then sees one. The cloudy wooden coffin falls in the water, the Corpse King diving posture sits above the previous cloudy wooden coffin. 那两具天尸,似乎和尸王达成了微妙的联系,也都随着跟上,和尸王一起往西方而去,很快他们来到阴风岛西边海口,然后便见一口。阴木棺落水,尸王飞身坐在最前一口阴木棺之上。 Two Heavenly Corpse, flies to two cloudy wooden coffins, that two are their cloudy wooden coffins, suddenly splits, these two Heavenly Corpse have also lain down. 两具天尸,也飞向两口阴木棺,那两口属于它们的阴木棺,忽然裂开来,这两具天尸也躺了进去。 After they drill into the cloudy wooden coffin, the Corpse King body shrinks, falls to belong its. In Corpse King coffin. 当它们钻入阴木棺之后,尸王身子一缩,也落入属于它的那一。尸王棺中。 Then sees only rows of dozens coffins, floats in the sea level, calmly flutters toward the West, the speed is extremely unexpectedly fast. 然后只见一排排数十口的棺材,漂浮在海面上,静静地朝着西方飘去,速度竟然极快。 These coffins, are floating in the sea level, toward the west, has gone toward Corpse God Church total sect. 这一口口棺材,在海面上漂浮着,一直往西,往尸神教总教而去。 In the journey, some Warrior see this strange scene, gives way to traffic in abundance, facial expression alarmed and afraid. 路途中,一些武者看见这诡异的场景,纷纷避让开来,神情惊惧之极。 Rows of coffins, move without imperial of any Corpse God Church believer, such are skidding in the sea water, this scene lets Warrior that any sees fearfully, does not know that Corpse God Church had anything, makes these Corpse Slave unexpectedly so strange. 一排排棺材,没有任何尸神教教徒的御动,就这么自己在海水之中滑动着,这场景让任何见到的武者都心寒不已,不知道尸神教发生了什么,竟让这些尸奴变得如此的古怪。 Gu Familyon Ten Thousand Sword Peak. 古家万剑峰上。 This time Ten Thousand Sword Peak, has become the Yuanluo Sea Area all parties influence in view of the headquarters of demon person. 此时的万剑峰,成了垣罗海域各方势力针对魔人的本营。 Gu Xiao, Wu QinDongfang Family Family Head Dongfang Kuai, these people here, that Cao Zhilan and Man Gu are also having influences of one crowd of their two sides, temporarily stayed in Ten Thousand Sword Peak. 古霄,巫琴东方家家主东方块,这些人都在这里,就连那曹芷岚蛮古也带着一群他们两方的势力,暂时在万剑峰呆了下来。 This days, are centered on Ten Thousand Sword Peak, the masters of major sea areas gather, jointly discussed the detail that and demon person battled. 这段日子,以万剑峰为中心,各大海域的高手纷纷聚集过来,联合商议和魔人交战的细节。 The piece by piece sea area of Ten Thousand Sword Peak front, has become the intense region that the demon person and they battled, half a month, here invested numerous Warrior, with the demon person dying wars of there clans, both sides invested huge power, each day had the demon person and Endless Sea Warrior were killed. 万剑峰前方的一片片海域,成了魔人和他们交战的激烈区域,半月来,这边投入了众多武者,和那里各族的魔人死战,双方都投入了巨大力量,每一日都有魔人和无尽海武者丧生。 On this day, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Dongfang Kuai and the others, are joyful for the minor victory of recent battle. 这一天,古霄巫琴东方块等人,正在为最近交战的小胜欣喜。 Recently, Cao Family Family Head Cao Qiudao, advocated Yang Yitian with the Martial Spirit Palace palace, finally had the official response, ” carried the respective influence from the Tuta sea area and vault of heaven sea area Warrior, must step into Yuanluo Sea Area truly. 近日,曹家家主曹秋道,和武魂殿的殿主阳翼天,终于有了正式回应,从图塔海域和苍穹海域出发”携带各自势力的武者,要真正踏入垣罗海域 The response of Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian, making the people rouse, Gu Xiao and the others fully realized that the great strength of Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian, knows a these two appearance, the Yuanluo Sea Area situation will have the tremendous changes. 曹秋道阳翼天的回应,让众人振奋不已,古霄等人都深知曹秋道阳翼天的强大,知道这两人一出现,垣罗海域的形势将会发生翻天覆地的变化。 The demon person slaughters to Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area savage, as if finally aroused the anger of these two, two who dozens years have not communicated, unified opinion ” to collaborate likely to kill the demon person bang at one fell swoop. 魔人对伽罗海域垣罗海域凶残杀戮,似乎终于激起了这两人的怒火,数十年不曾来往的两人,像是统一了意见”要联手将魔人一举轰杀。 Does not know whether even/including Moren also realized this message, the offensive of this day demon person as if also has slowed downalso to wait for anything likely. 不知道是否连魔人也察觉到了这个讯息,这段日子魔人的攻势似乎也放缓了一下”像是也在等候着什么。 Blowing up for rain. 山雨欲来风满楼。 Yuanluo Sea Area covers in a huge power grand feast, all masters converge, major sea area Expert come in abundance, starts simultaneously to collect......, Day after day fight, Warrior of Ten Thousand Sword Peak this all parties influence, won, first successive cuts to add up totals thousand demon people, the Sky Realm boundary demon person who kills, then has three. 垣罗海域笼罩在一场巨大的力量盛宴之中,各方高手云集,各大海域强者纷纷现身,开始齐齐汇集过来……,连日的战斗,万剑峰这一块各方势力的武者,都获得了胜利,一连斩杀数千魔人,其中杀死的天位境魔人,便有三名。 The people facial expression rouses, saw the dawn of victory likely, starts to discuss how then should carry on final counter-attacking. 众人神情振奋,像是看到了胜利的曙光,开始商议着接下来该如何进行最终的反攻。 When people excited, Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people together come, died the child to be ordinary likely, the look was gloomy, appeared in the main hall under Ten Thousand Sword Peak. 就在众人一个个〖兴〗奋不已的时候,青冥天后地皇三人一同现身,像是死了孩子一般,眼神灰暗无比,在万剑峰下的大殿中显现出来。 Qing Ming, did Shi Yan that boy die?” Gu Xiao sits well on a handle Divine sword, smiled rarely, „before you, spreads message, said that the absolute assurance extinguished kills Shi Yan, your three people collaborate, in addition has days later Martial Spirit soul Illusion, should give obliterate that young fellow very much easily?” 青冥,石岩那小子死了吧?”古霄端坐在一柄神剑上,难得笑了笑,“你们之前传出讯息,说有了绝对把握灭杀石岩,你们三人联手,加上有天后武魂的灵魂幻境,应该很轻易将那毛头小子给抹杀了吧?” Wu Qin and Dongfang Kuai also look to three people, after seeing three people of looks, their brow wrinkle, has shown the surprised expression. 巫琴东方块也是看向三人,看到三人的眼神之后,他们眉头一皱,露出了惊讶的表情。 Cao Zhilan sits in Cao Family one, Qu Yanqing stands after Wu Qin, hears the question of Gu Xiao, together the facial expression that these two females reveal the attention, the beautiful pupil looks together to the Qing Ming three people. 曹芷岚坐在曹家一席,瞿砚晴则是站在巫琴之后,听到古霄的问话,这两女一起露出注意的神情,美眸一起看向青冥三人。 After Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people come, did not say a word, sought a position to sit down respectively, the look was gloomy, under the gaze of people, simultaneously sighed. 青冥天后地皇三人过来后,一言不发,各自寻了个位置坐下,眼神阴森灰暗,在众人的注视之下,同时叹息一声。 People one dull, the expression completely is suddenly strange, thought that the matter has the fishy, pays attention three people. 众人一呆,表情忽然全部古怪起来,觉得事有蹊跷,更加留意三人。 Qing Ming, none who does not becomes, haven't you massacred him?” Gu Xiao has gawked, a face does not dare to believe that surprisingly said: „The boy with the aid in the external force, the short time has to endure compared with the God Realm Warrior strength, but under your three people collaborate , can definitely 't escape? I know that Qing Ming your Corpse King also in the cold wind island, the prestige of Corpse King we knows, only Corpse King, should be able to give obliterate that boy? Can this have the accident to be inadequate?” 青冥,莫不成,你们没有杀掉他?”古霄愣了一下,一脸的不敢置信,奇道:“那小子就算是借助于外力,短时间有着堪比神境武者的实力,但在你们三人联手之下,也肯定逃不出吧?我知道青冥你的尸王也在阴风岛,尸王之威我们都知道,单凭一个尸王,应该就可以将那小子给抹杀吧?这还能有意外不成?” One hear of Gu Xiao mentioned Corpse King, Fan Xiangyun and De Huang complexion twitched suddenly, was given to puncture a sword likely, complexion ugly. 一听古霄说起尸王,梵香云地皇脸色突然抽搐了一下,像是被人给刺了一剑般,脸色难看至极。 In the Qing Ming eye projects the meaning of extreme hate suddenly, had been uncovered the scabs likely, has stood suddenly, looks with raw hate to Gu Xiao. 青冥眼中骤然射出极度怨恨之意,像是被人揭了伤疤,霍然站了起来,凶狠地看向古霄 Gu Xiao stunned, is suddenly awkward, somewhat feels helpless saying: What's the matter?” 古霄愕然,忽然尴尬起来,有些不知所措道:“怎么回事?” Corpse King has been separated from the control of Qing Ming.” De Huang shakes the head the forced smile, smiling face many somewhat dreary helpless, „a who knows how matter, a boy palm bang enters Corpse King[ body], that Corpse King has then revolted, has killed toward Qing Ming unexpectedly. Unavoidablily, our three, can only escape to together walking......” 尸王脱离了青冥的掌控。”地皇摇头苦笑,笑容多少有些萧瑟无奈,“鬼知道到底怎么一回事,那小子一掌轰入尸王〖体〗内,那尸王便叛变了,竟朝着青冥杀了过来。不得已,我们三个,只能一起遁离走去……” Escapes to leave!?” “遁离!?” In the palace Endless Sea all Hao Hero, is hears the extremely absurd matter likely, the expression suddenly one stiff. 殿内无尽海的各方豪雄,像是听到极其荒唐的事,表情突然一僵。 The Cao Zhilan tender body trembles, clenches teeth secretly, color that with amazement in the beautiful pupil does not dare to believe completely. 曹芷岚娇躯一颤,暗暗咬着牙,美眸之中满是不敢置信的骇然之色。 Qu Yangjing was also shocked, the dull looks at complexion ugly Qing Ming three people suddenly also deceived do not know that had anything. 瞿砚睛也是愣住了,呆呆的看着脸色难看的青冥三人一时间也蒙住了不知道发生了什么。 Many Warrior, then screamed that yelled thought absurdly the Qing Ming three people feared lost the soul, in crazy talks. 更多的武者,则是纷纷尖叫起来,一个个大叫荒唐觉得青冥三人怕是失了魂,在疯言疯语。 Well, days later, said that your body?” Heaven Lake Holy Land Wu Qin, has suddenly discovered anything, two glisten looks fiercely to Fan Xiangyun, startled surprisingly said: „Are you?” “咦,天后,称,你的身子?”天池圣地巫琴,突然发现了什么,两眼闪亮猛地看向梵香云,惊奇道:“你这是?” Fan Xiangyun wears a emerald green colored dress, her let the abundant very double breast that any woman admires sufficiently, unexpectedly shrivelled why did not know,...... 梵香云穿一身翠绿色裙装,她那本来足以让任何女人艳羡的丰挺双乳,不知为何,竟瘪了下去…… ...... Also is not general shrivelled, that nose is the vast stretch of flat land! ……还不是一般的瘪,那鼻直是一马平川啊! What condition is this? 这是什么状况? After Endless Sea of coquettish bone to inter the body is colorful, that makes the man let the gigantic twin peaks that the woman envies crazily, how to disappear suddenly? 风骚入骨的无尽海艳后,那让男人疯狂让女人嫉妒的硕大双峰,怎么突然不见了? In palace numerous Warrior, under the reminder of Wu Qin, looks to her, expressions likely had discovered strangely any new Continent is ordinary, calls out in alarm secretly, in heart unstated criticism. 殿内众多武者,在巫琴的提醒下,纷纷看向她,一个个表情古怪之极像是发现了什么新大陆一般,暗暗惊呼,心中腹诽不已。 The cheek of Fan Xiangyun that exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful, is suddenly pale, such as the violently poisonous common, lovely cheek became because of the distortion gloomy and grim, does not have one to attract sense of beauty of all living things again, becomes makes the person be afraid. 梵香云那张千娇百媚的脸蛋,突然铁青,如中了剧毒一般,娇好的脸蛋因扭曲变得阴森可怖,再没有一丝魅惑众生的美感,变得让人不寒而栗。 Warrior that is staring at her looking numerously thought in abundance the look stabbing pain is incomparable, some cultivation base weak Warrior are holding the head suddenly, sways back and forth to call out on the ground. 众多盯着她那一处望的武者纷纷觉得眼神刺痛无比,一些修为较弱的武者忽然抱着头,在地上打滚嚎叫起来。 days later, you do well?!” 天后,你这是干井么?!” The Dongfang Kuai complexion changes, the sound such as ten thousand beast complete Hou, shock Illusion in palace instantaneously, the soldier corners of the mouth overflow blood of looks at behind, Dongfang Family has stood suddenly, facial expression cloudy severe loudly shouting to clear the way. 东方块脸色一变,声音如万兽齐吼,瞬间将殿内的幻境震破,看着身后的儿郎嘴角溢出鲜血,东方家霍然站了起来,神情阴厉的大喝道。 The Fan Xiangyun facial features distortion, clenches teeth, the stepmother beast common low respite, seems constraining the huge anger. 梵香云面容扭曲,咬着牙,如母兽一般低低喘息,似乎在压抑着巨大的愤怒。 Did not say that did not say, other everybody internal disputes.” Wu Qin sees the situation not to be wonderful, comes out to mediate hurriedly, then looked that to three people calculates slightly calm De Huang, said: What exactly had?” De Huang heaves a deep sigh again and again, the complexion is unattractive, he looks at Fan Xiangyun that wants to slaughter, looks at Corpse God Church Cult Master that look Vanishing Corpse Flame has soon braved to transgress, sighed again however sighs deeply, shakes the head saying: Also is not the good deed that Shi Yan does.” “不说了,不说了,大家别窝里斗。”巫琴一见形势不妙,急忙出来圆场,然后看向三人中稍稍算镇定的地皇,道:“到底发生了什么?”地皇连连摇头叹息,脸色也不好看,他望了望想要大开杀戒的梵香云,又望了一眼眼神毗绝尸火快要冒逸出来的尸神教教主,再次喟然长叹,摇头道:“还不是那石岩干出来的好事。” Shi Yan?” 石岩?” In the palace the people, chew this name in a low voice, in the eye full are being with amazement, in the heart has raised the difficult situation. 殿内众人,一个个低声咀嚼着这个名字,眼中满是骇然,心中更是掀起了惊涛骇浪。 How possible? 怎么可能? Trivial takes advantage of the external force to endure compared with the God Realm Warrior power boy reluctantly, what relies on, makes this Endless Sea three big be well-known for a long time Expert to lose unexpectedly, but also ends up to turn out the so sad and shrill distressed fate? 区区一个依仗外力勉强拥有堪比神境武者力量的小子,到底凭借什么,竟让这无尽海三大闻名已久的强者铩羽而归,还落得如此凄厉狼狈的下场? Were days later that abundant twin peaks, hit to explode well this are real? 就连天后那丰挺的双峰,都被打爆井这是真的吗? Warrior that in the palace all parties converge, suddenly silent, like has the invisible acoustic shield, covering in oneself field falls the needle to hear this main hall. 殿内各方云集的武者,忽然沉默了下来,像是有无形的隔音屏障,将这大殿给笼罩己场内落针可闻。 That, whether detail?” Gu Xiao has hesitated, is considering the word usage, for fear that will enrage Qing Ming and Fan Xiangyun, said cautiously: Does not know that the method of that boy, we will begin next time, feared that cannot extinguish it as before kills.” De Huang took a look at Qing Ming and days later, sees their expression not to be right, under the heart smiles bitterly, said: That boy method is in any case strange, that handle full is the great sword of eye, as if can destroy the hardest defenses, can tear all barriers. He is most fearful, does not know that through any method, making Corpse King be separated from the control, because sudden rebelling of Corpse King, with the expiration of days later Heart Spirit Martial Spirit, we have to escape to leave, yeah, was really an experience of finding it unbearable to recall, if you bumped into that boy, must be careful surely again carefully, this child not available common sense regarded.” “那个,能否详细说明情况?”古霄迟疑了一下,斟酌着用词,生怕会激怒青冥梵香云,小心翼翼道:“不知道那小子的手段,我们下次动手,怕是依旧不能将其灭杀啊。”地皇瞅了青冥天后一眼,见两人神色不对,心下苦笑不已,道:“反正那小子手段诡异,那柄满是眼睛的巨剑,似乎能无坚不摧,可以撕裂一切屏障。他最可怕的,还是不知道通过什么方法,令尸王脱离了掌控,因为尸王的突然反叛,和天后心灵武魂的失效,我们才不得不遁离,哎,真是一段不堪回首的经历,你们若是碰到那小子,定要小心再小心,此子不可用常理来看待。” Such remarks, numerous Expert peaks however change color. 此言一出,众多强者耸然变色。 This child does not eliminate, even if the demon person leaves, you also rest peacefully!” Silent for a long time Fan Xiangyun, clenches teeth, the sound like the evil spirit, the hatred said. “此子不除,即便是魔人离开,你们也休得安宁!”沉默许久的梵香云,咬着牙,声音如厉鬼,怨毒道。 Qing Ming in agreement the nod, was saying fierce: I look at the confrontation with demon person, can temporarily slow one slow, first extinguishes this! Cannot make him continue to go on living! If he leaves Endless Sea, evades our chasing down, needless hundred years, when he returns once more, I and others will have it all! Nobody can keep off its point! Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian cannot! Now, he is more fearful than Yang Qingdi!” 青冥附和着点头,厉声道:“我看与魔人的交锋,可以暂时缓一缓,先灭此子!绝不能让他继续活下去!若是他离开无尽海,躲过我们的追杀,不消百年,等他再次返回,我等将被一锅端!无人可以挡其锋芒!曹秋道阳翼天也不能!现在来看,他比杨青帝还要可怕!” I agreed!” Fan Xiangyun hates the sound track. “我同意!”梵香云恨声道。 I also agreed!” De Huang in agreement. “我也同意!”地皇附和 People dull such as wooden chicken. 众人呆如木鸡。 Half sound, Gu Xiao looks to the witch ginseng and Dongfang Kuai they, from two people of eyes he saw deeply dreaded, obviously, Wu Qin and Dongfang Kuai also started to dread. 半响,古霄看向巫参、东方块两人,从两人眼中他看到了深深地忌惮,显然,巫琴东方块也开始畏惧了。 Good, postpones the motion of opposite party demon person, I and others searched for the Shi Yan whereabouts fully, first extinguishes this!” “那好,暂缓对方魔人的行动,我等全力搜寻石岩下落,先灭此子!” Gu Xiao deeply inspires, finally decided. 古霄深吸一口气,最终决定。
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