GOS :: Volume #4

#363: Anticipated that your growth( asked monthly ticket again ~~)

Qing Ming so has been never scared! 青冥从来不曾这般恐慌过! Corpse King is standing of Corpse God Church has taught fundamentally, Corpse God Church formidable is closely linkedQing Ming to be able in Endless Sea to become with Corpse King Fang Haoxiongalso because of existence of Corpse King. 尸王一直是尸神教的立教根本,尸神教的强大和尸王息息相关”青冥能够在无尽海成为一方豪雄”也是因为尸王的存在。 It can be said that does not have Qing Ming without Corpse King today in Endless Sea Earth Realm, the present or in the futureCorpse King will be the safeguard of Qing Ming powerful strength. 可以说,没有尸王就没有青冥今日在无尽海地位,不论是现在还是将来”尸王都是青冥强大实力的保障。 Lost Corpse King, he will lose present Earth Realm, will lose power in Corpse God Church. 失去了尸王,他将失去如今的地位,甚至在尸神教都将失势。 His cultivation Corpse God Church secret technique ” the promotion of his Realm, and Corpse King has connection greatly ”, once Corpse King is separated from his control, his later Realm breakthrough, step by step will be difficult, has the possibility to be hard to go a step further life-long again. 就连他修炼尸神教秘术”他境界的提升,都和尸王大有关联”一旦尸王脱离他的掌控,他以后的境界突破,将会步步艰难,有可能终生难以再进一步。 The Corpse King mutation, has killed him compared with a Shi Yan sword, but must make him be hard to accept. 尸王的异变,比石岩一剑杀了他,还要让他难以接受。 Saw with own eyes that Corpse King as if gradually resumed own consciousness, Qing Ming has flustered thoroughly, fear in the true sense! 眼见尸王似乎渐渐恢复了自己的意识,青冥彻底慌了,真正意义上的恐惧! He feared that loses nowadays all! 他怕失去现今的一切! You[ from] by.” “你〖自〗由了。” In the midair, Shi Yan is raising that handle mystical great sword, and relation between Corpse King according to him, endlessly is duplicating this thought that awakens Corpse King by a restraint ten thousand years of spirit wisdom. 半空中,石岩提着那柄神秘巨剑,依照他和尸王间的联系,不断地重复着这个念头,来唤醒尸王束缚万年的灵智。 His effort receives the effect quickly! 他的努力很快收到效果! Corpse King no longer continues to get rid to him, slaughtering thought also one by one in soul sheds completely, saw only it confusedly in the midair a while, soul were gradually many fuzzy memory, recalled to mind the extremely important matter likely. 尸王不再继续对他出手,灵魂中的杀戮念头也一一褪尽,只见它在半空迷茫了一会儿,灵魂渐渐多了点模糊的记忆,像是记起了极为重要的事。 Qing Ming cries out strangely below squawk, has not affected it, it calmly float in space, that pair of empty look, were slowly many mood of humanity, is pondering anything likely, is seeking for anything...... 青冥在下方的尖声怪叫,并没有影响到它,它静静地悬浮在天上,那双空洞的眼神,慢慢多了点人类的情绪,像是在沉思着什么,在找寻着什么…… Shi Yan did not say a wordhas not seized the chance with the hand in the sword, carried on crazy bombardment to itis was only guarding secretly, while continued to it transmits the friendly news to read. 石岩一言不发”也没有趁机用手中之剑,对其进行疯狂的轰击”只是一边暗暗提防着,一边继续向它传递友好的讯念。 In the pasthe utilized again to the consciousness exchange of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, familiar and easy his friendly mood, the one by one irrigation to the Corpse King mind, established the friendly relation with it. 当年对万年地心火的意识交流”他再一次运用出来,轻车熟路的将他友好情绪,一一灌注向尸王脑海,和它建立友好的联系。 Does not know whether was Shi Yan friendly news diligently has had a thought the function, this Corpse King in midair blank expression a while, the thought of soul bloodthirsty has begun suddenly. 不知道是否是石岩孜孜不倦的友好讯念起了作用,这头尸王在半空愣神了一会儿,突然灵魂嗜杀之念头再起。 This time goal ” is actually not Shi Yan. 只是,这一次的目标”却并不是石岩 But is Qing Ming! 而是青冥 If the ocean waves same float in Five Elements light barrier of Shi Yan under foot, suddenly lived, such as a Sen Luo great net, emits the Five Elements halo, covers unexpectedly toward below Qing Ming. 如海浪一样浮在石岩脚下的五行光幕,忽然活了过来,如一张森罗巨网,放出五行光晕,竟朝着下方的青冥罩去。 Meanwhile, Corpse King roar, body like sharp sword, compared with that Five Elements light barrier also fast, dashes to Qing Ming! 与此同时,尸王厉啸一声,身如利剑,比那五行光幕还要迅捷,直扑青冥 days later and a De Huang face is alarmed and afraid, subconscious moves aside, restless dodging to the one side, lives will fear becomes Corpse King in view of the goal. 天后地皇一脸惊惧,下意识的躲闪开来,不安的闪向一旁,生恐会成为尸王的针对目标。 With for Warrior of Tuta sea areaFan Xiangyun they fully realized that Corpse King terrifying, these years Qing Ming uses Corpse King, does not know that cut to kill many formidable Warrior. 同为图塔海域的武者梵香云两人深知尸王恐怖,这些年来青冥利用尸王,不知道斩杀了多少强大武者 Appropriates the strength of Five Elements, Corpse King that almost invulnerability, can the impacts of various immunity kind of energy, be able to control Corpse QiCorpse Qi is continuous power! 擅用五行之力,几乎刀枪不入的尸王,可以免疫各类能量的冲击,可以操控尸气”化尸气为源源不断的力量 On this cold wind island, Corpse King, once lets loose the hand to slaughterFan Xiangyun to be afraid. 在这阴风岛上,尸王一旦放开手大开杀戒”就连梵香云都害怕。 The Qing Ming look underlines the desperate color. 青冥眼神突显绝望之色。 Corpse King to starting that he is relentless, such as a handle sharp sword, hopes to puncture him finally, making him genuinely realize that this time Corpse King, was not arrested restraint by him! 尸王对他毫不留情的下手,如一柄利剑,将他最后的希望刺破,让他真正意识到此时的尸王,再也不受他拘束缚 He understands the great strength of Corpse King compared with anybody! 他比任何人都了解尸王的强大! Corpse King moves, Qing Ming under despair, does not dare to stop over, finally stared Shi Yan one with the hatred look, fiercely shouted: Shi Yan I must kill you sooner or later! I must make you taste the world to be completely most ominous severely is cool! ” 尸王一动,青冥在绝望之下,再也不敢逗留,最后用怨毒的眼神瞪了石岩一眼,厉叫:“石岩”我早晚要杀了你!我要让你尝尽人间最为凶厉的酷到!” In the squeal, in the Qing Ming eye pupil bunches of green sharp seedlingssuddenly compose strange fireball, in that fireball, is moving in huo like some innumerable Dead bodyin release vigorous evil power. 尖叫声中,青冥眼眸中一簇簇绿色尖苗”忽然组成一个诡异的火团,那火团之中,像是有无数尸体在蠖动着”在释放浑厚的邪恶力量 Qing Ming that pitch-dark long gowngathers instantaneously nearby Corpse Qi, Qing Ming fleshly body in one group of green glowchanges into one bunch of stream ray, shoots suddenly toward the West, in a flash ten thousand li (0.5km). 青冥那一身黑漆漆的长袍”瞬间将附近的尸气聚集起来,在一团绿芒中”青冥肉身化为一束流光,骤然朝着西方射去,转瞬万里。 When Corpse King is carrying Five Elements light barrier arrives from dayarrives at that together position, Qing Ming lost the trace, residual soul aura, one and passes. 尸王携着五行光幕从天降临”来到那一块位置之时,青冥已失去踪影,就连残留的灵魂气息,都一并流逝。 days later and De Huang neglect one, evacuation that in abundance knows the limitation very much, they[ body] in simultaneously blows out dazzling rays of lightin a space fluctuation of distortion, vanishes baseless. 天后地皇忽视一眼,很识相的纷纷撤离,两人〖体〗内同时爆出刺目的光芒”在一阵扭曲的空间波动中,凭空消失。 God Realm Expert finished this kind to be able twinkling ten thousand li (0.5km) Divine Ability, or through consumption rare treasure, ruptured whole body power, can shortly shift several thousand years fleshly body, one and concealing got up soul aura. 神境强者都精修了这一类可以瞬息万里的神通,或是通过消耗秘宝,或是爆裂全身力量,可以在顷刻间将肉身转移数万年,将灵魂气息一并隐匿起来。 Only if can lock their souls, displays same Divine Ability to pursue, otherwise very difficult to search for once more them, wants to stamp out the source of trouble, must surpass opposite party God Realm cultivation base ” to lock in their soul throughout firmly! 除非能够一直锁定他们的灵魂,施展同样的神通追上去,否则很难将他们再次搜寻到,想要斩草除根,必须有着超过对方的神境修为”必须始终将他们灵魂牢牢锁住! Shi Yan could not have achieved so Realm obviously. 石岩显然还达不到如此境界 Therefore, his looks at days later and De Huang helplessly vanish after Qing Ming, means do not have, is unable to track down. 因此,他眼睁睁的看着天后地皇青冥之后消失,却一点办法都没有,无从追寻。 Reason that he can fight with Qing Ming and Fan Xiangyun does not drop the wind, completely is merit that because Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame fuse temporarily, because of existence of mystical great sword. 他之所以能够和青冥梵香云交手不落下风,全然是因为圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火暂时融合的功劳,因为神秘巨剑的存在。 If not rely on these, depends on his Nirvana Origin Second Sky only[ really] solid cultivation base, even if he enters the boundary of Rampage Second Sky, is not in three people any match. 若是不凭借这些,单靠他涅巢二重天的〖真〗实修为,就算他进入暴走二重天之境,也不是三人中任何一个的对手。 Level that the Nirvana Origin boundary and God Passage boundary , the middle differssuch as the gap may not step generally leapsnot three Heavenly Flame and mystical great swords, he feared that early died. 涅巢境和通神之境,中间相差的等级”如鸿沟一般不可迈跃”没有三种天火神秘巨剑,他怕是早死了。 Qing Ming, Fan Xiangyun and De Huang three people walk, the Shi Yan intention moves, * hides distant these Sky Realm boundary Warrior to start to the, actually discovery these people unexpectedly also receive message, running away is quicker than the ghost, but also in abundance draws support the rare treasure and overbearing mystique, does not hesitate being damaged of body, several thousand li (0.5km), already flew in a flash to each region. 青冥梵香云地皇三人一走,石岩心念一动,才准*对附近躲得远远的那些天位武者下手,却发现那些人竟也收到讯息,一个个逃的比鬼还快,还都是纷纷借助于秘宝和霸道的秘法,不惜身体的受创,转瞬数千里,早已飞逝向各地。 Shi Yan complexion gloomy gets down suddenly. 石岩脸色突然阴沉下来。 He cannot lock any Warrior soul, cultivation base of Nirvana Origin boundary, wants to separate several thousand li (0.5km) to lock Sky Realm boundary Warrior soul aura, simply is dream of a fool. 他没能锁定任何一个武者的灵魂,涅巢境的修为,想要将天位武者的灵魂气息隔数千里锁定,简直是痴人说梦。 If he has same cultivation base, ” the superiority of main soul could make him track down in Sky Realm 12 now Sky Realm boundary Warrior soul, if he has God Realm cultivation base, he can also give to find Qing Ming, Fan Xiangyun and De Huang soul, can easy all around the Sky Realm boundary Warrior soul will lock, then can chase down, until chases down them until death. 如果他有着同样的修为,也在天位之境”主魂的优势或许可以让他将12今天位武者的灵魂追寻到,如果他有着神境修为,他可以将青冥梵香云地皇的灵魂也给找到,可以轻而易举的将周遭天位武者的灵魂锁住,进而可以一路追杀下去,直到将他们追杀至死。 What a pityhe[ really] solid Realm ”......, But puts up Second Sky. 可惜”他〖真〗实的境界”……,只是涅架二重天 Cleanness that among instants, Warrior of entire cold wind island then vanishesremaining, only then Corpse Slavetwo now Heavenly Corpse, Corpse Kingalso has him. 一霎间,整个阴风岛的武者便消失的干干净净”剩下的只有一具具尸奴”两今天尸,一头尸王”还有他本人。 Remove Gravitational Field, Shi Yan as before float in deathly silence mountain ridge Center , to continue nearby the absorption to well up to come the essence that crazily. 撤掉磁殛域场,石岩依旧悬浮在死寂山岭〖中〗央,继续吸收附近狂涌而来的精气。 Thesehad dozens ” their essence to flow to the Shi Yan bodyat this time by Nirvana Origin and Nirvana Origin of following Warrior mystical great sword bloody glow sputtering not to drain away completely. 那些被神秘巨剑血光溅射的涅巢涅巢以下的武者”有数十个”他们一身精气一直在流向石岩身体”这时候尚未全部流尽。 Each wisp of essence, to Shi Yan to precious, is he completes the fleshly body variation the source of power, he will be will not let off decidedly. 每一缕精气,对石岩来说对弥足珍贵,是他完成肉身变异的力量之源,他是断然不会放过的。 After Corpse King and he establishes the relation, pours into to Corpse Qi of his two legs, was taken backthis time by Corpse King his that covered with blood two legsunder the function of Immortal Martial Spirit, starts rapidly to restore. 尸王和他建立联系之后,灌注向他两腿的尸气,便被尸王收回”此时他那血肉模糊的两腿”在不死武魂的作用之下,开始快速恢复起来。 In the huge pain, his two leg flesh and blood reorganization, the veins reconnect, the muscle fiber in that blood hole fast moveswound to heal fast. 在巨大的痛楚中,他两腿血肉重组,筋脉重新连接,那一个个血洞中的肌肉纤维飞快的活动着”伤口快速愈合。 Immortal Martial Spirit really worthily Sacred level Martial Spirit, after he evolves continually, once his fleshly body causes heavy losses, speed that restores is grows doubled and re-doubledwhen the fight, the wound that his breaks then moved in huo is healing. 不死武魂果然不愧圣级武魂,在他连番进化之后,他肉身一旦重创,恢复的速度那是成倍增长”在战斗中时,他那破开的伤口便在蠖动着愈合了。 Standsfeels the restoration of Immortal Martial Spirit to fleshly body in midair, Shi Yan is grinning to smile, mind for a it loosen. 站在半空”感受着不死武魂肉身的恢复,石岩咧嘴笑了笑,心神为之一松。 That handle grips mystical great sword in handsuddenly to be separated in this time his graspschanges into one bunch of bloody glow, drills into Blood Vein Ring once more, is quiet in the ring, motionless. 就在此时”那柄攥在手中的神秘巨剑”忽然脱离他的掌握”化为一束血光,再次钻入血纹戒,又重新在戒指内沉寂下来,一动不动。 The mystical great sword leaves the hand, Shi Yan spills over deep exhausted to come suddenly, the hands and feet suddenly becomes heavy over thousand honored, whole body feels weak. 神秘巨剑一离手,石岩忽然泛出一股深深的疲惫来,手脚忽然变得重逾千钧,浑身乏力。 Rampage Second Sky repercussions. 暴走二重天的后遗症。 Shi Yan responded immediately that was feeling the pouring into body of huge essence, was feeling acupoint that tear pain, his complexion suddenly changed. 石岩马上反应过来,感受着庞大精气的灌入身体,感受着穴道那撕裂般的痛苦,他脸色骤然一变。 This time dies Warrior in his hands to be many, and most Realm are profound, after they died, essence that hasalso surpasses vigor that he estimatesthis essence to drill into acupoint, before they at the point of death frightened and desperate, hatred wait / etc. Negative Emotions one and brings, starts to affect his mind gradually. 这次死在他手中的武者不少,并且大多数境界高深,他们死后产生的精气”也超出他估算的浑厚”这股精气钻入穴道,将他们临死之前的恐惧、绝望、怨毒等等负面情绪一并带来,渐渐开始影响他的心神。 Early experienced Shi Yan, realizes improper, immediately leaves this place on the preparation, seeks for one to be possible for the happy field that he vented to release. 早有经验的石岩,一意识到不妥,立即就准备离开此地,找寻一个可供他发泄的欢场来释放。 Under, Corpse King and that two male and female Heavenly Corpse, stand in together, looks at he, as if wanted to say anything with him. 底下,尸王和那两具男女天尸,站在一块儿,愣愣地看着他,似乎想要和他说些什么。 A Shi Yan brow wrinklehe with these three Heavenly Corpse, although had the relation, but to these three Heavenly Corpse, he did not feel relieved as before. 石岩眉头一皱”他和这三具天尸之间虽然有了联系,但对这三具天尸,他依旧不放心。 He cannot affirm, when he vented or lost the reason, these three can Heavenly Corpse like that law-abidinghe not dare definitely in him to lose sane conditionhe whether can also maintain the sober unfriendliness treats these three Heavenly Corpse. 他不敢肯定在他发泄或失去理智的时候,这三具天尸会不会还那般安分”他也不敢肯定在他失去理智的状态”他是否还能保持清醒的友好对待这三具天尸 In three Heavenly Corpse, Corpse King is most fearful, Wu Zhi opens, truly had the independent consciousness, with the lapse of time, this Corpse King wisdom will be getting higher and higher. 三具天尸之中,尸王最为可怕,吴智一开,就真正有了自主的意识,随着时间的推移,这尸王的智慧将会越来越高。 In the Shi Yan heart understands that ” along with the restoration of Corpse King spirit wisdom, this Endless Sea will be very difficult some people able to control it again, controls technique of many years of Qing Ming corpse including the study, has not grasped fled, but also who can subdue it? 石岩心中明白”随着尸王灵智的恢复,这无尽海将很难再有人可以控制它,连钻研控尸之术多年的青冥,都没有把握的逃离了,还有谁能够将它收服? Perhaps he can, but his own situation is too special, particularlyhe momentarily possibly lost the reason in this time, even if found the happy field that vented, will need to release some time cruelly. 或许他自己可以,但是他自身情况太特殊,尤其是在这个时候”他随时可能失去理智,即便找到发泄的欢场,也需要一段时间将暴戾释放。 During that if these three Heavenly Corpse in sidehe do not know that what happened. 在那期间,如果这三具天尸就在旁边”他不知道会发生什么事情。 He does not dare to take risk. 他不敢冒险。 Therefore, has weighed the success and failure rapidly, he has made decision properly immediately. 因此,迅速衡量了一下得失,他马上做出了妥善的决定。 You[ from] by, after from now on, you can choose your evolution path, I liberated you, actually does not want with your once master same restraint you. Therefore, do not treat with me in the same place, to your future evolutions, this is the best path. You take care, I anticipated that your growth, perhaps some day, you can become this in world food chain top new species, hopes we said goodbye, you can start talking, I think that at that time perhaps we can become the partners, became friend “你们都〖自〗由了,从今之后,你们可以选择自己的进化道路,我解放了你们,却不想和你们曾经的主人一样束缚你们。所以,你们不要和我待在一起,对你们未来的进化来说,这是最好的道路。你们保重,我期待你们的成长,或许有朝一日,你们能够成为这世间食物链顶尖的新物种,希望我们再见的时候,你们能够开口讲话,我想,到那个时候”或许我们可以成为伙伴,成为朋友” The friendly news will read is divided into three, pours into three Corpse Slave innermost soul, does not wait for these three Corpse Slave to respond, Shi Yan then launches Star Wing, changes into one bunch of star lightto flee instantaneously. 将友好的讯念一分为三,灌入三个尸奴灵魂深处,不等这三个尸奴做出回应,石岩便展开星翼,化为一束星光”瞬间遁走。 Three Corpse Slave look up to the sky, in the eye pupil is lightening strange rays of light, somewhat is reluctant to part likely, wants to pursue likely, finally has not actually moved. 三个尸奴仰望着天空,眼瞳中闪出奇异的光芒,像是有些依依不舍,又像是想追上去,却最终未动。
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