GOS :: Volume #4

#362: I give you to be free!

Sky over the desert island, Shi Yan Ha Ha is laughing wildly, in the hand the mystical great sword wields conveniently, the bloody glow sharp knife blade chops together suddenly to the opposite several hundred meters high short peaks. 荒岛上空,石岩哈哈狂笑着,手中神秘巨剑随手一挥,一道血光利刃霍然劈向对面一座数百米高的矮峰。 If cuts the bean curd, that short peak one point of two halves, fall toward the both sides loudly. 如切豆腐块般,那矮峰一分两半,轰然往两侧倾倒。 Grasps this handle mystical great sword, Shi Yan has heaven and earth in grasping the marvelous pleasant sensation, the circulation of surroundings any Warrior within the body power, clear appears in his Sea of Consciousness, destroys the desires of all lives, cannot constrain, wishes one could to extinguish all life swords kills. 手持这柄神秘巨剑,石岩有种天地都在掌握中的奇妙快感,周围任何一个武者体内力量的流转,都清晰在他识海中显现,毁灭一切生灵的欲望,怎么也压抑不住,恨不得将所有生灵一剑灭杀。 Carefree dripping! 畅快淋漓! Lucky Immortal two schools of Sky Realm boundary Warrior in that bunch of bloody glow, expression with amazement, unexpectedly unmanned dares to get rid to him, many hides far, approaches him not to think continually safely. 在那一束束血光中侥幸不死的两派天位武者,神色骇然,竟无人胆敢向他出手,有多远躲多远,连靠近他都觉得不安全。 In these Sky Realm Warrior eyes, this time Shi Yan such as Devil God arrives simply, is without a peer, only then evades its point, can go on living safely. 在那些天位武者眼中,此时的石岩简直如魔神降临,不可匹敌,只有避其锋芒,才能安全活下去。 Qing Ming, De Huang and days later these three God Realm Expert, is the heart fresh chill in the air, looks at void is laughing wildly Shi Yan, suddenly unexpectedly does not know how to start. 就连青冥地皇天后这三名神境强者,也都是心生寒意,愣愣地看着虚空中狂笑着的石岩,一时间竟不知道如何下手。 Only then that Corpse God Church ten thousand years of Corpse King, as if not fear the fierce imposing manner that Shi Yan erupts suddenly, under that Five Elements light barrier, throws toward Shi Yan that fierce does not fear. 只有那尸神教的万年尸王,似乎不惧石岩突然爆发出来的狂烈气势,在那五行光幕之下,悍不畏死的朝着石岩扑来。 Five Elements light barrier that precise becomes by the strength of heaven and earth Five Elements, assumes five colors splendid light, likely is the sea water flood the mighty waves, was near at hand to Shi Yan. 天地五行之力凝炼而成的五行光幕,呈五色华光,像是海水般泛着波涛,离石岩已近在咫尺。 Hehe!” 嘿嘿嘿!” Grinning fiendishly, in the Shi Yan hand the mystical great sword is raising high, shining bloody glow such as the thick blood, overflows unexpectedly in the sword body. 狞笑着,石岩手中神秘巨剑高高扬起,灿灿血光如浓稠的血液,竟在剑体之内溢出来。 That only scarlet eye, is reveals to absorb the ominous severe meaning of person, each eye in the turning round rotation, as if he is wielding this sword on. 那一只只猩红的眼睛,则是露出摄人的凶厉之意,每一只眼睛都在滴溜溜的转动着,似乎就等他将这一剑挥出。 The top of the head by hole that a sword opens wide, in this period lightened innumerable say|way strange rays of light, like some innumerable meteors grazes to delimit, several thousand gigantic corpse insects that then came from the space dark clouds oppression, are wriggling the body, was inhaled by one by one, quick vanishes in the huge space hole, cannot reappear in this in world. 头顶被一剑洞开的窟窿,其间闪出无数道诡异的光芒,像是有无数流星在其中飞掠划过,那从天上阴云压迫而来的数千硕大尸虫,蠕动着身子,被一一吸入,很快就消失在巨大的空间窟窿中,再也不能在这个世间重现。 „!” “嗷!” Corpse King face upwards to roar, in the howl the strength of Five Elements crazy collects from all around, with the thick Corpse Qi fusion same place, fills to pour into Five Elements light barrier. 尸王仰天咆哮,啸声中五行之力疯狂从四周汇集过来,和浓稠的尸气融合一起,纷纷灌注入五行光幕 Five Elements light barrier after terrifying in addition of strength of Five Elements holds, likely is huge five colors cloud cluster, suddenly swallows to Shi Yan, Corpse King is drills into Five Elements light barrier, vanishes strangely. 五行光幕恐怖五行之力的加持以后,像是一块巨大的五彩云团,忽然吞向石岩,尸王则是钻入五行光幕之中,诡异消失。 Shi Yan sneers, expression callous like thick ice, the great sword that raises high wields conveniently, on the sword body eye coming under a spell light explode shoot, is together the bloody glow sharp knife blade escape, chops to that Five Elements light barrier. 石岩冷笑,神色冷酷如玄冰,高高扬起的巨剑随手一挥,剑体上一只只眼睛中邪光爆射,又是一道血光利刃飞逸而出,直劈向那五行光幕 Draws a sword the closure, the bloody glow sharp knife blade place visited, that Five Elements light barrier was torn two halves instantaneously, such as the rags were divided by together, has not stagnated. 抽刀断流,血光利刃所过之处,那五行光幕瞬间被撕裂两半,如一块破布被中分,没有一丝凝滞。 days later and De Huang complexion again changes, the eye flashes through together the panic-stricken light suddenly. 天后地皇脸色再变,眼睛冷不防闪过一道惊骇之光。 Qing Ming that has in the green eye, bunches of green Ghost Flame gather slowly from the pupil deep place, is bringing the two hands of glove, suddenly gathers ten pairs to that Five Elements light barrier, has an unusual hand imprint. 青冥那有绿色的眼睛之中,一簇簇绿色鬼火慢慢从瞳孔深处聚集出来,带着手套的两只手,忽然合十对向那五行光幕,结出一个奇特的手印。 A continuously Divine Soul thought that suddenly the escape from the Qing Ming mind comes out, these Divine Sense like the mountain stream, submerge in that Five Elements light barrier instantaneously. 一缕缕神魂意念,忽然从青冥脑海中飞逸出来,这些神念如溪水,瞬间没入那五行光幕之中。 Sees only by one point of two halves Five Elements light barrier, after injection of his Divine Sense, congeals unexpectedly once more at the naked eye obvious speed! 只见被一分两半的五行光幕,在他神念的注入以后,竟以肉眼可见的速度再次凝结起来! Above that Five Elements light barrier, Corpse King that ominous severe body, such as lightning, flashes before together suddenly. 在那五行光幕之上,尸王那凶厉的身躯,如一道电光,突然闪现开来。 Corpse King one presently, a that pair of not human emotion eye pupil deep place, there is an oil green tiny flame to flash before, this time Corpse King, achieved the subtle relation through Vanishing Corpse Flame and Qing Ming, obtained Qing Ming soul reposing likely. 尸王一现,那一双没有一丝人类情感的眼瞳深处,也有油绿色的细小火苗闪现,这时的尸王,通过毗绝尸火青冥达成微妙联系,像是得到了青冥灵魂寄托。 Eye pupil one green, Corpse King look suddenly strange inexplicable, its three meters high man ape body, tall and slender crowded grows hair calmly automatic, during each grows hair, is containing astonishing Corpse Qi. 眼瞳一绿,尸王眼神忽然诡异莫名,它那三米高的人猿般的身躯,细长密集的长毛无风自动,每一根长毛之中,都蕴藏着惊人的尸气 Corpse King whole body shakes suddenly shivers, growing hair in body exposes suddenly, such as steel needles, drizzle, stirs up zhuo to shoot Shi Yan from, covers completely the space that Shi Yan places. 尸王浑身忽然一震颤抖,身体内的长毛突然抖落,如一根根钢针,蓬蓬细雨似的,从下方激丵射石岩,将石岩身处的空间全部笼罩住。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” The innumerable Corpse King pilis, fly to ascend the sky crowded, when Shi Yan has not responded, to his whole body. 无数尸王的体毛,密集飞上天,在石岩尚未反应过来的时候,扎向他全身。 dang dang dang!” 当当当!” The Corpse King pili stirs up zhuo to shoot in the Shi Yan upper limb and arm, such as punctures on the firmest inscription on stone tablet and bronze, spreads the sonorous sound, pili cannot drill into his upper limb and arm. 尸王体毛激丵射在石岩上肢和手臂,如刺在最为坚固的金石上,传出铿锵的声响,没有一根体毛能够钻入他上肢和手臂。 However, has not completed the variation lower limb, during exploding of these Corpse King pilis shoot, actually cannot resist, was pricked by the countless Corpse King pilis directly! 然而,尚未完成变异的下肢,在那些尸王体毛的爆射之中,却抵御不住,被数不尽的尸王体毛直接刺入! Shi Yan lower limb two legs by De Huang indecently of bird calligraphy stroke, were given these corpse wool thorns again, obviously sad and shrill fearsome, besides skeleton not shatter, that flesh and blood was given the seepage by the corpse wool. 石岩下肢两腿本就被地皇的鸟雀啄的不堪入目,再给这些尸毛一刺,更显凄厉可怖,除了骨骼未曾破碎之外,那血肉都被尸毛给渗透。 Tens of thousands of wisp of Corpse Qi, jump to shoot from corpse wool, covered with blood that the Shi Yan two legs explode, these Corpse Qi seep, clashes to his waist, strange incomparable. 成千上万缕尸气,从尸毛之中迸射开来,将石岩两腿炸的血肉模糊,那些尸气渗透进来,又向他腰身冲来,诡异无比。 In heart one cold, power in Shi Yan hurried stimulation of movement lower abdomen cyclone, assembles Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, flows to two legs the burning hot flame strength, with that tens of thousands of wisp of Corpse Qi resistance, melts the invading body of Corpse Qi. 心中一凛,石岩急忙催动小腹气旋之中的力量,调集地心火火炎之力,将炙热的炎力流向两腿,和那成千上万缕的尸气抗争,融化尸气的侵体。 Roar!” “吼!” Corpse King strikes to go well, the roar sound, dashes. 尸王一击得手,厉啸声,直扑而来。 The corpse Secret Art of its talent moves, countless Corpse Qi in his sharp claws precise, its sharp claws violent length ten meters, glittering the ice cold cold light, a claw is delimiting suddenly to the Shi Yan body. 它天赋的尸诀一动,数不尽的尸气在他利爪之中凝炼,它那利爪骤然暴长十米,闪烁着冰寒的冷光,一爪划向石岩身体。 Everywhere Corpse Qi surges, this strikes the Corpse King devil claw to be very sharp, has the resentment of eternal Corpse King to world life to read, has evil power of influence mind unexpectedly. 漫天尸气涌动,这一击尸王鬼爪无比锋利,带有万古尸王对世间生灵的怨念,竟有着影响心灵的邪恶力量 Shi Yan withstands the inhuman pain of two legs, Star Shield is offering a sacrifice , the innumerable star light in whole body glittering, bind solid the body, display Star Brilliance at once, in the future will shift hundred meters, in the hand the great sword wields suddenly once more. 石岩忍着两腿的非人痛苦,星盾祭出,无数星光在全身闪烁,将身体裹得严严实实,旋即施展星耀,往后横移百米,手中巨剑突然再次挥出。 Sonorous!” “铿锵!” The Corpse King sharp Corpse King devil claw, was cut by great sword bloody glow, cut off in abundance. 尸王尖利的尸王鬼爪,被巨剑血光一斩,纷纷被斩断。 But the sharp nails of these breaks, such as ten sharp thin swords, as before are actually powerful, continue the thorn to Shi Yan! 但那些断裂的尖利指甲,却如十把锋利的细剑,依旧气势如虹,继续刺向石岩 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” Eight meters sharp nail, punctures above Star Shield, countless star point gather, a detonation comes broken. 八米长的尖利指甲,刺在星盾之上,数不尽的星点聚集起来,一起爆碎开来。 In exploding broken, Corpse King that long nail, front explodes in abundance broken, under Star Shield in eternal Corpse King this terrifying strikes, explodes broken along with star point one by one, dissipates. 在爆碎中,尸王那长长的指甲,前端纷纷爆碎,星盾在万古尸王恐怖一击之下,随着星点一一爆碎,也随之消散。 Half meter ten sharp nail, actually the seizing the chance thorn to the Shi Yan chest, the imposing manner still has not reduced. 还有半米长的十个尖利指甲,却趁机刺向石岩胸口,气势依然不减。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” Ten sharp nails, such as ten handle small swords, wear out unexpectedly the Shi Yan variation later chest muscle, pricks his chest three centimeters. 十根尖利指甲,如十柄小剑,竟穿破石岩变异之后的胸口肌肉,刺入他胸口三厘米。 Also has three centimeters merely! 也仅仅只有三厘米! After three centimeters, that ten sharp nail, strange is shivering, power clashes in the fingertip unceasingly crazily, wants to penetrate the Shi Yan chest, likely was actually bonded the interception by some mystical wall, cannot pass through his fleshly body actually. 三厘米之后,那十根尖利的指甲,诡异的颤抖着,力量不断地在指尖狂冲,想要穿透石岩胸口,却像是被某种神秘的壁障拦截,硬是不能穿过他肉身 Can put on the mountain crack place the Corpse King devil claw, it may be said that is one of the Corpse King strongest attacks, endures compared with the full sprint of Sacred level sharp sword, even if general God Realm Warrior, offers a sacrifice to defend fleshly body fully, feared that is hard to resist, perhaps will be struck to puncture fleshly body. 可以穿山裂地的尸王鬼爪,可谓是尸王最强攻击之一,堪比圣级利剑的全力冲刺,就算是一般神境武者,祭出全力防御肉身,怕是都难以抵挡,说不定会被一击刺破肉身 When Qing Ming also this strikes, Shi Yan must die without doubt, the body must leave behind ten piercing blood holes, he has looked at too many powerful Warrior, under Corpse King this strikes is pierced fleshly body, he thinks that Shi Yan is no exception. 青冥也当这一击下来,石岩必死无疑,身体必然要留下十个洞穿的血洞来,他看过太多的强悍武者,在尸王这一击之下被洞穿肉身,他以为石岩也不例外。 The fact that but his eye sees, makes him panic-stricken. 可他眼睛看到的事实,却让他惊骇莫名。 Has three centimeters! 只有三厘米! How regardless of that ten nails shiver, how to gather surrounding thick Corpse Qi, cannot go forward that to fear a point again! 不论那十根指甲如何颤抖,如何聚集周围的浓稠尸气,就是不能再前进那怕一分! Qing Ming look with amazement. 青冥眼神骇然。 Shi Yan is also the complexion changes, at once suddenly discovered in the muscle of chest, different strength that in the innumerable muscle fiber has, spreads the strength of wild counter-attack, not only blocks Corpse Qi in that ten sharp sword nail completely, his muscle is shivering, pushes unexpectedly stiffly from the chest that sharp nail. 石岩也是脸色一变,旋即突然发现胸口的肌肉之中,无数肌纤维之中存在的异力,传出狂暴之极的反击之力,不但将那十根利剑般的指甲中的尸气全部挡住,他肌肉颤抖着,竟将那锋利的指甲从胸口给硬生生推挤出去。 In his muscle, that trillion muscle fiber became innumerable only has blamed likely the hand, was pulling that sharp nail, promoted the muscular tissue it. 在他肌肉之中,那亿万肌纤维像是成了无数只怪手,扯着那尖利的指甲,将其推出肌肉组织。 „!” “嗷!” Corpse King crazy was roaring, not willingly flushed, the nail of break insanely was once more long, but flickered, there are ten meters, strange. 尸王疯狂的咆哮着,不甘心的冲上来,断裂的指甲再次疯长,只是一瞬,又有十米长,诡异之极。 Shi Yan look cold severe, the corners of the mouth split a strange woods cold smiling face suddenly, at once is emptying a draw pushes out, within the body energy surges crazily, fuses Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God, Earthcore Flame and Essence Qi strength, precise becomes together the mountain peak gigantic hand imprint, loudly seal to Corpse King. 石岩眼神冷厉,嘴角突然绽出一个奇异的森寒笑容,旋即空着的一手平推出去,体内能量疯狂涌动,融合玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火和一身精元之力,凝炼成一块山峰般硕大的手印来,轰然印向尸王 Corpse King to the Shi Yan body first five meters place, suddenly had actually been covered by that mountain peak Seal of Life, three meters high body tied up, full of vitality aura, seeps the Corpse King body suddenly. 尸王到了石岩身前五米处,却突然被那山峰般的生印笼罩,三米高的身躯都被捆缚住,一股生机勃勃气息,突然渗透尸王身体。 Ominous severe Corpse King, the eye pupil reappeared the color of vacant cavity, it fires into the body potential of Shi Yan, suddenly stagnates baseless, motionless. 原本凶厉之极的尸王,眼瞳重现茫然空洞之色,它冲向石岩的身势,突然凭空凝滞,一动不动。 Meanwhile, a subtle relation, achieves between it and Shi Yan. 同时,一股微妙的联系,在它和石岩之间达成。 Kills!” “杀杀杀杀!” An ominous severe thought that transmits suddenly from the Corpse King mind, submerges Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness instantaneously. 一个凶厉的念头,突然从尸王脑海之中传递过来,瞬间没入石岩识海 Shi Yan eye one bright, following this wisp of ominous severe thought that will advocate the soul to achieve the relation with it hurriedly, does not wait for the Corpse King thought to return, floats the main soul in his Sea of Consciousness, the third small eye in that forehead, opens suddenly once more! 石岩眼睛一亮,急忙顺着这一缕凶厉的念头,将主魂与其达成联系,不等尸王的念头返回,浮在他识海之中的主魂,那眉心之中的第三只小眼睛,忽然再次睁开来! One bunch of bright silver rays of light, shoot from that third small eye, has delimited the space likely, falls into the Corpse King mind directly, found Qing Ming instantaneously in the controlling soul seed that in the Corpse King mind plants. 一束亮银色的光芒,从那第三只小眼睛之中射出来,像是划过空间,直接落入尸王脑海,瞬间找到青冥尸王脑海之中种下的控魂种子。 Belongs to Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame bright silver rays of light, controls on the soul seed the accurate illumination to that seed invades Shi Yan Divine Soul consciousness to be the same with Fan Xiangyun, by a rays of light photo, was unravelled suddenly. 属于九幽噬魂焰的亮银色光芒,精准的照射到那控魂种子上,那种子和梵香云侵入石岩神魂意识一样,被光芒一照,忽然灰飞烟灭。 restraint Corpse King the strength of spirit Soul Restriction running metal into cracks, hence vanishes without the trace, Corpse King that spreads the thought of bloodthirsty unceasingly, returns to normal suddenly. 束缚尸王的灵魂禁锢之力,至此消失无踪,尸王那不断地传出嗜杀的念头,也突然平复下来。 Was accused technique of restraint soul several thousand years of Corpse King souls, took the lead, restored independent Spiritual Sense. 被控魂之术束缚了数万年的尸王灵魂,重新占据主动,恢复自主灵识 You, who are you?” “你,你是谁?” A clumsy thought that transmits from the Corpse King soul, falls into Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness. 一个笨拙的念头,从尸王灵魂传递过来,落入石岩识海 Who leave alone I am, at least I am not your enemy.” Shi Yan is overjoyed, communication that strikes while the iron is hot hurriedly, I you ten thousand years of controlling soul thoughts erased restraint, I gave you to be free! From now on, who you can choose no longer are appointed to control to enslave.” “别管我是谁,至少我不是你的敌人。”石岩大喜过望,急忙趁热打铁的传讯,“我将束缚你万年的控魂念头抹除了,我给了你自由!从今之后,你可以选择不再受任何人控制奴役。” Freedom, free......” “自由,自由……” Corpse King Soul Consciousness fluctuates intensely, its cavity wooden eye pupil, green small flame, by its own power, stiffly was eliminated continuously outside the body. 尸王灵魂意识激烈波动起来,它那空洞木然的眼瞳,一缕缕绿色小火苗,被它自身的力量,给硬生生清除体外。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” Under Corpse God Church Cult Master Qing Ming, spouts a blood suddenly, the look appears the frightened incomparable meaning with amazement. 底下的尸神教教主青冥,突然喷出一口鲜血,眼神显出恐惧无比的骇然之意。 Shi Yan of his dull looks at space, looks at gradually sober Corpse King, suddenly the scream of hysteria: No! Is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!” 他呆呆的看着天上的石岩,看着渐渐清醒的尸王,突然歇斯底里的尖叫起来:“不!不可能!这绝对不可能!” ...... ……
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