GOS :: Volume #4

#361: The crazy condition reveals completely

In the past buried the place of corpse on the 93 rd, the Shi Yan Seal of Life bang enters in two day of Dead body, making these two Heavenly Corpse have the mutation, opened the spirit wisdom likely, enabling him to have the marvelous relation with these two Heavenly Corpse. 当年93号埋尸之地,石岩生印轰入两具天尸体内,让这两具天尸产生异变,像是开启了灵智,使得他和这两具天尸有了奇妙的联系。 Afterward he senses for a long time, the clear Seal of Life wondrous use, knows that two Heavenly Corpse and between him relation, completely is because Seal of Life since day Dead body. 事后他感悟许久,才明白生印的妙用,知道两具天尸和他之间的联系,全部是因为生印的进入天尸体内。 After many years, this time sees these two Heavenly Corpse again, to each other relation deepen, he rumbled once more two Seal of Life, this time Seal of Life, fused three big life body and his Essence Qi power, the strange effect of having seemed to be stronger! 时隔多年,这次再见到这两具天尸,为了将彼此的联系加深,他再次轰出了两个生印,这次的生印,融合了三大生命体和他精元力量,拥有的奇异效果似乎更强! Seal of Life since day Dead body, his souls and these two Heavenly Corpse a deeper relation, he even has been suddenly able to induce to these two Heavenly Corpse affectionate meanings once more. 生印进入天尸体内,他灵魂和这两具天尸突然再次了更加深厚的联系,他甚至可以感应到这两具天尸的亲昵之意。 Before two Heavenly Corpse stand his body, the confused empty eye pupil, has a humanity to have the dependent cordiality that unexpectedly gradually, looks at he, is waiting for anything likely. 两具天尸站到他身前,迷茫空洞的眼瞳,竟渐渐生出一丝人类才有的依赖情意,怔怔地看着他,像是在等候着什么。 Incomparably wonderful feeling. 无比美妙的感觉。 Shi Yan has to plant to be able imperial to move at will directs the feelings of these two Heavenly Corpse, he tries to transmit wisp of Divine Sense, puts out a hand to aim at the opposite these Yin-Yang Fairyland disciples. 石岩有种可以随意御动使唤这两具天尸的感觉,他试着传递一缕神念,伸手指向对面的那些阴阳洞天的弟子。 As expected, these two Heavenly Corpse fly suddenly horizontally, just likes two eats Demonic Beast of person, dashes to opposite mountain side the disciple in Yin-Yang Fairyland, whole body Corpse Qi does not understand clearly loose, the imposing manner is astonishing. 不出所料,这两具天尸突然横飞而出,犹如两头吃人的妖兽,直扑向对面山腹中的阴阳洞天的弟子,浑身尸气了然不散,气势惊人。 In the Shi Yan heart the great happiness, the diving posture drills into that Gravitational Field, the Gravitational Field strength of strangling to death, was being controlled by him, branches out together the peaceful place, puts in which that Yin Hai Dead body. 石岩心中大喜,飞身钻入那磁殛域场中,磁殛域场中的绞杀之力,被他控制着,分出一块安静之地,将那尹海尸体放入其中。 The people in Gravitational Field, absorb are coming from a Yin Hai essence, Shi Yan on such float in the center of deathly silence mountain ridge, because of existence of Gravitational Field, the Yin Hai corpse does not fall, calmly float in his behind. 人在磁殛域场中,吸收着来自于尹海的一身精气,石岩就这么悬浮在死寂山岭的中央,因为磁殛域场的存在,尹海尸身不落,静静地悬浮在他身后 Although Gravitational Field exists, but the naked eye is difficult to see, in these Corpse God Church and Yin-Yang Fairyland Warrior eye, Yin Hai corpse static float, appears extremely strange, making the person spill over one share chill in the air from the heart's core. 磁殛域场虽然存在着,但肉眼难见,在那些尸神教阴阳洞天武者眼中,尹海尸首的静静悬浮,显得极为的诡异,让人从心灵深处泛出一股子寒意。 Places in Gravitational Field, Shi Yan callous flying to opposite mountain side, stimulates to movement within the body cyclone once more, feels surging forward power to fill the body to enter, he is suddenly precise the mind, drills into Blood Vein Ring fiercely. 身处磁殛域场中,石岩冷酷的飞向对面的山腹中,再次催动体内气旋,感受着汹涌澎湃的力量灌体而入,他忽然凝炼心神,猛地钻入血纹戒之中。 Comes out!” “出来!” Whole body power erupts suddenly, the Shi Yan imposing manner instantaneous dreadfully, explodes fiercely roars. 全身力量霍然爆发,石岩气势瞬间滔天,猛地爆吼一声。 After these days sensibility, he knows , to summon the mystical great sword that fleshly body must have enough powerful power, only then power in body accumulates to the certain extent, he can imperial move this handle mystical great sword. 经过这一段时间的感悟,他知道若想要将那把神秘巨剑呼唤出来,肉身必须拥有足够强悍力量,只有身体中的力量累积到一定程度,他才能够御动这柄神秘巨剑。 Really. 果然。 When his power congeals to certain extent, the whole body veins start the painfully swollen time, that handle deeply hides the mystical great sword in Blood Vein Ring, finally flew once more. 当他力量凝结到一定程度,全身筋脉都开始胀痛的时候,那柄深藏在血纹戒中的神秘巨剑,终于再次从中飞了出来。 Grabs this handle great sword, a wild attracting customer interest, instantaneously suction his within the body power, in his body power crazy passing, this handle mystical great sword sword body the strange eye on shutting tightly, opens one after another. 一手抓着这柄巨剑,一股狂暴的吸扯力,瞬间将他体内力量吸走,在他身体力量疯狂的流逝之中,这柄神秘巨剑剑体上的紧闭的诡异眼睛,一只接着一只睁开来。 Whenever the eye opens, evil aura that this handle mystical great sword fills, is then thick a point! If dormant trillion years of Ancient Times great demons, little crawls from the endless dark abyss, must embezzle this heaven and earth one. 每当有一只眼睛睁开来,这柄神秘巨剑弥漫出来的邪恶气息,便浓厚一分!如一头蛰伏亿万年的上古巨魔,正一点点从无尽黑暗深渊内爬出来,要将这天地一口吞没。 Is grasping this handle mystical great sword, a Shi Yan main soul tremor, Sea of Consciousness just likes the bright mirror is ordinary, shines unexpectedly all energy fluctuations. 握着这柄神秘巨剑,石岩主魂一阵颤动,识海犹如明镜一般,竟将身旁一切能量波动照耀出来。 Sea of Consciousness each wisp of Divine Sense, likely has become of mirror surface, he lets loose Divine Sense needlessly, can actually see the energy fluctuation of Warrior body! 识海的每一缕神识,都像是成了镜面的一块,他不消将神识放开,却能够看见身旁武者身体的能量波动! Warrior in his eyes, body a flow direction and path in continuously energy, unexpectedly become incomparable clear obvious! So long as any Warrior releases Martial Skills, power of use within the body, he can see! 在他眼中的武者,身体之中的一缕缕能量的流动方向和轨迹,竟变得无比的清晰明显!任何一个武者只要释放武技,动用体内的力量,他都可以看见! Shi Yan eyes suddenly bright such as cold star, splendid. 石岩双眸骤然明亮如寒星,熠熠生辉。 The world in his eyes, all of a sudden became different, gossamer heaven and earth Spiritual Qi that in the air has, Corpse Qi of surroundings mountain range bottom, including the essence of vegetation, all kinds of heaven and earth energy, likely was suddenly bright, naked eye obvious. 他眼中的世界,一下子变得不同了,空气之中存在着的游丝般的天地灵气,周围山脉地底的尸气,包括草木之精气,各种各样的天地能量,像是忽然鲜活了过来,肉眼可见。 Incomparably marvelous realizing from experience! 无比奇妙的体悟! Is grasping this handle great sword, as if through the eye that above this handle great sword opens, he has eradicated all noxious mists, saw clearly this world true essence. 握着这柄巨剑,仿佛通过这柄巨剑之上睁开的眼睛,他破除了一切雾瘴,将这个世界真正的本质看清了。 Meanwhile, evil aura, following the sword hilt of great sword, submerges his Sea of Consciousness, is his main soul unites likely, the desire that one type destroys all lives, cannot be restrained raises from the heart's core, cannot wipe to extinguish! Does not cut to kill all lives, this desire as if forever will not stop! 同时,一股邪恶的气息,顺着巨剑的剑柄,没入他识海,像是和他主魂合一,一种毁灭一切生灵的欲望,不可抑止的从心灵深处升起,不可抹灭!不将一切生灵斩杀,这股欲望似乎永不会停止! In scarlet red eyes, full is the Bloodthirsty cruel crazy color, under the evil desire stimulation of movement of that terrifying, he cannot bear face upward to roar, such as hell the demon of extinguishing world, is volatilizing heartily endless evil. 赤红色的双眸之中,满是嗜血残暴的疯狂之色,在那恐怖的邪恶欲望催动之下,他忍不住仰天咆哮,如地狱的灭世之魔,尽情挥发着无尽邪恶。 Qing Ming discolored. 青冥勃然变色 Fan Xiangyun is one dull, displays all sorts of mind Illusion hurriedly once more, wants to shake the Shi Yan will, making the Shi Yan falling fascinated boundary not awake. 梵香云则是一呆,急忙再次施展种种心灵幻境,想要来撼动石岩的心志,让石岩坠入迷境不醒。 However, all sorts with Yin-Yang Fairyland psychedelic Martial Skills that Heart Spirit Martial Spirit stimulates to movement, moves the eye of Shi Yan, actually likely suddenly lost the function, the Divine Sense fluctuations of various mind Illusion, in the bloodthirsty by Shi Yan eye cruel one shortly were destroyed completely, cannot affect the Shi Yan conscience unexpectedly, cannot make on his mentally confused that fear for one second! 然而,种种用心灵武魂催动的阴阳洞天的迷幻武技,一碰触到石岩的眼睛,却像是突然失去了作用,各类心灵幻境神念波动,都被石岩眼中的嗜杀残暴给一眼看灭掉,竟丝毫不能影响石岩本心,不能让他的心乱上那怕一秒钟! In the Fan Xiangyun heart with amazement, she has poisoning people's minds Heart Spirit Martial Spirit inborn, under the help of this Martial Spirit, Yin-Yang Fairyland all attracts the will of the people Martial Skills, she not only can grasp easily, but can also these strange Martial Skills might promotion several folds. 梵香云心中骇然,她天生拥有蛊惑人心的心灵武魂,在这武魂的帮助之下,阴阳洞天所有魅惑人心的武技,她不但可以轻易掌握,还能够将那些奇异武技的威力提升数倍。 For these years, is taking advantage of strange Heart Spirit Martial Spirit and union of Yin-Yang Fairyland psychedelic secret technique, does not know that many have keen eyesight in Ding powerful Warrior to be affected by her, either becomes under her group the feudal official, either fell into enemy hands while the mind by her extinguishes easily kills. 这么多年来,依仗着奇异的心灵武魂阴阳洞天迷幻秘术的结合,不知道多少眼高于顶的强悍武者被她影响,要么成为她群下之臣,要么被她趁着心神失守轻易灭杀。 But real Realm only goes to the Nirvana situation Shi Yan, actually continually eradicates her mind to confuse the miasma, when the mystical great sword after starting, Shi Yan had the thorough immunity regarding Heart Spirit Martial Spirit, not by an influence. 可真实境界只达到涅盘地步的石岩,却连番破除她的心灵迷瘴,当神秘巨剑在入手之后,石岩对于心灵武魂更是有了彻底的免疫,再也不受一丝影响。 So the accident, making Fan Xiangyun have a big shock, loses the effect depending on annihilating the enemy talent Martial Spirit, this regarding her confidence simply is the heavy losses that is hard to imagine, has been perplexed all her of a sudden, the courage of unexpectedly before not being have first rushes, and Shi Yan fights. 如此变故,让梵香云大惊失色,赖以歼敌的天赋武魂失去功效,这对于她的信心简直是难以想象的重创,将她一下子打蒙了,竟生不出第一个冲上前和石岩交手的勇气来。 After De Huang one startled, finally stands from the ground, grasps the white paper fan, the rising typhoon heaven, the whole body bird is dancing in the air, lifts hand one move, a handle topaz long sword appears in his control. 地皇一惊之后,终于从地上站起来,手持白纸扇,扶摇上天,浑身鸟雀飞舞着,抬手一招,一柄黄晶长剑在他手心显现。 Hundred meters scarlet yellow Sword Light, the escape from that handle Huanglong sword comes out, Sword Light extends precise, changes into one height hundred meters, the scales densely covered yellow long line, the innumerable birds swoop on, drills into that Huanglong within the body, making this Huanglong within the body be full energy of various birds instantaneously. 百米长的赤黄色剑芒,从那柄黄龙剑之中飞逸出来,剑芒凝炼延伸,化为一条身长百米,鳞甲密布的黄色长龙,无数鸟雀飞扑而上,钻入那黄龙体内,让这黄龙体内瞬间充盈了各类鸟雀的能量 This yellow dragon body winds to sway from side to side, the dragon body scales project various color light beams together, the arrogance is dreadful, swoops Shi Yan. 这黄龙身子蜿蜒扭动着,龙身鳞甲一起射出各类颜色的光束,气焰滔天,飞扑石岩 Meanwhile, Qing Ming roar one, was Corpse King has issued the order finally. 与此同时,青冥厉啸一声,终于为尸王下达了命令。 Three meters high Corpse King, face upwards to roar, roar world-shaking, the mountains of deathly silence mountain ridge, tremble along with its calling out. 三米高的尸王,仰天咆哮,吼声惊天动地,就连死寂山岭的一座座山川,都随着它的嚎叫震颤起来。 In calling out sound, Corpse King shoots up to the sky, in the mouth puts out five to contain the light group of strength of Five Elements, five gigantic light groups are precise in void, became has been able to tie up the Five Elements day evenings of all lives, came up from Shi Yan sole restraint. 在嚎叫声中,尸王冲天而起,口中吐出五个蕴含五行之力的光团,五个硕大的光团在虚空之中凝炼起来,成了可以捆缚一切生灵的五行天暮,从石岩脚底一路束缚上来。 Hundred meters Huanglong and Five Elements day evening, the desert island changes constantly, space not the loose dark clouds were also affected all year long likely, under presses unexpectedly slowly, such as the sky collapses general. 百米黄龙和五行天暮一出,荒岛风云变幻,天上的终年不散的阴云像是也受到影响,竟缓缓下压,如天塌下来一般。 Shi Yan grasps the mystical great sword, looked up dark clouds of top of the head, discovered in that dark clouds to have the innumerable corpse insects to wriggle the body, absorbed below terrifying Corpse Qi, the corpse insect is controlled by Corpse King, swallowed to worry mutually, formed more plump corpse insects, the corpse insect that each formed newly, on volume big ten times, within the body will be containing power also met the rising suddenly several fold. 石岩手持神秘巨剑,抬头看了一眼头顶的阴云,发现那阴云之中有无数尸虫蠕动着身子,吸收着下方的恐怖尸气,尸虫受到尸王的操控,相互吞噬撕咬着,形成更多肥硕的尸虫,每一个新形成的尸虫,体积都会大上十来倍,体内蕴藏着的力量也会暴涨数倍。 Tens of millions corpse insects are wriggling, swallowed mutually, forms over ten thousand such as the fat maggot snow white corpse insect, the corpse insect also kept the white liquid that was mounting to stick, disgusting, echoed with that Five Elements day evening distantly, must underground tie up him from the space together. 数千万的尸虫蠕动着,相互吞食,形成了上万如肥蛆般的雪白尸虫,尸虫还留着黏糊的白色液体,恶心至极,和那五行天暮遥遥呼应,要从天上地下一起捆缚他。 Places in Gravitational Field, Shi Yan is motionless, is feeling various energy in body, crazy emerges in the mystical great sword. 身处磁殛域场之中,石岩一动不动,感受着身体之中的各种能量,疯狂的涌入神秘巨剑之中。 When to the sword body of mystical great sword above, after one-third eye one by one opens, this mystical great sword no longer absorbs his within the body energy. 待到神秘巨剑的剑体之上,有1的眼睛一一睁开之后,这神秘巨剑不再吸收他体内能量 But at this time, Shi Yan wielded a sword finally, a sword cut to that first hundred meters Huanglong. 而这个时候,石岩终于挥剑,一剑斩向那头百米长的黄龙。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” By mystical great sword void, splits slits suddenly, likely is an only evil eye, came from evil power of foreign land, pours into the mystical great sword instantaneously. 神秘巨剑旁边的虚空,突然裂开一道道缝隙,像是一只只邪恶的眼睛,一股来自于异域的邪恶力量,瞬间灌入神秘巨剑中。 This handle mystical great sword reveals blood-red rays of light suddenly, this desert island void suddenly likely has become Blood Sea, one-third eyes that great sword opens, the eye pupil instantaneously has become the blood red color. 这柄神秘巨剑突然亮出血红色光芒,这荒岛虚空突然像是成了血海,那巨剑张开的1的眼睛,眼瞳瞬间成了血红之色。 Extremely evil destruction aura, is centered on the mystical great sword, changes into bunch of viscous bloody glow, suddenly splutters, to flies in all directions. 一股极度邪恶的毁灭气息,以神秘巨剑为中心,化为一束束粘稠的血光,突然溅射开来,向四面八方飞去。 Bunch bloody glow, just likes has own life, accurate, by Corpse God Church toward the deathly silence mountain ridge and Yin-Yang Fairyland of sparkle cavern zhuo mouth disciple shoots. 一束束血光,犹如有着自己的生命,精准之极,朝着死寂山岭旁边闪耀洞穴丵口的尸神教阴阳洞天的弟子射去。 bloody glow enters the body, Corpse God Church and Yin-Yang Fairyland disciple, was calling out pitifully sad and shrill, the fleshly body rapid dissolution, in a flash became the bloody water that a beach fishy smell has soared to the heavens. 血光入体,一个个尸神教阴阳洞天的弟子,纷纷凄厉惨叫着,肉身快速溶解,转瞬间成了一滩腥味冲天的血水。 Warrior of boundary of Nirvana, has supported slightly a while, by body that bloody glow submerges, dissolution was slower, was actually bearing a bigger pain, any energy as if cannot prevent the corrosion of that bloody glow to body, can only delay temporarily, in more painful processes, these person also one by one changed into the bloody water. 涅盘之境的武者,稍稍多支撑了一会儿,被血光没入的身体,溶解的慢了一些,却承受着更大的痛苦,什么能量似乎都不能阻止那血光对身体的腐蚀,只能暂时延缓一下,在更多的痛苦过程中,那些人也一一化为血水。 Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, responded that wants quick many, when these bloody glow fly, is calling out in alarm fleeing, has a look to avoid a tribulation. 天位境的武者,反应要快的多,在那些血光飞来之时,一个个惊叫着遁走,看看躲过一劫。 Bunch bloody glow splutters from the mystical great sword, so long as were submerged Warrior of body by bloody glow, or quick or slow, completely has become beach bloody water, a they essence, is not loose in the bloody water, is receiving the attraction of Shi Yan mystical Martial Spirit, has welled up crazily. 一束束血光神秘巨剑之中溅射出去,只要被血光没入身体的武者,或快或慢,全部成了一滩血水,他们一身的精气,却在血水之中不散,受着石岩神秘武魂的吸引,疯狂涌了过来。 Hahaha! Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!哈哈哈哈!” Shi Yan face upwards to grin fiendishly suddenly, smiles incomparable wild ominous severe, feels the turbulent essence to enter the body, in his hand the mystical great sword moves, the terrifying bloody glow sharp knife blade, explodes to shoot from the great sword together fiercely, chops to hew two halves that Huanglong instantaneously. 石岩突然仰天狞笑起来,笑的无比的猖狂凶厉,感受着汹涌的精气入体,他手中神秘巨剑一动,一道恐怖之极的血光利刃,猛地从巨剑之中爆射而出,瞬间将那黄龙劈砍成两半。 Dozens birds fly from Huanglong within the body, actually by the evil power influence that bloody glow sharp knife blade spread comes out, is unexpectedly torn to pieces, De Huang attaches in continuously Divine Sense, was erased directly. 数十只鸟雀从黄龙体内飞出来,却被那血光利刃扩散出来的邪恶力量影响,竟支离破碎,地皇依附在其中的一缕缕神念,则是被直接抹掉。 Birds, such as the light smoke, so suddenly vanished. 一只只鸟雀,如轻烟,就这般突然消失了。 Shi Yan wields a sword once more, a sword slanting thorn day, as if holds deeply not to see the bottom the cavern to come out the vault of heaven. 石岩再次挥剑,一剑斜斜刺天,似乎将天穹捅出一个深不见底的洞穴出来。 Hides in the dark clouds, that countless corpse insect, has not displayed proper power, was revealed by that vault of heaven in large cave that gives to embezzle, permanent outflow in space turbulent flow. 藏匿在阴云之中,那数不尽的尸虫,尚未将应有的力量发挥出来,便被那苍穹中显露出来的大洞给吞没,永久流失在空间乱流之中。 This is power! Happy! Happy!” “这就是力量啊!痛快!痛快啊!” Ha Ha is laughing wildly, Shi Yan just likes insanity is ordinary, grasps the mystical great sword, assumes an air of self approbation in void, the facial expression was getting more and more crazy. 哈哈狂笑着,石岩犹如疯魔一般,手持神秘巨剑,在虚空之中摇头晃脑,神情越来越疯狂了。 Shi Yan that Qing Ming, De Huang and days later these three God Realm Warrior, the dull looks at space crazy condition reveals completely, suddenly heart fresh chill in the air. 青冥地皇天后这三名神境武者,呆呆的看着天上狂态毕露的石岩,忽然心生寒意。
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