GOS :: Volume #4

#360: The adverse circumstance kills

Qing Ming and De Huang these two big God Realm Warrior, but also in waiting for Fan Xiangyun attracts the descendants to suck cleanly Shi Yan power, suddenly hears her fiercely shouted, at once sees her to non-stop fly to soar to the heavens from the curtain tent fiercely, colorful Yin Li ketone Yin body blood flying Yin Jian. 青冥地皇这两大神境武者,还在等待梵香云石岩一身力量吸胤吮干净,突然听到她一声厉叫,旋即见她猛地从幕帐中直飞冲天,艳胤丽的酮胤体鲜血飞胤溅。 Then sees Shi Yan to grin fiendishly, just likes Bloodthirsty Ferocious Beast, the sharp sword general straight thrust vault of heaven, must extinguish ominous severe Hentai who kills Fan Xiangyun instantaneously. 然后就见到石岩狞笑着,犹如一头嗜血凶兽,利剑一般直刺苍穹,一副要将梵香云瞬间灭杀的凶厉狠态。 Courts death!” “找死!” De Huang drinks severely, in the hand the white paper fan flies up at angle, the hundred birds in fan are suddenly fresh toward the phoenix chart, only various five colors variegated birds, together leap from his white paper fan, dozens bird squawks are sounding, has hit chicken blood, plunges Shi Yan crazily. 地皇厉喝,手中白纸扇斜飞出去,扇中的百鸟朝凤图忽然鲜活起来,一只只各类五彩斑斓的鸟雀,一起从他那白纸扇中飞跃出来,数十只鸟雀尖声鸣叫着,打了鸡血似的,疯狂扑向石岩 These bird volumes are not big, the feather is bright, the speed of speeding along is quite quick, likely is lightnings, cuts instantaneously void, assumes elegant arcs, in airborne is waving the physique lightly. 这些鸟雀体积都不大,羽毛鲜艳靓丽,飞驰的速度却极为快捷,像是一道道闪电,瞬间划破虚空,呈一条条优美的弧线,在空中翩然舞动着身姿。 frost ice, roaring flame, venom and sharp ninth solar term plant to spit the breath, suddenly spurts the descendants to come out from these bird sharp mouths, these seem like not the strong fierce attacks, actually interweaves the crowded cotton net, transmits extremely intense attracting to pull the strength. 冰霜、烈焰、毒液、锐芒种种吐息,忽然从那些鸟雀尖嘴中喷胤出来,这些看似并不强猛的攻击,却交织成密集的棉网,从中传来一股极为强烈的吸扯力道。 Shi Yan flies horizontally, in the body descendants came from crazy descendants violent energy of three big life bodies spurts Yin Yong, the boundary of Rampage Second Sky, carries descendants surface power to pour into Yin body! 石岩横飞而出,体胤内来自于三大生命体的狂胤暴能量喷胤涌而出,暴走二重天之境,一身负胤面力量灌入身胤体! At this moment he attacks fully, the potential must body Yin body temporarily by the days later heavy losses that Profound Ice Cold Flame freezes, even extinguishes kills! 这一刻他全力出击,势要将身胤体暂时被玄冰寒焰冰冻的天后重创,甚至灭杀! Seal of Life, Seal of Death, two seal will soon fuse one, must form broken Yin Huaili terrifying Seal of Life and Death. 一手生印,一手死印,两印即将融合成一,就要形成破胤坏力恐怖之极的生死印 In this time, under the body suddenly transmits the violent attracting customer interest, the central zone that is spurted the descendants to leave power that interweaves by dozens birds, became has pestered restraint all living thing likely the mire, the attracting customer interest, making him unable to work loose. 就在此时,身下突然传来猛烈之极的吸扯力,那由数十只鸟雀喷胤出的力量交织的中心地带,像是成了纠缠束缚一切生物的泥沼,其间的吸扯力,让他都挣脱不掉。 days later Fan Xiangyun front fresh blood drip flowings, the large Yin Da double descendants breast explodes thoroughly, including clarity that the meat muscle can look, she is covering the blood hole chest, expression is sad and shrill, gets down the descendants half descendants body to freeze thoroughly, congealment power is defrosting. 天后梵香云胸前鲜血淋漓,硕胤大的双胤乳彻底爆裂,连其中的肉筋都能看的清楚,她捂着血洞般的胸口,神色凄厉,下胤半胤身彻底冰冻,正在凝结力量来解冻。 Shi Yan the body of below suddenly to rush coming, was near at hand, actually strange suddenly stopped, then starts to sink unexpectedly slowly. 石岩从下暴冲而来的身躯,已近在咫尺,却诡异的突然停了下来,然后竟开始缓缓下沉。 The Fan Xiangyun beautiful pupil underlines crazy color, the red descendants lip sends out world-shaking fiercely shouted, in fiercely shouted Yin sound, the two controls of her blood relationship mark Yin Banyin spot, blows out azure purple two color ball of light suddenly. 梵香云美眸突显疯狂之色,红胤唇发出惊天动地厉叫,在厉叫胤声中,她血胤迹胤斑胤斑的两手手心,突然爆出一青一紫两色光球 In ball of light the wave light is vast, two subordinate appear in ball of light, these two subordinate are Divine Soul of Fan Xiangyun wisp of fining transforms, is just the same as her look, is only the makings is entirely different. 光球之中波光浩淼,有两个小人光球之中显现出来,这两个小人乃是梵香云一缕精炼的神魂幻化而成,和她相貌一模一样,只是气质却截然不同。 Green ball of light small Fan Xiangyun, whole body binds solid, buddhist image dignified is sitting well, two about the descendants ten, are prostrating oneself likely devotionally the nothingness indistinct Spiritual God, another small Fan Xiangyun in purple ball of light, is clothing suddenly Yin Lu, smiling face that face obscene Yin Dang eclipses Yin Gu, in nearly selects Yin Dou dancing lightly extremely. 青色光球的小梵香云,浑身裹得严严实实,宝相庄严的端坐着,两手合胤十,像是在虔诚膜拜着虚无缥缈的神灵,紫色光球中的另一个小梵香云,则是衣衫暴胤露,一脸淫胤荡蚀胤骨的笑容,在其中极近挑胤逗的翩然起舞。 Blue purple two color ball of light, expand instantaneously in her control, two small Fan Xiangyun in ball of light, grows up suddenly, two eyes eyeballs look together to Shi Yan. 一青一紫两色光球,在她手心瞬间扩大开来,光球之中的两个小梵香云,也忽然长大,两双眼睛一起看向石岩 At once, that two by Fan Xiangyun Divine Sense are transformed, but subordinate, through looking at each other of look, flutters unexpectedly together from that azure purple light ball, is the illusory ghost spirits likely, such as the light smoke, follows looking at each other of look together unexpectedly, drills toward Shi Yan two. 旋即,那两个由梵香云神念幻化而出的小人,通过眼神的对视,竟一起从那青紫光球中飘出来,像是虚幻鬼灵,如一道轻烟,竟顺着眼神的对视,朝着石岩的两眼钻来。 The noble, obscene descendants filthy evil aura, submerges Shi Yan two instantaneously. 浩然正气,淫胤秽邪气,瞬间没入石岩两眼。 In the brain shakes loudly, in a flash, Shi Yan has meat descendants status Yin to crack, the marvelous misconception that body Yin body divides into two, two half-length descendants bodies have various consciousness respectively, half are honest, half are mean, his soul, seems divided Yi becomes two, unexpectedly the battle gets up. 脑中轰然一震,一瞬间,石岩有种肉胤身分胤裂,身胤体一分为二的奇妙错觉,两半身胤体各有各的意识,一半正直刚强,一半阴狠无情,就连他的灵魂,似乎都分逸成两份,相互之间竟争斗起来。 All these occur in the lightning flint, when he gives birth is not wonderful feels, his body descendants bodies suddenly fall into the middle of various power mire that dozens birds come out precise. 这一切发生在电光火石之间,当他生出不妙感觉的时候,他身胤体突然跌入那数十只鸟雀凝炼出来的各类力量泥沼当中。 Various kind of strange power, seep his whole body instantaneously, that only fine exquisite bird, whole body spills over the different light, sharp mouth suddenly toward his meat Yin Shenzhuo. 各类奇异的力量,瞬间渗透他全身,那一只只精致小巧的鸟雀,浑身泛出异光,尖嘴突然朝着他肉胤身啄来。 His two legs were many immediately blood holes, these fine birds, the sharp mouth bite, his double descendants leg cannot support unexpectedly, pecked covered with blood, appears small meat Yin Donglai. 他两条腿马上多了一个个血洞,那些精致的鸟雀,尖嘴咬来,他双胤腿竟支撑不住,被啄的血肉模糊,显出一个个小小的肉胤洞来。 However, upper limbs and two arms that his mutation completes, in that writes under the biting calligraphy stroke of bird, actually transmits the sound that gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, scarlet Yin Luo muscle such as steel and iron construction, but appears lemon spots, meat Yin body does not go bad. 然而,他那异变完成的上肢和两手臂,在那写鸟雀的叮啄之下,却传来金铁交击的声响,赤胤裸的肌肉如钢铁浇筑而成,只是显出一个个白点,肉胤身不坏。 De Huang sits well in the place, motionless, is sneering the looks at space by bird calligraphy stroke meat Shi Yan. 地皇端坐在地,一动不动,冷笑着看着天上被鸟雀啄肉的石岩 Qing Ming this desire gets rid, sees Shi Yan banned Yin Guzhu, first Fan Xiangyun „the technique of minute of soul, was then banned Yin Guzhu by the De Huang rare treasure, did not worry to get rid actually, but knit the brows to look at that crazy fiercely shouted Fan Xiangyun. 青冥本欲出手,一见石岩被禁胤锢住,先中了梵香云的“分魂之术”,再被地皇的秘宝禁胤锢住,倒是不着急出手了,而是皱眉望了望那疯狂厉叫梵香云 Fan Xiangyun person in midair float, the whole body blood was frozen becomes blood crystal, on the face did not have monster Yin Mei again, only remaining scared ruthless Yin Du! 梵香云人在半空悬浮着,浑身鲜血都被冻成血晶,脸上再也没了一丝妖胤媚,只剩下让人胆寒的狠胤毒! She is brandishing two, that two azure purple light balls emit everywhere luminous spot suddenly, submerges her hole Yin Kai hole Yin Men who instantaneously, the Profound Ice Cold Flame energy dissolution that private Yin Miyin locate. 她挥舞着两手,那两个青紫光球忽然散溢成漫天光点,瞬间没入她那洞胤开的穴胤门,将私胤密胤处的玄冰寒焰能量溶解。 If dream such as imaginary „the dreamland of eclipse descendants bone, in her sad and shrill shouted insanely, descendants have broken to pieces to Yin Poyin. 如梦如幻的“蚀胤骨之梦境”,在她的凄厉疯叫中,已支胤离胤破胤碎。 Nearby mountainside hole Yin Xueyin mouth two Confucianism Yin Pai younger brother Yin Zi, wake up from Illusion in abundance, surprised looks to her, looked that to Shi Yan that two Yin Tuixian blood drip flowings. 旁边山腰洞胤穴胤口的两大教胤派的弟胤子,纷纷从幻境中醒来,一个个惊讶之极的看向她,看向两胤腿鲜血淋漓的石岩 These people do not know that just had anything, but tender Yin Qu of Fan Xiangyun that moving heart and soul, is badly-damaged at this time, does not have beautiful Yin Gan again. 这些人并不知道刚刚发生了什么,可梵香云那动人心魄的娇胤躯,此时却残破不堪,再没有一丝美胤感。 This lets them alarmed and afraid, looks to the Shi Yan vision, are in abundance many dreaded the color. 这让他们惊惧不已,看向石岩的目光,纷纷多了些忌惮之色。 Does not permit to kill him immediately! I must make him taste completely among person Yin Shiyin most remnant Yin Ren cool Yin Xing! I must arrest the descendants to ban his soul, till suffered died to me!” “不准立即杀他!我要让他尝尽人胤世胤间最残胤忍的酷胤刑!我要拘胤禁他的灵魂,折磨至我死去为止!” Fan Xiangyun crazy was clamoring, eyes shot the descendants to leave the meaning of biting cold hatred, prevented the De Huang next movement. 梵香云疯狂的叫嚣着,双眸射胤出彻骨的怨毒之意,阻止地皇的下一步动作。 Good her look looking at each other, anybody to be afraid, De Huang is also the complexion changes, has not disobeyed her request, has not launched a rare treasure fiercer offensive. 好她眼神一对视,任何人都不寒而栗,就连地皇也是脸色一变,没有违逆她的要求,没有将秘宝更加厉害的攻势施展出来。 That blue and purple two luminous spots, after pouring into under Fan Xiangyun Yin Shenxue the descendants mouth, her body trembling Yin Dou, the whole body shaved ice flutters about again and again, in the body descendants came from Profound Ice Cold Flame cold and gloomy Cold Qi, was given by her arranges the descendants to leave outside the body stiffly. 那青紫两手光点,灌注梵香云下胤身穴胤口之后,她身躯连连颤胤抖,浑身冰屑纷飞,体胤内来自于玄冰寒焰的森冷寒气,被她给硬生生排胤出体外。 God Realm Expert after is God Realm Expert, although neglects because of the mind is made, but once responded that God Realm Expert power showed that Profound Ice Cold Flame power, cannot freeze its long time. 神境强者毕竟是神境强者,虽然因心神疏忽被制,可一旦反应过来,神境强者力量展现出来,就连玄冰寒焰力量,也不能将其长时间冰冻起来。 fiercely shouted, Fan Xiangyun is having hair dishevelled, shape with building up descendants prison demoness, making threatening gestures throws toward Shi Yan. 厉叫着,梵香云披头散发,形同炼胤狱女鬼,张牙舞爪的朝着石岩扑来。 At this moment, she no longer is that deportment myriad lets all men for it crazy days later, but is the crazy woman who was shamed enrages. 这一刻,她不再是那仪态万千让所有男人为之疯狂的天后,而是一个被羞辱激怒的疯婆子。 The Shi Yan eyes delay, Sea of Consciousness actually raises the difficult situation. 石岩双眸呆滞,识海却掀起惊涛骇浪。 Two wisps of Divine Soul thoughts of that Fan Xiangyun, transform her appearance, at this time appears unexpectedly in his Sea of Consciousness, a buddhist image is dignified, a wind descendants show bone to inter the body, plunges him the main soul together in Sea of Consciousness. 梵香云的两缕神魂意念,幻化成她的模样,此时竟在他识海之中显现出来,一个宝相庄严,一个风胤骚入骨,一同扑向他在识海中的主魂。 The Sea of Consciousness mighty waves are turbulent, imitate, if comes under the influence of Fan Xiangyun Divine Soul thought that hides 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousness, drills in abundance, actually cannot pursue that two to be the Fan Xiangyun illusory image, looks at helplessly she fires into the Shi Yan main soul, must ban Yin Gu the Shi Yan main soul to the seepage. 识海波涛汹涌,仿若受到梵香云神魂意念的影响,潜藏在识海之中的五魔,纷纷钻出来,却追赶不上那两道属于梵香云的幻影,眼睁睁的看着她冲向石岩主魂,要将石岩主魂给渗透禁胤锢。 Suddenly, the body fold of Shi Yan main soul forehead place moves, then shines the silver small eye, suddenly splits the body to appear. 突然,石岩主魂眉心处的皮肉褶皱动了动,然后一只亮银色的小眼睛,突然裂开皮肉显现出来。 In that small eye, a bunch of small flame caper unusual cheerful, extinguishes kills all life souls strange aura, fills the air fiercely from that small eye. 那小眼睛之中,一簇小火苗跳跃的异常欢快,一股灭杀一切生灵魂魄的奇诡气息,猛地从那小眼睛之中弥漫开来。 At the same time, one bunch of bright silver rays of light, such as light barrier of searchlight is ordinary, covers instantaneously two wisps of Divine Soul thoughts of Fan Xiangyun that clashes. 同一时间,一束亮银色的光芒,如探照灯的光幕一般,瞬间将那冲来的梵香云的两缕神魂意念罩住。 Silent within, this belongs to two wisps of Divine Soul thoughts of Fan Xiangyun, under that bright silver rays of light illumination, vanishes in puff of smoke! 无声无息间,这属于梵香云的两缕神魂意念,在那亮银色的光芒照射之下,灰飞烟灭! The fluctuation of Sea of Consciousness, returns to normal instantaneously, the bright silver small eye of main soul forehead moves, has narrowed the eyes gradually. 识海的波动,瞬间平复下来,主魂眉心的亮银色小眼睛动了动,又渐渐眯了起来。 Shi Yan awakens, the strange feeling of dividing into two suddenly, nothing left, eyes restores the Pure Brightness. 石岩霍然惊醒,一分为二的诡异感觉,荡然无存,双眸重新恢复清明。 But at this time, had hair dishevelled Fan Xiangyun that made threatening gestures, suddenly appeared in his eye pupil, she brought the ten fingers of fingertip of blood, in the blue and purple light beam split to cut all barriers the sharp energies, was near at hand to his neck artery. 而这个时候,披头散发张牙舞爪的梵香云,突然在他眼瞳中显现,她带血的十指指尖,青紫的光束之中绽出划破一切障碍的锐利之能,离他脖颈动脉已近在咫尺。 In heart one cold, is inferior to think, Star Brilliance in Stars Martial Spirit displays suddenly, such as stream of light, the instantaneous kilometer, comes once more, before arrived at the Yin Hai cave. 心中一凛,不及多想,星辰武魂中的星耀忽然施展开来,如一道流光,瞬间千米,再次现身的时候,已到了尹海的山洞前。 Bans Yin Gu!” “禁胤锢!” The stars can, Essence Qi, yin strength and in the strength and cyclone defeated/carrying descendants surface Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Saint Yin Lingshen three energy, emerge together from his body descendants bodies, has formed Gravitational Field, such as invisible jail Yin Long, covers Yin Hai suddenly. 星辰之能、精元阴力、负胤面之力、气旋中玄冰寒焰地心火、圣胤灵神的三股能量,一起从他身胤体之中涌现出来,形成了磁殛域场,如一个无形的牢胤笼,突然将尹海罩在其中。 Yin Hai that Hehe has sneered, complexion suddenly changes, must get rid fully, thinks suddenly the descendants body does not start controlled Yin Zhi, circles in flight unexpectedly by the extremely fast that not well-known power leads. 一直嘿嘿冷笑的尹海,脸色骤然一变,才要全力出手,突觉身胤体开始不受控胤制,竟被不知名的力量带动的极速飞旋起来。 During gyrates, his power as if by the disorder descendants, cannot the gathering descendants collection get up. 旋动之中,他一身力量似乎被紊乱胤了,再也不能聚胤集起来. Lost the asylum of power, in Gravitational Field of seven power mixes, a Yin Hai body such as was cut by the bit, fast is separated from his meat Yin body. 失去了力量的庇护,在七股力量混合的磁殛域场之中,尹海的一身皮肉如被刀片切割,飞快的脱离他的肉胤身。 Gravitational Field this secret is quite special, the mix power type are more, the might that can play is bigger, now in the Shi Yan body descendants body, may endure power that the advantage descendants use to have seven types! Seven power mix, cannot withstand including Yin Hai of Sky Realm boundary, gyrates along with that Gravitational Field unexpectedly, power all pressed Yin Zhi. 磁殛域场这个秘技极为特殊,混合的力量种类越多,能够发挥的威力越大,如今石岩身胤体之中,可堪利胤用的力量有七种!七种力量混合起来,连天位境的尹海也承受不住,竟随着那磁殛域场而旋动,一身力量尽数被压胤制。 Shi Yan knows that gets down according to this situation, Yin Hai definitely is perished covered with blood that flesh and blood will twist by Gravitational Field. 石岩知道,依照这种形势下去,尹海必然会被磁殛域场将一身血肉绞的血肉模糊而亡。 But, this is needs a relatively slow process. 但,这还是需要有一个相对缓慢的过程。 He cannot wait! 他等不及! Therefore his breaks in Gravitational Field, a fist rumbles, loses the asylum the head to hit to explode Yin Hai directly, at once departs from Gravitational Field instantaneously, falls to the two cloudy wooden coffins in cave. 所以他一头冲入磁殛域场,一拳轰出,将尹海失去庇护的脑袋直接打爆掉,旋即瞬间从磁殛域场之中飞出,落向山洞之中的两口阴木棺。 Seal of Life that already precise came out, the escape from two came out, seven seal united, Seal of Life became, fell into two cloudy wooden coffins separately. 早就凝炼出来的生印,从两手之中飞逸出来,七印合一,生印成,分别落入两口阴木棺中。 „!” “嗷嗷嗷!” Two were banned Yin Gu Heavenly Corpse by the mystique, calls out suddenly in the cloudy wooden coffin, that cloudy wooden coffin descendants break to pieces to Yin Poyin suddenly, two Heavenly Corpse escape the coffin, suddenly comes before the Shi Yan body. 两具被秘法禁胤锢的天尸,在阴木棺中突然嚎叫起来,那阴木棺突然支胤离胤破胤碎,两具天尸脱棺而出,突然在石岩身前现身。 The Shi Yan great happiness, under the adverse circumstance, laughs unexpectedly suddenly, the laughter is quite cheerful. 石岩大喜,逆境之下,竟突然哈哈大笑起来,笑声极为欢快。
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