GOS :: Volume #4

#357: My say|way

Master......” “主人……” The beautiful women stand in cave entrance, facial expression is complex, has called one gently. 美妇站在洞口,神情复杂,轻轻唤了一声。 By her cultivation base Realm, but looked at one, then sees three female corpse in cave, saw that three female corpse before death, once had suffered anything. 以她的修为境界,只是望了一眼,便看出石洞中的三具女尸,也看出了那三具女尸生前,曾遭受过什么。 Goes out of cave is naked the half-length man, the body and spirit are too more than average person powerful, the whole body muscle such as the steel juice molten iron construction, is full of one type to let the woman for it dazzling and intoxicating wild power sense of beauty. 走出石洞的赤裸着半身的男子,体魄比一般人强悍太多,浑身肌肉如钢汁铁水浇筑而成,充满一种让女人为之目眩神迷的狂暴力量美感 „Do you do?” “你来干什么?” Shi Yan gloomy the face, Divine Sense is launching, covers this desert island instantaneously, discovered that only then after Yu Rou, expression slows down slightly, actually as before vigilantly, said lightly: Your wing clan book belongs to the demon person branch, when wants comes the demon person to invade Snow Dragon Island, must unable make things difficult you.” 石岩阴沉着脸,神识展开,瞬间将这荒岛笼罩,发现只有羽柔之后,神色稍稍放缓一些,却依旧警惕,淡淡道:“你们翼族本属于魔人分支,想来魔人入侵雪龙岛时,应当不会为难你们。” The Yu Rou smile nods, demon person indeed waits us to be good.” 羽柔微笑点头,“魔人的确待我们不错。” How did you find my?” “你怎么找到我的?” „It is not I, is the Yi Tianmo three people. Here and Snow Dragon Island great distance is not far, the Yi Tianmo three people of soul search efforts are greatly strengthened, such short distance, in addition they had the connection of soul with you, you initially in this appearance, they then induced.” “不是我,是奕天漠三人。这里和雪龙岛相隔不远,奕天漠三人灵魂搜索力极强,这么短距离,加上他们三人曾经和你有过灵魂的连接,你初在这块现身,他们便感应到了。” Why can come?” “为何要来?” Master......” “主人……” When also my master?” “还当我主人?” Our pledges, do not have are so inexpensive.” “我们的誓言,没那么廉价。” Shi Yan is silent, in the eye has meaning of the mock. 石岩沉默,眼中却有着一丝讥诮之意。 Yeah......” “哎……” Head of the clan White Wing Clan Yu Rou sighed in a soft voice, said low-spirited: „After you leave, had something in Snow Dragon Island, after they occupy Snow Dragon Island, the clansmen of our two clans, knew their status from their mouth, understood our two clans and advocate peace deeply the relations of Devil Clan.” 白翼族族长羽柔轻声叹息,黯然道:“你离开以后,在雪龙岛发生了些事情,在他们将雪龙岛占据之后,我们两族的族人,从他们口中知晓了自己的身份,知道了我们两族和冥主和魔族的关系。” Shi Yan knitting the brows head, calmly looks at she. 石岩皱了皱眉头,静静地看着她。 They were assimilated......” “他们被同化了……” Yu Rou sighed again, our following many clansmen, know after real status, had the sense of belonging to them, when particularly Lang Xun Devil Emperor came, after Devil Qi Snow Dragon Island covered, our many clansmen through absorbing these Devil Qi, discovered that originally our bodies, like that adapted to Devil Qi unexpectedly, within the body power considerably grow.” 羽柔再次叹息,“我们下面很多族人,知道真实的身份以后,对他们更有归属感,尤其是当波旬魔帝现身,用魔气雪龙岛笼罩之后,我们很多族人通过吸收那些魔气,才发现原来我们的身体,竟然那般适应魔气,体内力量都大幅度增长了。” How could does Lang Xun enter Endless Sea?” 波旬岂能进入无尽海?” Is his bones of the dead Body Clone, but only depends on bones of the dead Body Clone merely, I and Di Shan collaborate, is not his match. The great strength of Lang Xun, deterred completely our two clan clansmen, when he stated clearly that our real status, inspired Devil Qi to enter Snow Dragon Island, let our wing clan clansmen obtained the practical benefit after Devil Qi, the Snow Dragon Island situation had the delicate change.” “是他的一具白骨法身,但仅仅只凭一具白骨法身,我和帝山联手,都不是他对手。波旬的强大,将我们两族族人全部震慑住了,当他言明我们的真实身份,引动魔气雪龙岛,让我们翼族族人从魔气中得到切实好处之后,雪龙岛的形势就发生了微妙变化。” The Shi Yan complexion changes. 石岩脸色微变。 I and Di Shan, although Black Wing Clan and head of the clan White Wing Clan, but actually could not control the situation now, under clansman, after realizing the change of body, has regarded the kin partner them, under their instilling into, starts to be hostile toward your person clans, present we, were very difficult to restrain the following clansman.” But Yu Rou said. “我和帝山虽然黑翼族白翼族族长,但现在却已控制不住局势,底下的族人,在察觉到身体的变化以后,已将他们当成了同族伙伴,在他们的灌输下,开始仇视你们人族,现在的我们,已很难约束下面的族人。”羽柔无奈道。 You with Di Shan, in Devil Qi whether same brings from these, obtains the practical benefit?” The Shi Yan calm face, has felt a while secretly, suddenly sneers saying: How I discovered that before you compare, wanted more formidable?” “你和帝山,是否一样从那些引来的魔气之中,得到切实好处?”石岩沉着脸,暗暗感受了一会儿,忽然冷笑道:“我怎么发现,你比以前也要强大许多了?” Yu Rou nods, the forced smile said: Good, I and Di Shan have not undergone the enticement, under tempting that in power rises suddenly instantaneously, we have also absorbed Devil Qi, has quenchinged fleshly body with Devil Qi, truly harvests enormously.” 羽柔点头,苦笑道:“不错,我和帝山也没有经受住诱惑,在力量瞬间暴涨的引诱下,我们也吸收了魔气,用魔气重新淬炼了肉身,确实收获极大。” What do you also make?” Shi Yan said indifferently. “那你还来做什么?”石岩漠然道。 I come to here, is to tell you, do not return to Snow Dragon Island. Lang Xun Devil Emperor bones of the dead Body Clone on island, you are not his match, once you appear in the range that he can induce, he must kill you.” Yu Rou has hesitated, persuaded: Master, your potential is infinite, I think that your future achievement, can surmount Chi Yan and Lang Xun inevitably, but before you grow truly, should better or avoids them, their great strength,...... We have profound understanding.” “我来这里,是想要告诉你,不要回雪龙岛波旬魔帝的白骨法身在岛上,你不是他的对手,一旦你出现在他可以感应的范围,他必会杀你。”羽柔沉吟了一下,劝说道:“主人,你潜力无限,我想你将来的成就,必然能够超越赤阎波旬,但在你真正成长起来之前,最好还是避开他们,他们的强大,……我们深有体会。” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, has not said anything. 石岩皱了皱眉头,没有说什么。 Leaves Endless Sea, here too Chaos, you here, will be sought sooner or later.” Yu Rou deeply looks at he, urged: We initially served your to attach most importance, indeed is a sincere intention, even after they take Snow Dragon Island, we will want to look for an opportunity to lead the clansman as before to leave, what a pity we had underestimated fierce of Lang Xun Devil Emperor, all clansmen are assimilated now, approved them, we will not have the means again.” “离开无尽海吧,这里太混乱了,你在这里,早晚会被人寻上。”羽柔深深地看着他,劝道:“我们当初侍奉你为主,的确是一片诚心,甚至在他们拿下雪龙岛以后,我们依旧想要寻机会带着族人离开,可惜我们低估了波旬魔帝的厉害,如今所有族人都被同化,都认同了他们,我们再也没有办法。” Stopped, Yu Rou said again: After all, we cannot discard the entire clan.” 停顿了一下,羽柔再道:“毕竟,我们不能舍弃整族。” Shi Yan is astonished however, partly makes a sound nodded, the manner returns to normal, said lightly: You walk, you officially informed my friendship, I remember. From now on, you well are then together with the demon person, to you, perhaps this is the correct direction, you for extension of race, I can understand.” 石岩讶然,半响才点了点头,神态恢复平静,淡淡道:“你走吧,你来知会我的情谊,我记下了。从今之后,你们便和魔人好好相处,对你们来说,或许这是正确的方向,你们是为了种族的延续,我可以理解。” Master, leaves Endless Sea, the corpse soul bridge will soon connect, when the time comes three intercommunications, Endless Sea Warrior, cannot block their invasions absolutely.” “主人,离开无尽海吧,尸魂桥即将连通,到时候三界互通,无尽海武者,绝对挡不住他们的入侵。” I will leave, but is not now.” Shi Yan silent, grins to sneer, I have not killed to suffice the population.” “我会离开,但不是现在。”石岩沉默了一下,咧嘴冷笑,“我还没杀够人数。” The Yu Rou facial expression shakes, dull looks at Shi Yan, is feeling on him that inexhaustible cruel killing intent, looks at the three corpses in that cave, has gawked some little time. 羽柔神情一震,呆呆的看着石岩,感受着他身上那无穷无尽的暴戾杀意,又望了望那石洞中的三具尸首,愣了好一会儿。 For a long time , the Yu Rou snow white wing launches, that graceful moving body lifts off slowly, in the bygone days fly gradually. 许久之后,羽柔雪白的羽翼展开,那曼妙动人的身躯缓缓升空,渐渐往天上飞去。 In the halfway, Yu Rou said suddenly: Master, you Killing Intent, enjoys the carefree feeling of slaughtering now, you have accidentally discharged Bedevilment......” 半途中,羽柔突然道:“主人,你如今一身杀念,享受杀戮的畅快感,你已经走火入魔了……” Shi Yan looks calm, shakes the head smiles in a soft voice, said lightly: You said the demon, actually in my heart say|way.” 石岩神情自若,摇头轻声一笑,淡淡道:“你们所说之魔,却正是我心中之道。” Yu Rou stunned, the beautiful pupil full is the doubts is puzzled, the tender body actually gradually flies away, a while then changes into the lemon spot, vanishes from this desert island. 羽柔愕然,美眸满是疑惑不解,娇躯却渐渐飞开,一会儿便化为白点,从这荒岛上方消失。 After ten minutes. 十分钟后。 Yu Rou rises void, stands firm in bunches of white clouds. 羽柔升上虚空,在一簇簇白云之中站定。 In the white clouds, Di Shan is raising He Qingman, the complexion is indifferent, is lowering the head the desert island under looks at body, in the eye the luminous spot is bright. 白云中,帝山一手提着何青曼,脸色冷漠,正低头看着身下的荒岛,眼中光点熠熠。 I who should say said.” Yu Rou sighed, looked at his manner, most Snow Dragon Island, should the short time not leave Endless Sea.” “该说的我都说了。”羽柔叹息一声,“不过看他的态度,最多不来雪龙岛,应该不会短时间离开无尽海。” Di Shan nodded, I know that he will do such.” 帝山点了点头,“我知道他会这么做。” Yu Rou is astonished however. 羽柔讶然。 Di Shan has not explained anything, but looks to beautiful pupil gloomy He Qingman, said: He in the following desert island, I now can the to ignore you leave, you choose to go to where.” 帝山没有解释什么,而是望向美眸灰暗的何青曼,道:“他就在下面的荒岛,我现在可以放任你离开,你自己选择去何处。” Puts me to go to that desert island.” He Qingman silent, look has strengthened suddenly. “放我去那荒岛吧。”何青曼沉默了一下,眼神突然坚定起来。 little girl, we save your life not to be easy, can you get down really?” Some Yu Rou doubts, present the demon person, is Endless Sea Warrior, is chasing down him, you and he together, but the self-destruction perishes, can you get down really?” 小丫头,我们保住你的性命并不容易,你真要下去?”羽柔有些疑惑,“如今不论是魔人,还是无尽海武者,都在追杀他,你和他一道,只是自毁灭亡,你真要下去?” He Qingman nods. 何青曼点头。 The Di Shan knitting the brows head, no longer said anything, grabs the He Qingman diving posture to get down, puts down it in the desert island shore, at once departure, will not ascend the sky on cloud cluster, then and Yu Rou flies away together. 帝山皱了皱眉头,不再多说什么,抓着何青曼飞身下来,在荒岛岸边将其放下,旋即头也不会的离开,上了天上云簇,便和羽柔一道飞走。 He Qingman is alone in the world, calmly is standing on the desert island, the graceful body has swayed gently, suddenly grazes to go in the Shi Yan direction, just likes light breeze. 何青曼孑然一身,在荒岛上静静站着,曼妙的身躯轻轻摇晃了一下,忽然朝着石岩的方向飞掠而去,犹如一阵轻风。 During the surrounding scenery in she grazes, fast transfers toward her behind, sceneries will pass in the future, throughout is fluctuating. 周围的景物在她飞掠之中,快速的往她身后挪移,一幅幅景物往后推移,始终变幻着。 Her that hot moving physique, does not have the thing lithely, the speed is extremely unexpectedly fast, Sea of Consciousness that just precise formed is gently turbulent, Divine Sense lets loose, realized quickly formidable Divine Sense, tracks down from a direction. 她那火辣动人的身姿,轻盈无物,速度竟然极快,刚刚凝炼成形的识海轻轻动荡着,神识放开,很快察觉到一股强大的神识,从一个方向追寻而来。 Her beautiful pupil spills over heterochrosis, on the face seems to be the moment to hesitate, finally has not actually stopped the body, being duty-bound not to turn back plunders in the direction that Divine Sense transmits. 她美眸泛出一丝异色,脸上似有片刻犹豫,却最终并未停下身子,义无反顾的朝着那神识传来的方向掠去。 cave cave entrance. 石洞洞口。 Shi Yan facial expression indifferently, looks at front. 石岩神情漠然,愣愣地看着前方。 long time, the He Qingman wonderful graceful physique, then does not appear from the distant place, she such as the ravine wind spirits, leaps the angry unconstrained between waist to turn lightly, the waist moves each time, before the body can, clashes the kilometer, such as the severe gale has delimited. 多时,何青曼妙曼的身姿,便从远处显现开来,她如山间风灵,腾怒跌宕之间腰肢轻扭,每次腰身一动,身子就能前冲千米,如厉风划过。 Narrows the eyes to focus slightly, looks at beautiful beautiful figure that grazes in ravine, Shi Yan eye one bright, in heart a dark to praise Voice. 微微眯着眼,看着在山间飞掠的美丽倩影,石岩眼睛一亮,心中暗赞一声。 When does not know gets up, this He Qingman has entered into the boundary of Nirvana unexpectedly, Sea of Consciousness has become, within the body aura is vigorous, the whole body wind howl is unceasing, naturally has an imposing imposing manner. 不知何时起,这何青曼居然迈入了涅盘之境,识海已成,体内气息浑厚,周身风啸声不断,自然而然的生出一种凛然气势。 „Do you do?” “你来干什么?” Shi Yan snort|hum, has sneered saying: You can go on living in Snow Dragon Island, calculates you to have good luck ever, why can also look for me? I think that you should know my situation.” 石岩哼了一声,冷笑道:“你能够在雪龙岛活下去,算你命大,为何还要来找我?我想你应该知道我的处境。” I can live , because Di Shan and Yu Rou look in your face, gave to guarantee me.” He Qingman comes lightly, halts before him, the facial expression is gloomy, I also know your situation.” “我能够活下来,是因为帝山羽柔看在你的面子上,将我给保了下来。”何青曼翩然而来,就在他面前站住,神情灰暗,“我也知道你的处境。” „Do you also come?” “那你还来?” I have no place to go.” “我无处可去。” Shi Yan is silent. 石岩默然。 Died.” Shaking the head of He Qingman pain, covers the face to sob suddenly in a low voice, my He Family all people, in the demon person invades Jialuo Sea Area the body dies, my father, my younger brother, all my family members, were extinguished completely kill. The master gate rebel, is with one's family broken up and decimated, this big Endless Sea, did not have the place of my taking shelter, did you tell me, what to do I should?” “都死了。”何青曼痛苦的摇头,忽然捂着脸低声哭泣,“我何家所有人,都在魔人入侵伽罗海域时身死,我父亲,我弟弟,我所有的亲人,全部被灭杀。师门叛逆,家破人亡,这偌大的无尽海,已没了我容身之地,你告诉我,我该怎么办?” He Qingman is sobbing, has squatted slowly, the fragrant shoulder shivers gently, not depends on wretchedly. 何青曼哭泣着,缓缓蹲了下来,香肩轻轻颤抖,孤苦无依。 With my what Gan?” “与我何干?” The Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, does not have the meaning of slight sympathy, has not made noise the meaning of comfort. 石岩神情冷漠,没有丝毫的同情之意,也没有出声安慰的意思。 Linda and Xia Shenchuan were extinguished in his side instantaneously kill, leads into the Endless Sea Xiao Hanyi soul to be defeated and dispersed him, the body was refined meat puppet, Yang Family in Devil Territory feared that is also more unfortunate than fortunate, Yang Mu and the others do not know in the abyss battlefield life and death...... 琳达夏神川在他身旁被瞬间灭杀,将他带入无尽海萧寒衣灵魂溃散,身躯被炼制成肉傀,杨家魔域怕是也凶多吉少,杨暮等人在深渊战场生死不知…… All with person of his short occurring together, as if no a good end, all these come clearly into view, let his mentality in quietly unconsciously, had the subtle change. 所有与他短暂交集的人,似乎都没有一个好下场,这一切历历在目,让他的心态在悄然不觉间,已发生了微妙的变化。 After arriving at Endless Sea, he obtained, actually also lost, the looks at side person died, his also heart had the regret, thought that if he did not come Endless Sea, perhaps all these will not occur. 来到无尽海之后,他得到许多,却也失去了很多,看着身旁人一个个死去,他也心有懊悔,觉得若是他不来无尽海,或许这一切不会发生。 Experienced all these, he saw clearly the noxious mist gradually, effectively realized , to go on living in this world well, must stand is higher than anybody, only then dominates above all people, can the development of situation, perform according to his script, but is not weak looks at others controls all. 经历了这一切,他渐渐看清了雾瘴,真正认识到要想在这个世界好好活下去,必须要站的比任何人要高,只有凌驾所有人之上,才能将事态的发展,按照他的剧本来上演,而不是无力的看着别人来掌控一切。 I want to take revenge with you together.” “我想和你一道复仇。” The He Qingman tearful eyes dance, actually stubborn gaining ground looks to him, the beautiful pupil full is the hatred, the facial expression firm and resolute say|way. 何青曼泪眼婆娑,却倔强的抬头看向他,美眸满是仇恨,神情坚毅道。 You are unqualified.” The Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, shakes the head the rejection. “你不够格。”石岩神情冷漠,摇头拒绝。 Still remembers the gambling when Flame Cloud Island makes?” The He Qingman whole face tear stains, actually force oneself to look cheerful, I have said that if you rescue to awake Elder Sister Xinyan, I make you look at my body, I keep the promise now.” “还记得在火云岛时我们的赌约么?”何青曼满脸泪痕,却强颜欢笑,“我说过,你要是救醒心妍姐,我让你看我的身子,我现在来兑现诺言。” The voice falls, her clothing changes into the piece wisp, the proportion may be called the perfect snow white ketone body, exposes under the sunlight instantaneously, fine jade carving general flood strange gloss, moving heart and soul. 话音一落,她一身衣衫化为片缕,比例堪称完美的雪白酮体,瞬间暴露在日光下,精美玉器一般泛着奇异光泽,动人心魄。 ...... ……
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