GOS :: Volume #4

#356: Mentality transformation

Shi Yan wakes up leisurely. 石岩悠悠醒来。 The dark night vanishes quietly unconsciously, in the morning the first wisp of sunlight falls slowly, sprinkles on he is naked the body. 黑夜悄然不觉间消失,清晨第一缕日光徐徐落来,洒在他赤裸着的身上。 The sunlight such as water fluid, is staying on him, has the energy of extremely weak Sun, strange seepage his body, drills into his heart place. 日光如水液,在他身上停留着,有极为微弱的太阳之能,奇异的渗透他身体,钻入他心脏处。 Gains ground safely, looks at newborn Sun, the Shi Yan mind is gentle, tranquil nature. 安然抬头,望了望初生的太阳,石岩心神平和,宁静自然。 Comes from Chen Duo, Dongfang He and the others essence, after the transformation of mystical Martial Spirit, changes into a continuously marvelous different strength, the majority and his Essence Qi fuses, emerges two arms, making the variation of right hand complete, made his left hand turn into the purple red, heavy was extremely heavier. 来自于陈铎东方阂等人的一身精气,经过神秘武魂的转化,化为一缕缕奇妙的异力,大部分和他一身精元融合,涌入两条手臂,令右手的变异完成,也让他左手变成紫红色,重越万钧。 A small differential strength enters Stars Martial Spirit leisurely, making Stars Martial Spirit even more mysterious, had has absorbed the solar energy of light power. 一小部分异力逸入星辰武魂,让星辰武魂愈加神奇,也拥有了吸收太阳光能的力量 looks at the sunlight, the Shi Yan mind was elegant in the morning, has remembered in that abyss battlefield bitter experience. 看着清晨日光,石岩心神飘逸,想起了在那深渊战场的遭遇. In the place of that strange desert, he obtained essence of Sun prestige energy, mystical great sword in Blood Vein Ring , came from in the essence of Sun. 在那诡异的沙漠之地,他得到了太阳之精的威能,就连血纹戒中的神秘巨剑,也是来自于太阳之精中。 That time mutation, has made his Stars Martial Spirit actually different, he returns to Endless Sea after the abyss battlefield, whenever in high noon, by the sunlight is shone time, meets flood Stars Martial Spirit to absorb the sunlight the marvelous unusual feeling. 那次的异变,其实已让他的星辰武魂变得不同了,他从深渊战场返回无尽海以后,每当在正午时分,被日光照耀身上的时候,也会泛起星辰武魂可以吸收太阳光的奇妙异样感来。 However that feeling is not obvious, often makes him feel is only the illusion, but today,...... Different. 不过那感觉并不明显,时常让他觉得只是幻觉,可今天,……却不一样。 The light of Sun shines in the naked upper part, in the sunlight of that burning hot, the strength of weak Sun seeps, one by one drills into his heart, making his heart gradually hot, this feeling was too obvious, was not the illusion. 太阳之光照耀在赤裸的上半身,那炙热的太阳光中,微弱的太阳之力渗透进来,一一钻入他心脏,让他一颗心变得渐渐热了起来,这种感觉太明显了,绝不是幻觉。 Such gains ground to look up to Sun, he calms the mind to realize from experience...... 就这么抬头仰望着太阳,他静心体悟着…… For a long time, he can affirm finally that after the irrigation of this mystical different strength to Stars Martial Spirit, his Stars Martial Spirit besides can absorb Strength of Stars, but can also start to absorb the essence of Sun. 许久之后,他终于可以肯定,经过这次神秘异力对星辰武魂的灌溉,他星辰武魂除了可以吸收星辰之力以外,还可以开始吸收太阳之精华。 Naturally, he absorbs light of Sun ability at this time, that is well below Tang Yuannan, even possibly is inferior to have to absorb Sun to be able Three God Church Core Disciple. 当然,他此时吸收太阳之光的能力,那是远远不及唐渊南的,甚至可能不及大多数拥有吸收太阳之能的三神教核心弟子 This he knows fairly well, but he thinks as before mysterious, thought inconceivable to the extreme. 这点他心中有数,可他依旧觉得神奇,觉得不可思议到了极点。 Because, in Three God Church, as if also never appears has then absorbed the light of stars, can absorb Sun to be able Martial Spirit! 因为,在三神教中,似乎还从来不曾出现过即可吸收星辰之光,又能吸收太阳之能的武魂 Has never heard. 从未听说过。 Has stood silently, tried to brandish the left hand arm, feels terrifying energy that in this arm muscles was containing, his eye was getting more and more bright. 默默站了起来,试着挥舞了一下左手臂,感受着这条手臂一块块肌肉中蕴藏的恐怖能量,他眼睛越来越亮。 The mutation of body, spread two, so long as kills, he believes how long could not want, the mutation of whole body will be completed. By that time, in his whole body each muscle, when is full of the terrifying explosive force, he believes that time he, will be stronger! 身体的异变,已经蔓延两手,只要一路杀下去,他相信要不了多久,全身的异变都会完成。到那时候,他全身每一块肌肉之中,都当充满恐怖的爆发力,他相信那时候的他,将会更强! In lower abdomen place cyclone singular space Essence Qi old tree, vanishes without the trace once more, but when he stands, is mixed the cyclone that by Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame becomes, started to gyrate once more, massive heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is in flood, was transformed by that cyclone, has formed new Essence Qi, injects that singular space. 小腹处气旋中奇异空间的精元古树,再次消失无踪,但在他站起来的时候,那由玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火糅合而成的气旋,就已开始再次旋动起来,大量的天地灵气在其中泛滥开来,被那气旋转化,形成了新的精元,重新注入那奇异空间。 That singular space, is the Warrior source strength basis. 那奇异空间,是武者的源力根本。 Shi Yan understands, overflows of these heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, because of existence of Holy Spirit God. 石岩明白,那些天地灵气的泛滥,是因为圣灵神的存在。 This strange life can gather nearby heaven and earth Spiritual Qi inborn, it, even can be called is the energy body that pure heaven and earth Spiritual Qi congeals, because of its existence, Shi Yan does not have the puzzle that Essence Qi was unable to meet again. 这个奇异的生命天生可以聚集附近的天地灵气,它本身,甚至称得上是纯粹的天地灵气凝结的能量体,因为它的存在,石岩没了精元不能重聚的困扰。 Sun is gradually burning hot. 太阳渐渐炎热起来。 Shi Yan has stood a while on that Square Stone, looked at two lovely female corpse before body indifferently, at once suddenly launches Star Wing, soars to the heavens. 石岩在那块方石上站了一会儿,漠然望了一眼身前的两具娇好女尸,旋即突然展开星翼,冲霄而起。 ...... …… Stars Island bottom. 星岛地底。 day god Tang Yuannan slightly Ju body, is carving in the Han White Jade stone chamber of vast Star Sea chart, was narrating anything to Moon God Ouyang Luoshuang. 日神唐渊南微微鞠身,在一间刻着浩瀚星海图的汉白玉石室中,向月神欧阳洛霜叙说着什么。 The Moon God whole body ignorant in the moonlight, the fog is misty, to person one type such as dream such as smoke the third dimension, does not just like in the dreamland the fairy maiden. 月神浑身蒙在月光中,雾蒙蒙的,给人一种如梦如烟的不真实感,犹如梦境中仙子。 Lifelike stars in her calmly looks at this stone chamber, were listening date god Tang Yuannan narrated that has not expressed the opinion, resembled is pondering anything. 她静静地看着这石室中的一颗颗栩栩如生的星辰,听着日神唐渊南的叙说,没有发表言论,似在思考着什么。 Stars Island was already desolated, in the island does not have the habitation, restriction also mostly to vanish, here always does not allow any stranger to enter, the Three God Church believer does not dare to step into the island one step, but here restraint, is naturally invalid to the demon person. 星岛早已荒芜,岛上没有人烟,禁制也大多消失,这里历来不允许任何生人进入,三神教的教徒不敢踏入岛上一步,但这里的约束,对魔人自然无效。 Devil Emperor god boat float between Moon Island and Stars Island, the numerous demon person on that Devil Emperor god boat, rides the cruel demon beast to graze in all directions, many demon people ride Enchanted Beast to come Stars Island, paces back and forth on Stars Island for a long time, actually has achieved nothing, has neglected finally here, one by one departs. 魔帝神舟悬浮在月岛星岛之间,那魔帝神舟上的众多魔人,骑着残暴的魔兽四处飞掠,其中许多魔人骑着魔兽来过星岛,在星岛上徘徊许久,却一无所获,最终都忽视了这里,一一离去。 No one knows under Stars Island, a hidden star palace, this palace deeply hides under Stars Island the kilometer, by 12 barrier blockades of various isolation soul explorations. 谁都不知道在星岛之下,还有一座隐星宫,这宫殿深藏星岛底下千米,被12种各类隔绝灵魂探索的结界封锁。 Chi Yan Devil Emperor, one after that Moon Island strikes gets rid, emits Divine Sense to peep at several thousand li (0.5km), had not realized that existence of this hidden star palace, has not realized below date god and Moon God. 就连赤阎魔帝,在那月岛上方一击出手之后,放出神识窥视数万里,都不曾察觉到这隐星宫的存在,不曾察觉到底下的日神、月神 Three God Church stands erect Endless Sea for several thousand years not but actually, repeatedly becomes the head of Endless Sea all parties influence, this Church background is not the general thickness. 三神教屹立无尽海数千年不倒,更屡次成为无尽海各方势力之首,这个教派底蕴不是一般的厚实。 „In temporarily lets teach Core Disciple to hide the entering the sea bottom secret place, the short time do not present the sea level, you and Endless Sea All parties heads maintain the relations, the discussion collaborates to extinguish together kills the detail of demon person.” The Moon God sound is chilly, the back to Tang Yuannan, was saying lightly: „...... As for that Shi Yan, pays attention his whereabouts carefully, do not make him be separated to grasp, now all influence wants to kill him, this is the crisis, is the turning point, if he can survive from chasing down of all influence, has the qualifications to reach the position of Star God. If he body died,...... Immediately informs me, I must take his heart, preserves the inheritance of Stars Martial Spirit.” “暂时让教内核心弟子躲入海底秘地,短时间不要出现海面,你和无尽海各方首脑保持联系,商榷一同联手灭杀魔人的细节。”月神声音清冷,背对着唐渊南,淡淡道:“……至于那石岩,小心留意他行踪,不要让他脱离掌握,如今各方势力都欲杀他,这是危机,也是契机,他要是能够从各方势力的追杀中存活下来,才有资格荣登星神之位。他若是身死了,……立即通知我,我必须取其心脏,将星辰武魂的传承保全下来。” Tang Yuannan facial expression one austere, slowly nod. 唐渊南神情一肃,缓缓点头。 „The Sky Realm boundary humanity Warrior corpse who Chi Yan uses a refinement, has the powerful strength like that if he true body arrives, in Endless Sea feared that is few people can win him, I just entered into the boundary of God Passage, still needed a familiar process, these days do not disturb me.” Moon God said again. 赤阎只是利用一具炼制的天位境人类武者尸身,就拥有那般强悍实力,他若是真身到来,无尽海中怕是没有几人可以胜他,我刚刚迈入通神之境,尚需一段熟悉的过程,这段时间你不要打搅我了。”月神再道。 The Tang Yuannan silent nod, no longer much said anything, at once bows a ritual, silhouette is gradually fuzzy, until does not see. 唐渊南默然点头,不再多说什么,旋即躬身一礼,身影渐渐模糊,直至不见。 ...... …… Desert island seashore. 荒岛海边。 Ten have the dry corpse to float in sea level, these dry corpses have the male to have the female, has humanity, there is an demon person. 十来具干尸浮在海面上,这些干尸有男有女,有人类,也有魔人。 Three 20 meters flying shuttle ships, calmly anchor in the shore, on the ship the nobody left, the strange demon beasts of two sharp mouths, were torn stiffly, is putting on that ships nearby wetland, covered with blood. 三艘20米长的飞梭船只,静静地停靠在岸边,船上空无一人,两头尖嘴的奇异魔兽,被人硬生生撕裂开来,在那船只旁边的湿地上放着,血肉模糊。 In the air flood a smell of blood of irritating the nose, in the sea level several region bloody water are dark red, the smell of blood is extremely heavy. 空气中泛起一股刺鼻的血腥味,海面上几个区域血水殷红,血腥味极重。 Together back star light such as grand silhouette of wing, float in three ships center, stopped over a while, melts the rainbow to go. 一道背脊星光如翼的雄伟身影,悬浮在三艘船只中央,逗留了一会儿,化虹而去。 After a double-hour. 一个时辰后。 In the small town of Dongfang Family subordinates, this person appears in the maximum spring building leading a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming, in that brothel he has selected three plentiful Miss, one tosses about the guy grinding, melts hostility. 东方家麾下的一个小城中,这人出现在最大的春楼“醉生梦死”,在那青楼中他点了三名丰腴的姑娘,一番折腾厮磨,化去一身戾气 Late at night, he leaves from brothel quietly, appears in the sea area that Endless Sea Warrior and demon person appears and disappears again, so long as sees Endless Sea Warrior, or demon person, during the fight, is other situation, he can be relentless below cruel methods, is ruthless both sides. 深夜时分,他悄悄从青楼离开,再次出现在无尽海武者和魔人出没的海域,只要看到无尽海武者,亦或者魔人,不论是战斗之中,还是别的情况,他都会毫不留情的下狠手,将双方赶尽杀绝。 In these people, if there are carriage beautiful fascinating'winsome look lovely female, he will directly then carry off, omits to go to brothel. 在这些人中,若是有体态婀娜相貌娇好的女子,他便会直接带走,省去前往青楼一趟。 The time in a hurry, a blink half a month passes by. 时间匆匆,一眨眼半月过去。 Half a month time, dies Endless Sea Warrior and demon person in his hands, over hundred people, in these dead, Sky Realm boundary then 78, Nirvana boundary had dozens people. 半月时间,死在他手中的无尽海武者和魔人,已超过百人,在这些死者中,天位境便有78名,涅盘境者有数十人。 Endless Sea Warrior and demon person walks randomly in that fight frequent sea area, will see to float once for a while in the sea level dry corpse, sometimes 12, sometimes ten have, the population varies. 无尽海武者和魔人在那块战斗频繁的海域游走,会时不时看到浮在海面的干尸,有时候12具,有时候十来具,人数不一。 So long as sees these dry corpses, Warrior of Endless Sea all parties influence, is these savage demon people, secret heart startled, will think that lives cold, subconscious looking all around all over the body, wants to have a look at that person whether in nearby. 只要一见到这些干尸,不论是无尽海各方势力的武者,还是那些凶残的魔人,都会暗暗心惊,会觉得通体生寒,下意识的环顾四周,想看看那人是否就在附近。 That person ruthless severe callous, in this half a month, spreads over Endless Sea. 那人的狠厉冷酷,在这半月内,传遍无尽海 The demon person, is Warrior of Endless Sea major influences, has regarded the most fearful match it, has regarded the ambush it in Ferocious Beast of hidden place. 不论是魔人,还是无尽海各大势力的武者,都将其当成了最可怕的对手,将其当成了潜伏在暗处的凶兽 ...... …… Desert island, in dark cave. 荒岛,幽暗的石洞中。 A person is naked the body, eyes is being red, a face cruel fierce meaning, puffs, is shrugging in a Dragon Horn Clan feminine demon person violently. 一人赤裸着身子,双眸赤红,一脸暴戾狰狞之意,喘着粗气,在一名龙角族的女性魔人身上猛烈耸动着。 The Dragon Horn Clan clansman, the male is fierce, but the female actually carriage the zhuo feeling enticement, abundant breast fat buttocks, beautiful incomparable. 龙角族的族人,男性狰狞丑陋,可女性却体态性丵感诱惑,一个个丰乳肥臀,妖艳无比。 With for a clan clansman, the look between Dragon Horn Clan men and women, it may be said that is the day badly leaves, if not for their heads have the same bend angle, looks like simply not like a clansman of clan. 同为一族族人,龙角族男女之间的相貌,可谓是天差地别,若不是他们头上都有同样的弯角,看起来简直不像一个族的族人。 Side him, two put on the leather armor hot Dragon Horn Clan female clansman, tender body half bare, the thigh separates, lies down on the ground peacefully, on the face also brings to satisfy the blood flushes traces of spring, aura does not have. 在他身旁,两名穿皮甲的火辣龙角族女性族人,娇躯半裸着,大腿分开,安静躺在地上,脸上还带着满足之极的潮红春意,却气息全无。 After half double-hour, in his wild beast calling out sound, the grand body trembles. 半个时辰之后,在他一声野兽的嚎叫声中,雄伟的身躯震颤不已。 In his whole body trembles, his upper part spills over purple-red rays of light, muscles high such as steel and iron construction, is full is letting the woman for verve powerful sense of beauty that it is enchanted by. 在他全身震颤中,他上半身泛出紫红色光芒,一块块肌肉高高如钢铁浇筑而成,充盈着让女人为之迷醉的刚猛强悍美感 However, in this time, that Dragon Horn Clan female clansman under his body, fiercely responded that eyes underlined the meaning of crazy hatred, the incisive nail inserted quickly to his neck blood vessel. 然而,就在此时,他身下的那名龙角族女性族人,却猛地反应过来,双眸突显疯狂仇恨之意,尖锐的指甲倏地插向他脖颈血管。 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” That Dragon Horn Clan female clansman two fingernails explode broken, the arm also along with breaking, on the cheek of her foreign land grace and bearing, full is the startled meaning, the lower part is struggling, cultivates in the straight sexy longleg a cruel ability to explode suddenly. 龙角族女性族人两手指甲爆碎,手骨也随着断裂开来,她那异域风情的脸蛋上,满是惊慌之意,下半身挣扎着,修直的性感长腿中一股暴戾的能力突然爆炸开来。 In instant that that energy wells up crazily, she gets up with human language squawk fiercely shouted suddenly: Dies the lunatic!” 在那能量狂涌出来的霎那,她突然用人类语言尖声厉叫起来:“去死吧疯子!” That whole body presses in his man, the surface reveals the meaning of ridicule, suddenly makes an effort a very body, an ice corner woods cold strength, seeps that woman trusted friend instantaneously. 那全身压在他身上的男人,面显讥讽之意,突然用力一挺身子,一股冰棱般的森寒之力,瞬间渗透那女人心腹。 An instant, this woman whole body freezes, has become a sexy attractive ice sculpture, grace and bearing on face also one and retains. 只是一霎,这女人全身冰冻起来,成了一具性感诱人的冰雕,就连脸上的风情也被一并保留下来。 In the heart moves suddenly, he realizes anything likely, immediately leaves to leave from that woman within the body, pulls a long unlined close-fitting gown from Imaginary Space Ring conveniently, restraint under the waist, so is naked the upper part, gloomy the face is walking the dark cave. 心中忽然一动,他像是察觉到什么,立即从那女人体内抽身离开,随手从幻空戒扯出一件长衫,束缚在腰身之下,就这么赤裸着上半身,阴沉着脸走出来幽暗的山洞。 Outside the hole, a solemn noble beautiful woman, wears a snow white dress, the beautiful pupil such as tearful deep water, overflowing full mystical is profound. 洞外,一名端庄高贵的美妇,着一身雪白裙装,美眸如汪汪潭水,溢满神秘深邃。 Her back place, snow white wing extends, 56 meters in length, static hanging on the ground. 她背脊处,雪白的羽翼延伸开来,长56米,静静的垂在地上。
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