GOS :: Volume #4

#355: Once more mutation

Reef area. 礁石区。 Dry corpse peaceful lying down on the torn to pieces Lingbao Fairyland ship, five Lingbao Fairyland Warrior stand on the ship that ruins, looks at these lose the moisture content Dead body, the facial expression is serious. 一具具干尸安静的躺在支离破碎的灵宝洞天的宝船上,五名灵宝洞天武者站在那毁掉的宝船上,看着那些失去水分的尸体,神情沉重。 Is Lingbao Fairyland Elder Xu Hao of headon ten rings the Chen Feng finger sheds, receives earnestly, muttered: „ Chen Feng Elder, which demon person you have bumped into, runs away unexpectedly continually has not escaped ......... 为首的灵宝洞天长老徐浩”将陈锋手指上十枚戒指褪下来,认真收起,喃喃道:“陈锋长老,你到底碰到了哪一位魔人,竟然连逃都没逃掉……… With is Lingbao Fairyland Elder, Xu Hao knows that the Chen Feng method, knows in his hand to have various rare treasuresseveral types of rare treasures, once stimulates, can be far away from the battlefield instantaneously, a breath surely. Chen Feng the manner is usually discrete, if really to on unwinnable match, definitely promptly will stimulate to movement these rare treasures, flees instantaneously. 同为灵宝洞天长老,徐浩知道陈锋的手段,知道他手中持有各类秘宝”其中几样秘宝一旦激发,可以瞬间远离战场,一息千万里。陈锋平时为人谨慎,真要是对上不能取胜的对手,必然会及时催动那些秘宝,瞬间逃离。 But he actually died...... 可他却死了…… With him, Dongfang Family Dongfang He, this also went out of a mean heartless person together, the body has the rare treasure that can maintain life similarly, these two bodies die, let the Xu Hao secret heart startled, he searched to observe here situation carefully, at once takes out Transmission Stone, explained the situation. 和他一道的,还有东方家东方阂,这也走出了名的阴狠无情的人,身上同样有着可以保命的秘宝,这两人的身死,让徐浩暗暗心惊,他将这里的情况仔细探察了一遍,旋即取出音石,将情况说明。 Is separated by a sea area, the news that here Chen Duo body dies passes to Dark Water Territory Lingbao Fairyland quickly, after Lingbao Fairyland Mansion Lord Qiu Xun receives Xu Hao's communication, immediately relates Gu Xiao. 相隔一个海域,这边陈铎身死的消息很快传到黑水海域灵宝洞天,灵宝洞天府主邱勋收到徐浩的传讯后,马上联系古霄 Is Shi Yan.” “是石岩。” On Gu Family Ten Thousand Sword Peak, after Gu Xiao stated clearly the view of Qiu merit, Cao Zhilan responded immediately that elegant face surprised say|way. 古家万剑峰上,当古霄将邱勋的说法言明以后,曹芷岚马上反应过来,俏脸惊讶道。 How you know that is he?” Gu Xiao is caressing a handle three chi (0.33 m) azure front, looks at space bunches of white clouds, chops an aim ball, that handle Divine sword howls, pen in-line in handle handle Divine sword Center. “你怎么知道是他?”古霄抚着一柄三尺青锋,看着天上一簇簇白云,剁旨一弹,那柄神剑呼啸而出,笔直插在一柄柄神剑〖中〗央 A handle handle Divine sword in Ten Thousand Sword Peak, is gives birth to resonancesuddenly to spread strange sword cry likely. 万剑峰中的一柄柄神剑,像是生出共鸣”忽然传出奇异的剑鸣 Sword Light come outSword Light to interweave to form a piece of shining sword net in the Ten Thousand Sword Peak spacein moonlight undershoot, swift and fierce Sword Qi world-shaking, inspires the surrounding many mountain peaks heaven and earth Spiritual Qito make the Ten Thousand Sword Peak ten thousand swords sound together. 一道道剑光在月光下射出来”剑光万剑峰天上交织起来”形成一片灿灿的剑网,凌厉的剑气惊天动地,引动周围许多山峰的天地灵气”令万剑峰万剑齐鸣。 The song of Divine sword! 神剑之歌! When entered the abyss battlefield we once to fight with Shi Yan, so long as dies Warrior in his handsto reveal that this symptom, an essence outflowbecame the withered corpse. ” In the Cao Zhilan heart sighed gently, the beautiful pupil flashed through one to struggle ”, but stated clearly the situation finally that this perhaps was an evil secret , the strange rare treasure was possibly the result, Chen Feng and Dongfang He in Sun Island, had had the conflict with him, he left from the asylum of Tang Yuannan, after having extinguished sufficiently kills their strengths naturally unable to be forgiving. ” “在进入深渊战场的时候”我们曾经和石岩交手,只要死在他手中的武者”都会显露这种症状,一身精气流失”成干瘪尸身。”曹芷岚心中轻轻叹息,美眸闪过一丝挣扎”但最终却将情况言明,“这或许是一种邪恶的秘技,也可能是诡异秘宝所致,陈锋东方阂曾经在日岛的时候,和他起过冲突,他从唐渊南的庇护下离开,在拥有足以灭杀两人的实力后”自然不会留情。” looks at Ten Thousand Sword Peak restriction lets loose, the Gu Xiao facial expression movessilent nod, said: Good, I passed on a message to present the Endless Sea news to forward to everybody Shi Yan immediately, making everybody pay attention his whereabouts. Even if he has the strength of God Realm temporarily, so long as his whereabouts expositioncannot escape all parties' chasing down, let alone also has the demon person. ” 看着万剑峰禁制放开,古霄神情一动”默然点头,道:“那好,我立即传言出去”将石岩出现无尽海的消息转给大家,让大家留心他的行踪。就算是他暂时有着神境之力,只要他行踪暴露”也逃不过各方的追杀,更何况还有魔人。” Cao Zhilan obstinately however helpless, had a mind saying that anythingfinally actually only took a walk moved black eyebrows. 曹芷岚顽然无奈,有心说些什么”最后却只走动了动黛眉 Looks up to the stars point curtain of nightin her heart flood one share to be bitter and astringent, came from the order of family, making her have to clearly recognize the reality, her consistent reason between the reason and emotionhas defeated her to the subtle feelings that Shi Yan has, to reality compromise. 仰望着星辰点点的夜幕”她心中泛起一股子苦涩,来自于家族的命令,让她不得不认清现实,在理智和情感之间”她一贯的理智战胜了她对石岩生出的微妙情愫,向现实妥协 A piece of pile of stones. 一片乱石堆。 Garnet rock disorderly dispersing, stone grotesque or fantastics in appearance, under the moonlight and star light, the shadow of stone such as in the Warrior heart is ambushing the demon. 暗红色的岩石凌乱散开,一块块石头奇形异状,在月光、星光下,石头的阴影如武者心中潜伏着的魔。 Together is also in the smooth stone ” the females of two carriage beautiful fascinating'winsomes, the light garment broken becomes a gore, tender body slanting by in stone, the cheek is crimsongentle and charming weak panting for breath gently, the beautiful pupil absent-minded looks at day, the feeling of love is attractive. 一块还算是平整的石块上”两个体态婀娜的女子,轻衫碎成布片,娇躯斜靠在石块上,脸蛋绯红”娇柔无力的轻轻喘息,美眸失神的看着天,春情诱人。 Ten meters place, Shi Yan is naked the upper part, sits well on together Square Stone, closes one's eyes, body stream ray overflowing colorfaint trace purple red ray, grazes on his left hand arm fast. 十米处,石岩赤裸着上半身,端坐在一块方石上,闭着眼,身上流光溢彩”一丝丝紫红色光线,在他左手臂上快速飞掠。 In him with that two Yin-Yang Fairyland female Center, the clothes is ragged piece by piece, the female binds the clothes to scatter in all directions. 在他和那两名阴阳洞天的女子〖中〗央,衣褛片片,女子裹衣四散。 Under the star light, a Shi Yan face is solemn and respectful, like walking to enter the boundary of absorbed cultivation, does not know that conditionfully is all around precise anything. 星光下,石岩一脸肃穆,像走进入了忘我的修炼之境,不知周遭状况”正全力凝炼着什么。 The misty white smog, marvelous winding around is not loose in his side, these white smog move following the sea breeze gently, such as cloud. 蒙蒙白色烟雾,奇妙的缭绕在他身旁不散,那些白色烟雾顺着海风轻轻挪动,如云涛。 Crossed for a long time. 过了许久。 Lingbao Fairyland that two girl students slowly restore a physical strengththey to close right up against the stone slantingly, looks at each other in blank diamay, saw the tooth seal on opposite party milk-white bosom and grasps the mark, does not have one to shame the meaning of blushing, as if thought that this is the extremely sloppy ordinary matter, is not worth them being angry. 灵宝洞天那两个女弟子慢慢恢复点气力”两人斜靠着石块,面面相觑,都看到了对方酥胸上的齿印和抓痕,却没有一丝羞赧之意,仿佛觉得这是极为稀松平常之事,不值得她们恼怒。 Devastation of beforehand violent stormpassed over gently and swiftly in their mind, Shi Yan wild such as infringement of wild beast, crazy that scarlet red eyes appears, making two females have a lingering fear. 之前的狂风暴雨似的摧残”一幕幕在两人脑海中掠过,石岩狂暴如野兽的侵犯,赤红色双眸显现的疯狂,让两女心有余悸。 Shi Yan that two female looks at distant places calmly cultivate silently, did not speak, exchanged with the look. 两女默默看着远处静修的石岩,相互间不讲话,用眼神交流。 , In two female almost simultaneously appears the mean meaning gradually, thought that this is once in a thousand years good opportunitythey secret observation Shi Yan every action and every movement, while gathers Essence Qi to move the numb and aching secretlyslowly the hands and feet, stands quietly from the stone. 渐渐地,两女眼中几乎同时显现中阴狠之意,觉得这是千载难逢的好机会”她们一边暗暗观察石岩的一举一动,一边偷偷聚集精元”慢慢活动酸麻的手脚,悄悄从石块上站起来。 Half sound, two female diving postures, Jade Crystal dagger, a jade ornamental hairpin, simultaneously spills over suddenly absorbs the cold brightness of person swiftly and fiercely, instantaneous thorn to Shi Yan. 半响,两女忽然飞身而起,一把玉晶短剑,一支玉钗,同时泛出凌厉摄人的寒光,瞬间刺向石岩 In two female swift and fierce attacks will soon fall to the Shi Yan naked trusted friend, the stars cold light appears before his body suddenly, and instantaneous precise becomes Star Shield, innumerable star point rely on the mystical stars path to revolve above that Star Shield, in Star Shield countless small star point, gathers fist size star point quickly. 就在两女的凌厉攻击即将落向石岩赤裸的心腹时,点点星辰冷光霍然在他身前显现,并且瞬间凝炼成星盾,无数星点在那星盾之上依循着神秘星辰轨迹运转,星盾中数不尽的微小星点,倏地汇聚成一个拳头大小星点 Center two female swift and fierce attacks that star point. 两女的凌厉攻击正中那星点 Big star point explodes star point of broken, innumerable dependents, following that dagger, that jade ornamental hairpin, pours into the tender body that two female spring scenery release for the first time directly. 星点爆碎,无数碎小的星点,顺着那短剑,那玉钗,直接灌注两女春光乍泄的娇躯。 Bang!” “轰!” These two have the Disaster boundary cultivation base Lingbao Fairyland female ” the white flower flower tender body to tremble suddenly, the whole body skeleton firecracker transmits the resounding generally, the skeleton crushes completely, the five main internal organs (entrails) is torn to pieces. 这两名有着百劫修为灵宝洞天女子”白huāhuā的娇躯突然抖颤起来,浑身骨骼爆竹一般传来脆响,骨骼全部粉碎,五脏六腑支离破碎。 Two females likely have become two groups of snow white soft meat, the paralysis on the ground, the mean color in beautiful pupil vanished all of a sudden, the soul in the huge fear is defeated and dispersed, an essence passes instantaneously, has become two withered beautiful corpseslife force certainly. 两女像是成了两团雪白的软肉,一下子瘫在了地上,美眸中的阴狠之色消失,在巨大的恐惧中灵魂溃散,一身精气瞬间流逝一空,成了两具干瘪的美艳尸身”生机顿绝。 Sat well meditation Shi Yansuddenly opens eyeson Square Stone shoots a look at that two female corpse bodiescorners of the mouth to transgress sneering of mock, at once more slowly closes one's eyes , to continue indifferently meditation. 端坐在方石苦修石岩”忽然睁开眼”瞥了一眼那两女尸身”嘴角逸出一丝讥诮的冷笑,旋即又再次缓缓闭上眼,继续漠然苦修 Innumerable wisp of purple-red rays, walk randomly on his left hand arm ” the escape in the muscle fiber of his musclesmisty purple-red rays of light are coming outto make this left hand arm more and more heavy from this left hand arm dissipation, such as ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) iron stone irrigation in arm muscle block. 无数缕紫红色光线,在他左手臂上游走”在他一块块肌肉的肌纤维中飞逸着”蒙蒙紫红色光芒从这条左手臂散逸出来”使得这条左手臂越来越沉重,如万斤铁石灌注在手臂肌肉块内。 Gradually, purple-red rays of light of his left hand armbecomes more dazzling, the body that on stone he sits well, starts to shiver slowly, Sea of Consciousness together vibrates. 渐渐地,他左手臂的紫红色光芒”变得越加炫目,他端坐的石块上的身躯,开始缓缓颤抖起来,就连识海都一起振动开来。 In trembling, about him arm has become the purple red, the mystical different strength and Essence Qi integrate in solid muscle blocks, is transforming his two arms slowly. 在震颤中,他左右手臂都成了紫红色,神秘的异力和一身精元融入一块块坚实的肌肉块中,在慢慢改造着他两条手臂。 Martial Spirit mutation. 武魂异变。 The mutationthen as if cannot stop from the beginning, not him[ body] in the different strength and Essence Qi exhaust, as if not finish. 异变一开始”便似乎不能停下,不将他〖体〗内异力和一身精元耗尽,似乎不会结束。 720 acupoint mystical different strength, spew out with his Essence Qi, change into electric currents ” the rapid precise fusion in two arms, is carrying on some marvelous change. 720个穴道神秘异力,和他那一身精元喷涌而出,化为一道道电流”在两条手臂中飞速凝炼融合,进行着某种奇妙的变化。 Essence Qi old tree in the cyclone center that singular spaceonce more slowly changes pale, along with the outflow of Essence Qithat clear Essence Qi old tree little reduction, vanishes finally once more thoroughly. 气旋中心那奇异空间中的精元古树”又再次慢慢变淡,随着精元的流失”那晶莹的精元古树一点点的缩小,最终再次彻底消失。 Shi Yan is sitting silently, with previous time is the same, whole body tremblesindulges in the Martial Spirit variation. 石岩默坐着,和上次一样,浑身震颤”沉溺在武魂变异中。 Under the bright bright moonlight, Moon God Ouyang Luoshuang such as the middle of the month fairy maiden, the whole body is hoodwinking the bright moonlight, in the column of moonlight in that falls from the bright moonlight, calmly is sensing anything. 皎洁的明月下方,月神欧阳洛霜如月中仙子,周身蒙着皎洁月华,在那从明月降下来的月光之柱中,静静地感悟着什么。 Under Moon Island ” came from the Fourth Devil Area demon person numerously, eye savage Bloodthirsty, looks up the day. 底下的月岛”众多来自于第四魔域的魔人,眼睛凶残嗜血,纷纷抬头看天。 Xin Da, overcome two big demon master stationsto ride Devil Emperor god boatabove that huge Devil Emperor god boat to come from the Sun Island direction rapidly. 辛达、阿力克两大魔主站在那一艘巨大的魔帝神舟上方”乘坐着魔帝神舟”从日岛的方向飞速前来。 Under the moonlightMoon God just likes indulges in some secret realmas if not know that the enemy is approaching fast, whole body is hoodwinking the moonlight, but also calmly is sensing ancient of moonlight not to extinguish. 月光下”月神犹如沉溺在某种秘境之中”似乎不知敌人在快速靠近,浑身蒙着月华,还在静静感悟着月光的亘古不灭。 Bones of the dead dense Devil Emperor god boat, has swayed suddenly fiercely. 白骨森森的魔帝神舟,突然剧烈的摇晃了一下。 Bottom of god boat, in the cold ice crystal coffin is placing the Xiao Hanyi body, was bound suddenly by billowing Devil Qi, in Devil Qi disturbs seethes with excitement, the Chi Yan Devil Emperor main soul arrives once morearrives at Endless Sea with the aid of the hand Xiao Hanyi body. 神舟底部,寒冰晶棺中摆放着的萧寒衣身躯,突然被滚滚魔气裹住,在魔气翻搅沸腾中,赤阎魔帝的主魂再次降临”借助手萧寒衣的身躯来到无尽海 The demon color break-up, should lie down in Chi Yan of cold ice crystal coffin together, has decided in the Moon God Ouyang Luoshuang body advance party. 一道魔光闪过,本应躺在寒冰晶棺的赤阎,已在月神欧阳洛霜身前站定。 Chi Yan looked at Mongolia's Moon God one in moonlight indifferently, did not say a word, a ten fingers of void downward pressure. 赤阎漠然看了蒙在月光中的月神一眼,一言不发,十指虚空往下一压。 Ties up the Devil net!” “缚天魔网!” As Chi Yan drinks lowly, referring to min in his ten finger, infinite spread comes suddenly. 随着赤阎一声低喝,他十个指头中的指玟,突然无限扩散开来。 That ten fingerprints form ten great netseach standing net likely with the muscle of knitting Demon Dragon, glistens roughly and work-soiledcovers heaven and earth, such as ten dark sky nets, give to cover everywhere moonlight, separately from each direction slowly cover to Ouyang Luoshuang. 那十个指纹形成十面巨网”每一张网都像是用魔龙之筋编织而成,粗黑闪亮”遮天盖地,如十张黑暗天网,将漫天月华都给罩住,分别从各个方向缓缓罩向欧阳洛霜 The bright moonlight and stars brilliance, were covered by that ten demon networks, cannot have one luminously the slit from demon network to shine through unexpectedly. 明月、星辰之光华,被那十面魔网罩住,竟不能有一丝光亮从魔网中的缝隙透射出来。 Xin Da, on Devil Emperor god boat overcome these two big demon hoststo see with own eyes that Chi Yan executes to tie up the Devil net......” a expression loosen, as if thought that new first generation Moon God wants Mo to extinguish. 魔帝神舟上的辛达、阿力克这两大魔主”眼见赤阎施出“缚天魔网……”神色一松,仿佛觉得新一代月神就要陌灭。 The innumerable moonlight like the discount for difference of amount of silver in coins, are centered on Ouyang Luoshuang spread to come, fiercely and that demon networks collide. 无数月光如银水,以欧阳洛霜为中心扩散开来,猛地和那一面面魔网碰撞。 The silver light and demon light impact, curtain of night rays of light is dazzling, Moon Island sky endless smoke flower fires a salvo, radiant varied. 银光和魔光冲击,夜幕光芒炫目,月岛的天空如数不尽的烟huā齐放,璀璨多姿。 In the everywhere different light, the Chi Yan ten demon nets about for the same place, live in that piece of day thorough restraint. 在漫天异光中,赤阎的十面魔网合为一起,将那一片天彻底束缚住。 When that ten demon network thorough locking spaces, Chi Yan looks with rapt attention, look actually slightly one beautiful. 当那十面魔网彻底锁定空间之时,赤阎凝神一看,眼神却微微一娈。 Moon God Ouyang Luoshuang under condition of space blockade, unexpectedly from tying up the Devil net flees, does not know the trace. 月神欧阳洛霜在空间封锁的状况下,竟从缚天魔网之中逃离开来,不知踪影。 Sir Chi Yan, the woman......” Xin Da flies from Devil Emperor god boat, stands firm in Chi Yan behindcannot bear make noise the inquiry. 赤阎大人,那女人……”辛达从魔帝神舟上飞来,在赤阎身后站定”忍不住出声询问。 Ran away.” “逃了。” The Chi Yan knitting the brows head, turned around to look at his one eyes, said lightly: „ After from now on, Endless Sea besides Yang Yitian, Cao Qiudao and Yang Qingdi three people, threatens the Expert birth of our important matter sufficiently. 赤阎皱了皱眉头,转身看了他一眼,淡淡道:“从今之后,无尽海除了阳翼天曹秋道杨青帝三人之外,又有一名足以威胁我们大计的强者诞生。 Remember, if next time runs into this femaleto want the situation not to be wonderful, immediately escapes, excessively do not pester. ”, A Xin Da face with amazement. 记住,下次若要遇到此女”只要情形不妙,立即逃生,不要过多纠缠。”,辛达一脸骇然。 Corpse soul bridge only missed last, you cleared away barrier to search the Shi Yan trail fully, once discovered that immediately the bang killed ”, Chi Yan said again. “尸魂桥只差最后一步了,尔等全力扫清障碍”搜查石岩踪迹,一旦发现,立即轰杀”,赤阎再道。 Sir, that is Shi Yan so really important?”, Xin Da is puzzled, he can wound to be obtuse, what obvious dependence is the external force, once the external force, him then did not have to take advantage, was only an ordinary human boy, being worth the Sir paying attention?”, Unbounded demon blade is Lang Xun must come from space Exotic Land, is one of the Antiquity three big demon blades, was actually broken an opening by this human boy that handle sword. If this boy some day enters into God Realm, is taking advantage of that handle Divine sword, this Endless Sea is difficult some people to suppress him.” Chi Yan coldly snorted said. “大人,那石岩真有那么重要?”,辛达不解,“他能够击伤摩奇钝,明显依靠的是外力,一旦外力不在了,他便无所依仗,只是一个普通的人类小子,值得大人留心?”,“无界魔刀乃波旬从空间异地得来,乃远古三大魔刀之一,却被这人类小子那柄剑破了一个裂口。若是这小子有朝一日迈入神境,依仗着那柄神剑,,这无尽海再难有人压住他。”赤阎冷哼道。 , Chi Yan again said: I cannot!”, Xin Da body shakes, kneels to bend down void in the place, said alarmed and afraid: Subordinate understands.”, 顿了一下,赤阎再道:“我也不能!”,辛达身躯一震,虚空跪伏在地,惊惧道:“属下明白。”,
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