GOS :: Volume #4

#354: The bang kills!

Reef area. 礁石区。 A Lingbao Fairyland ship anchors in the sea level, Chen Feng and Dongfang He some people, with ten Black Scale Clan demon people battle on that ship. 一艘灵宝洞天的宝船停泊在海面上,陈锋东方阂一干人,在那宝船上与十来名黑鳞族的魔人交战。 Ten Black Scale Clan demon people, whole body lived completely the black scales, Realm was not low, grasps various Devil Territory sharp instrumentstoward Chen Feng and Dongfang He attack. 十来名黑鳞族的魔人,浑身生满了黑色鳞甲,境界不低,手持各类魔域锐器”正朝着陈锋东方阂攻击。 In these Black Scale Clan demon people, the person is the same with Chen Fengalso in Sky Realm, is gripping a giant bend angle. 这些黑鳞族魔人中,有一人和陈锋一样”也在天位之境,攥着一个巨大的弯角。 That bend angle came from an demon beast obviously, the length three meters, the bend angle in brandishing being possessed by a demon sound as if can the wearing out eardrum, on the ship that shakes many Lingbao Fairyland disciple pain, cover the ears are calling awfully. 那弯角显然来自于一种魔兽,长三米,弯角在挥舞中魔音似乎能够穿破耳膜,震的宝船上许多灵宝洞天的弟子痛苦不已,捂着耳朵要命的呼叫着。 On Chen Feng wore completely various rings, he stood on the ship motionless, the ring on hand actually sent out various color halos. 陈锋手上戴满了各类戒指,他站在船上一动不动,手上的戒指却发出各类颜色的光晕。 Sees only a handle silver small sword, three green Square Stone, a flame sphere, before separately is at his body, behind and top of the head, these three strange rare treasures were the Chen Feng mind have exchanged likely, with the change of his mind, turning round revolving, was often flying to the demon person who these besieged, calls the ghost who a famous demon person hit again and again. 只见一柄银色小剑,三块青色方石,还有一个火红色的圆球,分别处在他身前、身后和头顶,这三种奇异的秘宝像是和陈锋心神互通了,随着他心神的变化,滴溜溜的旋转着,不时飞向那些围攻的魔人身上,将一名名魔人打的鬼叫连连。 Three green Square Stone, circle throughout in his top of the head, has been motionless, sends out misty azure lightto cover his whole body. 三块青色方石,始终绕在他头顶,一直不动,散发出蒙蒙青光”将他全身罩住。 That flame color sphere, with that handle silver small sword, under his control, grasps the demon person of bend angle all around to appear in that together unceasingly, stares at that demon person to shell continually. 那一块火红色圆球,和那柄银色小剑,在他的操控下,不断地在那名手持弯角的魔人周遭出现,盯着那魔人连番轰击。 Grasps the Black Scale Clan demon person of bend angle, brandishes that bend angleto roar loudly, unperturbed does not fear on that flame sphere and silver small sword, his nettle corner/horn is serious, as if destroys the hardest defenses ”, once bumps into that silver small swordthen to shake the Chen Feng small sword humming sound sounds. 手持弯角的黑鳞族魔人,挥舞着那弯角”大声咆哮着,在那火红色圆球和银色小剑上夷然不惧,他那荨角沉重无比,似乎无坚不摧”一旦碰到那银色小剑”便将陈锋的小剑震的嗡嗡鸣叫。 Chen Feng main energy, places this to grasp the demon person of bend angle, various rare treasures in body, flash before one once for a while , helping his these Lingbao Fairyland disciples, once he noticed that these Lingbao Fairyland disciples beset with a crisis, he will put immediately the rare treasure , helping them to resist. 陈锋的主要精力,也就放在这名手持弯角的魔人身上,身体中的各类秘宝,时不时闪现一件,帮助他身旁那些灵宝洞天的弟子,一旦他看到那些灵宝洞天的弟子陷入危机,他立即会将秘宝放过去,助他们抵挡一下。 Dongfang He is the same with Chen Feng, is fighting with the demon person, but his cultivation base Realm is lower thanmatch who Black Scale Clan demon person he seeks for ” is also only the demon person of Nirvana Origin boundary rank. 东方阂陈锋一样,也在和魔人交手,不过他修为境界低于黑鳞族魔人”他寻找的对手”也只是涅巢境级别的魔人。 56 Lingbao Fairyland disciples, mostly cultivation base of Disaster boundary, likely is the Chen Feng disciple or serving, the facial expression on the ship is flurried ” seems short of the brutal fight experience. 56名灵宝洞天的弟子,大多百劫境的修为,像是陈锋的弟子或者侍奉者,在宝船上神情慌乱”似乎欠缺残酷的战斗经验。 On the ship, the corpses of three Lingbao Fairyland disciplescovered with blood, was torn to crush fleshly body by the demon person likely ” not entire. 宝船上,三具灵宝洞天弟子的尸首”血肉模糊,像是被魔人撕裂成粉碎了”肉身不全。 In sea level , the floating corpses of two Black Scale Clan demon people, how long just refused stubbornlystill in „” to brave the blood likely. 海面上,也有两具黑鳞族魔人的浮尸,像是刚死不多久”身上还在“汩汩”冒着鲜血。 Two wear the Yin-Yang Fairyland bright clothing flatters colorful femalecarriage to be beautiful and bewitching, wears the light fine gauze, the spring scenery is happy, these two come from the Yin-Yang Fairyland beautiful and bewitching female, face ruddy ” a gentle and charming weak appearance, is only in the eye completely is flustered, covers the mouth to call out in alarm. 两名身穿阴阳洞天鲜艳服饰的媚艳女子”体态妖冶,着薄薄轻纱,春光美好,这两个来自于阴阳洞天的妖冶女子,脸红扑扑的”一副娇柔无力的模样,只是眼中却满是慌张,掩口惊呼不已。 Shi Yan back Star Wing launchesin void that quietly in this battle audiences head top Ling Li, the bird's eye view of occupying a commanding position the battle under body, complexion gloomy and cold, the corners of the mouth are holding ice cold sneering. 石岩背后星翼展开来”悄悄在这交战众人头顶的虚空中凌立着,居高临下的俯瞰着身下的争斗,脸色阴冷,嘴角噙着冰寒的冷笑。 Chen Feng thinks suddenly that looks up the day, startled shout makes noise fiercely: Shi Yan!”, The Dongfang He complexion changes, had a scare, at once Hehe sneers, to his front demon humanity: That person was Yang Family Shi Yan you definitely also received the order, must put to death this not at any cost. ” 陈锋忽然所觉,不由抬头看天,猛地惊喝出声:“石岩!”,东方阂脸色一变,也是吓了一跳,旋即嘿嘿冷笑,冲他面前的魔人道:“那人便是杨家石岩了”你们肯定也收到命令,要不惜一切代价诛杀此子。” Dongfang He is pointing at Shi Yan of space, pointed out his status. 东方阂指着天上的石岩,将他的身份点明。 With two demon people that Chen Feng and Dongfang He fight, hear word looked up Shi Yan subconsciously, at once is fast in the Black Scale Clan clan language has exchanged, then that the demon person of Sky Realm boundary, then cruel roared, suddenly abandoned Chen Feng, flushed unexpectedly toward Shi Yan. 陈锋东方阂交手的两名魔人大将,闻言下意识抬头看了看石岩,旋即快速用黑鳞族族语交流了一番,然后那天位境的魔人,便残暴的怒吼一声,忽然弃下陈锋,竟直朝着石岩冲来。 Chen Feng fat face fat trembles, in the heart sneers constantly, does not hesitate, sees only that silver small sword and scarlet red sphere flies together toward the space, the goal is also Shi Yan. 陈锋胖脸肥肉一颤,心中冷笑不迭,丝毫不犹豫,只见那银色小剑和赤红色圆球一起朝着天上飞去,目标也是石岩 These two war continuous Sky Realm boundary Warrior, along with Dongfang He a few words, changed the goal unexpectedly completely. 这两个大战不休的天位武者,随着东方阂的一句话,居然全部改变了目标。 The plan reaped profits Shi Yanto see these two also to get rid, the complexion one coldsuddenly chuckled said: So good flies, Star Brilliance! 本打算坐收渔翁之利的石岩”一见这两人同时出手,脸色一冷”突然嘿嘿笑道:“如此甚好飞”,星耀 The intention moves, his body vanishes void strangely, falls to the under ship above instantaneously. 心念一动,他身躯虚空诡异消失,瞬间落到下方宝船之上。 power of surging forward, the cyclone that in becomes by Holy Spirit God, Earthcore Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame fusion erupts fiercely from the lower abdomen place, this wild energy along his arm, flies to flee in the left hand veins. 汹涌澎湃的力量,猛地从小腹处由圣灵神地心火玄冰寒焰融合而成的气旋中爆发出来,这股狂暴的能量沿着他手臂,在左手筋脉之中飞窜。 The instant, his left hand Pi Kairou cracks, the veins painfully swollen is incomparable. 霎那间,他左手皮开肉裂,筋脉胀痛无比。 Several quenching fleshly body, but[ body] in came from three big life body fusions power, really extremely powerful a point, has gone far beyond the limit that he withstands, these energy wind through from his left hand arm, his left hand arm comes under the influence of backlash strength, ” unexpectedly has broken including the skeleton pa pa resounding several. 几番淬炼肉身,可〖体〗内来自于三大生命体融合的力量,实在太过强悍了一点,远远超过他承受的极限,那些能量从他左手臂流过,他左手臂受到反噬力的影响,连骨骼都啪啪脆响”竟然断裂了几根。 Seal of Life! 生印 This wild power, falls into his palm finally, at once the huge incomparable hand imprint sudden visualization. 这一股狂暴的力量,终于落入他掌心,旋即一个个巨大无比的手印突然显形。 Seven hand imprints, each such as the hill is generally giant, the crystal light is dazzling, is overlapping instantaneously in the same place, astonishing power rising suddenly several fold. 七个手印,每一个如小山一般巨大,晶光炫目,在瞬间重叠在一起,惊人的力量暴涨数倍。 Seven seal unites, that gigantic hand imprint crystal light four shoot, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place the power escape to come out fiercely. 七印合一,那硕大的手印晶光四射,一股毁天灭地的力量猛地飞逸出来。 Huge incomparable Seal of Life, moves mountains general, has fired into Chen Feng directly. 巨大无比的生印,排山倒海一般,直接冲向了陈锋 Chen Feng has a big shock, in ten fingers the rare treasure one by one escapes of various dependents come out, form dozens unusual barrier, blocks that to sit heaven shaking actually to strike. 陈锋大惊失色,十指中各类碎小的秘宝一一飞逸出来,形成数十道奇特的结界,来挡住那坐却的惊天一击。 However, uses three big life bodies to mix becomes Seal of Life that energy forms, actually destroys the hardest defensescrushes barrier instantaneously, with irresistible force, fills to the body of Chen Feng that whole body fat. 然而,利用三大生命体糅合而成能量形成的生印,却无坚不摧”瞬间将一道道结界粉碎,势如破竹,直灌向陈锋那满身肥肉的身体。 Bang!” “轰!” The plump body of Chen Feng meat mountain, flies upside down suddenly, was shatteredshell to throw the ship behind ship pole flies to the day, the whole body blood splash. 陈锋肉山的肥硕身躯,突然倒飞起来,将宝船身后的船杆破碎”炮弹般抛飞向天,浑身鲜血飞溅。 Chen Feng side that several Lingbao Fairyland disciple, under this strikes, has not avoided this tribulation, was ground the meat patty by Seal of Life, died a tragic death at the scene. 陈锋身旁那几名灵宝洞天的弟子,在这一击之下,一个不曾躲过这一劫,被生印碾成肉饼,当场惨死。 Two such as the Yin-Yang Fairyland girl student of flower jade, the panic-stricken desire certainly, loses one's voice to scream avoidancetwo females are far from Chen Feng, will avoids a tribulation, had not been extinguished together kills. 两个如huā似玉的阴阳洞天女弟子,惊骇欲绝,失声尖叫着躲避”两女离陈锋较远,堪堪躲过一劫,没被一同灭杀。 Dongfang He and Chen Feng at relative position, not by affect that this strikes, actually face whiten, heart fresh chill in the air. 东方阂陈锋处在相对的方位,不受这一击的波及,却脸色苍白,心生寒意。 Shi Yan strikes will practice the flesh and blood flying in all directions that the front shells, does not wait for the Chen Feng obese body to fall in entering the sea, suddenly silhouette in a flash, when Dongfang He has not responded, strange comes in his behind. 石岩一击将练锋轰击的血肉横飞,不等陈锋肥胖的身躯落入海中,突然身影一晃,在东方阂尚未反应过来的时候,诡异的在他身后现身。 You dare to move me, my will lets your finally behind regret!” The Dongfang He heart lives the fear, suddenly screamed loudly. “你敢动我,我必要让你终身后悔!”东方阂心生恐惧,突然放声尖叫起来。 Shi Yan expression is calm, like has not heard his threatright hand arm to lift, a fist bang in his cerebellum. 石岩神色冷静,像是没有听到他的威胁”右手臂一抬,一拳轰在他后脑。 Peng! 嘭! Watermelon blasting open, the Dongfang He head was shattered, the dark red blood has splashed Shi Yan. 西瓜炸裂般,东方阂脑袋破碎,殷红鲜血飞溅了石岩一身。 Dongfang He dies, Shi Yan displays Star Brilliance once more, relies on the stars revolution path, when that Chen Feng body has not fallen in entering the sea, he promptly rushes. 东方阂一死,石岩再次施展星耀,依循星辰运转轨迹,在那陈锋身躯尚未落入海中之时,他又及时赶到。 Comes from huge power in cyclonethis time pours into the right hand arm, lets Shi Yan for energy that it trembles with fear, erupts loudly. 来自于气旋中的庞大力量”这次灌入右手臂,一股让石岩为之惊颤的能量,轰然爆发出来。 Turbulent wild energy surges in right hand arm rapidly, what strange is this arm is safe and sound, is completely different from the left hand arm, unexpectedly not in the least by the backlash influence of green crazy fierce power. 汹涌狂暴的能量在右手臂中飞速涌动,奇异的是这条手臂安然无恙,和左手臂全然不同,竟然丝毫不受翠狂猛力量反噬影响。 Seal of Life leaves again! 生印再出! Covers that Chen Feng instantaneously. 瞬间将那陈锋笼罩。 Chen Feng that obese body, under Seal of Life second strikes, without any defense capability, was rumbled hashed meat by Seal of Life, scatters in all directions to fall into the sea level. 陈锋那肥胖的身躯,在生印第二击之下,没有任何防御能力,被生印轰成一块块碎肉,四散落入海面。 Shortly, Chen Feng and Dongfang He turned the hand to destroy completely by him, easy. 顷刻间,陈锋东方阂都被他翻手灭掉,轻而易举。 Recovers, Shi Yan lowly chuckledturns around to these demon people start. 回过神来,石岩嘿嘿低笑”转身就要对那些魔人下手。 However, when he turns head, then immediately discovered that ten Black Scale Clan demon person, early has tried to flee this place, such an instantthese Black Scale Clan demon people have ridden Enchanted Beast to depart several li (0.5km). 然而,当他才一回头,便立即发现那十来名黑鳞族的魔人,早已经尽全力逃离此地,就这么一霎”那些黑鳞族的魔人已骑着魔兽飞出数里。 Before and Sky Realm boundary demon person of Chen Feng battle, the person in the space, actually in the bend angle the hand put, that bend angle changed into one bunch of demon light, having the unprecedented imposing manner to fly, looked like power is not as if weak. 之前和陈锋交战的天位境魔人,人在天上,却将手中弯角放出来,那弯角化为一束魔光,带着一往无前的气势飞来,看起来力量似乎不弱。 A brow wrinkle, Shi Yan prepares to get rid anti- this to strike hardly, actually discovery that curved corner before his body, suddenly mystical vanishes. 眉头一皱,石岩准备出手硬抗这一击,却发现那弯角落到他身前时,突然神秘消失。 At the same time, last keeps that Sky Realm boundary demon person in space, in that instant that the bend angle vanishes, lost the trace. 同一时间,最后一个留在天上的那天位境魔人,也在弯角消失的那一霎,失去了踪影。 Divine Sense lets loose, Shi Yan discovered that these demon people appeared beyond ten li (0.5km), but also flees in an according to quicker speed. 神识放开来,石岩发现这些魔人已出现在十里之外,还在以更快的速度逃离。 In the heart coldly snorted, he does not have sharply to pursue actually ”, but brings the ship place that Chen Feng Dead bodyis arriving at that to break, Chen Feng and Dongfang He several people of Dead body puts together, is standing on that broken ship motionless, the look strange looks at that three Yin-Yang Fairyland enchanting younger sister wool leaves, do not kill us, the master, we will serve well your.” And a female of wheat color skin, is licking the red lip, the sound weak say|way, in the eye has the frightened meaning that is hard to conceal. 心中冷哼一声,他倒是没有急着追上去”而是带着陈锋尸体”来到那破碎掉的宝船处,将陈锋东方阂几人的尸体放在一起,就在那破船上站着不动,眼神诡异的看着那三名阴阳洞天的妖娆女弟毛“别,别杀我们,爷,我们会好好伺候你的。”其中一个小麦色皮肤的女子,舔着红唇,声音酥软道,眼中却有着难以掩饰的恐惧之意。 Another two females half, the tender body trembles lightlyclenches teeth complexion to be pallid gently ”. 另外两个女半,娇躯轻颤”轻轻咬着牙”脸色煞白。 Shi Yan very ruthless is cruel, deeply has shocked three females, making the thought that they flee unable to live, can only ” come the soft and gentle words to entreat with the talent qualification of woman. 石岩狠辣残暴,深深地震撼了三女,让她们连逃离的念头都生不出来,只能用女人的天赋本钱”来软语哀求。 Shi Yan did not say a word, look ice-coldnot touch of humanity, but stood calmly is recruiting Chen Feng, Dongfang He and the others essence. 石岩一言不发,眼神冰冷”没有一点人情味,只是站着静静吸收陈锋东方阂等人的一身精气。 After the people die, an essence in short pass by, will return to heaven and earth, even if his Martial Spirit strange, must before the essence vanishes absorbs, otherwise has missed the best opportunity, he will have achieved nothing. 人死之后,一身精气会在短时间消失,回归天地,就算是他的武魂奇异,也必须在精气消失之前吸收,否则错过了最佳时机,他将一无所获。 Also because of so, running away that after these demon people know the limitation, he does not have to go to chase down immediately, but still remained. 也是因如此,在那些魔人识相的逃走以后,他没有马上前往追杀,而是依然留了下来。 Chen Feng has Sky Realm boundary cultivation base, Dongfang He also in the Nirvana Origin Second Sky boundary, again the disciple who adds on several Lingbao Fairyland Disaster boundaries, came from the essence of these people, making Shi Yan enjoy very much. 陈锋有着天位修为,东方阂也在涅巢二重天境,再加上几名灵宝洞天百劫境的弟子,来自于这些人身上的精气,让石岩很是享受。 Especially Chen Feng of Sky Realm boundary, he[ body] the essence that in wells up, add also to want the vigorous several fold compared with Dongfang He and the others, his Essence Qi rushes acupointto let the Shi Yan acupoint faintly fresh pain crazily unexpectedly, this energy intensity can be imagined. 尤其是天位境的陈锋,他一人〖体〗内涌出来的精气,要比东方阂等人加起来还要浑厚数倍,他那精元狂涌向穴道”竟让石岩穴道隐隐生痛,这股能量的强度可想而知。 When Dongfang He and the others the essence, after early passed is clean, the Chen Feng essence passed one-third, this makes Shi Yan quite joyful. 东方阂等人的精气,早已经流逝干净后,陈锋的精气才流逝了1而已,这让石岩极为欣喜。 After a while, after Chen Feng, Dongfang He and the others completely become the dry corpses, Shi Yan well satisfied exhalation one breath. 过了一会儿,当陈锋东方阂等人全部变为干尸之后,石岩才心满意足的呼出一口气。 At once he transfers suddenly to two Lingbao Fairyland girl students, proposes one, Star Wing is launching, goes from out of the blue, in an instant does not have the shade. 旋即他突然挪移向两名灵宝洞天的女弟子,一手提着一个,星翼展开,破空而去,转眼无影。 , ,
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