GOS :: Volume #4

#353: Star Wing

Above broken palace group, that huge such as light barrier cover, a violent explosion sound, in the explosion sound sound, appears in that round bright moonlight that the light coats, vanishes without the shade. 残破的宫殿群上方,那巨大如光幕的罩子,一阵猛烈的轰响,在轰响声中,浮现在光罩上的那一轮明月,消失无影。 Everywhere stars and hot hot sun still, but disappearance of that bright moonlight, lets the scene that the light coats presents, appears is quite uncoordinated. 漫天星辰和炎炎烈日犹在,可那明月的消失,却让光罩上呈现的场景,显出极为不协调。 Tang Yuannan looked up one, the terrified color deterioration, startled called out: „It is not good 唐渊南抬头望了一眼,悚然变色,惊叫道:“不好” Shi Yan is perplexed, looks up to that light to cover, asked lightly: What situation?” 石岩不明所以,仰望着那光罩,淡淡问道:“什么情况?” Moon Island was destroyed.” Tang Yuannan clenches teeth, the facial expression is angry: At least formation on Moon Island was destroyed, otherwise the light of top of the head covers will not turn into this. Moon God on that island, has not known that her situation how, I must come up to have a look, now Endless Sea situation Chaos, I treat extremely in the following time was also too long a point.” 月岛被毁了。”唐渊南咬牙,神情愤怒道:“至少月岛上的阵法被破坏了,不然头顶的光罩不会变成这样。月神还在那岛上,不知道她情况如何,我必须上去看看,如今无尽海形势极为混乱,我待在下面的时间也太久了一点。” So was saying, Tang Yuannan must exit. 这般说着,唐渊南就要出去。 Shi Yan sees him to walk, horse rising sound track: Delivers me one and leaves, I do not want to continue to stop over here.” 石岩一见他要走,马上扬声道:“送我一并离开,我也不想继续逗留在这儿。” Endless Sea is Chaos, for him opportunity is bigger, he is just about while this opportunity, was stable Realm of new promote, draws support gains power others' death, making own strength stronger. 无尽海越是混乱,对他来说机会越大,他正要趁着这个机会,将新晋的境界稳固,借助于别人的死亡来获取力量,让自身实力变得更强。 Wakes up after that marvelous Realm, he discovered that the Essence Qi light group no longer absorbs power in lower abdomen place cyclone, is mixed the strange cyclone that by Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame becomes, although in which energy is quite huge, has actually been passing. 从那奇妙的境界醒来以后,他发现精元光团已不再吸收小腹处气旋中的力量,那由圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火糅合而成的诡异气旋,其中的能量虽然极为庞大,却一直都在流逝着。 In his heart understands, reason that he can contend with Mo Jita, can frozen that elder brother Three God Church Elder, completely be because Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God fuse the later cyclone the effect. 他心中明白,他之所以能够和摩奇铊抗衡,能够冰封那哥三神教长老,全然是因为玄冰寒焰地心火圣灵神融合之后气旋的功效。 Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, can change into the glacier islands, Earthcore Flame is ten thousand years of volcano accumulates the spirit of Fiery Flame innumerable sun and moon form, Holy Spirit God is strength of Holy Spirit Church innumerable follower belief the body of gathering, and with a Ice Bone Crystal Dragon cold energy fusion...... 玄冰寒焰寒力,可以将一座岛屿化为冰川,地心火乃是万年火山积累无数日月形成的火炎之灵,圣灵神更是圣灵教无数信徒信仰之力的汇聚之体,并且和冰骨晶龙一身寒力融合而成…… Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God these three big strange life bodies, are containing huge energy, these three energy fuse temporarily, indeed takes to him power that is hard to imagine, making him be able with a God Realm Expert war, enabling him temporarily to realize from experience powerful power to take to him the pleasant sensation. 玄冰寒焰地心火圣灵神这三大奇异的生命体,都蕴藏着巨大的能量,这三股能量暂时融合起来,的确带给他难以想象的力量,令他可以和神境强者一战,让他暂时可以体悟强悍力量带给他快感。 But, this does not belong to his power eventually truly, 可是,这终究不是真正属于他的力量, He felt faintly the fusions of these three big life bodies will end quickly, perceived energy of three big life bodies continuously in fast is passing, when will refer to being uncertain then to separate from his cyclone, then he by striking back primary form. 他隐隐感觉到这三大生命体的融合会很快结束,觉察到三大生命体的能量一直在飞快的流逝着,指不定何时便会从他气旋中分离出去,然后他将被打回原形。 While these three big life bodies still in the cyclone, while as before has powerful power, at this time must participate in the Endless Sea chaos caused by war much, kills some people, comes to gain an opposite party essence through that mystical Martial Spirit, making within the body Martial Spirit variation complete truly. 趁着这三大生命体还在气旋中,趁着依旧身怀强悍力量,这时候应当多多参与无尽海的战乱,多杀一些人,来通过那神秘武魂获取对方的一身精气,令体内武魂的变异真正完成。 The looks at purple-red right hand arm, the Shi Yan facial expression rouses, thinks the Petrification Martial Spirit variation of whole body, perhaps in this decision. 看着紫红色的右手臂,石岩神情振奋,觉得全身的石化武魂变异,或许就在他这次决定。 „Can you come up?” Before Tang Yuannan arrives at an arch palace, stands in central ancient teleportation, suddenly has turned around, knits the brows: „Before seven day, when you and Mo Jita battle, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Cao Zhilan, Man Gu and the others in Gu Family Ten Thousand Sword Peak, through the Gu Family phantom crystal the purity that you and Mo Jita look , the potential that you demonstrate makes them shock, makes them feel frightened. After seven day, I lead you to leave, Gu Family, Heaven Lake Holy Land and other influences, knew that originally with your alien race person together, and demon person arrives at the same place, then unites Endless Sea all parties power, made has chased down your decision.” “你要上去?”唐渊南来到一处拱形宫殿之前,站到中央的古传送阵内,忽然转过身来,皱眉道:“七日前,你和摩奇铊交战之时,古霄巫琴曹芷岚蛮古等人在古家万剑峰,通过古家的幻晶将你和摩奇铊看的一清二楚,你展现的潜力让他们为之震撼,也让他们感觉到恐惧。七日之后,我带你离开,古家天池圣地等势力,得知原先和你一道的异族人,都和魔人走到一块,便联合无尽海各方力量,做出了追杀你的决定。” Shi Yan expression gloomy gets down suddenly. 石岩神色忽然阴沉下来。 Now in Yuanluo Sea Area, the demon person and all influence is carrying on the tangled warfare, once at this time you braved, I think that the demon person or Endless Sea these influences, will be glad the goal very much to you. So long as they had discovered your trail, will then send out the master to chase down you, although you now seem like very strong, but I know that this is not your true power, I believe that you cannot permanent display present power, once your this power vanishes, I want by cultivation base of your Nirvana boundary, to be put to death quickly.” “如今在垣罗海域中,魔人和各方势力正进行混战,这时候一旦你冒出来,我想不论是魔人还是无尽海那些势力,都会很乐意将目标对向你。只要他们发现了你的踪迹,便会派出高手追杀你,虽然你现在看似很强,但我知道这并不是你的真正力量,我相信你并不能永久施展现在的力量,一旦你这股力量消失,我想以你涅槃境的修为,将很快被诛杀。” Tang Yuannan expression with deep veneration, persuaded: Stays here, temporarily some people will not seek, after above situation stability, then exits. Also, after exiting, should better also temporarily leave Endless Sea, present Endless Sea, perhaps cannot accommodate you.” 唐渊南神色肃然,劝说道:“留在这里吧,暂时不会有人寻上来,等上面的形势稳定之后了再出去。还有,出去之后,最好也是暂时离开无尽海,如今的无尽海,或许容不下你。” I need to come up, above is also my battlefield.” “我需要上去,上面也是我的战场。” Shi Yan does not want to explain, cannot say that his within the body mystical Martial Spirit mystery, stands directly into this ancient teleportation. 石岩不想多做解释,也不能说他体内神秘武魂的奥妙,直接站入这古传送阵中。 Tang Yuannan is astonished however. 唐渊南讶然。 I have my reason.” Has hesitated, said to Tang Yuannan: Relax, I do not have * fall easily, on the contrary, wants to extinguish my person, whets my soil.” “我有我的理由。”沉吟了一下,对唐渊南道:“放心吧,我没那么容易被*掉,相反,想要灭我之人,正是磨砺我的土壤。” Tang Yuannan somewhat is perplexed, deep looks at he, some little time nodded, said: It seems like you have your idea, such being the case, I also no longer forced.” 唐渊南有些不明所以,深深看着他,好一会儿才点了点头,道:“看来你有自己的想法,既然如此,我也不再勉强了。” No longer said anything, in the Tang Yuannan body the solar light beam flies to project 9980 suddenly together, each Divine Light injected nearby ancient formation corner. 不再多说什么,唐渊南身中太阳光束忽然飞射出9980一道,每一道神光都射入了旁边古阵法的边角。 One group of dazzling rays of light flash through. 一团炫目的光芒闪过。 Tang Yuannan and Shi Yan they, are entering that desert island of seabed palace to come again. 唐渊南石岩两人,重新在进入海底宫殿的那荒岛现身。 The profound vault of heaven, everywhere stars glittering, each stars when glittering, as if have the star light to fall from nine days, gather to the Shi Yan body. 深邃的苍穹,漫天星辰闪烁,每一颗星辰在闪烁之时,似乎都有星光从九天之上落下,聚集向石岩身体。 Under the curtain of night, Shi Yan looks up day, is feeling Stars Martial Spirit regarding the absorption of everywhere star light, among the intention changes, discovered that heart place innumerable stars luminous spot glittering is moving together, agrees without consultation the heaven and earth stars revolution true meaning. 夜幕下,石岩抬头看天,感受着星辰武魂对于漫天星光的吸收,心念变化间,发现心脏处无数星辰光点一起闪烁移动着,暗合天地星辰运转真谛。 Well “咦” The Shi Yan complexion changes, looks at everywhere stars the bright moonlight of that round galactic disk, cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise: That is......” 石岩脸色一变,看着漫天星辰之中的那一轮银盘的明月,忍不住惊呼出声:“那是……” In the curtain of night, that silver shining moon moonlight such as the clear wave light, sways, actually in the midway accumulation is one bunch, like projects according to the spotlight in Ling Li together in void in the dim beautiful figure. 夜幕中,那银灿灿的月亮月华如粼粼波光,挥洒下来,却在中途聚集为一束,像是照射灯一样投射在凌立在虚空中一道朦胧倩影中。 That beautiful figure likely is float under the bright moonlight, the personal appearance is tall, whole body is hoodwinking the halo of moonlight, the shape such as in the legend the moon fairy maiden, such as imaginary like dream, to person not a real feeling. 那道倩影像是悬浮在明月之下,身形颀长曼妙,浑身蒙着月华之光晕,形如传说中月宫仙子,如幻如梦,给人一种不真实的感觉。 She as if can slurp the essence of moonlight, the person under moon, gathers under the curtain of night all brilliance of moon. 她仿佛可以吸食月光之精华,人在月亮之下,聚集夜幕下所有月亮之光华。 Is separated by ten thousand li (0.5km), actually gives the feeling of Shi Yan vast boundless faintly recognizable illusory, thought that is only thing of the impractical illusory, such as the moon inverted image in that Yuetan. 相隔万里,却给石岩一种浩淼无际的飘渺虚幻之感,觉得那只是一个不切实际的虚幻之物,如那月潭中的月亮倒影。 New first generation Moon God, if really having god-given wisdom rare talent the Tang Yuannan facial expression shocks, in the eye pupil full is the been wild with joy excited meaning, she entered into the boundary of God Passage to absorb the millennium lunar coronas by her Silver Moon Martial Spirit strange, once she entered into the boundary of God Passage, in Endless Sea, her true strength, feared that can endure Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian this person is more outstanding, this was really my god best time.” “新一代的的月神,果真天纵奇才”唐渊南神情震撼,眼眸中满是欣喜若狂的激动之意,“她迈入了通神之境以她吸收千年月华的银月武魂的奇异,一旦她迈入通神之境,在无尽海之中,她真正的实力,怕是可以堪比曹秋道阳翼天这种人杰,这果然是我神教最好的时代。” „The boundary of God Passage......” the Shi Yan astonished looks at that say|way Mongolia's beautiful figure in moonlight, twittering, then said to Tang Yuannan in a low voice: It seems like your worry is unnecessary, she, since breakthrough to the boundary of God Passage, wants to come to be safe.” 通神之境……”石岩惊异的看着那道蒙在月华中的倩影,低声呢喃了一句,然后才对唐渊南道:“看来你的担心是多余的了,她既然突破通神之境,想来应该会非常安全。” That is natural, only if Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian get rid, otherwise Endless Sea should nobody be able to injure her again.” Tang Yuannan said with a smile joyfully, at once said to Shi Yan: „Should you pass with her see? Said that you should see, you initially to Sun Island time, she then said that must see you, was only afterward......” “那是当然,除非曹秋道阳翼天出手,否则无尽海应该再没有人可以伤害到她。”唐渊南欣然笑道,旋即对石岩道:“你是不是应该过去与她见一见?说起来你们应该已经见过了,你初到日岛的时候,她便说要见你,只是后来……” Ok, I have me to need the busy matter.” Shi Yan has interrupted the Tang Yuannan words, distinguished under one to approach, said: I go to Snow Dragon Island, how has a look in that island the situation.” “算了,我有我需要忙碌的事。”石岩截断了唐渊南的话,辨别了一下方向,道:“我去雪龙岛一趟,看看那岛上情况如何。” „Aren't you cannot soar from out of the blue?” Tang Yuannan is astonished however. “你不是不能破空飞翔么?”唐渊南讶然。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, to stimulate to movement Stars Martial Spirit suddenly, sees only the innumerable stars luminous spot collection whole body, forms a light light cover. 石岩淡然一笑,忽然催动星辰武魂,只见无数星辰光点汇集周身,形成一个薄薄的光罩。 This light covers become, his intention moves, then saw this light cover to divide into two, has formed the stars light wings of two pieces of as thin as a cicada's wing, then saw his behind light wing in a flash, the whole person the flying, changed into one bunch of dazzling star light, suddenly went far away. 这光罩一成,他心念一动,便见这光罩一分为二,形成了两片薄如蝉翼的星辰光翼,然后便见他身后光翼一晃,整个人已飞天而起,化为一束炫目的星光,忽然远去。 Star Wing 星翼 This is evolution of Star Shield, splits using Star Shield, forms the stars light wing, draws support from Strength of Stars in stars light wing, he has been able to soar in Nirvana Realm from out of the blue, marvelous precinct. 这是星盾的衍化,利用星盾来分裂,形成星辰光翼,借助于星辰光翼中的星辰之力,他在涅槃之境已能破空飞翔,奇妙无比。 Under everywhere stars, launches Star Wing, the light of Shi Yan back stars is dazzling, can the obvious feeling come from Strength of Stars that cannot see the innumerable naked eyes of top of the head starry sky, in secret injection Star Wing. 漫天星辰之下,展开星翼,石岩背后星辰之光炫目,可以明显的感觉到来自于头顶星空的无数肉眼看不见的星辰之力,暗暗的注入星翼中。 The formation of Star Wing needs the stimulation of movement of Stars Martial Spirit, but Star Wing, once comes out precise, then unceasingly will absorb space Strength of Stars, but the void soaring of Shi Yan needs is also only Strength of Stars in Star Wing. 星翼的形成需要星辰武魂的催动,但星翼一旦凝炼出来,便会不断地吸收天上星辰之力,而石岩的虚空飞翔需要的也只是星翼中的星辰之力 Therefore, uses this Star Wing to soar, he does not need to consume one point of Essence Qi. 因此,利用这星翼飞翔,他不需要耗费一分精元 This Star Wing speed, depends on Strength of Stars that the star light intensity of containing, in Star Wing has is stronger, he will stimulate to movement this Star Wing speed to be also quicker. 星翼的速度,取决于其中蕴藏的星光强度,星翼之中存在的星辰之力越强,他催动起来这星翼的速度也会越快。 In Star Wing light of flash all stars stimulate completely, will form the star to escape, instantaneously surely. 星翼之中所有星辰之光一瞬间全部激发,将会形成星遁,瞬间千万里。 In the nighttime sky, Shi Yan is stimulating to movement Star Wing, goes toward the Snow Dragon Island direction rapid line, he looks at starry sky, is feeling the irrigation of Strength of Stars once for a while, quietly revolution Star Manipulation, Strength of Stars that tries the exquisite utilization to grasp, in soaring, his two palm innumerable stars luminous spot glittering. 夜空中,石岩催动着星翼,朝着雪龙岛的方向飞速行去,他时不时看着星空,感受着星辰之力的灌注,悄悄运转星御,试着精妙的运用可以掌握的星辰之力,在飞翔中,他两手掌心无数星辰光点闪烁 Marvelous star, appear to combine in his palm, in the soaring, he realizes from experience attentively, sinks to which the mind, comprehends the stars highest good...... 一个个奇妙的星阵,就在他掌心之中浮现组合出来,飞翔中,他用心体悟,将心神沉入其中,来领悟其中的星辰至理…… Some intense lives fluctuate, suddenly transmits from a front 800 li (0.5km) reef region. 一些激烈生命波动,突然从前方800里一片礁石区域传来。 Indulges in Shi Yan to Stars Deep Meaning comprehension, wakes up suddenly, Sea of Consciousness moves, the main soul exits Divine Sense spread. 沉溺在对星辰奥义领悟中的石岩,霍然醒来,识海一动,主魂将神识扩散出去。 A marvelous feeling, maps the heart suddenly...... 一股奇妙的感觉,忽然映入心头…… He suddenly discovered one looked like had the innumerable eyes, along with Divine Sense spread, he can see Divine Sense clearly all scenes. 他忽然发现自己像是有了无数的眼睛,随着神识扩散,他可以清楚的看到神识所过的一切场景。 In all directions, in day Shanghai, any scene, so long as passed over gently and swiftly by Divine Sense, becomes tiny particle Bi Xian, one by one appears in his mind. 四面八方,天上海中,任何场景只要被神识掠过,都变得纤毫毕现,一一在他脑海浮现出来。 This is very marvelous realizing from experience. 这是一种非常奇妙的体悟。 Before his Divine Sense let loose, can the sensation to something, but that feeling, actually likely was the blind person touches the thing, can indeed feel the entity, can realize existence of thing, but that type perceived that the strength was not very concrete, insufficiently understood clearly. 以前他神识放开,也能够感知到一些东西,但那种感觉,却像是瞎子摸物,的确能够感觉到实体,能够察觉到事物的存在,可那种觉察力却不够具体,不够清晰明了。 Now was different, now Divine Sense in it place, he looked like true body arrived, can look at a clarity all landscapes 现在不同了,现在神识所在之地,他就像是真身已经到了,可以将一切景观看个清清楚楚 Continuously Divine Sense, likely is his only Heavenly Eye, all around condition one by one will present for him. 一缕缕神识,像是他的一只只天眼,将周遭境况一一为他呈现出来。 When his Divine Sense arrives at that life fluctuation reacted region, he has not spent any strength, the purity that scene looks, also saw several acquaintances. 等他神识来到那生命波动震动的区域时,他没有花费什么力气,就将那一块的场景看的一清二楚,也看到了几个熟人。 ...... …… ps: Announced several groups: vip book friend group: 35945514( enter group to confirm) Slaughter God one crowd: 117542617. Slaughter God two crowds: 7063592. Slaughter God three crowds: 96908746. ps:公布几个群:vip书友群:35945514(进群需验证)杀神一群:117542617。杀神二群:7063592。杀神三群:96908746。 Slaughter God iron rod four battalions 杀神铁杆四营 123852861 this crowd of vacancies are many. 123852861此群空位较多。 The interested friend, can add to play ~~ RV 有兴趣的朋友,可以加进去玩玩~~RV
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