GOS :: Volume #4

#352: Opening inheritance!

This is gorgeous stars sea. 这是一个绚丽的星辰海洋。 The everywhere radiant stars, the innumerable stars cover entirely the starry sky, likely is giant vast sea, limitless. 漫天璀璨的星辰,无数星辰布满星空,像是一个巨大辽阔的海洋,无边无际。 Here only then the countless stars, between the stars and stars are separated by are extremely as if near, likely is extremely far...... 在这里只有数不尽的星辰,星辰与星辰之间相隔似乎极近,又像是极远…… The Shi Yan main soul strange emergence here, appears in vast Star Sea, sees only the innumerable strange luminous spots, flies from these radiant stars, one by one emerges his body, in stars luminous spots, imprint a memory trace, by his deep imprint in main soul. 石岩主魂诡异的出现在这里,出现在浩瀚星海之中,只见无数奇异的光点,从那些璀璨星辰中飞出来,一一涌入他身体,一个个星辰光点中,都烙印着一丝记忆痕迹,被他深深烙印在主魂中。 He wanders in Star Sea likely, flaneries, only thinks one as if really in Star Sea, at the universe deep place, besides everywhere stars, cannot see any other things. 他像是在星海中游荡,漫无目的,只觉自己仿佛真的处在星海中,处在宇宙的深处,除了漫天星辰外,看不见任何别的事物。 As innumerable stars luminous spots converge the body, along with the accumulations of these memories, he knew the stars to be mysterious likely gradually. 随着无数星辰光点汇入身体,随着那些记忆的聚集,他像是渐渐知晓了星辰奥妙。 When does not know gets up, he moved suddenly. 不知何时起,他忽然动了。 In path of stars revolution with Star Sea is common, he flies into suddenly above stars, saw that the misty star light binds the photostar, cannot enter in the photostar, can actually feel vast Strength of Stars that in that photostar contains, can feel stars aura that has through ancient times. 星海中星辰运转的轨迹一般,他忽然飞入其中一个星辰之上,看到蒙蒙星光将星体裹住,不能进入星体中,却可以感觉到那星体之内蕴藏的浩大的星辰之力,能感受到那亘古存在的星辰气息 Once he moves, looked like cannot stop, flew into on another stars from stars, such as one bunch of star light, resembled to cut the space boundary, the speed quick cannot describe in the spoken language. 他一旦动起来,就像是停不下来了,从一个星辰飞入另一个星辰上,如一束星光,似能划破空间界限,速度之快不能用言语形容。 In this Star Sea, he fast is moving, the innumerable stars luminous spots gather its gradually, forms a star light glittering giant star cover, covers completely the body. 在这星海中,他飞快的移动着,渐渐地,无数星辰光点汇聚其身,形成一个星光闪烁的巨大星罩,将身体全部罩住。 Coating of that stars, is shining upon the stars, in the light with that strange palace covers somewhat similarly, the difference is that the light coats does not have the hot sun and bright moonlight to appear. 那星辰之罩上,映照着星辰,和那个奇异的宫殿上的光罩有些相似,所不同的是,光罩上并没有烈日、明月显现。 Is moving unceasingly, he along with the accumulation of more stars luminous spot, enters the main soul along with more memory trace imprint, he likely gradually had understood uses the Strength of Stars method...... 不断移动着,他随着更多星辰光点的聚集,随着更多的记忆痕迹烙印进主魂,他又像是渐渐懂得了运用星辰之力的方法…… In the migration, he rubs conveniently, is rubs the putty group to be ordinary likely, can concentrate Star Cluster the light of stars. 在移动中,他随手搓揉,像是揉泥团一般,可以将星辰之光凝成星团 The light of stars in his hands, can change any shape, draws the noodles to draw the growth strip generally, rubs one group, is divided innumerably...... 星辰之光在他手中,可以变化成任何形状,拉面条一般拉成长条,揉成一团,分成无数…… His utilization to the Strength of Stars, is getting more and more handy. 他对星辰之力的运用,越来越得心应手。 Divine Sense fluctuates, innumerable Strength of Stars fill to shoot from the day, under his consciousness control, the light of these stars like the raindrop, lets fall crowded, in each stars luminous spot, contains is letting him for it surprised energy, these energy can along with his regard activity, be able under his intention control, to form various types to let his puzzled stars Ancient Formation...... 神念变幻间,无数星辰之力从天灌射下来,在他的意识操控下,那些星辰之光如雨点,密集垂落,每一个星辰光点之中,都蕴藏着让他为之惊讶的能量,那些能量可以随着他心意活动,可以在他心念操控下,形成各种让他不解的星辰古阵…… In this strange Star Sea, he moves rapidly, is sensing the Star Sea mystery, realizes among that heaven and earth the true meaning of stars revolution, comes to be familiar with all sorts of heaven and earth highest good from Strength of Stars. 在这奇异的星海中,他飞速移动,感悟着星海的奥妙,体会那天地间星辰运转的真谛,从星辰之力中来熟悉种种天地至理。 He is comprehending some mystical deep meaning...... 他在领悟某种神秘的奥义…… After a long time, he suddenly discovered that these everywhere stars no longer have the luminous spot to fly to his body, but he regarding the utilization of Strength of Stars, has actually achieved extremely deep Realm. 不知道过了多久,他忽然发现那些漫天星辰不再有光点飞向他身体,而他对于星辰之力的运用,却达到了一种极深的境界 But at this time, he discovered that the extremely far place, as if light of one bunch of Sun shine extremely. 而这时候,他发现极远极远之处,似乎有一束太阳之光照耀过来。 , He flies subconsciously in the direction that that flight-by-light of Sun comes, is relying on the stars revolution path, stretches across the galaxy distance, tracks down that light of Sun, was likely getting more and more near to that light of Sun...... 下意识地,他朝着那太阳之光传来的方向飞去,依循着星辰运转轨迹,横跨星河距离,追寻那太阳之光,像是离那太阳之光越来越近了…… However, so after tracking down for a long time for a long time, he has not seen the hot hot sun in memory as before, cannot see that huge sending body of light. 然而,这般追寻了许久许久之后,他依旧没有看到记忆中的炎炎烈日,没能看到那巨大的发光体 But in tracking down the process of light of Sun, he regarding the comprehension of Strength of Stars, even more is profound. 但在追寻太阳之光的过程中,他对于星辰之力的领悟,却愈加深刻。 In this Star Sea, his soul flutters, such as in the dreamland, does not have the time concept, probably for a long time, he had thought for a long time gradually the soul was somewhat exhausted, has had the weary meaning. 在这星海之中,他灵魂飘飘荡荡,如在梦境,没有时间概念,好像过了许久许久,他渐渐觉得灵魂有些疲惫,生出了疲倦之意。 He realizes improper, wants to be separated from this strange Star Sea, then thinks that complacent knows once more fuzzily, flutters, crashes toward somewhere nothingness passage, sinks...... 他意识到不妥,想要脱离这个奇异的星海,然后就觉得意识再次模糊,飘飘荡荡,直朝着某处虚无通道坠落,一路下沉…… Shi Yan wakes up suddenly. 石岩霍然醒来。 Looks all around, discovered one as before are in the star deep pool, the main soul returns to Sea of Consciousness, in this star deep pool, the stars luminous spots, reduced many times likely, the light of stars was also dim. 环顾四周,发现自己依旧处在星潭中,主魂重归识海,这星潭中,一个个星辰光点,像是缩小了许多倍,星辰之光也黯淡了许多。 In light barrier of top of the head, has the milky white waterdrop to congeal as before, drops below Sun Moon Star three pond. 头顶的光幕中,依旧有乳白色的水滴凝结出来,滴落在下方的日月星三潭 star deep pool deep water is still limpid, was only cold intent actually not , the looks at star deep pool, light barrier of looks at top of the head, his look was absent-minded, seemed lost in thought that thought that in mind were likely many thing, calmed the mind to realize from experience. 星潭潭水依然清澈,只是冷意却不在了,看着星潭,看着头顶的光幕,他眼神恍惚,似乎陷入了沉思,觉得脑海之中像是多了点东西,静心去体悟。 Also for a long time, his two eyes had restored the Pure Brightness gradually, discovered that Tang Yuannan and numerous Three God Church believers, gather by the star deep pool, lost looks at he. 又过了许久,他两眼渐渐恢复清明,发现唐渊南和众多三神教的教徒,都聚集在星潭旁边,出神的看着他。 „Did you wake up?” Tang Yuannan shows a faint smile, asks: How feels?” “你醒来了?”唐渊南微微一笑,问道:“感觉如何?” Is very good, entered the Milky Way deep place likely, has bathed a while in everywhere Star Sea. This feeling,...... Is hard to describe in the spoken language.” Shi Yan looks at Tang Yuannan, has gawked a while, has smiled suddenly, to his friendly nodded, said: I think that this is your clever trick, I think that I will not wake up.” “很不错,像是进入了银河深处,在漫天星海中沐浴了一会儿。这种感觉,……难以用言语来描述。”石岩看着唐渊南,愣了一会儿,也忽然笑了,冲他友善的点了点头,道:“我本以为这是你的诡计,我以为我不会醒来了。” Such remarks, side many Three God Church believers, expression suddenly strange. 此话一出,旁边许多三神教的教徒,表情突然古怪了起来。 The Tang Yuannan facial expression is actually invariable, said: What obtained?” 唐渊南倒是神情不变,笑着说:“得到了什么?” Shi Yan has not replied immediately, eyes closed has felt a while, the eye one brightly, crawled from the star deep pool suddenly sluggishly, at once the intention moves, in the heart innumerable stars luminous spot glittering gets up together. 石岩没有马上答话,闭目感受了一会儿,眼睛忽然一亮,慢吞吞地从星潭之中爬了出来,旋即心念一动,心脏中无数星辰光点一起闪烁起来。 In his body, the light of stars suddenly dazzling incomparable, then vanishes baseless. 他身体之中,星辰之光骤然炫目无比,然后凭空消失。 Numerous Three God Church believers, have been paying attention to him, actually discovered that he disappears suddenly. 众多三神教的教徒,一直都在注意着他,却发现他突然不见了。 People subconscious searches for his trail in this broken palace, actually discovered when he does not know gets up, appears in another corner, explodes in the light of whole body stars hits a target, vanishes once more. 众人下意识的在这残破的宫殿中搜寻他的踪迹,却发现他不知道何时起,出现在另一个角落,在浑身星辰之光爆射中,再次消失。 Star Brilliance! 星耀 Relies on the stars to arrange natural law, opens the strength of Stars Martial Spirit, defers to the stars rule to fly instantaneously, such as the light of star, stretches across spatial. 依循星辰排列规则,开启星辰武魂之力,瞬间按照星辰规律飞逝,如星之光,横跨空界。 This also wants quick one to transfer the movement compared with Escaping Lightning Changes unexpectedly, can be called the brilliance of star seriously, uses Stars Martial Spirit, inspires Strength of Stars, once he intention change, the body like the star light, will be common with that Tang Yuannan, can vanish likely baseless, transverse shift kilometer distance. 这竟是比逸电变还要快的一种挪移身法,当真称得上星之光耀,利用星辰武魂,引动星辰之力,他一旦心念变化,身体就会如星光,和那唐渊南一般,像是可以凭空消失,横移千米距离。 The intention moves again. 心念再动。 The light of innumerable stars brave from within the body, forms a stars luminous spot glittering light shield, covers the whole body, the light of this light shield and top of the head covers general, everywhere stars appear, but has lacked Sun and bright moonlight. 无数星辰之光从体内冒出来,形成一个星辰光点闪烁的光盾,将全身笼罩,这光盾和头顶的光罩一般,漫天星辰显现,只是缺少了太阳、明月。 Star Shield! 星盾 Gathers Strength of Stars, precise becomes the stars light shield, stars light shield become, will absorb Strength of Stars continually, makes Star Shield even more precise with the aid of Strength of Stars tenaciously, does not fear the water and fire, may resist the impact of any energy. 聚集星辰之力,凝炼成星辰光盾,星辰光盾一成,将会持续吸收星辰之力,借助星辰之力星盾愈加凝炼坚韧,不惧水火,可抵御任何能量的冲击。 Divine Sense moves, the stars luminous spot in heart, fast moves. 神识一动,心脏中的星辰光点,飞快地移动起来。 The innumerable stars luminous spots in his palm, fluctuate along with his intention, these stars luminous spot one by one escape heavens, such as reduction Milky Way, presents in void. 无数星辰光点在他掌心,随着他心念变幻,那些星辰光点一一飞逸上天,如缩小的银河,在虚空之中呈现出来。 The innumerable luminous spots are moving, often the fluctuation stars path, forms various types star that agrees without consultation the heaven and earth stars revolution highest good, releases is letting the person for it palpitation Strength of Stars. 无数的光点移动着,不时地变幻星辰轨迹,形成各种暗合天地星辰运转至理的星阵,释放着让人为之心悸的星辰之力 Star Manipulation! 星御 Has one's wish using Strength of Stars, displays with the way of stars revolution Strength of Stars, forms marvelous star, borrows beyond the day the strength of Star Sea. 随心所欲运用星辰之力,将星辰之力用星辰运转的方式施展开来,形成奇妙的星阵,借用天外星海之力。 Star Brilliance, Star Shield, Star Manipulation. 星耀,星盾,星御 Under that marvelous condition, he Martial Spirit deep meaning that harvests from the innumerable luminous spot memories, now displays when the real world, and that is similar to the dreamland condition completely is unexpectedly consistent! 在那奇妙的境况下,他从无数光点记忆中收获的武魂奥义,如今在现实世界施展开来,竟和那如同梦境时的状况全然一致! This from three Martial Spirit utilization strange secret in Stars Martial Spirit, he under that marvelous condition, grasped incomparable adept, now displays, does not have any stagnation unexpectedly! 这来自于星辰武魂中的三种武魂运用的奇异秘技,他在那种奇妙的境况下,已掌握的无比娴熟,现在真的施展开来,竟没有任何凝滞! As if he inborn, but was given to forget by him, once records, will then achieve mastery through a comprehensive study. 仿佛他天生就会,只是被他给遗忘了,一旦重新记起来,便会融会贯通。 Three God Church believer, looks at he, whole face surprised color. 三神教的教徒,一个个愣愣地看着他,满脸惊奇之色。 Only then a Tang Yuannan face smiling face, after as if knows he wakes up, definitely will turn into this, he has not revealed slightly the surprise, in the heart the secret nod, thought that all are deferring to the normal path to develop. 只有唐渊南一脸笑容,似乎知道他醒来之后,肯定会变成这样,他没有露出丝毫诧异,心中暗暗点头,觉得一切都在按照正常的轨迹来发展。 You opened Stars Martial Spirit, obtains three big deep meaning inheritance of Star God, this was I already knew.” Tang Yuannan with a smile looks at he, this Star Brilliance, Star Shield and Star Manipulation, are using the deep meaning that Stars Martial Spirit displays, is similar to Martial Skills, you display now, but borrowed Strength of Stars purely, when enters into Sky Realm to you, you even can fuse Strength of Stars and Essence Qi, to that time, you will have discovered that the feeling will be more marvelous.” “你开启了星辰武魂,得到星神的三大奥义传承,这是我早就知道的。”唐渊南含笑看着他,“这星耀星盾星御,乃是利用星辰武魂施展的奥义,和武技相似,你现在施展开来,只是纯粹借用了星辰之力,待到你迈入天位之境,你甚至可以将星辰之力和一身精元融合,到了那时候,你会发现感觉会更加奇妙。” The Shi Yan facial expression moves, pays attention to take down secretly, after preparation and other breakthrough Sky Realm boundaries, the attempt fuses well. 石岩神情一动,暗暗留心记下,准备等突破天位境之后,好好尝试融合。 You have entered into the boundary of Nirvana Second Sky, to the Sky Realm boundary, is actually not far.” Tang Yuannan deeply looks at he, light shout said suddenly. “你已迈入涅盘二重天之境,离天位境,其实也并不远了。”唐渊南深深地看着他,突然轻喝道。 Shi Yan shakes suddenly, light shout said: What?” 石岩霍然一震,轻喝道:“什么?” He He, you have not really realized this point.” Tang Yuannan smiled, „when Stars Martial Spirit opening, your soul crashes into vast Star Sea, the heaven and earth highest good of sensibility stars revolution, crossed seven day. You are the boundary of Nirvana First Sky, through the comprehension of these seven day stars true meaning, the soul sublimates, again is further the logical matter, I am not accidental.” “呵呵,你果然没有察觉到这一点。”唐渊南笑了笑,“星辰武魂开启时,你灵魂坠入浩瀚星海,感悟星辰运转的天地至理,在不知不觉间,已过了七日。你本是涅盘一重天之境,通过这七日的星辰真谛的领悟,灵魂升华,再进一步乃是顺理成章的事,我一点不意外。” Nirvana Second Sky......” Shi Yan whole face doubts, the looks at palm, the looks at four limbs, said earnestly: How don't I have special feeling?” 涅盘二重天……”石岩满脸疑惑,认真地看着手掌,看着四肢,道:“我怎么没特别的感觉?” Soul can fly from the body, this weighs the Nirvana Second Sky standard, your soul passes Stars Martial Spirit, can penetrate Star Sea, this Nirvana Second Sky, what is that?” Tang Yuannan said with a smile. “灵魂可以飞离身体,这就是衡量涅盘二重天的标准,你灵魂通过星辰武魂,能够深入星海,这要不是涅盘二重天,那是什么?”唐渊南笑道。 Shi Yan is astonished however, this Realm breakthrough as if too readily a point, this has made him somewhat bewildered. 石岩讶然,这的境界突破似乎太轻易了一点,这让他有些莫名其妙。 You, when the Earth Realm boundary, has built Sea of Consciousness, the main soul is precise, formation of Sea of Consciousness, precise of main soul,...... This is the Nirvana boundary Warrior cultivation direction. You have not entered into this Realm, then early starts the cultivation main soul and Sea of Consciousness, enters this Realm, your breakthrough quickly, that is also the logical matter, outside my really unconsciously complacent.” Tang Yuannan explained. “你在地位境的时候,已修成识海,主魂凝炼无比,识海的形成,主魂的凝炼,……这是涅盘武者修炼方向。你还未迈入这一境界,便早早开始修炼主魂和识海,真进入这一境界,你突破快一点,那也是顺理成章的事,我真的不觉得意外。”唐渊南解释。 Gave him such a saying, Shi Yan quickly awakens, originally he in the Earth Realm boundary regarding Sea of Consciousness and cultivation of Lord soul, in made great strides forward toward Nirvana Realm profound Realm actually, but he did not know. 给他这么一说,石岩幡然醒悟,原来他在地位境对于识海、主魂的修炼,其实已经在不知不觉间朝着涅盘境界的高深境界迈进了,只是他自己并不知道而已。 Bystander many people are looking for you, Endless Sea numerous influences, are searching for your trail, there are many people, wants to kill you.” Smiling face restraining on Tang Yuannan face, said dignified: These days, you should better not, temporarily stays here, otherwise you very difficult......” “外人很多人在找你,无尽海众多势力,都在搜寻你的踪迹,有很多人,想要杀你。”唐渊南脸上的笑容收敛,神情凝重道:“这段时间,你最好不要出去,暂时留在这儿,要不然你很难……” Bang!” “轰!” Tang Yuannan a few words have not said that the light that audiences head top covers transmits a giant explosion sound suddenly, at once sees only that round bright moonlight that light coats to appear, suddenly vanished! 唐渊南的一句话还没讲完,众人头顶的光罩突然传来一声巨大的轰响,旋即只见那光罩上显现出来的那一轮明月,突然消失了! Tang Yuannan gains ground looks, complexion great change. 唐渊南抬头一望,脸色巨变。 ...... ……
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