GOS :: Volume #4

#351: Gathers Strength of Stars

The Shi Yan diving posture leaps forward the star deep pool. 石岩飞身跃入星潭。 In star deep pool stars light group, relies on the unusual path, in continuous is making the stars[ transports] moves ” came from the milky white waterdrop of spacefalls person these stars light to roll Center, that stars light group will then expand a point, the light of stars also along with the it gorgeous point. 星潭中一个个星辰光团,依循奇特的轨迹,在持续不断的做着星辰〖运〗动”来自于天上的乳白色水滴”一落人那些星辰光团〖中〗央,那一个个星辰光团便会壮大一分,星辰之光也会随之绚丽一分。 The body immersion in the star deep pool, Shi Yan only thinks that deep water is cold and gloomy, whole body each pore ” seemed seeped by deep water of star deep pool, is very comfortable, making the person intelligence sober, the mental consciousness shakes. 身体浸泡在星潭中,石岩只觉潭水非常森冷,浑身每一个毛孔”似乎都被星潭的潭水渗透了,很舒服,让人神智清醒,精神意识为之一震。 He does not know how should open Stars Martial Spirit, after he soaks the star deep pool, looks up to Tang Yuannan, reveals the doubts the expression. 他并不知道应该怎样去开启星辰武魂,当他浸泡进星潭以后,不由抬头看向唐渊南,露出疑惑的表情。 Tang Yuannan smiles not to speak, has not explained that as if thought that as the inheritance of Star God, he should know the mystery of body quickly. 唐渊南笑而不语,没有解答,似乎觉得身为星神的传承,他应该很快知道身体的奥妙。 Numerous Three God Church believers, from gather in all directions, ” Shi Yan in curious looks at star deep pool this star deep pool surrounding, wants to know that quietly Shi Yan through the what kind way, will open Stars Martial Spirit that the millenniums have not presented again, wants to have a look at Stars Martial Spirit, once opens, actually to have what strange place. 众多三神教的教徒,从四面八方汇聚过来,悄悄将这星潭包围”好奇的看着星潭中的石岩,想知道石岩会通过何种方式,来开启千年不曾再次出现的星辰武魂,也想看看星辰武魂一旦开启,究竟会有何奇诡之处。 These people, although is also Three God Church Core Disciple, but are not many regarding three big most Martial Spirit understanding, only knows that Sun-Moon Stars Three Gods inheritance Martial Spirit, with their is not quite same, knows that these three big Martial Spirit have the unique formidable place, actually does not know formidable where. 这些人,虽然也是三神教核心弟子,但大多数对于三大最为奇奥的武魂了解不多,只知道日月星三神传承的武魂,和他们的不太一样,知道这三大武魂有着独特强大的地方,却不知道到底强大在何处。 When Shi Yan enters the star deep pool, people who whoopedsuddenly peaceful getting downwas completely same as Tang Yuannan, hopeful looks at he, in the heart is thinking a while possible scene. 石岩进入星潭,本来议论纷纷的众人”忽然全部安静了下来”和唐渊南一样,都满怀期待的看着他,心中想着一会儿可能出现的场景。 Shi Yan looks, a brow wrinkle, thought slightly somewhat improperhesitatedhe to say to Tang Yuannan: What will not have other place that must pay attention to? Why don't I have a feeling?” 石岩望了望,眉头微微一皱,觉得有些不妥”沉吟了一下”他冲唐渊南道:“不会有什么别的要注意的地方吧?为什么我没有一点感觉?” Tang Yuannan gives a calm smile, the person in the light covers, occupying a commanding position abandons himto say lightly: „Should you cultivation Profound Yin Secret Art?”, Shi Yan stares, nodded. 唐渊南淡然一笑,人在光罩下方,居高临下的弃着他”淡淡道:“你应该修炼玄阴诀吧?”,石岩一愣,点了点头 Revolution Profound Yin Secret Art, I think that you should be able to realize from experience immediately.” Tang Yuannan replied with a smile. “运转玄阴诀,我想你应该可以立即有所体悟。”唐渊南笑着回答。 No longer asked that under the gaze of people, Shi Yan closes one's eyes slowly, lets loose Divine Senseto pay attention change all around quietly secretly ”, lest these Three God Church believerswill display Profound Yin Secret Art while him time, uses any method. 不再多问,在众人的注视下,石岩缓缓闭上眼,悄悄放开神识”暗暗留意周遭的变化”唯恐这些三神教的教徒”会趁着他施展玄阴诀的时候,使出什么手段来。 Profound Yin Secret Art moves, these dissociation in the stars light groups of various star deep pool water surfaces, suddenly the path of revolution change. 玄阴诀一动,那些游离在星潭各块水面的一个个星辰光团,突然运转的轨迹一变。 The Shi Yan body shakes suddenly, complexion also slightly changesheart plentiful is astonished. 石岩身躯猛然一震,脸色也是微微一变”心丰满是惊异。 In the star deep poolinnumerable stars luminous spots, the escape from these stars light groups come out in abundance, together toward him[ body] in wells up. 星潭中”无数个星辰光点,纷纷从那些星辰光团之中飞逸出来,一起朝着他〖体〗内涌来。 That stars luminous spot, imitates the locust that if everywhere glistens, ” the entire star deep pool likely suddenly lived along with the changes of these stars luminous spots, innumerable luminous spot glittering are hovering elegantly, making the star deep pool wave light bright, like has the innumerable glass fragments to shine together. Countless stars luminous spots, were inhaled his chest Old Heaven and cloudy vortices outside god error and cloudy three hole by Profound Yin Secret Art, has not actually formed yin strength to sink to acupoint ”, but along veins, directly enters his heart. 那一个个星辰光点,仿若漫天闪亮的蝗虫,随着这些星辰光点的变动”整个星潭都像是突然活了起来,无数光点闪烁着飘逸游动,令星潭波光熠熠,像是有无数块碎玻璃一起发光。数不尽的星辰光点,被玄阴诀吸入他胸口天阙、神阙、阴都三穴外的阴漩,却没有形成阴力沉入穴道”而是沿着一条条脉络,直接进入他心脏。 When the first stars luminous spot seeps his heart, his heart then suddenly fiercely jumped, marvelous power, spreadto strengthen Stars Martial Spirit the strength of accumulation from Stars Martial Spirit in stars. 当第一个星辰光点渗透他心脏,他那心脏便霍然剧烈跳了起来,一股奇妙的力量,从星辰中的星辰武魂中蔓延开来”更加增强了星辰武魂的聚集之力。 In Divine Sense regards, he noticed that on heart innumerable stars luminous spotsone by one glistens, such as everywhere stars, dazzling radiant. 神识内视,他看到心脏上无数星辰光点”一一闪亮出来,如漫天繁星,炫目璀璨。 These attach to the stars luminous spot on heart, in the stars light group with star deep pool is the same, is relying on some specific stars revolution ruleto move fast. 那些依附在心脏上的星辰光点,和星潭中的一个个星辰光团一样,也在依循着某种特定的星辰运转规律”在快速的活动着。 One type attracted to pull the soul marvelous powersuddenly to pass on. 一种吸扯灵魂的奇妙的力量”忽然从中传了出来。 The Shi Yan brain shakes loudly, only the sleep has the Sea of Consciousness main soul, fluttered coming outlikely to be pulled by some suction strength likely suddenly, sank toward that heart place. 石岩脑子轰然一震,只觉存在识海的主魂,像是突然飘了出来”又像是被某种吸吮力拉扯,直朝着那心脏处沉入。 Some of his types lack the ability to do what one would like suddenly the involuntary feeling, the consciousness is gradually fuzzy, probably will advocate the soul soon to enter a marvelous scene...... 他突然有种力不从心身不由己的感觉,意识渐渐模糊,好像自己主魂即将进入一个奇妙的场景…… It is not good! 不好! The Shi Yan mind shakes, wants to resist this to come from the Stars Martial Spirit suction strength, gathers the spirit, must get rid of that to come from the Stars Martial Spirit influence fully ”, however he such does, actually discovered that Stars Martial Spirit likely is a giant magnet, as if already advocated the soul consciousness to adsorb him. 石岩心神一震,想要去抗拒这股来自于星辰武魂的吸吮力,聚集精神,要全力摆脱那来自于星辰武魂的影响力”然而当他这么去做的时候,却发现星辰武魂像是一块巨大的磁石,似乎早已将他主魂意识吸附住。 How regardless of him diligently, unable to break out of the influence of Stars Martial Spiritconsciousness to be getting more and more fuzzy, regarding the control strength of body, gradually loses...... 不论他如何努力,都摆脱不掉星辰武魂的影响”意识越来越模糊,对于身体的掌控力,逐渐失去…… Detecting of his subconscious, in this state, he feared that is very difficult to resist the outside world pressure. 他潜意识的发觉,在这种状态下,他怕是很难抵御外界的压力。 In that condition, if the Three God Church believer has the disloyalty, Lord the soul to sink to opportunity to strike a vicious blow to him while him, opportunity that he simply has not revolted against. 在那种状态下,要是三神教的教徒有异心,趁着他主魂沉入其中的时机对他下毒手,他根本没有反抗的机会。 Oh , no, feared that was the Tang Yuannan clever trick...... 糟糕,怕是中了唐渊南的诡计了…… Before the consciousness thorough is fuzzy, he spills over such a thought to come suddenly, only thinks that this time had been finished, by Tang Yuannan framing. 意识彻底模糊之前,他忽然泛出这么一个念头来,只觉这次完蛋了,被唐渊南给陷害了。 At once, he then loses the consciousness, the main soul entered sensation invalid passage, but also is sinking. 旋即,他便失去意识,主魂进入了一个感知无效的通道,还在一路下沉。 Around the star deep pool, the Three God Church believers, Shi Yan in looks at deep pool, the complexion is calmly solemn and respectful. 星潭周围,一个个三神教的教徒,静静地看着潭中的石岩,脸色肃穆。 And several Three God Church Elder, the eye looks at Shi Yan body shakes suddenly, then soul aura suddenly weak like gossamer, the complete facial expression moves, looks to float in Tang Yuannan of space. 其中几名三神教长老,眼看着石岩身子骤然一震,然后灵魂气息突然微弱如游丝,全部神情一动,纷纷看向悬浮在天上的唐渊南 Formerly that by Shi Yan frozen Elder, complexion one happy, suddenly said to the people: Cult Master has the means.” 先前那一名被石岩冰封长老,脸色一喜,忽然对众人道:“还是教主有办法。” Un?”, The Three God Church believer of that timid as a rabbitis shrinking the body, the doubts looks to him, is perplexed. “嗯?”,那一个胆小如鼠的三神教教徒”缩着身子,疑惑的看向他,不明所以。 „To open Stars Martial Spirit, must experience the soul to enter Star Sea this pass/test, in this state, his soul is separated from fleshly body temporarily, sinks to nine days of Star Sea, simply does not have any guard.” That person of look is ruthless, Hehe sneers, „the present wants to kill him simply easy as pie, Nirvana Origin boundary Warrior, can easily his obliterate. ” “想要开启星辰武魂,必须要经历灵魂入星海这一关,在这种状态下,他灵魂暂时脱离肉身,沉入九天星海之内,根本没有任何的防范。”那人眼神狠厉,嘿嘿冷笑,“现在想要杀他”简直易如反掌,就连涅巢武者,都可以轻易将他抹杀。” Such remarks, many Three God Church believers, is the eye micro bright, thought that guessed the Tang Yuannan thoughts, nod in agreement, acclaimed the Cult Master wise wisdom. 此话一出,许多三神教的教徒,也是眼睛微亮,都觉得猜中了唐渊南的心思,一个个点头附和,赞叹教主的高明睿智。 Elder that then has suffered a loss in the Shi Yan hand, has sneered, thinks that guessed the Tang Yuannan thoughtsto cup one hand in the other across the chest to him saying: Cult Master, this boy patrols Outer Territory now I to start temporarily, its obliterate? Then gets rid by Cult Master personally, captures its Stars Martial Spirit, chooses the new Star God inheritance? ” 那在石岩手中吃过亏的长老,冷笑了一番,自以为猜中了唐渊南的心思”拱手冲他道:“教主,这小子暂时神游域外”现在我是不是可以下手,将其抹杀?然后由教主亲自出手,夺取其星辰武魂,重新挑选新的星神传承?” So was sayinghe moves toward the star deep pool subconsciously, as if recognized that Tang Yuannan definitely will approve him to be intelligent. 这般说着”他下意识的走向星潭,似乎认定唐渊南必然会赞他聪明。 By star deep pool, numerous Three God Church believers, is the secret nod, the looks at Shi Yan vision is quite bad. 星潭旁边,众多三神教的教徒,也是暗暗点头,看着石岩的目光颇为不善。 The great strength and tendency to domineer of Shi Yan, making the believer hearts of many Three God Church live discontentedly, comes to seeShi Yan to be too dissolute by them, is too youngembarrassed heavy responsibility, might as well extinguish as early as possible it. 石岩的强大和跋扈,让许多三神教的教徒心生不满,以他们来看”石岩太放肆,也太年轻”难堪重任,不如趁早将其灭去。 For Three God Church remoulds Star God, is earlier, to them who Shi Yan dies is advantageous. 为了三神教的重塑一位星神,石岩死的越早,对他们越是有利。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Tang Yuannan coldly snorted, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) solar Divine Light came from his dorsal spreadis came from the gods of Sun likely, he looked at that Elder one, some innumerable solar light beam instantaneous covers to him, making him unable to move. 唐渊南冷哼一声,万丈太阳神光从他后背扩散开来”像是一个来自于太阳的神明,他只是看了那长老一眼,就有无数太阳光束瞬间罩向他,令他动弹不得。 This Elder[ body] in Martial Spirit, is Burning Sun Martial Spirit, is only Level actually by far inferior Tang Yuannan[ body] in ” the Martial Spirit Level disparity is really big, in addition Tang Yuannan has God Realm cultivation base, he gets rid, that Elder did not have an ability of revolt, whole body power is imprisoned likely. 这名长老〖体〗内的武魂,也是炎日武魂,只是等级却远远逊色唐渊南〖体〗内”武魂等级差距甚大,再加上唐渊南有着神境修为,他一出手,那名长老根本没一丝反抗的能力,全身力量像是都被禁锢了。 Teaches happily......” “教喜……” looks at Tang Yuannan that a that person of faceis perplexed with amazement, in the heart is very suffering from injustice. 那人一脸骇然”不明所以的看着唐渊南,心中很是委屈。 When I had said can kill him?” Tang Yuannan facial expression ice-cold, the intention moves, sees only bunch of solar Divine Light, pours into this person of body directlythis Three God Church Elder, a clothing changes into the flying ash instantaneously, the full hair must burn down the ashes completely, body fierce shivering. “我什么时候说过要杀他了?”唐渊南神情冰冷,心念一动,只见一束束太阳神光,直接灌入此人身体”这名三神教长老,一身衣衫瞬间化为飞灰,满头发须全部焚烧成灰烬,身体剧烈的颤抖。 Cult Master forgives!” 教主饶命!” He fears finally, light covers Center to kneel hurriedly in that kneels to Tang Yuannan, lowers the head begs for mercy again and again. 他终于恐惧起来,在那光罩〖中〗央急忙跪下来,冲着唐渊南跪下来,低着头连连求饶。 Thinks oneself infallible.” Tang Yuannan coldly snortedaggravates one point of power once more, causes heavy losses to a point its fleshly body once more, then coldly said: Is shortsighted!” “自以为是。”唐渊南冷哼一声”再次加重一分力量,将其肉身再次重创一分,然后才冷冷道:“鼠目寸光!” Cult Master forgives, Cult Master forgives......” 教主饶命,教主饶命……” That person of repeatedly nodded begs for mercy, does not dare to say the what nose. 那人连连点头求饶,再也不敢多说什鼻。 Three God Church Elder of side numerous surrounding, see Tang Yuannan to fly into a rage, keeps silentnobody to dare for it to ask Tang Yuannan usually when unexpectedly in teaching, although seems like friendly, but any Three God Church Elderknows in the past he mounted the position of date god, does not know that has killed many matches. These next year, Tang Yuannan to develop Three God Church, endured humiliationominous severe air/Qi to restrain, slowly made many people forget his past cruelty. 旁边众多围观的三神教长老,一见唐渊南勃然大怒,一个个也噤若寒蝉”竟没人胆敢为其求哦唐渊南平日里在教中虽然看似和气,可任何一名三神教长老”都知道当年他登上日神之位时,不知道杀了多少对手。这些来年,唐渊南为了发展三神教,忍辱负重”凶厉之气收敛了许多,慢慢让很多人忘记了他当年的残暴。 Now his facial expression one cold, under the heavy hand, many Three God Church old people, responded suddenly immediately that suddenly remembered in the past heartlessly he frequently extinguished the person whole families ruthless severe, does not dare to say anything. 现在他神情一冷,突下重手,很多三神教的老人,马上反应过来,忽然想起他当年动辄灭人满门的无情狠厉,再也不敢多说什么。 I have not nodded to agree that you dare to step to prepare to get rid, this is regards me to not to have the thing, does not revere Cult Master, the position of your Elder was recorded to seize, within hundred years, can not meddle to teach any business again.” Tang Yuannan coldly looks at he, judged desolately his destiny, sneers at once is receiving the hand, said lightly: Shi Yan may be god in history strongest Star God, his future achievement, will surpass all gods Senior! For the Three God Church future, my this today's god can be willing to bend down for the feudal official, your Elder must unify Endless Sea for trivial selfishness the god unexpectedly in the future, even seed of integration Grace Mainland except that you disappoint me! ” “我没有点头首肯,你竟敢移步准备出手,这是视我为无物,不尊教主,你长老之位被录夺了,百年之内,不得再插手教中任何事务。”唐渊南冷冷看着他,冷淡的宣判他的命运,旋即才冷笑着收手,淡淡道:“石岩或许会是神教有史以来最强的星神,他未来的成就,会超过所有神教的前辈!为了三神教的未来,我这今日神都可以甘愿俯身为臣,你们这些长老竟为了区区私心”要将神教未来统一无尽海,甚至统合神恩大陆的种子除去,你们让我失望透顶!” Such remarks, all Three God Church believers, including these Elder, terrified color deteriorationthen suddenly awaken completely the Tang Yuannan pains. 此话一出,所有三神教的教徒,包括那些长老,全部悚然变色”然后忽然醒悟到唐渊南的苦心。 For the Three God Church future, as Tang Yuannan of present Three God Church substantive hierarch, will be willing to bow the head to profess allegiance unexpectedly, including the character of this outstanding ability and grand vision, is willing to sacrifice itself, will help the Three God Church future blueprint, this pains, this sacrificemade numerous Three God Church Elder feel inferior. 为了三神教的未来,身为如今三神教实质掌权者的唐渊南,竟然甘愿俯首称臣,连他这种雄才大略的人物,都愿意牺牲自己,成全三神教的未来蓝图,这苦心,这牺牲”让众多三神教长老自惭形秽。 This is the god best time, we have new first generation Moon God, Moon God accumulates the millennium lunar coronas to come, once enters into God Realm, will certainly be able to become that character who endures compared with Cao Qiudao and Yang Qingdi, there is a Shi Yan so having god-given wisdom rare talent, in the future the achievement will exceed any ancestors, this in god historical, never has precedent, these two existences will make the Three God Church future limitless! Some day, this Endless Sea and this Grace Mainland, will bathe under the god Saint light! ” “这是神教最好的时代,我们有新一代月神,月神积累千年月华而来,一旦迈入神境,必将可以成为堪比曹秋道杨青帝的那种人物,又有石岩这般天纵奇才,将来成就会超越任何先人,这在神教的历史上,是从来不曾有过的先例,这两人的存在”会让三神教的未来不可限量!有朝一日,这无尽海、这神恩大陆,都会沐浴在神教圣光之下!” Tang Yuannan gains ground looks at Sun and Moon Stars with present light barrier, the look looks forward to say: We have this time to witness god rising of step by stepwe to rejoice that for this important matter, we must discard the selfishness, to achieve this goal, but diligently. ” 唐渊南抬头看着日月星辰同现的光幕,眼神憧憬道:“我们存在这个时代”可以见证神教的一步步崛起”我们都应当庆幸,为了这个大计,我们应当丢掉私心,为了实现这个目标而孜孜不倦。” The people feel a heartfelt admirationto worship on bended knees sincerely, the looks at Tang Yuannan look, contains the respect completely. 众人心悦诚服”诚心跪拜下来,看着唐渊南的眼神,满含敬意。
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