GOS :: Volume #4

#350: Miracle!

The hot sun, bright moonlight and everywhere stars simultaneously gathers in the top of the head light coats, that light covers likely is a giant incomparable mirror, shines upon unexpectedly completely Sun and Moon Stars! 烈日、明月、漫天星辰齐齐汇聚在头顶光罩上,那光罩像是一面巨大无比的镜子,竟然将日月星辰全部映照出来! Miracle! 神迹! The so strange scene, lets in the Shi Yan heart one cold, suddenly realized that looks like the Three God Church so ancient religion, really has to let the place that the person respects. 如此诡异的场景,让石岩心中一凛,忽然意识到像三神教这般古老的宗教,果然有着让人敬仰的地方。 He in Yang Family also dull after a period of time, on that Immortal Island, sacred mountain that is formed by pure Crystal Stone, once took to him so to shock. 他在杨家也呆过一段时间,在那不死岛上,由纯粹的晶石形成的神山,也曾带给他如此震撼。 Compared with this Three God Church marvelous sight, sacred mountain of that Crystal Stone stacks, is the nature formation, is the masterpiece of nature. But here, obviously is artificial formation, who he is hard to imagine is, what big supernatural power has, can accomplish miracle so. 和这三神教的奇观相比,那一座座晶石堆积的神山,是自然形成的,乃是大自然的杰作。而这里,明显是人为形成,他难以想象是什么人,拥有什么样的大法力,才能够造就这般的奇迹。 Looks up the day, he discovered that above the light covers Sun, moon and countless stars that appears, volatilizes continuously the strange none remaining together, these rays of light interweave in together, the congealment collects a little bit milky white waterdrop slowly, covers above from the light of that top of the head, divides three directions to drop toward the following broken palace. 抬头看天,他发现那在光罩之上显现出来的太阳、月亮、数不尽的星辰,一起挥发出缕缕奇异的精光,那些光芒交织在一块儿,慢慢凝结汇集成一滴滴乳白色的水滴,从那头顶的光罩之上,分三个方向往下面的残破宫殿滴落。 With me.” “跟我上来看吧。” Tang Yuannan sprinkles however smiles, suddenly flies to ascend the sky, falls drops below milky white light beam center to that three bunches, beckons toward Shi Yan there, hints Shi Yan with coming up. 唐渊南洒然一笑,忽然飞上天,落到那三束滴落下方的乳白色光柱中央,在那儿朝着石岩招手,示意石岩跟上来。 Shi Yan one dull, suddenly is somewhat awkward, said: „ I suddenly arrive at the boundary of collection, by my real plaster solid power, still cannot void float., Tang Yuannan has gawked staring, thinks somewhat strangely, his subconscious considering by the strength that Shi Yan shows now, treads the spatial flight to be the easy matter, therefore has not put out a hand to put on Shi Yan, now listened to a Shi Yan such saying, he understands immediately Shi Yan can have that strong power, definitely was not his true cultivation base. 石岩一呆,忽然有些尴尬,道:“我才突然到涅集之境,凭借我真垩实的力量,尚不能虚空悬浮。,,唐渊南愣了愣,觉得有些奇怪,他下意识的认为以石岩如今展现的实力,踏空飞行应该是轻而易举的事,所以才没有伸手提上石岩,如今听石岩这么一说,他立即明白石岩能够拥有那么强的力量,肯定不是他的真正修为 I lead you to come up.” Tang Yuannan smiled, arrives at side him instantaneously, puts out a hand to grasp his shoulder. “我带你上来吧。”唐渊南笑了笑,又瞬间来到他身旁,伸手去抓他肩膀。 Shi Yan is suddenly vigilant, the subconsciousness must revolve in the body plaster power, prepares to counter-attack at any time. 石岩突然警惕,下意识要运转体垩内力量,随时准备反击。 Tang Yuannan responded immediately that stopped in the hand to act hurriedly, lets go the forced smile saying: I do not have the evil intention, don't you use that anxiously?” 唐渊南马上反应过来,急忙停下了手中动作,摊手苦笑道:“我没恶意,你不用那么紧张吧?” Discrete point always does not have the fault., Shi Yan expression is invariable, puts out a hand to aim at a Three God Church believer at will, said: „ Makes him deliver me to ascend the sky.” “谨慎点总没有坏处。,,石岩神色不变,伸手随意指向一名三神教的教徒,道:“让他送我上天吧。” That is Three God Church Sky Realm boundary Warrior, only then First Sky Realm, senile, just looked to the Shi Yan vision, most dreads, should be the person who that type treasures oneself life. 那是三神教一名天位武者,只有一重天境界,老态龙钟,刚刚看向石岩的目光,最是畏惧,应该是那种非常珍惜自己生命的人。 After he by the Shi Yan finger, the complexion changes, some non- sentiments do not hope, shakes the head hastily, said with a smile dry: My cultivation base is superficial, the person who here is more profound than me what are many, you look for others.” 他被石岩指到后,脸色一变,有些不情不愿,连忙摇头,干笑道:“我修为浅薄,这里比我高深的人多的是,你还是找别人吧。” His such saying, has exposed his being careful, this person most fears death, is that type the person who will not have the absolute assurance definitely not to act unreasonably. 他这么一说,更加暴露了他的小心谨慎,这种人最怕死,是那种没有绝对把握肯定不会乱来的人。 Was you.” Shi Yan insisted. “就是你了。”石岩坚持。 That person wants to cry but have no tears, in the heart criticizes, has no alternative, but puts on a long face to look to Tang Yuannan, as if hopes that Tang Yuannan spoke to cancel the decision of Shi Yan. 那人欲哭无泪,心中暗骂,却无可奈何,只是哭丧着脸看向唐渊南,似乎希望唐渊南出言打消石岩的决定。 You lead him to come up.” Tang Yuannan look one cold, does not bear saying: „, Do not waste my time quickly.” “你带他上来。”唐渊南眼神一冷,不耐道:“快一点,别浪费我的时间。” That person of whole face smiles bitterly, is drooping the head, being careful trend Shi Yan, lives to fear Shi Yan to launch an attack suddenly, gave instantaneous freezing him. 那人满脸苦笑,耷拉着脑袋,小心谨慎的走向石岩,生恐石岩突然发难,将他也给瞬间冰冻了。 Shi Yan expression indifferently, is only coldly looks at he, when he arrived at the surface to spell, lightly said: Wants you to be honest, I will be also law-abiding, if you are dishonest, Hehe, I also will make you not feel better.” 石岩神色漠然,只是冷冷看着他,等他走到面拼了,才淡淡道:“只要你老老实实,我也会非常安分,要是你不老实,嘿嘿,那我也会让你不好过。” That person of complexion changes, was more careful, grasps to Shi Yan time, has been staring at the eye of Shi Yan, pays attention the energy fluctuation in Shi Yan body plaster secretly, waited for him to determine in the Shi Yan body plaster did not have wild power to erupt suddenly, the remnant leaf base man did not explain! Deeply has attracted one. The air/Qi, is raising the Shi Yan heaven. 那人脸色一变,更加小心了,过来抓向石岩的时候,都一直盯着石岩的眼睛,暗暗留意石岩体垩内的能量波动,等他确定了石岩体垩内没有狂暴的力量突然爆发了,残叶基佬不解释!才深深吸了一。气,提着石岩上天。 Numerous Three God Church believers, expressions are strange, look to the Shi Yan vision, is quite complex. 众多三神教的教徒,一个个表情古怪,看向石岩的目光,颇为复杂。 The discretion of Shi Yan, has stemmed from their anticipation, the Shi Yan vision, extraordinary accurate, unexpectedly has chosen this in the fellow who in teaching fears death famously. 石岩的谨慎,出乎了他们的意料,石岩的眼光,也出奇的精准,竟挑选了这个在教内出名怕死的家伙。 Is being brought Shi Yan by this fellow, the Three God Church person believes that is Tang Yuannan has a mind to play a dirty trick, through this fellow feared that cannot achieve the anticipated goal. 由这个家伙带着石岩,三神教的人相信就算是唐渊南有心使坏,通过这家伙怕是也不能达成预期的目标。 Under that person of leadership, Shi Yan and he lifts off together slowly, side sluggish arriving Tang Yuannan, to Tang Yuannan has 30 meters far time, Shi Yan suddenly lightly coughed. 在那人的带领下,石岩和他一起缓缓升空,慢吞吞的来到唐渊南身旁,离唐渊南有30米远的时候,石岩忽然轻咳了一声。 That person of complexion changes, knows the limitation actually, stopped hurriedly, does not dare again and Tang Yuannan approaches. 那人脸色大变,倒是非常识相,急忙停了下来,不敢再和唐渊南靠近。 Although this fellow fears death, the meaningful glance is not bad, knows that Shi Yan is worried about anything, to prevent Shi Yan acts unreasonably, he is really honest law-abidingly, has not made to let the matter that Shi Yan is not feeling well. 这家伙虽然怕死,眼色却不差,知道石岩担心什么,为了防止石岩乱来,他果然非常老实安分,没有做出让石岩不爽的事情来。 Tang Yuannan somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, shook the head gently, then under aims, said to Shi Yan: „The following three temple center, were god Sun Moon Star three pond, can say the basis of god, was this Sun Moon Star three pond.” 唐渊南有些啼笑皆非,轻轻摇了摇头,然后才指向下方,冲石岩道:“下面三座神殿中央,便是神教的日月星三潭了,可以说神教的根本,也就是这日月星三潭。” Shi Yan lowers the head looks, in the eye full is astonished. 石岩低头一望,眼中满是惊异。 Sees only in that three broken temple center, three soccer field general size elliptic puddles, the water in that puddle is clear enough to see bottom, the water surface flood the strange phosphorescent glow, in three puddles, is having the Sun and Moon Stars inverted image separately, in which date deep pool center, a round gigantic hot sun inverted image stops motionless, has the halo of Sun to appear faintly. 只见在那三座残破的神殿中央,有三个足球场一般大小的椭圆形水潭,那水潭之中的水清澈见底,水面泛着奇异的磷光,在三个水潭之中,分别有着日月星辰的倒影,其中的日潭中心,一轮硕大烈日倒影停止不动,隐隐有太阳之光晕显现。 That Yuetan is also same, bright moonlight such as big galactic disk, in deep water static, has silver white moonlight spread to come quietly. 那月潭也是一样,明月如大银盘,在潭水中静止着,有银白月光悄悄扩散开来。 Only then that star deep pool, appeared slightly more unusual. 只有那星潭,显得略略奇特了一些。 In star deep pool, countless stars inverted images, such as fist size firefly, is moving unceasingly, seems relying on some type of mysterious path, along with the migration of stars inverted image, in that star deep pool the star light is bright, to the person a feeling of full of vitality, is unusual. 星潭中,数不尽的星辰倒影,如一个个拳头大小的萤火虫,在其中不断地移动着,似乎依循着某种神奇的轨迹,随着星辰倒影的移动,那星潭之中星光熠熠,给人一种生机勃勃的感觉,非常奇特。 The light of top of the head covers, a little bit came from the light covers the light of Sun and Moon Stars, after being precise, becomes a little bit milky white waterdrop, „ tick-tock tick-tock, drops separately in Sun Moon Star three Tan. 头顶的光罩中,一滴滴来自于光罩中的日月星辰之光,凝炼之后,成一滴滴乳白色的水滴,“滴答滴答,的分别滴落在日月星三谭中。 The waterdrop of light of gathering hot sun, after falling the date deep pool, that waterdrop was lives likely, intelligential drifting to the central hot sun inverted image, has become part of that hot sun inverted image, making that hot sun inverted image the solar halo brighter. 烈日之光汇聚的水滴,落入日潭之后,那水滴像是活的,有灵性的飘移向中央的烈日倒影,成了那烈日倒影的一部分,使得那烈日倒影的太阳光晕更加明亮。 Waterdrop of light of collection bright moonlight, is so, a little bit milky white waterdrop, after falling moon/month Tan, intelligential fluttering to Yuetan central bright moonlight inverted image, has become part of bright moonlight inverted image, brilliance that lets that round bright moonlight bright, gentle. 明月之光汇集的水滴,也是如此,一滴滴乳白色的水滴,落入月谭之后,也都有灵性的飘向月潭中央的明月倒影,成了明月倒影的一部分,让那一轮明月的光华更加的明亮,更加的柔和。 A little bit came from the waterdrop of everywhere stars, then is not quite same, these waterdrops are accurate, fall into star Tan, marvelous falls into above the stars inverted images directly, directly by the stars inverted images in that puddle appearing fusing, making that stars inverted image become just likes the essence. 一滴滴来自于漫天星辰的水滴,则是不太一样,这些水滴非常精准,落入星谭之中,都奇妙的直接落入一个个星辰倒影之上,直接被那水潭中显现的一个个星辰倒影给融合起来,令那星辰倒影变得犹如实质。 looks at below star deep pool, Shi Yan has to plant the marvelous feeling of deep place universe deep place, thought that star deep pool looks like Milky Way, the stars are faintly recognizable, and relies on heaven and earth natural law to transport the plaster to move likely slowly, to a Shi Yan mystical profound feeling, very marvelous. 看着下方的星潭,石岩有种自己深处宇宙深处的奇妙感觉,觉得那星潭就像是银河,其中星辰飘渺璀璨,并且像是依循着天地规则在缓缓运垩动,给石岩一种神秘深邃的感觉,非常的奇妙。 This broken palace, is our Three God Church sacred place, here is at the triangle centers of Sun Moon Star three islands., Tang Yuannan looks up that light to cover, smiles was explaining to Shi Yan: „ In our top of the head, above ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sea water, was the Sun Moon Star three islands, the Sun Moon Star three islands of our god, were only this Sun Moon Star three pond gather the sun and moon Strength of Stars three eyes actually, that three islands for several thousand years, have been revolving, collected nine days of Sun Moon Star light, according to one type the marvelous way that linked me unable to comprehend, can purify Sun Moon Star of several thousand years of collection, change into this milky white waterdrop, from the light cover of our top of the head, dripped into this Sun Moon Star three pond., Shi Yan with amazement. “这个残破的宫殿,乃是我们三神教的圣地,这里正处在日月星三岛的三角中心。,,唐渊南抬头望了望那光罩,微笑着对石岩解释:“在我们头顶,万丈海水之上,就是日月星三岛了,我们神教的日月星三岛,其实只是这日月星三潭聚集日月星辰之力的三个阵眼,那三座岛屿数千年来,一直运转着,将九天的日月星光汇集起来,依照一种连我也领悟不了的奇妙方式,将数千年汇集的日月星之能净化,化为这种乳白色的水滴,从我们头顶的光罩,滴入这日月星三潭。,,石岩骇然。 Gains ground looks at that strange light cover, the milky white waterdrop that looks at that is precise, is thinking words that Tang Yuannan spoke, in his heart moves, suddenly flood a strange thought. 抬头看着那奇异的光罩,看着那凝炼起来的乳白色水滴,想着唐渊南说的话,他心中一动,忽然泛起一个古怪的念头。 This Three God Church huge Ancient Formation, principle is unexpectedly ordinary with the solar energy of his world, is only mysterious. 三神教的巨大古阵,原理竟然和他那个世界的太阳能一般,只是更加的神奇。 In his original that world, the methods of many use solar energies, use the special material, absorbs energy of Sun, forms the electrical energy, forms the heat energy, was used. 在他原来的那个世界,有很多利用太阳能的方法,利用特殊的材料,来吸收太阳的能量,形成电能,形成热能,进而被人们利用。 Three God Church does thorougher mysterious, utilizes the Sun Moon Star three islands, uses above this broken palace light cover, with this Sun Moon Star three pond, not only can collect energy of Sun, but can also gather moon and everywhere stars energy, and will get up precise becomes this milky white waterdrop, forming Warrior can soak the absorption directly mysterious energy. 三神教做的更加彻底神奇,运用日月星三岛,利用这残破宫殿上方的光罩,和这日月星三潭,不但能够采集太阳的能量,还能聚集月亮、漫天星辰的能量,并且将起凝炼成这种乳白色的水滴,形成武者可以直接浸泡吸收的神奇能量 Obviously, this Three God Church ancient formation, must strange mysterious, this is not the solar energy of that world can the comparison. 显然,这三神教的古老阵法,要更加的诡异神奇,这可不是那个世界的太阳能可以比较的。 You should know, our Three God Church Martial Spirit, from Sun Moon Star three pond, newborn baby, if the natural talent is outstanding, soaks in Sun Moon Star three pond, then has the opportunity to have Sun Moon Star Martial Spirit, has directly absorbs the Sun and Moon Stars strange ability.” A Tang Yuannan face proudly, said: In Endless Sea numerous influences, most Martial Spirit, goes out is born with carry, cannot the Elementary formation. Also only then our Three God Church, can use this Sun Moon Star three pond, lets not have the Martial Spirit baby, has Martial Spirit through the immersion, can say that our Three God Church can Elementary accomplish Martial Spirit Expert!” nodded that Shi Yan changes countenance, said: Good.” “你应该知道,我们三神教武魂,都是来自于日月星三潭,新生的婴儿,如果天资出众,浸泡在日月星三潭之中,便有机会拥有日月星武魂,有着直接吸收日月星辰的奇异能力。”唐渊南一脸傲然,道:“在无尽海众多势力之中,大多数的武魂,都走出生就携带的,不能后天形成。也只有我们三神教,才可以利用这日月星三潭,让没有武魂的婴儿,通过浸泡来拥有武魂,可以说,我们三神教可以后天造就武魂强者!”,石岩动容的点了点头,道:“不错。” „The foundation of our god, here, the above Sun Moon Star three islands, are only three eyes, maintains part of here normal work, above that three islands, there is layer on layer restriction, even if the Chi Yan supernatural power is exceedingly high, can break the big date Saint light backdrop, is hard to crush the Sun Moon Star three islands.” “我们神教的根基,就在这里了,上面的日月星三岛,只是三个阵眼,乃是维持这里正常运转的一部分,在那三座岛屿之上,也有重重禁制,就算是赤阎法力通天,能够破掉大日圣光天幕,也难以将日月星三岛粉碎掉。” Tang Yuannan smiled, said to Shi Yan: In other words, our Three God Church foundation, is almost very difficult to vacillate, so long as here does not ruin, our Three God Church can continue to accumulate power, the baby who chose the new birth trained the following master. Because of this foundation, after thousand years ago Star God and Moon God fall from the sky, we can develop as before once more.” 唐渊南笑了笑,冲石岩道:“也就是说,我们三神教的根基,几乎很难动摇,只要这里不毁掉,我们三神教就能继续积累力量,挑选新出生的婴儿培养后续的高手。正是因为这个根基在,当千年前星神月神陨灭以后,我们依旧可以再次发展起来。” Shi Yan nods once more. 石岩再次点头。 Your I and Moon God Burning Sun Martial Spirit, Stars Martial Spirit and Silver Moon Martial Spirit, are Sun Moon Star three pond form initial, first time comes out precise, dominated above afterward all Solar Star moon/month Martial Spirit! These three big Martial Spirit after newcomer is different, not only can precise many sun and moon Strength of Stars, be able to evolve, but can also inherit, perhaps this constructs the most mysterious writing skill of this temple, is so, harbors these three big Martial Spirit, not passing on responsibilities can be god Sun-Moon Stars Three Gods.” “你我和月神炎日武魂星辰武魂银月武魂,乃是日月星三潭形成初始,第一次凝炼出来的,凌驾在后来所有日星武魂之上!这三大武魂和后来者的不一样,不但可以凝炼更多日月星辰之力,可以一直进化,还可以继承,这或许是构建这神殿者的最神奇手笔,正是如此,怀有这三大武魂者,当仁不让的会是神教的日月星三神。” Tang Yuannan spoke of here, eyes rays of light was bright, said to Shi Yan: Regardless of you did acknowledge that you have this Martial Spirit, is my Three God Church Star God! Now, you can soak the star deep pool, gathers the strength of star deep pool, the remnant leaf dead base man opens Stars Martial Spirit imprint, truly had Stars Martial Spirit.” 唐渊南说到这里,双眸光芒熠熠,对石岩道:“不论你承认不承认,你身怀这种武魂,都是我三神教星神!现在,你可以浸泡进星潭,聚集星潭之力,残叶死基佬来开启星辰武魂烙印,真正拥有星辰武魂了。” The Shi Yan facial expression inspires, gives a calm smile: I was actually disrespectful.” 石岩神情一振,淡然一笑:“那我就却之不恭了。”
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