GOS :: Volume #4

#349: Sun and Moon Stars with presently!( Asked recommendation ticket!!)

That Three God Church Sky Realm boundary Elder, only offers a sacrifice to the Three God Church this colored glaze cover, whole body is winding around Saint light, is used to resist from the attack of outside world. 那名三神教天位长老,只将三神教的本米琉璃罩祭出来,浑身缭绕着一圈圈圣光,用来抵挡来自于外界的攻击。 This Saint light colored glaze cover is Three God Church a few Sacred level secrets, can in Martial Spirit with body unite, fuses Martial Spirit and Essence Qi power, precise becomes the splendid light extraordinary splendor glittering colored glaze cover, same level Warrior fully gets rid, is very difficult to break this Saint light colored glaze cover. 这圣光琉璃罩乃是三神教少数几种圣级秘技,可以和身体中的武魂合一,融合武魂精元力量,凝炼成华光异彩闪烁的琉璃罩,同级武者就算是全力出手,也很难破掉这圣光琉璃罩。 After this Elder the Saint light colored glaze cover displays, but also gathers the strength to prepare to counter-attack Shi Yan, at one fell swoop the Shi Yan rampant arrogance pressing. 这名长老将圣光琉璃罩施展出来以后,还蓄力准备反击石岩,一举将石岩嚣张的气焰给压下去。 Which expects enters Shi Yan of Nirvana Origin boundary, catches up swiftly, actually has such terrifying cold energy, not only made cold energy seep, was covering that Saint light colored glaze to one and freezes. 哪料到才入涅巢境的石岩,倏一发力,竟然拥有如此恐怖寒力,不但令寒力渗透进来,连带着将那圣光琉璃罩给一并冻住了。 So the accident, all of a sudden has shocked the people, these people open mouth greatly, the eye circle opens the eyes, looks at that does not dare to believe he. 如此变故,一下子将众人惊呆了,这些人一个个大张着嘴,眼睛圆睁,不敢置信的看着他。 Cold and gloomy cold energy intensifies gradually, sees only this Three God Church Elder, the whole body ices up fast, a while time, he also has become a huge ice sculpture, whole body was covered by the thick ice, whole body cannot move. 森冷的寒力逐渐加剧,只见这三神教长老,全身快速结冰,一会儿功夫,他也成了一个巨大的冰雕,浑身被玄冰覆盖,浑身动弹不得。 It is not quite same as him, is in thick ice central Shi Yan, not only moves freely, but can also continually promote in the body plaster power. 和他不太一样,身在玄冰中央的石岩,不但活动自如,还能够不断地提升体垩内力量 After he ice sculpture surrounds, whole body is stiff, bone lou and veins locked, power is also frozen likely by cold energy, cannot optional surging in the body veins. 他被冰雕困住以后,浑身僵硬,就连骨髅和筋脉都被锁住,一身的力量像是也被寒力结冻,根本不能在身体筋脉中随意的涌动。 That Sun light precise light covers, then has become bigger ice lens, spreadska ka, the sound, wisp of solar Saint light, cannot shoot, not to mention injured to Shi Yan. 那太阳之光凝炼的光罩,则是成了更大的冰晶体,传出“咔咔,的声响,就连一缕的太阳圣光,都不能从中射出来,更别提伤到石岩了。 Tang Yuannan is also terrified one startled, in eye different light suddenly to launch, but at this moment, he believes finally Shi Yan that relies on strength of the, Lord the fact that the demon armor repels. 唐渊南也是悚然一惊,眼中异光暴射而出这一刻,他终于相信石岩那凭借一己之力,将魔主摩奇铠击退的事实。 terrifying energy that because on Shi Yan is erupting instantaneously , he thought that somewhat inconceivable this power, far exceeds Shi Yan this Realm absolutely, from the start is not this Realm Warrior can have. 因为石岩身上在瞬间爆发出来的恐怖能量,就连他,都觉得有些不可思议这种力量,绝对远远超出石岩这个境界,压根不是这个境界武者可以拥有的。 Therefore after that Sky Realm boundary Elder whole body frozen, he suddenly was also shocked, is the same with most Three God Church believers, has not responded. 因此当那名天位长老浑身冰封后,他一时间也愣住了,和大多数三神教的教徒一样,没有反应过来。 ka ka ka!, By Three God Church Elder that freezes unreliably, bone lou of body is transmitted the strange sound, under this sound, in this person of eye first time revealed that the vision of meaning of hope fear, falls suddenly to Tang Yuannan. 咔咔咔!,被玄冰冻住的三神教长老,身体的骨髅传来奇异的声响,在这种声响下,这人眼中第一次显露出恐惧之意祈求的目光,忽然落向唐渊南 Tang Yuannan expression shakes, quickly awakens, hurried say|way: „ Shi Yan gives up., Shi Yan sneers, does not dread looks to Tang Yuannan, said lightly: „ Is he gets rid first, thinks that takes advantage of cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, wants to teach my old fogy to start not to be slow., The Tang Yuannan facial expression stagnates, is smiling bitterly nodded, then said: „ I think that he should not get rid once more, gives me a face, his body strength of defrosting of thick ice. The time was long, is greatly influential everybody to be well-meant to you to he cultivation base, one should spare them, drops. 唐渊南神色一震,幡然醒悟,急忙道:“石岩罢手。,石岩冷笑,毫不畏惧的看向唐渊南,淡淡道:“是他先出手的,以为依仗天位境的修为,就想要教训我老家伙下手可不慢。,唐渊南神情一滞,苦笑着点了点头,然后才说:“我想,他应该不会再次出手了,给我个面子,将他身体的玄冰之力解冻吧。时间久了,对他一身的修为大有影响大家对你并没有恶意,得饶人处且饶人,放手吧。 So was saying, Tang Yuannan moves toward that Elder, is secretly precise the strength of Sun, if Shi Yan below killer who if really does not hesitate at all costs, he can only lend a hand to help that Elder come out from the thick ice fully. 这般说着,唐渊南不由走向那名长老,暗暗将太阳之力凝炼,若是石岩真要是不惜一切代价的下杀手,他只能全力出手帮助那名长老从玄冰中出来。 Shi Yan expression is callous, has not replied immediately, but is the look cold looks to thick ice Sky Realm Elder in that Three God Church. 石岩神色冷酷,没有马上答话而是眼神冷冽的看向玄冰中的那名三神教天位长老 Under his gaze, this Three God Church Elder look is flurried, before does not have mean again, only then alarmed and afraid meaning. 在他的注视下,这个三神教长老眼神慌乱,再也没有之前的阴狠,只有惊惧之意。 In the heart sneers, Shi Yan is very satisfied his performance, this slowly displays another to come from Earthcore Flame power, is acting bashful Earthcore Flame power, takes back cold energy, while gradual increases burning hot energy, melts slowly the frozen thick ice. 心中冷笑,石岩很满意他的表现,这才缓缓施展另外一股来自于地心火力量,拿捏着地心火力量,一边来收回寒力,一边逐渐的增加炎热能量,将冰封的玄冰慢慢融化掉。 He controls unusual is exquisite, is careful, if Earthcore Flame energy exerts is too quick, this Elder fleshly body will unable to withstand, may be burnt down the bloody water, the flame strength that but if exerts are too few, cannot give the dissolution thick ice cold energy. 他掌控的非常精妙,也非常小心,地心火能量要是施加的太快,这名长老肉身也会承受不住,可能会被焚烧成血水,但要是施加的炎力太少,又不能将玄冰的寒力给溶解。 Tang Yuannan saw him to receive the hand, relaxed secretly, the strength of Sun congealed, took back quietly. 唐渊南见他收手了,暗暗松了一口气,本来凝结起来的太阳之力,也悄悄收回。 long time, under Earthcore Flame the strength of burning hot Fiery Flame, that Three God Church Elder, does not lock to extricate finally from profound frozen, is sweating profusely goes toward retreat, stands with these face alarmed and afraid several Three God Church Elder in together, does not dare to express any opinion. 多时,在地心火的炎热火炎之力下,那名三神教长老,终于从玄冰封锁中解脱出来,然后满头大汗的往后退去,和那些一脸惊惧的数名三神教长老站在一块儿,再也不敢多发表什么意见。 Similarly has these Three God Church believers who the resentment read to Shi Yan, in experience to Shi Yan powerful power, after being possible be called crazy action, suddenly honest, look glittering, do not dare to reveal the hostility, gave Tang Yuannan to solve all. 同样对石岩有怨念的那些三神教教徒,在见识到石岩强悍力量,和堪称疯狂的举动之后,忽然老实了下来,一个个眼神闪烁,不敢流露出敌意,将一切重新交给唐渊南来解决。 Surrounds Shi Yan one line of Three God Church believers quietly, retreat, spreads out with Shi Yan slowly. 悄悄围住石岩的一行三神教教徒,也慢慢后退,和石岩拉开一段距离。 The performance of Shi Yan, lets all Three God Church believers, had realized his fearfulness, in this world Expert is Venerable, when Shi Yan displays he will have can any person of easily obliterate after Tang Yuannan, again also nobody dares on to spell. 石岩的表现,让所有三神教的教徒,都意识到了他的可怕,这世上强者为尊,当石岩表现出他拥有着可以将除唐渊南之外任何一人轻易抹杀之后,就再也没有人胆敢上拼了。 The human nature dreads inborn can destroy completely own Expert, this is very difficult to change, these people know the limitation very much, can distinguish clearly the situation...... Also fears death. 人性天生畏惧可以灭掉自己的强者,这是很难改变的,这些人很识相,都能分清形势……也都怕死。 Eye looks at Three God Church believer retreat, show the expression that is startled and fears, does not dare to go forward to reveal the evil intention once more, Shi Yan is secret. 看着一名名三神教教徒后退,露出又惊又惧的表情,不敢再次上前流露出恶意,石岩暗暗快意。 He even more realizes own strength powerful, the biggest safeguard of vertical intent life in this world, only then oneself has to surmount all natural law formidable power, he can act in a self-serving manner in this crazy world, does not need to watch others meaningful glance, but makes others watch his meaningful glance. 他愈加意识到自身实力的强悍,才是在这个世上纵意人生的最大保障,只有自身有着超越一切规则的强大力量,他才可以在这个疯狂的世界为所欲为,不用看别人眼色,而是让别人看他眼色。 Although his present power, is by Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God support, but this type the extremely formidable feeling, makes him enjoy temporarily, unusual immersing. 虽然他如今的力量,都是由玄冰寒焰地心火圣灵神支撑,但这种暂时极其强大的感觉,却让他非常享受,非常的沉醉。 Also is at this moment, he believes that only then promotes own Realm fully, at the maximum speed promotes own power, is he most should try hard, and should be life-long for the goal that it strives. 也是这一刻,他更加坚信,只有全力提升自己的境界,以最快的速度提升自己的力量,才是他最应该努力,并且应该是终生为之奋斗的目标。 The right, Earth Realm, the cultivation resources, this all sorts are only foreign object, when power reaches certain altitude, these things are extremely easy to obtain, momentarily can have. 权利,地位,修炼资源,这种种只是外物,当力量达到一定高度,这些东西唾手可得,随时可以拥有。 Opens Sun Moon Star three pond., Tang Yuannan silent child a while, the violent shouted to clear the way suddenly. “开启日月星三潭。,唐渊南沉默子一会儿,突然暴喝道。 Several Three God Church Elder, complexions change, starts to speak but hesitates, any words had not said finally that has not asked one, suddenly leaves. 数名三神教长老,一个个脸色微变,欲言又止,却最终什么话都没有说,没有多问一句,忽然咻咻离开。 Shi Yan has gawked, at once knits the brows: „ I said that my Star God to into Three God Church, without any interest. Even if you opens Sun Moon Star three pond, enabling me to grasp the Stars Martial Spirit mystery, I will not risk one's life for your Three God Church, restraint on your Three God Church., Numerous surrounding the believer of Three God Church, hear word conceals anger, but this time actually nobody reveals. 石岩愣了一下,旋即皱眉道:“我说了,我对成为三神教星神,没有任何的兴趣。就算是你们开启日月星三潭,让我掌握了星辰武魂的奥妙,我也不会为你们三神教出生入死,将自己束缚在你们三神教上。,众多围观的三神教的教徒,闻言隐含怒意,但这次却没有人表露出来。 Shi Yan formerly action, has made these people realize his great strength, his similar a few words, but around these Three God Church believers performance, have the enormous disparity, completely different. 石岩先前的举动,已让这些人意识到了他的强大,他同样的一句话,可这些三神教教徒前后的表现,却有极大的差距,全然不同。 Before he has not displayed formidable power, his arrogance becomes the excuse that the people have aimed, some people have encircled on own initiative, Sky Realm boundary Elder gets rid angrily, wants to teach him. But after he displays formidable power, although the people a core live discontentedly, goes not to dare to reveal to cope with his slight indication, is dull is freezing, does not dare to get rid. 在他没有表现出强大的力量之前,他的狂妄成了众人针对的借口,一些人主动围了上来,一名天位长老愤然出手,想要教训他。但在他表现出强大的力量之后,众人虽然一样心生不满,去不敢流露出上来对付他的丝毫征兆,一个个呆在原地不动,不敢出手。 The Shi Yan indifferent looks at Three God Church believer, in the heart sneers constantly, to these people around the change of manner, had a more profound understanding. 石岩冷眼看着三神教的教徒,心中冷笑不迭,对这些人前后态度的变化,有了更深刻的认识。 power! 力量 power is timeless eternal true meaning! Only then crushes all power, can to change the attitude! 力量才是亘古不变的永恒真谛!只有压倒一切的力量,才能够让所有人改变态度! Ok, if you are not willing to become god Star God, I do not force., Tang Yuannan silent a while, expression complex say|way: „ But inheritance of Star God on you, this inheritance , if not open, this Stars Martial Spirit decorates, on first generation Star God, since has selected you, we continue for his inheritance, should make you accept the immersion of Sun Moon Star three pond, making you know the Stars Martial Spirit mystery., „ That......, Shi Yan stares, looks strangely to him, impolite say|way: „ Was you such has done, I will not risk one's life for Three God Church, not because of your Three God Church, restraint here. “算了,如果你真的不愿意成为神教的星神,那我也不勉强。,唐渊南沉默了一会儿,表情复杂道:“但星神的传承在你身上,这传承若是不开启,这星辰武魂就是摆设,上一代星神既然选中了你,我们就算是为了他的传承延续,也应该让你接受日月星三潭的浸泡,让你知晓星辰武魂的奥妙。,“那个……,石岩一愣,奇怪地看向他,不客气道:“就算是你们这么做了,我也不会为了三神教出生入死,不会因为你们三神教,将自己束缚在这里。 I understand., Tang Yuannan nodded, said: „ The Three God Church Star God duty, you can disregard, you enter Sun Moon Star three pond now, but continues for the inheritance of Star God purely, what I will not request your, like this should you not repel?, Shi Yan is astonished however. “我明白。,唐渊南点了点头,道:“三神教星神义务,你可以无视,你现在进入日月星三潭,只是纯粹为了星神的传承延续,我不会要求你什么,这样你应该不会排斥了吧?,石岩讶然。 Numerous Three God Church believers, is somewhat puzzled, but at this moment, people, although has doubts, actually nobody expresses the opinion, thought that perhaps the Tang Yuannan procedure has the profound meaning. 众多三神教的教徒,也是有些不解,但此时此刻,众人虽然非常疑惑,却没有人发表意见,觉得或许唐渊南的做法另有深意。 Tang Yuannan in Three God Church these many years, prestige is enormous, is relying on his effort, Three God Church that declined, slowly is formidable, has now in Endless Sea Earth Realm and influence. 唐渊南三神教这么多年,威望极大,凭借着他的努力,本来没落的三神教,才慢慢强大起来,拥有如今在无尽海地位和势力。 In the subconscious, these Three God Church believers, approve the Tang Yuannan ability, thought that he will not be aimless. 在潜意识里,这些三神教的教徒,都认同唐渊南的能力,觉得他不会无的放矢。 „ If no any request, without any restraint......, The Shi Yan brow stretches, said easely: „ I did not certainly mind that enters that Sun Moon Star three pond, regarding Stars Martial Spirit, I is also extremely curious, I want to know very much, once opened Stars Martial Spirit, I can obtain anything. “如果没有任何的要求,没有任何的约束……,石岩眉头舒展,悠然道:“那我当然不介意进入那日月星三潭,对于星辰武魂,我也是极为好奇的,我很想知道一旦开启了星辰武魂,我到底可以得到什么。 He He, you will know quickly., Tang Yuannan smiled, at once suddenly shouts to clear the way: „ Breaks restriction, receives and instructs the light of Sun and Moon Stars!, Calls out with Tang Yuannan one, in strange light cover that audiences head top, outbreak mutation. “呵呵,你很快就会知道的。,唐渊南笑了笑,旋即突然喝道:“将禁制破开吧,接引日月星辰之光!,随着唐渊南的一声暴喝,在众人头顶的奇异光罩,突然发生异变。 Just liked tears the First Level level thin film to be ordinary, in strange light cover that audiences head went against, became more and more thin, became more and more clear...... 犹如撕裂了一层层薄膜一般,在众人头顶的奇异光罩,变得越来越薄,变得越来越清晰…… 101 million splendid light, such as the electric current light coats to walk randomly in that generally, is only interweaving above that cover the extremely dazzling color, making that light cover extreme mystical. 101000000道华光,如电流一般在那光罩上游走,在那光罩之上交织着极为炫目的色彩,让那光罩变得极为的神秘 Shi Yan looks up the day, with amazement when discovery does not know gets up, that light covered likely has become a giant mirror, above that light cover, unexpectedly presented the innumerable stars, presented a round hot sun, presented curved bright moonlight. 石岩抬头看天,骇然发现不知何时起,那光罩像是成了一面巨大的镜子,在那光罩之上,竟然出现无数的繁星,出现了一轮烈日,出现了一弯明月。 Sun and Moon Stars with presently! 日月星辰同现!
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