GOS :: Volume #4

#348: Dissolute( third! Wishing respectfully monthly ticket ~~)

Mo Jita indeed is extremely the powerful demon person, I think that Warrior of boundary of Endless Sea God Passage First Sky, should be very difficult some people able with him to contend.” Shi Yan expression is vigilant, has paid attention the expression change of Tang Yuannan secretly, said calmly: But, my some methods, Immortal under Mo Jita, God Realm Expert want to kill me sufficiently generally, Hehe, must pay the grievous cost.” 摩奇铊的确是极其强悍的魔人,我想无尽海通神一重天之境的武者,应该很难有人能够与他抗衡。”石岩神色警惕,一直暗暗留心唐渊南的表情变化,冷静道:“不过,我身上有些手段,足以在摩奇铊之下不死,一般神境强者想要杀我,嘿嘿,也要付出惨痛代价。” He worried that more conceals the strength, Tang Yuannan will be the evil intention, therefore direct neat mentioning fact. 他担心越是隐瞒实力,唐渊南会越是起恶意,所以直接干脆利落的讲出事实。 Listened to his such saying, the Tang Yuannan eye suddenly one brightly, the whole face does not dare to believe. 听他这么一说,唐渊南眼睛骤然一亮,满脸不敢置信。 Was same as that Gu Xiao, Wu Qin and the others, the Tang Yuannan facial expression is startled, somewhat cannot respond all of a sudden, half sound sound no wonder that: You said...... Did you cause heavy losses to Mo Jita? Doesn't have the bystander to help you? Haven't I understood the mistake?” 和那古霄巫琴等人一样,唐渊南神情一怔,一下子有些反应不过来,半响声音古怪道:“你是说……你将摩奇铊重创了?没有外人帮助你?我没理解错误吧?” Shi Yan nods, shows the strange smiling face that mystical not measures, is confident. 石岩点头,露出一副神秘莫测的奇异笑容,充满信心。 The Tang Yuannan expression was even more strange, supposed that does not permit the Shi Yan real situation, does not know that the Shi Yan words are really false, secretly guessed the Shi Yan excuse there. 唐渊南表情愈加古怪了,估摸不准石岩的真实情况,不知道石岩的话到底是真是假,愣在那儿暗暗猜测石岩的说辞。 The Shi Yan complexion is invariable, the vigilance is getting higher and higher, prepares the strain at any time. 石岩脸色不变,警惕性越来越高,随时准备应变。 He and Tang Yuannan are not familiar, does not know that this person harbors any mind to him, before the Yi Tianmo three people in the side, he and Tang Yuannan in did not have the too tremendous pressure together actually, now here only then he, if the Tang Yuannan intention were illegal, had a mind to capture his rare treasure, he does not know whether to block. 他和唐渊南并不熟悉,也不知道此人到底对他怀有什么居心,以前奕天漠三人在身旁的时候,他和唐渊南在一起倒是没有太大的压力,现在这里只有他一人,要是唐渊南心怀不轨,有心夺取他身上的秘宝,他不知道能否挡住。 Without grasping, reveals a confident appearance, sometimes instead plays the good effect. 在没有把握的情况下,露出一副胸有成竹的模样,有时候反而起到不错的效果。 Good, related to you and war of Mo Jita the detail, I no longer asked.” Stems from him to anticipate that Tang Yuannan silent a while, suddenly very relaxed smiling, said: On you have Star God Martial Spirit, how regardless to say that is the Three God Church people, everybody is a whole family, I hope that should not be so anxious.” “好吧,有关你和摩奇铊之战的细节,我不再多问。”出乎他意料,那唐渊南沉默了一会儿,忽然很轻松的笑了笑,道:“你身上有着星神武魂,不论怎么说,都是三神教的人,大家都是一家人,我希望你不要那么紧张。” So was saying, the Tang Yuannan speaker cried loud and long suddenly. 这般说着,唐渊南忽然扬声长啸一声。 His howl is not loose in the palace of this seabed for a very long time, howl spread come, ripples in all directions toward this broken palace, is informing or summons any person likely. 他啸声在这海底的宫殿中久久不散,一声声啸声扩散开来,朝着这残破宫殿四面八方荡漾开来,像是在通知或者呼唤什么人。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, not only has not relaxed, instead is more careful, suddenly has stood. 石岩脸色一变,不但没有放松,反而更加小心起来,忽然站了起来。 Tang Yuannan has not visited him , to continue to cry loud and long, under his howl, certain restriction of this broken palace, as if suddenly was relieved. 唐渊南没有看他,继续长啸,在他啸声之下,这残破宫殿的某些禁制,似乎突然被解除了。 Then Shi Yan then sees person's shadows, from the surroundings kilometer in palaces braves, these people unify to wear the Three God Church teaching robe, cultivation base are exquisite, is almost Nirvana boundary Warrior, ten people in Sky Realm. 然后石岩便看到一道道人影,从周围千米之外一座座宫殿之中冒出来,这些人统一穿着三神教的教袍,一个个修为精湛,几乎都是涅盘武者,还有十来人在天位之境 These Three God Church Warrior, come, the palace from four sides wells up quickly, gathers before the Tang Yuannan body, respectful sound track: Cult Master.” 这些三神教武者,闻讯而来,很快从四面的宫殿涌过来,纷纷聚集在唐渊南身前,恭声道:“教主。” Tang Yuannan nods the head the nod, solemn and respectful say|way: Now the god encountered the unprecedented big bad risk, this god Sun, Moon, Star three islands might not guarantee very much, the demon person oncoming force was fierce, I hope that everybody can calm down, temporarily do not leave here, all activities of outside world, temporarily were responsible for nosing by me and Moon God.” 唐渊南颔首点头,肃穆道:“如今神教遭遇到了前所未见的大凶险,这次神教日、月、星三岛很有可能不保,魔人来势凶猛,我希望大家能够冷静下来,暂时不要离开这儿,外界的一切活动,暂时由我和月神负责查探。” Numerous Three God Church believers, nod, bow to indicate to understand. 众多三神教的教徒,纷纷点头,躬身表示明白。 Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus, looks at these majority in Warrior of Nirvana boundary, in heart rough estimate, he discovered that these Warrior have more than 300 people, this power powerful, in Endless Sea, influence Nirvana Warrior is over 300 people extremely, has Cao Family, Martial Spirit Palace and Yang Family. 石岩眯着眼,看着这些大多数都在涅盘境的武者,心中粗略估计了一下,他发现这些武者有300余人,这一股力量极其强悍,在无尽海中,一个势力涅盘武者超过300人的,也只有曹家武魂殿杨家 Three God Church can in losing Star God and in the Moon God situation, but also accumulation these many strong power, make the Shi Yan heart be startled. 三神教能够在失去星神月神的情况下,还聚集这么多强的力量,着实让石岩心惊。 Opens restriction, opens Sun Moon Star three pond, Shi Yan needs to soak, opens the mark of Stars Martial Spirit.” Tang Yuannan has hesitated, suddenly light shout said. “打开禁制,开放日月星三潭,石岩需要浸泡其中,来开启星辰武魂之印记。”唐渊南沉吟了一下,突然轻喝道。 Several complexion old Sky Realm boundary old men, hearing the news complexion one startled, together looks to Shi Yan, the look is surprised. 几名脸色苍老的天位境老者,闻讯脸色一惊,不由地一起看向石岩,眼神惊讶。 Cult Master......” 教主……” And Elder has hesitated, cannot bear say: Star God wants to obtain the approval, needs the Elder voting permission, now suddenly opens Sun Moon Star three pond, as if doesn't gather the custom?” 其中一名长老踌躇了一下,忍不住道:“星神想要获得认同,需要长老投票许可,现在突然开放日月星三潭,似乎不合规矩吧?” A Tang Yuannan brow wrinkle, blocks the way: At this time is different in those days, Shi Yan had proven his strength, in his body harbors Stars Martial Spirit, this I can show that at critical moment that the demon person invades, we do not need to be restrained by the custom again, must handle this matter of doing earlier.” 唐渊南眉头一皱,果断道:“今时不同往日,石岩已证明了他的实力,他身体中怀有星辰武魂,这点我可以证明,在魔人入侵的关键时刻,我们不用再被规矩约束,应当早点将该做的事情做了。” Several Three God Church Elder, listened to a Tang Yuannan such saying, the expression doubts, were somewhat weak, too did not approve of the decision of Tang Yuannan likely. 数名三神教长老,听唐渊南这么一说,一个个表情疑惑,有些犹豫不定,像是不太赞同唐渊南的决定。 Shi Yan reaches the position of Star God, he will obtain the jurisdiction district, since my responsible islands cession, will not make you pay any islands.” Tang Yuannan sneers, present Yuanluo Sea Area demon person runs amuck, these islands that you control perhaps, how long could not want, will change into stretch of ruins, in this time, I thinks that you did not need to haggle over too.” 石岩荣登星神之位,他将会获得管辖区域,从我负责的岛屿割让,不会让你们付出任何岛屿。”唐渊南冷笑,“如今垣罗海域魔人横行,你们掌控的那些岛屿,说不定要不了多久,就会化为一片废墟,在这种时刻,我想你们无需计较太多。” Such remarks, these Three God Church Elder immediately changed the complexion, has hesitated, nods in abundance low-spirited, no longer said anything. 此言一出,这些三神教长老马上变了脸色,迟疑了一下,纷纷黯然点头,不再多说什么。 Said that you did agree with my decision?” Tang Yuannan does not bear to say. “这么说,你们同意我的决定了?”唐渊南不耐道。 Three God Church these Elder, listened to his such saying, but nodded, thought under this condition, really did not have what to be good to haggle over. 三神教的那些长老,听他这么一说,一个个无奈点头,觉得在这种状况下,也实在没有什么好计较的了。 Wait a moment.” 等一下。” Shi Yan has stood suddenly, under the surprise vision of numerous Three God Church believer, is somewhat disgruntled: Tang Cult Master, what were you saying? Did I agree with into your Three God Church Star God?” 石岩突然站了起来,在众多三神教教徒的诧异目光下,有些不悦道:“唐教主,你在说什么?我同意成为你们三神教星神了么?” Numerous Three God Church believers, including these Elder that but formerly nodded, hear word were are very disgruntled, looked to the Shi Yan look, were many anger. 众多三神教的教徒,包括那些先前无奈点头的长老,闻言都是很是不悦,看向石岩的眼神,多了点怒意 Tang Yuannan is the facial expression is also startled, said: Has become Three God Church Star God, Stars Martial Spirit in your body, then can open, learned truly Stars Martial Spirit mystery, this regarding your future achievement, the nowadays strength, is of great help. Not only so, you have become Star God, then had the huge authority, in the god, besides me and Moon God, anybody must listen to you to order, you can also gain the Three God Church one-fifth islands resources, for your cultivation, so all sorts, needs to consider what?” 唐渊南也是神情一怔,道:“成了三神教星神,你身体中的星辰武魂,便可以开启,真正获知星辰武魂的奥妙,这对于你将来的成就,现今的实力来说,都是大有裨益的。不但如此,你成了星神,便拥有了巨大的权力,在神教之中,除了我和月神之外,任何人都要听你命令,你还能获取三神教1的岛屿资源,供你修炼,如此种种,难道还需要考虑什么?” World not free banquet.” Shi Yan shakes the head slowly, I do not believe that has become Three God Church Star God, has the advantage to me, but does not have the slight restraint. I want to know that I have become your Three God Church Star God, what needs to make? What custom do I need to observe your Three God Church?” “天下没有免费的宴席。”石岩缓缓摇头,“我不相信成了三神教星神,对我只有好处,而没有丝毫的约束。我想知道,我成了你们三神教星神,需要做些什么?我需要遵守你们三神教的什么规矩?” These are the minor matters.” Tang Yuannan gives a calm smile, as god Star God, when the god comes across the crisis, you only need are Star God help people overcome their difficulties fully then, when the god and foreign enemy encounter, as Star God, you need to execute the enemy, maintain the god the benefit, that is all.” “这些都是小事。”唐渊南淡然一笑,“身为神教星神,在神教遇到危机的时候,你只需要全力为星神排忧解难即可,在神教与外敌交锋的时候,身为星神,你需要将敌人格杀,维护神教的利益,仅此而已。” When if the Three God Church benefit were threatened, but I do not want to get rid for the Three God Church benefit, how can?” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly asked. “如果当三神教利益受到威胁,而我不想为了三神教的利益出手,将会如何?”石岩沉吟了一下,忽然问道。 This, the god will use all power, recovers to entrust with your authority, and captures Stars Martial Spirit of your within the body.” Tang Yuannan said naturally. “这样的话,神教将会倾尽一切力量,追回赋予你的权力,并且夺取你体内的星辰武魂。”唐渊南自然而然道。 That considers as finished, I regarding your Three God Church Star God, do not have what interest.” Shi Yan shakes the head, very impolite say|way: I do not want to receive any restraint, does not want for anybody, to work oneself to death for any influence. This Star God unwarranted reputation, I do not want, you in addition please wise.” “那算了,我对于你们三神教星神,没有什么兴趣。”石岩摇头,很不客气道:“我再也不想受任何约束,不想为任何人,为任何势力去卖命。这星神的虚名,我就不要了,你们另请高明吧。” Boy is dissolute!” “小子放肆!” Senile Elder, roars to make noise suddenly, expression is cloudy, coldly looks at Shi Yan, really gives to be concerned about face! You walked dog shit luck, has resulted in the inheritance of Star God, depends on you are the Yang Family person status, we must execute you! Cult Master does not haggle over your Yang Family bloodlines, broadminded pushes on you Star God top digit, even is willing to put out own benefit to feed you, but also is what kind of?” 一个老态龙钟的长老,突然怒吼出声,神色阴厉,冷冷看着石岩,“真是给脸不要脸!你要不是走了狗屎运,得了星神的传承,就凭你是杨家人身份,我们也要将你格杀!教主不计较你杨家血脉,宽宏大量的推你上星神高位,甚至愿意拿出自己的利益来喂养你,还想怎样?” I said that I do not want to receive any restraint again!” Shi Yan does not fear, the facial expression is callous, old bastard, were you deaf?” “我说了,我不想再受任何约束!”石岩丝毫不惧,神情冷酷,“老东西,你耳朵聋了?” Cult Master, I am dissolute.” That Elder eyes spouts flaming Fiery Flame, bows to a Tang Yuannan ritual, does not wait for Tang Yuannan to persuade, suddenly two open, the distant cover to Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way coldly: Fire of rain hot sun!” 教主,恕我放肆。”那长老双眸喷出熊熊火炎,躬身对唐渊南一礼,不等唐渊南劝说,忽然两手张开,遥遥罩向石岩,冷喝道:“烈日之火雨!” xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Bunch Sun Saint light, flies to shoot suddenly from that Elder control, these light of Sun such as heat hot juice, crowded incomparable, the overhead covers toward Shi Yan. 一束束太阳圣光,忽然从那长老手心之中飞射出来,这些太阳之光如烧红的火汁,密集无比,当头朝着石岩罩来。 Shi Yan smiles cold, suddenly stimulation of movement within the body is smelted the cyclone that becomes by Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, extreme woods cold cold energy, instantaneously will urge to send. 石岩冷然一笑,突然催动体内由圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火熔炼而成的气旋,将其中极度森寒的寒力,瞬间催发出来。 frozen!” 冰封!” Is centered on Shi Yan, surroundings space was blocked by Cold Qi, his ground forms the thick solid ice instantaneously, Shi Yan fleshly body, will shortly freeze, he likely has become a huge ice sculpture, the whole body ice piece thick ten rice, emit dense Cold Qi. 石岩为中心,周围空间被寒气封锁,他脚下的地面瞬间结成厚厚的坚冰,就连石岩肉身,也在顷刻间结冻,他本人像是成了一个巨大的冰雕,浑身冰块厚十来米,冒出森森的寒气 Comes from that Elder control fire of rain hot sun, the bunch flies to shoot above Shi Yan ice sculpture, however, this hot sun Saint light moves that the ice piece that is smelted by Profound Ice Cold Flame and Holy Spirit God becomes, immediately changes into light of the Sun, under that terrifying cold energy, that bunch of rays of light eliminates instantaneously invisible. 来自于那长老手心的烈日之火雨,一束束飞射在石岩身上的冰雕之上,然而,这烈日圣光一碰触那由玄冰寒焰圣灵神熔炼而成的冰块,立即化为点点太阳之光,在那恐怖寒力之下,那一束束光芒瞬间消泯无形。 Shi Yan Hehe sneers, an foot in ice sculpture, stamps fiercely. 石岩嘿嘿冷笑,冰雕之中的一只脚,猛地一跺。 Obviously shining white Cold Qi, seeps to the earth, goes toward Elder of that getting rid. 一条明显之极的莹白寒气,渗透向大地,直朝着那名出手的长老而去。 Shining white Cold Qi has supported, Shi Yan and between him the earth, freezes fast, was under Ice Bone Crystal Dragon has arched likely suddenly, has revealed the thick ice back. 莹白寒气所过支持,石岩和他之间的大地,快速结冻,像是地底下一条冰骨晶龙突然拱了出来,露出了玄冰背脊。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” During the earth freezes fast, sparkling stone white Cold Qi flying direction of fire that Elder, this person of peak however changes color, in the eye appears the huge alarmed and afraid meaning, gets rid hurriedly fully, the strength in within the body Martial Spirit with the Essence Qi fusion, congealed instantaneously in his side a giant solar aperture. 在大地快速结冻之中,莹白色寒气一路飞射向那名长老,这人耸然变色,眼中显出巨大的惊惧之意,急忙全力出手,将体内武魂之力瞬间和精元融合,在他身旁凝成了一个巨大的太阳光圈。 Saint light colored glaze cover!” “圣光琉璃罩!” This Elder coldly snorted, solar aperture expands fiercely, Saint light extend, seems making an effort to extrude the space. 这名长老冷哼一声,身上的太阳光圈猛地扩大开来,一圈圈圣光从中延伸出去,似乎在用力挤压空间。 Ice!” “冰!” The Shi Yan person in the ice sculpture, puts out a hand a finger to aim at him, the fingertip explodes suddenly projects several thousand shining white cold brightness, instantaneous thorn to that solar aperture. 石岩人在冰雕之中,伸手一指指向他,指尖忽然爆射出数千莹白寒光,瞬间刺向那太阳光圈。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” Under the gaze of people, Elder of this Sky Realm boundary, after displaying the Three God Church Saint light colored glaze covers, sending must freeze suddenly, that Saint light aperture covers the First Level silver-white color, direct was been unexpectedly frozen stiff, wisp of rays of light cannot release. 在众人的注视下,这名天位境的长老,在施展出三神教的圣光琉璃罩之后,发须忽然结冻,那圣光光圈蒙上一层银白色,竟被直接冻僵了,没有一缕光芒可以从中释放出来。 All Three God Church believers, entire were suddenly scared. 所有三神教的教徒,忽然全傻眼了。
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