GOS :: Volume #4

#347: Future control

On Ten Thousand Sword Peak. 万剑峰上。 Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Cao Zhilan and Man Gu four people of facial expression delay, in front of looks at that side huge crystal, is speechless for a very long time. 古霄巫琴曹芷岚蛮古四人神情呆滞,愣愣地看着面前的那一面巨大水晶,久久无语。 The mystical great sword that Shi Yan that handle braves suddenly, strikes the picture of that Mo Jita heavy losses, some people and others through the clarity that crystal looks, without a careless mistake, exploding of that Mo Jita arm is broken, even can see hashed meat horizontal flies. 石岩那柄突然冒出来的神秘巨剑,一击将那摩奇铊重创的画面,这一干人等通过那面水晶看的清清楚楚,没有一丝纰漏,就连那摩奇铊一条手臂的爆碎,甚至都能看到一块块碎肉的横飞。 This scene, deep a carved inscription in four people of hearts, never forgets. 这幅场景,深深铭刻在四人心中,永世难忘。 Comes from the Fourth Devil Area demon Lord, Divine Ability general ominous demon Mo Jita, after offering a sacrifice to that handle terrifying inexplicable demon blade, the arrogance is dreadful, continually the people who is away from the crystal mirror surface, as if can induce to that handle demon blade in wild power that in the Mo Jita hand erupts. 来自于第四魔域的魔主,神通广大的凶魔摩奇铊,在祭出那柄恐怖莫名的魔刀之后,气焰滔天,连隔着水晶镜面的众人,都似乎能够感应到那柄魔刀在摩奇铊手中爆发出来的狂暴力量 Gu Xiao and Wu Qin engage in introspection, thought that is faces Mo Jita, under powerful power of that unbounded demon blade, can only evade a point road temporarily, does not dare to meet the tough head-on with toughness with its contends directly. 古霄巫琴扪心自问,觉得就算是自己面对摩奇铊,在那无界魔刀的强悍力量之下,都只能暂避锋芒一条路,绝不敢硬碰硬与其正面抗衡。 Shi Yan actually such did! 石岩却这么做了! Not only has done, he uses that handle mystical great sword unexpectedly, but also caused heavy losses to the demon to advocate Mo Jita, God Passage First Sky Expert, cutting off an arm! 不但做了,他竟然利用那柄神秘巨剑,还重创了魔主摩奇铊,将通神一重天强者,给斩断一条手臂! What concept is this? Is what situation? 这是什么概念?是什么情况? Four people dull such as wooden chicken, as if stopped including the breath, cannot believe that simply own seeing with own eyes, cannot believe in that crystal mirror surface appears meets the fact that has really unexpectedly! 四人呆如木鸡,似乎连呼吸都停止了,简直不敢相信自己的眼见,不敢相信那水晶镜面中显现的竟然会是真实发生的事实! Shi Yan what Realm? Mo Jita what Realm? 石岩什么境界摩奇铊什么境界 Phase difference more than one Level, under that terrifying demon person chases down, not only has not died, the severe wound Mo Jita, so the accident, it may be said that has exceeded four people of imagination on the contrary, making in four people of hearts all happy plans fail. 相差不止一个等级,在那恐怖魔人追杀之下,不但没死,反倒重伤了摩奇铊,如此变故,可谓是超出了四人的想象,让四人心中一切的美好打算落空。 After the experience to Shi Yan powerful, in these four people of hearts is uncomfortable, has overturned the cruet likely, any at sixes and sevens mood emerges the heart together, described in the spoken language truly difficult. 在见识到石岩强悍之后,这四人心中非常不是滋味,像是打翻了五味瓶,什么乱七八糟的情绪一起涌入心头,实难用言语形容。 It seems like extinguishes his desire with Mo Jita, was impossible to realize.” Gu Xiao silent for a long time for a long time, the wooden looks at crystal mirror surface, the look is somewhat empty, the complexion gradually turns into the incomparable ugliness, future Endless Sea, feared that can be a Shi Yan person of world, yeah......” “看来用摩奇铊灭他的愿望,不可能实现了。”古霄沉默了许久许久,木然看着水晶镜面,眼神有些空洞,脸色渐渐变成无比的难看,“将来的无尽海,怕是会是石岩一人的天下了,哎……” Gu Xiao deep sigh, in heart grieved incomparable, subconscious remembers Gu Family these youth first generation, actually the discovery searches for the memory, cannot look for one to be able with Shi Yan to compare the character slightly. 古霄深深叹息,心中酸楚无比,下意识的想起古家的那些青年一代,却发现搜遍记忆,也找不着一个能够和石岩稍稍比较一下的人物。 Gu Jiange? Gu Linglong? 古剑歌古玲珑 Gu Xiao shakes the head, the corners of the mouth full are forced smile, envies the Yang Qingdi good luck secretly, does not know that Yang Qingdi this fellow is why astonishing on so the luck, as one wishes never the well-known remote place retrieves descendants, unexpectedly then has become the having god-given wisdom rare talent, has the infinite potential, infinite development space. 古霄摇头,嘴角满是苦笑,暗暗羡慕杨青帝的好运,不知道杨青帝这家伙为什么就那么运气惊人,随便从不知名的偏僻之地找回一个后人,竟然便成了天纵奇才,有着无限的潜力,无限的发展空间。 Unbelievable, is really unbelievable......” “难以置信,真是难以置信……” Wu Qin muttered whispers, the whole face wrinkle shivered gently, as if the obsolete body, somewhat cannot bear today's attack continually, somewhat was suddenly dejected, thought were one old? Was has no longer suited the Endless Sea situation? 巫琴喃喃低语,满脸皱纹轻轻颤抖,似乎连老朽的身子,都有些承受不住今天的打击,一时间有些心灰意冷,觉得自己是不是老了?是不是已经不再适合无尽海的形势了? This fellow is really crazy, not only fleshly body powerful is incomparable, power is so the intensity unexpectedly, initially in that hot spring bathing place, fortunately he was only and my fleshly body relative, if initially he used that handle mystical great sword, I think......” a Man Gu face had a lingering fear, slightly frightened said: I think that I stand his front courage, perhaps does not have.” “这家伙真是疯狂,不但肉身强悍无比,竟然力量达到如此强度,当初在那温泉浴场,还好他只是和我肉身相对,如果当初他动用那柄神秘的巨剑,我想……”蛮古一脸的心有余悸,略显恐惧道:“我想我连站到他面前的勇气,恐怕都没有。” The Cao Zhilan elegant face is overshadowed, in the heart overflowed completely bitterly and astringently, thought that never has so to lose today dispirited. 曹芷岚俏脸黯然失色,芳心中溢满了苦涩,觉得从来没有今天这般失落颓丧的。 She own vision is since confident, thought that she regards anything to be accurate , because of so, after she discovered Shi Yan Essence Qi cannot meet again, courageously and Shi Yan has made a clear distinction between the boundary, her to that subtle feelings that Shi Yan gives birth, cut off stiffly. 一直以来,她都自己的眼光都非常有信心,觉得她看待任何事情都非常准,正是因为如此,当她发现石岩精元不能重聚之后,才当机立断的和石岩划清了界限,将她对石岩生出的那一丝微妙的情愫,给硬生生掐断了。 As the Cao Family future successor, she lives since childhood during the right struggles, deep grasps a powerful dependence clearly, has importantly how to this woman. 身为曹家未来的接班人,她从小生活在权利斗争之中,深深明白掌握一个有力的依靠,对她这种女人有多么的重要。 She thought her decision right, after discovering Shi Yan cannot take to her the better future, very sane dropping. 本来她觉得她的决定没错,在发现石岩不能带给她更好的将来以后,很理智的放手了。 What a pity, Shi Yan today's performance, thoroughly her consistent self-confident smashing, the mood that her many years maintain, tearing torn to pieces. 可惜,石岩今天的表现,彻底将她一贯的自信粉碎,将她多年保持的心境,给撕扯的支离破碎。 She knows that this life, she feared is difficult the shadow that gives from Shi Yan to walk. 她知道,这一生,她怕是都难从石岩给予的阴影中走出来。 Chi Yan fully will definitely kill him.” 赤阎必然会全力杀他。” Gu Xiao drinks one suddenly coldly, is comforting itself likely , is buoyed up likely by oneself, he displays more will be powerful, the demon person more will not let off him, I think that Chi Yan or Lang Xun, do not want to see Yang Family will present one to surmount the Yang Qingdi fierce role.” 古霄突然冷喝一声,像是在安慰自己,也像是在让自己重新振作起来,“他表现的越是强悍,魔人越是不会放过他,我想,不论是赤阎还是波旬,都不想看到杨家出现一个超越杨青帝的厉害角色。” Un, the space that he definitely has not continued to grow, what a pity a future person Hero, must be destroyed stiffly.” Wu Qin is also the nod approval. “嗯,他肯定没有继续成长的空间,可惜一个未来的人雄,要被硬生生毁灭。”巫琴也是点头赞同。 She also knows, once Mo Jita told Chi Yan him and Shi Yan fight, regardless of Chi Yan is busy, will not hesitate at all costs, reckless, seeks Shi Yan, Shi Yan direct obliterate! 她也知道,一旦摩奇铊将他和石岩的战斗告诉了赤阎,不论赤阎多么忙碌,都会不惜一切代价,不顾一切的,寻上石岩,将石岩直接抹杀 Saw the Shi Yan potential including them, that demon person is decidedly impossible to stand by, definitely in most in a short time, Shi Yan this future biggest threat, ahead of time will pinch out. 连他们都看出了石岩的潜力,那魔人断然不可能袖手旁观,必然会在最短时间内,将石岩这未来最大的威胁,给提前掐灭。 ...... …… Isolated island no longer, in deep blue sea level, only then the great waves of surging forward, have giant tornado, only then astonishing Tsunami. 孤岛不再了,湛蓝的海面上,只有汹涌澎湃的浪涛,只有一条条巨大的龙卷风,只有惊人的海啸。 Shi Yan floats the Shanghai surface slowly, only thinks whole body to feel weak, strange cyclone that in the Essence Qi light group Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame fusion becomes, has subsided likely gradually, possibly three huge energy by that mystical great sword consuming, needs short being dormant. 石岩缓缓浮上海面,只觉浑身乏力,精元光团之中圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火融合而成的奇异气旋,像是渐渐平息了下来,也可能三者庞大的能量被那神秘巨剑给消耗掉,需要短暂的蛰伏。 Sea of Consciousness is stable, main soul static stopping above Sea of Consciousness, fell into likely quietly, that eye of forehead, closed. 识海稳固,主魂静静的停在识海之上,像是也陷入了沉寂,就连眉心的那一只眼睛,也闭合了。 Fusion of main soul and Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, although the short time has stabilized, but both want the true thorough fusion to be one, as if also needs a quite long distance. 主魂和九幽噬魂焰的融合,虽然短时间稳定了下来,但两者想要真正彻底融合为一,似乎还需要一段颇为漫长的路程。 After fighting, almost that power consumes, the when backlash strength outbreak of Rampage Second Sky, the exhausted feeling of his body is getting more and more heavy, floats the Shanghai surface, thought that needs immediately to restore, otherwise bumps into any Expert again, his successor is incapable, feared that is very difficult to go on living. 一战之后,一身力量耗的7788,暴走二重天反噬力发作,他身体的疲惫感越来越重,浮上海面时,已觉得需要立即恢复,否则再碰到什么强者,他后继无力,怕是很难活下去。 Flame Qilin that bunches of Fiery Flame wind around, float in the sea level, above Tang Yuannan looks solemn, in the eye actually full is startled accommodates. 一簇簇火炎缭绕的火麒麟,悬浮在海面上,其上唐渊南神情肃穆,眼中却满是惊容。 When emerges after the sea level to him, Tang Yuannan wants not to think that leaps from Flame Qilin gets down, puts out a hand to raise, led from the sea water him directly. 待到他从海面浮出之后,唐渊南想也不想,一跃从火麒麟身上下来,伸手一提,直接将他从海水中带了出来。 Did not wait for Shi Yan saying that Tang Yuannan shouted one toward Flame Qilin lightly, that Flame Qilin was honest to receive immediately Fiery Flame. 不等石岩多说,唐渊南朝着火麒麟轻呼一声,那火麒麟立即老实将一身火炎收起。 Fiery Flame disappears into the body, this Flame Qilin has become whole body garnet Demonic Beast, although the body has the hot thermal energy as before, no longer so is astonishing. 火炎消入身躯,这火麒麟成了一具浑身暗红色的妖兽,身上虽然依旧存在炎炎热力,却已不再那么惊人。 Tang Yuannan is raising Shi Yan, on rapid Flame Qilin, the eye transferred the revolutions, let loose Divine Sense to induce secretly, suddenly has patted Flame Qilin gently. 唐渊南提着石岩,迅速上了火麒麟,眼睛转了转,放开神识暗暗感应了一下,突然轻轻拍了拍火麒麟 The Flame Qilin four hooves move suddenly, change into one bunch of Red Light, immediately flees toward the distant place, speed quick such as lightning bolt of lightning, a blink time, then vanished from the sea level of this riot. 火麒麟四蹄忽然一动,化为一束红光,立即朝着远处遁走,速度快如闪电奔雷,一眨眼功夫,便从这一块暴乱的海面上消失了。 ...... …… After a half hour. 半小时后。 Belongs to the island of Three God Church sphere of influence, Red Light flashed through together, is riding that Flame Qilin date god Tang Yuannan, one and came with that Shi Yan. 一座属于三神教势力范围的小岛上,一道红光闪过,骑着那火麒麟的日神唐渊南,和那石岩一并现身出来。 Tang Yuannan without demur, lifted hand one group of big date Saint light to wield, that Saint light such as the little hot snake, drilled into the bottom deep place rapidly. 唐渊南二话不说,抬手一团大日圣光挥出,那圣光如一点点火蛇,迅速钻入地底深处。 Island center of being desolate and uninhabited, marvelous ancient formation appears, that formation dew comes out, immediately has formidable barrier to emit, the power blockades of all sorts of outside world, does not make power that any possibly has seep. 荒无人烟的小岛中央,一个奇妙的古阵法显现出来,那阵法一露出来,立即有强大的结界冒出,将种种外界力量封锁,不让任何可能存在的力量渗透进来。 The day gods bring Shi Yan, diving posture to fall to that ancient formation center, at once the mind fluctuates, the ancient formation start. 日神带着石岩,飞身落向那古阵法中央,旋即心神变幻,将古阵法启动。 Color break-ups of one group of dazzling Sun. 一团炫目的太阳之光闪过。 Tang Yuannan and Shi Yan and Flame Qilin vanish once more do not see, when they come, appeared in an unusual seabed palace. 唐渊南石岩火麒麟再次消失不见,等他们重新现身的时候,已出现在一个奇特的海底宫殿之中。 This palace occupies a land area of several hundred mu, is actually the remnants of destroyed buildings, quite worn-out, after wind and frost palace, at this time as before obviously initial grandness, actually no longer past magnificence. 这宫殿占地数百亩,却是残垣断壁,颇为的破旧,历经风霜的宫殿,此时依旧可见当初的雄伟,却不复往日的辉煌。 Strange ripples, ripple above this palace, detains the blue sea water outside, does not make sea water seep. 一圈圈奇异的涟漪,在这宫殿上方荡漾开来,将蓝色海水拦阻在外面,不让一丝海水渗透进来。 Although this continuous palace is badly-damaged, but certain barrier restriction exist as before, lets this palace in the seabed, does not moisten the sea water, does not dye the dust. 这连绵宫殿虽然残破不堪,可某些结界禁制依旧存在,让这宫殿在海底之中,不沾海水,不染尘埃。 After Tang Yuannan arrived here, relaxed obviously much, waving makes Flame Qilin leave at will, this puts down Shi Yan, looks at Shi Yan. 唐渊南来到这里以后,明显放松了不少,挥手让火麒麟随意离开,这才将石岩放下,怔怔地看着石岩 What had?” Half sound, Tang Yuannan breaks silent, face solemn and respectful asking. “发生了什么?”半响,唐渊南打破沉默,一脸肃穆的问道。 Shi Yan whole body is incapable, closes right up against a broken stone slantingly, narrows the eyes to focus to size up this strange palace group, knits the brows: I was chased down by Mo Jita, almost died.” 石岩浑身无力,斜靠着一块碎石头,眯着眼打量着这一个奇异的宫殿群,皱眉道:“我被摩奇铊追杀,差点死了。” Some scenes, I formerly saw in Gu Family Ten Thousand Sword Peak.” Tang Yuannan interrupts his words, frowns saying: I only want to know why Mo Jita does disappear? Can this from the Fourth Devil Area ominous demon, how the to ignore you live? Did you through what, compel to draw back that Mo Jita?” “有些场景,我先前在古家万剑峰已见到了。”唐渊南打断他的话,皱着眉头道:“我只想知道,为什么摩奇铊不见了?这来自于第四魔域的凶魔,怎会放任你活着?你到底通过什么,逼退了那摩奇铊?” Although in the Shi Yan eye flashes through a vigilance, is the nerve that relaxes, tightens once more. 石岩眼中虽然闪过一丝警惕,本来还算是放松的神经,再次绷紧。 Perhaps because of the vigilance of innermost feelings, perhaps is also within the body power completely has not exhausted, when his intention fluctuates, his lower abdomen place precise becomes the together cyclone by Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, suddenly gyrates fiercely! 或许是因为内心的警惕,也或许是体内力量尚未全部耗尽,当他心念变幻的时候,他那小腹处由圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火凝炼成一起的气旋,突然猛地旋动起来! Lets Shi Yan for the energy fluctuation that it trembles with fear, suddenly erupts from his body. 一股让石岩为之惊颤的能量波动,忽然又从他身体中爆发出来。 Feels the change in within the body, Shi Yan is feeling at ease slightly, subconscious moved moving toward the rear broken stone, secret on the alert, so long as he sees Tang Yuannan to have any change, he must the reckless price, start all power that he can start! 感受着体内的变化,石岩略略心安一下,下意识的往后方的碎石头挪了挪,暗暗警惕着,只要他看到唐渊南有任何的异动,他必会不顾一切代价,发动他能够发动的所有力量 The Tang Yuannan facial expression is startled, the keen detection the discretion of Shi Yan, the thoughts move, he understands immediately. 唐渊南神情一怔,敏锐的察觉到石岩的谨慎,心思一动,他马上明白过来。 Really discrete...... 真是谨慎啊…… The Tang Yuannan forced smile, spreads out with Shi Yan on own initiative, made concessions ten meters toward the rear area, and two hand retracting sleeve cuffs, slowly sits under the Shi Yan brilliant vision. 唐渊南苦笑,主动和石岩拉开距离,朝着后方退让了十米,并且将两只手缩回袖口,就在石岩的灼灼目光下缓缓坐下来。 Shi Yan is also a smart person, from the Tang Yuannan movement, saw friendliness that in his surface reveals, maintaining composure gives a calm smile, said toward the Tang Yuannan nod: „A Mo Jita right hand arm has destroyed, perhaps he knows that is very difficult to massacre me, on own initiative evacuated.” 石岩也是聪明人,从唐渊南的动作,看出了他表面上露出来的友善,不动声色的淡然一笑,朝着唐渊南点头道:“摩奇铊一条右手臂毁了,他或许知道很难杀掉我,也就主动撤离了。” What?!” “什么?!” Tang Yuannan cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. 唐渊南忍不住惊呼出声。
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