GOS :: Volume #4

#346: The sword broken!

On isolated island. 孤岛上。 The Shi Yan knee is curving, eyes is red, gains ground looks at height hundred meters to be obtuse, looks at that handle huge incomparable unbounded demon blade, complexion distortion, facial expression fierce fearsome, his imposing manner has as if inspired the heaven and earth phenomenon, making the surrounding sea water present giant tornado. 石岩膝盖弯曲,双眸赤红,抬头看着身长百米的摩奇钝,看着那柄巨大无比的无界魔刀,脸色扭曲,神情狰狞可怖,他身上的气势似乎引动了天地异象,令周围的海水出现一个个巨大的龙卷风来。 He stands there is motionless, but the Blood Vein Ring rainbow light is dazzling, that came from the abyss battlefield mystical big sword, strange float in his top of the head ten meters place, seems condensing any power. 他站在那儿一动不动,可血纹戒却虹光炫目,那一把来自于深渊战场的神秘大剑,诡异的悬浮在他头顶十米处,似乎在凝聚着什么力量 ka ka ka! ” 咔咔咔!” That covers his top of the head half the sky the scarlet red great egg, was divided to chop by the unbounded demon custom unceasingly, this has sucked the Monster Core great eggs, as thin as a cicada's wing, seems like the great egg that collapses at the first blow, stiffly has actually blocked that handle demon blade chops to chop continually, throughout broken! 那笼罩他头顶半边天的赤红色巨蛋,不断地被无界魔习劈砍,这吸吮了一枚枚妖晶的巨蛋,薄如蝉翼,看似不堪一击的巨蛋,却硬生生挡住了那柄魔刀的连番劈砍,始终不破! Was roaring obtusely, demon light shone through from the body, that demon light just liked the bolt of white silk, did not wind around in his whole body loose. 摩奇钝咆哮着,一道道魔光从身体中透射而出,那魔光犹如匹练,在他全身缭绕不散。 That handle unbounded demon blade heavy over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg), are releasing terrifying nine quiet Devil Qi unceasingly, desert island earth tearing, thick such as ink dark Devil Qi spews out, crazy gathers above that demon blade, lets this handle distant ancient era Devil Territory three big demon blade even more fierce and brutal terrifying. 那柄无界魔刀重逾万斤,不断地释放着恐怖的九幽魔气,荒岛大地撕裂,浓稠如墨汁的黑暗魔气喷涌而出,疯狂的在那魔刀之上汇聚,让这柄远古时代魔域三大魔刀愈加凶暴恐怖 The mutation in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, has subsided gradually, the main soul and Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame merged into one organic whole, making that Heavenly Flame ranking third Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame turn into the third eye of main soul, that eye was sending out spooky bright silver rays of light, rays of light integrated Sea of Consciousness, constantly was strengthening Sea of Consciousness soul power. 石岩识海中的异变,已渐渐平息下来,主魂和九幽噬魂焰融为一体,令那天火排行榜第三的九幽噬魂焰化成了主魂的第三只眼睛,那只眼睛散发着幽幽亮银色光芒,光芒融入识海,在不断地增强识海灵魂力量 The Essence Qi convergent point of lower abdomen place, Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God melt the primal chaos design of Yin and Yang fish, the Essence Qi old tree of cyclone center are rooted in the strange space, is sucking astonishing Essence Qi, grows at the naked eye obvious speed, becomes covers heaven and earth, plain grand. 小腹处的精元汇聚点,玄冰寒焰地心火圣灵神融成阴阳鱼的太极图案,气旋中心的精元古树根植在奇异的空间,吸吮着惊人的精元,以肉眼可见的速度成长,变得遮天盖地,古朴雄阔。 The change of fleshly body and Sea of Consciousness, has taken to him terrifying power that is hard to imagine, this power has surpassed the load of his fleshly body, making his whole body ache want to crack, actually the imposing manner rose suddenly. 肉身识海的变化,带给了他难以想象的恐怖力量,这种力量超出了他肉身的负荷,令他浑身疼痛欲裂,却气势一路暴涨。 Because crazy rising suddenly of power, stimulated the mystical big sword in Blood Vein Ring, then departs the sword strangely, the eye that the direct float his top of the head, on the sword body only shuts tightly, opens slowly. 正是因为力量的疯狂暴涨,才激发了血纹戒中的神秘大剑,那把剑诡异飞出,直接悬浮他头顶,剑体上一只只紧闭的眼睛,慢慢睁开来。 Whenever an eye opens, this mystical big sword, then likely strengthened time of evil power. 每当一只眼睛睁开,这把神秘的大剑,便像是增强了一倍的邪恶力量 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Float in the mystical big sword of his top of the head, as if has distortion void power, sees only space that big sword is, transmits the strange rays of light collision to stir up zhuo to shoot the scene suddenly, space slits appear, the faintly visible numerous stream ray extraordinary splendor, such as cut the profound universe the meteor, dodges to pass. 悬浮在他头顶的神秘大剑,似乎有着扭曲虚空的力量,只见那大剑所在的空间,骤然传来奇异的光芒碰撞激丵射场景,一条条空间缝隙显现出来,其中隐约可见众多流光异彩,如一颗颗划破深邃宇宙的流星,一闪而逝。 Shakes the Heaven Rend place evil aura, multiplies from that big sword slowly, on opening of eyes along with the sword body, this handle sword gives aura of person, more and more terrifying. 一股震天裂地的邪恶气息,从那大剑之上慢慢滋生,随着剑体上一只只眼睛的张开,这柄剑给人的气息,越来越恐怖 Shi Yan stands under the great egg, only thinks that the lower abdomen place came from Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame huge energy, in the soul strength of his Sea of Consciousness, together uncontrolled spewing out, crazy pours into that on the mystical big sword. 石岩站在巨蛋之下,只觉小腹处来自于玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火的庞大能量,和他识海中的灵魂之力,一起不受控制的喷涌而出,疯狂的注入那把神秘大剑上。 In his whole body energy passes crazily, then the eye on mystical great sword, there are many opening. 在他浑身能量的疯狂流逝中,那把神秘巨剑上的眼睛,又有更多的睁开。 Sends out to resound through the heaven and earth calling out sound obtusely, as if also felt that the Shi Yan mutation, in the heart has had an improper feeling immediately. 摩奇钝发出响彻天地的嚎叫声,似乎也感觉到了石岩的异变,心中顿时生出一股不妥的感觉。 Does not dare to hesitate, in calling out sound, Mo Jita gathers whole body power, the infinite charm irrigation unbounded demon blade, making this handle unbounded demon blade have power of tearing vault of heaven. 不敢迟疑,在嚎叫声中,摩奇铊聚集全身力量,将无穷魔力灌注无界魔刀,令这柄无界魔刀也拥有了撕裂苍穹的力量 Imperial uses the unbounded demon blade fully, obtuse that huge demon body as if somewhat cannot withstand, more demon light explode to shoot to splash, making his body start to have the crack mark. 全力御动无界魔刀,摩奇钝那巨大的魔躯似乎也有些承受不住,更多的魔光爆射飞溅开来,让他身体开始产生龟裂纹。 Pu! 噗! The demon blade wields finally cuts above the great egg, this by the Blood Vein Ring rainbow light, was increased the scarlet-red great egg that Monster Core energy repairs precise, under chops to divide continually, finally cannot withstand, is cracked once more, and splits together the astonishing crack. 魔刀终于挥斩在巨蛋之上,这被血纹戒虹光凝炼而成,添加妖晶能量重新修复的赤红巨蛋,在连番砍劈之下,终于承受不住,再次龟裂,并裂开一道惊人的裂缝。 Thick black Devil Qi, seeks the entrance, emerges crazily, fills up the great egg instantaneously. 浓黑的魔气,寻到入口,疯狂涌入其中,瞬间填满巨蛋。 hōng hōng hōng! ” 轰轰轰!” Devil Qi one by one attaches above that great egg, has the heaven shaking explosive fiercely, in that scary explosive sound, this great egg is finally torn to pieces, changes into 10,000 scarlet-red colored light points, returns to Stone Chou to point on Blood Vein Ring. 魔气一一依附在那巨蛋之上,猛地发生惊天爆响,在那骇人的爆响声中,这巨蛋终于支离破碎,化为10000赤红色光点,重返石筹手指上的血纹戒 Pliers Hehe grins fiendishly, sees that great egg to be stave, has not hesitated again, the demon blade wields fiercely, such as one stretches across two black Milky Way to be ordinary respectively, cut-throat direction of fire Shi Yan, the potential must crush the broken bone Shi Yan, made his divine soul entirely extinguished, did not leave the slight existence trace in world. 摩奇钳嘿嘿狞笑,一见那巨蛋破碎,再也没有迟疑,魔刀猛地挥出,如一各横跨两界的黑色银河一般,凶狠的射向石岩,势要将石岩粉碎碎骨,令他神魂俱灭,不在世间留下丝毫的存在痕迹。 The Shi Yan complexion distortion, in scarlet red eyes, underlines crazily. 石岩脸色扭曲,赤红色的双眸之中,突显疯狂。 Howling! ” ”嚎!” roar, he is inferior to think that all may endure power energy the whole body, pours into that mystical great sword crazily. 厉啸一声,他不及多想,将全身所有可堪力量能量,疯狂注入那神秘巨剑之中。 On the great sword, an only evil eye, suddenly projects the innumerable say|way evil light, that rays of light interweaves mutually, injected the space seam of splitting unexpectedly. 巨剑上,一只只邪恶的眼睛,突然射出无数道邪光,那光芒相互交织,竟射入了裂开的空间缝将之中。 At once, come from Outer Territory mystical energy, has poured into above that mystical great sword suddenly. 旋即,一股股来自于域外神秘能量,骤然注入了那神秘巨剑之上。 Then compared and unbounded demon blade appears small the too many mystical big swords, increased suddenly, unexpectedly in the flash, has become long such as the Divine sword of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great peak, eyes on this handle sword, such as the eye of Devil God dybbuk, was full cruelly, crazy and desperate, Bloodthirsty all sorts of evil mood. 那把和无界魔刀相比显得小了太多的神秘大剑,突然间变大,竟在一瞬间,成了一把长如万丈巨峰的神剑,这柄剑上的一只只眼睛,如魔神恶灵之眼,充盈着暴戾、疯狂、绝望、嗜血的种种邪恶情绪。 The Divine sword does not need the main soul control of Shi Yan, suddenly face up the thorn to the unbounded demon blade that the overhead chops. 神剑不需要石岩的主魂掌控,突然仰面刺向当头劈来的无界魔刀。 Without the sound. 没有声音。 Without the fluctuation of any world-shaking. 没有任何惊天动地的波动。 The unbounded demon blade and that mystical great sword collide in together, heaven and earth suddenly strange is peaceful, static making one is flustered. 无界魔刀和那神秘巨剑碰撞在一起,天地突然诡异的安静下来,静的令人心慌。 Shi Yan looks up the day, in the eye pupil, full is amazed. 石岩抬头看天,眼瞳之中,满是惊诧。 A different light, hands over the point of striking to appear slowly from the unbounded demon blade and mystical great sword, that different light increases gradually, at once silent spread comes. 点点异光,从无界魔刀和神秘巨剑交击之点慢慢显现出来,那异光逐渐变大,旋即无声无息的扩散开来。 That little different light place visited, the sky strange collapse, surroundings islands vanish baseless, the Endless Sea trillion sea water sink several hundred meters. 那一点点异光所过之处,天空诡异的塌陷,周围岛屿一座座凭空消失,无尽海的亿万顿海水下沉数百米。 The isolated island under his body , the sudden Chinese zither sinks, directly enters the seabed deep place. 就连他身下的孤岛,也突然瑟地一沉,直接进入海底深处。 Trillion tons sea water, oar releases suddenly, submerges Shi Yan. 亿万吨的海水,忽然濯泄下来,将石岩淹没。 When the limpid seabed, Shi Yan raises the head to look at the day as before, surroundings Wan Suju lonesome, then sees that pure hundred meters demon body, shortly will change into the countless demon light to dissipate, pliers that appearance fierce true body, in that demon light vanishes, finally appears. 在清澈的海底,石岩依旧仰首看天,周围万簌俱寂,然后便见那摩奇纯百米的魔躯,在顷刻间化为数不尽的魔光消散,摩奇钳那面目狰狞的真身,在那魔光消失之际,终于显现出来。 Obtuse true body grasps the right hand of unbounded demon blade, why does not know the reason, explodes to break to pieces unexpectedly, bone lou changes into the flying ash, his half body covered with blood, likely withstood has been able his demon body smashing terrifying reacted. 摩奇钝真身手持无界魔刀的右手,不知因何原因,竟爆碎开来,骨髅化为飞灰,他半边身子都血肉模糊,像是承受了可以将他魔躯粉碎的恐怖震动 On the deep blue sea water, obtuse first time appears the meaning of fear, was calling out pitifully crazily, his left hand grabbed to let go, but that handle unbounded demon blade, body one bunch of black demon light, flew fully in the Sun Island direction. 湛蓝的海水上,摩奇钝第一次显现中恐惧之意,疯狂的惨叫着,他左手一把抓着脱手而出的那柄无界魔刀,身化一束黑色魔光,全力朝着日岛的方向飞去。 Flee to the wilderness! 落荒而逃! That handle long such as the mystical great sword of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain peak, peaceful float in void, on that sword body has opened one-third eyes, closes one after another, enlarges the non- several fold the mystical great sword, starts gradually to reduce, gradual changes into normal size. 那柄长如万丈山峰的神秘巨剑,安静的悬浮在虚空,那剑体上睁开了1的眼睛,一只接着一只闭上,放大无数倍的神秘巨剑,也开始慢慢缩小,逐渐的化为正常的大小 Meanwhile, energy that Shi Yan passes crazily, no longer continues to well up toward that mystical great sword. 同时,石岩疯狂流逝的一身能量,也不再继续朝着那神秘巨剑涌,、。 The dull looks at day, looks at that gradually changes slightly and slowly the mystical great sword of submersion, Shi Yan has gawked a while, tests the mind summon hurriedly. 呆呆的看着天,看着那逐渐变小并慢慢下沉的神秘巨剑,石岩愣了一会儿,急忙试着用心神呼唤。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 The mystical great sword seems to be arrogant, does not pay attention to this small Nirvana Origin Warrior , to continue to sink, enters the water that instant, the Divine sword changes into one bunch of rainbow light, suddenly vanishes in that Blood Vein Ring. 神秘巨剑似乎高傲无比,根本不将他这个小小的涅巢武者放在眼里,继续一路下沉,入水的那一霎,神剑化为一束虹光,突然消失在那血纹戒之内。 In the Shi Yan mind regards, immediately discovers in Blood Vein Ring, this mystical great sword peaceful in an corner/horn float, does not have luminous, does not have evil aura, on that eyes, closes. 石岩心神内视,立即发现在血纹戒之中,这神秘巨剑安静的在一角悬浮着,没有一丝光亮,没有一丝邪恶的气息,那上面一只只眼睛,又重新闭合。 All returned to the original condition, as if just anything had not occurred, however Shi Yan looks up the day, actually the discovery void as before twists fluctuates, space slits of tearing, has not healed in the short time. 一切恢复了原状,仿佛刚刚什么都没有发生,然而石岩抬头看天,却发现虚空依旧扭曲变幻,一道道撕裂的空间缝隙,也还没有在短时间重新愈合起来。 The matter, will not vanish, this all pictures, resembled are reminding him, just the mystical great sword had made anything. 已经发生的事情,不会真的消失,这所有的景象,都似在提醒着他,刚刚神秘巨剑做了什么。 backlash strength that it and collision of unbounded demon blade, forms, was shattered the Mo Jita precise demon body, and grasps the right hand scrap of unbounded demon blade directly obtusely, lets obtuse half body flesh and blood flying in all directions, its heavy losses. 它和无界魔刀的碰撞,形成的反噬力,将摩奇铊凝炼的魔躯破碎,并且直接将摩奇钝手持无界魔刀的一只右手炸碎,让摩奇钝半边身子血肉横飞,将其重创。 Pliers itself have God Passage First Sky cultivation base, grasps the Devil Territory rare treasure, power rises suddenly, is Fourth Devil Area is next to Chi Yan and Lang Xun terrifying Expert. 摩奇钳本身有着通神一重天修为,手持魔域异宝,力量更是暴涨,乃第四魔域仅次于赤阎波旬恐怖强者 After this ominous demon arrives at Endless Sea, with the Mansion Lord battle of Tianxie Fairyland, the Tianxie Fairyland surrender that forces, enters the permanent Romanian sea area from Jialuo Sea Area, dies person clan Expert in his hands, many were uncountable. 这凶魔降临无尽海之后,和天邪洞天府主交战,逼迫的天邪洞天投降,一路从伽罗海域杀入恒罗海域,死在他手中的人族强者,已多不可数。 Is so ominous crazy terrifying Expert, grasps the unbounded demon blade, power that under the sword of that mystical great sword, unexpectedly instead shaken crushes one, has injured half body. 就是这般凶狂恐怖强者,手持无界魔刀,在那神秘巨剑的一剑之下,竟被反震的力量粉碎一手,伤了半个身子。 In the Shi Yan heart with amazement, Divine Sense observation that mystical great sword, is pleasantly surprised quietly. 石岩心中骇然,神识悄悄观察着那神秘巨剑,又惊又喜。 What is happy is this handle mystical great sword might unexpectedly terrifying in this way, and still in helping oneself, made him in Mo Jita under must die to chase down escaped. 喜的是这柄神秘巨剑威力竟恐怖如斯,并且还在帮助自己,令他在摩奇铊的必死追杀之下逃过一劫。 What startled is he does not have a binding force to this mystical great sword simply, does not know how to control it, does not know that can control, does not know that this great sword will be hundred has been law-abiding. 惊的是他对这神秘巨剑简直没有一点约束力,不知道怎么控制它,也不知道到底能不能控制,更加不知道这巨剑是百会一直安分下去。 Shi Yan!” 石岩!” In this time, from the sea level of top of the head, has heard the Tang Yuannan cry. 就在此时,从头顶的海面上,传来了唐渊南的叫声。 Was riding the Flame Qilin date god, several isolated islands that dull looks at was destroyed in a moment, the looks at mighty waves turbulent sea level, looks at was void slowly the space crack of cicatrization, does not know that just here had the big change of any world-shaking. 骑乘着火麒麟的日神,呆呆的看着毁于一旦的数座孤岛,看着波涛汹涌的海面,看着虚空正缓缓愈合的空间裂缝,不知道刚刚这里发生了什么惊天动地的大变。 He cannot affirm whether Shi Yan survives, because of coverage of Divine Sense, has not realized Shi Yan aura. 他不敢肯定石岩是否存活,因为神识的覆盖,并未察觉到石岩气息 Shi Yan in sea water, after gaining ground gets so far as Flame Qilin, knows that Tang Yuannan came, has gawked, he starts to fluctuate toward the water surface on, then thinks that deep place the dilutedness, spreads from the whole body. 海水中的石岩,抬头弄到火麒麟之后,就知道唐渊南来了,愣了一下,他开始往水面上浮动,然后便觉一股深深地的无力感,从全身蔓延开来。 That rainbow light glittering Blood Vein Ring, at this time, stopped glittering finally, gradually peaceful. 那虹光闪烁血纹戒,在这个时候,终于停止了闪烁,渐渐安静了下来。 Also in this time, cannot induce Shi Yan Tang Yuannan with Divine Sense, immediately had discovered Shi Yan life aura, clashes immediately toward the sea water region that Shi Yan is. 也在此时,一直不能用神识感应石岩唐渊南,立即发现了石岩的生命气息,马上朝着石岩所在的海水区域冲来。
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