GOS :: Volume #4

#345: Comprehensive fusion!

On desert island. 荒岛上。 Shi Yan is powerful. 石岩气势如虹。 In nearby sea level flutters dissociation heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, is receiving the attraction of his within the body Essence Qi cyclone, wells up continuously crazily, injects into his within the body crazily. 附近海面上飘荡游离的天地灵气,受着他体内精元气旋的吸引,源源不断狂涌过来,疯狂地注入他体内。 In so huge to suffocating heaven and earth Spiritual Qi , the singular space of his within the body Essence Qi cyclone center, that huge Essence Qi old tree appears once more, going all out suction these fast transformation Essence Qi. 在这般庞大到令人窒息的天地灵气之下,他体内精元气旋中心的奇异空间,那一株巨大的精元古树再次显现出来,拼命的吸吮那些快速转化的精元 Holy Spirit God this strange life, itself has to absorb the nearby heaven and earth Spiritual Qi mysterious ability, after Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame merge into one organic whole, its ability once more obtains the large scale promotion, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi of instantaneous absorption, endures compared with that unbounded demon blade short time accumulation vigorous Devil Qi. 圣灵神这个奇异生命,本身就有着吸收附近天地灵气的神奇能力,和玄冰寒焰地心火融为一体后,它的这种能力再次获得大幅度提升,瞬间吸收的天地灵气,堪比那无界魔刀短时间聚集的浑厚魔气 Massive heaven and earth Spiritual Qi pour into, the Shi Yan dry lonesome cyclone, flood Essence Qi, several thousand wisps of Essence Qi seep that singular space, making his Essence Qi old tree rise suddenly. 大量的天地灵气注入,石岩枯寂的气旋,满溢精元,数万缕精元渗透进那奇异空间,让他那精元古树忽然疯涨起来。 That huge incomparable Essence Qi old tree, after obtaining these Essence Qi supplemented, each trunk and branches forms the insightful crystal. 那巨大无比的精元古树,得到这些精元补充之后,每一根枝干都结成通透的晶体。 Essence Qi solidification! 精元固化! At the same time. 同一时间。 His that because of displaying Escaping Lightning Changes explodes the broken two legs, under the Immortal Martial Spirit powerful repair strength, the veins reconnects, the flesh and blood rebirth, in a short time, two legs restores extremely such as beginning. 他那因施展逸电变爆碎的两腿,在不死武魂强悍修复力下,筋脉重新连接,血肉重生,在极短时间内,两腿恢复如初。 Boy, you are very fierce.” “小子,你很厉害。” Mo Jita hundred meters high terrifying demon body, float in desert island space, is grinning fiendishly by far looks at Shi Yan, grasps the unbounded demon blade, roared: Was a pity that I will not give you to grow the space!” 摩奇铊百米高的恐怖魔躯,悬浮在荒岛天上,狞笑着远远看着石岩,手持无界魔刀,咆哮道:“可惜我不会给你成长空间!” black water that length several hundred meters black demon light, such as nine days of Milky Way flows out, chops to shoot to come from that unbounded demon blade slantingly, that black demon light heavy over extremely heavy, was seeming to be the strength of ten thousand mountain, such as Giant Dragon leaves the deep pool, on the Ancient Demon beast dives fully, the arrogance is dreadful, shakes ancient Shuojin. 一道长数百米的黑色魔光,如九天银河流泻下来的黑水,从那无界魔刀中斜斜劈射而来,那黑色魔光重逾万钧,似有着万山之力,如巨龙出渊,上古魔兽全力俯冲,气焰滔天,震古烁今。 Shi Yan complexion great change. 石岩脸色巨变。 Under the deterrent of that unbounded demon blade, his Sea of Consciousness shakes once more continuous, the main soul resembles to creaky, cannot bear this heaven shaking pressure unexpectedly likely. 在那无界魔刀的威慑之下,他识海再次震荡不休,主魂都似摇摇欲坠,竟像是不能承受这股惊天压力。 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousness, looked that the situation is not wonderful, transforms in abundance, changes into five latent evils, escapes instantaneously into Sea of Consciousness. 识海中的五魔,一看情形不妙,纷纷幻化开来,化为五条魔影,瞬间遁入识海 Surged unceasing Sea of Consciousness, after obtaining the attachment of 5 Devils is stable, finally stops swaying the flood, making the Shi Yan main soul shake, has to the exquisite control of body. 本来波荡不断的识海,得到五魔的依附稳固以后,终于停止了摇晃满溢,让石岩主魂为之一震,重新拥有对身体的精妙掌控。 Saw with own eyes that demon blade blooms several hundred meters blade glow, looks at spreads the tear sound void, in Shi Yan scarlet red eyes, underlines the crazy color. 眼见那魔刀绽放出数百米的刀芒,看着虚空传出撕裂般的声响,石岩赤红色的双眸中,突显疯狂之色。 Blood Vein Ring explodes at the right moment projects ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rainbow light, rainbow light cover heaven and earth, form a terrifying great egg, covers completely the Shi Yan tiny body. 血纹戒适时爆射出万丈虹光,一道道虹光遮天盖地,形成一个恐怖的巨蛋,将石岩渺小的身躯全部罩住。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” Several hundred meters demon blade blade glow, drops from the clouds, the crack day rips, chops to chop above great egg that in that rainbow light precise becomes. 数百米的魔刀刀芒,从天而降,裂天撕地,劈砍在那虹光凝炼成的巨蛋之上。 The great egg twists suddenly, was divided the place of chopping by that blade glow, deeply sinks, presses toward the Shi Yan top of the head, actually in a Shi Yan top of the head ten meters place, will stopped. 巨蛋忽然扭曲,被那刀芒劈砍之处,深深地凹下去,直朝着石岩头顶压来,却在石岩头顶十米之处,堪堪停了下来。 Scarlet red surges, ripples from that great egg, that scarlet red surges to spread, this desert island is torn to pieces, the instantaneous fission is more than ten. 一圈赤红色波荡,从那巨蛋之上荡漾开来,那赤红色波荡蔓延开来,这一座荒岛支离破碎,瞬间分裂为十多块。 A Shi Yan face with amazement. 石岩一脸骇然。 Mo Jita also stares. 摩奇铊也是一愣。 Buzz humming sound! Buzz humming sound! Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!嗡嗡嗡!嗡嗡嗡!” In Blood Vein Ring spreads marvelous sound suddenly, as if has some ancient soul, under the demon blade strikes is enraged, has sent out the quiet trillion years of haughty resonances. 血纹戒中忽然传出奇妙的声响,仿佛有某个古老的灵魂,在魔刀一击之下被激怒,发出了沉寂亿万年的狂傲共鸣。 Along with sounding of Blood Vein Ring, that abstention surface Ancient Times Piao Fansuo texture, starts surreptitiously circles in flight, ancient designs in abstaining the surface produce, each design likely becomes one, seemed to be that the myriad things life multiplies, trillion types of mountain peaks tremble, there are countless Divine Ability to produce. 随着血纹戒的鸣叫,那戒面上古朴繁琐的纹理,开始诡秘的飞旋起来,一个个古老的图案在戒面上产生,每一个图案都像是自成一界,其中似有万物生灵繁衍,有亿万种山峰震颤,有数不尽的神通在产生。 The mind shakes loudly. 脑海轰然一震。 The Shi Yan spirit somewhat is suddenly absent-minded, soul as if enters abstains some surface strange space, sees one at the most, foot pedal place ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Ancient God, that Ancient God whole body entangles full Ancient Times Heavenly Dragon, these Ancient Times Heavenly Dragon seep his body, likely is his within the body veins, on him each acupoint, spout dazzling Divine Light, in each acupoint has the life myriad things. 石岩精神忽然有些恍惚,灵魂仿佛进入戒面某个奇异的空间,看到一具头顶天、脚踏地的万丈古神,那古神浑身缠满上古神龙,那些上古神龙渗透他身体,像是他体内一根根筋脉,他身上每一个穴道,都喷涌出璀璨夺目的神光,每一个穴道中都有生灵万物。 720 acupoint, seems hiding 720 world, each world mutual independent, has the life to spread out the righteousness life true meaning, some innumerable Expert die the birth, the past future trace in world river of history with the most direct-viewing way, will speed up the speed one by one presents. 720个穴道,其中似乎藏着720个世界,每一个世界相互独立,有生灵衍义生命真谛,有无数强者陨落诞生,将世间历史长河中的过去未来痕迹用最为直观的方式,加快速度的一一呈现出来。 Howling!” “嚎!” That terrifying Ancient God is in the chaos boundless world, sent out not willingly calling out toward the universe deep place, the sound shattered the innumerable world, rushed the universe end point, end of world. 恐怖古神身在混沌苍茫的世界,朝着宇宙深处发出不甘心的嚎叫,声音震裂了无数世界,直涌向宇宙终点,世界的尽头 Bang!” “轰!” The Shi Yan brain severe pain, the main soul swells suddenly crazily in Sea of Consciousness, the strength of trillion Divine Sense, pour into Sea of Consciousness fiercely. The abstention surface on Blood Vein Ring cracks together the naked eye the slit that is difficult to see, at once that Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame has been pulled suddenly stiffly, is some type of nutrient is likely ordinary, was invested his Sea of Consciousness directly. 石岩脑子剧痛,主魂在识海中突然疯狂胀大开来,亿万股神识之力,猛地灌入识海血纹戒上的戒面裂出一道肉眼难见的缝隙,旋即那九幽噬魂焰猛然被硬生生扯了出来,像是某种养分一般,被直接投入他识海 Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame exudes the frightened yawp, this ranks third strange Heavenly Flame, had realized likely the destiny shackles, felt the threat of life, has performed all power to struggle, wants to get rid of the hauling of some Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness power. 九幽噬魂焰发出恐惧之极的叫喊声,这个排名第三的诡异天火,像是意识到了命运的枷锁,感觉到了生命的威胁,尽一切力量挣扎,想要摆脱石岩识海某种力量的牵引。 However, how regardless of he struggles revolt, under Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness that Strange Energy, appears the futile effort is incapable. 然而,不论他如何挣扎反抗,在石岩识海那股奇异力量之下,都显得徒劳无力。 Finally this Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, has crashed into Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, was being towed by that power in Sea of Consciousness, integrates in Sea of Consciousness directly the Shi Yan main soul, became he has advocated the soul part, turned into the Shi Yan main soul the third eye, was built up in his forehead instantaneously. 最终这九幽噬魂焰,还是坠入了石岩识海,在识海中被那种力量牵引着,直接融入识海石岩的主魂,成了他主魂的一部分,变成石岩主魂的第三只眼,在他眉心之中被瞬间炼化。 The pain that is unable to withstand, transmits from Sea of Consciousness, Shi Yan holds the hair to leave the wild beast calling out sound. 无法承受的痛楚,从识海传来,石岩抱着头发出野兽般的嚎叫声。 In this process, that Mo Jita continues to gather power precise, is brandishing the unbounded demon blade, is a blade chops. 在这个过程中,那摩奇铊继续凝炼聚集力量,挥舞着无界魔刀,又是一刀砍来。 The scarlet red great egg that then covers the Shi Yan whole body, intercepts this to strike once again stiffly, but that great egg starts to appear the innumerable crack textures, likely will be momentarily true shatter. 那将石岩全身罩住的赤红色巨蛋,又一次硬生生拦截住这一击,只是那巨蛋开始显现无数龟裂纹理,像是随时都会真正破碎。 Shi Yan is calling out, another Imaginary Space Ring on hand simultaneously explodes broken, Demonic Beast Monster Core fly directly, explodes in his top of the head, changes into the bunch of energy none remaining, has poured into that scarlet red great egg. 石岩嚎叫着,手上的另一枚幻空戒同时爆碎,其中一枚枚妖兽妖晶直接飞出去,在他头顶爆裂开来,化为一束束能量精光,注入了那赤红色巨蛋之中。 That scarlet red great egg, after obtaining these Monster Core, the crack of surface under stream of light, restores together instantaneously such as beginning. 那赤红色巨蛋,在得到这一枚枚妖晶之后,表面的龟裂在一道道流光之下,瞬间恢复如初。 Mo Jita angry was roaring, whooshing, was brandishing the demon blade once more. 摩奇铊愤怒的咆哮着,嘶吼着,再次挥舞魔刀。 Shi Yan whole body tumbles, under the asylum of that great egg, is bearing the inhuman pain, is feeling the fusion of main soul and Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Sea of Consciousness raises the difficult situation. 石岩浑身翻滚,在那巨蛋的庇护之下,承受着非人的痛苦,感受着主魂和九幽噬魂焰的融合,识海掀起惊涛骇浪。 Escapes into Sea of Consciousness 5 Devils, as if also felt some astonishing change, did not dare to escape Sea of Consciousness, cautiously hid. 遁入识海五魔,似乎也感受到了某种惊人的变化,竟不敢遁出识海,小心翼翼的藏匿起来。 The Essence Qi cyclone center, in that strange space, belongs to the Essence Qi old tree rapid-growth of Shi Yan, each trunk and branches clear like Jade Crystal, solid state, is full is letting the person for huge energy that it heart trembles. 精元气旋中心,那奇异的空间内,属于石岩精元古树快速生长,每一根枝干都晶莹如玉晶,固态化,充盈着让人为之心颤的庞大能量 ...... …… Beyond several thousand li (0.5km). 数千里之外。 Observes looks at this Tang Yuannan, Cao Zhilan, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin and Man Gu some people through crystal, dumbstruck, the facial expression delay, had been executed the immobilization by witchcraft likely, motionless. 通过水晶看着这一幕的唐渊南曹芷岚古霄巫琴蛮古一干人,目瞪口呆,神情呆滞,像是被人施了定身法,一动不动。 The group open mouth greatly, in the pupil is shining upon the picture that in crystal is appearing, dull such as wooden chicken, who forgot itself simply is. 一行人大张着口,瞳仁中映照着水晶中显现的景象,呆如木鸡,简直忘了自己是谁。 The people were shocked by the huge mind have daunted, likely did not have including the breath, is only that clear scene in dull looks at crystal. 众人被巨大的心灵震撼吓住了,连呼吸都像是没了,只是呆呆的看着水晶中的那一副清晰的场景。 Half sound. 半响。 The Tang Yuannan body shakes, awakes to turn around from huge alarmed and afraid, he stares, then does not look at the people, the diving posture goes. 唐渊南身子一震,从巨大的惊惧之中醒转过来,他只是一愣,便再也不看众人,飞身而去。 Tang Yuannan walks, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Cao Zhilan and Man Gu awaken instantaneously, four people look at each other in blank dismay, from saw huge panic-stricken to the grid. 唐渊南一走,古霄巫琴曹芷岚蛮古瞬间惊醒,四人面面相觑,都从对方眼中看出了巨大的惊恐。 Yang Family went to Yang Qingdi, presented terrifying Shi Yan, if this boy today Immortal, later Endless Sea, inevitable nobody can suppress him.” Gu Xiao for a long time, looks silent suddenly to Cao Zhilan, the sinking sound track: And other boys grew truly, even if your great grandfather Cao Qiudao, cannot suppress him!” 杨家去了杨青帝,却出现了更加恐怖石岩,这小子今日若是不死,以后无尽海,必然无人可以压制他。”古霄沉默许久,突然看向曹芷岚,沉声道:“等这小子真正成长了,就算是你太爷爷曹秋道,也压不住他!” The Cao Zhilan tender body trembles, the beautiful pupil full is the color of regret, until this moment, she knows that actually she has missed anything. 曹芷岚娇躯一颤,美眸满是懊悔之色,直到这一刻,她才知道她究竟错过了什么。 In this life, the emotional investment of most moving heart and soul, was easily given up by her...... 这一生中,最动人心魄的一笔感情投资,被她自己给轻易放弃了…… Cao Zhilan wants to cry but have no tears, deeply regretted that regretted one have eyes but fail to see, has missed so world-shaking future person Hero unexpectedly. 曹芷岚欲哭无泪,深深地后悔,后悔自己有眼无珠,竟然错过了这般惊天动地的未来人雄。 Today he, if Immortal, ten years later Endless Sea, feared that is considering as finished that all were he say.” The Wu Qin silent sigh, looks to Cao Zhilan, looks at the East, muttered: Fights the list first Zhongli to be obtuse, including does not have to the qualifications that he pulls on shoes, Yang Family is really the person male place of......” “今日他若不死,十来年后的无尽海,怕是一切都是他说的算了。”巫琴无声叹息,看向曹芷岚,又望了望东方,喃喃自语道:“战榜第一的钟离钝,连给他提鞋的资格都没有,杨家果真是出人雄的地方……” We save him!” “我们去救他!” The Cao Zhilan tender body trembles, suddenly calls out in alarm said: For Endless Sea, must save him, he may be the future copes with the key of demon person.” 曹芷岚娇躯一颤,忽然惊呼道:“就算是为了无尽海,也要救下他,他或许会是将来对付魔人的关键。” Mist elder sister......” the Man Gu expression is complex, shakes the head gently. “岚姐……”蛮古表情复杂,轻轻摇头。 Wu Qin and Gu Xiao are the complexion cloudy clear uncertain, silent do not say. 巫琴古霄也是脸色阴晴不定,沉默不言。 You......” Cao Zhilan have gawked, understood instantaneously, sneers saying: „Were you afraid?” “你们……”曹芷岚愣了一下,瞬间明白了过来,冷笑道:“你们害怕了?” His Immortal, even if were the demon person left, we also difficultly ran away a tribulation.” Gu Xiao lowers the head, does not dare to look at Cao Zhilan, sound gloomy and cold said: We once together got rid to cope with Yang Family, Shi Yan, so long as is living, once in the future will grow, definitely bloody will retaliate,...... Your Cao Family, is difficult to run away his investigation, if you do not think, becomes the Yang Family dependency, should better watch critically.” “他不死,就算是魔人离开了,我们也难逃一劫。”古霄低着头,不敢去看曹芷岚,声音阴冷道:“我们曾一起出手对付杨家,石岩只要活着,将来一旦成长起来,必然会血腥报复,……你们曹家,也难逃他的追究,若是你们不想以后成为杨家附庸,最好冷眼旁观。” He was too strong, this Endless Sea feared that cannot accommodate him.” Wu Qin also heaves a deep sigh, Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian, if knows that Yang Family had such a character, feared that will be also glad to look he early dies, for the family, for Martial Spirit Palace, these two will not continue the space that grows to Shi Yan.” “他太强势了,这无尽海怕是容不下他。”巫琴也是摇头叹息,“曹秋道阳翼天要是知道杨家又出了这么一个人物,怕是也会乐意看他早死,为了家族,为了武魂殿,这两人也不会给石岩继续成长的空间。” He must die!” Gu Xiao lowers the head to sink to drink. “他必须死!”古霄低头沉喝。 Mist elder sister, Endless Sea cannot allow him...... Man Gu also to heave a deep sigh really, he is living, does not have the advantage to anybody, the Yang Family powerful and tendency to domineer, we know that our several sides collaborate to cope with Yang Family, he must live, must make us is with one's family broken up and decimated inadequately.” “岚姐,无尽海真的容不下他……”蛮古也是摇头叹息,“他活着,对任何人都没有好处,杨家的强势和跋扈,我们都知道,我们几方都联手对付过杨家,他要活着,非要将我们弄的一个个家破人亡不成。” The Cao Zhilan beautiful pupil reveals the confused color, dull looks at that side crystal, indecisive. 曹芷岚美眸显露出迷茫之色,呆呆的看着那一面水晶,犹豫不决。 Urge!” “叮咛!” Suddenly, a bangle on her arm, transmits the sound suddenly. 突然,她手臂上的一个手镯,突然传来动静。 Cao Zhilan stares, immediately has traced the bangle, then her same place and Crystal Stone of Cao Family communication, then peaceful reveals in her palm. 曹芷岚一愣,立即摸了一下手镯,然后她那一块与曹家通讯的晶石,便安静在她掌心显露下来。 Has communicated with the soul, Cao Zhilan the face whiten, is low-spirited immediately at once absent-minded sigh, muttered: My family as if also understood that side matter, really such as you said that they...... Also does not think that Shi Yan lives......” 只是用灵魂沟通了一下,曹芷岚立即脸色苍白,旋即黯然失神的叹息一声,喃喃道:“我家似乎也知道了那边的事情,果然如你们所说,他们……也都不想石岩活下来……” So was saying, Cao Zhilan helpless sits, no longer shouts is rescuing Shi Yan, is only dull looks at front crystal, looks at Shi Yan. 这般说着,曹芷岚无奈的坐下来,不再嚷嚷着去救石岩,只是呆呆的看着面前的水晶,看着其中的石岩 Shi Yan in crystal, when does not know gets up, has stood unexpectedly, the top of the head is hanging a handle mystical great sword. 水晶中的石岩,不知何时起,竟站了起来,头顶悬着一柄神秘巨剑。 Above that sword body, the eyes of innumerable shutting tightly, open one after another. 那剑体之上,无数紧闭的眼睛,一只接着一只睁开来。 Endless evil, as if eye that only opens from that arrives from some mystical territory. 无尽邪恶,仿佛从那一只只睁开的眼睛之中,从某个神秘域界降临。 ...... ……
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