GOS :: Volume #4

#344: Standing by and watch

Gu Family, Ten Thousand Sword Peak. 古家,万剑峰 Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Cao Zhilan, Tang Yuannan and Man Gu some people, the facial expression haze, the sound in everywhere the Divine sword incisively were quarrelling. 古霄巫琴曹芷岚唐渊南蛮古一干人,神情阴霾,在遍地神剑中声音尖锐的争吵着。 In island numerous Gu Family Warrior, is taking various ships, is carrying in the island the massive commodities, enormous and powerful, goes toward the East. 岛上众多古家武者,乘坐着各类船只,携带着岛上大量物资,浩浩荡荡,直朝着东方而去。 Nearby belong to the Gu Family islands, is the stream of people gathers, is carrying on the migration. 附近一座座属于古家的岛屿,也是人流汇聚,都在进行着迁移。 Escapes after Sun Island, this line of gather here, spelling who was discussing dealing, while was moving busily. 日岛遁出以后,这一行人聚集在这里,一边商量着应对的拼施,一边忙碌的活动着。 Gu Xiao comes back, immediately starts to arrange, making kill the Gu Family surface master gathers, to the speed carry on the relocation of commodityDean to enjoin them to evacuate toward Dark Water Territory most quickly first, temporarily toward Dark Water Territory Heaven Lake Holy Land respective islands migration. 古霄一回来,马上开始安排,让古殛将古家面高手聚集,以最快地速度来进行物资的搬迁”丁嘱他们先往黑水海域撤离,暂时往黑水海域天池圣地所属的岛屿迁移。 The Cao Zhilan black eyebrows deep lock, the white hands are taking together six crystals, the elegant face is solemn and respectful, as if through that crystal and Cao Family communication. 曹芷岚黛眉深锁,玉手拿着一块六面晶体,俏脸肃穆,似乎正通过那晶体和曹家沟通。 Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Tang Yuannan and Man Gu four people, see her to move, stopped the conversation, heavily looks at she. 古霄巫琴唐渊南蛮古四人,见她已经行动,都停止了交谈,沉重地看着她。 Half sound, Cao Zhilan facial expression dim receives that hexahedron Crystal Stone, under the gaze of people, said in a soft voice: „The Sun Island accident, I have informed the family, but the temporary that side has not responded, my great grandfather is still closing up, has not gone out, but should quick receive the message that I give.” 半响,曹芷岚神情黯淡的将那六面体晶石收起来,在众人的注视下,轻声道:“日岛的变故,我已通知了家族,不过暂时那边没有回应,我太爷爷还在闭关,尚未出关,但应该很快会收到我传递的消息。” Chi Yan Devil Emperor arrives at Endless Sea with the aid of the body of Shura king Xiao Hanyi, this person has cultivation base of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, power enters exceedingly high, if no Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian they to get rid, this big Endless Sea feared that some people suppresses him very much difficultly again.” Tang Yuannan sighed in a soft voice, shakes the head saying: Original Yang Qingdi is also Fang Haoxiong, perhaps if he still at Endless Sea, already killed, with fights with Chi Yan Devil Emperor in the same place, but......”, such remarks, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin and the others complexions are ugly, did not say a word. 赤阎魔帝借助修罗萧寒衣之体降临无尽海,此人有着通神三重天之境的修为,力量通天入地,如果没有曹秋道阳翼天两人出手,这偌大的无尽海怕是很难再有人压制住他了。”唐渊南轻声一叹,摇头道:“原先杨青帝也是一方豪雄,如果他尚在无尽海,说不定早已杀出去,和和赤阎魔帝战在一起,可啊……”,此话一出,古霄巫琴等人一个个脸色难看,一言不发。 In the past Endless Sea all parties influence in view of the plan of Yang Family, once invited Tang Yuannan actually to be rejected by Tang Yuannan, with the Yang Family generation for enmity Three God Church, knows demon person formidable knows because Yang Family effort continuouslylet the demon person throughout to enter into Endless Sea. 当年无尽海各方势力针对杨家的计划,也曾邀请唐渊南却被唐渊南拒绝,和杨家世代为仇的三神教,知道魔人的强大更知道正是因为杨家一直的努力”才让魔人始终不能迈入无尽海 So, after Tang Yuannan knows Yang Qingdi was stranded immediately does not realize wonderfully, not only has not hit a person when he is down to Yang Family, but also has a mind to persuade the people to put out a hand to draw Yang Family to find the way rescuing from Fourth Devil Area Yang Qingdi. 正是如此,当唐渊南知晓杨青帝被困之后马上意识到不妙,不但没有对杨家落井下石,还有心劝说众人伸手拉杨家一把想办法将杨青帝第四魔域给救出来。 What a pity taking a long-range approach of Tang Yuannan, has not obtained the approval of people, by Gu Xiao and diehard of Wu Qin these artificial heads, these years has been fed up the Yang Family suffering, must eradicate Yang Family wholeheartedly. 可惜唐渊南的高瞻远瞩,并没有得到众人的认可,以古霄巫琴这些人为首的顽固分子,这些年来吃尽了杨家的苦头,一心要将杨家铲除。 They Yang Qingdi was stranded has regarded once in a thousand years good opportunity, then collaborated to invade Jialuo Sea Area, this finally has accomplished the present Endless Sea precipitous situation. 他们将杨青帝的被困当成了千载难逢的好机会,进而联手入侵了伽罗海域,这才最终造就了如今无尽海的险峻形势。 How situation Tang Yuannan brings up an old matter again to connect, Gu Xiao and Wu Qin are naturally embarrassed, even if the heart has the regret, is hard the face dead to support, is not willing to acknowledge own mistake. 唐渊南旧事重提结合如何的形势,古霄巫琴自然非常难堪,就算是心有后悔,也硬着脸死撑着,不愿意承认自己的过错。 Chi Yan draws support Xiao Hanyi fleshly body arrives, this condition could not continue to be too long, perhaps Chi Yan Divine Soul will depart before long.” Gu Xiao has hesitated, knits the brows: Xiao Hanyi, only then Sky Realm cultivation base, his body cannot withstand Chi Yan that strong power, always crosses for day, that body will break a point, most fortnights, will not need any extra power, Xiao Hanyi that body completely will also crush.” 赤阎只是借助于萧寒衣肉身降临,这种状态持续不了太久的,或许过不了多久赤阎神魂就会离去。”古霄沉吟了一下,皱眉道:“萧寒衣只有天位修为,他身体承受不住赤阎那么强的力量,每多过一天,那具身体就会破碎一分,最多十天半月,不需要任何额外力量,萧寒衣那具身体也会彻底粉碎开来。” Wu Qin nods. 巫琴点头。 Tang Yuannan is cold smiles, ridicules: Ten clamp half a month, he he most seven days of time, Yuanluo Sea Area without external force support, will then be destroyed in a moment by the demon person. My Three God Church base industry your Gu Family, Dongfang Family these several thousand years of accumulations in seven days of time, will be nothing left.” 唐渊南则是冷然一笑,讥讽道:“十夹半月,呵呵最多七天时间,垣罗海域在没有外力支持的情况下,便会被魔人毁于一旦。我三神教的基业你古家,还有东方家这数千年的积累在七天时间内,将会荡然无存。” Why Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian hadn't they, indicated at this time?” Wu Qin folds on the densely covered face, full is the sentiment of anger, „do these two want to see somebody in danger and do nothing really? When the demon person has destroyed Yuanluo Sea Area, killed their front, whether they will get rid?” “为什么曹秋道阳翼天两人,在这个时候还未有表示?”巫琴皱褶密布的脸上,满是愤怒之情,“这两人真要见死不救?等魔人将垣罗海域摧毁了,杀到了他们的面前,他们是否才会出手?” The Cao Zhilan forced smile, lowers the head secretly, does not know that her great grandfather is any meaning, but crisp approximately thought that some do not suit. 曹芷岚苦笑,暗暗垂头,也不知道她太爷爷到底是什么意思,只是脆约觉得有些不对劲。 Wu Qin sees Cao Zhilan not to speak, coldly snorted, the look is quite bad. 巫琴曹芷岚不讲话,冷哼一声,眼神颇为不善。 Well!”, In this time, Tang Yuannan suddenly face upwards a looks at direction, puts out a hand to point, calls out in alarm said: What situation is that?” “咦!”,就在此时,唐渊南突然仰天看着一个方向,伸手指着,惊呼道:“那是什么情况?” The people gain ground subconsciously, looks in the direction of Tang Yuannan finger. 众人下意识抬头,朝着唐渊南手指的方向望去。 Sees only in that direction, billowing Devil Qi surges, these Devil Qi thick like ink, likely is a huge incomparable black cotton group, covers directly together that heaven and earthin billowing Devil Qi, astonishing energy fluctuations transmit unceasingly, are separated by several thousand li (0.5km), here can induce to there wild exceptionally. „ That is a piece of desert island, lost to view desolate, is my Gu Family sphere of influence, because heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is deficient, in addition does not have any cultivation resources, we have not sent for guarding. 只见在那个方向,滚滚魔气涌动,那些魔气浓稠如墨汁,像是一块巨大无比的黑色棉团,直接将那一块天地罩住”在滚滚魔气之中,一股股惊人之极的能量波动不断地传来,相隔数千里,这边都可以感应到那里的狂暴异常。“那是一片荒岛,杳无人烟,算是我古家的势力范围,只是因为天地灵气贫乏,加上没有任何的修炼资源,我们并没有派人驻守。 Gu Xiao has gawked a while, eye strange light glittering, said: In the clouds deep place near that islands, our Gu Family has onespiritual eye, the arrangement.” 古霄愣了一会儿,眼睛奇光闪烁,又道:“不过在那岛屿附近的云端深处,我们古家有一处“灵眼,布置。” So was saying, Gu Xiao is without hesitation, a lumbar vertebra place handle Divine sword sudden escape comes out, that Divine sword changes into stream of light, drills into the Ten Thousand Sword Peak mountain peak instantaneously, seems starting some type of restriction. 这般说着,古霄毫不迟疑,腰椎处一柄神剑突然飞逸出来,那神剑化为一道流光,瞬间钻入万剑峰的山峰之内,似乎在发动某样禁制 Huge crystal, in bang the bang, braves suddenly from a Ten Thousand Sword Peak corner/horn, was going against by a handle handle Divine sword, transfers to the people body directly comes. 一块巨大的水晶,在轰隆隆的巨响中,突然从万剑峰的一角冒出来,被一柄柄神剑顶着,直接挪移到众人身前来。 Gu Xiao without demur, eyes closed, two make Divine Light suddenly unceasingly, in abundance in injection that huge crystal. 古霄二话不说,忽然闭目,两手不断地打出一道道神光,纷纷射入那巨大水晶中。 In crystal, three handle strange Divine sword glittering different light, in crystal bustling with activity, is walking randomly fast, in a piece by piece mirror situation crystal presents. 水晶中,三柄奇异的神剑闪烁着异光,在水晶内龙腾虎跃,快速游走着,将水晶中一片片镜况呈现出来。 crystal Bank of China bright and clean, under the gaze of people, in this side crystal innumerable luminous spot collections, suddenly appears the clear picture. 水晶中银光洁荡,在众人的注视下,这一面水晶中无数光点汇集,忽然显现出清晰的景象来。 Shi Yan!” 石岩!” Tang Yuannan and Cao Zhilan cannot bear call out in alarm make noise, the whole face is amazed, in the eye does not dare to believe completely. 唐渊南曹芷岚忍不住惊呼出声,满脸惊诧,眼中满是不敢置信。 Gu Xiao and Wu Qin are also the facial expression change, scene that the dull longevity in that crystal is presenting, looks at sucks heaven and earth Spiritual Qi on that desert island crazily, that the imposing manner rises says silhouette. 古霄巫琴也是神情微变,呆呆的寿着那水晶中呈现出来的景象,看着在那荒岛上疯狂吸吮天地灵气,气势一路疯涨的那道身影 Is Mo Jishe!” “是摩奇蛇!” The Tang Yuannan peak however changes color, the body shakes, cannot bear call out in alarm. 唐渊南耸然变色,身躯一震,忍不住惊叫起来。 He stared at unexpectedly obtusely by, what a pity, but......” Gu Xiao shook the head, a face regretted that as if had recognized Shi Yan must die without doubt. “他竟然被摩奇钝盯上了,可惜,可呢……”古霄摇了摇头,一脸惋惜,似乎认定了石岩必死无疑。 He is a few knows that Shi Yan and eclipse person who has celebrating a holiday, in the past under Gu Lie and help of Gu Jiange fathers and sons, the soul arrived at that Soul Gathering Abyss obtusely, by Shi Yan through not the well-known rare treasure, had almost actually been ruined the soul, afterward Mo Duanhun seizes Gu Jiange, coerces Gu Family, making Gu Family pay the grievous cost. 他是少数几个知道石岩和摩奇蚀有过节的人,当年摩奇钝在古烈古剑歌父子的帮助下,灵魂降临那聚魂潭,却被石岩通过不知名的秘宝,差一点毁掉了灵魂,事后莫断魂擒住古剑歌,要挟古家,让古家付出了惨痛代价。 After Gu Jiange returns to Gu Family, detailed the initial scene will have described, at that time Gu Xiao paid attention Shi Yan, understood he and obtuse between celebrating a holiday. 古剑歌重返古家以后,详细将当初的场景描述过,那时候古霄就留意上了石岩,知道了他和摩奇钝之间的过节。 Now looked that stares at Shi Yan purely, although he is surprised, does not hold other accident, the demon person always seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, the obtuse past years should remember Shi Yan soul aura, this true body arrives at Endless Sea, after discovering Shi Yan, naturally must Shi Yan cruel killing, be able to solve the dreadful anger in his heart. 如今一看摩奇纯盯上石岩,他虽然非常惊讶,却也不是持别意外,魔人向来睚眦必报,摩奇钝当年应该就记住了石岩的灵魂气息,这次真身降临无尽海,在发现石岩以后,当然是要将石岩残忍的杀死,才能一解他心中的滔天怒火。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” The Cao Zhilan elegant face moves, the color that in the beautiful pupil does not dare to believe completely, her subconscious shaking the head, muttered in a low voice: His Essence Qi cannot meet again, should be killed in Sun Island is right, how can run is so far, but can also accomplish that big sound to come?” 曹芷岚俏脸一动,美眸中满是不敢置信的色彩,她下意识的摇头,低声喃喃道:“他一身精元不能重聚,应该已经在日岛丧命才对,怎么能跑那么远,还能造就那么大的动静来?” He and feared obtusely has fought......” “他和摩奇钝怕是已战过了……” Tang Yuannan is also the expression that does not dare to believe that dull looks at front crystal picture, in the look the different light like the sword, rays of light four shoots, „, although I am too not willing to believe that but that desert island has the trace of battle obviously, looks at that desert island, by one point of two halves, solid ice of disruption, this is Profound Ice Cold Flame accomplishes......” 唐渊南也是一副不敢置信的表情,呆呆的看着面前的水晶景象,眼神中异光如剑,光芒四射,“虽然我也不太愿意相信,可那荒岛明显是有过交战的痕迹,看那座荒岛,被一分两半,还有碎裂的坚冰,这是玄冰寒焰造就的……” During the Tang Yuannan speech, puts out a hand to aim at a point. 唐渊南讲话间,伸手指向一点。 The people stare looked that immediately had discovered that was divided two halves by the unbounded demon blade the desert island, saw on that desert island the everywhere solid ice. 众人凝视一看,立即发现了那一座被无界魔刀一劈两半的荒岛,也看到了那荒岛上无处不在的坚冰。 This, how is this possible?”, Folding of Wu Qin whole face trembles, in the look explodes projects astonished rays of light, she shakes the head unceasingly, shouted again and again: Boy obviously only then cultivation base of Earth Realm boundary, but money has God Passage First Sky powerful power, in addition the demon person is clever in fighting, even if we are obtuse facing, feared that loses wins few. His does Shi Yan, how possibly live under obtuse chasing down now?”, Her doubts, is the doubts of all people. “这,这怎么可能啊?”,巫琴满脸的皱褶一震颤动,眼神中爆射出惊异之极的光芒,她不断地摇头,连连呼道:“那小子明明只有地位境的修为,可摩奇钱却有着通神一重天强悍力量,再加上魔人善战,就算是我们面对摩奇钝,怕是都输多胜少。他石岩,怎么可能在摩奇钝的追杀下活到现在?”,她的疑惑,也是所有人的疑惑。 Tang Yuannan and Gu Xiao, that Cao Zhilan and Man Gu, are the eye circle open the eyes, not looking askance the scene in looks at crystal mirror surface, damn expression. 不论是唐渊南古霄、还是那曹芷岚蛮古,都是眼睛圆睁,目不斜视的看着水晶镜面中的场景,一副见了鬼的表情。 I think that what we should make?” Tang Yuannan has gawked for several seconds, quickly awakens, sinks to shout to clear the way: There leaves here not to be far, I think that we, should save quickly with enough time him. This boy recommends the strength to be infinite, perhaps in the future can be the new hope of Endless Sea.” “我想,我们是不是应该做点什么?”唐渊南愣了几秒,幡然醒悟,沉喝道:“那里离这儿并不远,我想我们快一点,应该来得及将他救下来。这小子荐力无穷,说不定未来会是无尽海的新希望。” Gu Xiao and Wu Qin complexion is suddenly strange. 古霄巫琴脸色忽然古怪起来。 Un?” The Tang Yuannan complexion sinks, gloomy said: „Don't you have this idea?” “嗯?”唐渊南脸色一沉,阴沉道:“你们没这个想法?” Looks again, if he can also support, rescues again is not late.”, Gu Xiao knitting the brows head, said lightly: I always thought that there can be a trap, perhaps Chi Yan and several big demon hosts in that same place, intentionally show weakness, was good to induce us to rescue in the past, to catch the whole lot in a dragnet us.” “再看一下,如果他还能撑住,再去救也不迟。”,古霄皱了皱眉头,淡淡道:“我总觉得那里会是一个陷阱,说不定赤阎和几大魔主都在那一块,故意示弱,好诱导我们过去救援,就是为了将我们一网打尽。” Nod of Wu Qin also approval, our God Realm Expert, flickering that also has no alternative but to limit the quantity moves, if were really stranded there, by Chi Yan and several big demon main power, we are very difficult to run away. Perhaps, Chi Yan had already planned, there has perhaps arranged not under Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation evil formation, thinks that Yang Qingdi fate.”, The Tang Yuannan complexion changes, although has a mind to go to rescue Shi Yan, but to these two a saying, somewhat acted bashful erratically. 巫琴也赞同的点头,“我们神境强者,也不能不限量的瞬移,真要是被困在那里,以赤阎和几大魔主的力量,我们很难逃出来。说不定,赤阎早就筹谋了,那里或许布置了不下于天魔封神阵的邪恶阵法,想想那杨青帝的下场吧。”,唐渊南脸色一变,虽有心前往去救石岩,但给这两人一说,也有些拿捏不定了。 Because of him, does not think Shi Yan of trivial Earth Realm boundary, can such long Immortal really in money ominous demon skilled person. 因为就连他,也不认为区区一个地位境的石岩,真的能够在摩奇钱这凶魔好手中这么久不死 Shi Yan Essence Qi cannot meet again, this is I in Sun Island then knows that in this definitely has the strangeness.” The Cao Zhilan beautiful pupil is complex, as if is too not willing to believe that Shi Yan can gather that terrifying power. 石岩精元不能重聚,这是我在日岛便知道的,这里面肯定有古怪。”曹芷岚美眸复杂,似乎也不太愿意相信石岩真的能够聚集那么恐怖力量 Believes all that at present sees, then mean her error in judgment. 相信眼前看到的一切,便意味着她的判断错误。 Before one day, is she leaves Shi Yan on own initiativeand Shi Yan draws a line, to the Shi Yan wipes to extinguish to germinate her feelings. 一日前,是她主动离开石岩”和石岩划清界限,将她对石岩的情愫抹灭在萌芽之中。 Her subconscious does not want to acknowledge own being shortsighted. 她下意识的不想承认自己的鼠目寸光。
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