GOS :: Volume #4

#343: Dies to fight breakthrough!

Ten meters demon blade dry crescent moon shape, the knife black ink black, a appearance, then explodes swiftly projects ten thousand demon light. 十米长的魔刀旱弯月形状,刀身墨黑色,倏一出现,便爆射出万道魔光。 Mo Jita grasps this handle huge demon blade, face upwards to roar, such as Devil God is born seriously, changes into one bunch of demon light, shoots at Shi Yan instantaneously. 摩奇铊手持这柄巨大的魔刀,仰天一声咆哮,当真如魔神降世,化为一束魔光,瞬间射向石岩 That handle demon blade chops to chop, ten thousand demon light collections, enormous and powerful, inspires the heaven and earth phenomenon unexpectedly, making this desert island wind and cloud color deterioration, the earth tremble, deeply do not see the bottom the gully to reveal. 那柄魔刀劈砍下来,万道魔光汇集,浩浩荡荡,竟引动天地异象,使得这座荒岛风云变色,大地震颤,一道道深不见底的沟壑显露出来。 Thick thick such as ink Devil Qi, rolling gushes out from these gullies, was being led by that demon blade hauling, such as Endless Sea black sea water, crazy rushing Mo Jita. 浓稠如墨汁似的魔气,从那些沟壑中滚滚涌出,被那魔刀牵引带动着,如无尽海黑色海水,疯狂的涌向摩奇铊 Five height several long negative 5 Devils, silent were roaring, encircled Shi Yan firmly in Center. 五头身高十几长的负面五魔,无声咆哮着,将石岩牢牢围在〖中〗央 Five big demons open the black hole dense huge mouth, the doom swallow from endless Devil Qi of place bottom deep place, but Devil Qi are too really many, 5 Devils caused fully the physical strength, was hard to attract these Devil Qi short time. 五大魔头张开黑洞般的森森巨口,死命去吞咽来自于地底深处的无尽魔气,可魔气实在太多,五魔使足了气力,也难以将那些魔气短时间吸掉。 Unbounded demon blade! Directs the demon to enter the body!”, Mo Jita rave, truth endless dark Devil Qi, crazy rushes that demon blade and Mo Jita. “无界魔刀!引魔入体!”,摩奇铊狂吼一声,地底数不尽的黑暗魔气,疯狂的涌向那魔刀和摩奇铊 Thick thick Devil Qi comes in waves, rushes Mo Jita completely, making the Mo Jita body swell instantaneously, but short flickers, Mo Jita unexpectedly has become hundred meters demon person, that handle ten meters demon blade, shortly will also be rising big 30 times, has become a handle 300 meters terrifying demon blade. 浓稠的魔气滚滚而来,全部涌向摩奇铊,使得摩奇铊身躯瞬间胀大,只是短短一瞬,摩奇铊竟成了百米魔人,那柄十米长的魔刀,也在顷刻涨大30倍,成了一柄300米的恐怖魔刀。 Endless Devil Qi, pours into to Mo Jita and on the demon blade, Devil Qi substantializing, 100,000 tons, let Mo Jita and that handle demon blade, is full inexhaustible Devil Qi. 无尽的魔气,灌注到摩奇铊和魔刀上,魔气实质化,有100000吨,让摩奇铊和那柄魔刀,充盈着无穷无尽的魔气 The unbounded demon blade, one of the distant ancient era Devil Territory three big demon blades, do not know how to lose in the Mo Jita hand. 无界魔刀,远古时代魔域三大魔刀之一,不知如何遗落摩奇铊手中。 In the legend this handle demon blade can disregard the contact surface, hasgrasps the demon person of demon bladeto be able from the Devil Territory Devil Qi source hauling infinite Devil Qi terrifying ability Devil Qi that the unbounded demon blade hauling comes, the substantializing body, covers fleshly body. 传说中这柄魔刀可以无视界面,有着从魔域魔气源头牵引无穷魔气恐怖能力”手持魔刀的魔人”能够将无界魔刀牵引而来的魔气,实质化身体,覆盖肉身 Mo Jita grasped unbounded demon blade ” the fleshly body surface to cover 100,000 tons Devil Qi, the achievement the huge demon body of his hundred meters demon person. 摩奇铊手持无界魔刀”肉身表面覆盖了100000吨的魔气,成就了他百米魔人的巨大魔躯。 In rock the earth crazy calls out in the sound, this handle terrifying demon blade such as a sharp demon mountain, toward Shi Yan top of the head oppression. 在震天动地的疯狂嚎叫声中,这柄恐怖魔刀如一座锋利的魔山,朝着石岩头顶压迫而来。 Shi Yan stands on the desert island, raises head looks at to obstruct the day the demon blade, in scarlet red eyes, flood evil severe light. 石岩站在荒岛上,仰头看着遮天的魔刀,赤红色的双眸中,泛起道道邪恶厉光。 The intention movesthat five first several feet high negative demon, is making threatening gestures fiercely ascending to heaven, holds that handle unbounded demon blade with joint forces. 心念一动”那五头十几丈高的负面魔头,猛地张牙舞爪着升天,合力去托那柄无界魔刀。 Negative energy in whole body 720 acupoint, crazy pours into that five negative demon[ body]. 浑身720个穴道之中的负面能量,疯狂的注入那五条负面魔头〖体〗内。 Meanwhile, in the cyclone of his lower abdomen place, world-shaking Cold Qi, spews outinstant to flood instantaneously his whole body. 与此同时,他小腹处的气旋中,一股惊天动地寒气,瞬间喷涌而出”霎那间满溢他全身。 mystical power, fiercely from him[ body] in spreads, has inspired the Endless Sea sea water likely. 一股神秘力量,猛地从他〖体〗内蔓延出去,像是引动了无尽海的海水。 Length hundred meters water columns, fly to shoot suddenly from the desert island surrounding sea level, top of the head accumulation of seven water columnsat Shi Yan are precise from four directions gathering. 一条条长百米的水柱,忽然从荒岛周围的海面中飞射出来,七条水柱从四方汇聚”就在石岩的头顶聚集凝炼。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” Infinite cold energy, seeps that collection precise water column, this water column forms at the same time the giant ice crystal of diamond unexpectedly, suddenly covers Shi Yan. 无穷的寒力,渗透进那汇集凝炼的水柱,这水柱蓦地形成一面菱形的巨大冰晶,突然将石岩罩在其中。 The diamond ice crystal such as a kilometer iceberg, majestic is magnificent, oppressesin ice crystal the cold brightness above the Shi Yan top of the head explodes shoots, astonishing Cold Qi wreaks havoc eight sides. 菱形冰晶如千米冰山,巍峨壮观,压迫在石岩头顶上方”冰晶中寒光爆射,惊人的寒气肆虐八方。 Ka magnificent!” “咔咔华!” Is centered on this kilometer ice crystal, the entire desert island ices up rapidlycold brightness place visited, the desert island such as was covered by solid iceis only the flash, this desert island becomes Iceland that froze thoroughly, sees the place of seeing, is the woods cold ice piece, cannot see a stone again. 以这一块千米冰晶为中心,整座荒岛迅速结冰”寒光所过之处,荒岛如被一块块坚冰覆盖”只是一瞬间,这座荒岛成了一座彻底冰冻的冰岛,入目所见之处,全是森寒的冰块,再也看不见一块石头。 wū wū chicken!”, The Shi Yan top of the head, five giant negative demons, could not prevent the oppression of unbounded demon blade with joint forces, was pressed retreating in defeat again and again of forcing by terrifying of that unbounded demon blade. 呜呜鸡!”,石岩头顶,五头巨大的负面魔头,合力也阻挡不了无界魔刀的压迫,被那无界魔刀的恐怖压力压的节节败退。 Negative 5 Devils is divided into five sides, opens iron cat devil claw, grasps separately above the hilt of unbounded demon blade, makes an effort to want the unbounded demon sword strap to the sky, prevents falling of this handle terrifying demon blade. 负面五魔分成五方,张开铁猫般的魔爪,分别抓在无界魔刀的刀柄之上,使力想要将无界魔刀带向天空,阻止这柄恐怖魔刀的落下。 Was a pity that is only on Ancient Devil God Clone, if is really on Ancient Devil God arrives, but could also not kill you.” “可惜只是上古魔神分身,如果真是上古魔神降临,还真的杀不了你。” Mo Jita Hehe grins fiendishly, the sound conveys from his hundred meters demon body under foot, then sees that huge demon body fierce influence, another hand also presses above the demon blade, makes an effort to oppress once more. 摩奇铊嘿嘿狞笑,声音从他那百米魔躯脚下传来,然后便见那巨大魔躯猛一势力,另一只手也按在魔刀之上,再次使力压迫而来。 Negative 5 Devils cannot withstand that destroys the Devil strength, contorting one's face in agony by the strength of demon blade to be swung again one side, that demon blade loses restraint, finally a blade chops. 负面五魔再也承受不住那股毁天魔力,呲牙咧嘴的被魔刀之力荡到一旁,那魔刀失去束缚,终于一刀砍来。 hōng hōng hōng!”, The desert island sends out terrifying rumbled, a Shi Yan top of the head kilometer iceberg, shatter, covers the entire isolated island the solid ice, explodes to break to pieces in abundance. 轰轰轰!”,荒岛发出恐怖轰鸣,石岩头顶千米冰山,块块破碎,就连覆盖整座孤岛的坚冰,也纷纷爆碎开来。 Huge energy complementary waves[ stirs up] shoots, the desert island surroundings sea water soars to the heavens, has triggered the Tsunami unexpectedly, the billowing sea water inundates Kamiarashima, under Cold Qi on desert island, freezes once more instantaneously. 巨大的能量余波〖激〗射出去,荒岛周围海水冲天,竟引发了海啸,滚滚海水漫上荒岛,在荒岛上的寒气之下,再次瞬间结冻。 Shi Yan hides under the ice crystal mountains, in the looks at top of the head iceberg the billowing black charm seeps, is destroying the glacier crazily, making the top of the head defense the iceberg torn to pieces, in the heart full is with amazement. 石岩藏身在冰晶山川之下,看着头顶冰山中滚滚黑色魔力渗透进来,疯狂的破坏着冰川,让头顶防御的冰山支离破碎,心中满是骇然。 The strength of Mo Jita this unbounded demon blade striking, big of might is above he imagines simply, he has not thought that God Realm Warrior, can erupt so world-shaking power unexpectedly. 摩奇铊这无界魔刀一击之力,威力之大简直超乎他想象,他从来没有想到神境武者,竟然可以爆发出如此惊天动地力量 Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God three life bodies of mystical temporarily the fusion is one, lets the side cold strength overlay of that Profound Ice Cold Flame and Holy Spirit God, has formed a kilometer high grand iceberg instantaneously, has kept off the strength of this Mo Jita blade, he believed him already divine soul entirely extinguished. 要不是玄冰寒焰地心火圣灵神三种神秘的生命体暂时融合为一,让那玄冰寒焰圣灵神的极寒之力叠加,瞬间形成了一座千米高的雄伟冰山,挡了这摩奇铊一刀之力,他相信他已经神魂俱灭了。 Can keep off my blade unexpectedly, the boy you dies can also be proud.”, A Mo Jita blade chops, cannot do the rice iceberg to crush that unexpectedly instantaneously, somewhat is obviously surprised. “竟能挡我一刀,小子你死也可以自傲了。”,摩奇铊一刀劈下,竟没能瞬间将那干米冰山粉碎,明显有些吃惊。 Grinned to grin fiendishly, Mo Jita brandished a sword once more, roars:, Boy, Yang Qingdi ended, Yang Family presents your this thornier boy unexpectedly, if gives the space that you grow, feared that will be your future achievement, but must surpass Yang Qingdi, today I must kill you!”, Roaring, Mo Jita is a blade high holds up, ten thousand tons Devil Qi rushes that handle demon blade crazily, 300 meters demon blades, once more swelled, when that demon blade soon rises into nine days, this handle demon blade unexpectedly has become 400 meters, that terrifying charm lets Shi Yan mind entirely to crack simply. 咧嘴狞笑了一下,摩奇铊再次挥刀,咆哮道:,“小子,杨青帝完了,杨家竟然出现你这个更加棘手的小子,要是给你成长的空间,怕是你将来的成就,还要超过杨青帝,今日我必杀你!”,咆哮着,摩奇铊又是一刀高高举起,万吨魔气疯狂涌向那柄魔刀,本来就有300米长的魔刀,再次胀大开来,在那魔刀快要升入九天时,这柄魔刀竟成了400米,那恐怖的魔力简直让石岩心神俱裂。 Saw with own eyes that Mo Jita is a blade chops, under the boundary of Rampage Second Sky, Shi Yan calm rapid transferring, with[ body] infinite power that in surges, stimulates to movement Escaping Lightning Changes instantaneously. 眼见摩奇铊又是一刀劈来,暴走二重天之境下,石岩冷静的迅速挪移,用〖体〗内涌动的无穷力量,瞬间催动逸电变 pa pa!”, Two legs cannot withstand so wild powersuddenly to ruptureflesh and blood flying in all directions. 啪啪!”,两腿承受不住如此狂暴的力量”突然爆裂开来”血肉横飞。 Shi Yan vanishes baseless! 石岩凭空消失! In the instance that that unbounded demon blade second blade chops, Shi Yan fleshly body does not see, when that kilometer iceberg stone chip, he transferred to another isolated island. 在那无界魔刀第二刀劈来的瞬间,石岩肉身不见,当那千米冰山石屑之际,他已挪移到另外一座孤岛。 Bang!” “轰!” Punctures the terrifying explosive of eardrum, Shi Yan in another isolated island isolated hill peak, a that desert island of face panic-stricken looks at originally stay. 一声刺破耳膜的恐怖爆响,石岩在另外一座孤岛的孤山顶端,一脸惊骇的看着原先停留的那座荒岛。 Under that unbounded demon blade second blade, that isolated island cleft in two by a blade unexpectedly! 在那无界魔刀第二刀之下,那座孤岛竟被一刀劈成两半! A length several thousand meters gully, the appearance, the sea water crazily wells up suddenly, the isolated island explosion of fission ” the ice piece on island crushes unceasingly completely, in the world-shaking explosive sound, Mo Jita sells angrily calls out, is searching for his trail. 一条长数万米的沟壑,突然出现,海水从中狂涌出来,分裂的孤岛爆炸不断”岛上的冰块全部粉碎开来,在惊天动地的爆响声中,摩奇铊销愤怒的嚎叫着,正在搜寻他的踪迹。 chi chi chi scoffs!”, In whole body 720 acupoint, the thick white smoke receives suddenly, the next quarter, that mystical energy flows his whole body part to break in the Essence Qi cyclone fiercely ”, part emits, in his whole body skeleton and in veins by mystical the way revolution. 嗤嗤嗤嗤!”,浑身720个穴道中,浓稠的白烟忽然一收,下一刻,那神秘能量猛地流淌他全身”一部分冲入精元气旋,一部分散溢开来,在他浑身骨骼、筋脉之中以神秘的方式运转。 In the mind transmits rumbled, the Shi Yan body shivers suddenly suddenly, only thinks that in Sea of Consciousness the mighty waves are turbulent, was emerged unexpectedly also by that mystical power, the soul sublimates, the princess soul in Sea of Consciousness, increases unexpectedly slowly, the look is clearer. 脑海中传来一阵轰鸣,石岩身躯突然急剧颤抖,只觉识海之中波涛汹涌,竟也被那神秘力量涌入,灵魂为之升华,识海中的郡主魂,竟缓缓变大,相貌越加清晰。 Is turbulent along with the Sea of Consciousness mighty waves, that Sea of Consciousness rapid expansion, in breaths, that Sea of Consciousness expands three times, the strength of Divine Sense is vigorous, each wisp of Divine Sense Lord the soul to connect with him, enabling him to have a more profound understanding to different energy. 随着识海的波涛汹涌,那识海迅速扩张,在一息间,那识海扩大三倍有余,神识之力浑厚无比,每一缕神识都和他主魂连接起来,让他可以对各种不同的能量有着更加深刻的认识。 Also is at this momenthe from Mo Jita of that distant place, realized the terrifying life that such as the mountain may not shake generally fluctuates. 也是这一刻”他从那远处的摩奇铊身上,察觉到如山岳一般不可撼动的恐怖生命波动。 Good strength life force! 好强的生机 The Shi Yan complexion changes, huge power disparity that more direct-viewing realizing between he and Mo Jita has, this Mo Jita the exuberance of vigor, seems the nuclear power station of his world is ordinary, can provide power that he cannot use up likely. 石岩脸色一变,更加直观的认识到他和摩奇铊之间存在的巨大力量差距,这摩奇铊的精气神之旺盛,好似他那个世界的核电站一般,像是能够提供他用不完的力量 Mo Jita stands there, the sound that the anger roared, such as the calling back the soul of the deceased demon sound, penetrated all hindrance, along aura of his soul, flushed unexpectedly shoots at him to surge not steady Sea of Consciousness. 摩奇铊站在那儿,愤怒咆哮的声音,如摄魂魔音,穿透一切阻碍,竟沿着他灵魂的气息,一路冲射向他波荡不稳的识海 „!” “嗷嗷嗷!” Negative 5 Devils face upwards roar that suddenly sends out can hear truly, 5 Devils as if realized the lair that resides temporarily will soon collapse, unexpectedly changes into five demon light, shoots at Shi Yan instantaneously, before the speed, has surpassed the Mo Jita putting on soul demon sound unexpectedly, before that demon sound has not poured into Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, hangs turns over to his Sea of Consciousness. 负面五魔突然仰天发出真正能闻的厉啸,五魔似乎察觉到寄身的巢穴即将崩溃,居然化为五道魔光,瞬间射向石岩,速度之前竟超过了摩奇铊的穿魂魔音,在那魔音尚未灌入石岩识海之前,垂归他识海 5 Devils of original substantializing, turns into illusory, 5 Devils can transform the entity and empty body likely at will, falls into Sea of Consciousness, this 5 Devils is divided into five sides immediately, sends out terrifying Negative Emotions, forms Fifth Level Negative Emotions obvious barrier. 本来实质化的五魔,重新变成虚幻,五魔像是可以随意转换实体、虚体,一落入识海之中,这五魔马上分成五方,散发出恐怖负面情绪,形成五层负面情绪明显的结界 The Mo Jita putting on soul demon sound punctures, that Fifth Level Negative Emotions starts together, mixes precise in the same place, keeps off the Mo Jita putting on soul demon sound outside unexpectedly stiffly, making Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness not be destroyed. 摩奇铊的穿魂魔音刺过来,那五层负面情绪一起发动,凝炼糅合在一起,竟硬生生将摩奇铊的穿魂魔音挡在外面,令石岩识海不受破坏。 The soul trembles, Shi Yan eyes suddenly bright like the stars. 灵魂一颤,石岩双眸骤然明亮如星辰。 In this critical checkpoint, came from a Sky Realm Warrior Xia Shenchuan essence is transformed, under the Mo Jita that terrifying pressure, his breakthrough bottleneck, enters into the boundary of Nirvana Origin finally truly. 在这个紧要关卡,来自于天位武者夏神川的一身精气被转化,在摩奇铊恐怖的压力之下,他终于突破瓶颈,真正迈入涅巢之境。 Because his Sea of Consciousness already built, this Realm barrier one broken, he has almost been instantaneously then familiar with new Realm. 因他识海早就修成,这境界屏障一破,他几乎瞬间便熟悉了新的境界 When Sea of Consciousness surges returns to normal gradually, Shi Yan only thinks that the vigor has entered into brand-new Realm all of a sudden, the entire photograph has connected heaven and earth, can feel unusual power that in the earth contains is having through ancient times earnestly. 识海波荡渐渐平复的时候,石岩只觉精气神一下子迈入了一个全新的境界,整个人像是连通了天地,能够切实感受到大地之中蕴藏着亘古存在的奇特力量 hū hū shouted!”, In the Essence Qi cyclone, is mixed the Yin and Yang fish cyclone shape by Profound Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame together, after his breakthrough to the Nirvana boundary, gyrates once more crazily, must fuse unexpectedly likely really! 呼呼呼!”,精元气旋中,由玄冰寒焰圣灵神地心火糅合成一块儿的阴阳鱼气旋形态,在他突破到涅磐境之后,再次疯狂旋动,竟像是要真的进行融合! Flutters in all directions dissociation heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, is receiving the attraction summon of any power likely, suddenly collects crazily to this, submerges toward the Shi Yan body. 四面八方飘荡游离的天地灵气,像是受着什么力量的吸引召唤,突然疯狂汇集向这一块,直朝着石岩身体没入。 Shi Yan fleshly body as if became has sucked the giant sponge bodies of all Spiritual Qi, nearby started to absorb crazily has heaven and earth Spiritual Qi that this came from Holy Spirit God gathers the heaven and earth Spiritual Qi mystical ability, suddenly appeared in the Shi Yan body, under his Essence Qi cyclone, purified precise heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, formed vigorous Essence Qi, one by one pours into the heart of his cyclone. 石岩肉身仿佛成了一个吸吮一切灵气的巨大海绵体,开始疯狂吸收附近存在的天地灵气,这来自于圣灵神聚集天地灵气神秘能力,突然在石岩身体中出现,在他精元气旋之下,净化凝炼天地灵气,形成浑厚之极的精元,一一灌入他气旋之心。 The Essence Qi old tree that the cyclone center point, that vanishes, appears suddenly once more, crazy suction continuously Essence Qi. 气旋中心点,那消失的精元古树,突然再次重新浮现开来,疯狂的吸吮一缕缕精元 Shi Yan imposing manner greatly Sheng. 石岩气势大盛。
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