GOS :: Volume #4

#342: Crazy!

Isolated island. 孤岛。 Shi Yan sits indifferently, east looks at, the look is dull empty, the facial expression is gloomy. 石岩漠然坐着,呆呆地看着东方,眼神空洞,神情灰暗。 Half sound, he puts out a hand to stroke Blood Vein Ring, with the mind and Profound Ice Cold Flame dot Earthcore Flame communication, my a while tries to contact with Ring Spirit, enabling you also to be separated from this ring, among us the fate, stopped.” 半响,他伸手抚摸着血纹戒,用心灵和玄冰寒焰地心火传讯,“我一会儿试着和戒灵联系,让你们也可以脱离这戒指,我们之间的缘分,到此为止了。” Profound Ice Cold Flame is silent, not having the news to read returns. 玄冰寒焰沉默,没有讯念返回。 Earthcore Flame as if just woke up from some strange Realm, hears Shi Yan soul communication, appears very puzzled, is busy at spreading the questionnaire the thought. 地心火似乎从某种奇异的境界之中才刚刚醒来,听闻石岩的灵魂传讯,显得非常不解,忙传出征询的意念。 Shi Yan knows that the time are not much, to the speed the desperate situation be most quickly bright to ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame lan now. 石岩知道时间不多,以最快地速度将如今绝望的形势向万年地心火阑明。 A Earthcore Flame chapter of news, as if has not been digesting his description, his Shi Yan rays of light glittering, in which two this life life, is weighing anything likely. 地心火没有回讯,似乎在消化他的描述,他那石岩光芒闪烁,其中的两今生命,像是都在衡量着什么。 In this time. 就在此时。 Shi Yan discovered that this isolated island heaven and earth Spiritual Qi gathers slowly, in the original island extremely deficient heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, unexpectedly gradually becomes rich. His face stunned, does not know that had anything, cannot bear look up the day. 石岩发现这一座孤岛天地灵气缓缓聚集,本来岛上极其贫乏的天地灵气,竟渐渐变得浓郁起来。他一脸愕然,不知道发生了什么,忍不住抬头看天。 The head size crystal, together when does not know gets up, the float in the space of his top of the head, this crystal sinks quietly slowly, float appears in his top of the head quickly. 一块人头大小的晶体,不知何时起,悄悄漂浮在他头顶的天上,这晶体慢慢下沉,很快在他头顶上悬浮显现。 Holy Spirit God!” 圣灵神!” Shi Yan cannot bear call out in alarm, gains ground looks at that crystal, everywhere surprise, immediately communication: How will you appear here?” 石岩忍不住惊叫起来,抬头看着那晶体,满目诧异,立即传讯:“你怎么会出现在这里?” That islands ended, I dive from the place bottom, is relying on your life aura, looked.” “那座岛屿完了,我从地底潜走,依循着你的生命气息,一路找了过来。” The Holy Spirit God news read to transmit from that dragon crystal, you complied to refine fleshly body for me, I came to here to look for you, was hopes that you can some day, helping me refine fleshly body to come out. I am treating that islands, were occupied by the evil life, my aura, was discovered that I have to run away.” 圣灵神的讯念从那龙晶之中传递出来,“你答应过为我炼制肉身,我来这里找你,就是希望你能够有朝一日,帮我炼制一具肉身出来。我待着的那岛屿,被邪恶生灵盘踞,就连我的气息,都被发现了,我不得不逃出来。” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Has gawked, his helpless say|way: I could not help you, because of after a while, me also met relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish again, you were quicker leave here, had recedes far.” 愣了一下,他无奈道:“我帮助不了你,因为再过一会儿,我也会形神俱灭,你还是快些离开这里,有多远走多远吧。” These words said that also did not wait for Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame in Holy Spirit God and Blood Vein Ring returns to the news, Shi Yan felt Blood Vein Ring, own Soul Consciousness irrigation. 这番话讲完,也不等圣灵神血纹戒中的玄冰寒焰地心火回讯,石岩摸着血纹戒,将自己的灵魂意识灌注其中。 Ring Spirit, I know that you can receive my consciousness, I soon died, you Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame power are untying restraint, but also they from plaster by. You, what method should I with place you? My also a half hours, you best quickly, too late words, when my relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, I feared that you have the request, I could not help you.” 戒灵,我知道你能够收到我的意识,我快要死了,你将束缚玄冰寒焰地心火力量解开来,还它们自垩由吧。还有你,我应该用什么方法来安置你?我还有半小时时间,你最好快一点,太迟的话,等我形神俱灭了,我怕你有要求,我也帮助不了你了。” Blood Vein Ring had not responded. 血纹戒没有丝毫反应。 Shi Yan is astonished however, is secret passage my beforehand feeling, completely the misconception? In this Blood Vein Ring, what Ring Spirit doesn't have from the start? Otherwise at this critical moment, why Ring Spirit in this Blood Vein Ring, hasn't had any response? 石岩讶然,暗道难道我以前的感觉,全部都是错觉?这血纹戒之中,压根不存在什么戒灵?要不然在这个关键时刻,为什么这血纹戒之中的戒灵,不曾有任何的反应? So is thinking, a Shi Yan heart sinks to the valley, he planned the idea that helps Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame escape, probably also wanted the day to fold, this made it even more desperate helpless. 这般想着,石岩一颗心沉入谷底,他本来打算帮助玄冰寒焰地心火逃生的想法,或许也要天折了,这让它愈加绝望无奈。 For a long time. 许久之后。 Blood Vein Ring releases misty rainbow light suddenly, the shining astonishing rainbow light, covers his surrounding ten meters spaces instantaneously completely. 血纹戒骤然释放出蒙蒙虹光,灿灿惊人的虹光,瞬间将他周围十米的空间全部笼罩。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Profound Ice Cold Flame and that Holy Spirit God news read, transmitted together, these two big wisdom quite high strange lives, the news read appears is disturbed with fear extremely, was lived to restraint by some power likely. 玄冰寒焰和那圣灵神的讯念,一起传递回来,这两大智慧颇高的奇异生命,讯念显得极为惊恐不安,像是被某种力量束缚住了。 Ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame in Blood Vein Ring, hot tempered restless, wants to be separated from Blood Vein Ring, wants to get rid of some restraint. 就连血纹戒之中的万年地心火,也暴躁不安,想要脱离血纹戒,想要摆脱某种束缚 Blood Vein Ring rainbow brilliant Sheng, three marvelous precinct power, the instantaneous minute transgress, pulls taut Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God separately, in vision that at once in Shi Yan does not dare to believe that that Holy Spirit God was pulled fiercely from the space, was dragged into the Essence Qi cyclone of Shi Yan lower abdomen place directly. 血纹戒虹光大盛,三股奇妙无比的力量,瞬间分逸出去,分别将玄冰寒焰地心火圣灵神扯住,旋即在石岩不敢置信的目光之中,那圣灵神被猛地从天上扯下来,直接被拉入石岩小腹处的精元气旋。 At the same time. 同一时间。 Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring with Earthcore Flame, changes into two marvelous flame, one and adsorbs, same was pulled into the Essence Qi cyclone of Shi Yan lower abdomen place. 血纹戒之中的玄冰寒焰地心火,化为两朵奇妙的火苗,也被一并吸附住,一样被扯入石岩小腹处的精元气旋。 The Essence Qi cyclone that dried up, pours into by Holy Spirit God, Earthcore Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame these three big strange life bodies, gyrates suddenly crazily. 原本枯竭的精元气旋,被圣灵神地心火玄冰寒焰这三大奇异的生命体灌入,骤然疯狂旋动起来。 In the stone happy mind regards the body, in eyes flashes through a panic-stricken meaning suddenly. 石喜心神内视身体,双眸之中骤然闪过一丝惊骇之意。 Sees only the Essence Qi cyclone of his lower abdomen place, in fast gyration, has formed a marvelous design slowly, this likely is a Yin and Yang matsyasana shape primal chaos chart, side is Profound Ice Cold Flame, side is ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, but connects these two, was the gods who Holy Spirit God this Holy Spirit Church believed. 只见他那小腹处的精元气旋,在快速旋动之中,缓缓形成了一个奇妙的图案,这像是一个阴阳鱼形状的太极图,一边是玄冰寒焰,一边是万年地心火,而连接这两者的,便是圣灵神这个圣灵教信奉的神明了。 Three big strange life bodies, one and exists, under the restraint of some mystical power, forms the Yin and Yang fish strange design, seemed fused temporarily in one. 三大奇异的生命体,一并存在,在某种神秘力量的约束下,形成阴阳鱼般的诡异图案,似乎被暂时融合在了一起。 Inexhaustible huge energy, the Essence Qi cyclone that already dried up from him explodes the well to come fiercely! 无穷无尽的庞大能量,猛地从他早已枯竭的精元气旋之中爆井开来! powerful of this energy, has far exceeded his imagination! His whole body bone lou pa pa makes noise, the pain that is hard to bear, raids the whole body instantaneously! 这股能量强悍,远远超出了他的想象!他全身骨髅啪啪作响,难以承受的痛苦,瞬间袭遍全身! At this moment, he is withstanding the pain of purgatory likely, the whole body skeleton veins is pulled apart by power likely stiffly. 这一刻,他像是在承受炼狱之苦,浑身骨骼筋脉像是被一种力量硬生生扯断。 whole body 720 acupoint, vortex crazy gyration of! 浑身720个穴道,其中的漩涡疯狂的旋动! Comes from a Xia Shenchuan essence, was purified crazily! Negative Energy that overflows from acupoint, making Shi Yan whole body shiver, almost wants fainted. 来自于夏神川的一身精气,被疯狂净化开来!从穴道中流溢出来的负面力量,让石岩浑身颤抖,差点要昏厥过去 Suddenly, a Shi Yan blood, as if also combustion gets up, came from power of blood, rolling surges! Collects in his body veins, such as the torrential river water is generally continuous! 突然间,石岩一身的鲜血,似乎也燃烧起来,来自于鲜血的力量,滚滚涌动!汇集在他身体筋脉之中,如滔滔江水一般连绵不绝! Rampage Second Sky! 暴走二重天 His lower abdomen cyclone and acupoint mutation, has inspired Rampage Second Sky instantaneously, making his fleshly body instantaneous get down witheredly. 他小腹气旋和穴道的异变,瞬间引动了暴走二重天,让他肉身瞬间干瘪下去。 Astonishing evil power, shoots up to the sky from his body, forms a huge white air column, skyrockets toward nine days above! 一种惊人的邪恶力量,从他身体中冲天而起,形成一个巨大的白色气柱,直朝着九天之上扶摇直上! Howling!”, Under the terrifying ache, Shi Yan such as wild beast whooshes to shout wildly generally, painful sways back and forth on the ground, whole body power uncontrolled flying shoots. “嚎!”,在恐怖的疼痛下,石岩野兽一般嘶吼狂叫起来,痛的在地上打滚,浑身力量不受控制的飞射出来。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” Along with swaying back and forth of his fleshly body, hundred meters high barren hills were hit the disintegration, these stand erect several hundred meters hill, likely is general that the paper sticks, cannot withstand him unexpectedly, as soon as hits. 随着他肉身的打滚,一座座百米高的荒山被一撞崩碎,那些屹立数百米的小山,像是纸糊的一般,竟不堪他一撞。 chi chi!” 嗤嗤!” The whole body 720 pores, emit the white mist in abundance! 浑身720个毛孔,纷纷冒出白茫茫的雾气! In these mist is full is letting Negative Energy that person trembles with fear, these Negative Energy collect in his body instantaneously, with his bloodlines fusion, making on him the evil imposing manner increase, will be forever will be likely without limits general. Shi Yan eyes gradually turns into the scarlet red, the eye socket blood thread is densely covered, just likes came from great antiquity Ferocious Beast, the cruel, ominous flame is dreadful, to person a bloodthirsty cruel extreme felt evilly. 那些雾气之中充盈着让人惊颤的负面力量,这些负面力量瞬间汇集在他身体中,和他血脉融合,让他身上的邪恶气势一路攀升,像是永无止境一般。石岩双眸渐渐变成赤红色,眼眶血丝密布,犹如一头来自于洪荒的凶兽,暴戾,凶焰滔天,给人一股嗜杀残暴的极度邪恶感觉。 Xiu! 咻! One bunch of black light penetration cloud clusters, stagnate suddenly above this isolated island. 一束黑光穿透云团,霍然在这一座孤岛之上停滞下来。 Height three meters five terrifying demon people appear instantaneously, a fresh bend angle, on the face the scar such as the demon mark, the dark green muscle like the steel and iron, in his ice cold eye murderous aura is steaming, under coldly looks at isolated island. 一个身高三米五的恐怖魔人瞬间显现,头生弯角,脸上疤痕如魔纹,暗青色的肌肉如钢铁,他一双冰寒的眼睛中杀气腾腾,冷冷看着底下的孤岛。 Fourth Devil Area, the demon Lord Mo Jita. 第四魔域,魔主摩奇铊 Occupies a commanding position obtusely, overlooks on the desert island to call out such as Ferocious Beast Shi Yan, in dark green eye pupil, ruthless severe Xiongjue. 摩奇钝居高临下,俯视着荒岛上嚎叫如凶兽石岩,暗青色的眼瞳之中,狠厉凶绝。 Bang!” “轰!” Armor crashes fiercely, two foot pedals on a 300 meters high isolated hill, directly the explosion that isolated hill steps on, the stone chip flutters about. 摩奇铠猛地坠落,两脚踏在一座300米高的孤山上,直接将那孤山踩的爆炸开来,石屑纷飞。 Shi Yan is calling out, whooshing, the body is rolling toward that isolated hill. 石岩嚎叫着,嘶吼着,身子正朝着那一座孤山滚去。 Boy, we said goodbye finally.” “小子,我们终于再见了。” Mo Jita face upwards to roar, the head bend angle being possessed by a demon light shoots up to the sky, after roared, his two void in a flash, saw only from his palm, suddenly departed several thousand Blood Dripping Gem pirate-like skulls, these pirate-like skulls small and human head general size, big such as the hill was common. 摩奇铊仰天咆哮,头上弯角中魔光冲天而起,在一声咆哮之后,他两手虚空一晃,只见从他掌心之中,突然飞出数千个血淋琳的骷髅头,这些骷髅头小的和人类头颅一般大小,大的却如小山一般。 Several thousand pirate-like skull each fresh blood drip flowing, in the eye socket and mouth of pirate-like skull emit rich not loose thick black Devil Qi, escape of pirate-like skulls from his palm come out, makes the demon sound that calls back the soul of the deceased in the rapidness, one by one toward Shi Yan bites. 数千骷髅头每一个都鲜血淋漓,骷髅头的眼眶和嘴中冒出浓郁不散的浓黑魔气,一个个骷髅头从他掌心中飞逸出来,在飞速之中发出摄魂的魔音,一一朝着石岩咬来。 Roar!” “吼!” eyes scarlet red Shi Yan, whole body withered like evil spirit, a clothing is completely stave. 双眸赤红色的石岩,浑身干瘪如厉鬼,一身衣衫全部破碎。 When that several thousand pirate-like skulls cover heaven and earth wells up, the knee is slightly curved, the body does not stand likely, sends out one type crazy calling out that toward nine days contends with the heaven and earth destiny. 在那数千骷髅头遮天盖地涌过来的时候,膝盖略弯,身子像是站不直似的,朝着九天发出一种抗衡天地命运的疯狂嚎叫。 The white air column that his top of the head rising typhoon ascends the sky, expands suddenly crazily, shortly will turn into five fierce terrifying demons. 他那头顶扶摇上天的白色气柱,突然间疯狂扩展,在顷刻间变成五头狰狞恐怖的魔头。 Has been dormant Sea of Consciousness negative 5 Devils, under precise of Negative Energy, changes into the entity, height ten zhang (3.33 m), float void, such as on Ancient Devil God is ordinary, devils grasps toward that blood exquisite pirate-like skull. 一直蛰伏识海的负面五魔,在负面力量的凝炼之下,化为实体,一个个身高十丈,悬浮虚空,如上古魔神一般,凶神恶煞的朝着那一个个血玲珑的骷髅头抓去。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” The pirate-like skull that armor releases, was held by these five first ten zhang (3.33 m) high terrifying demons, was pinched to explode unexpectedly stiffly, crushes the bonedust instantaneously, was the blown sand has filled the entire desert island likely generally. 那摩奇铠释放出来的骷髅头,被这五头十丈高的恐怖魔头抓住,竟被硬生生捏爆掉,瞬间粉碎成骨粉,像是飞沙一般弥漫了整座荒岛。 Five first ten zhang (3.33 m) high fierce demons, the body substantialization, unexpectedly compared with that Mo Jita also likely is the Devil Territory Devil God ghost, negative 5 Devils face upwards silent roars, was advocated soaring to the heavens Devil Qi that the Mo Jita attraction comes by that demon, such as heavy drinker absorbing water was been unexpectedly ordinary by them, swallows. 五头十丈高的狰狞魔头,身体实体化,竟比那摩奇铊还像是魔域魔神鬼怪,负面五魔仰天无声咆哮,被那魔主摩奇铊吸引而来的冲天魔气,竟被它们如长鲸吸水一般,给一口口吞掉。 Soaring to the heavens Devil Qi of rich not being able to melt, blocked from the isolated island sky, but in this flash, Devil Qi vanishes unexpectedly does not see, became that negative 5 Devils strengthened the power energy completely. 浓郁的化不开的冲天魔气,本来将孤岛天空遮住,但在这一瞬间,魔气竟消失不见,全部成了那负面五魔增强力量的能源。 After having slurped everywhere Devil Qi, this negative 5 Devils body becomes the black-and-white, stranger terrifying, the original ten zhang (3.33 m) high statures, swell fast, unexpectedly in abundance has become 15 zhang (3.33 m) huge Devil God entity, such as float void hills, encircle Shi Yan slowly in the center. 吸食了漫天魔气之后,这负面五魔身体成黑白色,越加诡异恐怖,本来十丈高的身躯,快速胀大,竟纷纷成了15丈的巨大魔神实体,如一座座悬浮虚空的小山,缓缓将石岩围在中心。 Shi Yan face upwards to roar, only thinks that in body all sorts of power crazy passing, change into the energy light beam of bunch of not being able to see, injects in the huge body of that negative 5 Devils substantialization in abundance. 石岩仰天怒吼,只觉身体中种种力量疯狂的流逝,化为一束束看不见的能量光柱,纷纷注入那负面五魔实体化的庞大身躯之中。 On Ancient Devil God divides the plaster body! Is impossible!” “上古魔神分垩身!不可能!” The obtuse dark green eye pupil full is the panic-stricken color, five negative demons of his dull looks at side regarding Shi Yan, exudes the calling out sound that does not dare to believe. 摩奇钝暗青色的眼瞳满是惊骇之色,他呆呆的看着围绕石岩身旁的五具负面魔头,发出不敢置信的嚎叫声。 „!” “嗷!” The Shi Yan knee is curving, exudes not the humanlike terrifying howling, the naked withered body breaks out the meat crack, whole body 720 acupoint emits the massive white smokes, the lower abdomen place is hiding huge ball of light likely, dazzling explodes to shoot white, these white light places visited, barren hill disintegration collapses one after another. 石岩膝盖弯曲,发出不似人类的恐怖吼叫声,赤裸的干瘪身体劈开肉裂,浑身720个穴道冒出大量的白烟,小腹处像是藏着一个巨大的光球,炫目的白从中爆射出来,那些白光所过之处,秃山一座接着一座崩碎倒塌。 Earth Level can actually have such terrifying power, the boy, you said that now non- refuses stubbornly to be possible!” 地位之境却能够拥有如此恐怖力量,小子,你今曰非死不可!” Mo Jita panic-stricken a while, suddenly responded that in the eye pupil blew out world-shaking fierce and brutal Devil Qi, was you can on precise Ancient Devil God divide the plaster body, today you also difficultly run away die!” 摩奇铊惊骇了一会儿,突然反应过来,眼瞳中爆出惊天动地的凶暴魔气,“就算是你能够凝炼上古魔神分垩身,今日你也难逃一死!” Mo Jita Hehe grins fiendishly, puts out a hand to grasp upwards, a ten meters huge demon blade, tears comes void, falls into his palm instantaneously. 摩奇铊嘿嘿狞笑,伸手朝天一抓,一把十米长的巨大魔刀,撕裂虚空而来,瞬间落入他掌心。 Grasps ten meters demon blade, Mo Jita terrifying imposing manner, rises dramatically once more, grins fiendishly is flying suddenly to Shi Yan. 手持十米长的魔刀,摩奇铊身上的恐怖气势,再次飙升,狞笑着突然飞向石岩
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