GOS :: Volume #4

#341: Parting forever

Yuanluo Sea Area, on an Desolate yuan isolated island. 垣罗海域,一座荒芫的孤岛上。 Ye Changfeng, Lin Yaqi, Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan four people, draw support from one on Ye Changfeng flicker to move to the rare treasure, under that Chi Yan Devil Emperor ruinous attack, escapes once more by luck. 夜长风林雅琪石岩夏心妍四人,借助于夜长风身上的一件瞬移秘宝,在那赤阎魔帝毁灭性的攻击之下,再次侥幸逃生。 On this isolated island is desolate and uninhabited, nearby is linking several islands, is infertile, only then iron grey rock. 这座孤岛上荒无人烟,附近连着几座岛屿,也是寸草不生,只有灰白色的岩石。 Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi they, to stimulate to movement that flickers the rare treasure that moves, has consumed massive Essence Qi, at this time their complexion is somewhat pale, in this islands comes, reveals still shaken expression, in the eye full is color with amazement. 夜长风林雅琪两人,为了催动那瞬移的秘宝,耗费了大量的精元,此时两人脸色有些苍白,在这岛屿上现身之后,都露出惊魂未定的神色,眼中满是骇然之色。 Chi Yan Devil Emperor separates the spatial palm, covers heaven and earth, isolated island that the beforehand four people of institutes are, smooths instantaneously, so terrifying ominous crazy power, deeply has shocked four people, making four people regarding coming from Devil Territory Expert of boundary of the God Passage Third Sky, had the true direct-viewing understanding. 赤阎魔帝隔空一掌,遮天盖地,将之前四人所在的孤岛,给瞬间抚平,如此恐怖凶狂的力量,深深地震撼了四人,让四人对于来自于魔域的这名通神三重天之境的强者,有了真正直观的认识。 The boundary of God Passage Third Sky, a palm surmounts ten thousand li (0.5km), the destructive power that type destroys the Heaven Destroyer place does not reduceday Mo city that side size islands unexpectedly, was razed easily, is terrifying not measured seriously. 通神三重天之境,一掌跨越万里,那种毁天灭地的破坏力竟然丝毫不减”一座天陌城那边大小的岛屿,轻而易举被夷为平地,当真是恐怖莫测。 Chi Yan powerful, has surpassed the Shi Yan cognition, his first time knows that God Realm Expert so is unexpectedly fearful. 赤阎强悍,超出了石岩的认知,他第一次知道神境强者竟然如此可怕。 Little Bai, how frozen office?”, Lin Yaqi the face, has been rubbing the abundant buttocks very painstakingly, bites the toothache to shout one, but said: This sea area should not be peaceful, we must leave as early as possible are good, has not thought really that ran ten thousand li (0.5km) also seeking by that Devil Emperor, does not know that fellow can find here. ” “小白,怎冻办呢?”,林雅琪苦着脸,揉了揉丰挺的臀部,咬着牙疼呼一声,无奈道:“这海域应该不会太平,我们还是要趁早离开才行啊,真没想到,跑了万里”还被那魔帝给寻到了,不知道那家伙会不会找到这里来。” Walks toward the East, leaves this sea area as soon as possible.” The Ye Changfeng empty tooth grins has stood, gains ground the vigilant looking day, said: Cannot continue to flicker to move came such time us to will certainly unable to withstand again, may suffer the strength of backlash, can only draw support the flight rare treasure walks slowly.”, Lin Yaqi nods. “往东方走吧,尽快离开这个海域。”夜长风秕牙咧嘴的站了起来,抬头警惕的望了望天,道:“不能继续瞬移了再来这么一次我们必将承受不住,可能会遭受反噬之力,只能借助于飞行秘宝慢慢走了。”,林雅琪点头。 Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan their facial expression indifferently, sits on the stony soil looks up the day, in eye gloomy, did not have the vigor likely. 石岩夏心妍两人神情漠然,坐在石地上抬头看天,眼中灰暗,像是没了精气神。 Xia Xinyan died the grandfather, Shi Yan died Linda, the Yi Tianmo three people under the pressure that in the children and races continuedhas to submit Snow Dragon Mountain also has become the paradise of demon person, Di Shan and head of the clan of Yu Rou these two big wing clans, unexpectedly have become the partner of demon person. 夏心妍死了爷爷,石岩死了琳达,奕天漠三人在儿女和种族延续的压力下”不得不屈服就连雪龙山也成了魔人的乐土,帝山羽柔这两大翼族的族长,竟然也成了魔人的伙伴。 So the accident, makes always optimistic tenacious Shi Yan, somewhat cannot endure, the mood is somewhat depressed. 如此变故,让向来乐观坚韧的石岩,也有些吃不消,心情有些消沉。 We should leave.” “我们该离开了。” Ye Changfeng looks at they, sighed to shake the head in a soft voice, said: Person dies cannot come back to life, towering that this demon person comes, no one had expected that they planned were so long, dare the person who came Sun Island to slaughter for dying, you should also buoy up.”, Shi Yan nods slowly ” the look cold Liru blade, I understand.” 夜长风看着两人,轻声叹息了一下摇了摇头,道:“人死不能复生,这魔人来的突兀,谁也没有预料到他们筹谋了那么久,竟敢前来日岛大开杀戒就算是为了死去的人,你们也应该振作起来。”,石岩缓缓点头”眼神冷厉如刀,“我明白。” We walk.” On the Xia Xinyan elegant face the tear stains have not cleaned cleanly, firmly has actually stood, said to that Lin Yaqi and Ye Changfeng:, Where toward walks?” “我们走吧。”夏心妍俏脸上泪痕尚未擦拭干净,却坚定的站了起来,冲那林雅琪夜长风道:,“往哪里走?” Your great grandfather Xia Qinghou position can you know?” Ye Changfeng has hesitated, suddenly said: „ Your great grandfather, although the present is unconscious, so long as took spirit empty pill is very easy to meet duplicate. “你太爷爷夏轻候的位置你可知晓?”夜长风沉吟了一下,忽然说道:“你太爷爷虽然现在神智不清,但只要服用了灵虚丹还是很容易接复的。 By your great grandfather's Realm cultivation base, in addition once at the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist fortuitous encounter, once restored the intelligence, should go a step further very much easily, if he has entered into the boundary of God Passage Second Sky, our securities then greatly had the safeguard. ” 以你太爷爷的境界修为,加上曾经在暗磁雾瘴的奇遇一旦恢复了神智,应该很容易更进一步,如果他迈入了通神二重天之境,我们的安全便大有保障了。” Xia Xinyan with the pure white handkerchief, is clean tear stains cleaning on face, dejected nodded, said: Position I know, but spirit empty pill not in us, even if overtook ” is also the futile effort 夏心妍用洁白的手绢,将脸上的泪痕擦拭干净,神情黯然的点了点头,道:“位置我是知晓,但灵虚丹不在了”我们即便是赶过去了”也是徒劳啊” Who didn't say in?”, Ye Changfeng raised the corners of the mouth, the left hand has spread out, once by spirit empty pill who he delivered peacefully in his palm, in three people of surprised vision, Ye Changfeng said in a soft voice: On this spirit empty pill had been attempted to pervert I by me is wanted to use spirit empty pill, looks for your great grandfather, after your grandfather Xia Shenchuan body diesI in flicker before the rare treasure moves, it received. ” “谁说不在了?”,夜长风扬了扬嘴角,左手摊开来,曾经被他送出去的灵虚丹安静地在他掌心,在三人的惊讶目光中,夜长风轻声道:“这灵虚丹上被我做过手脚”我本是想要利用灵虚丹,找上你太爷爷的,在你爷爷夏神川身死之后”我在利用秘宝瞬移之前,已将它重新收了回来。” A Xia Xinyan elegant face anger. 夏心妍俏脸一怒。 The Ye Changfeng whole face is awkward, flexure scratching the head, ridiculed saying: This spirit empty pill is extremely precious, after I deliver, was worried that you will not observe the agreement, therefore secretly has gotten up to tricks, my discretion this spirit empty pill perhaps really not. ” 夜长风满脸尴尬,挠了挠头,讪笑道:“这灵虚丹太过珍贵,我送出去之后,担心你们不会遵守约定,所以才偷偷做了点手脚,要不是我的谨慎”这灵虚丹说不定就真的不在了。” Good.” A Lin Yaqi black eyebrows wrinkle, some did not say patiently: Here leaves that Sun Island, only then 20,000 li (0.5km), is unsafe, I think that we should leave here to say first again, otherwise waits for that Chi Yan Divine Sense to cover once more, we were really difficult to run away die.” “好了。”林雅琪黛眉一皱,有些不耐烦道:“这里离那日岛只有20000里,并不安全,我想我们应该先离开这里再说,要不然等那赤阎神识再次覆盖过来,我们就真的难逃一死了。” Shi Yan nodsinking sound track: Walks.” 石岩点头”沉声道:“走吧。” Imaginary Space Ring on Ye Changfeng slightly one bright, a silver blanket of diamond, void float comes out before his body suddenly, he smiledsilhouette then to get up that blanket in a flash ”, said to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan: This flying blanket is my old ghost master refines, although is well below the instantaneous rare treasure the speed, but sped along also to endure to compare the Sky Realm Third Sky Expert extremely fast fully, you came up together. ” 夜长风手上的幻空戒微微一亮,一个菱形的银色毯子,忽然在他身前虚空悬浮出来,他笑了笑”身影一晃间”便上了那毯子,冲石岩夏心妍道:“这飞毯是我那老鬼师傅炼制出来的,虽然远远不及瞬间秘宝的速度,但全力飞驰开来”也堪比天位三重天强者的极速了,你们一起上来吧。” He spokeLin Yaqi already impolite achieved side him, then urged Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan quickly. 他讲话的时候”林雅琪已经不客气的做到他身旁,然后催促石岩夏心妍快一点。 Xia Xinyan complexion some are as before unattractive, but she also knows that the present situation crisis, has not thought jumped onto that flying blanket then to move moving toward Lin Yaqi, set aside the position to Shi Yan. 夏心妍脸色依旧有些不好看,但她也知道如今的形势危机,没有多想“就跃上了那飞毯”然后朝着林雅琪挪了挪,给石岩腾出位置来。 The Shi Yan look was gloomy, looks up the day, was preparing also to mount the flying blanket, suddenly a complexion yan evil consciousness, when did not know gets up, put on to shoot to come from the extremely far place, to be separated by ten thousand li (0.5km), the Shi Yan actually clear induction to this evil consciousness, came toward him. 石岩眼神阴暗,抬头看了看天,正准备也登上飞毯,突然脸色一兖一股邪恶的意识,不知何时起,从极远之处穿射而来,相隔万里,石岩却清晰的感应到这一股邪恶的意识,是朝着他而来的。 Is that demon Lord Mo Jita.” “是那魔主摩奇铊。” Profound Ice Cold Flame soul communication, resounds from Blood Vein Ring suddenly, this fellow had your soul aura he to lock you, he was God Passage First Sky Realm Expert, ten thousand li (0.5km) distance, for him, was only a half hour of distance, within a half hour, he will decide however will present here. ” 玄冰寒焰的灵魂传讯,忽然从血纹戒之中响起,“这家伙有你的灵魂气息”他已经锁定了你,他是通神一重天境界强者,万里的距离,对他来说,也只是半小时的路程,半小时之后,他定然会出现这里。” Shi Yan look suddenly one coldimmediately communication: Can avoid?” 石岩眼神骤然一寒”立即传讯:“能否避开?” „The attainments of his soul were more profound than you had already locked you, was hard to avoid, only if youcan flicker to move to 100,000 li (0.5km) in flash, otherwise he will lock always you. ” The Profound Ice Cold Flame news read, has deeply is incapable, looked like this time you have been doomed, God Realm Expert killed you fully in such short distance, you did not have a hope of survival. ” “他灵魂的造诣比你高深”既已锁定了你,便难以避开,除非你在一瞬间”能够瞬移100000里,要不然他会始终锁定你。”玄冰寒焰的讯念,有着深深地无力,“看来这次你真的在劫难逃了,神境强者全力杀你”在这么短的距离内,你没有一丝存活的希望。” Shi Yan all over the body lives coldly, dejected weak sat. 石岩遍体生寒,颓然无力的坐了下来。 Since he has been confident about himself, thinks that the talent and will are unmatched, in the short five years, enters into the boundary of Earth Realm peak from Elementary Warrior directly, has various strange Martial Spirit, and will have Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame and so on strange life body ” the future to dominate above inevitably all people. 一直以来,他都对自己充满信心,认为天赋和毅力无人可比,在短短五年时间,从后天武者直接迈入地位巅峰之境,身怀各类奇异武魂,并且拥有玄冰寒焰地心火之类奇异生命体”将来必然能够凌驾所有人之上。 But a day of attack, has actually destroyed him today all sorts of self-confidently, making him realize that his cultivation base of boundary of present Earth Realm peak, is as before weak in this world, is facing the true Expert time, he is vulnerable like that does not have including power of revolt. 可今日一天的打击,却摧毁了他的种种自信,让他意识到他如今地位巅峰之境的修为,在这个世上依旧非常无力,在面对真正的强者时候,他是那般的脆弱,连一丝反抗的力量都没有。 Chi Yan gives his shock, entrained getting downto make him from the clouds him realizes all of a sudden own present situation. 赤阎给他的震撼,将他从云端一下子拽了下来”让他真是认识到了自己的现状。 Also is today, he comprehends earnestly, only then the great strength of own power, can act in a self-serving manner in this brutal world, Yi Tianmo, Di Shan and the others who he relies on, in crucial timeas before unreliable. 也是今日,他切切实实领悟只有自身力量的强大,在这个残酷的世界才可以为所欲为,他依赖的奕天漠帝山等人,在关键的时刻”依旧靠不住。 In this world, must depend on itself, cannot hope own survival that pins on others' body. 在这世上,一切都要靠自己,绝不能将自己的存活希望,寄托在别人的身上。 After he has completed from now on, gives up all impractical illusion, does not hesitate to promote the preparation of powerto be a pity, when he comprehends truly, the future hope, actually likely must pinch out by Mo Jita stiffly. 他已做好从今之后,放弃所有不切实际的幻象,不惜一切提升力量的准备”可惜在他真正领悟到的时候,未来的希望,却像是要被摩奇铊给硬生生掐灭了。 Your three people walk, I remain also to have the matter to do.” Shi Yan suddenly Gu Ran helpless sits cross-legged, gains ground looks at Xia Xinyan that the beautiful face that makes the will of the people tremble, said in a soft voice: Xinyan, all careful, I expected a day that we said goodbye.” “你们三人走吧,我留下来还有事情要做。”石岩忽然顾然无奈的盘坐下来,抬头怔怔地看着夏心妍那张让人心颤的绝美脸庞,柔声道:“心妍,一切小心,我期望我们再见的一天。” The Xia Xinyan tender body trembles, in the beautiful pupil shows the astonished facial expression, shouted to clear the way tenderly: What do you want to make?” 夏心妍娇躯一颤,美眸中露出惊异的神情,娇喝道:“你想做什么?” She from the Shi Yan expression, had realized does not suit ” this moment Shi Yan unprecedented negativity, gave up all hopes likely, she and Shi Yan knows is so long, never sees Shi Yan to reveal this manner, this makes her feel that Shi Yan has definitely made any not wonderful decision. 她从石岩的语气中,也意识到了不对劲”这一刻的石岩前所未有的消极,像是放弃了一切希望,她和石岩认识这么久,从来不曾见到石岩露出这种神态,这让她觉得石岩肯定做出了什么不妙的决定。 What does your boy do?” Ye Changfeng yelled that present Yuanluo Sea Area incomparable complex, you have pledged allegiance to the demon person depending on powerful alien race God Realm Expert completely, what did you remain also to make? Are you want to commit suicide?”, Mo Jita has locked me, within a half hour, will definitely come here, you do not walk now, then forever could not leave.” Shi Yan deeply inspiredsaid to that Ye Changfeng: Trigs her to lead her to leave here, for your this line of goals, she must well live collection “你小子搞什么?”夜长风大叫起来,“现在垣罗海域无比的复杂,你赖以强势的异族神境强者全部归顺了魔人,你留下来还能做什么?你是想要自杀么?”,“摩奇铊锁定了我,半小时之后,必然会降临这儿,你们现在不走,便永远走不掉了。”石岩深深吸了一口气”冲那夜长风道:“制住她”带她离开这里,就算为了你们这一行的目的,她也要好好活集” The Ye Changfeng body shakes. 夜长风身躯一震。 Bang!” “轰!” Lin Yaqi one step gets rid ahead of time, turns around to put out a hand according to the slender neck of Xia Xinyan to, gentle tenacious power, seeps the Xia Xinyan body instantaneously, making her whole body be incapable, lowered the head gradually fainted. 林雅琪提前一步出手,转身伸手按向夏心妍的修长脖须,一股轻柔坚韧的力量,瞬间渗透夏心妍身体,令她全身无力,渐渐垂头昏厥过去 Before her stupor, the tender body strugglesto want from the flying blanket, closely was grasped by Lin Yaqifinally cannot work loose. 她昏迷之前,娇躯挣扎着”想要从飞毯上下来,却被林雅琪给紧紧抱住”最终没能挣脱。 Thanks.” Shi Yan relaxed suddenlyhad smiled, urged: Leads her to walk, happy knows you very much, after she wakes up, told her, in this world, the woman who she let my heart movement only.” “谢谢。”石岩忽然放松了”笑了笑,催促道:“带她走吧,很高兴认识你们俩,等她醒来以后,告诉她,在这个世界上,她是唯一让我心动的女人。” Takes care, hopes that can also see you again.” The Ye Changfeng expression, stares at Shi Yan to nod heavily slowly, I your words, not omitting a single word told her, but I hope in the future one day, you can also speak these words to her again.” “保重,希望还能再见到你。”夜长风表情沉重之极,盯着石岩缓缓点头,“我会将你的话,一字不漏的告诉她,但我希望将来有一天,你还能再对她说上这番话。” At once, did not wait for Lin Yaqi to say anything, Ye Changfeng stimulated to movement that silver flying blanket, changed into one bunch of stream ray, flew to shoot to go toward east the place directly extremely. 旋即,不等林雅琪多说什么,夜长风催动那银色飞毯,化为一束流光,直接朝着极东之处飞射而去。 Three people vanish slowly, finally lost the trail in the horizon thoroughly, Shi Yan sat on the ground wooden, the dull looks at East sky, visual that person was departing. 三人缓缓消失,最终彻底在天际失去了踪迹,石岩木然坐在地上,呆呆的看着东方天空,目视着伊人离去。 His subconscious believing, thisthey feared that was very difficult to say goodbye...... 他下意识的认为,这一世”他们怕是很难再见了……
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