GOS :: Volume #4

#340: Big rout

Master, sorry.” “主人,对不起。” Yi Tianmo, Ya Meng and Ka Ba three people of single knees are well-grounded slowly, kneel to bend down before the Shi Yan body, lowers the head lowly, in the eye pupil full is the sorrowful color. 奕天漠轧猛卡巴三人缓缓单膝着地,跪伏在石岩身前,低垂着头,眼眸中满是悲痛之色。 The Shi Yan complexion is gloomy, weak nodded, said indifferently: I understood.” 石岩脸色灰暗,无力的点了点头,淡然道:“我理解。” The Yi Tianmo three people lower the head not to speak, does not dare to look at Shi Yan, toward the eye of earth, full is complex the color that is difficult to be bright. 奕天漠三人垂头不语,不敢去看石岩,朝着大地的眼睛,满是复杂难明的色彩。 Master?” “主人?” Chi Yan Devil Emperor heartless sneering, the whole person also comes above this manor, that is on the face of Xiao Hanyi, full is the color of fickle widowed righteousness, trivial lowly humanity, makes you condescend unexpectedly the name is humanity, was long in the place of that exile, were you deep the person the self-respect to lose?” 赤阎魔帝无情的冷笑,整个人也在这一座庄园上方现身,那张属于萧寒衣的脸上,满是薄情寡义之色,“区区一名卑贱的人类,竟让你们屈尊称呼为人类,在那放逐之地久了,你们连冥人的自尊都已丧失了么?” The Yi Tianmo three people of shoulders tremble, in the eye full is angry, is actually incapable of responding. 奕天漠三人肩膀一颤,眼中满是恼怒,却无力回应。 You can call the to attach most importance person, only then the Abi yama and Hades yama and Hei Tian yama, this humanity does not match, I put out a hand for your obliterate.” Chi Yan treads to empty to come, the heartless sound desolate ice is cold, he puts out a hand to grasp, during is void appears suddenly a mountain giant palm. “你们能够称呼为主人的,只有阿鼻冥王、黄泉冥王、黑天冥王,这人类不配,我伸手替你们抹杀了吧。”赤阎踏空而来,无情的声音冷淡冰寒,他伸手一抓,虚空之中突然浮现一只山岳般巨大的手掌。 This palm is flooding entire void, oppresses slowly from the space, will put in order a manor to cover unexpectedly. 这手掌充斥着整个虚空,缓缓从天上压迫下来,竟将整座庄园笼罩其中。 Does not want!” “不要!” The Yi Tianmo three people are on the rise, cannot bear call out in alarm make noise, want the towering superhuman hand that prevents this oppression to come. 奕天漠三人抬头,忍不住惊呼出声,想要阻挡这压迫而来的参天巨掌。 Walks!” “走!” Ye Changfeng screamed suddenly that body innumerable golden light exploded to shoot, in that shining golden light, gold-foil flew a piece by piece from his sleeve cuff, these gold-foils strange composed eight golden crystals in his top of the head, that crystal projected the bunch of crystal light, and they covered together Shi Yan. 夜长风突然尖叫起来,身上无数金光爆射而出,在那灿灿金光中,一片片金叶子从他袖口飞出来,这些金叶子诡异的在他头顶组成一个八面金色晶体,那晶体射出一束束晶光,将石岩和他们三人一起罩住。 Shi Yan must say that anythingthink suddenly has a dizzy spell, the severe pain raids the whole body, in Sea of Consciousness as if has become the golden color. 石岩才要说些什么”突觉一阵头晕目眩,剧痛袭遍全身,就连识海中似乎都成了金色。 A space strange distortion, breakthrough layer upon layer restraint powerquickly erupts. 空间一阵诡异的扭曲,一股突破层层束缚力量”倏地爆发。 Shining golden light flashes through, Shi Yan and Ye Changfeng, Lin Yaqi and Xia Xinyan four people, mysteriously vanish in this manor, has not stayed behind including a trail. 灿灿金光闪过,石岩夜长风林雅琪夏心妍四人,就在这庄园神奇消失,连一点踪迹都没留下。 Flickers the rare treasure that moves to ......... “瞬移的秘宝……… In Chi Yan Devil Emperor that dark eye pupil flashes through together the astonished light, is only an instant, in his eye pupil then black light bright, that two eyes as if became the projection of mysticalstarted to appear the Sun Island surrounding area thousand li(500 km) all sorts of pictures. 赤阎魔帝那黑暗眼瞳中闪过一道惊异之光,只是一霎,他那眼瞳中便黑光熠熠,那两只眼睛仿佛成了神秘的投影”开始显现出日岛方圆千里的种种景象。 Meanwhile, huge Divine Sense, takes Chi Yan as the dot, fast spread comes. 与此同时,一股庞大的神念,以赤阎为圆点,迅捷地扩散开来。 The short several seconds, Chi Yan Devil Emperor huge Divine Sense, has then covered the surrounding area thousand li(500 km), and still outward is encircling extendsin his eyes pupil, all sorts of islands pictures are fluctuating unceasingly. 只是短短数秒时间,赤阎魔帝的庞大神识,便已经覆盖了方圆千里,并且还在往外围延伸”他那一双眼瞳中,种种岛屿景象不断地变幻着。 The people here, he as if saw the scene outside thousand li(500 km), all trend income hearts outside thousand li(500 km). 人在这里,他似乎已看到千里之外的场景,将千里之外的一切动向收入心间。 Found ......... “找到了……… Chi Yan Devil Emperor silent smiling, in that left eye eye pupilsuddenly lightens piece of golden light suddenly, in golden light, appears an alone island piece by piece. 赤阎魔帝突然无声的笑了笑,那左眼眼瞳之中”突然闪出一片金光,在片片金光中,显现出一座孤零零的小岛。 Cannot leave.” “走不掉的。” The Chi Yan Devil Emperor corners of the mouth raise slightly, put out a hand to search toward nothingness, sees only void before his body, suddenly rippling aliquation level ripplelooks like the big stone falls into the lake water, appears the ripples fluctuation of stack-up. 赤阎魔帝嘴角微微扬起,伸手朝着虚无探去,只见他身前的虚空,忽然荡漾起层层波纹”就像是大石头落入湖水中,显现出层叠的涟漪波动。 In that fluctuation fluctuates, before his body void a projection island appears slowlyin that islands, Ye Changfeng and Shi Yan four people of still shakenin gruff voice respite. 在那波动变幻中,他身前的虚空慢慢将一座小岛的投影显现出来”在那岛屿上,夜长风石岩四人惊魂未定”正在粗声喘息。 Chi Yan that left hand, braves suddenly, enters that ripples Center islands fiercely. 赤阎那只左手,忽然冒出来,猛地伸入那涟漪〖中〗央的岛屿。 On the isolated island ten thousand li (0.5km) away. 万里之外的孤岛上。 Shi Yan, Ye Changfeng, Lin Yaqi and Xia Xinyan four talented people just stood firm the body potential, suddenly sees in the sky the cloud cluster contraction in the same place, the great hand that at once covering heaven and earth, then suddenly braves, the overhead covers toward this islands. 石岩夜长风林雅琪夏心妍四人才刚刚稳住身势,突然见到天空中云团收缩在一块,旋即一只遮天盖地的巨手,便突然冒出来,当头朝着这座岛屿罩下来。 This islands are not big, one-fifth does not have including Sun Island, even if so, was treating compared with initially Shi Yan on day Mo city big some, but this islands under the sweep of that great hand, actually appear incomparable tiny, making the slit that Shi Yan one line of leave continually unable to look. 这岛屿并不大,连日岛1都没,可即便如此,也比当初石岩待着的天陌城大上一些,可这座岛屿在那巨手的笼罩下,却显得无比的渺小,让石岩一行人连离开的缝隙都找不着。 This time I come!” “这次我来!” Lin Yaqi screamed that the electricity jumped generally, one reached the Ye Changfeng sleeve cuff, made an effort to pull fiercely. 林雅琪尖叫起来,电一般跳出来,一把伸向夜长风袖口,猛地用力一扯。 A energy fluctuation of rushing, releases suddenly from Lin Yaqi, under the energy fluctuation of that terrifying, the Ye Changfeng sleeve cuff is golden light sparkles, everywhere gold-foil appears in four head tops, at once congeals once more octahedral crystal, started some type to flicker to move to the mystique. 一股澎湃的能量波动,骤然从林雅琪身上释放出来,在那恐怖能量波动之下,夜长风袖口又是金光闪闪,漫天金叶子在四人头顶显现出来,旋即再次凝结成八面晶体,重新发动了某种瞬移秘法。 In shining golden light, Shi Yan one line of four people, vanish once more invisible. 灿灿金光中,石岩一行四人,再次消失无形。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” Great hand that in the cloud cluster braves, has pressed fiercely, the entire islands were razed, kilometer mountains, such as the sand dune in sand beach, was given one to level. 云团中冒出来的巨手,猛地按了下来,整座岛屿被夷为平地,一座座千米大山,如沙滩上的沙丘,被人给一手抹平了。 On Sun Island. 日岛上。 Yi Tianmo three people of face looks at Chi Yan Devil Emperor with amazement, before looks at his body, scene that the scene that in the ripples appears, that ripples appear, was one reduced illusion of non- several fold likely. 奕天漠三人一脸骇然的看着赤阎魔帝,看着他身前涟漪中显现出来的场景,那涟漪显现的场景,像是一个缩小了无数倍的幻象 From three people of here, Chi Yan this presses, but reduced the innumerable sand table islands smoothing, like like that does not startle the collection that beyond ten thousand li (0.5km) Shi Yan and the others saw. 从三人这边来看,赤阎这一手按下去,只是将其中缩小无数遍的沙盘般的小岛给抚平了,远不像万里之外石岩等人看到的那般骇集。 However, the Yi Tianmo three people actually know illusion that in that ripples appears, absolutely is not illusion, matter that but has earnestly. 然而,奕天漠三人却知道那涟漪之中显现的幻象,绝对不是什么幻象,而是切实发生的事情。 All these, in ten thousand want beside to occur, will not have any illusory ingredient to exist. 这一切,就在万要之外发生,绝不会有任何虚幻的成分存在。 Chi Yan Devil Emperor smooths that sand table island, slightly the knitting the brows head, in the eye pupil the scenery once more changes. 赤阎魔帝一手将那沙盘般的小岛抚平,不由微微皱了皱眉头,眼瞳之中景物再次变化。 Huge Divine Sense continues toward to extend in all directions, range that his Divine Sense covers gradually, already over several thousand li (0.5km)...... 庞大的神识继续往四面八方延伸,渐渐地,他神识笼罩的范围,已超过数万里…… Half sound, Chi Yan Devil Emperor takes back Divine Sense, the strange scene in eye pupil vanishes slowly, he frowns to hesitate, said lightly: „Is this boy the Yang Family person?” 半响,赤阎魔帝收回神识,眼眸中的诡异场景慢慢消失,他皱着眉头沉吟了一下,淡淡道:“这小子是杨家人?” The Yi Tianmo three people did not say silent. 奕天漠三人沉默不言。 You did not say that I same can look up.” Chi Yan coldly snorted, void lifts the hand to grasp, then sees the person's shadow to appear together suddenly. “你们不说,我一样可以查出来。”赤阎冷哼一声,虚空中抬手一抓,便见一道人影骤然显现出来。 This is Li Fu. 这是李福 Chi Yan did not speak, that pair of black hole general eye pupil, but coldly looked to Li Fu, spoke thoughtlessly to drink together black light. 赤阎也不讲话,那一双黑洞一般的眼眸,只是冷冷地看向李福,随口喝出一道乌光 black light submerges the Li Fu eye socket instantaneously, drills into the Li Fu mind, the insect gnaws Li Fu brain jian Sea of Consciousness generally, long time, Li Fu blood flowing from every orifice, body life force did not pass the clean, soft falling to the ground death. 乌光瞬间没入李福眼眶,钻入李福脑海,虫子一般啃噬李福的脑楗识海,不多时,李福七孔流血,身上生机流逝干净,软绵绵的倒地死亡。 Xiu! 咻! That bunch of black light fly from the Li Fu brain, was swallowedhis lip to moveeye slightly glittering point black light by Chi Yan one, knew from A to Z Shi Yan all message. 那一束乌光李福脑中飞回来,被赤阎一口吞掉”他嘴唇动了动”眼睛微微闪烁点点乌光,已将石岩的一切讯息了如指掌。 „The Yang Family evils... „” Chi Yan is ridiculing shaking the head, neither cold nor hot say|way: Lang Xun should be also about to start Yang Family to vanish quickly thoroughly. ” 杨家余孽…“”赤阎讥笑着摇了摇头,不冷不热道:“波旬应该也快下手了”杨家很快就要彻底消失。” So was saying, Chi Yan toward Holy Light Mountain direction roar one, a huge consciousness, breaks in a Holy Light Mountain summit human brain suddenly directly. 这般说着,赤阎突然朝着圣光山的方向厉啸一声,一股庞大的意识,直接冲入圣光山山巅一人脑中。 Is obtuse, once almost extinguished the boy of your demon soul, ran away toward the East, now 100000 miles away you pursue now also with enough time. ” “摩奇钝,曾经差点灭了你魔魂的小子,往东方逃去了,现在在100000里之外”你现在去追还来得及。” On the summit, the Dragon Horn Clan obtuse valiant terrifying body shakes suddenly, the eye pupil of that pair of bloodthirsty, long cruel crazy expression, he abandons starts days later and De Huang, looks distantly to Chi Yan this. 山巅上,龙角族的摩奇钝彪悍恐怖的身躯霍然一震,那双嗜杀的眼眸,漫长残忍疯狂的神色,他弃下手中的天后地皇,遥遥看向赤阎这一块。 Here gives me.” “这里交给我。” Chi Yan silent smiled, „, so long as Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian cannot catch up with here all during my grasps, the boy returns from the abyss battlefield, has one type to eradicate the strange rare treasure of seal, if made him hand over in the Yang Qingdi hand the rare treasure, feared that then must trouble, you went. ” 赤阎无声笑了笑,“只要曹秋道阳翼天赶不过来”这里一切都在我的掌握之中,那小子从深渊战场返回,掌有一种可以破除封印的奇异秘宝,要是让他将秘宝交到了杨青帝手中,怕是便要麻烦了,你去吧。” Sells grins Hehe to grin fiendishly, changes into one bunch of demon light quickly, wears out layer upon layer the demon to say directly that dashes about wildly to go toward the East. 摩奇销咧嘴嘿嘿狞笑,倏地化为一束魔光,直接穿破层层魔云,朝着东方狂奔而去。 Chi Yan turns head, looks to the Yi Tianmo three people, said lightly: This fights you to be able not to participate in me giving you several day calm time, waited for this fight to finish, I will make you see right in front of one three big yamasthey to have the words and you said. ” 赤阎回头,看向奕天漠三人,淡淡道:“这场战斗你们可以不参与”我给你们几日冷静时间,等这场战斗结束,我会让你们面见三大冥王”他们有话和你们说。” The words, Chi Yan no longer said that anythinggoes toward the Holy Light Mountain summit line step by step. 话罢,赤阎不再多说什么”一步步朝着圣光山山巅行去。 His footsteps start slowly, every step actually surmounts the overlapping space, but trod five steps, he then appeared in that Holy Light Mountain summit. 他脚步开始缓慢,每一步却跨越层层叠叠的空间,只是踏出了五步,他便在那圣光山的山巅重新显现出来。 Chi Yan one comes in the Holy Light Mountain summit, lifts the hand to make a fist, wields at will. 赤阎一在圣光山山巅现身,抬手握拳,随意挥出。 A fist rumbles, the void thunder, several million thick long black thunder and lightning, drilled from the endless darkness likely, in these black thunder and lightning, appears ten lengths of body to surpass the kilometer black thunder and lightning python of slowly, in that each black thunder and lightning python, is containing the energy fluctuation of world-shaking. 一拳轰出,虚空中电闪雷鸣,数百万道粗长的黑色雷电,像是从无尽黑暗之中钻了出来,在这些黑色雷电之中,慢慢浮现出十头体长超过千米的黑色雷电巨蟒,在那每一头黑色雷电巨蟒之中,都蕴藏着惊天动地能量波动。 Ten black thunder and lightning python swiftly appearances, then winding to Holy Light Mountain, black thunder and lightning pythons, overlapping, ties up unexpectedly directly this Three God Church Holy Light Mountain. 十头黑色雷电巨蟒倏一出现,便缠绕向圣光山,一条条黑色雷电巨蟒,层层叠叠,竟将这三神教圣光山直接捆缚住。 majestic majestic Holy Light Mountain, barrier outside mountain massif bursts in abundance, ten thousand meters mountain peak under ten kilometer black thunder and lightning pythons, starts to creaky, innumerable say|way tiny black thunder and lightning walks randomly on the mountain, the fission round number 1 million immature black thunder and lightning pythons, these black thunder and lightning pythons nibble on Holy Light Mountain all things excluding stone. 巍峨雄壮的圣光山,山体外的结界纷纷破裂,万米山峰在十条千米黑色雷电巨蟒之下,开始摇摇欲坠,无数道细小的黑色雷电在山上游走,分裂成数1000000的幼小黑色雷电巨蟒,这些黑色雷电巨蟒蚕食圣光山上除石头之外的一切事物。 The short ten seconds, the entire Holy Light Mountain several thousand old trees, the countless flower grass plant, thorough mountain side insect pouch Spirit Beast, gnawing to eat by these immature black thunder and lightning pythons, green and luxuriant Holy Light Mountain, has become a dry mountain, life force does not have. 只是短短十秒,整座圣光山数万古树,数不尽的huā草植物,深入山腹的虫囊灵兽,都被那些幼小的黑色雷电巨蟒给啃食一空,本来郁郁葱葱的圣光山,成了一座枯山,生机全无。 Holy Light Mountain mountain side the disciples in some Three God Church, cannot escape death by a hair's breadth, was eaten the food to be clean by these tall and slender black thunder and lightning pythons, has not remained including the bone dregs. 圣光山山腹中的一些三神教的弟子,也未能幸免于难,纷纷被那些细长的黑色雷电巨蟒啃食干净,连骨头渣都没有留下来。 Ten huge black thunder and lightning pythons, surround Holy Light Mountain, Lou leave the astonishing calling out sound, makes an effort together. 十条巨大的黑色雷电巨蟒,困住圣光山,娄出惊人之极的嚎叫声,一起使力。 Insertion clouds Holy Light Mountain, under pulling of that ten black thunder and lightning pythons sways from side to side, was eradicated, gives to be separated from the earth stiffly, toward Sun Island nearby sea water incline collapse. 插入云霄的圣光山,在那十条黑色雷电巨蟒的拉扯扭动之下,被连根拔起,硬生生给脱离大地,朝着日岛旁边的海水倾斜倒塌。 Summit come to participate in Expert of parliament, saw that Holy Light Mountain collapses, the panic-stricken desire certainly, saw again Chi Yan crosses the hands behind the back to stand in void, is the mind shiver. 山巅一名名前来参加议会的强者,眼看圣光山倒塌下来,惊骇欲绝,再看到赤阎负手立在虚空,更是心神冷颤。 That huge Devil Emperor god boat, as before static float in clouds, the human form monster of that whole body sharp thorn, face upwards roar, seemed summoning anything. 那一艘巨大的魔帝神舟,依旧静静悬浮在云端,那浑身尖刺的人形怪物,仰天厉啸,似乎在召唤什么。 The innumerable huge demon beasts, the sea water brave from the space and, crazy rushing Sun Island, such as the locust nibbles all lives on island generally, tears the hashed meat Warrior of being panic-stricken, is swallowing into the abdomen including the bone together, these demon beasts are chewing the human stump residual limb skeleton , to continue in all directions the pathfinding. 无数头庞大的魔兽,从天上和海水之中冒出来,疯狂的涌向日岛,如蝗虫一般蚕食岛上的一切生灵,将一名名惊慌失措的武者撕裂成碎肉,连着骨头一起吞入腹中,这些魔兽咀嚼着人类残肢骨骼,继续四处找寻目标。 Huge scared spread entire Sun Island. 巨大的恐慌蔓延整座日岛 Three God Church believer, these come to participate in Warrior of parliament, is scared completely, under this crazy demon person invades, in many person Lianping dates 30% power could not display, during the encirclement of demon beast and demon person killed, was ripped the smashing. 不论是三神教的教徒,还是那些前来参加议会的武者,全部吓破了胆子,在这种疯狂的魔人入侵之下,许多人连平日里三成力量都发挥不出来,在魔兽和魔人的围杀之中,纷纷被撕成粉碎。 The Sun Island rivers of blood, the field littered with corpses, instantaneously has become the living hell. 日岛血流成河,尸横遍野,瞬间成了人间地狱。 In this time, the strange dazzling light rolls one by one to explode to shoot, has to flicker to move to the rare treasure Warrior, or has Warrior of mystique, in abundance reckless stimulates to movement the rare treasure, does not hesitate fleshly body to be stave, does not hesitate the stump residual limb to finish a job, must try to flee this place. 就在此时,许多奇异炫目的光团一一爆射开来,许多身怀能够瞬移秘宝的武者,或者拥有秘法的武者,纷纷不顾一切的将秘宝催动,不惜肉身破碎,不惜残肢断手,也要尽全力逃离此地。 The Holy Light Mountain summit, Cao Zhilan is dragging Man Gu, in everywhere silver rays of light, complexion pallid vanishes does not see. 圣光山山巅,曹芷岚拖着蛮古,在漫天银色光芒之中,脸色煞白的消失不见。 At the foot of the hill, Gu Linglong[ body] in a handle Divine sword blooms dazzling Divine Light, must stimulate to movement the strength of Divine sword, actually discovered that a fierce demon beast drops from the clouds, above that demon beast, an demon person of boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, grins to grin fiendishly, a handle dark lance in hand, cuts instantaneously void. 山脚下,古玲珑〖体〗内一柄神剑绽放出炫目的神光,才要催动神剑之力,却发现一头狰狞魔兽从天而降,在那魔兽之上,一名涅巢三重天之境的魔人,咧嘴狞笑,手中的一柄黑暗长矛,瞬间划破虚空。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” The Gu Linglong gentle and charming body, by that darkness growing hair entire penetration, that demon beast was thrown at once, the anchor common claw grasps on the Gu Linglong head. 古玲珑娇柔的身躯,被那黑暗长毛整个穿透,旋即那魔兽扑了过来,铁锚一般的爪子在古玲珑脑袋上一抓。 Peng! 嘭! The Gu Linglong head entire explodes, blood and brain fluid in vain splutter together. 古玲珑脑袋整个爆开来,鲜血和白白的脑浆一起溅射开来。 During that blood splashes, Qu Yanqing whole body was covered by the misty white light, spouts a blood fiercely, after a space distortion, the strange front vanishes. 在那鲜血飞溅之中,瞿砚晴浑身被蒙蒙白光覆盖,猛地喷出一口鲜血,在空间一阵扭曲之后,诡异锋消失。 The same matter, repeatedly is occurring on this Sun Island. 同样的事情,在这日岛上不断地发生着。 However, most Warrior, do not have this mysterious rare treasure extremely, has not consumed the mystique of huge painstaking care stimulation of movement, can only crazy flushes away toward the Sun Island surrounding, hopes that can run into the sea water to be abundant. 然而,极大多数的武者,却没有这种神奇的秘宝,也没有耗费巨大心血催动的秘法,只能疯狂的往日岛外围冲去,希望能够逃入海水丰。 What a pity, these people will often come from the Devil Territory demon beast give to submerge, does not wait for them to break in the sea water, has become the mouth Chinese meal point of demon beast. 可惜,这些人往往会被来自于魔域的魔兽给淹没,不等他们冲入海水,就成了魔兽的口中餐点。 Holy Light Mountain mountain Bi, bunch of dazzling glares, appear constantly. 圣光山山鼻,一团团炫目的强光,不迭地出现。 In these dazzling light groups, Tang Yuannan vanishes does not see, Qing Ming, days later, De Huang, Gu Xiao and Wu Qin vanish do not see, this altogether six come to participate in God Realm Warrior of parliament, facing the invasion of being bewitched person, in Chi Yan Devil Emperor and evil eye demon Lord and Xin Damo Lord, flatter to overcome demon advocating peace several initially to enter under the deterrent of God Passage boundary demon person, the rout runs away. 在那些炫目的光团之中,唐渊南消失不见,青冥天后地皇古霄巫琴消失不见,这一共六名前来参加议会的神境武者,面对着魔人的侵入,在赤阎魔帝、邪眼魔主、辛达魔主、阿力克魔主和数名初入通神境魔人的威慑之下,溃败而逃。 Fleeing of these God Realm Expert, mean that the fight of Sun Island arrived at the last act, remains all people on Sun Island, has not flickered to move to the person of rare treasure and mystique, the difficult running away violent treachery, to be ripped the smashing by the demon beast, does not have the slight hope that survived again. 这一名名神境强者的逃离,意味着日岛的战斗已到了尾声,残留在日岛上的所有人,没有瞬移秘宝和秘法的人,都难逃毒手,纷纷被魔兽撕成粉碎,再也没了生存下来的丝毫希望。 When does not know gets up, Chi Yan has stood firm in that Devil Emperor god boat front again, overlooks under clouds coldly, a black hole look not humanity proper mood. 不知何时起,赤阎已重新在那魔帝神舟的前端站定,在云端冷冷俯视下方,黑洞般的眼神没有一丝人类应有的情绪。 Demon Lord who Xin Da, overcome these two Chi Yan subordinates, after Holy Light Mountain collapses, flies Devil Emperor god boat together, these two big demons main are the sharp tail clan completely, behind are towing a length about five meters tail separately, on that tail full is the incisive strange thorn, likely is a maliciously fang, to person a feeling of destroying the hardest defenses. 辛达、阿力克这两个赤阎麾下的魔主,在圣光山倒塌之后,一起飞上魔帝神舟,这两大魔主全部属于锐尾族,身后分别拖着一条长五米左右的尾巴,那尾巴上满是尖锐的怪刺,像是一狠狠獠牙,给人一种无坚不摧的感觉。 Six God Realm Warrior, fled from this islands together.” After Xin Da comes up, jar sound jar air/Qi said to Chi Yan. “六名神境武者,一起逃离了这座岛屿。”辛达上来之后,瓮声瓮气的对赤阎道。 Does not need to manage them.” Chi Yan coldly looks at Sun Island, they decide however will look for Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian they, gathers power to fight again, the next fight, Yang Yitian and Cao Qiudao will appear, at that time was the true fight.” “不用管他们。”赤阎冷冷看着日岛,“他们定然会去找曹秋道阳翼天两人,重新聚集力量再战斗,下一次的战斗,阳翼天曹秋道会出现,那时才是真正的战斗。” Xin Daa overcomes Ju body, the nod indicates to understand slightly. 辛达阿力克微微鞠身,点头表示明白。 Eliminates this sea area all humanity, with their corpses the packing corpse soul bridge, the corpse of this sea area humanity, enough corpse soul bridge effectively forms surely. “清除这海域一切人类,用他们的尸首来填充尸魂桥,这海域千万人类的尸首,足够尸魂桥真正形成。 By that time, I and Lang Xun true body, then can arrive at Endless Sea truly, even if at that time Yang Yitian and Cao Qiudao came, cannot block us. ” 到那时候,我和波旬真身,便能真正降临无尽海,那时候即便阳翼天曹秋道来了,也挡不住我们。” Chi Yan is overlooking below life extinguish, indifferently heartless say|way. 赤阎俯视着下方的生灵涂炭,漠然无情道。 PS, today two, but today two are 8000 characters, to the past three 9000 characters, only almost PS呃,今天两更,不过今天两更是8000字,离以往三更9000字,也只差一点点
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