GOS :: Volume #4

#339: Chi Yan

Devil Emperor god boat!” 魔帝神舟!” The Ye Changfeng looks at space kilometer giant bone ship, drives slowly from the thick darkness, expression that suddenly startled shout, the whole face with amazement, does not dare to believe. 夜长风看着天上千米长的巨大骨船,缓缓从浓浓黑暗中驶出来,突然惊喝一声,满脸骇然,一副不敢置信的表情。 In thick black such as the black cloud cluster of black ink, that giant bones of the dead bone ship appears incomparable dazzling, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place aura, is separated by ten thousand meters, heads from that bones of the dead bone ship unexpectedly, making in the Shi Yan heart send coldly, has the feeling that is incapable of contending with unexpectedly. 在浓黑如墨的黑色云团中,那一艘巨大的白骨骨船显得无比的刺眼,一股毁天灭地的气息,相隔万米,竟从那白骨骨船上扑面而来,让石岩都心中发寒,竟生出无力抗衡的感觉。 After Ye Changfeng startled shout, rays of light in eye glittering is uncertain immediately, but has hesitated, he said to Lin Yaqi immediately: Senior Sister, we must leave immediately.” 夜长风一声惊喝之后,眼睛中的光芒马上闪烁不定,只是迟疑了一下,他立即对身旁的林雅琪道:“师姐,我们必须要立即离开了。” Lin Yaqi expression is also unprecedented heaviness, slowly nodded, in a soft voice um. 林雅琪神色也是前所未有的沉重,慢慢点了点头,轻声“嗯”了一句。 What this Devil Emperor is god boat?” “这魔帝神舟是什么?” The Shi Yan complexion changes, cannot bear inquiry say. 石岩脸色一变,忍不住询问道。 After he arrives at the Linda side, in every day outbreak mutation, wants not to think that bringing Linda to walk, is only an instant, he towed Linda to return to side the people. 他来到琳达身旁之后,一见天上突然发生异变,想也不想,带着琳达就走,只是一霎,他拖着琳达又返回了众人身旁。 After Linda comes, somewhat charmingly dreads, timid looked at Xia Xinyan one, then lowers the head does not dare to speak. 琳达过来后,有些娇羞畏惧,怯怯的看了夏心妍一眼,便低头不敢讲话。 Linda was born in Snow Dragon Island Koller Family, this small family is unknown in Endless Sea, is only the small influence of Three God Church surrounding, by far and not on Xia Family. 琳达出生在雪龙岛科勒家族,这个小家族在无尽海名不经传,只是三神教外围的一个小势力,远远及不上复家 Besides the status huge disparity, Xia Xinyan is noble, and cultivation base is exquisite, has mysterious Reincarnation Martial Spirit. 除了身份的巨大差距之外,夏心妍高贵美丽,并且修为精湛,拥有神奇的轮回武魂 This all sorts of reasons put together, let Linda, when facing Xia Xinyan, has one share to feel inferior spontaneously, only dares to shrink side Shi Yan, looked that does not dare to look at Xia Xinyan. 这种种原因加在一起,让琳达在面对夏心妍的时候,油然生出一股子自卑,只敢畏缩在石岩身旁,连看都不敢去看夏心妍 Some Xia Xinyan elegant face doubts, do not understand how Shi Yan will know Lindais only the present situation is strangeshe not to ask, is face surprised looks at Ye Changfeng, is waiting for the explanation of Ye Changfeng related that Devil Emperor god boat. 夏心妍俏脸有些疑惑,不明白石岩怎会认识琳达”只是如今情况诡异”她也没有多问,也是一脸惊奇的看着夜长风,等候着夜长风有关那魔帝神舟的解释。 Devil Emperor god boat was the Chi Yan Devil Emperor flight palace this Devil Emperor god boat existed since old times, several Devil Emperor before Chi Yan, once had this flight palace, it is said this Devil Emperor god boat was quenchings with the whole body skeletons of Devil Territory nine levels of demon beasts, not only huge incomparable, but also has the terrifying incomparable prestige energy. ” 魔帝神舟赤阎魔帝的飞行宫殿”不过这魔帝神舟自古就存在,赤阎之前的几名魔帝,也曾经持有这座飞行宫殿,据说这魔帝神舟乃是用魔域九级魔兽的浑身骨骼淬炼而成,不但巨大无比,还有着恐怖无比的威能。” Ye Changfeng expression is dignified, Devil Emperor god boat is the Chi Yan Devil Emperor cultivation residence, since this Devil Emperor god boat appears in Endless Sea, thought that Chi Yan Devil Emperor should also above. Chi Yan is Expert of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, half foot has entered into True God Realm, so the powerful character arrives, this Sun Island fears cannot preserve, everybody seek fortune for oneself.” 夜长风神色凝重,“魔帝神舟一直都是赤阎魔帝修炼居所,这魔帝神舟既然出现在无尽海,想必那赤阎魔帝应该也在上面了。赤阎乃是通神三重天之境的强者,半只脚已迈入真神之境,如此强悍人物降临,这日岛怕是保不住,大家自求多福吧。” Is impossible!” “不可能啊!” The Shi Yan complexion great change, Expert of Devil Emperor Chi Yan this rank how could does true body enter into Endless Sea? They are receiving the restraint of natural law inevitably, before the corpse soul bridge has not formed effectively, they are hard to arrive absolutely thoroughly. ” 石岩脸色巨变,“魔帝赤阎这种级别的强者”岂能真身迈入无尽海?他们必然受着规则的约束,在尸魂桥没有真正形成之前,他们是绝对难以彻底降临的啊。” I do not know.” Ye Changfeng shook the head, in legend, so long as Devil Emperor god boat in general Chi Yan. ” “我也不知道。”夜长风摇了摇头,“传说中,只要魔帝神舟在”一般赤阎都会在。” We must leave immediately.” “我们必须要立即离开。” Xia Shenchuan has hesitated, courageously said: Regardless of Chi Yan whether in inside, clearly know the Sun Island master converges really now, but also dares to invade wantonly, these demon people have some type to rely on inevitably, otherwise they do not dare so to take risk decidedly.” 夏神川沉吟了一下,当机立断道:“不论赤阎是否真的在里面,明知道如今日岛高手云集,还敢大肆侵入,这些魔人必然有着某种凭仗,不然他们断然不敢这般冒险。” Such remarkspeople nod in abundance. 此话一出”众人纷纷点头。 Shi Yan also agreed with his proposition. 就连石岩也同意了他的提议。 In this time. 就在此时。 That kilometer Devil Emperor god boat, wears out layer upon layer covering of demon cloud, reveals really ”, and slowly toward the Holy Light Mountain oppression. 那一艘千米长的魔帝神舟,穿破层层魔云的笼罩,真个显露出来”并且缓缓朝着圣光山压迫而来。 The light of misty Sun, appears ” a huge incomparable circular light cover from a that Sun Island five kilometers upper air once more, is fiercely clear. 蒙蒙太阳之光,从那日岛的五千米高空再次显现出来”一个巨大无比的圆形光罩,猛地清晰起来。 That circular light covers the light of Sun to be overlapping, is layer upon layer the ocean waves is likely ordinary, blooms strange solar rays of light in the dark sky, this light covers likely is the giant large bowl that backs off, will put in order Sun Island to cover now, making anybody in not being able to obtain the situation of permission, cannot rush rashly. 那圆形光罩中太阳之光层层叠叠,像是层层海浪一般,在幽暗的天空中绽放出奇异的太阳光芒,这光罩像是一个倒扣下来的巨大海碗,将整今日岛笼罩其中,让任何人在得不到允许的情况下,都不能冒然闯,、。 Big date Saint light backdrop! 大日圣光天幕! This is Sun Island has several hundred years of mysterious barrier restriction, in the legend, in the long years, this big date Saint light backdrop also burst three times, God Realm Expert continuously got rid, consumed several day several nights to fear that cannot be stave this big date Saint light backdrop. 这是日岛存在数百年的一个神奇结界禁制,传说中,在漫长的岁月中,这大日圣光天幕也只是破裂三次而已,就连神境强者连续出手,耗费几日几夜怕是都不能将这大日圣光天幕破碎。 But today, the big date Saint light backdrop actually wanted fourth breakage. 但今天,大日圣光天幕却要第四次破裂子。 The kilometer bones of the dead great ship, in the acme of that cone-shape, the violent projects incomparable pitch-black rays of light quickly, several million pitch-black rays of light in incite in the sound is fast precise, instantaneously has become a terrifying sickle of handle semicircle, crushes all bright fearful power, restores to come out in that sickle, resembling let put in order heaven and earth to tremble now. 千米长的白骨巨船,那锥形的尖端之中,倏地暴射出无匹的乌黑光芒,数百万道乌黑光芒在“滋滋”的声响中快速凝炼起来,瞬间成了一柄半圆形的恐怖镰刀,粉碎一切光明的可怕力量,在那镰刀之中恢复出来,似让整今天地都为之抖颤了一下。 This handle huge terrifying sickle, pitch-black translucent, glittering is bewitched the different cold brightness, under the stimulation of movement of that bones of the dead great ship, attacked maliciously on that big date Saint light backdrop. 这柄巨大的恐怖镰刀,乌黑透亮,闪烁着魔异的寒光,在那白骨巨船的催动之下,狠狠地冲击在那大日圣光天幕上。 Several hundred years by the big date Saint light backdrop of breaking, under this impact, had not been exploded project the innumerable luminous spots, these luminous spots change into trillion fireflies, such as snow flower flutters slowly sky over Sun Island. 数百年不曾被破碎的大日圣光天幕,在这一个冲击之下,爆射出无数个光点,那些光点化为亿万个萤火虫,如雪huā似的在日岛上空缓缓飘荡开来。 A distortion of big date Saint light backdrop terrifying, a crack revealed slowly that crack revealed that in that kilometer bones of the dead great ship front line, emitted together tall silhouette suddenly. 大日圣光天幕一阵恐怖的扭曲,一个裂缝缓缓显露出来,那裂缝一显露出来,在那千米长的白骨巨船最前方,突然冒出一道颀长的身影 Uncle Xiao!” “萧大叔!” A Shi Yan face with amazement, whole body shakes suddenly, cannot bear startled shout make noise. 石岩一脸骇然,浑身猛然一震,忍不住惊喝出声。 Xia Xinyan is also the beautiful pupil astonishedly, dull looks at one person that flashes before from that bones of the dead great ship. 夏心妍也是美眸惊异之极,呆呆的看着从那白骨巨船上闪现出来的一人。 That person of Xiao Hanyi, in the past Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan beginning them Endless Sea, in halfway, by a bones of the dead Body Clone attack of that Lang Xun Devil Emperor, Xiao Hanyi to shelter them, was held by the bones of the dead great claw, pulled into Devil Territory directly. 那人正是萧寒衣,当年石岩夏心妍两人初来无尽海,在半途中,被那波旬魔帝的一具白骨法身袭击,萧寒衣为了庇护他俩,被白骨巨爪抓住,直接扯入了魔域 Later reason that Yang Qingdi gets sucked into Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, is because Yang Qingdi wants to retrieve Xiao Hanyi, what a pity Yang Qingdi not only has not succeeded, oneself also fall into the tight encirclement. 之后杨青帝之所以深陷天魔封神阵,也是因为杨青帝想要救回萧寒衣,可惜杨青帝不但没有成功,自己也身陷重围。 Today, occupied Shura king Xiao Hanyi of heavy component in the Shi Yan heart, unexpectedly crafty Exotic Land comes in that Devil Emperor god boat dead ahead, this is beyond control he not to be surprised. 今天,在石岩心中占据了不轻份量的修罗萧寒衣,竟然诡异地在那魔帝神舟正前方现身,这由不得他不惊讶。 When he is surprised, sees only Xiao Hanyi of space to fly from that Devil Emperor god boat, breaks in the slit that big date Saint light backdrop tore directly, then two turned into the terrifying giant fierce sharp claws suddenly, by astonishing power, gave stiffly big of tearing the big date Saint light backdrop directly. 就在他惊讶莫名的时候,只见天上的萧寒衣从那魔帝神舟上飞出来,直接冲入那大日圣光天幕撕裂的缝隙中,然后两手骤然变成恐怖巨大的狰狞利爪,以惊人的力量,直接将大日圣光天幕给硬生生撕裂的更大。 This Xiao Hanyi appearance, his terrifying Devil Qi shoot up to the skyhis eyes glittering astonishing black light group ” is in the universe the mystical black hole is likely ordinary, two as if can swallow all light. His two institutes look at place, the light of Sun the big date Saint light backdrop bloomedunexpectedly strange one by one vanished in his eye pupil deep place. 萧寒衣一出现,他身上一股股恐怖魔气冲天而起”他双眸闪烁着惊人的黑色光团”像是宇宙中神秘的黑洞一般,两眼似乎可以吞噬一切光明。他两眼所看之处,大日圣光天幕绽放出来的太阳之光”竟诡异的一一消失在他眼瞳深处。 Short a while, luminous that releases from that big date Saint light backdrop, completely was embezzled by his two eyes. 只是短短一会儿,从那大日圣光天幕上释放出来的光亮,就被他两眼全部吞没。 heaven and earth falls again darkly. 天地重陷幽暗。 He is not humanity, in particular , he only then the body of humanity, the soul was already built up to melt.” “他不是人类,确切地说,他只有人类之身,灵魂早就被炼化了。” Ye Changfeng gained ground looked at one, then in a soft voice sighed, this fellow fleshly body had been quenchinged, the soul directly was also cancelled, has become the Chi Yan Devil Emperor short lodging body, Chi Yan Devil Emperor cannot present Endless Sea completely, this drew support fleshly body of this fellow, with way of soul attachment, comes here, it seems like, the demon person was early deliberate.” 夜长风抬头只是望了一眼,便轻声一叹,“这家伙肉身被淬炼过了,灵魂也被直接抹去,成了赤阎魔帝短暂的寄宿体,赤阎魔帝不能完全出现无尽海,这才借助于这家伙的肉身,用灵魂依附的方式,来现身这儿,看来,魔人早有预谋啊。” The Shi Yan grand body shakes fiercely, two flicker looks at space Devil God that does not move to general float Xiao Hanyi complexion gradual is tranquil, look actually mean incomparable. 石岩雄伟的身躯猛地一震,两眼一瞬不移的看着天上魔神一般悬浮着的“萧寒衣”脸色逐渐的平静下来,眼神却阴狠无比。 Howling!” “嚎!” A world-shaking howlsuddenly transmits from that Devil Emperor god boat, at once then sees a human form monster of whole body sharp thorn, is growing the dense fang densely covered huge mouth, the fierce cruel appearance in Xiao Hanyi body side, as if Xiao Hanyiis exchanging anything with the consciousness „. 一声惊天动地的啸声”突然从那魔帝神舟后方传来,旋即便见一名浑身尖刺的人形怪物,长着森森獠牙密布的巨口,狰狞残忍的出现在“萧寒衣”身侧,似乎在用意识和“萧寒衣”交流着什么。 Xiao Hanyi nodded, waves to hint it to make anything. 萧寒衣点了点头,挥手示意它去做些什么。 A that human form monster cruel green spooky eyecoldly looked at one toward, roared again. 那人形怪物一双残忍的绿幽幽眼睛”冷冷朝着下方看了一眼,再次咆哮一声。 Suddenly, ” emits a leader cruel demon beast in the Sun Island surrounding sea water, in the Sun Island space, wants numerous build huge demon beast crazy killing, resembled to pass through the big date Saint light backdrop, arrived at this Sun Island directly, all people on Sun Island killed a none remaining. 突然间,在日岛周围的海水之中”冒出一头头残忍的魔兽,在日岛的天上,也要众多体型庞大的魔兽疯狂的扑杀上来,似要穿过大日圣光天幕,直接降临这一座日岛,将日岛上所有人杀个精光。 Shi Yan dull looks at that human form monster, such as was hit hard, in the mind hears one wave the light sound, as if some type of unusual soul contract was torn into shreds. 石岩呆呆的看着那人形怪物,如遭重击,脑海之中传来一声“波”的轻响,似乎某种奇特的灵魂契约被撕碎了。 First across clamping the date Saint light backdrop, arrived directly in the Sun Island space Xiao Hanyi that pair of black hole general eye pupil, was separated by ten thousand li (0.5km), coldly looked unexpectedly to Shi Yan, in the eye has the light ridicule unexpectedly. 第一个穿过夹日圣光天幕,直接降临在日岛天上的“萧寒衣”那双黑洞一般的眼眸,相隔万里,竟冷冷地看向石岩,眼中竟有着淡淡的讥讽。 Human little rascal, existence of Ghost Hunter this progression, is not you can have.” “人类小鬼,鬼獠这种级数的存在,不是你可以拥有的。” A formidable consciousness, penetrates all, will blast out directly in the Shi Yan top of the head, this consciousness powerful to be incomparable, after the Shi Yan top of the head blasts out, splits up myriad, in all directions invades to the human soul. 一个强大的意识,穿透一切,将直接在石岩头顶炸开来,这意识强悍无比,在石岩头顶炸开之后,分化万千,向四面八方的人类灵魂侵,、。 Master was careful!” “主人小心!” Yi Tianmo, Ya Meng and a Ka Ba three people of face with amazement, releases hurriedly the strength of their soul, forms the tertiary soul barrier, in the top of the head interception of Shi Yan. 奕天漠轧猛卡巴三人一脸骇然,急忙将他们的灵魂之力释放出来,形成三重灵魂屏障,在石岩的头顶拦截。 chi chi chi.” 嗤嗤嗤。” In Shi Yan head nothingness, emits the strange sound, at once the Yi Tianmo three people of statures shake, precise soul power, this will resists that to invade the evil consciousness of Shi Yan mind once more fully together. 石岩头上的虚无之中,冒出奇异的声响,旋即奕天漠三人身躯一震,再次全力凝炼灵魂力量,这才堪堪抵住那一道侵入石岩脑海的邪恶意识。 „!” “啊!” The sad and shrill pitiful yell, resounds from side suddenly, the Shi Yan complexion changes, cannot bear look to Linda. 凄厉的惨叫,骤然从身旁响起,石岩脸色一变,忍不住看向琳达 Linda blood flowing from every orifice, beautiful pupil low-spirited colorless, in the eye socket two wisps of bloodstains extend, has flowed to the neck deep place, she stands there is motionless, already by obliterate soul. 琳达七孔流血,美丽的眸子黯然无色,眼眶中两缕血迹延伸开来,一直流向脖颈深处,她站在那儿一动不动,已被抹杀了灵魂。 Xia Shenchuan is covering the head, in a terrified way was calling out pitifully, going all out moved toward Xia Xinyan, Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi direction, walks is walking, started blood flowing from every orifice, surging deathly silence in Sea of Consciousness got down gradually. 夏神川捂着头,惶恐的惨叫着,拼命的往夏心妍夜长风林雅琪的方向移动,走着走着,也开始七孔流血,识海中的波荡渐渐死寂下来。 Before has not arrived at the Xia Xinyan body, he has fallen to the ground softly, life aura passes slowly. 没有走到夏心妍身前,他已软绵绵倒地,生命气息慢慢流逝。 When Lin Yaqi does not know gets up, has put on that purple kerchief, the purple kerchief has sent out the strange aperture, forms a five colors umbrella to cover up the thing, covers her and Ye Changfeng, because Xia Xinyan closes right up against with them, held on by Ye Changfeng promptly, has not suffered space terrifying the strength of soul obliterate, escaped. 林雅琪不知何时起,已戴上了那紫色头巾,紫色头巾散发出奇异的光圈,形成一把五彩雨伞般的遮掩物,将她和夜长风罩住,夏心妍因为和他们靠着,也被夜长风及时拉住,没有遭受天上恐怖的灵魂抹杀之力,逃过了一劫。 At this time the Xia Xinyan beautiful pupil flood tears, are struggling vigorously, wants to drag into under the umbrella Xia Shenchuan, actually constrains by that Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi stubbornly, does not leave the coverage scope of purple kerchief to her. 此时夏心妍美眸满溢泪水,极力挣扎着,想要将夏神川拉入雨伞之下,却被那夜长风林雅琪死死拖住,不给她离开紫色头巾的覆盖范围。 Ye Changfeng understands, so long as she leaves that to cover the range, then immediately must by that evil consciousness obliterate. 夜长风明白,只要她一离开那笼罩范围,便立即要被那邪恶的意识抹杀 The big manor, about hundred Three God Church bodyguard maidservants, shortly completely by the obliterate soul, one by one are maintaining the original posture, but life aura is nothing left. 偌大一座庄园,近百名三神教的侍卫女奴,在顷刻间全部被抹杀灵魂,各个保持着原来的姿势,可生命气息却荡然无存。 Extremely weak, an extremely powerful essence, separately body the escape from Linda and Xia Shenchuan comes out, pours into Shi Yan whole body acupoint instantaneously. 一股极其微弱,一股极其强悍的精气,分别从琳达夏神川身体之中飞逸出来,瞬间注入石岩浑身穴道 No! I do not want!” “不!我不要!” Shi Yan is out of sorts to shout wildly, effort is tearing clothes, somewhat crazy is covering acupoint, wants to prevent submerging of Linda essence. 石岩失神狂叫起来,用力的撕扯着身上的衣服,有些疯狂的捂着穴道,想要阻止琳达一身精气的没入。 What a pity, his body has 720, he puts out a hand to cover cannot prevent anything, a Linda essence blinks, then abundantly vanishes in his body. 可惜,他身上有720个,他伸手捂着也不能阻止什么,琳达的一身精气只是眨眼之间,便在他身体丰消失。 Because Xia Shenchuan has Sky Realm cultivation base, disappearance of essence slowly, but is not he can prevent as before, when he loses one's voice shouts wildly, a Xia Shenchuan essence, drains slowly, enters in his acupoint. 夏神川因为有着天位修为,一身精气的消失缓慢了许多,但依旧不是他可以阻止的,在他失声狂叫的时候,夏神川的一身精气,也缓缓流失,都进入他穴道之中。 Screaming, crazy is covering acupoint, actually does not help matters, quickly, Linda and Xia Shenchuan have become two withered Dead body, the soul and essence one do not arrive at ka ka ka!” 尖叫着,疯狂的捂着穴道,却无济于事,很快地,琳达夏神川成了两具干瘪的尸体,灵魂和精气都一丝不到“咔咔咔!” After that Xiao Hanyi first enters the Sun Island sky, that came from Devil Territory Devil Emperor god boat, wears out slowly layer upon layer hinders, slowly enters Sun Island, in summit cloud layer that in the Holy Light Mountain fog winds around, static stopped. 在那“萧寒衣”首先进入日岛上空之后,那一艘来自于魔域魔帝神舟,也缓缓穿破层层阻碍,慢慢进入日岛,就在圣光山的云雾缭绕的山巅云层之中,静静的停了下来。 I am Chi Yan Devil Emperor, this fertile land, could not accommodate and others, from now on, this Endless Sea, is the domain of our demon person, you are only my Captive domestic animal.” In the Holy Light Mountain summit, Xiao Hanyi a sound of sentiment has not resounded through heaven and earth, entire Sun Island each corner, is reverberating this sound. “我乃赤阎魔帝,这块肥沃的土地,已容不下尔等,从今之后,这无尽海,便是我们魔人的领域,尔等只是我圈养的牲畜。”在圣光山的山巅,“萧寒衣”没有一丝感情的声音响彻天地,整座日岛每一个角落,都在回荡着这个声音。 This sound falls, Chi Yan Devil Emperor void steps, unexpectedly gradually from that Holy Light Mountain direction slowly toward Shi Yan this line, Yin Demon Race deep person four big branches, your three big yamas will then arrive at this, Yin Demon Race as the deep person branch, has the right to enjoy this fertile land, so long as and others nodded, this Endless Sea five big sea areas, is you.” 这声音一落,赤阎魔帝虚空踏步,竟渐渐从那圣光山的方向缓缓往石岩这一块行来,“冥人四大分支之一的阴魅族,你们的三大冥王不日便将降临这一界,阴魅族身为冥人分支,有权享用这一块肥沃的土地,只要尔等点头,这无尽海五大海域,其中一块属于你们。” He spoke, in that kilometer bones of the dead great ship, the countless fierce demon people threw in abundance, the part of aura terrifying demon person arrived at Holy Light Mountain, started to attack Holy Light Mountain God Realm Expert, more demon people were break in Sun Island each corner, the Bloodthirsty crazy start chase down Warrior on island. 他讲话的时候,那千米白骨巨船之中,数不尽的狰狞魔人纷纷扑了出来,一部分气息恐怖的魔人降临圣光山,开始对圣光山神境强者进行攻击,更多的魔人则是冲入日岛各个角落,嗜血疯狂的开始追杀岛上的武者 Here is not our native lands.” “这里不是我们的故土。” Yi Tianmo gains ground looks at that Chi Yan Devil Emperor to come step by step void, we must return to the ancestor place, will not go to tube here dispute again, we today.” 奕天漠抬头看着赤阎魔帝一步步虚空而来,“我们要返回祖地,不会再去管这里的纠纷,我们今日就出发。” „The Snow Dragon Island wing clan, before 3rd, returned to my demon person eight clans officially, in that island several thousand wing clan and Yin Demon Race clansmen, are together with us are very harmonious, has pledged allegiance to including Di Shan and Yu Rou, are your three people besotted?” 雪龙岛的翼族,已在三日之前,正式重归我魔人八族,那岛上数千翼族和阴魅族的族人,和我们相处很是融洽,连帝山羽柔都已归顺,你三人还要执迷不悟?” Chi Yan Devil Emperor walks step by step, that belongs to Xiao Hanyi face not any expression, tranquil say|way: Yi Cuibi, Ya Ji and Ka Tuo these three people of kids, I like very much, the Abi yama had also said that so long as your three people pledge allegiance, in the future you three people of descendants, he will treat devotedly, did you say?” 赤阎魔帝一步步走来,那张属于萧寒衣的脸没有任何表情,平静道:“奕翠碧轧吉卡托这三人小家伙,我很喜欢呢,阿鼻冥王也已经说过,只要你们三人归顺,将来你们三人的后代,他会悉心对待,你们说呢?” Yi Tianmo, Ya Meng and Ka Ba three people, the thin body shivers gently, power, as if slowly draw off, the complexion was recovered the gasson to be white. 奕天漠轧猛卡巴三人,消瘦的身躯轻轻颤抖,一身的力量,似乎被人缓缓抽去,脸色愈加森白了。 Yi Cuibi, Ya Ji and Ka Tuo are three people of children, in addition, Yin Demon Race and wing clan all clansmen were also trigged, how can the Yi Tianmo three people also? 奕翠碧轧吉卡托正是三人的子女,除此之外,阴魅族和翼族所有族人也被制住,奕天漠三人还能如何? Shi Yan such as wild beast is ordinary, face upwarding mean looks at Chi Yan Devil Emperor, the breath is loud. 石岩野兽一般,仰天阴狠看着赤阎魔帝,呼吸粗重。 The Linda body dies, Xiao Hanyi was built up, Snow Dragon Island falls to the enemy, this world is all of a sudden earth-shaking, arrival of Chi Yan Devil Emperor, has torn his all happy futures easily. 琳达身死,萧寒衣被炼死,雪龙岛沦陷,这世界一下子天翻地覆,赤阎魔帝的降临,轻易撕毁了他的一切美好未来。
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